
Disaster Bringer

"They say that I am the disastrous, I will become one" Anzen grows up on his own living in slums as he was trying to grow stronger. Suddenly god comes after him and telling that he is disastrous and must be eliminated. But he resists and will keep on stronger to fight against those gods “Only one that can decide my fate is me”. ***Chapter one is about the origin you can skip and start reading at chapter two (But it important lol)*** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my second novel the first one was Dawn of Fantasy which I paused to write. English is my second language so my grammar is not so nice but I hope you guys like it. -The book cover belongs to in own respective owner [I download it from pinterest] My discord:Maousama#8262

Maousamadesu · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

3 First stage of Asura techniques

'Asura techniques!'

In this world, there are two ways of becoming strong.

The first way was to study the laws of magical energy and become a mage, the mage can use their spells to change even reality.

For example, a mage uses their magical energy or mana then transforms them into their power.

The second way was to practice a martial art or technique, but this way requires a longer period and determination some of the techniques have a different method to train.

The technique that Anzen got from the money bag, Asura techniques is one of the second ways.

Thinking that he could study the techniques with the scrolls in his hand and become stronger!

Asura techniques were one of the high levels of martial arts it was also hard to find and its price

was so high that Anzen couldn't buy it himself even working until he dies, Asura techniques can

increase a person strength to surpass the normal limit but it was hard to train because it causes

severe pain.

Somehow even it causes severe pain Anzen is still excited and enthusiastic to train it.

Once he becomes stronger he can find a good salary job and he doesn't need to steal anymore

and the most important one, if he can save enough money he can buy a house while eating a

steak every day.

Thinking that Anzen couldn't wait anymore and starts to read an old scroll as he holds it tightly in

his hand.

Asura techniques divided into three stages

The first stage was called Asura's body increase the durability of the trainer.

Reading the methods makes Anzen's eyes widened, Asura is the Demi-god he has six arms and

three faced however one of his arms was enough to destroy a mountain.

Asura's torso training method can be done by doing these moves once you learned how to do

these moves you need to do it until your body muscle was heated by destroying your muscle

and using the breathing Asura's breathing method.

The second stage was called Asura's arms to practice this stage you need to do these moves

with your arms and hand until it getting destroyed and put in it Asura's tears which need five or

seven Ingredients to make the more ingredients you put together the more powerful Asura's

tears is.

This stage was to increase a trainer's strength.

The last stage was called Asura's heart it improves the trainer's heart and strengthened it.

To practice the last stage you need to do the first two to prepare your heart before doing this


The more power you want the more requirements need.

Anzen reading it with great interest 'if I were stronger I might be able to move into the Royal city

and live comfortable there'.

'Also being a hunter doesn't seem to be a bad idea either since the monster corpse can make a

lot of money

'But I will think about those options later now I need to get stronger first.

Anzen thinking as he trying to remembers the move in an old scroll as fast as he could.

Hours pass by at that time it was already at night.

"Let's begin". Anzen starting to train the techniques at a moment that he remembered all of the moves.




The dawn has arrived it was in the early morning as a scream started and quickly disappear.

In an old cottage, there is a figure lying on the floor.

That figure was, of course, Anzen was sleeping unconscious while holding a scroll in his hand.

After a night of Asura's techniques training his body appearance was changed his white skin on

the upper part of his body was turned from white into pink.

His body was now destroyed by just a night of training however after he fell unconscious for ten


Anzen quickly opens his eyes as he trying to get up from the floor. His body looked sore and his

face can show a sign of pain by his expression.

'Damn it by training it for a night I feel like my torso was now getting hammered'.

'Yet I can't rest, for now, I need to breath using the Asura's breathing technique otherwise my

body will be destroyed and I can't let that happen!'

Anzen sits down on the floor while closing his eyes and starting to breathe in unusual rhythms he

doing that for an hour before opened his eyes again.

Now his eyes have turned red and he was heavily breathing.

'Even the breathing is so painful I feel like my lungs are getting drilled'

'But now I already finished the first-day training I should probably get some rest before going out

Anzen thought as he falls asleep while laid himself down on the floor.

He doesn't have enough strength left to go sleep on his bed.

Hours passed by from dawn now it was at noon.

Anzen wakes up as he trying to check the time by looking at an old watch beside him.

'Oh no, it's already noon! The free lunch queue probably full of people.

Anzen thought while standing up at that moment he seems to notice his changed.

'Wait why do I feel like my body is lighter and yet my torso feels stronger at the same time.

After that conclusion Anzen's expressions went bright as he knew it's was worth it, he has to face

the severe pain for a whole night normal people would have to give up at the moment they

started their first moves.

But for Anzen his greed was far greater than the fear of the pain.

To receive the power he will exchange even his life.

'Living as a weakling and getting overbear, I rather die' Anzen thinking as he starting to run towards the church.

Since young he was raised by his grandmother, she told him that he found him in a basket near

the church at first the church gonna take care of him but they have had too many children to take

care of.

So his grandmother is the one who takes him home and raised him.

But one day his grandmother was killed by robbers and at that moment he was only 6 years old.

Since then he lived on his own.

A figure arrived at the church but there were too many people, there are homeless or living in

slums like him they came here because the church makes their free meals.

And Anzen was one of them.

Anzen then quickly join the queue as his stomach growling.

His hunger is more than other days since he just practiced Asura's techniques.

'I feel likes going crazy I knew that yesterday I didn't eat dinner, bus this hunger makes me feel

like I haven't eaten anything for several days.

Anzen was trying to calm while waiting for his queue to arrived.

An hour passes by. 'Finally my queue!' Anzen thinking about the food while he is reaching his

hand to receive it someone was interrupted.

"Hey, can you please make mine first? Beautiful"

A big guy with bulk muscle said as he was inserting the queue, he has brown hair he was

wearing a black top tank and there is a sword on his left shoulder he looks like a mercenary


Heard that the teenage girl who was scooping the soup for homeless people shook her head.

She was a young girl who was a beautiful face her figure doesn't look so tall she has brown hair

with blue pupils and yet she was wearing good clothes.

Everyone who sees her can probably guess that she has come from a wealthy family.

"Oi I am the soldier that was protecting this city, I am the one who protects your life and my

name is Vance so why don't you pass me the soup's pot on that table, little girl?"

Vance said as he walking towards the little girl who was still confused.

"No, th-this soup is for everyone and everybody only gets one bowl of soup so that everyone will

have their meal."

The little girl said as she was staring at Vance with stern expressions.

"Oi I said I am the one who was protecting you from those beast outsides isn't that you were the

one who owes me? Maybe if you want to thanks me you can repay me by that body".

Vance says as he was looking at the little girl with perverted eyes.

The little girl named Lucy is the heir of the Flos family that was the owner of the market in this city.

She is the goddess for everyone in this city.

She was kind and treat everyone equally she also help them by bringing them food and

distribute them!

Hearing that Anzen couldn't hold on anymore it's not that he was a nice person or anything but

he was just too hungry to wait and he cannot let Vance take away his free meal!

"Hey Bastard stop doing that sh*tty behavior!" A shout came from a queue.

Vance turns his gaze into the direction from which the sound comes. "Who the f*ck are you to

call me bastard!?" Vance angrily and starting to hurt the people around him.

"Stop please do not hurt others, you can take this the soup pot!" Lucy shouted as she was likely

to cry.

Somehow Vance didn't stop his action. "That is not enough if you want me to stop doing this you

must do me a favor little girl". Vance spoke.

"Please somebody call a guard!" A man in front of the queue shouted.

"I am the guard, you idiot!" Vance laughs before punching that guy, he flew away with that punch.

Vance then walks toward the table as he reached his hand to the soup pot but at the same

moment, he feels hurt on his neck.

Vance turns around and saw a small figure who was staring at him with cold expressions.

"Let me teach you a lesson," Anzen said as he starting to on his guard.

Vance laughing out loud as he throws a punch at Anzen.

But somehow Anzen didn't block Vance's punch even he can see it coming through.

Anzen flew away for two meters as his body was clashing on the ground and started to cough.

'My body is stronger now it was strong enough even to withstand a single blow from Vance, but I

didn't think that he was learning the martial art too'.

'Maybe I underestimated the city guard'.

'Still, this was an impressive development for my body'

'Look like training those painful techniques are more than worth'

Anzen thought as he stands up before on his guard again.