
[123] The Prophet's Reply II

Chapter 123: The Prophet's Reply II

"Juno, please go fetch the wine casks from the storeroom, and bring out that idiot who got drunk and passed out in there," Zat ordered.

Immediately, the beastgirl, who was concealing her identity, set aside her task of attending to customers and rushed into the basement storeroom. Just as the headless knight had mentioned, a certain blue-haired girl had sneaked in at some point and was now incapacitated from drinking too much.

With a sigh, Juno endured the girl's overwhelming stench of alcohol as she hauled her out of the storeroom. Just as she was about to take a break, Helena, who usually served as the tavern's braggart, got into a heated argument with an adventurer who had challenged her claims.

Fearing the tavern might be destroyed by a large-scale fire spell, Juno quickly stepped between the two, successfully defusing the situation. But before she could catch her breath, Wiz called out in frustration, "It seems like I messed up the bill again! Juno, help me out!"


Unable to understand why so many things happened in such a small tavern, Juno helped Wiz find the mistake in the bill. As she tiredly looked for a place to rest, Saiki suddenly appeared and said, "The person upstairs needs some magical materials. I'm busy, so I need you to take care of it."

"Okay... sure!" Juno instinctively took the note from him, unable to get used to his cold demeanor, and then rushed out to buy the magical materials, with no time to rest.


That night, as soon as she got off work, Juno collapsed onto her bed, reflecting on her grueling work life. As a professionally trained intelligence officer from the Dark Blade, and the top graduate in combat skills among her batch of orcs, she found herself working sixteen-hour days in this hellish place. Starting at 5 a.m. to open the tavern and ending at 9 p.m. when it closed, it was an inhuman schedule!

The worst part was that despite everyone having the same job, her coworkers were masters at slacking off. Aside from Wiz and Zat, who barely managed to do their jobs, there were Aya and Helena, who seemed to be just killing time. Beldia and Saiki often mysteriously disappeared, leaving Juno to cover for them.

As for Wiz and Zat, although they appeared to work hard, Wiz was a peculiar person who couldn't even get basic arithmetic right, and Zat was so busy dealing with the troublemakers that he couldn't focus on his actual duties.

After working there for several days, Juno finally realized that, as a spy, she was the hardest-working person in the tavern. Wiz even seemed to be grooming her as a successor...

The problem was that her investigation into the film and its creator had made no progress. She didn't have the courage to venture up to the second floor to observe, making it difficult to gather any useful information.

Was she wasting her time...?

This thought crossed her mind, and she shook her head vigorously to dispel it.

Reflecting on her time there, Juno, who had always been a loner, found it strange to stay in such a lively place for so long. It reminded her of her time with the Dark Blade, where her days were filled only with training and meditation. In comparison, she wasn't sure which was better or worse.

But one thing was certain: if Juno had the choice again, she would never choose to interview at this tavern. Not only because of her eccentric coworkers, but also because she found it hard to fit into this kind of job. Having grown up under the Dark Blade's rigorous training, she had no experience with such work. Initially, she performed worse than an average person. Although she had improved, she still wasn't good at interacting with others. Surprisingly, the patrons didn't seem to mind her cold demeanor—in fact, they seemed to enjoy it...

If Juno knew the phrase "getting a harsh lesson from reality," she would definitely feel that she had received one during this time. Anyone working in such an environment for a few days would likely end up on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

And amidst all this, the awaited reply from the Prophet finally arrived...

[To Juno of the Dark Blade:

I have read your letter regarding the film's creator and share your astonishment. Although I am uncertain how such a fearsome undead has integrated into human society, it is clear that the place you are in is extremely dangerous. The kingdom will not overlook your contributions. Should you return safely, I will petition the King to grant you a first-class merit. Even if you are unfortunate enough to fall, your name will be etched on the kingdom's monument, remembered by countless orcmen.

However, things might not be as dire as they seem. From your account, it appears these powerful undead do not have a completely harmonious relationship with humans. Should their identities be exposed, the human empire will not easily tolerate those who betray their gods and race. Hence, they are unlikely to disrupt the surface peace. Even if they discover your true identity, they probably won't act against you.

Regarding the powerful presence on the second floor, possibly even stronger than the headless knight, I suspect this might be the inventor of the film. While the entity's purpose remains unclear, the uneasy relationship between the undead and humans suggests that this individual might have a hidden agenda within the human empire. This could be an opportunity for our Orc kingdom. You must uncover this entity's identity and motives but proceed cautiously without direct contact.

Considering your investigation, it's undeniable that some incomprehensible change is occurring within the human empire. Whether this change is beneficial or harmful is unknown, but for the safety of our kingdom, we cannot remain indifferent. Soon, the second round of negotiations between the orc kingdom and the empire will take place. I will attend as the representative, and the human empire will undoubtedly send a grand mage of considerable status. During this meeting, I will strive to uncover the current state of the empire. Meanwhile, you should continue your investigation of the film creator's headquarters. Report any issues to me immediately, but be prepared to handle emergencies on your own. Your efforts will not be forgotten by the kingdom.

Lastly, regarding "Fate Zero," the matter is exceedingly complex. Even I cannot hastily judge without seeing this so-called film. Nonetheless, there are some things I can share with you, even though you are not a mage.

The Holy Grail is a concept with a real historical basis, once causing significant conflict. The details are too intricate to discuss here. What I can say is that during that time, the human empire had not yet formed and did not participate. The other races involved have remained silent about this history, with no detailed records in their books. This matter should have faded into history. It is perplexing why the human empire would bring it up again or how they even learned about the Grail. However, you need not worry—the Grail is a relic of the past, with few aware of its existence. Likely, only the elusive elves possess relevant records. The human empire probably knows of it only through legends and rumors.

In contrast to the description of the Holy Grail, the various aspects depicted in "Fate Zero" have perplexed me despite extensive study. The more I delve into the story you described, the more entangled I feel. I cannot articulate the confusion this phenomenon causes. As for a solution, I believe that when the negotiation meeting begins, I must personally visit the human empire's borders to witness this so-called film. I have a sense that the mysteries clouding the orc kingdom will find a chance to be dispelled then.

That said, let us conclude this discussion. Regarding the film and "Fate Zero," I have formed a specialized research team within our kingdom's few mages. Though they cannot visit the human empire, through reports from spies like you, they can grasp some understanding of its content. This matter concerns the kingdom's survival, and I am determined to research it thoroughly. As the primary contributor of this intelligence, your name has been added to next month's commendation list of the Dark Blade.

The human empire is fraught with dangers. Although I cannot aid you in managing the crises you may face while undercover, I trust in your capabilities as a professional spy. Ultimately, any emergent situation during your infiltration is left to your judgment, even if it requires taking lives.

Today, humans and us have enjoyed a long period of peace, thanks to the wise decisions of several rulers and the mutual desire for peaceful development among both nations' people. However, as the saying goes, "extremes meet." Prolonged peace has given rise to countless shadows, whether from the upper echelons, the lower classes, or external sources.

Our task is to find a way for the Orc Kingdom to continue progressing amidst the coming storm. We must prepare and uncover a path that ensures our kingdom can withstand and navigate the challenges that lie ahead.]


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