
Dio's Dimensional Group Chat

Diomichi Diovich, a lonely cultured otaku, gets invited to a game called Darwin's Game. With his sigil, Dimensional Chat Group, and his characterization: Dio Brando, he will reign supreme. Dio Brando + Chat Group + Author = Sum weird garbage. (Disclaimer: This is but a work of fanfiction. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner.}

IamBoredGuy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Chapter 5 - Time Stop


Time Stop!



Kaname yelled. He was surprised to see Banda-kun pull another gun out of his pockets. His eyes grew wide as Dio revealed himself, holding a charged taser. The gun's muzzle marked his forehead.


He closed his eyes.

"The world. Time has stopped."

Dio's voice fell on his ears. Opening his eyes, he was surprised to see Dio, standing there without a single wound on his body. With a hand propping his chin, Dio posed with an arrogant look.

Banda-kun was flung away, blood trailed down his lips.

"Too bad, Banda-kun!" Dio pressed his thumb at the blood that was dripping from his forehead. "With just a moment more, and with a bit more time, you could've torn my brain apart with your bullet!" Dio spoke while tilting his body forward and wiggling his finger on his head.

"What is this!? You were supposed to be dead!" Banda-kun yelled in disbelief. He took a step backward and aimed. "What the hell are you!?" He pulled the trigger multiple times.


As if an invisible wall existed between Dio and Banda-kun, all the bullets were flattened before they were gathered in a single space. They floated there silently as if waiting for Dio's commands.

"Didn't I tell you? It's useless."

Tak Tak Tak

Like raindrops hitting a puddle, the bullets bounced off the floor, creating a short melody, the sound of metal thumping against the hard ground reverberated in the building.

"M-Monster..." Banda-kun tightened his grip on the knife. With his whole body turning invisible, he ran towards Dio with all his might, ignoring the pain emanating from his leg.

The only sound they heard was the gun dropping on the floor, Banda-kun's footstep vanishing along with his figure, and his deranged but soul-wrenching battle cry.


With two hands holding the knife, Banda-kun closed the distance between them. When he glanced up, he could see Dio staring in his direction with a bored face.

'Heh! No matter how powerful you are, if you can't even see me, then you lose!'

A faint smirk appeared on Dio's face. He opened his arms wide as if welcoming him. "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right at me?"

"Even though you know how powerful I am!?"

"I can't kill you without getting closer!" He spat, circling around Dio.

"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like!"

Instead of waiting for Banda-kun to attack, Dio took a step forward and began walking in his direction. Banda-kun stopped his advance and waited for Dio to approach him.

After reaching 5-meters, Banda-kun stabbed his knife in Dio's chest. Dio remained unperturbed, he gazed condescendingly at Banda-kun's attempt.

"Didn't I tell you? Even if you turn invisible..."

The world appeared on his back. It hovered silently before its hand moved abruptly, holding Banda-kun's knife in place.

"It's useless."

With a broad smile, Dio spread his hands apart and leaned backward. He shouted,

"THE WORLD! Time, stop!"

The sound of clocks spinning counterclockwise resounded in the silent building, the entire space was dyed in gray. Only Dio and his stand The World's clothing have their vibrant colors remained.

In a split second, Dio closed in. Hand raised, thumb and middle finger met. He placed his hand before Banda-kun's forehead like flicking a fly.

Looking at the stupid panda design, Dio didn't even think twice.

"I'll spare you for now. If it wasn't for you then I wouldn't be able to get this power."

'And you could be my farmer. I don't want to dirty my hands every time I need points.'

Using his new ability, [Bodily Mastery], he pulled all the strength he could muster on his fingertips. His fingers morphed, from slender to muscular, veins bulged from his forearm. It gave off the feeling of something against the laws of nature.

After feeling all the power converging on a single point, he smiled weirdly. And then—

He flicked his finger.


The sound of something breaking followed by splashing noises.

The air exploded.

Along with it, was Banda-kun's head.

"..." Dio

Staring at his blood-soaked hands, and at Banda-kun's headless corpse, he furrowed his brows. His face grew pale, then purple, and finally...

"...The world."

A second later, Dio appeared at his original position. A puke stain could be seen a few meters away from him.


"The Game is Over! Congratulations, Player 'Dio' for winning your first game!"


B̶a̶n̶d̶a̶-̶k̶u̶n̶ vs Dio-kun


12 Damaged Points 250

0 Technical Points 0

0 Artistic Points 189

12 Total Points 439


Looking at the damage he's done, Dio looked at Banda-kun's body. He closed his eyes and decided to try something.

'I'm too excited to feel guilt, and I don't want to feel it once my excitement dies down. Although I can't control my emotions, I can still control my body.'

[Bodily Mastery]

Slowly, his nausea started dwindling, his rapid heartbeat slowed down, and his pale face became rosy.

[Serotonin Induction]

In just a couple of seconds, his pale face that was as white as sheet turned to normal. His expression that was painted with guilt became impassive as if nothing in the world could topple his calmness.

Dio successfully manipulated his emotions using the chemicals produced in his body.

'Damn. Aren't I too strong?' He thought with a smug smile. Before his eyes widened and he took a step back.

He was surprised to see blue squares suddenly appearing and teleporting Banda-kun's corpse, piece by piece. Literally. He could see Banda-kun's internal organs getting teleported one after another. After a couple of seconds, only blood stains and a dented floor remained.

"Graffiti my ass."

Holding his mouth, Dio turned to his cellphone to distract himself from the gruesome scene he just witnessed.


[Top ¦ Status ¦ Gacha ¦ Points ¦ Battle ¦ Ranking ]

Affiliated Clan: None

Name: Dio

Battle Record:

1 battle

1 win

Points: 45pt


Nodding his head, he closed his phone and glanced back at Kaname.

Looking at Kaname's miserable state, with his uniform torn and a bullet wound on his shoulder, he sighed in relief.

'Luckily he was unconscious. If he was awake then I wouldn't be able to face him properly.' after getting out of his power high, he blushed in embarrassment, remembering all the things he said. 'I should put a reminder to turn off my otaku switch in front of other people.'

"Damn... The world."

Of course, just because he was embarrassed doesn't mean he wouldn't abuse the shit out of his powers.

A second later, he and Kaname could be seen running along the streets, with Kaname in his hands, princess carry style.

Dio glanced at Kaname's face uncomfortably. Even though he doesn't want to do it, he still had to carry him in case he died of blood loss.

"No homo bro."

With a forced smile, he carried Kaname's body towards the hospital.

On the way, he noticed a couple of messages on his phone.


You got a message from [Shuka]-san!!

To check the contents, click here!!



Before he could open the message, another chime came.


You got a message from [Shido]-san!!

To check the contents, click here!!


"Huh? Who the hell is Shido?"

And another.


You got a message from [Inukai]-san!!

To check the contents, click here!!


"Wh-What the fuck?"

And another.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!


You got a message from...


You got a message from...


You got a message from...

Baffled, he closed his phone. He placed it back in his pocket, before focusing on the task at hand.

'Hang on Kaname, I gotchu...'

Little did he know, he created a huge wave that shook the entire Darwin's Game forums.

In a dark room, a little girl with light-purple eyes stared closely at her computer screen. She was so focused on reading the data that she dropped the burger she was eating.

"250 damage points... is it a bug?"

She grabbed her phone and opened the Darwin's Game app. Writing the word 'Dio' on the battle search bar.


B̶a̶n̶d̶a̶-̶k̶u̶n̶ vs Dio-kun


12 Damaged Points 250

0 Technical Points 0

0 Artistic Points 189

12 Total Points 439

Time: 2min 24sec


Her tiny mouth opened partially.

"2 minutes..." she mumbled.

She became dazed reading Dio's battle history. It was only a single game. A rookie game at that. Every week, there are rookies killing each other, but the one in front of her was special.

It was the rookie-hunter.

The rookie-hunter that was famous for killing new players... died?

Not only that, but it was under 2 minutes!

Even if the new player had a gun, it would be impossible to end a game with that many damaged points. Unless the rookie-hunter was hit by a truck, then it could be explained.

But if it was a truck... then it would add up to his technical points, not artistic points. The match statistics have 0 technical points. It even had a whopping 189 artistic points.

It boggled her mind.

How could someone get 250 damaged points without any external help?

She theorized that the new player, Dio, must have a powerful sigil that allowed him to kill the rookie-hunter with ease.

After all, that is the most logical explanation for his artistic points.

The only problem was... what kind of sigil was it?

"A monster-rookie..."

Her mind thought of countless possibilities on what kind of sigil he has, but in the end, she shook her head.

"I won't be able to sell uncertain information without proof."

In the end, she placed a notice on the Darwin's Game forums under an anonymous account.


Looking for information on a new player called DIO.

Points will be rewarded based on the value of said information.


After posting the task, she closed her laptop and leaned on her chair.

"Dio... What a strange name."


Fun Fact:

Honestly, I would kill to have the ability to stop time. Even if it's one second.
