
Dio's Dimensional Group Chat

Diomichi Diovich, a lonely cultured otaku, gets invited to a game called Darwin's Game. With his sigil, Dimensional Chat Group, and his characterization: Dio Brando, he will reign supreme. Dio Brando + Chat Group + Author = Sum weird garbage. (Disclaimer: This is but a work of fanfiction. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner.}

IamBoredGuy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Chapter 11 - The Plot Begins


The Plot Begins


Tanya gritted her teeth and stomped her tiny foot on the floor. She glared at them for a second before taking her seat. Looking at Dio's crimson eyes staring at her, she avoided his gaze and grabbed Katarina's glass and downed it in one gulp.

"Hey! That's mine!" (Katarina)

"Huh?" Tilting her head, Tanya gazed at Katarina. Her blue pupils turning golden. Menacingly, she 'asked' Katarina. "Did you say something?"

"Eep!" Katarina hurriedly hid behind Shinobu, too afraid to look at Tanya's eye. "Why are you all so scary~!" She raised her fists and complained.

"Killua Zoldyck. Assassin." Killua suddenly said introduced himself. They all turned around and stared at Killua. They looked at each other's faces before shrugging their shoulders and going back to what they were doing.

"..." Killua.

'Jerks.' Killua pouted. He took his juice and went to the far edge of the table, where he could observe their antics clearly. He could see Dio doing some weird poses with Ban, 'Weirdos.' and Katarina and Shinobu trying to bully Tanya 'I hope she snaps.' He thought.

Gloomily, he could only watch them have fun while drinking his juice at the corner.

After everyone introduced themselves, they weren't surprised that a young kid like Killua could become an Assassin at his age. After all, if you have a loli that has a Second Lieutenant rank in an army, they would be less surprised.

"Alright, that's enough! Time Stop!" Finally, after feeling the conversation going nowhere, Dio decided to return to the matter at hand. Placing all of them back in their seats, Dio clapped his hands and began his explanation.

"I shall now explain what the Dimensional Group Chat really is..." Dio's tone grew solemn, making the members fix their expressions and listen seriously. "First off, say 'Open Group Chat'."

They all listened and said, "Open Group Chat."

In an instant, white particles gathered in their retinas. They could see their status and other functions of the Group Chat. Curiously, they all pressed the buttons.

Seeing them follow his instructions, he looked around the room for a bit before nodding yo himself. "All right, now... say "What is the Group Chat?" out loud." Smiling, Dio felt their inquisitive gazes. He scratched his cheek and spoke. "I also don't know what the Dimensional Group Chat is... so shouldn't we ask the Group Chat itself?"


They all felt that their leader wasn't that capable.

Ignoring Dio who was making excuses, they stared at the screen before Tanya spoke up.

"What are you?"

[I am Player Diomichi Diovich's ability: Dimensional Group Chat]

Tanya's lips twitched. She asked again, her voice now furious, "What is your purpose?"

[To help my ~!@#$%^&*()_+]


While they were surprised by the sudden change in tone, Dio's eyes grew wide. A shocked expression surfaced on his face before he hid it the second it came. Sweeping his blonde hair back, he took a deep breath to calm himself.

Before they could ask what the Group Chat meant, Dio immediately changed the subject.

"You won't answer that one huh? Then, tell us, how useful are you?"

Despite the sweat drop on his face and the suspicious gazes the group chat members were sending him, he held his ground and ignored them. He knew that he was being very obvious at changing the topic, but as the leader, he had a certain say in things.

[Basic introduction protocol...]

[Ding! Congratulations on joining the Dimensional Group Chat!]

[The Dimensional Group Chat is a dimensional parasite that sucks chaos energy. The more worlds you ruin, the more energy the group chat consumes, which you will need to exchange for items from other worlds.]


[Warning: Visiting other worlds is very very dangerous. Members who cross dimensions have their existence slightly altered to accommodate the world's laws.]

"Wait, wait-!"

[As the admin of this group chat, Diomichi Diovich, some of his powers have been used as a base. Diomichi Diovich's ability to stop time has been applied to the member's worlds. If the members decide to travel, their world's time axis will be frozen. All alternate timelines along with the present timeline will be stopped indefinitely.]

Shocking revelations one after another were revealed. Dio, who was just asking its functions so they wouldn't ask it any more questions, was dumbfounded. 'The fuck? Shouldn't you explain the missions and stuff? What the hell are you spouting?'

[Available Functions: Missions, SkyWorld, Gacha (Locked), Exchange (Locked), Shop (Locked)]

[Shop: Due to the Dimensional Group Chat's unique ability to access different dimensions, a variety of goods from different worlds are available in the shop. (Locked)]

[Exchange: You can exchange items between members. (Locked)]

[Gacha: A function to train each member's law of probability. (Locked)]

[SkyWorld: A personal dimension catered for the members. Warning: Due to the Dimension's infinitely expanding time and space, chaos creatures have spawned. It is advised for the members to stay in the SkyMansion.]

[Missions: A function for the members to earn ChaosPoints(CP).]

[Chaos Points(CP): Chaos energy required to activate the Dimensional Group Chat.]

After finishing explaining, the group chat vanished. Dio, who read the entire thing without blinking, spoke. "That's bullshit. There's no fucking way gacha can be used to train probability." As a man who has experienced 'hell', he decided to warn his fellow members about the trickery of the group chat. "Don't use the gacha. It's a lie."

"We can't use it because it's locked." Tanya rolled her eyes and said, "More importantly... I'm more interested in the shop."

"It's also locked. Hey, group chat! How can we unlock the shop?" (Ban)

[Accomplish one mission.]

"What can we even buy in the shop?" (Shinobu)

[Ripple Breathing* Technique: Through self-controlled respiration, a trained person can produce an energy manifesting as ripples throughout their body and that is identical to the energy of the Sun. Cost: 1500CP]

Dio's eyes bulged. 'What the fuck is ripple breathing? Didn't you just changed its name, you scammer?!'

"Oh!" Shinobu grew excited at the prospect of owning a new type of breathing. As the successor of the insect breathing technique, she always complained about how weak the strength it gave. Although the sting and movements of insects are powerful, if she added the ripple breathing technique, she might actually beat her older sister! Plus... 'Identical to the energy of the Sun? Didn't my older sister say that demons are afraid of the Sun?'

"Guys! Let's go on a mission!" Katarina suddenly shouted. She needed the items from the shop to prevent her doom flags, so she was also desperate, just like Shinobu.

Killua, who was still drinking his juice alone at the corner, nodded his head. 'Missions sounds fun. Maybe I could also bring Gon with me?'

Seeing that they all wanted to go, Dio sighed. "Fine. But I still need to do something back in my world. You guys should finish what you need before we start the mission."

"Oh? This isn't your world, Dio-san?" Shinobu asked. She thought that Dio lived alone in this golden mansion by himself. After all, he gave the feeling of those mysterious sexy vampires she read in one of her book once. "Can you tell me more about your world?"

Faced with Shinobu's innocent question, Dio's expression turned ugly, 'I'm poor. How can I own something huge as this?' But since the serotonin induction kept working, his ugly expression only lasted for a split second.

Calmy, Dio replied, "Haha, my world isn't really that interesting. I just live in modern age Japan—"

"Japan!" Katarina jumped at Dio, "Does your world have anpan? No, wait, since you have pizza then of course you have! Please let me go to your world! Please, please, oh, pretty please~!" With stars in her eyes and drool on her mouth, Katarina hugged Dio's waist.

Faced with Katarina's adorable face, her soft breast pressing against his stomach and her pleading expression, Dio's normie brain shortcircuited. Katarina's beauty that came straight from an otome game was blinding. Now that he actually looked at her so closely, Dio's heartbeat accelerated. He felt as if... as if... he was... falling in... lo-!

[Serotonin Induction 85%: Adamantium Heart]

"Sure~, but get out of my face first," Dio replied smoothly. Pushing her face away, Dio adjusted his collar before speaking. "Do you guys also want to visit my world? Those who want to come, raise your hand." The blush on his face vanished as soon as it came. The others eyed him strangely before they all raised their hands.

Seeing that everyone raised their hands, even Tanya, 'Even Tanya?' Dio blinked his eyes. With a serious expression, he warned. "If you want to come, then you better behave yourself. Otherwise... I'll spank you." As he said so, he made a serious expression and towered over Tanya. His lips quivered before... "Pfft! Hahaha! I'm just kidding haha! No need to make such a grumpy face!"

Alas, he forgot who he was teasing. With a click of her gun, Tanya pushed her Mauser on Dio's forehead and asked with a chilling glare, "Care to repeat that?" She was getting annoyed at how she was always getting bullied because of her young appearance. "Why don't you make fun of Killua instead? If you continue acting this way, I will surely shoot you in the head in the near future."

"..." Killua

Hearing her threat, Dio's expression froze. He raised both of his hands slowly showing his surrender, before lowering them on top of Tanya's head and rubbing her hair. "Hahaha! Even you're serious expression is show cwute~!" Tanya's eyes narrowed and she gritted her teeth before she pulled the trigger unhesitantly.



Dio's expression fell. The sound of the trigger being pulled over and over again echoed in the table. They all stared at the gun before looking at Tanya's raging face.

'Huh? Did she actually try to kill me?' Dio began to wonder what was wrong with him. He saw her kill Ban earlier, but he still teased her relentlessly. 'Are the chemicals in my brain actually bad for me?' His lack of fear and total calmness of the situation made his thought process go haywire. The little girl he was teasing just killed a guy casually earlier, and then he actually wanted to mess with her by hiding her bullets?

'Am I courting death?'

Despite his inner turmoil, Dio still found the situation funny. He laughed at Tanya's infuriated expression before removing his hand from her head, "Ah, that never gets old. But seriously you're too bloodthirsty. I just patted your head and you tried to kill me."

"Anyways, finish whatever business you have going in your world before messaging me. I need to take care of some matters first," Taking the bullets out of his pockets, he dropped them in Tanya's hand before flashing her a bright smile. "Ciao~"

A moment later, Dio awakened in his cold and cramped room. Pinching his cheeks to make sure he really did go in another dimension, he gulped nervously and said. "Shit. I should search what side effects too much serotonin does..."

He suddenly thought of something. He stared at his hands with his brows furrowed before muttering. "Beware of a man with a golden gauntlet..."


Tanya stared at where he left before turning her head at the rest. "What?" She asked, tilting her head cutely.

For some reason, they felt that there was something wrong with her. Disregarding her murderous nature, she even changed her expressions at the drop of a hat!

Unanimously, they all decided to not mess with her. They all stared at each other uncomfortably before Shinobu broke the silence.

Since there was nothing left to do, Shinobu smiled gently before bowing towards them. "It was a pleasure meeting you all." Waving her hand, she bid them goodbye. "See you soon in our 'mission'!" And then her figure vanished into thin air.

Katarina also picked up her leftover food and tucked it into her midnight gown. She looked at them with a cookie in her mouth before she said, "See you guys later~!" She then disappeared soon after.

Ban picked up the gems he hid under the mat and placed them in his pockets. Looking at the two children left behind, he grinned and raised his finger to his lips. "Don't tell him~!"

Tanya didn't even bother looking at Killua before she also teleported out.

"..." Killua.

After being the only one left behind, Killua felt like he was also bullied somehow. Shrugging his shoulders, he placed both of his hands on the back of his neck before walking away. "Jerks."


Meanwhile, inside a dark huge warehouse, a girl with blonde hair tied into two long braids sat comfortably.

"Keuk... I-I don't... know..." A dying voice below her reminded her that the person she is sitting on is still alive. Looking below, a bloodied figure of Kaname laid on the cold hard floor.

"Hm~," The girl held Kaname's phone as she scrolled down below. After finding the familiar name, she exclaimed and said, "See? You do know him! Now... hurry up and call him."

"Call DIO-san here for me so we could have a nice~ long~ chat~."


I read comments saying the MC is bland... well he is. He's just a normal kid wishing to be something big.

Now that he has powers, friends, and a sense of belonging, his 'acting' of being a normie wouldn't be 'acting' anymore. He will become a fully-fledged normie.

Well... if it was an ordinary story. Unfortunately... I am the author.

I can surmise Dio's character development using a single quote;

"I have never advocated war except as a means of peace." -

So just wait :).