
Noise (2)

The Food Processor's been interrupted their silence between them with a bell of completion. Eight lobster tails were printed and sealed in the packaging waiting for Zhang Qin Feng's consumption. From the look, size, and color of the artificial lobster shell, a gaze is all a person needs to differentiate this from regular lobsters.

"Feng... This color and shape... Don't tell me you're trying to come up with something outrageous again?" Wang Yufei served the vegetables evenly on two different plates and placed them in a food warmer.

She set the grilling stove on automatic cooking before going to Zhang Qin Feng.

Standing beside Zhang Qin Feng to clarifies her suspicion, she soon realized that she got it correct again. Her man is trying to make something outrageous again. It seems that creating an artificial A6 beef that was significantly valued in Han Country wasn't enough to satisfy his wildest dream.