
(EDT) Rescue Mission (3)

"Rescuing someone? Are we..." the soldier who asked seems to get what Zhang Qin Feng tried to say from his mysterious reply. It seems that his response also made the other four notice what Zhang Qin Feng was trying to say.

"Are we attempting to rescue the team leaders?" one of the four other soldiers interrupted without asking for permission to speak. But since they're the only few people inside this house, they're excluded from all those rules.

"Finally... It was not a mistake to volunteer to go with this mission at all," the soldier that spoke with Zhang Qin Feng first said. Their reaction was puzzling for the other five soldiers in the team, but that was understandable.

Half of the ten soldiers here were new recruits that were recently activated from the Cloning Facility. And since they never came across the battle in Turbine Town and here, they naturally had no idea regarding the team leaders Zhang Qin Feng and others were talking about.