
Dimension X Dragon (DxD)

Synopsis: [Odd Double] Also Known As The Odd Eyes Gauntlets a mid-Tier Longinus That Can Double The Damage Dealt By the User upon Impact Little Is Known About [Odd Double] And Sakaki Yudai Will Unravel It Secrets.

27_BuddyXBurst_39 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 1 {Enter Sakaki Yudai}

Sakaki Yudai - That is my name. My Parents And Friends Just Call Me "Yudai".

I'm a Second Year Highschool Student Who Is Experiencing The Time In his Youth.

But The Thing is...

I'm Unexpectedly Unpopular.

Now Now There's Nothing Wrong Being A nobody.

But you See...

No One But My Friends Know Who I am.

Teacher's Are an exception.

There was This One Time That I helped My Classmate And He just said to me "Who are you again?" We sit right next to each other...

For a matter of fact I'm a Very social person I've talked To a couple of people before.

I don't Know When It Started But One Day Out Of The Blue, I Just Felt I Needed To Be A Well known Figure in Life...

But Thats Not The point Because I think I'm in Big trouble.

Big Big Very Big Trouble.

For You See

I have been accused Of Peeping In The Girls Locker room.

Girl : "Damn You! You..... Whoever you are?!!" Shouted By one of the Girls Behind Me.

Why Behind Me.

Because I'm running, Running For my Damn Life, How did I get here In the First place.

Well You see I was just walking When I saw Three Just Talking About Paradise Or Something Like That, So as any Normal human being I followed them, Yep I followed Them...

What was I Thinking back there!?

Why Didn't I realized Who I was Following Back then.

You see The Three Boys I had Followed was The Famous 'Infamous' Perverted Trio...My Classmate's

The Trio consist of Matsuda aka 'Perverted Monkey's And the Other Is Motohama aka 'Perverted Glasses' where the third you ask.

Running Besides Me Ofcourse, Their Leader 'Hyoudou Issei'

Issei : "Shit Those Asshole Left me to die!!" Issei Said While running As fast as he can It would seem the two other perverts Left him poor guy betrayed By his Own kin.

Issei : "But hey on the Bright side I'm not alone Right Buddy" he said to me so as a reply to that I ran faster, Faster than any of those girls and Certainly faster than Hyoudou.

Yudai : "Sorry But you're on your own!!!!" I said while running Faster.

Issei : "Hey! Wait for me too eh-?"

it would Seem That Hyoudou-kun had tripped on some thing I want to help him but that I lot of girls with bamboo stick sword, it would seem their from the kendo club, But Thank you Hyoudou for the act of sacrifice You Just Perform, I Sakaki Yudai will Never forget This.

Issei : "Haha Mercy?"

Was the last word of Hyoudou Issei before He got a beatdown

Issei : "AHHHHHHHH!!!".

~\Scene Chage\~

Yudai : "*Huff* *Huff* That was one of if not The Scariest Thing That would Happen to me" I am now sitting under the shade of a tree.

??? : "Yo Yudai The hell happened to you? You looked like you ran a marathon"

Right there Is one of my friends Sakaguchi Tsuyoshi or 'Tsu' for short He's a pretty Tall Guy maybe 5,11-ish He's apart of the Basketball Club.

Yudai : "Got *huff* Chased By The entire Kendo Club I suppose" As I said That one more of my friend have arrived at the scene.

Takashima Yuu My other Friend And He's Very Well Known Alright.

Yuu : "Here" He Handed Me A Can Of Cola.

Yudai : "Thanks" I grabbed the can of Soda And pointed the can's lid toward no one in particular before putting strength into my fingers, And instant opened the lid, the contents spewed out with incredible force, reducing its contents by about a third. And, witnessing this Yuu...

Yuu : "Tch"

Yudai : "Don't Click your Tongue I saw you shake it Before you got Here Aw man Now My hands are all sticky now"

Yuu is a Trouble Maker, a day goes by without him pulling two or Three Pranks A day.

Shaking off my cola-bathed hand, I clicked my own tongue at Yuu's childish prank. Then Drank All Of what's Left Of The cola.

The Two Of them Sat Besides Me, We Talked About The New Upcoming Game Releasing Next Week And The New Anime That Aired Last Night.

Yudai : "Hey You guys Want to Go to The Arcade Later?" I asked Them.

Tsu : "Sorry I got Something to do In my Club so Maybe Tomorrow"

Yudai : "How about you Yuu wanna Go" I ask Yuu This Time.

Yuu : "Pass" Yuu Quickly said.

Yudai : "Bruh Why?" I Questioned Yuu

Yuu : "For you See My Brother's I have found" Yuu Stand Up and Pointed Towards The sky.

Yuu : "A Girlfriend" Yuu Smiled Brightly.

Tsu : "Ay Congratulations Man"

Tsu Being The Good Friend That he is Congratulated Yuu, Me On The Other Hand.

Yudai : "What the Hell Man I thought We made A Promise" I Pointed Towards Yuu.

Yuu : "What Promise?" Yuu Questioned

Yudai : "Bros Before Hoes Man What the Hell Happened To that Huh!?"

After I said That Yuu just smiled innocently And Said.

Yuu : "Tehe I forgot"

Yudai : "Why You!!" A stand Up And Started Chasing Yuu.

I mean I'm Happy My Friend Got a girlfriend But Come on who breaks Promises You make With The Boys.

Yuu : "Can't Catch Me Slowpoke" Yuu Dodge

Tsu : "You Two Stop Acting Like Kids In public" Tsu Said to Me and Yuu, We stopped.

Yuu : "Tch Your no fun Tsu-chan" Yuu said to Tsu.

Tsu : "Yeh Yeh Now let Go back to Our Classerooms" Tsu Stood Up.

We Three Are in Different Section, Both Tsu and Yuu Are in 2-C While I On the Other Hand is on 2-B.

We Where Ready To Go When I spotted Woman Near Inside The Abandoned Building She had Crimson Red Hair and Blue Eyes.

Yudai : "Who's That Girl again?" I Pointed Toward The Girl With red Hair.

Yuu : "Bro You don't Know who that Chick Is?" Yuu Asked Me.

Yudai : "Yup"

Yuu : "You See she-" Right As Yuu Was About To speak Tsu Cuts him off.

Tsu : "She's Rias Gremory She's The Occult Research Club President And Ive heard She's From Europe Or Something" Tsu Said.

Yuu : "But I was Going to tell-"

Yudai : "Oh That Nice I guess" I Said to Tsu.

Yuu Being Mad That We Cut Him Off And Walked Ahead of Us.

Yuu : "Well Let's Go back to Our Class rooms already!" Yuu shouted As He Was Walking Way Ahead Of me And Tsu.

~\Scene Chage\~

Inside The Building The Girl Know As Rias Can Be Seen Sitting on a couch, While A Girl With Black Hair Standing Right Besides Her.

In front Of Rias Is A Chess Board With White, Black And Red Pieces.

Rias : "That boy Just Now..." Rias Said To The Blacked Haired Girl.

Black Haired Girl : "Ma'am?" The Black haired Girl Asked Rias.

Rias : "The One on The Middle Who is He?" Rias Asked The Black Haired Girl.

Black Haired Girl : "I believe He Is In Class 2-B I Believe His Name was Sakaki Yudai, Is There Something About Him?"

Rias : "No I must Be Mistaken" Rias Moves a white Piece Forward.

Rias : "Checkmate" Rias Stands up as The Black Haired Girl look at The ChessBoard

Black Haired Girl : "Aw"

~\Scene Chage\~

School Finally End Seeing The My Friends Are doing Something Might As Well Explore Town For A bit.

A lot Of Stuff Happend Today I mean I Got Accused Of Peeping...

Nothing Really Special Happend Today Huh?








I have decided To Relax At The Park, The Sun Was Already Setting, The Sky Was Tinted Orange.

There Is No One But me In the park, I Am Sitting Alone in A Wodden Bench, All Alone....

Yudai : "Seeing That The Sun Is Almost Down Might As Well Go Home" I Stood Up From The Bench Where I Was Sitting.

I was Ready To Go Home When Someone Called out to Me.

??? : "Um Excuse Me"

Looking Around I Saw a Beautiful and Thicc woman with brown eyes and She has a long, navy blue hair that obscured her right eye.

She Wore An entirely Different School Uniform She seems to be in a Different School.

Yudai : "Yes What Is It?"

??? : "You're Sakaki Yudai Right?'

Yudai : "Yes Yes I'm Yudai" How Does She Know My Name We Never Met or Spoke To Each Other Before, Something's Wrong With This Girl I Can Feel it.

??? : "Please Go Out With Me!"

Yudai : "Huh!?"

The Girl Continued to speak.

??? : "I've seen you a couple of time passesing by the park"

The Girl Played With her Hair.

??? : "And...um...Sakaki-kun..i-i"

This Girl Can't Be serious right now.

??? : "I want you to be my Boyfriend"

This Girl Is Bad News.