
Chapter 6 : A New Ally

The group continued their journey, their spirits still heavy with the loss of Tommy and the uncertainty surrounding Koji's condition. But they pressed on, determined to continue the fight against the corruption.

As they walked through a dense forest, they heard a faint rustling in the bushes. They tensed, ready for anything. But instead of an enemy, they found a small Digimon huddled in the underbrush.

The Digimon was scared and alone, its fur matted and dirty. The group approached cautiously, not wanting to scare it further.

"It's okay," Zoe said softly. "We're not going to hurt you. Do you need help?"

The Digimon looked up, its eyes filled with fear and sadness. "I...I need your help," it said in a small voice. "My village has been overrun by the corrupted Digimon. We don't know what to do."

The group exchanged a glance. They knew that they couldn't turn their backs on a fellow Digimon in need. They promised to help the little creature, and it led them through the forest to its village.

When they arrived, they found that the village had indeed been overrun by the corrupted Digimon. The villagers were hiding in their homes, too scared to come out.

The group sprang into action, fighting off the corrupted Digimon with all their might. But there were too many of them, and the group was quickly overwhelmed.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, a new ally appeared. A powerful Digimon with a shining coat of golden fur and a fierce, determined look in its eyes.

The new Digimon joined the fight, unleashing a powerful blast of energy that wiped out the corrupted Digimon in one fell swoop.

The group stared in awe, impressed by the Digimon's power. They introduced themselves, and the Digimon revealed that its name was Goldramon.

"I have been watching your journey," Goldramon said. "I can see that you are fighting for the greater good, and I wish to join you in your quest."

The group welcomed Goldramon with open arms, grateful for the new ally. With its help, they continued their journey, their spirits lifted by the knowledge that they were not alone in the fight against the corruption.

As they walked through the forest, Goldramon shared its wisdom with the group, teaching them new techniques and strategies to use in battle. They grew stronger with each passing day, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The group knew that the fight against the corruption was far from over, but with their new ally by their side, they felt more confident than ever before. They were determined to put an end to the corruption once and for all, no matter what it took.