
Chapter 11: Koji's Anger

The group was still reeling from the loss of Takuya, and emotions were running high. Koji was hit particularly hard by the death of his best friend, and he was struggling to come to terms with it.

As they sat in the ruins of their latest battle, Koji sat silently with his head bowed, lost in his thoughts. The others tried to comfort him, but he was unresponsive.

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed through the area, shaking the ground beneath them. A massive shadow appeared on the horizon, growing closer with each passing second.

The group sprang into action, readying their Digimon for battle. But as the shadow drew nearer, they realized they were facing a foe unlike any they had encountered before.

The Digimon was huge, towering over them like a skyscraper. Its scales glinted in the sunlight, and its eyes burned with a fierce intensity.

Koji felt his anger boil over as he faced the monstrous creature. He charged forward, his Digimon at his side, ready to take it down with all his might.

But the creature was too powerful. It swatted away Koji's attacks as if they were nothing, and soon had him pinned down beneath its massive foot.

The others rushed to Koji's aid, but the creature was too strong for them as well. It blasted them back with a powerful burst of energy, sending them flying across the battlefield.

Koji felt a searing pain in his chest as he watched his friends fall. He knew that he had to do something, anything, to save them.

With a fierce determination, Koji channeled all his energy into his Digimon, unleashing a new level of power that he had never before accessed.

His Digimon began to glow with an intense light, its form morphing and changing until it stood before him in a new, more powerful form.

Koji felt a surge of energy course through his veins as he charged forward once more, his new Digimon by his side. They clashed with the creature in a ferocious battle, trading blow for blow.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Koji emerged victorious. The creature lay defeated at his feet, and the rest of the group lay scattered around him, battered and bruised but alive.

But as Koji looked around at the destruction he had caused, he felt a pang of guilt. He had lost control of his anger and put his friends in danger. He knew he had to leave, to find a way to make things right.

With a heavy heart, Koji said goodbye to his friends and set out on his own, unsure of what the future held.