
Chapter 1

  How The Truth Came Out.

     I was in the kitchen one day and my son passed me like three times. He wanted to say something but he held himself. Then I asked him a question. The greatest mistake I made.  "Boy what is the matter?? Nothing he said with a firm voice. Meaning something was really bothering him and he was about to explode. He left with an apple and later came back and stood at the door and spoke rubbish from his mouth. "Mum , what killed dad??  Meaning what? I asked with shock. Mom he said again what? No who killed Dad?

I knew he had something on his mind but I still answered him , your father died a.natural.death even though it was untimely.. I don't know about that he said. He didn't die.a.natural death. It was either planned or spiritual. I don't know about that I said nonchalantly. Oh you know about it and you would have stopped it. He raised his voice at me.  Am I a soothe Sayer or a fortune teller to know when things happen or a witch that makes things happen. I asked. Maybe?  He said.  Just then Tasha walked in. Chris stop talking to Mom like that is disrespectful. Shut up! See who is talking about disrespect you brat, mind your business this doesn't concern you.

It concern her Chris became she is part of this family and don't you ever raise your voice at me never, in your life never raise your voice at me or your sister. I will not if only you tell me what I want to know and don't lie to me about natural death. Then get out  I am not the.doctor that conducted the autopsy neither am I the one that killed him. Maybe he said.

What! I slapped him immediately. I can take anything from you but not an accusation of me killing your father.

Christian was wrong with you dad died a long time ago so why are you bringing it up, if you know what killed him will it bring him back to life. You want to know the truth I asked him. Yes I want to know. Tasha said she doesn't care.

Ok I am going to tell you, if I tell you what ever happens you take it like that.

            I knew your father way back when we were in University abroad. So you guys studied abroad Tasha asked. Yes we went to Stanford University. We both studied Mass Communication , we graduated together did our masters together. After our masters we got married and got jobs in different places then we moved to Washington to New York to Miami to Mexico to Brazil and so many other countries . Your father was a very good reporter so one day he wanted to return to Africa all of a sudden. We went to South Africa by then you two were already born then suddenly he wanted  to go Nigeria our country, it's been a long time since we left and we now had children.was what I.told him. But he didn't care he wanted to see his family dead or alive. I was not in support of that but he still wanted to go. He still pushed the idea so we left our lifes and the good jobs we had over there and came back to Nigeria.

He said we were only going to spend the summer in Nigeria bit we ended up moving here. It was the worst decision we made. He said the country needed help and mass enlightenment and needs people to speak up for them. We came during the military rule. In South Africa they begged him to come back, increased his salary times two but here in Nigeria no one gave him Kobo. It was very had to adjust especially you children.

We went to his village his mother never expected to see him. They considered.him dead. She was very happy to see you guys but not me. In the village you children suffered from many diseases and allergies. His people did not like me so I went to Lagos with you guys where my uncle works. He offered me a job in his company Dorian group of companies later your father got a job at Daily News Lagos.