
The Queen of England (2)

The Unknown man alongside the angered Sultan walked around in circles not breaking eye contact. Sultan moved like a wild Gorilla, skipping side to side with his arms swinging freely. Sultan Leaped at the man unexpectedly, with both arms above his head he swung down with full force against the man, who blocked it with both of his arms. Sultan jumped back and gave the man a good glance.

"yep, that'd do it." The man said spitting out some blood. Both his arms were swollen and red, and his face still wasn't completely spared of damage. "you're not as boring as I deemed you earlier Boy." He remarked. "but you're still nothing compared to me. The man let in a deep breath, and as he did his body began glowing from a light yellow to dark orange. It was then he felt a heavy punch to his face. Sultan had grown impatient, making him deliver the first blow. The man got back up with a little grin, "Have some Persistence," He said. "let's not get in over our heads now because of two lucky shots." he commented again.

Sultan took the liberty of going in for another attack this time he went for a leg sweep. The man jumped up to avoid it then grabbed Sultan's head as he made his way down. He slammed it Violently on the ground causing a crack in the floor. he looked at Sultan's face and gave a small sigh "not hard enough" He said. he smashed it on the floor once again repeatedly. Sultan Roared as he pushed both his hands against the floor and his head was now resisting the man's strength.

He gave the Man a fearful look as blood dropped from the side of his almost gorilla-shaped head. "uh oh" The man said. Sultan punched the man with his backhand which had grown more in size. The man was sent flying a few feet before crashing into dense rubble. Sultan grabbed a heavy rectangular-shaped rubble and threw it at the terrorist.

At that moment before the rubble could make contact The unknown man swallowed a generous amount of air and got to a light orange glow before releasing causing a medium explosion in his surroundings, though Sultan who stood a few feet away wasn't affected. As the smoke cleared the man was seen standing calmly everything else had either been burnt into ashes or blown away.

His body was cherry red and his body appeared to be steaming. "I have mistaken you boy, you aren't to be played with

Don't worry I will take you a bit more seriously now." The man said Making his way towards Sultan with a hint of intimidation. The Angered boy also made his way toward the man with little regard for himself. Both clash fists which results in a powerful shock wave.

[elsewhere in the palace]

Kamryn's hairy arm emerged from a pile of rubble similar to that of a zombie in a graveyard. Her gown was tattered and in rags barely clinging to her now hairy and muscular body. As she emerged from the load of rubble. Her body began reverting to its former state as she made it up. She reached down in the wreckage, in which she grabbed the hand of a fair-skinned Riley who had been knocked unconscious due to the initial blast. Kamryn looked in the distance and saw Leon's back facing her. She placed Riley on the floor gently and made her way toward Leon. "Leon" she called, as she got closer, she realized something wasn't right.

She placed her hand on his shoulder and saw a long iron bar that pierced through his abdomen. "I can't pull it out," Leon said weakly. "you've lost too much blood" Kamryn replied. Kamryn grabbed the bar and pulled it out quickly, resulting in a loud shout from Leon. "Quit your crying, your wounds will heal," Kamryn said. Kamryn tore a piece of her already ripped gown and wrapped it around Leon's abdomen to help with his recovery.

Kamryn looked up and watched as dust from the Ceiling began to fall onto the floor. It was then she remembered, "Sultan? where Is Sultan." She asked Leon Frantically. "You won't find him here, the blast was strong it separated the levels and the distance between us," Leon said. "If you want to find him, he's probably upstairs" he finished pointing to the direction of the ballroom. "Thank you," she said as she made her way to the stairs. "Wait, I'll come with you." Leon said struggling to pick himself up. "you're barely able to walk you'd just slow me down plus someone needs to stay with Riley." Kamryn replied. "Plus, Sultan might be in danger if there was a chance of a suicide bomber, there's probably an army on the way.

Kamryn looked out the window, looked down, and saw the courtyard filled with civilians on their knees held at gunpoint by strangers wearing bandanas and scarves around their heads. she looked up where she saw three helicopters. Surrounding the Palace, "Shit" Kamryn said. "Leon GET YOUR ASS OFF THE FLOOR RIGHT NOW AND WAKE RILEY UP." She screamed in Panic. she paced around the palace with distress, as if looking for something. "what are you doing?" Leon asked gently tapping on Riley's face. "I'm Looking for my phone so I can contact Brenden." She answered.

She found her phone under the tables she was at but its screen had been severely damaged. "DAMMIT!" she exclaimed. she looked in Leon's direction where she saw a flashing light. She sprinted towards it and joy filled her eyes. "YES," she exclaimed. "A Nokia phone." She said dialing Brenden's phone number. It was then She felt a strong shock wave push and knock her back. "the hell was that?" She questioned. "it came from up there" Leon replied. "was that Sultan?" Riley asked.

"Riley YOU'RE AWAKE" Kamryn screamed excitedly. "yes that Shockwave woke me right up, also what's going on," she asked. "I fell asleep because that man was on the stage then I woke up to this" She went on. "So, this whole time you've been asleep?" Leon asked. Riley nodded. "Right now we don't have time to explain we have enemies on the loose c'mon let's go," Kamryn said grabbing both their arms.

[In the Ball Room]

Sultan swiped at the Man in front of him. The man blocked with his right arm and punched Sultan in the face, as his fist made contact with Sultan's face it caused a small explosion. "You see these Explosive punches, my favorite ability." He commented. The punch didn't stop Sultan though he came back with even more onslaughts. Sultan went for a right hook which the man caught with his left hand. He returned the blow with an uppercut this time, sending Sultan flying up. The man didn't finish there as the moment Sultan landed, he jumped in his direction ready to stomp on him. Sultan rolled over and the man's food caused an explosion sending Sultan flying further away. before Sultan could compose himself, the man caught up to him he punched his chest and then released a flurry of punches all over Sultan's half-gorilla-sized body.

Sultan could barely stand anymore as the man walked towards him to grab his neck, His complexion now was healthy once more. He inhaled, and his hand began to glow bright orange. "farewell boy, you put up a good fight." he commended. Just as he was about to blow he felt sharp piercing pains on his hand. and he felt his grip loosen. He also saw a figure grab Sultan and pull him away. "WHAT THE F-" the man said as his fingers fell to the ground and exploded along with his arm, spewing his blood and smoke everywhere. Riley retracted her whip as Kamryn landed beside her with Sultan. The group smelled a strong scent of gunpowder. "You have no idea what you have done." The man said. The group looked confused. The man began twitching and glowing. "with an Injury this big I-I- I can't stop it." he said. His body began glowing.

The group braced themselves for another explosion, But to their surprise, the only thing they heard was a heavy thud on the floor followed by another light thump. the man had died due to decapitation. his head rolled over to the side Brenden was seen above him Looking at his friends Menacingly. "Gawddamn terrorist." He said.

To be continued...