
Chapter 9: Agnes The Mystery Witch

Cj took the Trio to the coven's cottage, where they regrouped with Cesar who seemed to be on the phone with someone.

"Shit what happened to Brenden," Ceaser asked pointing to An injured Brenden laying on hovering pieces of bricks. "Let's just say fighting an Asian is exactly as hard as it seems in movies," Leon replied. "Also what is this place," Leon asked. "It's our coven's cottage," Cj answered. "It's filled with all kinds of history and ancestry." He continued.

Riley and Leon looked around and we were mesmerized. "Wait where's Sultan and Kamryn," Riley asked. "They're in a different room with a witch having a make-out session and possibly creating a Miracle… if you know what I mean," Cesar replied. "WHAT?!??!" Leon and Riley screamed. "Which room? You have to tell me please I need to know." Leon begged. Cesar pointed to the room to his right and soon after the both of them dashed towards it faster than Usain Bolt on a 100 yards sprint.

Leon opens the door without hesitation and Noticed Kamryn and Sultan holding hands with Agnes. The wind around them twirled violently and Leon got thrown away. "Or maybe they were just trying to perform a locator spell with Agnes." Cesar finished.

"Are these the others you mentioned," Agnes asked. Kamryn nodded and looked at Sultan doing the same. "Who the living fuck are you," Leon asked getting up from the floor.

"I am Agnes Regent of the European witch covens. Can I help you?" She said. Leon was about to reply when he was interrupted. "What's all this talk you all been yapping about," Brenden said waking up from his pile of floating bricks. "Brenden you should lay back down, your injuries aren't fully healed yet," Riley said. "Nah I'm good. It's gonna take more than a few bruises and cuts to bring me down." He said limping towards Agnes.

"So you were saying something about being a witch," Brenden asked standing 2 feet in front of her. "As I said multiple times I am the regent of.." she stops. "I know, I know let's skip that part and get to the real question," Brenden said cutting her off. "What are your motives, I mean you kidnap my friends and give us shelter and unless you also follow the medical rules of Britain, I don't see why you offer us free medical care." He said.

"You have a big mouth for someone who just got out of medical treatment," Agnes replied. "Oh let me tell you something little witch you don't wanna test me." He replied. Getting closer. "You don't want to get on my bad side, I am nothing like the thugs and criminals you fight on the streets." She said. "Oh yeah? Try me." He taunted. He got even closer, eventually getting into her personal space. But the witch didn't back down. Brenden was 5'11 and she was 5'7 so she looked up to him.

"Boy…I have lived 7 of your lifetimes you don't want to do this." The witch said as her pupils had a little shimmer of blue to intimidate him. Neither backed down as the air got tense. "Enough!!." Kamryn screamed, "gee Brenden act like you got some damn sense in that thick white head of yours" she insulted. "How dare you insult me like that you don't even have the right to be in the same conversation as me I would not be shut up by the likes of you NI…." He stopped, and he fell to the floor. Behind him was Sultan who had hit him hard on the back of the head with a Witches globe.

"Well, that shut him up," Sultan commented.

"Well, then I have matters to attend to, and Cj if you may…could you take him to the medical ward." She asked. "Yes, Ma'am," Cj replied. Agnes wrote writings on the air in the form of an oval and managed to open a portal to an alleyway in London. "Well the rest of you are welcome to stay for as long as you like, just don't do anything rash. She said stepping into the portal and closing it.

[Alley way]

Agnes made her way into a European textile store. "Good morning miss how may I help you, "the clerk said. "Off with the fake accent it isn't the first time I've been here," Agnes replied walking to the storage room. The clerk pushes a red button located at the bottom of the table. The storage room opened and as the door closed it began to change.

The room casted before her was different and similar to that of a Mexican bar. The Regent walked in slowly and made her way towards a reserved spot in the bar where violence was their only language. She looked inside as it reeked of bud light and corona. The men wore cowboy hats and tight jeans with their half-buttoned short-sleeved shirts.

"Señorita Agnes, how are you doing this fine evening." The man at the very end said, his head was down and his face was covered by his cowboy hat. "I don't know, why don't you raise that scrawny head of yours and greet me properly?" she insulted "Ooo you have quite the nerve to come up to me and make demands in my territory." The man said with his hat still covering his face. "Your territory? please I know we aren't talking about territories after setting foot on mine." She said. The man finally raised his head and decided to stand.

"So you know." He said. Agnes gave him a mean look. He smirked. "I thought it would have taken you at least a month, but I'm surprised you managed to smell me out before the 2nd week." He commends turning his back on her and looking through a window. "Take your cowboys and your knackered men out of London effective immediately or else you will face the consequences." She threatened.

"Consequences?" He scoffs the men around him also laughed. "I'm sorry, did you? Are you forgetting whose land you're on right now?" He asked. Agnes grinned "young silly Pablito have you forgotten after all these years exactly why you and your men have been successful and gone undetected." Agnes replied. "I find it comedic, how after all these years you never learn. You still can't get it through that thick brain of yours now, can you?" She continued.

Pablo began feeling uneasy knowing she was right. "The reason you're successful right now isn't because of your gang or drug deals," Agnes said with a smile. "It's because I allow you to roam freely under the deal we made 4 years ago." She continued. "Perhaps you need to be reminded of why we made the deal in the first place." She finished.

All of a sudden a loud boom was heard as everyone made their way out of the bar. Escobar had shot Agnes in the chest and her body fell to the floor. He walked towards her with the gun in his hand. "See I warned you about this you but." He said squatting to view her corpse. His colleagues laughed and cheered. "Adios amiga…. Make sure you get rid of the body he said." He stood up and exited the building. Two men tried to pull her by the arms when her eyes opened.

She wrapped a chain around their necks and decapitated their heads clean off. The other men who stayed around decided to send shots at her. "Thales de Manuelo." She said as she conjured a force field that blocked the bullets. With an ominous grin, she wrapped the force field around the bullets and released them. The bullets destroyed everything in their path including the men's skin. The bullet that ended up in her chest began getting pushed by her skin and falling to the floor.

Pablo could hear the gunshots and glass breaking from outside the bar, but he decided to leave his men to the witch. Agnes slowly made her way out of the bar her body covered in blood and her clothes in rags. Upon exiting she saw nothing but desert for miles, and she also saw the view of Pablo leaving with his dirt bike.

She stretched her arm out, tilted her head to the side, and began chanting. The floor around The mafia bird began erupting and shaking. And the road ahead of Pablo began breaking apart. The mafia boss had never seen anything like this. He could only remember the first time they fought and how easily she took him and his gunner forces down.

"YOU ANNOYING WITCH!!!." he yelled though she couldn't hear him. Large chunks of the earth began breaking apart and forming into a heavy dense mass. Agnes began throwing them at Pablo who wouldn't give up." One of the men managed to wake up and give his boss an edge. He picked up his gun and shot Agnes's arm. She dropped the spell and the debris as well.

The bullet got pushed out of her arm, and the wound began healing. She walked towards the man and rose him up using magic. "Why would you do that even after he abandoned you." She asked. "Buta," he says spitting his blood at her and smiling. "I see how it is" she telekinetically twisted his arms and legs He screamed in anguish as she then proceeded to slice his head off.

Agnes looked into the distance to see Pablo had already gone too far for her reach. She opened a portal back to England and made her way to the Textile shop. "My, Agnes you look like you went to a fucking blood bath." The Clerk said. "Don't worry it's fake blood" she said making a portal back to her coven.

It To be continued…