
Chapter 5: London

[London 8:30pm]

The gang travels along the car filled streets, with bustling shops and beautiful side walks.

"This is London? Wow." Sultan said with awe. "London is a place of bustling streets and wonders with beauty that is unmatched by many countries with a long line of history. I see why a simple minded monkey like you who knows nothing, but Jungle food and dirty mossy, mosquito filled swamps would be amazed." Brenden said.

"After all unlike you all, I have been here a couple of times." He finished. Brenden walked away leaving Sultan enraged. "That racist ass bastard." Kamryn said. "Where you even going Brenden." Riley asked. "I'm going to find an hotel for three of us to stay in." Brenden responded. "Don't you mean six?" Leon asked. "No three for me Riley and Cesar, the rest of you can just find a horse stable Or something, your ancestors did it I don't see why you can't." Brenden said with a smug face Cesar tagged along with Brenden as they drifted into the crowded streets.

"One day imma beat the living hell out of that arrogant cracker." Sultan said "Never mind him we need to find a place" Kamryn suggested. "follow me I know a place." Riley replied. The 4 drifted through an ally way and faded with the darkness.

[Brenden and Cesar]

"Did you really have to be such a dick back there?" Cesar asked. "Them dirty negros needed to know their place, just cuz slavery was banned doesn't mean I don't have the ability to discriminate." Brenden said. The duo both stopped as they heard a loud scream they go towards the alleyway of some buildings to see a dark skinned girl surrounded by 5 fair skinned thugs.

"Brenden let's do something." Cesar said.

Brenden walked away from the scene as if he hadn't seen a thing. Where the hell do you think you're going." Cesar asked. "Home" Brenden said without a hint of concern. "There's a lady who needs help and you're just gonna walk away, there's no way the mighty Brenden who has never lost a battle is backing down now." Cesar said.

"Oh it's not the guys I could take them anytime I wanted, but it's the fact I see nothing wrong with what their doing." He said. "Nothing wrong wit-, wow you are one racist mother-" Cesar stopped. "So what you're saying is you refuse to help her because she's of a different skin tone." Cesar asked. "Precisely." Brenden replied. "Well shit if you're not saving her I guess I will." Cesar said as he sprung into the alley way. Brenden just stood by and watched. "Weak" brenden said, looking at cesar.

"Cmon baby girl let's have some fun." One of the thugs said

"Please stop." She pleaded.

"Hey let the lady go." Cesar demanded.

"Who the hell do you think you are." One of the thugs said. "I'm guessing you must be the leader. Let go of her and I'll let you all off easy." Cesar threatened. "What ever game you're playing kid it's stupid and you will regret it . Boys make sure this kid never see day light again. The 4 goons surrounded Cesar thinking he'd be an easy pick.

With a sway of his arms he conjured enough melted cheese to last a family for months and wrapped them in it. He then hardened it to trap them before laying them on the floor. He slowly walked to the boss who was terrified "What's wrong? You seem a little hornswoggled." Cesar taunted. "Please spare me I'll do anything." He begged. "You deserve death." Cesar said he winded his arm and punched him in his face making a small shockwave.

Cesar stood up and looked behind him to find the lady holding a knife in her hands and about to stab him. In that instant, Brenden smacked the knife out of her hand with his whip, he winded it back again and hit her in the face with it knocking her unconscious. "Told you you shouldn't have intervened." Brenden said.

"Why would she have done that I saved her." Cesar asked in confusion. "You didn't save her, hell she didn't even need saving. That was just a skit they were using, to attract men that will come to the rescue, then they jump the unlucky guy and take all his stuff, plus what dark skinned girl do you know is gonna back down from white boys." Brenden explained. "These new 1st years so naive." Brenden said putting his whip away while walking out of the alleyway.

[Kamryn, Sultan, Leon, Riley]

The 4 found their way into a cheap rundown hotel, where they decided to settle down and rest.

"This is the best you can do Riley?" Leon asked. The four were infront of an incomplete hotel just made out of cement and bricks with no doors, or windows. Even the roof was made out of straw. "Food's free and it cost a dollar per night, got any better options?" Riley asked. The group remained silent as the entered the hotel.

[inside the hotel]

The group entered their rooms as they covered the opening where the door would have been with a blanket "Can't believe those two just left us like that." Sultan says in frustration . "Well you know how Brenden can be, that racist mother effer needs to be taught a lesson really soon." Riley said. "He's way too humble." Leon said. "And he has too much hubris." Sultan continued.

"Well that can't be helped, now can it. We're on our own for this mission." Kamryn said.

Speaking of missions what even is our objective here, nothing looks too out of the ordinary." Sultan says. "It's because you're not looking at the right places. "And unlike all of you I know exactly what we're here for ." Kamryn boasted. "Ok tell well then us…" Sultan said.

The team huddled around a table where Kamryn had put down a technologically made blue print of London. Okay So we came to London due to suspicious activity, given the details of the mission, HQ has concluded that such activity is the result of a drug deal between these two gangs in this particular area." Kamryn said pointing towards an area nearby with similar buildings and houses like the hotel.

"It's not too far away from our location, we could go there tomorrow morning and kick some ass." Leon suggested. "Yeah but, we can't just rush into there like the FBI we have to be smart about it." Riley said. "I think I have one in mind. Sultan says.

[7 minutes of explaining]

"Not bad Sultan" Leon said "seems like a half decent plan" Riley judged. "it might work," Kamryn said.

"Well I'm glad y'all liked it cuz I'm tired, I'm going to bed, wake me up when y'all ready." Sultan said before falling on his bed and dozing off.

The others also went to their respective places and crashed on their beds.

Outside their open window was a crow which stared vigilantly at the four of them, before flaying away in the distance

To be continued….