
Chapter 10: Back On Track

[Witches Coven]

4 days after arriving in London.

"Y'all saw the way Agnes stormed in the room last night," Kamryn asked talking to the group. "Yeah… She looked pissed." Riley responded. "And she was covered in blood too," Sultan replied. "And the fact she was holding 5 heads too," Kamryn said. "That was deadass creepy," Sultan replied. "Who would've thought someone as old as her would be this frightening," Sultan said.

"Old?" Agnes said appearing behind him. Shivers went down through his spines as the witch walked past him. The three remained silent. "C'mon carry on I'm not even here," Agnes said. Kamryn liked the team then at Agnes. "Mrs," Kamryn said. "Drop the Mrs. I'm not that old," Agnes replied. "Well okay then Agnes, I need to understand something," Kamryn said to her. Agnes looked up at Kamryn for a second and asked her to proceed.

"Well let's just say Brenden was kind of right. I mean you're a complete mystery, we don't know your intentions. And to be frank with you, you did kidnap us. And offered us shelter and medication. And just yesterday you came back. Here drenched in a gory sight. So tell us already what is the deal with you!" Kamryn asked. "Is that it?" Agnes asked. The trio remained silent. "Well if that's it I will see my way out," Agnes said walking towards the door.

Kamryn smacked the door clocked with her whip and recoiled it. Agnes turned around to face her. As if calming a tsunami of anger she closed her eyes and shrugged. "Fine, I'll tell you everything," Agnes said. "Sit," she said while gesturing. The three looked back to find 3 chairs appear behind them. They looked at each other before taking a seat. Agnes also sat down.

"Okay, Well let's get straight down to the point." The room around them changed, as they were now in Mexico. "What the hell," Kamryn said. "What is this place," Riley asked.

It's New Mexico, it's a memory from 5 years ago. "Okay okay okay," Kamryn said with frustration. "we are not about to do this right now." She continued. "All I asked for was an explanation, not a god Damn movie." She said with irritation.

Agnes broke the spell and they were back in the coven. "Fine, I would rather have shown you but since you want to have it your way, your wish is my command." Agnes mocked.

"Why are you being kind to us," Kamryn asked once more. "I told you already, our goals line up with one another, I believe we can-" Agnes is stopped. "THAT'S NOT THE FULL REASON." Kamryn hollered.

"Calm down," Kamryn sultan said holding her back. "Well, it seems no matter what I say you won't be satisfied. Agnes said to her. "Sorry, she gets like this when shit doesn't go her way." Riley apologized. "I can see," Agnes replied with disgust and walked towards the door.

"What are you so secretive about Agnes? Aren't we supposed to be a team? Because you don't seem to trust us with things such as your "hobbies" or is a such hobby the reason you came back drenched in blood last night?" Kamryn asked with provocation. Agnes took a small pause. She looked back at Kamryn. "correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you the ones with the mission? Because last I checked, I've done more progress on this mission than the people who were sent here themselves." She said.

"What are you talking about," Kamryn asked. "Well let's start with the fact that my "hobbies" were the reason I came back yesterday drenched with blood," Agnes said. The trio's eyes lit up as they were expecting her to do something sinister. "However, the blood I came back with was that of the people you were supposed to have been handling this whole time. So yes Kamryn I have been busy and I have been mischievous, yet I feel like I brought more to this team than all of you combined. So either you get on your fucking legs and do your jobs… or sit your asses down and stop complaining." Agnes said, putting Kamryn in her place.

Agnes vanished leaving a frozen in shock Kamryn "Damn she sure told you." Sultan said to Kamryn. She punched him hard enough to break through the wall as she walked to another room. "She's right we've been so distracted with witch business we forgot the reason we got here anyways." She said to Riley. "True, but now we're back on track, we just gotta get the gang back on track as well."

They went to the medical room where Brenden was getting treatment. Upon opening the door they were surprised to see the witches healing Brenden unconscious on the floor. "The hell happened here? Kamryn asked. She woke one of the witches and grabbed him by the shirt she asked. "Where the hell did the unseasoned Nigga go?" "I-I don't know, we thought he was unconscious but then he woke up and attacked us, and left the room." The man said.

Kamryn dropped the man on the floor and walked back outside. "KAMRYN OVER HERE," Riley said. Opening the door to the cottage Brenden was outside, red eyes Tomato red skin, and wounds healed. "Brenden are you good? Because you looks bad like really bad." Kamryn said. He looked toward Kamryn and growled. And in a disturbing and unsettling voice, he spoke.

"Where is that Yellow bastard? He needs to pay." Kamryn and Riley were shaken. "What the hell you need Jesus," she said concerned.

Brenden cleared his throat and began fixing his bones. And his body changed back into his normal white. "Sorry about that I want to think." He said walking forwards and to the city.

"How are you going to kill him?" Riley asked. "I mean let's not forget he almost killed you last time." She continued. "Don't worry last time I wasn't thinking as well, plus he's Asian I'm white… you see where I'm going with this." Brenden replied walking and not turning his head once.

"Brenden we need to regroup and come back, it's not safe to make rational decisions such as this, you're sure to get yourself killed if you continue this way." Kamryn tried talking him out of it. "Don't worry I got this." He boasts.

"Even if you did how are you going to find him," Kamryn asked. "I will somehow don't worry about it." He said. He finally got to a distance where they were no longer able to communicate.

"Let's go back inside no use speaking to him now," Kamryn said they both turn back and see Leon panting heavily. At the cottage. "KAMRYN *breathes* RILEY. You won't believe what I just got." 4 tickets to go see London's first ever get to know the royals in-person meet. The two of them looked at Leon with shock and excitement. "How did you even manage to do that?" Kamryn asked. "Oh well, I stole it from the queen's palace. "WHAT" they both screamed. "I don't even know how you did it but you know what it doesn't even matter," Kamryn said.

To be continued…