
When Mom Eats Pussy


It started on a rainy day. My last college course of the afternoon was canceled which allowed me to go home early. And to my surprise, when I arrived home, I saw my mother's car parked in the driveway. It was unusual because she was such a busy woman and often worked late.

The house was quiet when I entered through the front door, with the exception of the heavy raindrops falling outside. Mom was nowhere in sight. I figured she must have been in her room upstairs since there were no signs of her except for her shoes, which were neatly placed by the door.

But as I made my way up the stairs, I heard something; a faint noise. It was coming from my mother's room and her door was wide open. She obviously hadn't expected me to be home. I heard it again. Could that noise have been what I suspected it to be? Was she moaning? I was curious what she was up to and if my suspicions were correct. The wind and rain outside were more than enough to cover the sounds of my slow footsteps.

My mother is the prototypical church-mom. Very conservative. Very proper. Devout in every way imaginable. Proudly displays the cross around her neck at all times. She's obsessed with her standing in the community and being involved with all of the religious activities. You get the idea.

I peeked inside her room from the doorway to see my beautiful mom in the most vulnerable position I had ever seen of her. She was laying on her bed, face up, legs spread.

She was completely bare from the waist down. Her pants, pantyhose, and undergarments were scattered on the floor, but her buttoned-up top remained intact. Her hair and makeup were still neat, showing that she just arrived home not too long ago.

But it wasn't just her partial nudity which grabbed my undivided attention, but what she was doing to herself. Her milky white legs were spread wide open and two of her fingers were furiously going in and out of her hairy vagina. She was soaking wet down there, with her fluids brightly glistening along her brown labia and thick pubic hairs.

I was mesmerized by the sight of my once-thought-to-be sexless mother, masturbating herself with such intensity. I couldn't believe how aroused I was becoming just by watching her. I loved the sight of her clenching her eyes shut, which brought out the slight wrinkles on her face, as her mouth was open with her moans escaping. Her chest was moving up and down from her rapid heartbeats. Her legs were slowly moving and her feet were curled up and clenched tight. And of course her fingers; her fingers were still busy at work, taking turns rubbing her clit and fingering her dripping wet vagina.

Mom's pussy was a sight to behold. Despite how she presented herself in public, her pussy was drenched like a porn star's. I wondered what she was thinking about, or if she was usually this wet when she masturbated.

Her feet and toes started moving around even more, and her heart rate climbed even higher- she was reaching an orgasm. Her eyes opened in a flash, and that's when she caught me, lifting her head up to see her son watching her.

"Oh my god!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, with her eyes wide open.

Out of panic, I rushed to my room as she covered herself with a blanket to spare herself any further humiliation.

But that wasn't the end of it, no matter how horrible both of us felt at that moment. She sloppily put her pants back on, still barefoot, and followed me to my room.

"Why aren't you in class?" she asked, fuming and fumbling for the right words to hurl at me. "You... you weren't supposed to see that!"

"It was an accident," I replied, trying to calm things down.

She crossed her arms. "And that makes it okay for you to spy on me?"

"I wasn't spying on you... I was headed to my room..."

"I know you were watching me," she hissed. "God, I can't believe this is happening. I don't know what came over me. I... I don't usually do that..."

The mood in the room suddenly became somber as my mother was now on the verge of tears. Her roots and upbringing had made her feel shame. Even at her age, she still preferred the old customs.

I tried my best to calm her down, telling her, "It's okay, mom. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's normal."

"No, it's not okay. You weren't supposed to see me like that. Just my luck, right? The one day I get to come home early, and this happens."

"It's normal," I repeated, with nothing else to offer.

She took a deep breath, "Please, forget about this. I don't want to talk about this ever again. And I don't want you to think any less of me. Understood?"

"I understand."

Our generational differences were perfectly highlighted. For a woman like her, masturbation was a grave sin. Something never to be done. And sex was something only to be had during marriage.

At the same time, my mother had just been on the urge of a massive, earth shattering orgasm from her own hand.


A professor of mine, Ms. Halper, was a trained psychologist who's an expert in sexuality and repression. She's a genius, but admittedly, it was always hard for me to concentrate in class because of how sexy she is.

During office hours to discuss my research paper, my professor finally asked why I had suddenly become so curious about the topic of repression. We had an informal teacher/student relationship because I've known her for many years, mainly from church, and our community is tightly knit.

She knew my mom well. They worked together on several church fundraisers and community events.

When I finally budged and told her everything - and I mean everything - she pried ever last detail out of me.

"Your own mother?" Ms. Halper chuckled.

I tensed. "My mother isn't that rigid."

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. Frankly, I'm not totally surprised either."

"You're not?"

Ms. Halper shook her head. "Public personas are often different from sexual desires or drive. She was raised in a certain way. I respect that."

"Yeah, that's true. You swear you'll never tell her, right? She'd kill me if she found out."

"Your secret is safe. Unless..."

My professor's voice trailed off and I saw a deviant little expression in her eyes. She was so beautiful that it was hard for me to read her intentions.

"Unless what?" I asked.

"Well, I'm working on a book about this sort of thing. Your mother would be a perfect case study, don't you think?"

I laughed. "She'd never go for it."

"Why not? Your mother has quite the sex drive, if your description of her vaginal activity is any indication."

"I've never heard my mother talk about sex before."

"Maybe I can get it out of her," my professor said confidently.

"You sound sure of yourself."

"I know women a lot better than you do." Ms. Halper gave a sly expression. "It's hard for me to explain, but let's just say that there's more to your mother. Trust me, I see her at church every week."

"I don't get it. What are you hinting at?"

"Call it a working theory ," she replied. "Nothing concrete, but I don't want to talk about it unless I'm certain, and, well, I think she'd be an amazing case study for my book."

"Whatever your theory is, she'll refuse and deny it."

"She doesn't have to know, at least not yet. I'll work my magic on her. Then I'll ask her if I can use the results for my book. Anonymously, of course."

"You're really confident in your abilities," I said.

"I know. And I'm also confident that your mother is what I suspect she is. Trust me, I know women really well. I can sense these things."

There was a sultry look on Ms. Halper's face. I was still confused by all this, though it did sound exciting.

"Whatever you do, leave my name out of it," I joked.

"For now, it'll be our private thing."

"Can you at least give me a hint?"

"Hypno-therapy," she replied, almost proudly. "I've been working firsthand with the people who've created this new treatment. I think your mother would be the ideal candidate for my first attempt at it. It could be a drastic change for your mother, but only with your permission first, of course."

I laughed, thinking it was doomed from the start. "Yeah, sure, why not?"

"Are you sure? Absolutely positive? I'd like to open her up sexually. Are you okay with that?"

The thought of my beautiful mother changing was an interesting thought. It seemed most unlikely, but the idea was interesting. At the very least, I'm sure mom would be happier, that is, if she was even interested at all.

"How sexual?" I asked.

"Depends on what's inside of your mother. One of my specialties is pushing a woman to her limit, in a good way. No, she won't go out and became a stripper or something. I would never do that to anyone. But I want to make her in touch with her inner-self. Would you be okay living with your mother if she was like that?"

Once again, I laughed it off. "Do whatever you want, but she might be really offended if you started asking her about these things."

"I have my ways," Ms. Halper said with a sly expression.

There was a vague tone in her voice. Ms. Halper knew what she was doing. She had the skills.

I tried wrapping my mind around all this, assuming it could actually happen. How would life change if my beautiful mother agreed to all this? I wondered.


Three months had passed. I never asked my professor about it again. I assumed nothing had happened. After all, it all seemed so crazy.

I knew my mother better than anyone else (or so I thought) and I knew that there was no way that anyone could ever get her to discuss sex, not even her closest friends. That just wasn't her style. It wasn't who she was. Mom's reputation and moral beliefs were everything to her.

But one day I came home early and saw my mother's car in the driveway again. It was the same scenario as before, when I had caught her masturbating. The house was quiet and there was no sign of mom in the living room. I made my way up the stairs, praying that mom wasn't masturbating again. The odds of the same thing happening again were slim, but you never know. The last thing anybody needed was another big blowup from an awkward encounter.

Almost out of nowhere, my mother stepped out of her bedroom, having just had a shower. She looked bright and happy. In fact, it seemed like she had a smile glued to her face. She also looked uncharacteristically casual for a woman with her level of class; wearing only a robe, standing barefoot, and her hair was a mess and she didn't have any makeup on as she usually does.

"You're home early," she said with a perky attitude.

"The teacher was sick. You seem like you're in a really upbeat mood today."

"I am, actually."

"Any good news?" I asked.

"Sure, your plan worked."

"My plan?"

Mom smiled, "The plan you've been working on."

Immediately, I started wondering what the heck was going on. What was the plan? And why was mom so thrilled with whatever it was?

"Care to fill me in?" I asked, tired of being the only one who was out of the loop.

She crossed her arms like she normally did and leaned against the wall, with the pleasant expression still on her face. Whatever the news was, it must have been great.

"It seems I've made a new friend these past few weeks. Someone you're obviously very familiar with. Care to take a guess?"

Mom raised an eyebrow in a taunting way.

I gulped. "Professor Halper?"

"Yes, that's right. She asked me to lunch a few times to discuss church activities, and each time we met, she slipped in a little something about her book. Pieces at a time. Before long, I found out about her little experiment."

"Are you mad?" I asked, unsure of what else to say.

"Mad? Not at all. I agreed to be part of it. She wanted to hypnotize me. Nothing serious. Just little things. I won't go into all the details, but she admitted that you were involved, and that you told her about what you saw. You know, with me in bed."

I gulped loudly. "Then what?"

"Let's just say I'm a new woman now," she said with a light-hearted grin. "I'm obviously disappointed that you told your professor what you saw, and that you conducted a little scheme. But frankly, she's a wizard in psychology. Her hypnosis has really changed my outlook on life."

"It has?"

"Yes, can you believe it?"

This felt like something out of the Twilight Zone. My mother seemed to be content with whatever they did. In fact, she was more than content. She seemed like a new person now, just like she said.

Maybe it was true about Ms. Halper's reputation; she's the best at what she does and she has a bunch of accolades in psychology for a reason.

I hesitantly asked, "So... are you still going to see her? What's going on now?"

"That part is none of your business, young man," she said, holding back a mischievous grin. "The nature of our relationship is private. She helps me now, and I'm a test case for her book."

So the plan worked after all. Something strange was definitely going on.


I emailed Ms. Halper that night, asking what the hell was going on, but phrased politely of course. Mom refused to tell me anything, saying it was all too personal, and each time she'd sport the brightest grin on her face.

The first response from my professor was cordial, but she cited doctor/patient privilege as a reason why this was a secret. It seemed like my professor was making a small joke.

I emailed back, respectfully stating that there was no privilege, that it was unfair to keep this from me.

Finally, Ms. Halper responded with what I've been looking for:

You're right. You deserve answers.

I had invited your mother to lunch a few times. She declined at first, citing her schedule. Then she had time and took my bait.

We talked about church duties, teachings, doctrines, and events for the community. That hooked her in for future meetings.

Ever wonder why your mother doesn't date much? My suspicion was confirmed. Your mother enjoys the company of women. Yes, you read that correctly. It's her preference, as I had suspected all along.

We talked and emailed a lot, and slowly I was able to penetrate the inner-workings of her mind. That's when I told her everything. I told her about our conversation, that you caught her masturbating. I told her about my analysis. I correctly assessed many things about her and she was impressed.

When I told her that I was certain she found me attractive, she was at a complete loss for words. It was like I cracked a hidden code.

From there I explained a new hypno-therapy treatment. I explained my book and so forth.

Long story short, your mother is in very good hands. If you notice any improvements, that's my doing. If anything goes wrong, let me know. You'll be seeing some big changes out of your mother. It's all for the best.

Fair bit of warning: Much of my work with your mother is sexual in nature. Yes, you read that correctly. Whatever impressions you have in your mind, it's likely true. Again, it's for the best.

I hope you're okay with this.

x Your Professor

p.s. Friendly reminder, the term paper is due next week.

After reading the email, I sat there stunned. It all made sense. Between mom's cavalier attitude and her newfound persona, this was all the work of my psychology professor.

What they were secretly doing was obvious.

Just thinking about it made me aroused.


The next morning. Mom left home early and texted me that she'd be coming home late.

Sure enough, she didn't come home until around 6 pm that night, carrying a take-out dinner in one hand, and a shopping bag in the other.

A lot was different about her. Her hair looked unkempt and much of her lipstick looked washed off. Her clothes looked slightly disheveled as well, with her blouse untucked and her top button undone. But most of all, she had that same sparkle in her eyes which I remember so vividly.

This was most unusual because my mother always did her best to have an immaculate appearance.

"Did you see Ms. Halper today?" I asked cautiously, wondering how mom would react.

"I did. She told me that you emailed her last night. I'm sorry, I should have been upfront with you. You should have heard it from me directly."

Mom didn't seem embarrassed at all. Was Ms. Halper exaggerating, or did I misjudge what was going on?

"Oh, well, what did both of you do together?" I asked.

She had a sly look on her face and held up two fingers. "That many times."

A smile lingered on her face as she waved and curled her two fingers.

"What does that mean?" I asked. "Two? Two what?"

"Take a guess. She explained everything to you in the email."

"Hmmm... it's better if you just tell me. I don't want to guess wrong."

Mom spoke mischievously in a low whisper. "Your professor gave me two massive orgasms."

I was shocked beyond words. Mom was a changed woman with this hypno-therapy. Not only was mom open about having sexual activities with my teacher, but she was actually admitting this to me! I felt my cock stirring inside my shorts.

"Sounds like an interesting therapy session," I gulped deeply.

"It was. Just how much did Professor Halper tell you about our sessions?"

"Not much. Just that you two were doing stuff. A lot of stuff, apparently."

Mom pursed her lips, then smiled. "Professor Halper invited two of her female interns to assist with everything. So it was sort of like a group thing. The rest is history."

The naughty smile lingered on mom's face. A group thing? Amongst women? No wonder she was in such a good mood. And did mom really prefer women?

"Okay, now I know you're just joking. Very funny, mom."

She put the food on the counter and the shopping bag on the floor and began unbuttoning her pants. She then put her hand inside her panties and inserted her fingers inside herself. When she took her hand out, two of her fingers were drenched in fluids.

"Now do you believe me?" she asked with a grin, showing me her wet fingers.

It was official. My mother was a changed woman. And we were now open to discussing her sexual activities. I wondered if I should ask about it slowly or just dive right in. But given mom's ease showing me her wet fingers, I figured it was okay to be direct.

"So, umm, you obviously enjoyed it," I said very carefully, hoping she wouldn't slap me.

"It made me feel like a woman," she replied with a deviant smile. "All those years of denying myself left me pent up inside. It was a big release today. I'll be seeing her more often to complete the work."

"There's more work to be done?"

She reached inside the shopping bag and pulled out an array of sexy undergarments, holding them up for display.

"These are for the next session," mom said in a matter-of-fact way. "I'll visit her office with this underneath my clothes. The interns will be there too."

My mind was swirling with all sorts of ridiculously taboo and wildly inappropriate thoughts of my own mother.

"I shouldn't be telling you this..." I started off, before pausing. "But this has really gotten me... ummm... nevermind."

Mom laughed. "Yes, I kind of expected that. Ms. Halper even theorized this about you."


Now it seemed as though Ms. Halper was pitting me against my mother, in some strange sexual way.

"She suspects that you have some sort of incest fantasy," mom said casually. "For me of all people! Can you believe it?"

I gasped, shocked as hell. "What?! No way."

"Look, it's okay if you do. I've seen the way you looked at me when I was, you know, in my bed doing that wonderful thing to myself. It's okay if you have desires about me."

"Now what?" I asked, refusing to deny that I had the hots for my mother.

"Ms. Halper suggested a rather unorthodox way to continue my treatment. Something that will benefit all of us."

"I'm open to hearing it."

Mom took a deep breath. "It's something that would completely ruin my life if our family or the church community ever found out."

"You're overreacting, mom," I told her, trying to calm her down so I could discover more. "No one is ever going to find out about this because none of us will ever tell. I can keep a big secret."

"You're right. You're a young man now, so I'm sure you can handle this. Ms. Halper proposed a group project. That you watch me with the interns. Can you believe how crazy that sounds?"

I nearly collapsed. "What did you say to that?"

"I told her I'll think about it. Anyway, I'll change my clothes and we'll have dinner after. I'm starving."

Mom took her new lingerie up the stairs towards her bedroom, completely casual in the fact that she was entertaining such a lewd idea of doing this stuff in front of me.

Gradually, my heartbeat rose.


My mother wore sexy lingerie her underneath her silk robe. We were both fairly nervous because of how taboo and unusual this was. But at the same time, we were both incredibly excited at how erotic this would be. She got to add exhibitionism to her ever-growing list of sexual experiences, and I got to watch the whole thing.

They came right on time. It was my first time meeting the two female interns who came with Ms. Halper. The interns looked booksmart and academic. One was Asian and the other was Hispanic. At a glance, they looked like three highly professional women. They looked every bit as sophisticated as the work they did. But no one would suspect that a big part of their work revolved around sex.

Everyone was at ease, but I felt totally awkward as we made our way towards mom's bedroom. But once there, the mood quickly changed as my mother dropped her robe to reveal her mostly naked curvaceous figure, which she had hidden away all of her life. All eyes immediately became glued to her body and she proudly modeled her body for us.

She wore the lingerie that was bought for her. It consisted of a black corset that covered her waist, but allowed her large and mildly sagging tits to hang free, with her thick brown nipples on full display. Her crotch was also fully exposed, which to my surprise, was now cleanly shaven. She also wore long black stockings, which drew ample attention to her sexy legs.

The two female interns followed mom's lead and got naked as well. Much like their professional work, the interns got undressed in the most orderly fashion imaginable, folding their clothing nicely before placing them on a chair. Their bodies were firm and tight, and mom's eyes clearly lusted after each of them.

Meanwhile, I did what I was expected to do, which was to sit on the sideline and watch the whole thing without interfering.

"Let's begin," Ms. Halper said to my mother, watching everything with a critical and scientific gaze. "Please, get on your knees and provide service. The kind you so desperately desire. I want to see if you can do these things in front of your son. If you can, then this has exceeded all of my expectations."

"Yes, that sounds like an interesting proposal," my practically naked mother replied in a formal tone.

And without any further ado, my prim and proper mother got down on her knees to eat the pussies of the interns standing before her. They were each looking down on my mom and she was looking up towards them, taking turns putting each of their labia inside of her mouth to suck on, going back and forth. Back and forth. Mom made sure to give their pussies equal attention.

She held onto their legs while she took turns on them. She sucked hard, pulling each of their pussy lips down, making them gasp. Her cheeks looked caved in from the hard sucking. It wasn't long before the room was filled with the sounds of them moaning and my mother slurping.

I could hardly believe that this was still my mother who was sucking off these two women. It was like she had transformed and shed all of her previous inhibitions when the right opportunity had come along for her. And clearly it did, as lust filled her eyes and her thick brown nipples hardened from her sexual arousal.

One of the interns, the Asian one, had stopped my mother and told her to get on the bed. The interns wanted to begin fucking my mother, while the Hispanic intern opened a container to bring out their strap-ons. They strapped themselves with their sex objects with gleeful smiles on their faces. They were ready for this.

My mother then unzipped her corset and pulled off her stockings to become fully naked and she laid on her bed.

For the next 30 minutes, I watched as these two booksmart women completely had their way with my mother. The once prudish and sexually repressed side of my mom was gone as they took turns fucking her pussy and sucking her nipples, and using her mouth for more oral pleasure. Her dignity and uppity nature were stripped from her as she begged to be fucked harder. The interns went even harder with their strap-ons. Mom screamed and cried.

"Harder, harder!" mom hollered out occasionally. "Please suck my tits. God!! Please sit on my face... let me eat your pussies again!"

There was no shame in mom's voice as she vocalized what she so desperately desired. She loved every second she was being denigrated, and so did I. It was clear that the days of her having a hot temper and being so uptight were gone. She was a new person. But above all, I got to watch her be ravished entirely in her own bed.

She had been fucked to the point where she had screamed at the top of her lungs and soaked the sheets with her orgasm. Her feet and toes had been curled up like the time I saw her masturbating, and her legs and back went completely stiff. The sweat glistening off her body showed just how intense this experience was for her.

My mother ended up being limp and spread, laying naked on a wet puddle of her own creation after being fucked like that. It seemed like the end of the show. What else could be done?

The Asian intern removed her wet strap-on, and so did the other intern. They kneeled on each side of my mother's face, and mom responded to their presence so close to her.

"Wake up," Ms. Halper said to my mother. "This is the best part. Now open wide for this delicious drink."

As the threesome came to a close, the interns rubbed their clits in front of both sides of my mother's face. After rubbing themselves for a few moments, it was their turn to squirt, and they aimed it towards mom's open mouth the best they could.

They showed their gratitude and appreciation for this night by filling mom's mouth with their squirt, which mom gratefully swallowed. Their squirt seemed to flow in unison, shooting almost the same amount and spraying mom's tongue to form a small pool of orgasm in her mouth. Every time she would stop to gulp it down, she immediately opened her lips to drink some more. Her face was an absolute mess by the end of it. The interns groaned their pleasure as their pussies were drained.

Ms. Halper slowly clapped. "Bravo. It seems this treatment is far more successful than I ever could have imagined."

When it was over, the two women got dressed and thanked us for the wild night. I escorted them to the door as my mother continued laying there, still naked, with squirt glazed all over her beautiful face and body.

"What did you think?" Ms. Halper asked at the doorway.

"I'm totally shocked. I can't believe that she's the same person."

Ms. Halper laughed. "I only brought out the best of her. And the very best is yet to come."

"Hotter than what just happened?" I questioned.

"Yes, I think so. I'll give you this advice: A young man like yourself will probably jerk off before you go to sleep tonight. Don't do it. Save your cum for tomorrow."

"What happens tomorrow?"

Ms. Halper seemed proud. "Tomorrow, your mother will let you fuck her pussy. It was a request of mine to see how depraved she can be. She's intrigued by the idea. No, she wasn't hypnotized. The concept of a mom/son fucking really got her blood boiling. Now get some rest. You'll need your energy for tomorrow."

The interns blew kisses at me when they left. Was I really going to fuck my own mother tomorrow?

I rushed up the stairs to see if mom was okay. There she laid, still naked on her bed as she rolled over to the side and gathered her strength to get up. She had the look of pure sexual bliss on her face as she was truly enjoying her moment. She used her fingers to wipe around her mouth, collecting the wetness of all the squirt, and she licked her fingers clean.

Was this really my own mother?


It was 7 am. As I walked down the hall in the early morning, I noticed that my mother's door was wide open as she prepared for work.

I looked inside to see my mother completely nude as she sat in front of her mirror, applying her makeup. Her body looked clean and refreshed from the shower she just had. Her hair was exceptionally done. And she paid no attention to me as she was putting the finishing touches on her lipstick.

"You look spectacular, mom."

"Thank you," she said, still focusing on her lipstick. "There's someone at work who I've had my eye on for a while; I want to eat her pussy later today and I want my lips to be as enticing as possible."

She looked at me in the mirror's reflection and she winked. This was a totally new side to her. After she was satisfied with her makeup, she took a moment to admire her appearance. Her hands tossed her hair back, then she reached down to cup each of her breasts, tweaking her nipples.

"What have I created?" I jokingly asked.

"You've created a real woman. Isn't this what you wanted? Didn't you want me to be this way when agreed to let your professor seduce me? You've created a slut of a mother. That's what you've created."

Her words were playful and the lewdness rolled right off her tongue. This was a new version of my mother and I could hardly believe it.

"I never knew this would happen, but I'm glad it did. I've never seen you this happy before. Last night was... I still don't even know what to say about it."

She turned and looked at me. "You have no idea. I feel liberated. I feel adventurous now. You know, I could really use a good warm-up this morning. Pull your shorts down and get over here, before I change my mind."

Mom gracefully stood up in slow motion. Then she bent over the dresser, pressing the palms of her hands down. She spread her bare feet too, so that her legs were apart and her curvaceous butt was mildly gaping.

"What are you doing?" I gasped, shocked that mom was actually preparing herself.

She wiggled her ass. "Something I should have done a long time ago. Are you interested, or not?"

I was completely shocked by her offer, even though Ms. Halper gave me a notice about mom's interest in fucking her own son. But at the same time, I didn't want to let a perfect opportunity go to waste, so I immediately pulled off all my clothes and walked towards her. She looked me over as I came near her.

She bent over further so that her face was just inches away from the mirror. From there, I bent over to take a quick peek. For the first time, I was able to get an intimate look at her vagina and anus. Both of her holes looked unusually tight for a woman her age. Her anus was light brown and was puckered tightly despite being bent over. Her labia was average sized, and was a darker shade of brown than her anus. I could see a small opening in which the pink insides of her pussy were glistening from her arousal.

"I want to see myself being ravished in front of the mirror," she said, wiggling her hips. "You can stare later. For now, I'm a busy woman and I have to go to work after. So make it quick."

"Whatever you say, mom."

She smiled. "I love it when you call me 'mom.' That word has taken an entirely new meaning. Now go ahead and fuck your mother. But lick me first. You deserve it."

I obliged, getting straight to work by leaning forward and quickly lapping my tongue up and down her labia like a paint brush. I gave a slight push and made my way into her insides. She tasted good and was getting wetter by the second.

And finally, I gave her anus a nice quick lick as well, which caused her muscles to tense up and her to gasp. I was positive that she had never had a rimjob before, and I was glad to be her first. She gave a soft moan in return and her butt cheeks clenched.

I stood straight up and positioned my cock against her opening. Knowing how tight she was, she used both hands to spread herself for me so that I would have an easier time making my way in. I pressed the head of my erection against her pink flesh and pushed. Her wetness made the entire process easier. She squirmed with every inch that my cock entered. She felt tight. She felt warm inside. And I could feel her becoming wetter by the second as she grabbed tightly onto the table as we began to have incestuous sex with each other.

What made this experience all the more erotic was seeing her reflection in the mirror. We looked each other in the eyes while we fucked. I even got a wonderful view of her sagging breasts hanging downward from her bent-over position, with her hard brown nipples waving back and forth with every thrust. Her mouth was slightly open and small gasps and moans escaped her lips.

"You like seeing my tits hang down," she grinned. "Don't you?"

"Fuck yes," I moaned.

Mom sucked in a deep breath, and she used one hand to cup one of her big hanging tits. She squeezed herself tight and she rubbed her nipple, pinching it hard. Between that, me watching her, and fucking her pussy, she came. Her face slightly contorted before turning to bliss, and she made short panting noises. It was a nice quick orgasm to start her day and the smile on her face showed her delight.

The feeling soon became more than I could bear. She kept telling me to cum. That I deserved it. I began fucking her even harder and shot load after load of my cum inside the womb where I was conceived. She giggled as she felt my cum inside of her pussy.

When we were done, she took a brief rest before using a tissue to press against her pussy, while I pulled myself out. She gave herself a single wipe before tossing the tissue in the trash.

Then she looked at me with the most loving expression.

"I wish I could give you a big wet kiss right now," she said while breathing heavy. "But I don't want to re-apply my makeup this morning."

"There's always tonight."

I wondered if she'd slap me for asking such a nasty thing. The old version of my mom would have. This was the new version though. Naked and freshly fucked by her son.

She smiled, "Of course we can. Tonight. And tomorrow morning. I owe you."

After giving me a wink, she checked the time and her apparent lateness sent her into a frenzy to get ready for work. She let me watch her get dressed while telling me what a busy day she was going to have.

While she spoke, she quickly slipped on her bra and buttoned up her blouse. A thin jacket came next. She wore her stockings by putting one foot on the bed at a time, giving me a nice view of her spread pussy again (which I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not). She covered her bottom with a knee-length skirt.

For the final touch, she wore the cross around her neck which hung on a gold chain.

"Not bad for a Catholic mother," she said, smoothing over her skirt. "God, I feel so refreshed. Thanks for the orgasm, dear. You have a lovely cock."

She grabbed her purse and playfully patted my head before going to work. When she left, I realized that she didn't bother to wear any panties.

The End