
Watching Ch. 02

Ian Shergold©

Ritu Chowdry took a sip of her punch. It was a week before Christmas and the merchant bank that she worked for was throwing its annual Christmas bash. Wanting some fresh air, she had joined Margaret, one of her colleagues who had gone out for a quick smoke.

"How long before the party will finish?" Margaret asked which really translated into: "When can we go home?"

"No idea." Ritu sighed. "Maybe another hour or so."

Truth to be told, Ritu hadn't had a bad time and spent most of it watching one of the account managers trying to chat up a girl half his age. It was rather embarrassing really. Saying that, she was looking forward to getting home.

"You okay?" Margaret asked making Ritu realise that she had allowed her mind to wander.

"Yeah. Just a little tired. That's all."

"So I take it you aren't going with the others to a club afterwards?"

Ritu thought about it. On previous years she would have gone and thoroughly enjoyed it. But both her husband and son were coming home tomorrow and she wanted to be up early so that she could get the house tidy.

"No. I think I'll have an early night this year."

"Have you seen Tom 'Letch' tonight?" On hearing the account manager's name, Ritu looked over and saw a smile on her colleague's face. "Have you seen who he has been trying to chat up? That new girl, Alison."

Ritu nodded. "The guy is in his late fifties and he thinks he has a chance with a twenty year old. He's old enough to be her grandfather. Gods, have you seen his gut?"

Ritu's comment made both women laugh.

"Maybe you should have a word with her." Margaret offered after the laughter had died down.

"Oh she will be okay." Said Ritu. "She may be young but she knows how to deal with him. Besides Tom doesn't know that her boyfriend is coming over later and he's a bodybuilder."

They laughed again at the thought of the two of them meeting.

"Now what do you think of Peter?" Margaret whispered with a wink.

"Sir John Michaelson's son? He's only twenty for Gods sake! He's just a couple of years older than my own son." Ritu said but still she felt her cheeks glowing as she had checked him out a number of times over the months.

"How is Vinod anyway?" Margaret asked, referring to Ritu's son.

"Oh, he'll be back from University tomorrow. Will be nice since I haven't seen him since the summer." She was looking forward to having a full house again. It had been too long.

"Anyway." Ritu said finally. "Better go back in. You coming?"

"In a little while." Was Margaret's reply.


Before rejoining the party in the Main Conference Room, Ritu decided to pop into the Accounts office first to check a few things. The items in question were kept in a large cupboard tucked away at the rear of the office.

She had just opened the cupboard door when movement caught her eye. It was Mrs Michaelson, Sir John's wife, popping into her husband's office.

She could not help but think how beautiful the woman was. Mrs Michaelson reminded her of Wilnelia Merced, Bruce Forsyth's wife.

She then saw Peter, Mrs Michaelson's son come walking in after her. Entering his father's office, he strode up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist - visibly startling his mother.

"What the...?" Peter's behaviour seemed strange to Ritu. It wasn't the fact that he was cuddling his mother but it was the way he had done it. It seemed 'wrong' somehow.

Since Ritu was at the far end of the main Accounts room hidden by both darkness and the big cupboard, she had no fear of being discovered. She, on the other hand, could see clearly into Sir John's office thanks to the large window in the dividing wall.

"For Goodness sake, Peter. You scared me." Mrs Michaelson said, her words carrying clearly through the open door.

"Sorry." Peter said but he continued to hold his mother which Ritu saw made Mrs Michaelson nervous.

"No. Don't do that!" Mrs Michaelson said, pulling away.

"Why? Can't a guy hug his own mother?"

"Stop it!" Mrs Michaelson snapped. "That was no innocent hug you gave me just then."

From her vantage point, Ritu was growing more and more intrigued. What was going on? She wondered.

"You agreed that you wouldn't be like that anymore." Mrs Michaelson continued. "Besides, shouldn't you be with your girlfriend? What's her name? Betty?"

"Betsy." Peter said. Ritu remembered the girl that Peter had brought to the party. She also remembered Mrs Michaelson's reaction to her. Normally a very friendly woman, she had seemed cold and distant to the girl when they were introduced.

"Whoever." Mrs Michaelson went over to her husband's desk and opened a drawer. "So. Are you serious about her?"

"Why?" Asked her son.

"Well it's only that this is the first time you have taken a girl to one of these parties and I just wondered why."

"Does it matter?"

"I just think you are rushing into things. You barely know the girl."

"Well, I'm not thinking of marrying her. Besides, at least she seems interested."

Ritu blinked at Peter's words. What did he mean?

"What do you mean by that?" Mrs Michaelson echoed.

"You know what I mean."

What is going on here, Ritu asked herself.

"Oh honey." Ritu watched Mrs Michaelson approach her son. "Don't be like that."

"Why not? It's not like you love me anymore." Peter almost sounded bitter.

"Of course I do. I love you very much." Mrs Michaelson gently stroked her son's cheek. "Maybe a little too much."

Peter took his mother into his arms.

"But not the way you could do. Not like you were before." Peter said.


"Darling. I have already told you. I can't love you like that. It's not right."

Love him like what?

"But you do don't you? I saw how you looked at Betsy. You were jealous!"

"No I wasn't. I'm just looking out for you as a mother should."

Was Ritu hearing what she thought she was hearing? It almost sounded like that Mrs Michaelson and Peter were lovers or had been. Mother and son? The room felt decidedly warmer.

"Fine. I'll just go and take Betsy home and fuck her then."

The speed of Mrs Michaelson slapping Peter's face caught both Ritu and Peter by surprise. Then the office went silent. The two of them staring at each other. Then suddenly, Peter pulled his mother forward and kissed her full on the lips.

Ritu couldn't believe what she was seeing. Peter was kissing his mother - mouth to mouth and she was not fighting back. On the contrary, Mrs Michaelson had handfuls of Peter's hair and was kissing him back just as fiercely.

Oh my! Ritu could hardly breath as she watched the spectacle excitedly.

For long minutes, the two of them - mother and son - snogged passionately. This lips glued as they moved against each other. Finally though, Mrs Michaelson broke the kiss.

"N-no. This is w-wrong." But already Peter was kissing her neck as he resisted his mother's feeble attempts to get free.

"I don't care. It's you that I love. It's you that I want. Not her."

Ritu felt her throat go dry at Peter's words. Her body racked with hot flushes.

It also must have had the same affect on Mrs Michaelson as she instantly pulled his face back onto hers and started kissing him again.

Ritu couldn't move as she watched the scene unfold from her vantage point. A part of her shouted that this was so wrong but the rest of her just wanted it to happen, for her to watch.

Hearing him groan, Ritu saw that Peter was rubbing himself against his mother as if he was trying to have sex with her there and then.

"I want you so much." He immediately gasped once their lips had separated.

"Ohhh! I can f-feel." Mrs Michaelson in turned groaned.

Peter pushed his mother against the desk.

"W-what w-what are you d-doing?"

"I want you so much. It hurts."

Ritu felt her nipples go hard as she listened.

"P-Peter? What are y-you doing? What if someone comes in?" His mother protested. Again, feebly.

Ritu heard him say that he didn't care and watched as he wrestled with his belt. Undoing his pants and trousers and pushing them down his legs.

Immediately, Ritu was presented with Peter's naked arse. She had often admired him when she had seen him wearing tight jeans and couldn't help but to continue to admire him even now. Especially now.

"God! We shouldn't be doing this." Ritu noticed that although Mrs Michaelson was still protesting, she was looking down between their bodies.

Gods! She's looking at her son's PENIS!

Peter obviously was not listening as he reached under his mother's dress and starting pulling down what Ritu realised was her panties. Mrs Michaelson helped by lifting one leg then the other to remove the garment. It was only as Peter moved between her widening thighs did she say:

"I'm not protected."

"I don't care."

Ritu gasped.

Next came the moans of a woman who was being penetrated. Ritu could only watch as Peter pushed himself forward, knowing full well that he was sheathing himself inside his very own mother and she wasn't doing anything to stop him.

"Ohhhh! You're BIG!" Mrs Michaelson cried out.

Ritu just stared in disbelief.

Hungrily, Peter pulled his mother to him, his mouth plunging onto hers. For long moments, they did not move. Their groins pressed tightly together as they kissed, which was getting more and more frantic as it went on.

Ritu's mind was numb. Peter and Mrs Michaelson were having SEX. A SON's PENIS was fully inside his very own MOTHER'S VAGINA!

Ritu suddenly remembered Mrs Michaelson's warning that she was not protected.

Gods! He could make her pregnant! His own mother pregnant!

Ritu almost collapsed with the realisation, her heart hammering inside her ribcage. She was dripping. Literally dripping between her legs.

She watched the scene. Mother and son trying to consume each other through their mouths as they held each other as tightly as possible.


Mrs Michaelson had cried out as Peter as pulled back and thrusted back in - hard. So hard that for a moment, the mother was lifted off the floor.

Oh my!

Peter has started to move but despite the obvious lust, Ritu could see that they were finding it difficult in their current position.

Stopping but never parting, the two of them struggled as Peter lifted Mrs Michaelson onto the desk so that her arse was perched on the end, allowing - Ritu realised - her son easier access between his mother's legs.

Again he started moving into her with greater speed. Peter gasping at every obvious insertion while Mrs Michaelson groaned out, her legs now wrapped tightly around him just above Peter's beautifully firm bum cheeks, at the equally obvious penetration.

Ritu could see that Mrs Michaelson wasn't wearing any tights or stockings and found herself wondering what Peter's body would feel like between her naked thighs.

Despite Mrs Michaelson's earlier protestations, it was clear to the observer that the woman did love her son - carnally. Gods! Look at the way she was having sex with him, one arm wrapped around him while the other was being used for balance on the table. Mrs Michaelson pulled her mouth from her son's and bit into his shoulder as Peter continued to hammer into her.

"Fuck, Mum! You feel soooo goood!"

Mrs Michaelson took a moment before she replied: "<Uh!> B-better..<ughh>...than that girl?"

Suddenly Peter stopped and look directly into his mother's eyes.

"I have never fucked her, Mum. It's only you I want." Peter gave an even harder thrust causing his mother to grunt. "It's you I ever only wanted."

Could he really be that obsessed for his mother, Ritu thought sickly? Mrs Michaelson must have thought so since she then kissed Peter. Peter started thrusting again.

"Ooohhh! Then you've got me." Ritu heard her say through their joined mouths.

"Really?" He continued moving.

Ritu watched as Mrs Michaelson looked lovingly at her son.

"Yes 'really'. Ohhhh P-peter, I love you so much. I thought I could control my feelings but when I saw you bring that girl this evening..."

"She's gone!"

"...and...<ohhh>..you were r-right. <Unnngh!> I was so jealous...<ugghh>..I just wanted to claw her eyes out."

Suddenly Peter started thrusting into his mother even faster, harder. Her words must be having an affect on him.

"I-I love you so much, Mum." He groaned out.

"I..ohhh...l-love you too. So much. <Unnnnghhhh!>"

They were really pounding each other now. Items on Sir John's desk going flying as it jarred under the thrusting bodies.

"I-I'm going to give a fucking Dad has never done."

"<Ughhh>...y-you're already doing that! Goddddd!"

Watching them having sex, Ritu realised she could hear their bodies smacking together, wetly.

She shivered.

Mrs Michaelson was now clinging to her son. Her arms and legs tight around her boy's body as he rammed away.

"<Unnghhh!> Ahhh! Ohhh Peter!"

"Oh Mum..."

Then again they were kissing. Hard, urgent. Mrs Michaelson's hands were now under Peter's shirt and Ritu could see from the movements that she was clawing her son's back.

""When Dad g-goes out to play his golf t-tomorrow. I-I'm staying home with you." Peter groaned, pulling his lips from hers.

"<Uggh>...<ughh!> R-really?"

"Y-yeah! I'm gonna fuck you all day long!"


Ritu felt herself tremble at the words and what she was seeing.

"WITHOUT A CONDOM!" Peter gasped.

"OOOHHHH!! GODDDD! PETERRRR!!" Ritu saw Mrs Michaelson stiffen up. Her eyes wide open, her mouth open in a silent scream.

She was having an orgasm!

"Shhittt, Mummmm!" And Peter stopped moving, his body pressing firmly against his mother's.


The sudden realisation that Peter was coming inside his mother, inside her unprotected vagina was too much for Ritu. Her breasts felt they were going to burst, the heat between her legs was now blistering hot. It took all her self-control not to cry out as she realised she was having an orgasm of her own.

It took minutes before her vision cleared and she could look back at the couple although had finished, were still holding each other. Mrs Michaelson tenderly stroking her son's hair.

Peter whispered something to his mother but Ritu could not hear. But it did reward him with a kiss. A very unmotherly kiss.

"Now give your father this." Ritu could not see what Mrs Michaelson had given her son. "And tell him that you are taking me home."


"Tell him that I have a headache and you are taking me home."

"What about Bet..."

From the look Mrs Michaelson gave Peter, it was obvious to Ritu that he wasn't to worry about his date.

"Then you can take your mother home and 'look after her'. You know your father won't be home for hours."

Ritu could see the wide grin that appeared on Peter's face.

Again they kissed and cuddled before Mrs Michaelson pushed him back.

"Now go. People may already be wondering where we have been."

Ritu looked at her watch. It was half past ten. Half an hour had passed.

With Mrs Michaelson's help, Peter, still shaking, pulled up his trousers, tidied himself and then left.

Mrs Michaelson picked up her discarded knickers and pushed them into her jacket pocket.

Then, to Ritu's dismay, she walked out of her office and right to where she had been hiding.

Ritu could only stand there as Mrs Michaelson closed the cupboard door.

"I take it that you saw everything?" Mrs Michaelson asked her.

"I-I..." Ritu tried to answer.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Chowdry. I'm sorry that you saw that. I know it looks wrong. Me loving Peter like that. But to be honest, I don't really care anymore. I'm fed up doing 'what's right'. John and I haven't loved each other in years. I'm not sure that we ever really did. And Peter... he's... so loving, so caring. So interested."

Funnily enough, Ritu could understand what Mrs Michaelson was going through. She was in a similar relationship with own her husband. She could see the temptation of having an affair. But with her own child? Could she be like that with Vinod?

Sighing, Mrs Michaelson turned and sat on a nearby stool.

"Mrs Chowdry, I would appreciate it if we could keep this between ourselves. If John ever found out, he would kill my boy."

Ritu found herself nodding.

What could she do? If she told Sir John, then all hell would break loose. Besides, it wasn't as if she even liked the man.

Perversely, she thought Mrs Michaelson and her son made a handsome couple.

"Thank you and have a Merry Christmas." Mrs Michaelson got up and left.

A few minutes later, Ritu rejoined the party. She was quickly joined by Margaret.

"Looks like Peter's romance is over." Commented her friend. "His girlfriend just stalked off."

Obviously not too happy about being dumped, Ritu thought.

"Oh I see Mrs Michaelson's got her coat on."

Ritu looked over and saw Mrs Michaelson saying something to Sir John, who was with the senior directors, puffing a cigar. She noticed that he barely gave his wife a glance before she turned and left the room with Peter right behind her.

A shiver run up Ritu's spine as she recalled Mrs Michaelson's last words to her son.

"You okay?" Margaret asked.

Ritu nodded. Her mind already thinking of the ways Peter would be 'looking after his mother' tonight.

Realising that she had no drink, Ritu went over to the drinks table to pour herself a glass of punch.

"So there you are." It was the 'Letch'. "I wondered when you were going to come back."

Ritu said nothing, trying to ignore the man.

"But then again, it was an interesting show they gave us."

She looked up at Tom 'Letch' Pritchard's leering face.

Gods! He saw them too!