
Under My Skin Pt. 02


Author's Note:

All characters are at least 18 years old in this story. There is incest and graphic sexual content, if that's not your thing, then you have been forewarned.

This part picks up immediately following the events in Part One of the story. It is highly recommended that you read Part One first so that you know what is going on. I hope that readers enjoy it.

Constructive feedback is appreciated and I respond to all reasonable email.

* * * * *

My alarm snapped me awake well before dawn the morning of the show. I sat up on the edge of the bed and stretched for a moment, collecting my not fully coherent thoughts. After a quick shower, I got dressed in khaki cutoffs, a faded gray Built To Spill shirt and sneakers. Grabbing my backpack and double checking to make sure I had the tickets, I wandered down the hall to make sure Skye was up and ready.

She was no more of a morning person than I was and answered her door while mid-yawn. I paused a moment to take in her look. She was wearing a loose skirt with black leggings and a white sleeveless t-shirt that had SPC ECO printed across the front in black letters. The straps of a black bra peeked out beneath the shirt at her shoulders. All of that combined with her black Mary Jane shoes gave her the look of a hot chick that would no doubt turn heads at a rock concert. Hell, she had my attention already and it was not yet six in the morning.

"Too early," she yawned.

"It's a long drive. We gotta get going."


"Not enough time. Gotta get going. We'll stop somewhere closer to Edgerton and grab some breakfast."

She peered at me through one squinted eye as if contemplating whether or not to take a stand on the coffee issue but found herself interrupted by another yawn.

"Move it, zombie." I stepped aside and followed her as she shuffled down the hallway.

She fell asleep in the passenger seat before we got to the first red light leaving the house.

I didn't wake her until we pulled into a Waffle House about an hour outside of Edgerton. We sat across from each other in a booth and sipped coffee while we waited on our order to arrive. She folded her arms on the table and laid her head down on them, looking up at me with a tired crooked smile.

"Thanks for letting me sleep in the car."

"Just remember you may have to help keep me awake for the drive home tonight." I chuckled.

Skye sat up as the waitress dropped off our food and scurried away to help the next table. I watched her coat her chocolate chip waffle with syrup and wondered what sort of defect was going on in her taste buds to make her want to order such a thing. I had a feeling the sugar rush she was about to experience might be bad enough to need to lock her in the trunk for the rest of the ride to the venue just so she wouldn't be bouncing around the car like a lunatic.

"So listen," I began, pointing a piece of bacon at her. "When we get there, You need to stay with me, okay? Don't wander off."

"Sure, daddy. Do you want me to hold on to your belt loop, too?" She gave me a smirk.

"I'm being serious, smart ass. Sometimes things get kind of out of hand at these shows."

"Like what?" She shoved a piece of waffle in her mouth but was paying attention now.

"Like sometimes, in the crowd, some asshole decides to take advantage of the anonymity to feel up a pretty girl. Grab her ass. Especially the girls that decide to crowd surf. I've heard of much worse things, but if you stay with me, you'll be fine. It's not that I don't think you can take care of yourself, it's that these assholes I'm talking about tend to be chickenshits and usually won't try anything if the girl is with someone."

"Whoa. I didn't think of that."

"I probably make it sound worse than it is, but I've seen it happen before. Never saw anything as bad as a rape, thankfully. But I've seen girls get felt up and stuff. One girl last year punched me thinking I was the one who did it. I hadn't, but I think the guy next to me may have grabbed her. I don't know. I felt like shit regardless, even though I hadn't done anything. Just being accused of it sucks. But the thing is, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Pretty girls are targets for these shit heads."

"You think I'm pretty?" A shy smile crept across her face.

"You're beautiful and you know it. Stop fishing for compliments." I sighed in mild annoyance at the selective listening habits of girls.

"Thank you, Ryan. That's really sweet." She looked so pleased with my words that I thought she may start glowing. She could be really adorable sometimes.

"Well, it's true. But do you understand why I want you to stay by me? I'm not trying to be a prick, I just want you to have fun today without having to worry about that kind of crap."

"So you want me to pretend you're my boyfriend. Got it." She grinned as she returned to her waffle.

"Not exactly what I had in mind," I replied, trying not to appear rattled by her suggestion, shaking some salt on my scrambled eggs. It was closer to the truth than I wanted to admit. "Just stay close to me, where I can be there if you need me."

She nodded around a mouthful of food and I went back to work on my own breakfast, satisfied that she had gotten the point.

* * * * *

When we got to the fairgrounds outside Edgerton, we parked and walked what felt like five miles to the entrance. After a relatively short wait in line, we were scanned by bored security guards with metal wands, showed our tickets and were waved on in. As soon as we got in the gates, Skye gave me her purse to store in my backpack.

I stopped at the first concession booth I saw and groaned as I paid six dollars each for a few bottles of water to drop in my pack. I deeply resented this kind of economic sodomy and thought it was ridiculous that they wouldn't allow us to bring our own water in. It was nearing the end of Summer and it was going to be hot as hell out here today, so I knew I had to make the best of it.

"Holy crap, six bucks?" Skye muttered as we walked away from the booth following a herd of people and the sound of a not very good band in the distance.

"This venue gouges you any way they can for stuff. Fifteen bucks for parking, six for water, I don't even want to know what lunch is gonna cost us later. It'll be worth it, though." I replied.

The main stage was at the base of a large man-made hillside, allowing for a better view of the stage. There was already what looked like a couple of thousand or so people in the crowd spread out all over the hill chatting in groups. A decent sized group were down near the stage watching the first band play their set. As was typical of big festival concerts like this, the first bands were unknown local acts looking for exposure. Most of the time, they weren't very good. This was not an exception.

This was a bigger music festival than I was used to attending, and I found myself slightly impressed with the huge projection screens on either side of the stage. That would certainly make it easier to see the bands later. Scanning the area, I tried to find a spot that looked like a good one for watching the show, but being far enough from the stage to be sure that Skye would still be able to see. Most people at the show were taller than her, so I didn't want to get us into too thick of a crowd where she would have no chance of seeing anything but armpits.

As we walked down near the mixing board area, which looked like a decent place right near the middle of the hill.

"How's this spot?" I asked.

She looked around, the slight breeze making strands of her hair cross over her face and I got lost for a moment taking in how pretty she was.

"I want to get closer," she said, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"The closer we get, the ground levels off and you're not gonna be able to see around people." I pointed out.

"Look, let's try it. If I can't see worth a damn, we can always move back to here, right?"

"I guess so." I sighed in defeat. I knew her height was sometimes a problem for her, but I didn't want to make a big thing of it. I was trying to help, but I knew if I kept bringing it up that she would start to resent it. So I went along, being more than a little certain that we'd be backtracking up the hill again shortly. Hopefully, I thought, the crowd filling in around us wouldn't take this spot.

We moved down through the crowd closer to the stage. It was still spaced out enough that we had room to pass through pretty easily, but I knew that wasn't going to last. Before long, she had maneuvered us to within about thirty people from the stage.

The music was much louder down here and you couldn't hear each other talk over the band who were currently doing an absolutely abysmal attempt at a cover of Nirvana's "Come As You Are." I didn't like Nirvana to begin with, and this definitely wasn't helping. Skye glanced over at me in annoyance, and I realized that she couldn't see the stage at all around everyone's shoulders.

She tugged at my arm and pointed at a gap in the crowd on the right. Before I could protest, she was shifting between the thickening group of people and almost out of my sight. Damn it, I sighed inwardly and followed her. While she had no trouble moving through the sea of people, I found myself having to apologize and point out that I was with her to guys who didn't want to give up their positions nearer and nearer to the stage.

Mercifully, the band finished their set and left the stage. New Order blasted over the sound system while roadies started setting the next band's equipment. I could listen to "Ceremony" about a hundred times in a row if it meant not hearing that shitty cover of "Come As You Are" ever again. People had begun milling about in the crowd up front now that there wasn't a band on stage and Skye took the opportunity to keep pressing forward.

Before I knew it, we were on the rails at the very front with just a row of security guards between us and the stage. I glanced back over my shoulder and saw that a lot of people had come into the show while we had been maneuvering through the crowd. She would be able to see from here, but if we decided to backtrack, it was not going to be an easy feat. This also meant that we wouldn't be able to get to either of the smaller stages off to the sides to see the bands that weren't playing the main stage.

"See? This is so much better!" She exclaimed, smiling over her shoulder at me. She was so giddy with excitement, that I couldn't help but be happy for her. We were a few yards to the right of center stage, pretty much right under where a guitarist or bass player would typically be positioned. It was a great spot to watch the show, without a doubt, but about to get very crowded. I pulled some sunscreen from my bag and we both put it on, neither of us wishing to be burned to a crisp today. We were already sweating and it wasn't even close to noon yet.

As the next few bands played their sets, the crowd behind us grew larger and pressed forward cramping our space a bit. I looked back over my shoulder and realized that there were now thousands of people between us and the main exit. Getting out of here after the show was going to take a while, I thought.

The heat was incredible and everyone up front was covered in sweat by this point. Skye and I shared a bottle of water between the next set of bands and I splashed some on my face to cool off. She poured some in her hand and ran it over her face as well.

The Raveonettes played their set and my sister was on cloud nine for the entire time. They sounded great live, I had to admit, but I wasn't nearly as big a fan as Skye. When they played their cover of "I Wanna Be Adored" I thought she may cry. I don't think I had ever seen her so happy and that made this entire trip worth it.

Several hours and bands later, we were continuing to get pushed to the side by the swell of people trying to get to the front row. It wasn't that people were being assholes, it was just the combined force of so many people trying to get close to the stage at once. I locked my arm around one of the guard rails so I wouldn't be shoved further and kept Skye in front of me so that she wouldn't be squashed. She looked back at me appreciatively and again thanked me for bringing her.

By late afternoon, the place was beyond packed. I couldn't remember having seen so many people in one place. There was no hope of hearing one another talk over the crowd without yelling. The scent of weed periodically passed by in the air. My arm was growing tired from holding on the rail so tightly when bands were on stage, only taking breaks between when the shoving eased up. Some of the more popular bands had been taking the stage and the crowd was getting harder to deal with.

We were constantly being jostled by the crowd and I bumped into Skye regularly. At one point, when one of the metal bands was playing, I was shoved hard enough by some random asshole to nearly stumble into her and knock us both to the ground. If I hadn't had a death grip on the security rail, I would have fallen for sure. I shot the guy a dirty look, but he wasn't paying any attention.

To ease the strain on my arm when the next band took the stage, I gripped the rail with both arms, one on either side of Skye. She was really into the show and seemed to be having the time of her life. She planted her feet on the bottom of the rail and raised herself up, leaning forward like much of the crowd, bouncing happily to the thundering beat.

The constant shoving from the crowd behind us made me step forward a little and I found myself pressed up behind her even closer. Elevated by having pulled herself up on the rail, her butt was now lined up perfectly with my crotch. As she bounced with the beat, her ass pressed back into me. It was a pretty natural thing to have happened, given how sandwiched in with people we were, but my cock reacted immediately and I choked back a startled sense of panic.

To my surprise, she didn't seem to notice at all and appeared to be totally caught up in the show. As she kept dancing, her butt kept pressing into my lap. While a little accidental touching was one thing, her bumping into my erection would definitely elicit a response, I thought. I took the first opportunity that I saw to drop one hand from the rail and discreetly adjust myself in hopes of making it less obvious that I was hard. The band started in on their next song and the crowd went wild as it was one of their biggest hits. Skye bounced excitedly and her ass slid right down my crotch. Only this time, I had my cock tucked vertically behind my shorts and the crack of her ass glided along its length. Christ, it felt good.

Her thin skirt and tights did little to mask the shape and feel of her ass pressed against me. I almost groaned as her ass slid down the underside of my cock again. Holy shit. I knew I was wrong to be enjoying this. I should've fought harder to move away. But I didn't. Instead, I shifted forward a couple of inches,

She seemed to sort of roll her hips as she bounced, which made it feel even more sensual. The timing of her movement felt like she barely broke contact between us before she was gliding her bottom back into me, almost as if she were grinding against me.

I tried to imagine what it would feel like to be inside her, to feel her hot little body taking me in. Our bodies coming together in a collision of need and desire. The crowd around us seemed to fade a little as my body continued to respond to hers and I relished the sensation. I imagined her gripping the railing and pushing back to me, wanting as much of my length in her as possible. I could see the side of her neck glistening with sweat, begging to be kissed. I wanted to wrap my arms around her so badly at that moment that I almost gave in to the urge.

I recognized the tightening in my balls and shockingly realized that I was getting close to blowing my load against my sister's ass right there in front of thousands of people. Panicking, I pushed back away from her giving my dick a couple of inches of space. She kept bouncing to the beat as if nothing had happened.

Catching my breath, I waited for my dick to settle down while the people behind me continued pressing forward as if wanting me to slam my cock into her. This had gone too far. I had to do something to stop this before I ruined my relationship with the most important person in my life.

What kind of brother does this? I was taking advantage of the crowded situation to get my rocks off on her body. I wasn't just a shitty brother, I was a shitty person. This was exactly the kind of behavior I had warned her about from other guys at these shows. Yet here I was having nearly done that very thing.

Her body kept writhing to the beat in front of me, inviting me to come back, to finish what I had started. My dick ached to do that very thing, but I just couldn't. I despised assholes that did this type of shit, and I refused to let myself become one of them again.

As soon as the song ended, I tapped her on the shoulder. She looked back at me with a warm smile. Sweat was covering her face, causing her hair to cling to her forehead. Even in her disheveled state, she looked beautiful. At that moment, it hit me that I was in love with her. It wasn't just some perverse desire to have her. My chest ached and my stomach churned at the realization.

I choked back the urge to kiss her as her warm brown eyes locked on mine. This was gonna be tough, I thought, knowing I'd have to lean in close to her for her to be able to hear me. I placed my mouth perilously close to her ear with my heart thundering in my chest. It would be so easy to give in. Just once. To taste her lips and feel them against mine. Then she would slap the shit out of me and never speak to me again, of course.

"I've got to move," I said, "My arms are killing me here."

She brought a hand up to my cheek, pulling my face closer to her ear in a bid to hear me better. It felt far more sensual than it should have. I cursed my imagination for trying to make it more than it was.

"Sorry. Do we have to move?" She tilted her head back on my shoulder so I could hear her. I could tell she really didn't want to give up our front row spot.

Thinking quickly, I replied.

"Get on my shoulders."


"Sit on my shoulders. I'll hold you up for a while and give my arms a break."

I crouched and she climbed up on my back. I stood up, being sure she didn't lose her balance and moved a little closer to the rail, allowing my aching arms some relief. Her thighs were resting on either side of my neck and I could feel her body heat radiating from her against the back of my neck. I thought I smelled a hint of feminine arousal. It's just sweat, you're smelling, I told myself. It's miserably hot out here.

The years of muscle I had built up hauling lumber and bags of concrete at work had paid off beautifully because she felt light as a feather on my shoulders. When the band started their next song, she clearly enjoyed her new vantage point, cheering and clapping with the rest of the crowd. I barely noticed they were still playing. I was too lost in the turmoil of my own thoughts. The irony of having her thighs wrapped around my neck wasn't lost on me, either.

She must be trying to not to embarrass me by calling me out for dry humping her. That was the only thing I could think of. I wasn't packing some giant porn star dick, but I was certainly big enough that it seemed impossible for her not to have felt it. Maybe she was feeling pretty mortified that her brother had rubbed his penis on her. I had heard of girls being too scared to react when some rotten son of a bitch tried to molest them. Fuck. I was such a piece of shit.

The band finished up their set a few songs later and Skye never showed any sign of having known what just happened. I was feeling confused and ashamed. The remaining bands played over the next few hours and nothing else happened. I slowly calmed my nerves enough to mostly enjoy the rest of the show, but my mind kept going over what had happened. Maybe she was somehow left unaware of what happened after all.

As much as I loved concerts, I was more than ready for this one to be over. We had been standing for hours on end in the heat and it was draining. That wasn't even taking into account my twisted behavior, which made me want to hide somewhere that I'd never have to face her.

It was long after dark when the last band left the stage and we began the slow march back toward the car. As we finally moved away from the stage and the music blasting through the speakers began to fade, I became aware that my ears were ringing. No surprise there.

I noticed that Skye was limping a bit and asked if she was okay.

"My knee hurts like hell. I think I pushed it a bit with standing for so long today."

"Oh shit. I never even thought of that," I replied, feeling stupid for not having remembered.

"It's fine," she replied. "Just sore and tightening up. It'll be okay in a day or two."

I asked a few more questions about it, trying to make sure she wasn't hurting worse than she was letting on. She acted dismissive of the whole thing and limped to the car without further complaint.

On the drive home, I kept waiting for Skye to bring up what happened. I watched her from the corner of my eye for a good portion of the trip but she looked perfectly normal. She kept looking out the window as I drove with a small, contented smile on her face. We didn't talk much. Our ears were ringing and we were exhausted. She fell asleep after the first hour or so of the drive. I spent the rest of the trip angry with myself for how I felt about her and what I had allowed to happen.

When we arrived back home, I woke her up as gently as I could and we went inside. Mom was still on night shifts at the hospital and wasn't home. We both trudged up the stairs toward our respective bedrooms. I could barely keep my eyes open. As I passed by her room, she hooked my arm and pulled me to her.

"Thank you so much for bringing me. I had the best time with you today." She wrapped me up in as big a hug as she could. It was probably just exhaustion, but there was no doubt that the hug lingered.

"Me too," I replied when she released me.

"Night," she called as I entered my bedroom at the end of the hall.

* * * * *

When I woke up, it was almost eleven. Groggy and stiff from the long drive, I half staggered down the hallway to the shower. My feet were sore from standing for so many hours the previous day. It wasn't until I was rinsing shampoo through my hair that I recalled the events at the show. A fresh wave of guilt slammed me in the gut.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off, trying to make sense of things. I felt like shit for taking advantage of her like that. I didn't know what to do with the feelings I had for her, either. I cleared the condensation from the mirror with my towel and stared at my reflection for a moment.

"Asshole," I mumbled as I got dressed.

I was heading back to my bedroom when she called me.

"Hey, Ryan?"

"Yeah?" Please don't bring it up, I thought. Please don't.

"Can you give me a hand for a second?" She called, still from her room.

Pausing at her closed door, I knocked, feeling kind of foolish, since she had called for me, but the thought of just walking in felt even more awkward. Now I was overthinking things and making it worse. Goddamn it.

"It's open."

I opened the door and stepped in to see her sitting on the edge of her unmade bed. Skye was wearing a pale yellow shirt with a gray skirt and had already done her hair and makeup. She was leaning back on the bed a little, propped up on her arms and gave me an annoyed glare. Oh shit, I thought.

"My knee's really giving me hell this morning. Can you help me put the stupid brace on?" She sighed, her expression shifting from annoyed to looking a bit defeated.

"That sucks," I replied, feeling my chest relax a little and let some air in. This wasn't about me. Still, she hadn't worn her brace in a year or so. Her knee must hurt like hell.

I couldn't help glancing down at the surgery scars on her knee that she was always so self-conscious about. They weren't very noticeable but bothered her immensely. She had a black and gray banded thigh sock on the other leg, while this one remained bare.

"Thanks. It's a bitch to bend right now." She held the other sock out to me.

"No problem." I took the sock and knelt down in front of her. "I thought these days were behind us."

"So did I." She replied, tucking her hair behind one ear and staring down at her knee.

I gathered the sock up in my hands and slid her foot into it. I slid it onto her outstretched foot and pulled it up the length of her leg, watching her skin disappear behind it and trying to touch her as little as possible. Which was in direct opposition of what my hands wanted to be doing, of course. When I had the sock pulled high enough that she could reach it without having to bend her knee, I hesitated. I expected her to grab the sock and continue pulling it on as she had done when she was younger. I glanced up at her and she was smiling prettily at me, remaining leaned back on her elbows. It wasn't possible to put her knee brace in place without putting the sock on, so I took that as an excuse and pulled her sock into place.

Her legs parted a little further allowing me access as I slid the fabric up her smooth creamy thigh, my hand only a few short inches from her lacy underwear. Her eyes were closed when I glanced up at her again and I was unable to resist stealing a glimpse of her panties. The purple fabric was sheer and lacy, allowing me to almost make out the details of her sex underneath. Holy shit, my mind screamed, as I forced myself to look away, the image burned into the back of my retinas. My chest felt constricted again, along with my pants. I withdrew my hands quickly before temptation got the better of me.

Picking up the brace from the bed beside her, I gingerly wrapped it around her knee. As I made sure I positioned it properly and fastened down the straps, I allowed my fingers to slid across her skin just above the brace one last time. The feeling of her skin lingered on my fingertips as I leaned back from her.

"How's that feel?" I glanced up at her and her brown eyes locked on mine for a moment.

She leaned forward and felt the top and sides of the brace for a moment.

"It's good," Skye smiled at me.

I climbed to my feet in what I hoped was a casual manner, feeling like my heart was hammering hard enough to be visible through my shirt. I needed to get out of here before she noticed my boner.

"Thanks, again. Sorry, I'm being a pain in the ass."

"No problem," I replied, making a show of dusting off my pants in hopes of distracting from the tent in front of them. "I should have thought about how long we'd be standing with your knee yesterday."

"It was worth it." She stood and straightened the top of the sock before taking a few steps. "That feels much better."

"Cool, I gotta get to work," I lied, using the first excuse that came to mind to get out of the room.

* * * * *

I pulled into work more than two hours before my shift. It was stupid to leave the house so early, I knew, but I just needed some time to think. I sat in the parking lot staring at the steering wheel for a while without really seeing it. I felt lost. What does someone do when he has fallen in love with his own sister, I wondered. Besides go to work way too early because you are afraid she'll see the look in your eyes and figure out that you're a perverted freak, that is.

The workday was pretty much spent on autopilot. I didn't remember anything about it except that I thought about Skye the entire time. How long could I keep my feelings hidden from her? Could I keep it together long enough to transfer to Austin? For a brief moment, I considered whether or not I could just tell her how I felt. I chuckled bitterly at myself for even letting that creep into my mind. She would surely freak out, yell at me for the pervert that I was for even thinking of my sister that way and tell mom to kick me out. Okay, maybe she wouldn't tell mom. She loved me enough as her brother to probably spare me that. But I was positive it would do irreparable harm to our relationship.

Part of me wanted to drive straight back home after work and see if she was there. A dumb fantasy passed through my mind of busting into her bedroom where she lay reading a book, scooping her in my arms, staring directly into her warm brown eyes a moment before locking our lips together in a kiss that would change everything for us. The other part wanted to go to my favorite bar and drink myself stupid. Neither of these ideas seemed like a smart move the longer I thought about them.

I ended up at a coffee shop a few blocks from work, staring at a mostly untouched cup of coffee for a couple of hours. It was well after midnight before I finally went home. Thankfully, my sister was asleep by then.

Sleep didn't come easy at all. I spent most of the night laying in bed with her Instagram pulled up on my phone staring at pictures of her. There weren't any photos of her trying to look sexy and seductive and I wasn't surprised. That just wasn't who Skye was. There were photos of her hanging out with Heather and Vicky, some modest selfies, and the obligatory photos of food. She had posted a series of photos from the concert that were pretty great, considering how close we were to the stage. The further back I scrolled through the images, I found a few photos she had posted of her gymnastics competition days. The determination in her face in those images made her look older than she was at the time. I remembered how much I had admired her.

I found I kept going back to look at one selfie in particular. She was sitting on a recliner in the living room with a tired smile on her face. Her hair was slightly disheveled and falling across half of her face in what was clearly not as random a fashion as she would like you to think. She had leaned forward resting her chin on her hand and the sleeve of her shirt was so long that it covered half of her palm. Her smile in that photo was particularly beautiful. I traced the outline of her face with a fingertip and felt like I had butterflies in my stomach as I looked at her.

She's your sister, you stupid son of a bitch, I told myself. I closed the app and plugged my phone into the charger. Acting like a love-struck teenager was not going to fix anything. I needed to do something, anything, to get my shit together. I rolled over and punched the pillow in frustration. This had to stop.

* * * * *

By morning, I had resolved to try to minimize contact with her as much as I could. Even thinking about avoiding her made my stomach knot up, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I couldn't risk ruining our relationship. I needed to stay away until I shook the romantic feelings I had for her. It was the only idea I could come up with. I had even gone so far as to research the topic online, making goddamned sure I cleared my browser history when I was done. The last thing I wanted was for that to pop up if someone used my laptop to check their email or some shit.

Skye had long been in the habit of putting a copy of her work schedule on the fridge so she could easily keep track of her shifts at the pharmacy. That made it convenient for me to know when she was least likely to be home. I picked up all the extra shifts I could get at work on her days off and spent a lot of time at the gym or hitting the bar with Kevin or one of the other guys from work. I even crashed on the couch at Kevin's apartment a time or two after we'd been out drinking far too late. But I can't say I really enjoyed myself. I thought about her all the time. I missed her.

It wasn't like I could avoid seeing her completely, of course. Every time I did see her, my heart ached to linger and talk to her. She always lit up when she saw that I was home and tried to visit with me as much as possible. She would text me occasionally to touch base and ask when I'd be home. I could tell that she missed hanging out with me. That only made it harder to keep the distance I was trying to place between us. It was for her own good, I kept telling myself. But it fucking sucked.

* * * * *

On Thursday night, I got home from a closing shift at work to discover my sister curled up in one of the big recliners in the living room reading a book. She was dressed in a pair of light blue pajama shorts with a matching long sleeve blue top. My breath caught in my throat a little, at the sight of her. The way she was folded up into the chair had caused her pajama shorts to ride up and the sexy curve of an ass cheek was partially visible. Her hair was tucked behind her ear and she absentmindedly chewed on a thumbnail as she was reading.

I sighed inwardly, realizing I hadn't made much headway on breaking myself of my feelings for her and went upstairs. As a brother, I was failing miserably. After a quick shower, I dressed in sleep pants and an old t-shirt. I had just started streaming a Jesu album and was attempting to read an article about invasive salvinia plants on my laptop when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey," Skye leaned on the door frame, her arms wrapped around herself, making her seem even smaller than usual. Her top hung down to mid-thigh, longer than her very short pajama shorts, giving off the illusion that there may be nothing beneath her shirt. I felt a knot building inside and tried not to focus on how attractive she looked.

"What's up?" I asked, turning the volume down on my laptop.

She took a couple of tentative steps into the room, dropping her hands to lightly wring them together in front of her.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked quietly.

"What for?" I replied, not knowing what else I could really say.

"I dunno, we were getting along so well and now you're avoiding me. I just want to know why." Her lower lip quivered as she spoke and her eyes started shimmering as if she were about to cry. It clawed at my guts to realize that I'd hurt her feelings by trying to distance myself from my desires. I was trying to do what was right but I just couldn't win.

"I'm not avoiding you. Work's just been busy lately." It was a weak excuse. I think we both knew it.

"I'm not stupid, Ryan. It's more than work. What's going on?" She took a few more steps into the room. The pleading look in her eyes told me that she wasn't going to let this go.

I stared at the carpet trying to figure out what I could possibly say that wouldn't ruin our relationship forever.

"See? You won't even look at me," she choked as she dropped to her knees near my chair. "What did I do? Please talk to me."

"It's not you, okay? I promise. I'm just dealing with some shit," I tried to reassure her, allowing myself to look at her.

"What is it, then? Tell me."

Her long eyelashes were clinging to each other as tears leaked from her beautiful brown eyes. I'd seen my sister upset plenty of times before, but this was the first time I had seen her this upset over something that was my fault. I felt horrible.

"I.. I just. Fuck," I stammered, reaching out to cup her warm cheek in my hand. "Please don't cry."

She nuzzled her face against my palm like a cat for a half second with her eyes closed before rapidly pulling herself up the length of my arm to bury her face in my chest. I held her close to me and resigned myself to the reality that I was not going to get out of this conversation without coming clean. A tear of my own leaked down my face as I hugged her.

"I'm ashamed," I nearly whispered, "Ashamed, embarrassed and scared... and fucked up."

"Why?" The mumbled reply came from the face buried in my chest.

"I took advantage of you at the concert. After warning you about the stuff scumbags do to girls... I'm no better. Then I was so ashamed that I didn't have the nerve to apologize. I'm really sorry."

"Oh god, no."

She tensed up in my arms and scooted away from me.

"Please let me finish. Don't go, yet." Scared she was going to run before I finished, I moved between her and the doorway, holding my hands out disarmingly. I felt panicked, desperate to keep her there so we could talk. This is it, asshole. You earned this, I thought. You're going to lose everything. How the fuck did it come to this?

Skye made no move to get up from the floor, instead, she stared silently at the far wall. She was crying softly, almost shaking and looked pale. God damn, it killed me to see her crying. It was the best I could hope for, I supposed. I swallowed hard, trying to force the lump in my throat down enough to let me get through this.

"I can't stop thinking about you," I continued. "Even before the show, I thought about you all the time. I'm fucked up, okay? I'm in love with you. I know it's wrong. Please don't hate me. I'm an asshole."

I slumped against the door frame and sank to the floor. It was all out there now. No taking it back. I wished I could run or something. I wanted to disappear. She should be angry with me. Or disgusted. Both. I wanted to take her in my arms and comfort her but I was afraid. Would she ever want me to touch her again after finding out how fucked up I was? Her own goddamned brother just told her he was in love with her. I felt like the world was caving in around me.

"Look, I know I'm fucked up but I'll fix this, I swear. I'll move out and get my shit together. I'm gonna see a shrink or something. Get myself sorted out."

"No!" She nearly screamed it at me this time, with such alarm in her voice that I jumped reflexively.

"You aren't listening. I'm in love with you and I... I can't be."

"I am listening. But you're wrong."

"What do you mean?" I stared at her, puzzled by her reply.

"The concert was my fault, not yours. We were standing so close at the show that I felt you behind me. I saw the height of the rail and realized if I stood on the bottom rung, it would be just about right for my butt to be even with your... to feel you against me."

She drew her knees up and folded her arms, burying her face in the crook of her arms.

"I don't understand."

"I had to get your attention. You keep talking about leaving. We'll never be the same. Never see each other. Not like we do now. I couldn't let you go without you knowing how I feel about you," She paused to look up at me, her eyes shimmering in the dimly lit room. "How much you mean to me."

My mind was going a thousand miles an hour, trying to make sense of what she was saying. For some reason, my eyes focused on an old stain on the carpet where she had spilled a fruit drink years before.

"Pretty stupid, right?" She asked with a mocking tone of voice. "It sounds so dumb now. At the time it made sense to me. Grind on your brother at a concert. Go for it. That's the best way to finally tell him you love him, right? And everyone says I'm so smart."

Skye scooted across the floor to me and reached her hand up to softly stroke along my jaw guiding my gaze over to meet hers.

"I love you, Ryan."

The words thundered in my ears, though she had barely whispered them. This is a bad idea, I told myself. You could ruin her life. She's just confused. That's all. But the look in her eyes as she stared into mine told a different story. I could see the adoration in them as she leaned in closer.

I tilted my head toward her voice and felt the tip of my nose brush lightly across her cheek. She smelled amazing. We were so close to each other. My breath caught in my throat. I'm really about to kiss her, I thought to myself. My heart was hammering hard enough to feel like it could burst out of my chest at any moment.

Suddenly our lips touched. It was soft at first, our lips barely brushing against each other, but one of my hands came up to cradle the back of her head and we began to kiss in ways that siblings shouldn't. I could taste a hint of her berry flavored lip gloss that triggered a long forgotten memory of her getting it for Christmas years before and pestering me into trying it on. My lips parted and I ran my tongue lightly across her lower lip. Her own lips parted a moment later and I felt her small tongue collide with my own. A soft moan escaped her, a sexy sound that I'd never heard my little sister make before.

I don't know how long we kissed. I only knew that I'd never felt a kiss like it before. Her soft lips were completely intoxicating. The way that she would trap my lower lip between hers for just a moment as she kissed drove me wild. I found her little gasps for breath when our lips would part to be sexy as hell. When we finally broke for air, she slowly opened her eyes and smiled softly.

"I've always wondered what that would be like," she whispered, smiling as she traced my jawline with her fingers. She leaned up and kissed my jaw where her fingers had been, working her way up to my ear.

My hand slid down her side and dropped to rest on her bare thigh. I caressed the soft, smooth flesh of her hip, feeling and memorizing every contour as my hand moved closer to her ass.

Skye's breath quickened a little as my fingers reached the top of her hip and I hesitated, unsure if I was pushing her.

"Touch me," she breathed in my ear.

"This is a bad idea," I whispered, trying to convince myself to stop.

"The best bad idea you've ever had."

Her lips were still next to my ear, sending a shiver down my spine every time she spoke. She climbed the rest of the way into my lap, using my shoulders for balance.

I could feel the door frame pressing into my back but it was easy to ignore the discomfort with her beautiful lithe body pressed up against my front as a distraction. A moment later we were lost in another kiss.

My arms were wrapped around her, holding her close as we kissed. She grabbed one of my wrists and guided my hand to slide down her body to rest on her ass. Accepting her invitation, I felt the full curve of her tight little butt cheek. It fit perfectly in my hand and I gave an appreciative squeeze. She let out a ragged breath against my neck and began kissing me more feverishly.

She giggled through our kiss as she straddled me, clearly pleased with our change in position. I groped her ass with both hands now, kneading the firm globes as I pulled her tighter against me. I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy against my hard cock even through our pajamas and it made my dick throb with need. She ground her pelvis into mine, moaning softly as we continued making out.

Somewhere along the way, her hands made their way under my shirt. She attempted to pull it off and I obliged by leaning forward from the wall a little to help. Skye kissed my bare chest a few times, running her hands over my abs and up to my shoulders.

I began unbuttoning her pajama top while she smiled nervously at me. Inch by tantalizing inch, the smooth, pale skin between her breasts came into view. Blushing, she took a deep breath and shrugged out of the pajama top revealing a breathtaking pair of breasts. They were perhaps a little on the smaller side of average, but full and perky. Her areola were a dark rose color, standing out in contrast to the pale skin of her chest. Hard nipples, a little larger than pencil erasers jutted out proudly from her chest.

I couldn't help staring. I had never seen my beautiful little sister topless before and I'm pretty sure my heart stopped at the sight of her.

Unable to resist any longer, I slid my hands up along her sides and cupped her tits. They felt warm, smooth, and delightful. I massaged them allowing her hard nipples to slide between my fingers so I could catch them and pull them gently as I rubbed. Her breathing became faster again as she closed her eyes and she held one of her hands over my own.

"Let's move to the bed," she panted.

Whatever resolve I had left to resist her was crumbling fast. I could no longer hear the voice in my head that had been telling me that this was wrong. It was crushed under the monumental revelation that she loved me and obviously wanted me as badly as I did her.

It took a couple of tries for us to get up and move to the bed. Each time one of us would try to move, the other would pull our bodies close again. We were so wrapped in our need that feeling the lack of warmth from our bodies against each other seemed unbearable. She giggled playfully at the third failed attempt and latched her lips to my neck, kissing me as she purposely ground her pussy against me.

I finally forced myself to my feet, keeping one arm wrapped around her back, taking her with me. She locked her legs around my waist, chuckling into my neck as I carried her toward the bed. Her laughter stopped halfway there, followed by a low groan when her pelvis slipped down a little, making my cock slide hard against her sex. I cupped her butt in one of my hands to support her and one of my fingers accidentally settled in the crack of her ass making her buck a little and eliciting another pleasurable groan from her.

"One day," she growled, "I want you to take me like this."

I nearly fired my load right there on the spot. I'd never heard her talk like that. The hungry tone in her voice and her words rocketed right through me.

"Ooh, you liked that idea. I felt like you get harder." Her hot breath washed over my ear as she panted out each sentence.

I don't know if I got harder or not, but she definitely had me turned on.

I felt the edge of the bed hit my shins and turned my back to it before sitting down, bringing her with me. I kept my right hand on her ass, kneading her flesh while leaning back so I could massage her tits with my other hand. She rolled her hips against me, groaning loudly.

"You're unbelievable," I whispered.

She smiled from ear to ear as I pulled her back down to me and rolled on top of her. I kissed my way from her neck down to her breasts, while she purred contentedly and ran her hands through my hair.

"Oh god, that's..." She didn't finish her thought as I began sucking on her right nipple. Her hands held my head in place as I continued to lick and suck her nipple. I loved how her nipple became even harder between my lips. Her hips bucked up toward me as I worshiped her breast. I moved to her other tit and gave it the same treatment while sliding my hand into her shorts. I felt no hair as I began moving my fingers gently over her wet slit.

The throaty moan she released when my finger parted her lips sounded so sexy that my dick jumped in my pants. I'd always loved the sounds that women made in bed and Skye was delivering some of the most erotic ones I had ever heard.

I gently slid my middle finger into her and began fucking her with it in a slow rhythm as her hips raised against my hand with each thrust. She pulled my face up to hers and gazed at into my eyes through half-closed lids. Her panting breaths were increasing in volume as I picked up the pace with my hand. I was breathing pretty hard, myself, feeling my need for her growing with every passing moment. I added a second finger in her wet pussy and put gentle pressure on her clit with my palm. The mildly musky scent of her arousal hung in the air around us, triggering a flashback of her being on my shoulders at the concert. It hadn't been my imagination that I smelled her, I thought.

Skye's hands roamed my back and shoulders, sometimes gripping the back of my neck for a moment before continuing to rub over my upper body. The look in her eyes became more focused and intense as she stared into my own. Her breathing was more harsh and erratic, punctuated with little whimpers and moans.

"I'm gonna..." She began but suddenly slammed her mouth against mine in a kiss. A hard kiss. Her breath entered my lungs in a muted scream as her body writhed uncontrollably below me. Her orgasm hit her hard, shaking her to her core. I couldn't have removed my hand if I wanted to as her legs were squeezed together around it with all her might. I held her against me with my free hand, continuing to kiss her as her twitching slowed and the death grip she had on my shoulders began to loosen.

Watching her orgasm was one of the most erotic things I had ever seen in my life. I'd always made sure to get every girl off, not that there were many. It was a point of pride with me. Those had been nothing compared to this. My god, was everything about this girl so amazing or was I just this in love with her?

My sister went limp on the bed beneath me, breathing hard. A sheen of sweat had formed across her chest. I rolled off of her, giving her room to breathe and cool down. I brought my hand up to my face and licked the fingers clean that had been inside her, purposely letting her see me do it. She blushed slightly at the sight but smiled. My erection ached for attention, but I forced myself to let her catch her breath.

"That was incredible." She breathed, reaching a hand across my chest. "I've never cum that hard in my life."

"You look so beautiful," I replied as my eyes wandered over her topless body. I shifted my body closer to her and she rolled to her side, resting her head on my shoulder.

Her hand drifted down and felt my hard cock that was straining against my sleep pants. She felt its length over the fabric, causing me to groan and raise my hips toward her hand.

"Bigger than I thought," she whispered huskily. From what I'd read online as a teen, my equipment was well within the normal range, and I'd never given it much more thought. I'd never had complaints from the few women who'd been kind enough to give it a look.

Her fingers snaked into my pants and wrapped around my shaft. She slowly moved her hand up and down my length. It felt great but I needed more right now.

"A little harder," I whispered. She tightened her grip a bit and increased her pace.

"Like that?" She asked, breathing the words just below my ear. Her own returning arousal was obvious.

"Yeah," I swallowed, closing my eyes and concentrating on the feel of her small hand jacking me off.

"Never held one before. I don't want to hurt you."

"You're a virgin?"

"Never even kissed anyone before tonight." She replied, licking her lips. "Not a real kiss."

"Really? Never?" I was momentarily distracted from her handjob by that revelation.

She shook her head causing a lock of hair to fall across her face partially obscuring her left eye. It only made her look even sexier to me.

"You ever been on a date?"

"I want to try something." She ignored my question, raising herself from my shoulder.

I felt her tugging my pants down and raised my hips to accommodate. This freed my cock and the better angle greatly improved the sensations she was causing. Then I felt her warm breath on me and looked down just in time to see her tongue dart out and lick the precum that had gathered at the head of my dick. She began bathing my shaft with her tongue, applying pressure to the underside all the way to the top before taking the head in her mouth. I wanted to watch her, but the sensation overwhelmed me and my eyes closed as I fought the urge to thrust up into her mouth.

She bobbed her head experimentally a couple of times, only taking in about a third of my length. Her mouth felt warm and wet. I opened my eyes again and took in the beautiful sight of her on all fours with her back arched, lowering her mouth on my cock once more. With every dip of her head, her confidence grew and her technique improved. She couldn't take my full length in her mouth, but she compensated by using her hand to take up the slack. She jerked my shaft up and down, licking and sucking my cock with an enthusiasm I'd never seen before.

Pausing for breath, she stroked her hand down my entire length while nuzzling her face against my dick as if it were a precious toy. I ran my fingers through her hair and tilted her face up to look at me. The lust and adoration in her brown eyes were unmistakable. She gave me a look that I had never seen from her before. An adorable, hungry look that made me ache to gather her in my arms and fuck her senseless.

"Come here."

She ignored me and resumed sucking my cock, purposefully looking up into my eyes while she did it. For a few moments anyway. Until my eyes closed involuntarily as I focused on the sensations she was causing. I opened them again when she next paused to breathe.

"Come here, damn it," I growled at her. She grinned as she continued nuzzling my cock against her face.

Kissing my chest and abs along the way, she crawled up my body on all fours, intentionally trying to look as seductive as possible. It was working. She arched her back, purposely dragging her breasts across my chest as she closed the gap between our faces.

I kissed her hungrily, running my arms along her lithe form and realized she'd shed her shorts. I groped her bare butt for the first time, intentionally sliding a finger between her cheeks this time since she seemed to enjoy that before. Her ass felt glorious. I could have fondled it for hours. It was clear that she was loving my ministrations. I could feel the wetness of her pussy pressing against my dick as she ground our naked bodies together.

Spurred on by my need, I reached between us and guided the head of my cock along the lips of her pussy, parting them slightly. She was soaking wet and her hot fluids coated the head of my cock.

"You ready?" I asked. She nodded.

"Let me know if it hurts. I'll go slow."

"I'll be fine."

Slowly, she rocked back against my cock and began impaling herself. She groaned as the walls of her pussy began stretching to accommodate me. The sensation of her slowly enveloping me was nearly overwhelming and I struggled not to thrust into her with everything I had. I wanted her like I had never wanted anything in my life, but I knew she needed me to be gentle for now.

"So good," she breathed.

"God, yes." I agreed as I withdrew and slowly slid back into her body.

Skye pushed herself up into a sitting position again, moaning softly each time she raised and lowered on my hard dick. The sight of my shaft disappearing into my sister's tight, wet hole took my breath away. My hand pawed down her chest across her taut stomach, making her muscles flutter at my touch.

"Feel me," She demanded in a gravelly voice, grabbing my hand and bringing it up to her breast. Her back arched, thrusting her tits at me.

I rubbed and squeezed her breast, keeping her hard nipple excited with little pulls and teases. I ran my other hand through her hair and down the side of her face. She caught my thumb in her mouth and sucked on it seductively. She was a stunning vision of beauty as she began undulating against me.

Her eyes met mine when she released my thumb and lingered there. We were fucking in earnest now, meeting each other's thrusts and punctuating them with sharp breaths and moans. As we moved together, I became aware that I had never felt anything like this. This felt stronger, more passionate, more intimate than any sex I had ever had. This felt... right. I wanted it to last forever. I wanted her to look at me with her eyes full of love and lust like this forever.

"I love you so much," I groaned as my cock thrust into her again. The sensation building in my balls told me that I wasn't going to last much longer. She felt so incredible and it had been too long.

I wrapped my arms around her before she could respond and rolled us both until I was on top of her. She brought her legs up around my waist, staring into my eyes as I kept fucking her.

"I'm so close, baby," she breathed. "Don't stop."

I had no intention of stopping. My need for her was burning inside me, threatening to boil over at any moment. I couldn't wait to cum inside her, painting the walls of her pussy with my desire. To somehow make her understand how much I needed her and loved her. How much I wanted her to be mine and mine alone.

The familiar tingling sensation began surging up the length of my cock and I fought to hold back until she came. She was panting erratically under my assault, pawing at my sides and back with need. Mercifully, her back suddenly arched beneath me as she gripped the sheets beside her. Her head was thrown back and Skye let out a loud moan punctuated by a series of rapid whimpers as her body quivered beneath mine.

I seized her hips, pulling her tightly against me as my dick lurched uncontrollably, spraying great bursts of my semen deep inside her. I forgot to breathe, completely lost to the sensations. It felt like I was never going stop cumming at first. Months of need and tension seemed to pour out of my cock into my little sister's body. Finally, the last of my energy gave out, and I collapsed on top of her with my chest heaving, struggling to catch my breath.

As I rolled to my side, Skye let out a sigh as my deflating cock slid out of her. She had her eyes closed, still basking in the aftermath of her orgasm. We were both covered in sweat and breathing hard.

"You okay?" I asked, smoothing her hair down with a hand as I gently cupped the side of her face.

"I'm perfect. That was perfect," she replied, tilting her face toward my palm. "This is my dream, you know?"

"Losing your virginity?"

"No. Well, yes. But I mean us. Together like this. I've dreamed about this a long time." Skye snuggled up against me, smiling to herself.

"How long have you felt like this?"

"Mm... Forever. I think it started when I hurt my knee. Do you remember that?" She draped her leg with the bad knee across my body, purposely dragging her foot sensually along my side.

"Of course I remember. But that was like six years ago."

"I know it was. You were at the meet that night. You never missed my gymnastics events. Even if mom was working, you were there to cheer for me. But when I got hurt, you were right there. You wouldn't leave. At the hospital, before mom got there, you wouldn't leave the room. I was scared and the nurse kept trying to get you to leave and you wouldn't move."

"They kept threatening to call security on me, I remember."

"You told the head nurse at eat a dick," she chuckled softly, nuzzling her face against my neck. Her lips tickled as she spoke but I said nothing about it.

"It was West Memorial, mom always says they suck. There was no way I was gonna leave you alone in the ER with those assholes until she got there."

"Yeah, but you made me feel safe. You always make me feel safe. And loved. Even when I'm being a little shit."

"You? A little shit? Never." I smirked. My hand trailed down the curve of her spine, pausing just above her ass. Even though we'd just had sex, the feel of her sexy nude body against my skin was enticing.

"Especially in high school. I was so jealous every time you would talk about some girl you met at school. Oh god, it drove me nuts." She kissed my neck again. "I wanted you to talk about me the way you did them. That one girl, Julie? I hated her so much."

"I remember Julie. She was a sweet girl."

"The way she would lean against the lockers when you would talk to her, batting her eyelashes and always tucking her hair behind her ear." Skye made a noise of disgust that made me chuckle.

"She wasn't like that. Hell, I was shocked she gave me the time of day. I wasn't even sure she liked me."

"She flirted so hard with you. How could you not see it?"

"Wait a minute! That was the day you made me bring you home to change clothes because you accidentally sat in ketchup in the cafeteria." I cocked an eyebrow.

"Told you I was a little shit."

"Can't argue there."

"I used to beat myself up about it. Telling myself I was a twisted little bitch for wanting to be with my own brother like that. I felt so guilty when I would pull some stunt to get you to pay attention to me instead of whatever girl you were hung up on. But I couldn't stop myself. So many times I wanted to yell at you that I was right here."

"I never knew."

"Whitney was the hardest to take," Skye clung to me a little tighter. "Because I knew you were sleeping with her."

I hugged her back, feeling a little guilty for the times Whitney and I had sex in my room when I knew Skye was home, not realizing the feelings she was dealing with.

"God, I'm pathetic," she sighed.

"Why would you say that?"

"I can't believe I'm telling you this."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I used to sit in the hall and listen to you with her. I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop myself. Sometimes I'd try to imagine what you were doing that caused her to moan that way or whatever. But mostly I just cried because it wasn't me. I wanted it to be me so badly."

She buried her face in my shoulder and I held her close to me.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't know," I whispered into her hair, kissing the top of her head and stroking her bare back.

"I know you didn't," she mumbled. "It's me now. That's all that matters."

We both lay silently for a few minutes. I didn't really know what to say. Six years? I felt pretty pathetic for nearly losing my mind after only a couple of months. She kept her feelings for me hidden for six years. That was kind of mind-blowing.

Finally, she propped herself up on an elbow.

"I need a shower," Skye yawned as she climbed out of the bed and stretched.

Watching my sister stretch in the nude rapidly made its way near the top of my mental list of sexiest things I'd personally witnessed.

"You coming?" She asked, smiling over her shoulder at me.

She didn't have to ask twice.

The upstairs bathroom was relatively small. There was a modest sink, mirror that doubled as a medicine cabinet, toilet, and a shower stall with no bathtub. Up until that very moment, I had never considered the possibility of fitting two people in the shower.

We took turns washing each other, leading to some comical moments when she made me kneel so she could wash my hair because she wasn't tall enough to rinse it without risking getting shampoo in her eyes. There wasn't any room in the shower to really get up to anything, but I still made sure to take my time washing the more interesting and intimate parts of her body and she did the same with mine.

"Are you sore?" I asked, worrying I'd been too rough with her. I slipped on a pair of boxers and hung the towel over the shower curtain rod to dry.

"No. Well, maybe a little. Not enough to care about."

"I didn't see any blood. Not to get all super personal, I just thought that there would be."

"Questioning my virginity?" She smirked.

"Not at all, was just concerned." I took a defensive step back.

"I have toys, you know. And I may have gotten a little overzealous the night after the concert."

"Toys, eh? Should I be intimidated? I've seen some pretty damned big toys."

I brought my hands up about two feet apart to approximate a ridiculously large dildo length. She laughed and slid her nude, still damp little body between my hands and hugged me.

"They are toys of a perfectly reasonable size and you have no expectations to live up to because of them."

I made a mock sigh of relief.

"Now can we take your fragile male ego back to bed? I'm tired." She rolled her eyes as she pulled on her pajama top and walked out of the bathroom bottomless.

Even though her shirt covered her ass, my mind still lingered on the idea that the shirt was all she had on. I'd just spent over an hour naked with her and still wasn't ready for her to have clothes on again. I pulled her back toward me and fondled her ass with one hand, keeping the other around her waist.

She giggled, wrapping her arms around the arm holding her waist and leaned her head back against my chest, submitting herself to my groping.

I felt her craning her neck and glanced down to see that she was trying to kiss me but wasn't tall enough. For once, I didn't make a joke and simply leaned down to meet her kiss. She felt so good in my arms. She felt right somehow, even though everything I had been taught told me it was wrong.

Skye dropped a towel over the wet spot on the bed from our earlier lovemaking and stretched across the bed in a long, feline-like way before noticing me staring at her from the side of the bed.

"I could get used to that."

"What?" I replied.

"The way you watch me," she smiled a little, biting her lower lip.

I turned off the bedroom light and crawled into bed where she immediately wrapped herself around me.

"Noticed you never answered my question earlier."

"What's that?" she yawned into my shoulder.

"I asked if you had ever been on a date. You didn't answer me. Not that I was complaining."

"Guys ask me out often enough, but no. I knew who I wanted to be with." She snuggled against me for emphasis. "Unless you count the concert, of course."

"That wasn't exactly a date," I chuckled, tracing the curve of her spine with my fingertips.

"Well, I got felt up, so I thought I might be able to count it." I felt her lips smiling against my neck.

"God, I felt fucking horrible about that."

"I didn't want to make you feel bad. I had the best time that night. I wanted to talk on the way back. I had myself convinced I was finally going to go for it. I was gonna pour my heart out and hope you wouldn't freak out."

Her hand was gently stroking the side of my face as she spoke and I kissed her thumb as it crossed the corner of my mouth.

"Why didn't you?"

"I chickened out. Like always. Afraid you would freak out and reject me. Or worse."

"I can definitely relate."

She nodded her agreement against my neck and yawned. It wasn't long before I yawned myself, triggering her to do the same. We both started giggling at the contagious nature of yawns.

"I know it's ridiculous, but I'm almost afraid to go to sleep. It's like there's this silly little girl inside me who is afraid that I'll wake up alone in the morning and this never happened." Her voice was a barely audible whisper, thick with exhaustion.

A few moments later, I rolled my eyes when the snoring began.

* * * * *