
This Mother's Solution Ch. 03


When I posted Chapter 3 of This Mother's Solution on literotica, I had serious reservations about continuing my sexual involvement with my son David. I was concerned that doing so would cause psychological damage to us both. In the months since then, a number of things have caused me to change my thinking about that, the most important of which is the email correspondence I received from literotica readers who have sent me their comments.

I have established pen-pal type relationships with about a dozen of these respondents. Our communications have been uniformly delightful to me. Most (but not all) are with people who either have been, or currently are, involved in incestuous mother-son relationships. To a person, they all have expressed positive feelings and emotions to me about their experiences. None seem to have been psychologically harmed in any way that I can detect. I had been expecting just the opposite, which is why I terminated what David and I were doing, wanting to cut things off before they got out of hand and progressed further than they already had. Being irresistibly attracted to him, both sexually and emotionally, and with the new knowledge that my readers had given me, I felt that there was no good reason for us to continue the separation I had imposed upon on us.

I knew that David didn't share my initial reservations so, after thinking about it for quite some time, I came up with a plan that would not only restore our intimacy to what it had been previously but take it several steps further. That's what this chapter, and the ones following, are about.

As a note of caution to the reader, I should say something about the sexual activity depicted in my writing. If someone is looking for raw, explicit, detailed descriptions, he/she would probably do better to look elsewhere. I don't write like that. I try to make my writing as erotic as possible, because that's how most of these experiences felt to me, but perhaps eroticism has a slightly different meaning for a woman than it does for a man.

The vacation mentioned in this chapter's subtitle took place in the northwestern United States, which is also where my son and I live. On the off chance that either of us were seen by someone we know (without our realizing it), with the exception of the City of Seattle, I have purposely refrained from specifically naming any of the places we visited.

When I first started thinking about the best way to bring David and I back together, I was reminded of what I had gone through years before when I had seen David masturbating while looking at my photograph. After that happened, I was casting about for a way to let him satisfy his sexual longing for me without compromising our basic mother-son relationship. The situation now was remarkably similar but with some major differences, the main one being that I no longer had any reservations about us having sex, in the usual sense of the word. Doing that would be an incredibly giant step for us, simply because we had never done it.

This would be one the most important events of my life. For that reason, I wanted to make it as special as I could. Going together to a cheap motel for a few hours was not even a possibility. I wanted us to spend days in each other's arms, not hours. Unfortunately, for a long time I couldn't figure out a way to make that happen without arousing the suspicions of our respective spouses. I was in a quandary about what to do. I didn't bring David in on my dilemma because I knew that he wouldn't be as concerned about the niceties of the situation as I was. To put it crudely, once he knew what my intentions were, he'd be about as subtle as a dog in heat and I wouldn't have the will power to stop him.

Surprisingly enough, the spark of inspiration came from my husband Ken. One day at breakfast he told me that he was thinking of going to a convention related to the work he does and he asked me if I wanted to come with him. This event was being held in Las Vegas. Ken told me that most of the time we were there, I would be on my own while he went to talks and presentations. Wandering around Las Vegas all by myself wasn't an appealing prospect to me, so I declined. Among other potential difficulties, I'm not interested in gambling. It can't have been more than a few minutes after Ken and I finished talking about this that a devious scheme crept into my head.

I knew that several months in the future, David and his wife Jessica were planning a vacation in Hawaii. Several weeks earlier, I recalled overhearing the two of them discussing how long they should stay. David was saying that he wanted to make it for several weeks to justify the expense of flying over there and the day-long travel time each leg of the trip would take. Jessica told him that the maximum vacation allotment she had available where she worked was 2 weeks, so that was how long they ended up planning to go. David had no vacation time restrictions, because his job was done on a piece work basis. He could take time off whenever he wanted. He had to have a job like that to make time for going to classes at the local community college.

David and Jessica come over to our house every week or two to visit and the next time we were all sitting down at the dinner table together, I set my plan in motion.

"Ken tells me that towards the end of June, he's going to a convention in Las Vegas for about a week," I announced to nobody in particular. "I was thinking that since he gets to be away, fooling around with show girls or whatever they do down there, the three of us should get to go on our own little vacation. My treat, of course."

"Sounds good to me," David replied, "what'd you have in mind?"

"Oh, I don't know. . . nothing too spectacular. There's actually some pretty nice spots around here within driving distance. One I was thinking of is this nice place by a lake up on the Olympic peninsula. I was there one time years ago. . . it's very nice."

I didn't want to embarrass Ken so I neglected to mention that the place I was thinking of was where I went on my honeymoon with David's father. David might have guessed this was where I was talking about, but, if he did, he had the tact not to say anything.

"Sure," said David, "What'd ya think, Jess?"

"You know Davy, with our Hawaii thing, I'm using all my vacation time, so I probably couldn't go."

"Oh, darn, isn't that a shame," I said, trying to make myself sound as disappointed as possible. "Well, that's too bad. . . it was just an idea."

I was just about to suggest that as an alternative, David and I could go by ourselves when remarkably, almost unbelievably, Jessica beat me to it.

"I'll check at work and see if they'll give me some extra time off. . . maybe I can even take some time without pay. . . we could afford that, couldn't we honey?" she asked, reaching across the table and patting David's arm.

"Absolutely," he replied.

"But if they won't," she went on, "why don't the two of you just go by yourselves?"

I was dumbstruck. The Gods had smiled down on me. It was looking like the whole idea of David and I going off together somewhere was Jessica's, not mine. I'm sure my blood pressure had skyrocketed into the red zone but somehow I managed to stammer out a reply, hopefully sounding cool and collected.

"That's a marvelous suggestion Jessie but why don't you check things out at work first and we'll figure out what to do after that."

I looked over at David to see how he was taking all this but he was staring down at his dinner plate, appearing unconcerned about the whole thing. I could see that he was looking a little flushed, however, because his ears had reddened. I can only imagine what he was thinking. A few days later he called me on the phone and I got my answer. After some unrelated conversation, David brought it up.

"Jess is kind of bummed out because they won't give her any more time off but she's still saying we should go by ourselves."

"Really. . . well. . . should we?"

"Come on. . . are you kidding? Of course we should. The question is do YOU think we should."

"Sure, why not?" I said, teasing him a little.

"Listen mom, you know as well as I do that if we're alone together for very long it could lead to. . . you know. . . complications."

"Not if you're a good boy and behave yourself."

"Oh, geeeeze. . . so how long were you thinking of making this?" David asked.

"Well, Ken's gone all the week of the 23rd and he'll be back on Sunday the 29th, so I was thinking that's when we should go too.

"Where are we going, by the way?"

"It's a surprise. I'll tell you after we leave. We'll take my car, though, cause I get better mileage than that damn pickup of yours. All I'll tell you now is we'll be staying by a lake in the woods, so bring things accordingly," and shortly after that we rang off.

This was setting up even more ideally than I had dreamed it would. Maybe it's my perverse nature but I liked the idea of David not knowing what was going to happen right up until the last minute. Of course, I knew exactly what he wanted to happen but he had no way of knowing if it would. Even though we were both married and had reasonably active sex lives with our spouses, I'm sure he was masturbating just as often as I was, picturing the possibilities. I must admit that as our departure time got closer, I got kind of obsessive about that. I was pleasuring myself in the ladies room at work, at home when Ken wasn't around, in the shower when he was. Making love with David seemed to occupy my thoughts about 90% of the time.

I wanted to come up with a special way to tell David that I would be giving myself to him. What I decided to do involved leaving for our trip with a small amount of gas in my car, so that we would have to stop on the way to get more fuel. The last time I bought gas before we left, I got a small dollar amount, instead of getting the usual fill-up, so I had only about a third of a tank. With that amount, even though my hybrid car gets good gas mileage, it wouldn't be enough to get us the approximately 250 miles we had to go.

At about 9 in the morning, I picked David up at the apartment where he and Jessica live. She was already off to work for the day. We loaded his stuff in the car and off we went. As soon as we got in the car, the emotional tension between David and I was painfully obvious. We both made an effort to keep our conversation frivolous and inconsequential. Because of what I knew was coming, I was becoming more and more sexually aroused. Basically, I could feel that I was making myself wet.

When I finally pulled into a gas station and asked the attendant to fill the tank, I excused myself to David and went to the restroom. Sure enough, when I got in a stall and sat down to do what one does there, I noticed that my panties were completely soaked. I took them off, folded them up into as small and compact a square as I could and stuck them into one of the pockets of my jeans. I wasn't worried about further 'leakage' showing through, because jean material is very heavy. I knew my pants would be soiled and musty but I was sure we could find somewhere to throw them in the wash. I guessed that the resort would have clothes washing facilities. When I got back to the car, I asked David if he would like to drive the rest of the way and he took me up on my offer.

"I assume at some point you're going to tell me where we're going," he said as we pulled out of the gas station, "but until you tell me to turn off, I'll just keep on I-5. This isn't by any chance where you and dad went when you got married is it?"

"As a matter of fact, it is. Don't worry, I'll tell you where to turn in plenty of time."

"Neat. I always wondered what that place was like. I remember you guys talking about it when I was a kid."

As soon as we got back on the freeway, I reached in my pocket, fished out my little bundle and without saying a word, bumped my hand into David's arm to get his attention and handed it to him!

He obviously had no idea what it was I had given him and for a while it was comical, watching him driving with one hand and trying to unfold what I had given him with the other. Comical and deadly serious at the same time. My heart was beating so hard I could feel it. Eventually, he had to put both palms on the steering wheel with his hands close together, so he could use the fingers of both hands. When he was about half way there, he realized what he was holding.

"HOLY SHIT," he almost yelled, "are you kidding me?"

He whipped his head back and forth several times between me and the road and then hit the brakes hard and pulled off sharply onto the shoulder. He continued his exclamations.

"I can't believe this. . . does this mean what I think it means?"

I didn't answer him. Not one word. I just stared at him. The look I was giving him was more than just locking eyes with each other. MUCH more. I wish I could say this was the first time I had done this with a man but truthfully, it's not. There is an almost primeval way we women have of telling a man we've never had sex with that we are agreeing to do so. It's about as intimate as intimate can be. Often times our decision to submit is made in the twinkling of an eye, so this look can happen any time at all. With David, my decision had been made weeks earlier but regardless of that, for a short time, talking is out of the question. David was silent too and for the longest time, stared back at me. The atmosphere was electric. It's likely the fuzzy hair on my arms was standing straight up. Eventually he spoke.

"Oh my God. . . it does."

He almost whispered the words. I could barely hear him. It's like he was talking to himself. Speaking louder, he continued.

"You're not talking about going back to the way things were, are you?"

After a very long pause, I answered.


"Because I can't do that any more. . . I want you too much."

"David. . . DAVID. . . do I have to spell it out for you?. . . I'm giving myself to you. . . completely."

He looked away, leaned over and lightly banged his forehead on the steering wheel. After a while he stopped and then more closely examined what he held in his hands, unfolding it the rest of the way.

"They're all wet. . . you were wearing these, weren't you."

It was a statement, not a question. I forced out a chuckling laugh, nodding as I did so, trying to ease the tension of the situation.

"What got you to change your mind about us?. . . I didn't think you ever would."

"That's a long story. I'll tell you about it sometime but not right now."

David handed me back my panties and I folded them up and stuck them back in my pocket. We sat there for quite some time with David drumming his fingers on his leg, alternately staring out the front of the car and looking over at me. After a while, he had recovered enough to start driving again, so he looked over his shoulder and, when there was a clear spot, pulled back on the road.

"Listen mom, the next exit we come to with a motel sign, I'm going to pull in there and get us a room. I can't. . ."

"Oh no," I interrupted him, "I'd really rather you wouldn't. Please keep going until we get there."

We playfully argued about this for a while but eventually he agreed to do as I asked. After that, there was silence between us. I'm sure the thought of what was coming was on David's mind as much as it was on mine, which is to say, 100% of the time. I could tell that David was clearly at a loss about what to do. He wanted to do something but he had no idea what. He frequently looked over at me but had to quickly look back at the road while he drove. I remember wondering if I had revealed my intentions too early since there were still several hours until we reached our destination. I had wanted to tease him a little by making him wait but I hadn't intended to make it into torture.

At one point, he reached out his hand and placed it on my breast, holding me through the cloth of my shirt. I placed my hand over his and held him tightly against me.

"This is making me crazy, mom. I don't know if I can hold out until we get there."

"Listen, sweetheart, I've got the same problem you do. . . I've been waiting even longer than you. . . a LOT longer. . . you'll survive."

"Yeah, I know, but it's tough."

"Oooooh. . . pooooor baby."

As I was saying that, I took his hand, placed it back on the steering wheel and placed mine on his crotch, on top of the obvious erection that his pants were doing little to hide. I was just trying to be a little sexy but doing that was probably a mistake because David seemed to think it meant that I was wanting us to do something more serious. He unzipped his fly and started undoing his belt.

"I don't think that's such a good idea, honey," I said, "that makes me nervous. Somebody might see us."

"Are you kidding? Nobody can look in here. If it bothers you, I'll keep away from other cars. . . Don't worry about it."

He kept on undoing with one hand and driving with the other. After a while, he was able to slip his fingers under the waistband of his boxers, stretch them lower with the back of his hand and there he was! As big and shinny and beautiful as ever! My hand was still on his leg, only inches away. I knew I was compounding my mistake but I couldn't resist. I leaned over and kissed his ear, going around the outside and poking my tongue into the center. Obviously, this was exactly the kind of thing David wanted me to do. He started stroking himself.

"Darling, please. . . please don't do that. . . not right now."

"Oh come on mom. It won't hurt anything. I'll be fine when we get there. . . Do it for me. . . Give it a kiss. . ."

"NO. . . I said not right now."

It took him a good 4 or 5 minutes of pleading before he managed to persuade me to kiss his monument to manhood. Much to his dismay, however, a few actual kissing type kisses was all he got. I told him that I had something better in mind that I wanted to save him for. Obviously, this was frustrating to him but for some perverse reason, that didn't bother me in the slightest. It must have been my dominate side in the old dominant-submissive dichotomy winning out. When I pulled away, I didn't want to but I spoke to him a little harshly.

"Put your plaything away, David, we've still got a long way to go."

He could tell I was serious so he didn't argue and did as I asked, first sighing loudly, theatrically.

About an hour later, we were getting closer to where we were going so, I had to concentrate on looking out for turns. When we got to the entrance road, David recognized the name on the wooden sign.

"Oh yeah, I remember that. Have you been back since the time with dad?"


David parked in front of the main lodge, which has the office sign over the door, and I went in and registered. The guy behind the counter, who I later found out was the manager, bore a striking resemblance to Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame, goatee and all. Most of the rooms are in the lodge but there are a few cabins at various secluded locations close to the lake, one of which I had reserved for us.

I was so discombobulated by my anticipation of what was about to happen that I couldn't focus on what the Colonel was asking of me as he filled out the papers, so he kept having to repeat himself when he wanted to see my driver's license and credit card and things like that. He gave me a little mimeographed map and pointed out where our cabin was. I had him mark it with a pencil because my current memory capacity was about zero.

When I returned to the car, I gave David the map and he drove us right to it. It didn't register with me how beautiful our surroundings were because I was experiencing a kind of mental tunnel vision. I remember that I felt this kind of intense heat in the upper part of my chest and in my throat. I must have looked a little strange because as the car was rolling to a stop, David reached over, took my hand and asked if I was OK.

I nodded in the affirmative, because I couldn't talk, and stared straight ahead. I gave David the key and just sat there. I didn't know what I was supposed to do next. David jumped out of the car, ran up on the porch, opened the front door and looked briefly inside. Because I hadn't moved, he came back to the car, opened my door, helped me get out and offered me his arm, just like the gentleman he is. When we got to the top of the landing, without saying a word, he bent down next to me, scooped me up, carried me inside and put me down. Just like married couples do in the movies.

We hadn't brought in a single thing from the car but that didn't matter. There was something more important that had to be taken care of first. All that mattered was getting our clothes off as quickly as possible. It was like an athletic undressing competition. Shirts over here. Shoes kicked off over there. Pants, who knows where. I knew that in a very short time, David would be inside of me. That was all I could perceive. This was the moment we had been waiting for. Waiting for a very, very long time. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. David was standing in front of me, completely naked and gloriously erect, looking down at me. But then the strangest, most unanticipated thing happened:

He exploded!!!

One burst after another his eruptions came out. I have no idea how many. Most of his cum flew over my shoulder but some landed on my arm. I was so surprised, all I could do was watch. I wasn't touching him and he wasn't touching himself and it happened anyway. I was stunned. Before he even finished, David was apologizing.

"Oh God mom, I'm so sorry. . . I didn't mean for that to happen. . . I couldn't help it, it just came out."

"Please don't apologize, baby. That was wonderful. . . I've never seen. . . I had no idea you could do that, did you?"


After we recovered for a while and had a laugh or two about the whole thing, I got a hand towel from the bathroom and put on a bathrobe they had hanging on the door. I brought the other robe to David and we cleaned up as best we could. Then David said he would get the stuff from the car and told me to sit on the bed with my eyes closed. He said he had a surprise for me. When he came back in, I heard him rustling around with what sounded like zippers and papers and things. He told me to open my eyes. He was kneeling on one knee in front of me with a dozen red roses, holding them out to me!

I was so surprised, so touched, so overwhelmed by this, I cried. I actually had tears in my eyes.

"I can't believe it," I blubbered.

As I said this, I pulled him to me, held his head against my chest and kissed the top of his head over and over.

Later on I found out that David had wrapped the stems in a soaking wet towel, put that in a plastic bag inside a cardboard box and concealed the whole thing in his gym bag, which I had assumed he was using for clothes or swimming things when he loaded it in the car. They were in perfect condition when he gave them to me. He had done this, knowing nothing about what was coming. It was a simple expression of his love for me.

We found a Mason Jar in the kitchen cupboard that we used as a vase. We cut the stems shorter and put the arrangement in the middle of the dinning table. They bloomed majestically the whole time we were there.

Needless to say, with David's stamina and enthusiasm, the blessed event we had both been so anxiously anticipating was delayed only a very short time.

I know that many of my readers will feel that what I am about to say is a cop-out but I have decided not to write about what transpired between David and me for the next 12 hours or so. Second only to David's birth, this is the most important, most significant, most awe-inspiring thing that has ever happened to me and I feel that it would be violating the spirit of this sacred gift for me to write about it for the sole purpose of providing my readers with erotic pleasure. This is not to say that there won't be plenty of other things in the rest of my writing that (hopefully) will do that. It just won't happen with this.

If a reader feels that what I have done makes what I have written unsatisfactory, there are a number of things he or she can do to express their displeasure. Most obviously, this person can stop reading right here and move on to reading something else OR, do so by giving me a low mark when asked to rate my submission at the end of this chapter OR, by writing a negative public comment, which I promise I will not delete for that reason alone OR, by sending me an email and telling me so.

Of course, my wish is that none of you do any of these things. Whatever you do, I am prepared to accept the consequences. Regardless, I hope that you all realize that one alternative I had was to not write any more chapters after my 3rd, something I seriously considered doing. Please believe me when I say that I haven't posted this with the intention of annoying anyone. Like all writers, I want to please everyone that I write for but I am only capable of doing certain things and writing about my very first total sexual experience with my son isn't one of them.

For obvious reasons, we had no dinner that night. Had we done that, what is usually considered a necessity would have felt more like an unnecessary disruption. Well after midnight we fell asleep, twisted in each other's arms, holding each other. Several hours later, I got up to pee, moving gingerly so as not to waken my new-found lover. David had put a flashlight by the side of the bed, which I used to see my way, since I was in unfamiliar surroundings. While I was in the bathroom, I discovered I was covered with residue from the dried liquids that accompany lovemaking. Using a wash cloth, I gave myself a sponge bath. I also brushed my teeth. With the bathroom light still on, I opened the door to return to bed. I was looking down at the floor to see the beam of the flashlight as I turned it back on, when I was startled to see someone's legs! I was so surprised, I dropped the flashlight and it clattered to the floor.

It was David, of course, standing there stark naked, just like me.

"Oh, David," I gasped, "you scared me. . . I thought you were asleep."

He said nothing and stared at me with this hungry-serious look in his eyes that I'd seen several times in the past few hours. I put one hand on his shoulder and moved to the side to let him pass, assuming that he was waiting for me to leave so he could use the bathroom. While looking at him, it didn't escape my attention that he was hugely erect. I couldn't take my eyes off his cock, which in the dramatic side light appeared unbelievably large. He looked like a horse. I took my hand from his shoulder, put my fingers over my lips and unsuccessfully tried to suppress a giggle.

"It's kind of hard to pee with that sticking out, isn't it?" I asked.

Once again, he made no reply but instead put both hands on the side of my head, drew me close and kissed me. It was an unexpectedly passionate kiss, considering all that we had done before we fell asleep. His kisses moved lower to my neck, my breasts and stomach and I reflexively put one of my legs on his shoulder, knowing that would allow him access to where I knew he was going. His kisses there were brief and before I had time to register his ultimate intentions, his hands were on my hips, lifting me easily off the ground as he straightened. My back was against the wall, to the side of the bathroom door, so I was in no danger of falling backwards. The light from the bathroom allowed me to clearly see everything that was happening. Because of the way he was holding my thighs, in a flash my legs were wrapped around his waist. As I put my arms around his neck, he lowered me down and entered me.

With each of his thrusts, I was raised and lowered. My movement was accentuated by him bending and straightening his knees. A minute before I wouldn't have thought it possible again so soon but almost immediately I was crying out in ecstasy. I was so enraptured, I'm almost embarrassed to repeat what I said:

"Fuck me, FUCK ME. . ." I repeated over and over again, each time a little louder than the last. In a few short hours, I gone from mother to nymphomaniac. (Maybe those words aren't as contradictory as it seems like they should be.)

I'd never said anything like that in the middle of sex before but the pressure his cock made as it pushed me higher was something I'd never experienced. For some odd reason, something a girlfriend had told me years earlier, about the thrill she got riding horses as the saddle bumped into her crotch, popped into my mind. David was my stallion. Needless to say, my climax was extreme. Just as it was subsiding, David had his and I felt the lovely tingle of his cum erupting inside of me.

As David let me down, sliding against the wall, my knees were so weak that I crumpled to the floor with my legs askew beneath me. David sank down and cuddled me, holding my head against his chest. We were both breathing hard, panting. I could hear his heart pounding in his chest. As we sat there immobile, recovering, I became conscious of a sharp pain in my lower back. It didn't feel like a pulled muscle but more like my skin was on fire.

"Have a look at my back, sweetheart. I think I did something," I said and leaned to the side so he could see me in the light from the bathroom.

"Oh, geeeze, you sure did," David said as he leaned closer, looking.

"How on earth did. . ." he continued, turning to look over his shoulder as he said that.

"Look at this, mom."

I swiveled to see what he was talking about and we could both see that the outside of the bathroom wall had this very heavily textured, wood design surface, something that neither of us had noticed before.

"God, I'm so sorry. I had no idea I was doing that. I rubbed the skin right off your back. Let me get a tissue. It's bleeding."

He got up and headed into the bathroom.

"Look in my little blue bag, sweetie. I think there's some Neosporin in there," which I had brought because we were going to a woodsy location, where who knows what can get scraped and abraded. Of course, I had never anticipated needing it for something like this. I was feeling nothing but pleasure at the time, so it's not surprising that I didn't notice what was happening. After David had tended to my slight injury and we were headed back to bed, we noticed that the first morning light was peeking in through the curtains and decided it would be best not to miss breakfast, since all the meals are served on a fairly short time schedule and we were both very hungry. Starved, in fact. So, we got dressed and left the cabin to walk the quarter mile or so to the lodge.

According to our resort map, the shortest route is a trail through the woods but we decided to take the dirt road, because we wanted to walk side by side. This was the first time that David and I had been out in the world since becoming lovers. I would be minimizing things terribly if I said everything felt different. It was more like I wasn't even the same person. Floating? Gliding? Suspended in air? Walking with David was all of those things. We were arm in arm, arms around shoulders, arms around waists. Stopping to kiss, to look into each others eyes, hands through hair, nuzzling, rubbing faces and foreheads together, holding and hugging each other.

I'm sure everybody who has gone to a shopping mall or a movie theater or downtown in any city, has seen a boy and girl who are captivated with each other. I'm referring to kids that are of middle school or early high school age. Just to look at them, you can tell that they're uncovering the delights of love for the very first time. Six months earlier, each was most likely thinking that members of the opposite sex were 'yucky' and untrustworthy. Associating with them was to be avoided at all costs. Now, their budding sexuality had changed everything, although it's unlikely that actual sex was involved.

All they can see is each other. They walk as close together as two people can get, oblivious to the existence of anyone or anything else. They'll sit in a movie theater and not pay the slightest attention to what's on the screen because they are too busy paying attention to each other. Their school work suffers. They forget about their friends. 'Puppy love' they used to call it. This is exactly how David and I were behaving. We were both 12 years old again.

When we walked into the dinning room, I'm sure we made a spectacle of ourselves. Many were probably saying to themselves, "What on earth does that woman think she's doing, hanging all over that handsome young man?" But, regardless of what they were thinking, I could care less. If somebody we knew happened to be there, it would have been a small disaster, but the chances of that were miniscule.

There were a couple of oversized picnic style tables, made out of rough-hewn timber, that seated roughly 12 to 16 people each, where people ate community style. They were all occupied. We would have preferred to have eaten there because we could have been seated next to each other. All that was open were some regular, square shaped tables and we took one of those. David held my chair for me and instead of sitting down opposite, took one of the empty chairs, asked me to scoot over and set his chair down right against mine so that we were on the same side of the table. This made it considerably easier to whisper in each other's ear, cuddle, feed each other and generally continue our adolescent behavior. I'm not sure what the management thought of all this but fortunately, they were kind enough to not kick us out.

The breakfast was great, at least I think it was. Who can remember? We weren't watching that movie.

When we returned to our cabin, having had only a few hours of sleep, we decided to go back to bed. Since the curtains were semi-transparent and letting in a lot of sunlight, we took a couple of extra blankets from a shelf full of linens and hung them over the rods to make the room a little darker. I had forgotten to put on sunscreen when we walked to breakfast, which I usually do when I'm out in the sun for any length of time, so I was fumbling around in my stuff looking for it, when this object popped out and clattered to the floor. My vibrator. Naturally, this caught David's attention.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"I'm afraid it is," I said as I bent over to pick it up.

"I didn't know you had one of those."

"That's probably because I hardly ever use it, so I never mentioned it."

"How come you brought it?"

"No particular reason. . . I just thought it might be fun to play with sometime."

"Oh r-e-a-l-l-y. . ." David said, drawing out the word, "well. . . now's as good a time as any. . . so, can I do it to you or should I watch you do it?"

"Right now?. . . Well. . . OK. . . you can do it, I guess."

"You'll have to show me how it works. I've never fooled with one before."

"Doesn't Jessica have one?"

"I don't think so. If she does, she never told me. . . wouldn't that be kind of insulting. I'm supposed to do all that, aren't I?"

I smiled and nodded.

All of a sudden, I felt kind of nervous about this. It flashed through my mind that lying there without my clothes on, having David put this thing in me would be very. . . I don't know. . clinical. And definitely not very romantic. So, instead of going ahead with it, I asked him a favor.

"Listen, David. . . why don't you go in the bathroom a few minutes and let me arrange myself. I'm not sure exactly how I want to do this."

"Sure," he replied as he departed.

"I'll give you a call when I'm ready," I said as he was closing the bathroom door behind him.

I pulled back the bed covers and set the vibrator on top of the night stand. As I started undressing, I decided to keep my top on. Under the circumstances, it seemed slightly ridiculous to be doing that to protect my modesty but I did it anyway. I took all the pillows, stacked them on top of one another, so I would be almost sitting up, climbed into bed and pulled the covers up around my waist and called to David. As he came over and sat down on the bed next to me, he said nothing about my looking as if I was still fully dressed.

I took him by the shoulders, pulled him closer and we kissed.

"Do you know how much I love you?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I hope you appreciate that because I wouldn't do this for anyone else."

I took David's hand, moved it under the sheet and placed in on the hair on top of my pussy.

"First I want you to kiss me there for a while."

Even though I had brought some olive oil along, coating the vibrator wouldn't be necessary once David got my juices flowing. I was probably lubricated enough already but my request was also a way for us to more intimately ease into things. David touched me for a while with his fingers, then took his hand away and pulled the covers down, so that my legs were out in the open. He got on his knees beside me with his elbows on the bed on either side of my head and touched my lips and nose with his tongue.

"I can't believe we're doing this," he whispered to me.

"I can't either," I whispered back.

And then he moved lower, lifting the hem of my shirt a little higher, touching me with his tongue and making soft little kisses all around my belly button. It was obvious where he was going, so I spread my legs to accommodate him, lifting one leg up, draping it over his shoulder and resting it there.

"Wow. . . I couldn't see last night in the dark but your nubby thing really gets big, doesn't it," he said.

"I suppose so. I don't look at it much but it feels that way when. . . you know."

"When you play with yourself you mean?"


He moved his arm and started touching my "nubby thing"' with the tip of his thumb, lightly glancing back and forth across the top. Each touch caused me to make a small, involuntary jerk with my hips. Then he took his hand away and did the same thing with the tip of his tongue. I was starting to get really excited by this. He took his head away and looked up at me. In my sitting-up position, we could see each other clearly.

"I wish it could tell me what it likes best," he said.

"Sorry, but it's not much of a conversationalist. It's talking to me though. Would you like me to tell you what it's saying?"

He nodded.

"It says I should ask you to go around the outside with the tip of your tongue."

I was asking him to approximate what I do with my fingers when I'm pleasuring myself.

"Yeah, like that but a little farther away. . . not so hard. . . oh yeah. . . oooooh, that's nice. . . don't stop. . . oh David, that feels sooooo good. . . you're sending me to heaven."

"OK," I went on, "now move your, oooooh, tongue over it. Go around again. . . over, OOOOOH God David. . . you're making me cum. . . cumming. . . cumming. . ."

And I'm sure I made a lot of other groans, gasps and sighs, thrusting my pussy harder and harder into his face. After a while, my orgasm subsided.

"That was sooooo nice David. . . one easy lesson and you're an expert. Oh damn. . . your face is soaked. . . there's a towel over there," I said, pointing towards one hanging over the back of a chair a few feet away.

"Don't worry about it. . . I'll take a bath later." and he moved back higher and kissed me. I could taste myself on his lips, which was strangely, intensely erotic itself.

"I love it when you're telling me you're cumming," he continued, "I know I'm an idiot about these things. . . I can't always tell. . . and it turns me on something fierce when you say that."

"Oh, David," and I put my arms around his neck, showering every part of his face with tiny kisses between my words.

"You're not. . . (kiss). . . an idiot. . . (kiss). . . you're the best. . . (kiss). . . lover I've. . . (kiss). . . ever had. You're the best lover. . . (kiss). . . ANY woman could ever have."

For a while we just hugged each other and relaxed, lying on the bed together. Eventually it registered in my consciousness that this was all supposed to be a build up to doing something with the vibrator. I reached over David's shoulder, took it off the night stand and handed it to him.

"There's a couple of buttons on the bottom," I said.

"Kind of cute the way it's shaped just like a real dick. . . soft like that too," David remarked, turning it around in his hand as he looked at it.

"You can see from the symbols what they do. One turns it on and the other selects how it vibrates. . . you know, fast or slow, faster for a while then slower, in pulses, stuff like that."

"How should I set it?" he asked as he tried the buttons, vibrating it in his hand and cycling through the different settings.

"Any way you want. I like them all."

With David holding it, I took his wrist in my hand and guided it to me. It slid in easily. I took my hand away and left everything up to him. Without turning it on, ever so slowly, he moved it in and out a few times.

"How far in should I put it, when I turn it on?" he asked.

"Makes no difference. It's smaller than you are, so as long as you're holding onto it, you can't put it in too far. They make great big ones and I guess those could hurt but this one doesn't."

"Should I be moving it in and out or leave it in one place?"

"Either way is fine. Do whatever you like."

"OK, here goes. . . are you ready?"

"Uh huh," and he turned it on.

I'm very sensitive to these things and since I was keyed up already, it can't have been more than a few seconds before I was right on the edge. David could see from the expression on my face that I was on the verge of cumming. Thankfully he leaned over and put his face right next to mine. For some reason I found that infinitely more comforting and loving than if he had stayed further away, looking at the vibrator and where it was. He didn't seem interested in that part at all and the whole time kept the pulsation right where it was when he turned it on, steady and unchanging. He didn't move it back and forth either, which was fine with me.

In short order, I was coming unglued.

Our eyes were locked, only a few inches apart and I started making these soft groaning sounds in a regular rhythm, almost like a metronome, only louder and louder each time.

"Uhhhhh. . . uhhhhh. . . uhhhhh. . . uhhhhh. . . uhhhhh. . ." and so on.

My hips started bucking against his hand so that even though David was doing nothing, I was moving the vibrator slightly in and out of myself. David moved closer and closer until his lips were touching my cheek, not kissing me, just touching. With my mouth wide open and my lips curled back, I was making sounds right next to him. Eventually, my orgasm slowed down and stopped. I probably could have had David fool with the settings and gotten things going again but it had been so sweet and delightful, I was happy to let things end where they did. He cuddled against me and whispered in my ear.

"You are sooooo beautiful when you cum, mom. . . you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

Since both of us were still partially clothed, we got up, took turns lazily undressing each other and rolled back into the unmade bed, for the moment just lying there, holding each other and kissing. After a while I felt a certain part of David's anatomy becoming pushy. He wasn't forcing anything, it was just happening without him moving anywhere else. I was lying on my back and he was on his side, beside me, with his arm draped over my shoulders. The leg of mine closest to him was cocked in the air with the crook of my knee resting on his leg. Wrapped together this way, we weren't putting much pressure on each other anywhere. It was all kind of sideways but even in this cockeyed configuration, with almost no effort or adjustment, David's pushy little friend opened the door and ushered himself inside. If David had wanted, I would have accommodated anything, but that's not what happened.

There was no mad, passionate sex and the next thing I knew, it was something like 2 or 3 hours later. We had both fallen asleep without either of us moving a muscle. David was still inside me, in a manner of speaking, but his erection had gone away, even though everything was still in the right place. I didn't want to move and disturb him but after a while, I couldn't resist and started running the tip of my tongue over his neck and shoulders, which were the parts of his body that were closest to my face. He tasted kind of salty and sweet at the same time.

He didn't open his eyes but he must have awakened slightly because I could feel him growing. Growing where it counts. Before long he started moving his hips a little. His eyes were still closed but his mouth had a slight grin. I couldn't restrain myself any more and I rolled my weight against him, pushing him onto his back and in a flash, we were in the old 'woman-on-top' position.

"Good morning, mom, or afternoon or whatever it is," he said, "this is the kind of wake-up I like."

"Hi sweetheart, I hope you didn't need to sleep some more."

"I can sleep anytime. I'd much, much rather be fucking you."

"Oh, you would, huh. That's good because I'd rather have you fucking me than watching you sleep."

And I rode him, ever so gradually increasing my speed. He put his hands on my breasts, moving his thumbs back and forth across my nipples. Looking down, I could see they were puffy and sticking straight out. We were getting to the point, having had so much sex with each other in the past 24 hours or so, that we could talk since we weren't speechless with passion. There was still a little time left to say a few words, if they were important enough.

"You know, David, you were so good to me with the vibrator and everything. . . I think I ought to do something special for you. I know you'd like to. . . you know. . . in my mouth, wouldn't you?"

"Are you kidding?. . . I LOVE that!"

"Yes. . . well. . . I'll bet you'd like it even better if I took you all the way in."

"But you've tried before. . . I must be too big or something. . . I don't want you hurting yourself. I can live without that."

"No, that's not it. Your size makes it a little harder but only a little. The big problem is this gag reflex thing that everybody has. I read about it on the web. It just takes practice to suppress it. After you do it enough times, it goes away."

"No kidding. I'll be damned."

Sometime before this, I had stopped moving my hips. I think we were distracted enough by our conversation that we both forgot we were having sex. I raised myself up off David, swung my legs to the floor and spoke to him over my shoulder as I headed towards the bathroom.

"I'll be right back."

When I returned, I had this small bottle of olive oil I'd packed. Both of us knew what was coming, so neither of us spoke for the next little while. I sat on the edge of the bed, uncapped the bottle and poured some oil in the palm of my hand. David leaned back against the pile of pillows, almost sitting upright, the same as I had been, and clasped his hands behind his head, just like he used to do when we still lived together and I was masturbating him.

I held his cock horizontally and tilted the bottle over it, the oil flowing and dripping into his hair and onto his belly. I clasped my hand around him and with a few short motions, he was completely covered, his cock glistening in the light. I motioned for him to move his legs apart, got up on my knees and moved between them. I bent forward, putting one hand on the bed to hold my balance and using the other to hold him upright. As soon as the head was between my lips, I took my other hand and put it on the bed, fully supporting myself. I mentally counted to three, closed my eyes and lowered myself. Remarkably, amazingly, astonishingly, for the first time ever, with almost no resistance or difficulty, his cock slid all the way down my throat! It was a couple of seconds or so before I felt the start of a choking sensation but I didn't pull away and in a short period of time the contractions lessened and then stopped altogether.

As I was registering what I had done, strangely enough, the only thing I could feel was this intense burning sensation in my ears. At the same time I could hear David, sounding like he was way off in the distance somewhere.

"Oh God. . . Oh God. . . Oh God. . .," each repetition a little louder than the last.

My mind went blank when I tried to think what to do, so I just stayed down until I ran out of breath. I felt David's hands on the back of my head, not holding me down but just resting there, his fingers lightly gripping my hair and relaxing in a very slow rhythm. When I raised up and caught my breath, I immediately went back down and this time was conscious of my nose touching his hair. This gave me a triumphant feeling, a feeling of great accomplishment. I heard David make a small gasp and for the first time felt his hips raise ever so slightly against me. We repeated this sequence several times with his bucking motions becoming more frequent. I knew that he was getting ready to cum and as soon as I registered that, a panicky feeling swept over me. Simply because I had never thought it through before, I had this irrational feeling that it wouldn't be a good idea to let him cum while he was down my throat, that it would choke me if that happened. Obviously, I had already done all the choking I was going to do but that didn't occur to me, so I pulled my head away as fast as I could, grabbed him with one hand and pumped as fast as I could.

He started cumming immediately. In my mouth, which I kept open, on my face, all over. It was glorious! I felt this magnificent emotion, like I'd just earned my baccalaureate degree or something equally significant. For the first time since we started, David spoke to me using coherent sentences.

"That was unbelievable, mom. . . I had no idea. . . I'm you're slave forever. . ." and he went on and on, spouting similar phrases, most of which I can't remember.

I made no reply and just smiled a huge smile as I straightened up, still on my knees, sitting on the back of my calves. While he was talking, using slightly exaggerated motions, I made a production of licking my lips like I'd just eaten ambrosia. He leaned forward and pulled me against him in a very firm hug, so that my head was held against his chest. Eventually, we broke apart and I sat on the edge of the bed.

"You know what?" I said, "We've been in bed long enough. . . I remember from when your dad and I were here, there's this trail that runs around the lake. We should go for a hike."

"How long is it?"

"3 or 4 miles or something like that."

"Sounds good to me. . . let's do it."

"OK, let me take a bath first. I'm all sweaty and dirty."

"Why don't you wait til we get back? Hiking's going to make you sweaty and dirty again."

"Well. . . I suppose so. . ."

"What's more, I like you like that. . . you smell good that way."

"Oh, come on. . . no I don't. I stink."

"Not to me you don't."

I stood up, David came up behind me, put his arms around me and nuzzled my hair. We got dressed, put on our walking shoes, consulted our resort map to find the location of the trail head and left. Just as I remembered it from many years before, the trail was beautiful. As we walked along holding hands and rubbing up against each other, I remember feeling as happy and content as I had ever felt in my life. I was experiencing a kind of euphoria that was remarkably similar to a prescription pain medication high I'd experienced a few times. Everything was light and bright and full of fun. It was like being on a ride at Disneyland.

The walking was mostly flat, just as you would expect going alongside a lake, with an occasional moderate slope over rocky outcroppings. We bounced along, skipping occasionally, walking on air. Considering his young man's libido, it wasn't entirely unexpected when half way through our journey, David suggested we go off the trail a ways and take a little sex break. Picking our way through dense undergrowth with lots of fallen trees and brush, we didn't have to go very far before we were out of sight of the lake. I can't recall how he phrased it but in his gentlemanly way, David offered me the opportunity to exercise my new found oral abilities. I was more than happy to oblige, so I kneeled down in front of him, unbuttoned his jeans and gave him what he wanted. In my spirited mood, I would have given him anything his little heart desired.

Just like hours before, when David had me pinned against the wall by the bathroom, the passion of the moment was so distracting that I injured myself without realizing it. When I got up and we returned to the trail, I realized that I had bruised one of my knees. I must have been kneeling on a stone or a fallen branch or something, so I was limping. David assisted me as best he could, putting one arm across my back, but after a while, walking loosened it up a bit and I could move along by myself. Ahhh. . . the price one pays for love!

That evening, after dinner in the lodge, we walked down by the lake and sat on the edge of the dock where they keep all of the resort's boats tied up. We took our shoes off and dangled our feet in the water, side by side, leaning our heads together, both of us mesmerized by the atmosphere of our heavenly surroundings. After a while, David told me that he had a surprise for the next day.

"Guess what, mom. Tomorrow we're going to take a trip to Seattle."

"Really? How can we do that?. . . We've got reservations here for the rest of the week."

"Yeah, I know, but don't worry about it. . . we'll be back."

"But David, Seattle's quite a ways away."

"That's OK. We've got plenty of time. Listen, bring some dress-up clothes. . . I've got tickets to something special."

"You're kidding. What on earth is it?"

"I'm not telling. You'll see when we get there."

Just as David wanted, we got up early the next morning and drove the circuitous route to the ferry that would take us across Puget Sound to Seattle. Rather than hassle with driving around in a busy city that was unfamiliar to us, we decided to leave the car in the parking lot by the ferry terminal and take taxi cabs when we got to the other side. The ferry docked well after noon and we went directly to this world renowned market place where we had a fantastic lunch at a seafood restaurant. While we were eating, David filled me in on more of the details of what he had planned.

"Now don't get excited but we're not going back tonight. I've got reservations at a hotel. We're going to something that won't be over until it's way too late to take the ferry and drive back."

"That something you're talking about is your little surprise I take it."


"And we're going to be paying for two places at once," I said, probably sounding slightly irritated.

"Everything over here is my treat. Besides, who cares how many places we're paying for. I just want to give you a good time. You're paying for everything else and. . . well. . . I just want to make my lover happy."

"Oh, David. . . you're right, you know. I shouldn't have said anything. Please forgive me. Being here with you makes me as happy as I could be."

A little later in our meal, I continued.

"I don't know why I didn't think of this before now but you didn't know anything at all about. . . about how this trip was going to turn out, when you set this up, did you. You thought we were just having a regular vacation trip together, didn't you."

"I had my hopes up but that's all. I made all the arrangements on the internet a couple of weeks ago."

"That's soooo sweet," I said and leaned across the table and kissed him on the forehead.

After we were finished eating, we wandered around the market for an hour or so, looking at all the displays where people were selling everything from world-wide exotic foods to artistic nick-knacks, earrings and things like that. It was like a giant Saturday market. Then we took a taxi to the hotel and checked in. David had reserved us a room with two double beds. Of course, we would only be using one of them.

David asked me to show him what clothes I had brought in my small luggage bag and I laid them all out on the bed for him to look at.

"Are those all the skirts you have?" he asked.

"I brought my jean skirt but I left it back in the cabin."

"You remember when I said no panties? That only works when you're wearing a skirt or a dress. Besides, I like looking at your legs."

When we left for the ferry that morning, I was dressed in slacks and that's what I still had on. Looking disapprovingly at my pants, David continued with his critically important, life altering, monumentally significant speech.

"I want to buy you a new skirt or two, so let's go shopping."

Those were the magic words. Who (among us female types, anyway) can resist going shopping? Especially on someone else's dime. We remembered passing some high-end department stores in the taxi, right before we got to the hotel, so we decided to go on foot. When we got to the ladies apparel department in one of them, David and I picked through the racks and jointly selected a half dozen or so for me to try on in the changing room. I knew what my size was but I wondered how they would look when I had them on. There were two high school-aged girls behind the counter and one of them gave me the key. When David saw where I was going, he rapidly walked over just as I was opening the door.

"I think this is for ladies only," I joked.

He ignored what I said and came in behind me. He took the skirts from my hand, sat down on the bench and draped them over his knees. Naturally, as soon as I removed my chinos to try on the first one, by gesturing with his hand, David indicated that he wanted me to take off my undies too. I was hesitant and a bit self-conscious about doing that but since I knew that was how he expected me to be wearing these skirts, I thought I might as well bite the bullet.

"If that's what you really want, I will, but only if you promise to close your eyes when I'm changing. You're not going to think I'm very special if I run around naked in front of you all the time."

"OK, if that's what you want, I will."

"You promise?"

"Yeah, I promise. . . but I might not be able to resist sneaking a peek or two."

"Don't you dare."

About half way through trying them on, we came to one that we both really liked. It was a little shorter than the others, more the length that a young girl would wear but I liked it a lot anyway. I modeled it for David, holding my arms above my head.

"I really like this one David but don't you think it's a little short if I don't have anything on underneath. People might. . . you know. . . see something they shouldn't."

"You think so?. . . Tell me this, if you had you're panties on, would you not wear it because someone might see them?"

"Well. . . no. . . I guess not."

"OK then, no problem. . . let's get it. Listen come over here a second, I want to see something."

I was standing in front of the mirror at the time, so I did as he asked and moved over by him. He took the hem of the skirt in his hand, looked up and smiled at me and moved his hand to the inside of my leg right above my knee. I knew immediately what was going to happen, so I put my hands on his shoulders and closed my eyes.

"David. . . David. . ." and by the time I had said his name twice, in kind of a cautionary way, as if I was trying to discourage him, his hand was already touching my pussy.

I hadn't realized it beforehand but now both of us did: I was dripping wet. Apparently, sexual tension can be there even when you don't realize it. David moved his hand back and forth a few times, contacting me just where I like it most with the edge of his first finger. I was just starting to feel the first twinges of a reaction when he brushed the skirts on his lap off on the floor, stood up and moved around behind me. He guided me so that I was bent over, resting my palms on the bench, raised the skirt around my waist and started fingering me from behind. It wasn't long before I was feeling little pre-orgasm shockwaves going through my body and without doing it on purpose, my knees started flexing slightly, moving my hips up and down.

Knowing where we were, I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't help myself. I arched my neck so my head was looking upward as far as it would go and made a yelping sound, just as I had my orgasm. With his free hand, David reached around and clasped his hand over my mouth, stifling several others that happened soon afterwards. I allowed myself one long groan and then it was over. I sank to my knees, put my head on the bench and gave myself a minute or so to recover, breathing in gasps. As I rested there, David slid his hand under my blouse and massaged my back while he repeatedly kissed the back of my neck.

"Thank you, sweetheart, " I said, "that was wonderful."

After a while he put his arms around me and held one of my breasts in each hand, with the fabric of my blouse and bra in between. He rested his head on the back of my shoulder. We stayed like this for quite some time, just feeling each other breathe. Before we left the waiting room, we picked out one more skirt that we liked and David took them to the cash register. As I wandered around looking at other clothes, I could see that the two girls behind the counter were chatting with David. They were probably bored because there wasn't anybody else in that part of the store. Just as they were putting the skirts in a bag and handing it to David, I walked within earshot and heard some humorous remarks at the end of their conversation.

"We thought we might have to come in there and get you," one of the girls was saying, "you were in there an awfully long time. . . we thought something might be wrong, like you were locked in or something."

David had turned away to leave but he stopped and turned back.

"Oh no, we were doing just fine. . . I'll tell you what, the next time we come back, before she tries anything on, how about we invite you in and let you watch."

Immediately, this poor girl turned red as a beet, put her hand over her mouth and wheeled around to look at her friend.

"Seeeee. . . I told you," she said.

I was embarrassed myself, so I grabbed David's arm and made sure we marched right out of there.

"I can't believe you said that to her," I said, lightly poking him in the ribs.

After we left the department store, we went back to the hotel and had a nap. We cuddled in bed for a while before we fell asleep. Amazingly, nothing remarkable happened. Apparently, even sex addicts have to take a break now and then. When we awoke, David told me that we were going to be having a late dinner after we did whatever it was we were going to do, so we got a couple of slices of pizza from room service to tide us over. I don't know if it was the pizza, the nap or what but by the time we were ready to leave that evening, our sex addict instincts had returned in force.

Hoping that it would be suitable for whatever David had bought tickets to, I had packed a black, semi-transparent, fluffy gauze evening dress with a sewn-in slip. I was wearing thigh-high stockings and, adhering to David's fetish, no panties. I didn't feel too uncomfortable about that because the dress was mid-thigh in length. It was sleeveless with a deep V neck. David put on dress slacks with a nice shirt. Just as we were ready to go down to the lobby and get them to call us a cab, David told me that there was one last detail to be attended to.

"You know what, mom. . . I think it would be a good idea if you kneeled on the bed for a minute."

"Oh really? Now why would I want to do that?"


And then, having been a little slow on the uptake, it hit me.

"Oh nooooo David, we can do that. I'm all dressed up."

"I know you are. That's what turned me on. You look like dynamite. . . I promise I won't mess you up. We'll be out of here in just a few minutes."

"Well, I sure hope you know what you're doing. . . who am I to say no. It's your money." And I did what he asked.

It took him no time at all to drop his trousers, pull the front of his boxers below his erection, lift my dress up onto my back and kneel on the bed behind me. I watched him do all of this looking back over my shoulder. Lubrication is never a problem with us and it wasn't this time either. He pounded into me over and over and came before I did. Because of time constraints, I assume, he didn't hang around to make sure I was satisfied, which I wasn't. This didn't disappoint me though, because I was more worried about our being late. As we were straightening ourselves up, however, one teensy problem did cross my mind.

"You know, David, you really should let me put on my panties because you're going to be leaking out of me all evening. I've got some panties with liners that'll take care of that."

"No way. I LIKE you walking around like that. . . It's not going to go all the way down to your ankles is it?"

"I suppose not."

"So, what's the problem?"

"No problem at all, kind sir. If I get out of line with my uppity requests too often, just slap me back into shape and I'll behave," I said sarcastically.

"Oh come on. . . you know I didn't mean it like that. I love you more than anything in the world."

"I know you do, my sweet lover," and I kissed him as passionately as I could. When we broke apart, I continued.

"I was just kidding but one thing I'm not kidding about. . . Whether you like it or not, I'm going to be stopping by the ladies room from time to time to wipe myself off. They do have ladies rooms where we're going, I presume."

"Oh, I'm sure they do."

And with that, we left. When we got in the taxi, David gave the driver an address. It was a short drive and before we had even rolled to a stop, I looked out the window and I could see what David was taking us to: it was the local appearance of a nationally touring musical theater production. David knew that I was a big fan of that kind of thing because I had taken him to several when he was a youngster, sometimes with his dad tagging along and sometimes by ourselves. Most of the ones we had seen previously were produced locally but one or two were like this, with a big time Broadway cast and crew. David had managed to score some wonderful seats in the sixth or seventh row because of a last minute cancellation. Needless to say, I was enthralled.

'Impossible love' is a universal theme in musicals, so the emotions I felt as we watched were magnified because of the similarities to our own situation. Throw in the fabulous music and singing and it was almost overwhelming. Two or three times, tears welled up in my eyes. Through most of the show, we held hands on our shared armrest and during the poignant sequences, we squeezed each other tightly. A few times I leaned my head on David's shoulder and he rested his head on mine. The love dramatized on the stage was being transferred directly into at least two in the audience, just as the show's playwright and composer intended. When it was over, we left the theater recounting favorite parts of what we'd just seen.