
The Sleepwalker


We have all heard the disclaimer at the end of commercials for sleeping aids "...sleep-related behaviors like sleep-walking, sleep-driving (driving while not fully awake, with no memory of the event) and other abnormal behavior may occur. " Maybe Josh should have paid more attention to the warnings. Then again, maybe not!

The burr of his phone finally pulled Josh out of a drugged sleep. He fumbled for his cell phone and succeeded in knocking to the floor. He leaned down, cursing and finally grabbed it.

It had been less than an hour since he had come home after drinking with friends. He found he was wired and unable to get to sleep. He had violated his doctor's and the warning of the FDA. He had taken a sleeping pill. The combination of the alcohol and the drug in the sleeping pill had him in a trance like state.

He sat up, turned, and placed both feet firmly on the floor. Glassy eyed, he answered the phone.

"Who the fuck is this?"

"Josh, Josh baby it's me!"

Though heavily garbled, the voice was vaguely familiar. Through the fog of the drug-induced stupor, he thought he recognized his mom's voice.

"Mom, is this you?"

"Come get me, Sweetie!" She pleaded drunkenly.

"Mom, aren't you out with your girlfriends at your bachelor party?"

"They left me, Josh!"

"Where are you mom?"

Josh was in a fog himself. The sleeping pill had him in a semidetached state. He felt like an observer. He was not there. He was dreaming. Tomorrow he would have only fragmented memory of what transpired tonight.

Stolidly he listened as Carol gave him directions. He rose, slipped into his flip-flops, and strode to the front door clad only in his boxers. He picked up his keys from the small table by the door, opened it, and walked out into the humid summer night. He walked across the lot to his GMC Acadia. Josh entered his SUV, started it, and steered into traffic.

Carol was pissy drunk. She sat on the steps of her girlfriend, Sue's, house. Her 5" heels lay in a heap next to her. Her shirtwaist dress was open to her navel, displaying her ample bosom restrained only by a shelf bra. She sat with her legs spread, her matching pink boy shorts on display.

To say that she had been over served at her bachelorette party would understate the prodigious amounts of alcohol she had consumed. Moreover, that would not count the marijuana-laced cookies. She was barely coherent, drifting in and out of consciousness as she awaited her son.

Carol had a substance abuse problem. Her girlfriends knew it; they had planned to drive her home. That plan fell apart when Sue's husband came home unexpectedly and found her on her knees sucking the male stripper's cock.

It had been ugly scene. He had summarily kicked everyone out. In the mad scramble to escape his wrath, Carol they left to her own devices.

Carol smiled the lopsided grin of all drunks. It served Sue right, she thought. She had pulled Carol off that young hunk's cock so she could suck it. Carol smacked her lips as she thought of the delicious feel of that rigid man meat in her mouth. He had been so close to coming!

Carol was not exactly a slut. If she were a man, other men would be envious of her many and varied partners. Nevertheless, as a mature single woman who drank heavily, she was an easy mark for a kind word or a free drink. Josh and his mom had fought about her life style enough that for a period they were estranged. They estrangement had ended when Carol asked Josh to attend her wedding.

Carol had recently found the love of her life...again! However, this one wanted to marry her. She had called her son some weeks ago with the news. Josh's response had been polite but restrained. In her sober moments Carol felt that defined the relationship between her and her son...Polite but restrained.

Josh pulled to the curb in front of Carol. He stared glassy eyed at the wanton tableaux his mother presented. If he were awake, he would be outraged at her slutty behavior. He would recall with irritation the many times he had seen her like this. He would flash back to the seemingly endless stream of "uncles" Carol brought home.

He would then color with lust and embarrassment at the number times he had jacked off listening to his mom's drunken passion through the common wall of their bedrooms. The screams, moans, and slurping sounds would haunt his entry into puberty and thereafter.

Shortly after his eighteenth birthday, he recalled standing naked in the door to her bedroom. His cock stood rigidly hard, slapping gently against his belly. His naked mom lay passed out. The latest in her long line of lovers had just left. Her bristly pubic thatch was wet and matted. Her labia were moist, swollen, and open. The white sticky goo of semen shone wetly on her softly heaving tits and face. He would remember thinking: everyone else does it, why not me.

He had walked to the edge of her rumpled bed. He was at once repulsed and aroused by his mother's wanton appearance. Pre-cum dribbled the length of his sizeable tool. It oozed over his fist clenched tightly around his pulsating member.

He slowly stroked as he thought of the slut his mom had become. He hated her, he loved her, and more than life itself, he wanted to insert his cock into the well-used hole that was his birth canal. He walked slowly to her bed. The odor of sweat, sex, and gin assaulted him. There was the faint pungent odor of cannabis in the mix.

He placed one knee on the bed. He reached down and pinched her come coated grape sized nipple. Carol swatted at his hand and mumbled something. He straddled her. He felt the scratchy wetness of her bush against his balls.

Why not, he thought. The heaving of her ample bosom entranced him. Everybody else does. It was obvious that she did not care who fucked her. Why not him?

Her bedroom reeked of sweat and the intense scent of sex. His head throbbed as the aromas invaded his nostrils; his cock ached and pulsed with the need to slide into her inner recesses.

He noted with lewd intensity the come drying on her face and tits. He leaned forward and slid the head of his tool over her mouth, smearing pre cum on them. Despite her stupor, Carol licked the head of her son's cock.

A shiver shot through Josh as he watched his mom lick the head of his tool. He stroked harder, striving to add his contribution to this slattern spectacle. Like a dog marking a bitch as his, Josh wanted to add his marker of come.

Everyone else does it, he thought, why not me?

He watched with lurid fascination as the first stream hit her forehead and trailed down over her nose and mouth. The second hit her in the chin and dribbled down her neck and cleavage. The last hard spurt hit her belly and filled her navel.

Even then, still hard, he might have fucked her. He slid down, positioning his man meat for its assault on social mores and his mom's pussy. He rubbed the head of his leaking member against her swollen labia, just a thrust, one hard thrust, he thought.

However, still in her drunken stupor, Carol had raised one hand to her face, wiped her son's come from her forehead and nose, and then said:

"Whoever the fuck you are, stick it in or get the fuck out!"

The wantonness of her exhortation snapped Josh out of his reverie. He looked at the fortyish woman under him. He knew then she was sick. He knew that her sickness was as contagious as any plague. Her perversity infected him. He looked at the head of his cock resting between the lips of her sluttish hole. One thrust and he would be no better than his mom would.

Josh had run from the room, hot tears scalding his cheeks.

That morning he had packed up and left. His sudden departure devastated Carol. He never told her or anyone else about his near journey in to depravity. He never returned. Reluctantly, Carol accepted his decision. She had let him use his trust fund to maintain an apartment and finance his training as an architect. He never shared his voyeuring of her. Nor did he tell her how close he came to taking advantage of her drunken condition.

He tapped the horn. He watched with detachment as Carol stood, tried to bend over to pick up her shoes, over balanced, and fell to her hands and knees. Her dress rose around her waist. Unaware of the spectacle she presented, she fumbled for her shoes. He felt his cock harden as he observed her hot pink boy shorts.

Josh stepped from his SUV and walked the few steps to his inebriated mother. Glassy eyed he watched her crawl around on all fours. He watched as she rose awkwardly to one hand and a knee. Again unable to keep her balance, she rolled to a sitting position with her legs spread. Her arms trapped by her dress falling around her arms exposing her matching shelf bra.

Carol felt strong arms envelop her waist. He pulled her to her feet. As her head drunkenly lolled about, she saw tried to focus on the face of this guy. What he is wearing, she thought. She felt herself dropped unceremoniously into the front seat of a car. She sat with her feet dangling out the door. Josh stood in front of her, his semi hard cock straining against his boxers.

Josh casually freed his cock from his boxers. He placed one hand behind Carol's head and forced his dick into her mouth. He thrust in hard, gagging her

With experience borne of much practice, Carol opened her mouth and inhaled her son's meat. She struggled to get it deep in her eager mouth. Dim memories of the young hung stripper struggled into her consciousness.

Then a spark of comprehension glowed briefly in her impaired brain. This was not the stripper. She looked up and tried to focus. She was sucking some strange man's cock on a public street! The blare of a car horn caused her to snap her head back. Josh's sex fell from her mouth, gleaming wetly with her saliva.

Josh walked around and got in the driver's seat. He pulled the Acadia into traffic and headed for his mom's house. Next to him, Carol struggled to figure out what had happened. Who was this guy? She passed out trying to reconcile that thought.

Carol woke to fingers in her pussy. She could feel them deep in her vigorously frigging her sloppy wet snatch. As she struggled to consciousness, her body was on automatic pilot, thrusting up against those invading fingers. As her orgasm overtook her, sending her to those familiar heights, as she felt her juices spew from her vagina and across the anonymous fingers, she glanced over and looked in to the vacant, glassy stare of her son.

The cold air of the Acadia's air conditioner blowing across her bare nipples wakened her. Her hands made an uncoordinated effort to pull her dress together. She touched her bare breasts.

She realized her breasts were exposed. There was soreness to her nipples. Someone had been pulling and pinching them. Bastard, she thought. Like a rag doll, she slumped against the coolness of the SUV window and drifted into a semi conscious state.

Josh's SUV lurching to a stop in her driveway snapped her back to consciousness. She was dimly aware that her dress was totally unbuttoned. Her sticky wet panties clung to her full ass. Whoever this bastard was, he was certainly taking liberties, Carol thought with drunken indignation.

The sultry air of the summer night was like a warm wet towel over her face. She felt woozy and about to pass out again. She felt the vehicle door open. Blearily she made out the figure of a shirtless man. He pushed her to her knees. Then she felt a cock press against her lips. She could barely get this huge piece of man meat in her mouth. She tried to focus but was unable to because the guy was holding her head and fucking her mouth. Somewhere in her pickled brain, she wondered what if the neighbors saw her on her knees in her driveway.

His massive cock stretched her mouth to its limits. The effort caused her eyes to tear up. Then he exploded in her mouth.

Carol gagged, unable to swallow the copious amounts of sperm flooding her throat. It was hitting the back of her throat forcing her to cough. She sprayed Josh's abdomen with come and saliva. Come and saliva dribbled from her mouth, down her chin and on to her bare chest. She fell back in the seat and passed out.

She was dimly aware of passing from the sultry night air to the air-conditioned air of...! Where was she? She pushed the person's arm from around her waist and stood weaving in the foyer. She realized she was home. She turned to the partially clad man. Her son's face swam into focus. Where was the stripper?

"Josh, what fuck are you doing here?"

Josh spun her around and in one swift move pulled her dress off. Then, over her protest, he knelt behind her and slid her soaked panties down over ass. He let them drop in a moist silken pool at her ankles. He kissed each cheek of her butt. Then he trailed his tongue between those full cheeks.

Carol became even more aroused. This stranger, this new lover who looked so much like her son, was awakening a reservoir of sensuality whose depths she had not plumbed in years. She was startled when he nipped aggressively on her ass

He rose slowly, letting his tongue follow her spine, and then planted kisses on the nape of her neck. Then he violently whacked her plump ass with is open hand.

"Whose bitch are you?" Josh murmured breathing in her ear.

Carol almost had an orgasm. A phrase from long ago drifted into her sodden brain...pleasure and pain!

Josh stared at his nude mom. His cock stood out rigidly. He bent at the waist and flipped her over his shoulder. Dimly, in his fevered brain, a phrase drifted like smoke to the surface: why not me?

Carol felt herself carried upstairs; then tossed unceremoniously on her bed. She had confused images swimming through her mind; her son's face replaced the male stripper's face. What was Josh doing?

No, that was not right! She remembered calling Josh.

When Carol came to again she was on her belly in her bed! A cock of incredible size was pounding her pussy. Her first husband, Josh's father used to fuck her likes this; he would pound her into the mattress until she screamed from the pain and the pleasure.

He would scream at her to say it.

He would force her face into the mattress. She knew what she had to say. She would try and he would not let her. Finally, she would force out the word as he exploded in her and her orgasm caused her to begin losing consciousness

Josh had a firm grip on her flame red tresses. He viciously pulled her head back until Carol felt the pain in every strand of her hair. His open palm traced an arc in the air as it rose and fell, repeatedly smacking her ass.

"You tramp! Move your fat ass! Why not me, Gawddammit, why not me!

She was responding to this incredible fucking as she did to his father. She rested on her arms with her ass high in the air. Carol could hear his grunts and groans of passion. Her ass stung from his repeated smacking of her ass. Her pussy was on fire. Waves of pain and pleasure shot through her body. She said it. She screamed it out.

"Pain, you good fucking motherfucker, pain, and pleasure. There is no difference! Make it hurt! Make me feel it!"

Josh grabbed her hips. Repeatedly, He forcibly pulled her back into him while ramming his full length to the ends of her tortured pussy, slamming against her cervix.

"Do you feel it, bitch? Do you feel the pain?"

Her bedroom reverberated with his vicious slapping of her ass. Her cervix was thumped repeatedly. He stretched her pussy to its limits. The wet squishy sound she made filled the air. He was fucking her so hard that it was almost as if he was mad at her; as if her were punishing her. She was having one continuous orgasm. At 50, she was having the fuck of her life.

Then almost impossibly, she felt his man meat swelling in her. Even in her drunken state, Carol knew he was about to come and from the feel of it, her pussy was going to be flooded with sperm. She wanted it. She always wanted it! She always wanted to feel the hot stream of man juices splash into her pussy, filling her up! She wanted to feel his swimmers invading her womb.

Suddenly he pulled out. She wanted to scream in protest. Then he flipped on her back. Just before his seed hit her face, covering it in a white mask of sticky goo, she looked into glassy eyed sweating face of her son! Not her first husband, not the male stripper, but her son had given her the fuck of her life.

Carol passed out for the last time that night. The alcohol and the exertion of this unimaginable good fucking sapped the last of her strength.

Josh stood. His cock hung limply out of his shorts. The gleaming residue of he and Carol's juices gleamed obscenely on his dangling meat. He turned and walked out of the bedroom, down the steps, out the door to his truck. He got in and drove home. He parked the Acadia in his assigned spot. Clad only in his boxers, which were soaked in his and his mom's juices, he strode across the parking lot. He entered his apartment and flopped in his bed.

He woke that morning in his own apartment, in his own bed. He was exhausted. It was as if he had never been sleep! He swung his legs out of the bed, his feet slapped loudly on the cold hard wood floor.

He smelled of sweat and sex. His boxers were stiff and dried hard at the opening. Confused, Josh padded quickly to the bathroom. As he pulled out his cock to pee, he saw it crusted with dried sex juices covered it and his pubic hairs. He had no memory of having sex.

The burr if his phone broke into his reverie. It was his mother.

"Hello mom."

After much soul searching, Carol had decided to call her son. Even with partial memory lost from alcohol-induced amnesia, she was sure she fucked her son last night.

"Baby, are you ok?"

"Certainly I'm ok! Why do you ask?"

"Well...after last night, I thought we should talk!"

Josh was exasperated. He disapproved strongly with his mom's life style. The last thing he wanted was a recap of her debauchery.

"Look, mom, whatever happened last night, I don't want to hear about it."

"But Josh last night was really strange! I think we need to...!"

"Look, mom, I don't want to hear about the kinky things you and your friends do! I have agreed to attend your wedding and host the barbeque afterwards. I'll meet you at city hall at 11:00 am!"

Josh slammed the phone down. Why the hell, he thought, would she want me to listen to her tales about her peccadilloes?

Carol was confused. Had she dreamed that Josh fucked her? She knew she had blackouts before but she was almost certain of this. She shook her head to clear it. Maybe it was time to think about a life style change. Having alcohol induced erotic fantasies about your son was just sick.

Carol rose and walked naked to the bathroom. Her ass was tender. Her nipples ached. Someone had bitten them...hard! Her pussy was unbelievably sore! She stop and gingerly eased a finger in her swollen labia. She brought the finger to her nose and sniffed. Then she licked it. Well, she thought, somebody had fucked her!


There was a small group there for the civil ceremony. Carol's friend, Sue, was her matron of honor. The bridegroom had a buddy with him. They both looked trashed from early morning drinking. Jon, the groom, had the florid face of the heavy drinker.

Carol was resplendent in a pale pink, off the shoulder peasant dress. It emphasized the deep cleft of her cleavage. The hint of a nipple through the dress suggested that she had found a shelf bra able to hold her ample bosom. The dress ended about 2 inches above the knee, perhaps a touch too short for a woman of her age. Her patterned stockings had a heavy dark seam down the back.

She glanced back at Josh and smiled brightly. He returned it quietly. She was now sure Josh had fucked her last night. There were huge blank spots but she was certain now. Moreover, the ache in her pussy told her she needed more.

Josh stood just behind Carol and to her left. His eyes trailed casually over his mom's full firm buttocks. He idly wondered if the stockings were pantyhose or thigh highs with a matching garter. He thought a garter would be sexier. He noted the slight rise and fall of her breasts as she waited excitedly for the ceremony to begin. A complimentary lipstick colored her full lips. His cock hardened as he noted her blatant sexuality.

Josh mentally shook himself out of his sexual reverie about his mother. How sick that was, he thought. I am perving my mom as if she was some hot perspective sex partner.

The wedding ceremony was the bare bones affair that you would expect at a municipal courtroom. The magistrate perused the license to make sure all the information was accurate. In a flat monotone, he mumbled his way through the legal requirements.

The bride and groom essayed a big sloppy kiss after the nuptials. Josh and Sue tossed rice on them as they ran to Josh's SUV. Josh noticed that Sue seemed to bump into him a little more than he thought was necessary.

He covertly checked her out. Sue was tall and slender at about 5'8" and maybe 125 pounds. Pert 34B breasts complimented her body. She had incredibly long legs, which she took every opportunity to show off. Today was no exception. Her linen suit hugged her hips snuggly. The matching jacket covered a diaphanous beige scarf. She had chosen to go braless today.

At 60, she was still a very desirable woman. Josh had heard rumors that her husband was a reluctant cuckold. Apparently, he could no longer keep up with her sexual appetite and accepted his role.

For her part, Sue was taken with the rugged good looks of her best friend's son. She recalled watching him grow into a man. She openly checked him out. That young man had matured into a hunk. She regretted not having more contact with him. However, he and Carol had only started communicating again recently.

The ride to Carol's house for the barbeque was short but eventful. In the rear view mirror, Josh could see that his new stepfather had his new bride's dress up around her waist. He noted that it was a garter belt and no panties. Jon buried his fingers in her freshly shaved pussy. Despite his disgust at this callous display, Josh was rock hard. His cock ached for release from the confines of his boxers and pants.

Sue turned sideways in the SUV seat, watching the show in the back seat. She was aroused at Carol's wetness and the wanton display. Although she and Carol were not lesbians, they had a couple of drunken bisexual episodes. She felt her pussy moisten as she flashed back to the sweetness of Carol's pussy.

She looked over at Josh to see how he was reacting to the back seat mauling of his mother. She noted the rigid set of his jaw. She glanced down and saw the pronounced bulge in Josh's pants. The boy was hung! In addition, she thought with some interest, the sight of his mom's pussy turned him on.

Josh pulled into Carol's driveway. He jumped out and went around to help Sue. He knew that women had some difficulty with that first step. When she swung her legs around, he reached for her hand. He was taken by how far her skirt rode up. He noted her flesh covered pantyhose and matching thong.

That is right Sue thought get a good look! I want you to want me!

He went to the rear of his SUV and grabbed the bag containing his shorts and tee shirt. The wedding party made its way onto the patio. The new groom, Jon, immediately prepared drinks for him and his friend while Carol and Josh made their way upstairs to change. Sue stayed downstairs to greet the guests.

Josh surveyed his old room. In the twelve years since he left home, he had visited Carol several times, but he had always avoided this room. It held too many memories.

He stripped down to his boxers and pulled on his shorts and tee shirt. As he turned to leave his room, Carol was standing in the door.

"Josh, we MUST talk!"

"About what, mom?" He sighed.

"About what happened last night!"

"Mom, last night I went out with some friends, drank too much and came home and took a sleeping pill! I was out like a light all night!"

"Son, I'm really foggy about some of the details, I'm sure I called you to pick me up last night."

Josh was going to protest when an image popped in his mind. It was Carol on her knees in red boy shorts.

"That couldn't be!" Josh muttered hesitantly.

"Josh, I know I drink too much and a lot of last night is still very dim to me, but I do recall some things!"

Fear welled deep in Josh's gut. More Images popped in his head.

"Oh god, no!" he moaned.

"You are remembering, aren't you?"

His fevered mind flashed to an image of is mom on her knees with his cock in her.

"Oh lord, mom, I am so sorry!"

Carol moved forward and wrapped her arms around her son's waist. She laid her head on his chest. She could feel his cock pressed into her belly.

"We'll work it out, baby!" Now let's entertain our guests!"

Josh's mind was swirling as he made his way downstairs. How could he have done something so sick? He had actually had sex with his mother. A wave of revulsion suddenly mixed with lust. He recalled Carol saying fuck me motherfucker. Despite himself, he chuckled. That was so true now!

The party was in full swing when he got downstairs. Guests were still streaming in. Jon was holding court with some of his buddies.

The bar was a small portable one. It occupied a space just in front of the laundry room window. Sue was behind it serving drinks. Josh waved as he walked over and fired up the grill. Presently Carol came down and relieved Sue behind the bar.

Carol looked particularly fetching in a white one-piece jumpsuit. Her arms and legs were bare. She had her hair down and it fell in its fiery red glory to her shoulders. Josh looked at her in a new light as more memories from the previous night came back. He was less repulsed and more aroused as he recalled their night.

Sue watched Josh watching his mom. In turn, she noticed Carol looking at her son in a distinctly non-motherly way! Now what is happening there, she thought?

"I'm a mess," she said, pointing to a stain on her skirt, "one of Jon's buddies was pawing me and spilled a drink on my suit!"

"Look, mom's clothes won't fit you. Why not rinse it out and then dry it in the dryer. I'm sure I can find a robe for you!"

Josh recruited one of Jon's soberer friends to mind the grill. He and Sue went in the house and found one of Carol's robes. He took Sue to the laundry room and prepared to leave when she stopped him.

"Look, I have no idea how these things work," she pleaded pointing at the washer and dryer"; could you help me?"

As he opened his mouth to reply, Sue wriggled seductively out of her skirt. Josh's mouth opened and closed like a guppy as this pre senior stood before him in a thong and pantyhose.

Sue smiled coyly.

"We are all adults here, right?

"Right!" Josh managed to stammer out.

Josh turned to put the skirt in the washer. He adjusted it for a short cycle. When he turned around, Sue had removed her pantyhose.

"It's too hot for these dam things today!"

Josh smiled as he surveyed Sue. Her flesh colored thong covered a neatly trimmed pussy with just a dark landing strip. Like most older women, she had great well-shaped legs. He smiled wryly at the incongruent sexuality of this mature seductress standing bare foot in a thong, the coat of her linen suit and the sheer scarf.

"Something funny?"

Josh shook his head no, as he unbuttoned Sue's jacket. He laid it carefully fully over the ironing board. Her scarf followed it soon.

He repeated her appellation, "We are all adults, right?"

Sue moaned as Josh leaned down and nipped at her nipple. Her hand gripped his cock through his shorts.

"Mmm, no fair, you have on clothes!"

Josh stepped back. Sue sank to her knees and unzipped his shorts. She reached up, unbuckled them, and let them drop to the floor.

"Oh my god", Sue exclaimed, "You are huge!"

She ran her tongue around his bulbous dick head. Tentatively she tried to wrap her lips around it. With tears flowing from her eyes from the strain, Sue managed a little more than 2"

Josh smiled down at her.

"Can you handle it?"

"Probably not in my mouth enough so you can feel it. But I can't wait until I feel you inside me!"

Josh pulled her to her feet. He placed his arms around her waist and lifted her to the top of the dryer. They kissed hungrily, their tongues battling for entrance into each other's mouth. Josh placed his cock at the moist entrance to Sue's love canal. He pushed slightly.

Sue grunted and placed her hands on his chest.

"Easy Tiger, she moaned, this may take a while!"

Josh slid slowly out and back in. The basement window was level with the legs of his mom behind the bar. He pressed a little. Sue's head fell to his shoulders.

"Fuck, I don't know if I can." she moaned.

"You can, Lover, just relax and let me do the work!"

Sue raised her head and rocked back on the dryer, balancing on her elbows. Her head bumped the window. Josh's mom bent down to see what the noise was. Her eyes widened at the sight of her best friend and her son fucking. She smiled and blew him a kiss.

"Look behind you" Josh said.

Sue leaned back and saw Carol squatting and watching them. She made a moue at her girlfriend and then turned back to Josh.

Josh noticed that Sue's pussy had got much wetter knowing his mom was watching. Josh braced himself and slid forward. Three quarters of his cock slid into her gushing pussy before she again placed her hands on his chest.

"Wait, please, wait!"

Carol rapped lightly on the window. She hooked her thumb back over her head and mouthed the words: Sue's Husband. Then she stood up.

"Mom says your husband is outside."

"Fuck him, Sue groaned, he knows his place!"

Josh began a steady stroking motion, plumbing as deep as he could, and drawing back. After a dozen or so strokes like this, Sue began to hump his cock. Josh picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. In the process all of Josh's 10", coke can size dick stretched Sue's pussy.

Sue's head dropped to his shoulder. She was experiencing an almost continuous orgasm. She was actually going in and out of consciousness as he held her ass in both hands and moved her up and down on his massive tool. Sue closed her eyes, her head rested on his shoulders. She drooled uncontrollably on his shoulder.

He held her up a little off his dick and began to thrust hard into her.

"Oh fuck, she screamed, oh fuck! I'm fucking dying, I'm dying"

In spite of the pain, Sue began to bounce up and down on Josh's massive tool. She could feel his dick head savaging her cervix. Her pussy was so full she felt like her body was expanding like a balloon to accommodate it. Each thrust in slid over her swollen clit and slammed home deep in her love canal. Each time he pulled back, she felt her pussy lips sliding over his engorged man meat.

Sweet Jesus, she thought, I am drooling like a mad woman. In addition, my pussy is on fire!

AS josh released his torrent of sperm into her spasming pussy, Sue's pussy erupted like a volcano. Her pussy juices hit Josh in the belly, ran hotly down his abdomen, through his pubic hair, and dripped wetly to the cement basement floor. Moreover, they kept coming as she bucked against him. Her screams turned to soft mewls of satisfaction and fulfillment.

"I'm going to put you down." He said softly into her ear.

Sue nodded her head weakly. She unwound her legs from around his waist and placed them on the floor. Still, she leaned heavily on him for support. Her breathing slowed as she recovered. Sue released her arms from around Josh's neck. She balanced herself on the dryer.

"Sweet mother of god, Sue said hoarsely, what the hell are you packing there?"

Josh laughed quietly.

"You like?"

"I love!" Sue said breathlessly planting a big wet kiss on his mouth.

"We better get back out there"

"You go first! I need to get myself together and dry my skirt."

Josh smacked her ass affectionately before turning and heading upstairs. Sue yelped and rubbed her ass as she watched his retreating ass. I want more, she thought, lots more!

Josh sauntered back out to the patio and reclaimed his spot at the grill. Carol waved at him with a knowing smile. She pointedly stared at a tall angular, grey-headed guy and again mouthed the words: her husband. Josh nodded and began filling plates.

Carol walked over and began helping her son. She also brought two stiff Makers Mark on the rocks. They sipped their drinks as they served the guests.

"So you and Sue got better acquainted!" Carol said with a knowing grin.

"Yes, much better acquainted!" he laughed.

"You know baby, neither one of us was in any condition for responsible behavior last night. What do you say we just move on from here?"

"Agreed!" Josh said, hugging her around the waist.

"By the way, be careful with that concealed weapon. You are going to hurt somebody one day!" Carol pointed covertly to Josh's crotch. "Poor Sue! She really didn't know what she was getting into...or maybe I should say what was going to get into her!"

Josh and Carol shared an uproarious laugh. It caused some of the guests to glance inquiringly in their direction. As if on cue, Sue came into the patio from the house. Her linen suit was freshly pressed and very smart. She had left off the scarf. She was walking gingerly as she came over to where Josh and Carol stood.

Carol snickered as her girlfriend reached for a plate.

"Girlfriend, you seem to be moving a little slow!"

"Fuck you, Carol! Your son dam near wrecked me! But you know what I mean, don't you?" Sue's eyes flicked quickly from one to the other, looking for a reaction.

Before either could answer, Sue's husband joined the group.

"Susan, he said officiously, I have been looking for you for nearly an hour! Where have you been?"

Sue fixed him with a cold stare.

"Trevor, do you really want to know where I have been or is that question rhetorical?"

Trevor's hands fluttered uselessly in the air.

"Now, Dear, Trevor stammered, you know I was just worried about you, that's all."

Sue continued to fix Trevor with a penetrating stare. For a terrifying moment, Josh and Carol thought she might tell where she had been!

"You embarrassed me last night in front of my friends!"

Trevor's eyes had that deer in the headlights look.

"Sweetie, I told you I was sorry! I over reacted!"

Sue's eyes had a wicked gleam as she surveyed her milquetoast husband. She knew she had established who wore the pants in this family. However, today she wanted to drive that point home.

"And what did you do to show me you were sorry?"

Beads of sweat broke out on Trevor's forehead. His head dropped to his chest.

"I...I...did... I did...what you asked!" Trevor's voice was hesitant. He forced the words out with a nervous stammer.

"And what did I asked?" Sue hammered at him.

"You know....you know!"

Josh and Carol took a quick look at each other. It was embarrassing to see a grown man cower like this.

"Say it!" Sue's voice rose, causing some of the guest to turn and look.

Trevor said something barely audible.

"Dam it, Trevor, speak up!"

In a voice only slightly more audible, Trevor said tremulously:

"You made me suck the male stripper's dick."

Sue glanced at her two friends triumphantly.

"How long did I tell you to suck him, Trevor?"

Trevor stared at his shoes as though he had just discovered them and they need a close inspection. He was a shamed to raise his head.

"Until he came in my mouth!"

Sue patted his cheek.

"Good boy! Now get us another round of drinks."

Trevor took their order and hurried off to the bar.

Sue's visage softened as she turned to her friends.

"And you, young man, you know what you have done, don't you?"

Bewildered, Josh shook his head.

"You, she said poking him in the chest with one long manicured finger, have locked yourself into fucking this old lady on a regular basis! No one else's cock will fill the chasm you created!"

Josh colored deeply as both women had a laugh at his expense.


The last of the guests had left. Jon, the new bridegroom was passed out drunk upstairs in the bedroom. The three of them sat out on the patio in the summer heat and darkness, sipping a drink. No one was feeling any pain and the conversation flowed freely.

"Carol, you had better get up there and christen your marriage bed."

Carol snorted.

"Jon is a lot of things but a Lothario he is not! He provides companionship and additional financial security. For sex, I bought a new vibrator!"

They shared a laugh at her candid assessment of where her marriage was.

Sue placed a hand on Josh's thigh.

"Tell us about your sex life, Josh? Is there someone special?"

He shook his head. He had been through several relationships but none had stuck.

"You and mom are the only women in my life right now!"

As the words were tumbling from his lips, he knew that they suggested a sexual relationship with his mom. However, it was too late. Sue pounced.

"So you are fucking me and Carol? I'm not sure if I want to share you!"

"You never have been good at sharing, Carol chimed in, remember that male dancer!"

"So, Carol you are going to hog him all to yourself?"

"No!" said Josh too quickly, trying to quash Sue's inquiries.

"Sue, you bitch, what are you trying to say?" Carol's words were slurred.

"I'm saying that I have been watching you two and something is going on! So tell Mother Susan, are you fucking?"

Neither Carol nor Josh answered.

"And that, said Sue triumphantly, is my answer!"

Josh fixed another round of drinks. Then he tried to explain what had happened. Sue listened intently. Carol jumped into add details she could recall. When they finished with their tale of incest, they both fell silent.

Sue said quietly for a moment.

"Well, she said frivolously, I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on television, but I can diagnose this situation. Josh, you are a sleepwalker. Everyone knows you should not drink and take sleeping pills. Aside from the obvious danger of an overdose, you could sleepwalk. Sleepwalkers will act out their repressed aggressions and/or desires. You wanted to fuck your mother!

Carol, ever since Josh's father died, you have been in pathetic search for a replacement. Ta da! Here he is!"

Josh and Carol each had a hand on the other's thigh. They leaned over and tenderly touched lips.

"Hold on god dam it! Either cut me in or cut it out!"

He turned to Sue; he lifted her chin with one hand and gently kissed her. Their tongues teased each other.

Josh felt his mother's hand move to his crotch. She stroked him as he and Sue kissed deeply.

Carol unzipped her son's pants and pulled out his massive cock. She leaned over and kissed the head. Just like his father, she thought.

Josh took and took each of them by the hand.

"Let's move this upstairs."

Carol stood and removed her jumper. She looked magnificent in white bra and matching bikini panties. She moved to where Sue was standing. Sue and Carol looked hotly into each other's eyes. They slowly wrapped their arms around each other's waist. They embraced and began a deep kiss, their tongues entwining.

Josh stepped behind Sue and unzipped her skirt. He knelt and began sliding it down her slender hips. He kissed her narrow ass and ran his tongue wetly between the cheeks. While the women embraced, he tongued Sue's anus. He ran his hand over her hips, moving slowly forward to her neatly trimmed pussy. His mother's hand covered Sue's sex, blocking His attempt to invade her nether regions

Carol felt her son's hand slide between her and Sue as they kissed hungrily. He first touched her hand fingering Sue. Then he moved to her molten pussy and massaged it open handed through her soaked panties.

Sue's legs trembled at the attention Carol and Josh were giving her ass and pussy. Josh's tongue fucking her ass sent thrills up her spine. Moreover, Carol, lovely Carol, had two fingers buried deep in her dripping vagina. She raised her hand to hold her mouth tight against hers while she sucked her probing tongue. Her other hand trailed back and stroked Josh's cheek.

"Didn't somebody say something about going up stairs?" Carol moaned as she broke from the intoxicating lips of her best friend.

"What about Jon?" Sue asked through quivering lips.

"Fuck him," Carol said as she led Sue toward the stairs, "you two are what I need tonight!"

Carol led Sue up the stairs. Josh paused briefly to hurriedly shuck off his clothes. His cock pointed the way up. He caught up to the ladies standing just outside Carol's open bedroom door. Their hands cupped each other's rear ends and stroked gently.

Her new husband snored drunkenly in her bed. He was still dressed, lying on top of the bedclothes.

Josh walked the few steps to his bedroom door. He opened it with a flourish and extended one arm with the palm open through the door.

"Ladies, my suite!"

Sue entered first, her hand lightly touching Josh's rigid cock as she moved past. Carol followed; she paused and lightly kissed her son on the lips. Josh placed his hand on the middle of her back and pulled her to him. He buried his tongue deep in her eager mouth as his hand moved over the slope of her full ass. He lightly squeezed it.

Sue sprawled her nakedness on Josh's bed. She watched mom and son kiss passionately. Her hand slid slowly down her abdomen. It continued across her Mons. She drew a sharp breath as she touched her engorged sensitive clit.

"Carol, you promised to share!"

Carol moaned softly as she ground her pelvis into Josh's crotch. She felt her son's hands cupping her ass pulling her even closer to him.

"Mmm I may have to rethink that!"

"Ladies, ladies, there is more than enough of me to go around!"

Both women looked longingly at Josh's enormous tool. It stood out rigidly, pulsing slightly.

"Bring that pussy wrecker here,"Sue said, wetting her lips, "I may never be able to get that entire monster in my mouth, but I can lick it like an all-day sucker!"

Josh walked over and straddled Sue's chest. Her nipples stood erect with diamond like hardness. He laid his meat between the cleavage of her breasts. His cock head looked like a full ripe plum as it lay covering her mouth.

Sue lavished his cock with kisses and licks. With one hand, she held it up, feeling its heft, as she ran her tongue from just below that pulsing purple plum to sac of his egg like balls. She felt his pre come drip on her nose and cheeks.

Carol stepped out of her panties. She felt their wetness like hot oil sliding down her thighs. A wet hot drip of vaginal juices on the back of her hand startled her. She smiled broadly. Not since his father have I felt this aroused, she thought. She heard Sue cry out as Josh pinched her hard nipples. Glistening droplets of pre come covered her face. Carol unsnapped her bra and let it drop to the floor.

She walked over and straddled Sue behind Josh. Mother and son kissed ravenously.

Josh felt Carol kiss his neck. She ran her tongue down his neck and kissed where it met his shoulders. Carol ran her tongue down his spine sending shivers through his body. She lavished kisses at the crack of his ass cheeks. She kissed her way down that crevice, forcing her tongue into the opening.

Sue felt Carol's body sliding down hers. The heat of her skin was like a smoldering lava. She felt her wet tongue tease her navel, flicking it lightly. While she sucked greedily on the bulbous head of josh's cock, she felt Carol's wet tongue trail over her Mons then through her landing strip.

Carol blew her hot breath on Sue's swollen clit. Sue's hips pumped hard as she tried to move her very sensitive clit away from this new arousal. Her clit was so sensitive now that even Carol's breath caused it to twitch and swell. Carol licked Sue's engorged clit with the very tip of her tongue.

Josh's cock dropped from her mouth as Sue groaned loudly. She felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. Her vision was blurred. She had a death grip on the sheets.

Josh slid down and positioned himself just opposite his mom. They tongue kissed just over Sue's frantic wiggling. They took turns kissing and licking her clit.

"Stop, stop, dam you both, stop! I am on fire! Carol, please baby, your pussy...give me your pussy!"

Carol turned straddled Sue's face. Sue began to lick her passionately.

Josh crawled to the head of the bed. He straddled Sue's face. His huge balls were resting on her nose. Josh grabbed each of his mom's ass cheeks and eased his cock into her winking starfish.

Carol sucked a sharp breath through her teeth as she felt Josh ease slowly into her ass.

"Oh baby, I don't know if I can take it"

"Just relax, mom, I'll go slow!"

Sue lifted Josh's balls off her nose. She watched with fascination as Carol's anus opened to accept Josh's enormous man meat. To help, she rose up and spit on the underside of his cock to add lubrication.

"Oh Carol baby you should see it! Your anus has opened to a big "O," and he only has about 2" in."

Josh slipped further into his mom's ass. The incredible tight feel made his penis produce even more pre cum.

"How does that feel, mom?"

"Oh my god, son, it hurts but it feels so good. Please be gentle with your mom!"

Sue rose as far as she could and began to lick the underside of his cock. Again, she spit on it and spread it with her tongue.

"Carol, I wish you could see how amazing it is to see your son's cock filling your ass!"

Sue licked Josh's balls and then ran her tongue from his balls to his anus. She tongued his anus, forcing her tongue deep

"Shit, Sue that feels incredible! Don't stop!" Josh Moaned.

He pulled back and slid back even deeper into his mother's straining ass. Josh began a slow in and out, letting 3'-4" slide in each time.

"Sue, he feels so good in my ass! This is what I have been missing. This is what I need a young fat cock filling me up!"

Josh pumped harder, realizing he was getting close to coming.

"I'm going to come, mom, I'm going to come in your ass!"

"Fill mommy up baby! Get as deep as you can! I want you to fill my bowels with your seed!"

Dear god, Carol thought, if only I could get pregnant, if only I could have my son's baby!

"Josh, Sue groaned, her tongue probing josh's anus, save some for me! Pull it out and let me taste you as you come in Carol"

The tightness of his mom's ass and Sue's tongue fucking his ass pushed Josh over the edge. He felt that tingle deep in his balls. He screamed and thrust hard into Carol's ass, filling her with his sperm.

"Oh my god, Carol screamed, as all of his cock filled her bowels, you are going to split me open!"

Even with the pain, she rammed her mature ass back, trying to get even deeper.

Sue reached up and grabbed josh's cock at the root. She pulled it out and inhaled that long spurting member. The last few thrust from Josh forced his cock and his seed down her throat.

Carol moaned in shock and surprise as she looked back and saw Sue sucking her son's softening dick.

"Sue, you bitch!

Carol collapsed on her belly as her orgasm shook her

Sue stopped sucking just long enough to say:

"Remember, girlfriend, we are going to share!"

Josh laughed weakly. Sweat poured off him. His breath cam in short hard gasps

"Ladies, ladies, there is enough of me for both of you

In the next bedroom, the new bridegroom snored loudly Spittle ran down his jaw in his drunken slumber. He did not know it, but the terms of his marriage vows had just changed.