
The Prodigal Son


Before anyone makes a comment about there being no Incest in this story -- remember patience is a virtue, this is only Chapter 1 and none of the players could be classified as virtuous. This is just the beginning, parts two and three are already mostly completed and should follow shortly.

Everyone in this submission is over 18 and a consenting participant.

I hope you enjoy, my aim is to please my readers, and so helpful comments are appreciated. Anonymous trolls who like nothing better than to add unhelpful and vicious remarks will be totally ignored and pitied for their small mindedness.

Chapter One: The Return

So here I was, back in my home town nearly eighteen years since I was thrown out of my parents' house and left to fend for myself in the big wide world. My family was the normal nuclear family consisting of my father, Alec who if I remembered correctly would now be 62, my mother, Julia who would be 57 and my sister Elizabeth who would be 36. I had no idea whether Elizabeth still lived at home with Mum and Dad; it seemed highly unlikely as she was probably married by now with a family of her own. My name is David Robertson, although my fellow Marines had christened me Robbie; I am now nearly 38 years old, almost 6' and weigh 15 stone or thereabouts. I have fair hair and blue eyes which I have been told can look like ice when angry.

I pulled into the hotel car park and, locking the car, strolled into the Reception. The guy behind the desk was happy to find a room for me for two nights and I gratefully signed the register and offered my credit card in prepayment. When the formalities had been completed I went back to my car and grabbed my overnight holdall; I decided to leave it in my room before driving to see my parents. I wasn't sure after all this time whether they would even see me, but I had thought it time I tried to bury the hatchet. None of us was getting any younger and my semi-nomadic lifestyle meant that I had no ties.

I wondered if they would even recognise me after such a long time. I had been just eighteen when they threw me out on my ear; I was now nearly thirty eight and after twelve years in the Royal Marines my physique had changed somewhat for the better. I was tanned from my many trips overseas to hot climates, my hair, once fairly long and black, was now just a military buzz cut that I had decided to keep after handing in my papers and taking up a personal security role that took me all over the world with a lot less danger and a lot more monetary rewards. But it wasn't just my physical appearance that had altered; my whole outlook on life had matured from the angry, scared and lost eighteen year old to the calm assured action-orientated person I had been trained to be. Despite my changed persona I had been considering and putting this day off for several years now; I was still unprepared for the difficult personal confrontation that was almost certainly going to ensue.

It probably seems strange that someone who had done several tours in Afghanistan and dealt with a large number of Somali pirates in and around the Arabian Gulf whilst protecting the shipping should worry about his parents, but my departure had been the result of such a spectacular family row and sheer anger that it left a lasting impression on my mind so that I never really managed to find any lasting or deep relationship with the many girlfriends that I had dated. However, my military training had installed into me that plans once made should be actioned immediately so I jumped into my car and drove the five miles to my parents' home.

I pulled up outside and left my car on the road as I walked up the drive exuding a confident air that I certainly didn't feel. I rang the doorbell and stepped back a pace to allow room without a direct confrontation. As I waited I looked around the front garden noticing that there had been a lot of changes over the years which knowing my mother's keenness for horticulture was not unexpected. I was lost in my own thoughts that I was startled when the door opened and a voice said "May I help you?"

I turned a found myself face to face with a complete stranger. My mother was now almost fifty eight years old, but this was a blonde thirty year old with a voluptuous figure that would give even a corpse an erection. "I'm sorry," I gasped, "I was looking for Mr and Mrs Robertson who used to live here."

"Oh they moved over five years ago I'm afraid." She smiled.

"Damn," I muttered, "You wouldn't know where they moved to by any chance?"

"I'm sorry; they had a postal redirection initially but that was with the Post Office. I do know they stayed here in Bristol, but I have no idea where." She shrugged her shoulders and my eyes were drawn to her bosom as it quivered delightfully under her thin summer dress. "I'm afraid your journey has been in vain."

"Ah well, it can't be helped. My parents and I lost touch a long time ago and I've been moving round the world a lot since then. I'm sorry to have bothered you." I reached my hand out and shook hers. I felt a small squeeze as she took my hand and smiled.

I turned and walked back along the drive to my car. I was stumped; I didn't know what to do. I sat in the car for several minutes trying to think of all the options I could take to find my parents when there was a tap on the driver's window. I turned and found the smiling face of the lady I had just been talking with. I let the window down. "Have you thought about the Electoral Roll in the Council offices? You should find them there as long as your parents haven't moved out of the area."

"Thank you, that's a brilliant idea. I hadn't got round to considering that." I mentally kicked myself; I should have thought of that myself.

"I could see you were looking rather lost. I wondered if you would like a cup of tea before continuing your search." She gave me another smile as she leaned in the open window, giving me a rather pleasant view straight down the open neck of her dress. "I feel a bit responsible; not knowing where your parents moved to."

"That's most kind." I opened the car door as she moved back a pace and I slid out and followed her back along the drive and into the house. I closed the door behind me and she walked into the lounge. I followed with my eyes glued to the sway of her hips and her beautifully firm calves highlighted by the white high heeled sandals she was wearing.

"Take a seat and I'll put the kettle on." She headed out. "Make yourself comfortable, it won't take a minute."

"No problem, I'm at a bit of a loose end 'til I can check the Electoral Roll as you suggested." I laughed. I examined the room as I waited, fascinated by the geometrical patterns that dominated the layout and decorated the walls. A complete change from my last memories of the house.

She walked back in a few minutes later carrying a tray with a teapot, milk jug and two cups and saucers. "You should have let me help." I protested as she bent and placed the tray on a small coffee table. Her action allowed her dress hem to ride up her legs and expose her thighs and the pleasurable fact that she was not wearing panties. I felt my groin reacting and I hurriedly crossed my legs to conceal the evidence of my arousal.

"I hope you don't take sugar," she laughed, "I don't take it myself and forgot to bring any on the tray."

"No, just milk is fine." I confirmed. "I haven't taken sugar in my tea or coffee for almost twenty years now." I watched as she poured two cups of tea and added the milk before sitting opposite me in one of the large armchairs. "I'd better introduce myself." I laughed. "I'm David Robertson, but everybody calls me Robbie."

"Pleased to meet you Robbie," Her voice had become a little husky, "I'm Sally-Anne Mitchell."

"I like what you've done with the room." I looked around. "It's certainly an improvement on my parents' choice."

"Well thank you." Her smile lit up the room. "I like it too, it's all my design. I work as an Interior Designer for a living." She took a sip of tea and watched me as I drank my hot tea straight down. "Wow, you must have been thirsty."

"Sorry, it's habit. You learn to drink quickly in my line of work."

"So what do you do for a living?" She put her cup back in the saucer and leaned forward, waiting for my answer.

"I own a private security company." I grinned at the look on her face. "Don't worry, I'm not dangerous."

"Wow," she gasped, "How did you get into that line of work?"

"After I left the Marines I wasn't really qualified for anything else. I was a sniper and explosives expert; not much call for either in civvy street."

"I thought you looked like an ex-squaddie. It was the haircut and the way you held yourself." She nodded to herself as I confirmed her first impression. "Are you married? Is there a Mrs Robertson?" She started to blush.

"Yes there is, but it's my mother. My occupation makes it difficult to settle down in one place; I tend to travel rather a lot, so relationships are usually brief. Ships that pass in the night." I gave a deprecating chuckle.

I heard her whisper, "I wouldn't mind being one of your ports of call," as she looked across at me. Her face was flushed and I could see her breasts rising and falling rapidly in her dress. "Sorry, that was very forward of me."

"No worries," I smiled at her embarrassment, "I'm really flattered."

She stood up and walked over to me and sat on my lap before I could protest. Her arms went round my neck and she snuggled against me as I instinctively put my arms round her waist; my hands just below her heavy tits, their warmth radiating through the thin material of her dress. "Would you like to check my personal security?" She purred into my ear, her breath tickling my neck. "It hasn't had a full inspection for a long time."

"Surely someone as gorgeous as you must a have a regular daily inspection."

"Not for a couple of years since my husband left me for a younger model." She whimpered.

"He must have been off his head." I grunted. I brushed my lips against hers and felt her tongue slide between mine, wet and demanding. Our kiss became more passionate as we exchanged tongues and our breathing became faster and hotter. I moved my left arm from her waist and cupped her breast, feeling the weighty soft flesh tipped by a very hard erect nipple. My right hand gravitated to her thighs and up under her dress. Her skin was warm and smooth and I was totally aroused as my hand travelled to her hips and down between her thighs. She really was naked under her dress and my fingers quickly felt absence of pubic hair and the wetness of her excitement.

"Ohhhhh yesss," she moaned in my mouth, "I need you inside me." Without breaking the ongoing kiss she got to her feet, dragging me with her, and quickly pulling the buttons open in the front of her dress and slipping it off her shoulders and down to the floor. She was now finally naked and looked drop dead gorgeous; what my troop would have designated as "totally fuckable."

We broke our kiss to enable me to strip, something she eagerly assisted me with; her eyes widening in disbelief as she pulled my boxers down and my thick cock sprang to attention. "Oh god, Robbie, I think you'll split me in two with that beast."

"I'll take it slowly," I groaned as she clasped my shaft with trembling hands.

"Oh no, baby, I want you fuck me to oblivion with this monster." She reached down further and cupped my balls. "Such a heavy weight," She purred, "I hope I can take your entire load when you cum." She sank down on the sofa where I had been sitting a few moments before and parted her long legs, displaying the full extent of her eagerness for what was about to happen. I knelt between her legs with the swollen purple head of my prick pressed against the distended lips of her labia. I leaned forward and kissed each of her nipples in turn, sucking them into my mouth and biting them softly with my teeth. She was wordlessly moaning as I continued to molest her breasts with my mouth and fingers, her hands were behind my head holding me close to her shaking body. I was so aroused I wanted to fuck her as hard as I could, but I wanted to taste her first, to cement her need for me. I slipped out of her hands and moved down her body, my tongue tracing my progress over her shuddering body until I reached her bare mound and the edge of her pussy lips. She jumped violently as my tongue penetrated her soaking cunt and screamed "YEEESSSS!!"

I continued to use my tongue moving between the folds of her labia and her clit, orally controlling her build up until she was incoherently thrashing about beneath me, whereupon I lifted my head from between her thighs and moved the head of my cock to replace my tongue. She went ballistic as I thrust my cock up into her tight cunt, her wet tunnel clenching my shaft as she orgasmed and squealed for more. I was happy to oblige her and continued to pump my prick in and out of her demanding body until I had to let go and my spunk boiled up out of my cock head and deep into her. I hadn't had sex for almost a fortnight and I continued to shoot load after load into her juicy cunt, painting her wet tunnel with my semen until I was emptied and she was full.

We continued to lie on the couch, locked together by my prick buried deep inside her; neither of us willing to lose the physical contact, even though we were both spent emotionally and sexually. At last I kissed her on the lips and very slowly withdrew my cock from her body. She moaned as she felt me finally slide completely out of her and she wrapped her arms and legs around me to hold me against her. "Mmmm, that was unexpected." She whispered. "But soooo enjoyable; I hope you want to do me again."

"If you've got nothing else planned, how about having dinner with me this evening?" I smiled.

"Only if sex is on the dessert menu," She giggled. "I have to have you fucking me like that again; it's been a very long time since any man eat me out like that."

"Sounds like a date then." I eased myself up and stood up looking at her naked body, a picture of absolute depravity, with my semen still oozing out of her open pussy and the final few shots spread over her belly from when we cuddled. "My god, but you look absolutely fantastic." I grinned.

"I'm sure I look a mess," she protested, "but a well fucked mess."

I looked at the clock on the mantelpiece, it was well after 17:00 hours (I still thought of time in the military mode). "I hate to love you and leave you, but how about I pick you up at 19:30. I need to get to my hotel and change."

"You could always stay here?" She sounded hopeful.

"All my stuff is at the Star Hotel; I've already booked in." I looked round and found my clothes scattered over the rest of the furniture. "I mean look at the state of my trousers, I can't take you to dinner looking like this." I picked up my crumpled slacks and held them up. "They're a bit of a mess, definitely not suitable to escort a beautiful lady."

I dressed myself and left her, kissing her gently as she still lay naked on the couch, half asleep after her several orgasms. "I'll see you later." I called out as I opened the front door and headed for my car.

Feeling far more relaxed I drove back to my hotel and parked my car. I headed in through the vestibule to Reception to collect my room key. I couldn't see the guy who had booked me in earlier, but a very attractive brunette was standing behind the desk. She filled the grey suit she was wearing like a second skin and I was admiring her figure when I realised she was speaking to me.

"Sorry," I smiled, "I was miles away." I looked at her more closely and she seemed vaguely familiar but I couldn't place where from or her name.

"I said, "Can I help you sir?"" She continued to look at me slightly puzzled.

"Oh yes, can I have my key please; Room 461."

She looked down at the hotel register and I saw a startled expression on her face. "Mr. Robertson?"

"That's me."

"David? David Robertson? Is it really you?" Her face lit up with a smile.

I didn't register my name for a moment; then I remembered nobody in town knew my nickname. "Yes, do I know you? Forgive me if we've met, but you do look a little familiar." I still couldn't place her.

"I'm Tess, Tess Barrett; Elizabeth' best friend from school. Where have you been? It must be twenty years since you left without a word to anyone." She was starting to babble excitedly and stepped out from behind the Reception desk and gave me a big hug that seemed to last forever. "My god, but you've turned into a handsome man; I can't believe it. I wasn't sure it was you at first, you look so different. Have you been home yet?"

"No," I managed to get a word in. "I haven't found where they live yet. I visited the old house but they moved five years ago apparently." I could feel her whole body pressing against me now and my cock, despite being recently used, had grown rapidly and was now very obviously aroused.

She felt it push against her belly and she purred softly. "You know that I really fancied you when we were younger. I was always very randy when I came round to see your sister. I wanted to strip your clothes off you and let you ravish me."

My brain was reeling as we broke apart. I'd just finished a couple of hours of pure sex with a woman I had never met before and now here I was with another whom I hadn't seen for ages being shamelessly propositioned for more sex.

"Can you tell me where my family is now living?" I asked, trying to deflect the conversation to safer grounds. "I'm going out for dinner shortly and won't be back until late, but I'd like to get an early start tomorrow morning."

"That's a shame." Tess murmured in my ear as she cupped my ass with a trembling hand. "You're even hotter than you were before you left." I, from nowhere, remembered this young girl who used to hang out with my twin sister. She had been a brunette and from what I could recall had quite a good figure; although her figure had blossomed during my absence and was now proving to be a huge distraction to my libido.

I carefully and somewhat regretfully took her hand and moved it away from my butt, noticing that she didn't wear a wedding ring on her third finger. "Thank you for that," I grinned, "glad to see I haven't been entirely forgotten." I managed to disentangle myself from Tess and stepped a half pace away. "If you could give me my family's address I'd be very grateful."

"How grateful?" She whispered seductively in my ear; then she giggled. "Sorry, but you are such a hunk now. Beth and I still keep in touch, we have a lot in common; I'll write down the address for you while you're getting ready for your date. I'll have it here when you come back down."

"Thank you." I gasped. "See you in an hour." I walked away, clutching my room key and pressed the button for the lift. I turned when the doors of the lift opened immediately and waved to Tess as she resumed her place at Reception. I took a lengthy shower and sorted out a fresh shirt and boxers to go with the slacks I had packed in my holdall. It was a warm evening so I decided to dispense with a jacket. Finally, feeling totally refreshed, I picked up my phone, car keys and wallet and made my way back downstairs.

Tess had the address ready when I walked through Reception. She squeezed my hand as she handed over the piece of paper. "Do you want me to call and let them know you're here? I've also put the phone number with the address, and my phone number as well."She added with a small smile and a look that was pure lust.

"No, promise me you won't call them; I'd prefer them not to know before I turn up." I was firm with what I wanted. "I don't want them to have advanced notice, they could well disappear to avoid a confrontation."

"Okay," she shrugged her shoulders. "I hope things turn out well for you all, although you might have a few surprises in store."

"See you later?" I wondered what surprises she was referring to.

"No, I'm off duty at nine o'clock, and I'm not back until tomorrow afternoon."

"That's a real shame." I patted her hand in thanks. "Hopefully I'll see you before I leave again."

"I do hope so." She breathed softly. "I really do. Good luck"

With that thought in my mind I left the hotel and drove my car back to my old home and a waiting Sally-Anne. I was not disappointed. She obviously saw me drive up because she had the front door open waiting for me as I walked down the drive again. As I stepped inside she appeared from the lounge and launched herself into my arms.

"You came back." She moaned between kissing me intensely on the lips. "I was scared you'd find your family and leave me."

"I said I'd be here at 19:30 and it's exactly that now and so here I am. When I ask someone as good looking and gorgeous as you to dinner I mean it." I held at arm's length for a full minute as I let my gaze roam over her luscious body. Sally-Anne had obviously dressed carefully, her green cocktail dress was short, very short; tight, skin tight in fact; and low cut. Her legs were bare and her feet were attired in black 5" stiletto heels. "Wow, you look fantastic."

"I tried to dress to impress." She giggled nervously.

"Well you certainly succeeded; beyond my expectations." I pulled her back into my embrace and kissed her passionately on her lips, our tongues playing with each other's.

She ground her hips against me and evidently felt my hard cock that had grown in my slacks. "Do you need to eat right now?" She moaned. "I've got something here that needs to be eaten right now."

"Who's a dirty little girl?" I smiled wickedly. "What on earth do you have in mind?"

"Me." She whimpered. "All of me; all of me all night."

"Wow, that's a culinary delight that's irresistible, especially when you're as hungry as I am right now." I picked her up in my arms and carried her upstairs while she kissed my neck and cheek. "Which room?" I grunted.

"Last on the left." She murmured.

"Used to be my parents' room." I smiled. "It's going to feel strange fucking in their old room." I paused for a moment. "By the way we're not going to be interrupted at any time are we?"

"No baby. I live alone now my ex-husband has left. The house was part of the divorce settlement." She giggled contentedly as I walked into the bedroom and laid her on the king sized bed in the middle of the room. She wriggled her hips and her dress immediately rode up to her waist, exposing her naked pussy that was already wet with anticipation at what she was about to receive. "Get your clothes off, baby." She begged, "I want to see that big cock as it comes into me."

"Sorry honey, but the soup course is always first on the menu. The meat comes later." I quickly undressed and knelt between her open legs. I bent down and slowly licked her wet crack, tasting her juices as her excitement mounted and she became ever wetter. She lifted her hips up and ground her pussy against my face, her throat making loud groans of appreciation as I kissed, licked and sucked her to her first orgasm of the evening. She screamed as she came, her whole body convulsing beneath me as she squirted over my chest and face until her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed into unconsciousness.

I stood up shakily, amazed at what I had just witnessed and concerned about how she had reacted. I need not have worried, however, as she quickly recovered although she was breathing erratically until she regained her senses. I smiled as she opened her eyes and said, "Fucking hell, darling, what did you do to me? I've never cum like that before."

"Best soup course I've ever tasted." I laughed. "I think I'll dine here again."

"My god, I never knew any man before who could do that to me. The job's yours if you want it; but I warn you, if you accept it's for life." She looked at me through half-lidded eyes for a long silent moment. "I want to suck your cock." She said deliberately emphasising the words "suck" and "cock". "I want to taste your cum, I want you to fill my mouth so that I can swallow it all and feel it sliding down my throat and into my tummy."

"Well, I think we have some in store." I laughed. "Would Madam like try a little right now?" I moved onto the bed and knelt both side of her shoulders, sitting back so that my butt was cushioned by the softness of her gorgeous breasts and my cock was standing upright in front of her hungry eyes.

She lifted her head off the bed and her tongue pushed between her wet lips and began to lick the pre-cum from the tip of my engorged cock head. "Hmmm," she whispered, "you taste yummy; I hope you have enough in store to keep me satisfied." She licked her lips lasciviously as more pre-cum dribbled out and she eagerly devoured that too. Once she had cleaned up she parted her wet lips and without delay sucked me into her hot mouth.

She gobbled my shaft like I'd never experienced before, and I'd had plenty of experience over the years. Her tongue was caressing me avidly as she bobbed her face up and down on my cock, sucking noisily as if eating an ice lollipop. I felt her taking my prick deeper with each successive move until she had as much as she could manage without choking. I decided to take over and clasped my hands on her head to hold her still as I started to thrust my prick into eager mouth. She relished being face fucked and I was quickly at the point of no return and my spunk exploded into her mouth, filling her more rapidly than she could swallow; the excess flowing out and down over her heaving soft breasts.

When I withdrew from between her wet lips, she licked all around her mouth, consuming the drops still clinging there before she used her fingers to scoop the plentiful supply on her tits and eagerly suck them clean.

I laughed at the expression of lust on her face. "You love eating my cum?"

"I love sex, any kind." She moaned, "My ex was never enough to keep me satisfied; one quick shag and he'd roll over and fall asleep, leaving me to play with myself until I could cum."

"Looks like you've got a new playmate to help you in your hour of need." I grinned. "So you slept around?"

"Occasionally," she admitted, "but not indiscriminately; I'm not a slut. If I had someone like you I'd be making love with you every day and night and never looking at another man."

I rolled over and got to my feet. "You're not leaving me already?" She looked as though she was about to cry.

"No baby, just need the toilet. I can stay for a while longer, but I need to get back to my hotel sometime before breakfast so that I can get changed before facing my family." She visibly relaxed and her head fell back onto the pillow, a big smile on her lips.

I was gone for no more than a few minutes before returning to find Sally-Anne playing with her pussy; two fingers sliding in and out of her soaking wet tunnel. She looked totally fuckable and I couldn't stop myself from grinning. "Who's a naughty girl then? Little girls who play with themselves should be punished."

"Ooooh yes; I'm a very naughty girl." She pulled her fingers out of her slit and lasciviously licked them clean. "Is my daddy going to punish me?" I shivered a little at the thought of her being into role playing sex. It looked like she had a daddy fetish and I wasn't about to spoil the party, so I played along.

I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked the inside of her thighs. "Does daddy's dirty little slut need to be punished?" I asked huskily.

Sally-Anne got to her knees and put her arms round my neck, nuzzling me with her lips as she purred, "All naughty girls should be punished. I should have waited for you to come back and not played with myself. I deserve to be chastised so that I know better in future and learn to be a good little girl for my daddy."

"In that case, come and lie on my lap while your daddy administers your punishment." I lifted her arms from my neck and pulled her round in front of me. She eagerly laid face down on my lap, managing to fondle my cock in the process, and her beautiful round pink globes were raised in readiness. I was totally distracted by her soft smooth butt and I began to caress her gently, stroking each cheek as she moaned softly. Then just when she was relaxing I smacked her firmly on each fleshy sphere.

"OOOhh, daddy." She jumped with the sudden shock of the change from fondling to spanking. "OOOhh, please punish your wicked little girl." I smacked her three more times and she moaned with pleasure.

"I think my little girl is enjoying this too much." I rubbed my fingers gently over her slightly reddened butt. I noticed that she was wriggling with bliss, so I slid my hand between her thighs and played soothingly with the engorged lips of her wet labia, producing even louder sighs of delight. When my fingers were wet with the juices dribbling out from her folds I slowly dragged them between her buttocks in the crack until they brushed against her puckered small anal opening. Sally-Anne trembled as I circled her tight back entrance.

"Hmmm, that's nice daddy. Do you want to put your daddy cock in my bum-hole?" She was even speaking in a little girl's voice.

"Have you ever had a dick in your ass?" I asked as I probed her gently.

"No, my ex didn't like sodomy."

"Would you like daddy to bugger your little virgin ass-hole?" I could feel her pushing up against my finger as I slowly slid inside her.

"I'm not really ready for that tonight." Sally-Anne admitted reluctantly. "I want to have you inside my ass, but I need to be better prepared, I think."

I didn't press her, as I was enjoying playing with her too much to ruin the atmosphere, and I withdrew my finger and moved my hand back to her pussy. She purred contentedly as I resumed my attention to her waiting aroused slit and her hips wiggled in satisfaction. "OK baby, daddy will save sodomizing you until you're ready for me. I think you need to get off my lap now, my cock needs some relief." I shook her slowly and she got up off my lap, grinning at the state of my arousal.

"I can see that. Let me kneel down and you can fuck me doggy fashion; I enjoy that." She suited her actions to her words and quickly knelt on the bed with her head on the pillow.

I looked in awe at her upturned buttocks and I pulled them slowly apart to reveal her tight brown star that was promised for later. I shuffled forward on my knees until my prick was lying between the folds of her pussy lips, coating the shaft in her plentiful juices. When I was satisfied that all was slick I quickly thrust the hard purple shiny head between her thick labia and up into her welcoming tunnel. This time I fucked her fiercely and with little regard for compassion; she was screaming for me to fuck her harder so I knew she was loving the change of pace and I continued to plunge my dick deeply into her willing cunt. Her walls were clutching me tightly as her orgasm built and I was unable to hold as my spunk boiled up out of my balls, load after load of thick seed being jetted into her.

I decided that a short nap was needed before I drove back to my hotel, so we held each other's naked sweaty bodies in a tight embrace as we drifted into the sleep of satisfied sexual exhaustion.