
The Kinky Car Ride


"Are you sure you're alright sitting on Ryan's lap Amelia, I know this isn't how you wanted this road trip to start?" Mark asked me.

"Yes, Mark, it's alright, as long as you don't drive like a maniac," I yell back to my husband.

He's so stupid sometimes, he completely packed way to much gear and now I have to sit on my 19-year-old son's lap.

At least I won't be too hot. When Mark wasn't looking, I slipped into a nice sundress and even took off my panties. I haven't been so naughty since before my marriage.

I look down at my son, "Sweetie are you going to be alright with your Mum sitting on your lap, I know this isn't the most comfortable situation."

"It's alright Mum" Ryan replied, "as long as you don't lean on one side too much, I should be all right."

Oh my brave boy, willing to sacrifice his comfort for me, I should find something to buy him while we are on holiday.

"Well let's get this trip on the road." my husband yells, as he turns his radio up and starts the engine.

a few hours on the road

So far it hasn't been too uncomfortable sitting on Ryan's lap, except a few minutes ago, I started to feel a weird pointy object stabbing my ass. I shift left and right to try and unlodge it. "Mum stop that," Ryan says.

My cheeks turn red in embarrassment, it must be my son's penis, oh dear. Now I can't stop thinking about my own son's penis poking me.

You see I haven't had sex in months ever since my husband said I should stop acting like a slut and more like a respectable lady, well fuck him, women have needs asshole.

As we continue to drive in silence, Mark drives over a large bump, OOMPF! Suddenly I feel my son's pants slip down a bit as his body went up from the bump, but with me sitting on his lap meant his pants didn't move with him. Oh, now his cock is rubbing against my dress right where my pussy is. This is not good. I then feel his cock start to get bigger, I wonder if Ryan is aware of what is happening.

Suddenly Ryan moves himself to try and get comfortable and instead pushes his cock against my clothed pussy. Ooh, that felt really good, I think as I feel moisture building on my pussy lips. An idea starts to form in my head. A very taboo and kinky idea. Could I use my own son for pleasure, I know I really need a good pounding and from the feel of his cock, it feels larger than his father's.

My pussy continues to drip as I imagine my own son fucking me, while my oblivious husband drives on. I hate to admit it but it really turns me on. I then slowly raise my sundress up and the cold air strikes my pussy. Ooh, I really need this, I need to use my son for my own pleasure. My son grabs my shoulders "Mum what are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry honey, mommy really needs a release, I'm so horny."

I then push his big white cock into my pussy. HHhhmmmm, ooh yes. It feels so good, I hear Ryan moan quietly behind me. "Are you two alright back there?" my husband asks.

"Yes Babe, it's just a bit of a hard ride back here" I quickly say.

"Well we can have a quick pit stop soon."

"No rush." I moan back.

I then push back against my son's cock. "Come on Ryan push back against mommy, I need a hard fucking since your dad never delivers."

Chet starts to thrust up into my pussy.

"Ohh yes baby, fuck mommy, mommy really needs a nice hard cock to please her, you can fuck mommy as long as you don't cum in my pussy okay?"

My son looks at me and with clenched eyes, slowly nods his head.

"Good boy." I whisper while keeping an eye on my husband who is singing along to the radio.

As my son continues to fuck my wet pussy I can't help but think that we could make this a regular thing, I know that after feeling my sons 7-inch cock I can never go back to my husbands tiny 3 inches, even if he wanted to fuck me, which he doesn't.

Suddenly my husband yells out "There's a pit stop coming up ahead, we will stop there for food and a toilet break."

Fuck, why do we have to stop now? I guess I can get my son to finish me off in the bathroom. I tell my son to take out his cock and to act normal.

outside the pit stop

"Well honey, how about you go order us some food and Ryan and I, will go for a quick toilet break."

"Okay Amelia that's fine, but while you're there take off the sundress you look like a slut."

Fuck him, I think. I'll wear whatever I want.

I grab my sons hand and drag him into the bathroom. "Mum, what are you doing?"

I bend over and pull up my dress, "hurry up and fuck me, Ryan, fuck mommy's slutty pussy until I cum over your big hard cock."

Ryan grins widely at me and quickly pulls down his pants, his big white cock flops out. I lick my lips as my pussy juices drip onto the floor. "Shove it in my slutty pussy and make me your slut." I scream, my lust completely out of control.

My son continues to pound my pussy as I thrust into his cock, suddenly we both hear footsteps outside and Ryan covers my mouth with his hand and continues to thrust quietly into me.

"Amelia, Ryan. Are any of you in there?" My husband yells while his own son fucks my pussy. I feel my sons cock throb in my pussy as my husband yells out. "Hmmpf they must be back at the car." I hear him say as the footsteps go quite.

"Your dads gone, now fuck my slutty pussy Ryan, cum in my pussy and make me your whore!" I yell out without thinking about the consequences.

"Ooh mom, your pussy feels so good."

Suddenly I feel my son's big cock spazz as his baby batter spurts into my slutty pussy. "Oohhh yes, Ryan, I can feel your cum inside of me, it's so hot and thick!" I yell out.

Ryan then slowly pulls his massive dong out of my battered pussy and smiles at me.

"Mom can this not just be a one-time thing," he whispers.

"Of course honey, mommy's slutty little pussy is barely satisfied, I predict a lot of fucking in your future." I giggle as I dip my fingers into my cum stuffed pussy and slip them into my mouth, moaning loudly at the taste.