
Spying on my Parents' Sexy Neighbor Pt. 02


Authors note: This is part two in the series. Original title Spying on my Parents Sexy Neighbor (Non-consent-reluctance). To better understand Doug and his past, I recommended you begin with part one of his journey.

After Lou and the fitness instructor, I had become Janet's personal toy. Whenever she wished she would call and I would rush over. Why? Because the sex was fantastic. She admitted it was because she couldn't get enough with Nick gone so often. Plus I was okay with the new arrangement we had. It made our old one feel like water under the bridge. I even started researching colleges for the next year, I figured better late than never, not as if 21 was old.

Janet and my mother, Lisa. Became good neighbors, Janet would come over and have coffee with my father Bill and my mother. My father always tried to invite her and Nick to their BBQ's or parties. A true salesman he always tried to sell something or find investors, I remember when they first moved in he didn't care. Until he discovered Nick made a lot of money and Janet owned a small business. When I was younger, I used to wish they would accept, so I could see Janet up close. Now he was just annoying.

Four months into our affair, everything seemed to even out, until Nick returned home one day. Janet flew out of the door and threw an arm full of clothes at him. She screamed at him in the driveway and rushed back inside. I remembered the tapes from eight months ago and my stomach turned. I just lost all the leverage I had. I went back to that moment I saw the service truck and wished it wasn't there.

I watched Nick pickup his clothes and run for the door. Desperate to hear, I open the window.

He stopped, banged on the door, and when I heard Janet's voice, I cringed.

"You've been fucking them all this time, prostitutes, strange fucking women, a whole fucking orgy. We are so done, I spoke with a lawyer, and he said I can get everything." She screamed as if to alert the entire community.

After the door slammed shut, Nick said nothing, he turnaround and got back into his car. Nick must have had his own blackmailer, or a whistleblower.

Twenty minutes later Janet messaged me. 'I need a hard fucking, 1 hour.'

Since then, things changed. Not wanting to piss her off, I now heed her beck and call as an obedient slave.

A week passed since that painful night with no word from her. But, my mother and father had returned home. She knew those times were off limits. On the last night they were in town my mother cleaned the house and my father went out to get refreshments. At 7:30 on the dot, the doorbell rang. My father, Bill rushed down the stairs to answer.

My father dressed up nice, dress pants and a polo shirt. My mother wore a knee high sun dress, low cut to where I could see her cleavage, and a beige lacy bra. She put her hair up, put on makeup and even wore high heels.

Lately she had been taking her figure more serious and asked me for fitness tips. The time she spent in our home gym increased three fold. She said she wanted to look good on sales trips. An underlying complained was about the new girls younger ages and how they were making huge sales. But I think it also came from hanging out with Janet more often.

To my surprise, Janet stood at the door. She wore tight blue jeans, a black tank top, and many pieces of jewellery. When my father and mother greeted her, she kissed Lisa on the cheek and Bill she gave a hug. When they turned she looked up at me and gave me a wink.

It was always our little secret when she showed up. One time when my mother and her planned to have a drink, my mother ran out to get mix. Janet and I fucked on my bed. She cleaned up before my mother returned and continued to have a drink with her on her back deck as if nothing happened. Since then, Janet has been much more flirtatious with me in from my parents.

She walked past me, gave me a smile and patted me on the stomach. "Oh my, your boy has been working out, Lisa I should hire him to come clean my pool now that I'm single."

My mother laughed it off and grabbed three wine glasses.

I couldn't stay that night, part of me wanted to, but I had a mini crisis. To be exact, a $3200 mini crisis. I had to meet a client and settle a dispute over a potential copyright issue. My employee unknowingly used a photograph on a web page and now she was being sued, who was now suing me.

Brandy was a single mother, she was part Spanish and part French. Which gave her an exotic appearance from her tan to her eyes even in her voice when she spoke. I felt responsible to take care of her. She worked a job, came home at night and made jewelry to sell after hours. With my help on her online store, she was selling more jewelry than before. But it helped Brandy was a natural-born saleswoman. Did I mention she was attractive? In her early thirties, long black hair, tanned skin, and large black eyes, yes? Well, it's worth noting a second time. She had a smile that could put you at ease and with it she negotiated 25% off her monthly fee.

That night she greeted me at the door, with a tight t-shirt and tight pair of jeans. Even though she was mad, she gave me that amazing smile. She poured us a coffee and each time she bent over, I could see down her shirt. She wore a black bra, lace trim, and kept her hair back from her neck. As a result, by the end of the night I paid the $3200, I remain the website admin, and I now only charge her $100 a month for her continued business.

To be honest, I thought I would get laid. But, I just got a kiss and a wink at the door with a thank you. Which was better than nothing. Brandy really was a pleasant woman and to be honest, I had my hands full with Janet.

When I returned home I had hoped for a nice quiet night. Crack a soda, do some last-minute changes on the brothel game I made, and release it to the public as a web game. When I entered the house, my father greeted me with a smile.

"Hey, Doug, I didn't think you'd be home tonight." He said in a loud voice.

"Why? I didn't have much to do, I just had to take care are a few things for client."

His eyes grew wide, and for a second he wasn't sure what to say. "Oh, I thought when you said Brandy you were talking about a girl."

"I was, she's a client of mine, it's actually the jewelry site that I work on."

My mother came from the living room and gave me a smile and brushed her hair behind her ears. "Hi Doug, we're just finishing up with Janet, would you like to join us with a last drink?"

She had removed her sandals and my father had removed his glasses, which was uncommon because he couldn't see much without them. Janet entered the room and leaned against the door.

She waved me over. "Of course he would, come on, you can sit with me."

When I went past her, she hooked her arm in mine and led me to the couch.

The three of them laughed and gossiped about other people in the community. Maybe that's just people were. 'This neighbor did that, that neighbor wore those oh-my, and Janet is fucking Lisa's boy, you know the one who runs everywhere.'

Rachel, my half-sister was a star athlete, grade A student and never had a problem finding a date. She hated this community and its people, couldn't wait to get out. I thought she was being weird, but back then no one seemed to take notice of me. Now I wondered what they said.

I used to fantasize over my sisters friends. All of them were the pretty girls back in the day, most still are. The rich girls who stayed in the community and never went to school, like me.

I watched Janet and my mother Lisa banter back and forth. Once, many years ago I caught my mother and father having sex. Repulsed and turned on, I couldn't take my eyes off her. How the muscles in her back moved and rolled while she gyrated on top of Bill.

After I saw her from behind I used the memory to imagine Janet riding me. Now here she was laughing and flirting, being best of friends with my mother. Unknown to my mother, this woman was fucking her 20-year-old son who had blackmailed her.

As per normal, before Janet took her leave my mother invited her to a party. Like usual, Janet politely refused. I had to give it to my parents for being the persistent type, but I guess that's how they both made their money.


After Nick left, I played escort to out-of-town dance clubs, dinner or nights out. This time Janet wanted to attend a beauty party and wanted me as her upgraded "boy toy". I tried to find a way out, because this was in the city. But she quickly reminded me, I owe her. See, over the past few months my little video camera got me in more trouble than her.

I've also been learning she's not the dumb bimbo my parents first thought she was. Over the past few months, she was proving to be rather shrewd. Not only that but frisky, I'm pretty sure every first I'll have, will be with her. Recently she's been asking me if I find random men at parties handsome or not. Which has been concerning.

After a hot, muggy day with ominous clouds in the distance, night arrived and I got dressed in a black dress shirt, charcoal pants, and dress shoes. These were the clothes she picked out for me.

When I picked her up, she greeted me in a short black cocktail dress, high heels, a small purse and a little diamond necklace. Still, after all these months when I saw her, my heart skipped. She gave me a giant smile, whisked the hair from her face and reached her arm out to me.

"You can drive." She handed me the keys and escorted me to the car. It was a snappy little Audi, silver with black leather interior. She won it off of Nick in the divorce. In fact, she pretty well took everything, their house, part of his monthly paycheck, she even kept his cufflinks collection, worth half a million.

She navigated me outside of the city to an impressive three story giant mansion built on 10 acres. Fenced in with stone walls and barred off with iron spikes on top. The only thing missing was a fountain, massive trees, and a gardener trimming the weeds. But if it was daytime, I imagine he would have been there.

"Oh, I almost forgot you have to pretend you're Lou tonight." She said.

"I have to pretend I'm Lou, as in Lou your other guy?" I said.

"No just Lou, they just knew him by name, it's what's on the invitation." She said.

"Names please" the intercom said with a feminine voice.

She leaned over me and called back. "Mr. and Mrs. Black."

"Great, we're glad you could make it, we've heard a lot about you. The garage is full but pull around the back." The woman's voice said.

I stared at her with wide eyes and shook my head, begging for an explanation.

She pointed to the gate and said. "You'll miss the gate."

The gate opened, and I pulled into the driveway. There were five other vehicles in the back and a large a garage.

Janet reached into her purse, pulled out a card and some black cloth.

"Okay, we have some rules, the first one is no fighting and the men wear these."

I held up the thin cloth to reveal a stretchy black hood. She reached into the back seat and pulled out a masquerade mask for herself.

"What the hell are we doing?" I asked.

"Well, this is something Lou, and I was going to try, I never wanted to, but now I'm intrigued. Oh, and we're going to have sex with other people tonight. It's kind of a mandatory plus one."

"We're at a sex party! What happened to the Tupperware, makeup or other multilevel marketing house parties? Oh my god, is this why you've been asking me about other men?" I half shouted.

"What kind of party did you think we were going to?" she said.

We stared at each other, both with blank faces. She amazed me with her question, the surprise party, and her look of blank innocence to the point that I didn't know what more to say. I glanced at the mansion and shook my head in disbelief. "Well, not one of these." I said.

The more I stared at the mansion and the people inside, the more intrigued I also grew. Janet was a beautiful woman and her patrons were all wealthy, attractive women. This started to not seem like a terrible idea and started to look forward to it.

She touched my crotch and squeezed me through the pants. "Awhile back one of my regular customers used to invite me and Nick to spice up our marriage. I confessed to her about Lou and her eyes lit up. But she never met him, she doesn't know who he was, and I never told her about you. Now I'm curious about fucking another woman's husbands with her permission. So that's where you come in." She leaned in close, opened her mouth and kissed me on the lips.

I touch the tip of her tongue with mine and she welcomed me in. Our tongues explored one another and when we parted ways, she put her mask on and smiled at me.

"Don't worry, we'll probably be the average looking couple if my client is any hint." She said.

I pulled my mask over my head and escorted her to the backdoor. A slender, tall redheaded woman welcomed us. She wore a tight red dress, red stilettos and had a red-feathered mask. She was in her mid-forties, but still just as attractive as Janet.

Her voice was the same as the intercoms. "Welcome Black. I am Red" She said. She held the door open and let us in. As I passed by her, she slid her fingers across my chest. "I think I may have to negotiate for this one tonight." She stopped us in the entranceway. "Did purple explain the rules?"

Janet hung on to my arm and leaned forward with a big smile "Oh yes she did."

"Ah, I'm a little hazy on how this works?" I said.

Red put her hands together and smiled. "Okay, well first this party is for open couples only, a member must invite you, and that was Purple. No fighting, no hard feelings, take it home, discuss it with your significant other. But do not do it here, it's all in the manual. We meet here once a month." She smiled and took my arms. "Before we go in, I'd like to add, when I saw your pictures I knew you two were a perfect fit." She glanced downwards towards my belt and smiled. "But also in description. So last month it was the men's turn to negotiate. This month it's the women's turn."

"Negotiate?" I said.

"Yes, we play different games each month but this one's our favorite. We exchange favors, money, and once a car. In my husband's defense, he really wanted to sleep with that woman."

My eyes grew wide and I'm sure my mouth hung open. What the hell kind of party did Janet bring me to?

I looked over at her and she gave me a smile and a wink. "I told you it would be fun."

It suddenly felt fitting to hear thunder rumble in the distance. What could go wrong? I played games like this, huge stone mansion, out of town, strange unknown group. Yup sounded like a perfect place to get sacrificed.

Red turned her attention back to us, "Sounds like it'll be an interesting night. Tonight the men go to the rooms, don't worry there's a bottle of wine. There you'll wait until you hear a knock. You can also watch all the action on a tablet and a camera so you can see what your partner is doing. Each lady will have a colored key. Oh except for pink, their a lesbian couple and they request only one room so if you negotiate with pink all four of you will be in the room. Do not use names, even if you know them. Once we have our masks on we are a color, but you may remove the mask once your in your room. There are condoms in each room and they are mandatory. We want to keep our little group healthy and safe."

I nodded my head.

"Oh, and foursomes are open after hours and only on party nights," Red said.

Janet squeezed my arm tight, "That's the part I was hoping for, I always wanted to see two men."

"Maybe we can talk in the grand room then, my husbands also open to such meetings." Red gave Janet a devious smile. She looked at me and motioned towards the side door. "The rooms are that way, Mrs. Black if you will accompany me I will introduce you to the other ladies."

Janet smiled, slid her arm from mine and took Reds. She looked back and waved at me before disappearing through a large archway.

Part of me wanted to run, but I was afraid this weird cult would hunt me down in the rain like a horror movie. The hallway reminded me of an old haunted house. It had hardwood flooring with a red carpet runner, candle lamps that barely lit the floor and large wooden trim.

Pink was the first room, I couldn't help but hope Janet would pick them. In total, there were seven colors. Towards the end, I found the door with a black tag on the knob.

The room was no less luxurious than the rest of the house. It had hardwood flooring, a giant carpet, a king-size bed, and a drink tray with two glasses of wine and a bottle. On a bedside table was a tablet. I turn the lights on, but the room remained dark. The only light in the room was a faint glow from the tablet. I sat down and looked at the screen. It was a small 9 inch tablet that I could barely make out.

There were eight women in the giant room, each dressed in the colors of their mask. There was Red, the hostess and Janet in black. The others were purple, yellow, blue, pink, white, grey and green. Each of them wore a different dress, most wore short cocktail dresses, but one lady wore a white kimono style dress. Pink was the only one in a miniskirt and a pink leather jacket. I zoomed in on her out of curiosity, she was young, pretty, and looked like she had blue hair.

The other women were mostly middle-aged, but all seemed attractive, nothing like what you would see in some homemade videos on the Internet. They carried themselves tall and stood confident like wealthy women. Each had respectable breasts sizes, but I imagine most were fake, and no bulging waist lines.

I zoomed in on purple, the mystery woman whom I figured invited Janet. She had wide hips and larger breasts. Wore an elegant mask made of purple feathers, which wrapped around the back of her head and fanned out backwards. Her purple high strapped heels came up to her knees like a Greek goddess. She was the 2nd of only two women who wore a dress past their knees, but it had a long slit up her right leg as high as her hip which gave tantalizing glimpses of her thick long legs.

Soon after Janet appeared she left pinks side and greeted Janet. Poor bastard I thought.

The grand room had no floors above it, instead it was open all the way to the 3rd floor where it turned to a vaulted ceiling that carried on into a triangular wall of glass. In the middle of the glass wall an enormous stone fireplace with a chimney that rose to the peak. Three black leather couches sat around a square heavy wooden coffee table. If this was the living room, I wanted to see the rest of the house.

In the corner was a wheel, like you'd see on a game show, I tried to zoom in but I couldn't read what they wrote on it. I took a sip of the wine which tasted sweet and continued to admire the women.

The women drank, nibbled at small finger foods and chatted among each other. I looked around, but all I had was wine. This continued for 30 minutes. The tablet had no audio and a very limited zoom. I guess for the viewer to build their imagination. Janet browsed the room, chit chatted with all the women but always returned to purple. Purple also did the same thing, so I was sure I knew who my partner would be tonight.

At exactly 10:30 P.M, Red raised her arms up and all the women turned and looked at her. She said something to them and most of them nodded their heads and looked at the women beside them. Janet and purple was close together. I had become entranced with how purple swayed her hips, flicked her fake feathers from her face and walked about the room. She was elegant, pretty, mature and had more curves than the other women.

Red spun the wheel and all the women looked on. When it stopped spinning the women looked at one another and smiled. Some laughed, some rolled their eyes, and two clapped. Purple put her hand on blacks arm and almost looked like she apologized.

Red bent down and picked up a plastic tub. She popped the lid off and pulled out handfuls of what looked like little black balls on a string. She handed each of them to the ladies, and before they took them, they each downed what remained of their drinks.

I then realize what they were. One at a time Red helped put the balls in their mouths and reached behind their heads to adjust the fit. Once everyone finished a more sinister twist appeared. Red, the hostess, handed each woman a tiny lock on the buckle behind their head, including herself. Once done, she put a hand full of luggage keys on the coffee table.

As I predicted Janet, or Black as I should say exchanged keys with Purple. The women finished the exchange of keys, hugged one another and left the room.

I was clueless about what I should do, should I undress, stand at the door, or wait right there. Before I could decide a knock pulled me from my panicked thoughts. I stood there, beside the bed with my clothes on. A key worked the latch and the door opened. The hallway lights were dimmer than before. All I could see was the faint outline of the woman in the doorway. I figured I could at least see her in the tablet light, but before she could reach me the tablet powered down. She closed the door behind her and locked it.

The only light that entered the room was very faint from outside. The storm had grown closer and the occasional lightning strike, shed light into the room. She had the same idea, in the darkness I could see her reaching out so as not to stumble. I reached out and took her hand and she gave a muffled laugh.

I felt as if my hands would shake free from hers from all the trembling I was doing. All the confidence I had talking to girls my age these past months seemed to vanish before this purple, mature goddess. My head grew light as I stared into the darkness at my new partner.

She must have sense my uneasiness because she pulled me close to her and held me against her warm body. She purred as she slid her hand up and down my spine, her finger tips traced the outlines of my muscles. With a quick flick of her wrist, she flipped the mask from her face and let it fall behind her.

I didn't know what to do, so I leaned in for a kiss. I could see a glimmer of light in her eyes, but it was too faint to see her face. My tongue touched the ball in her mouth and we pulled away from one another. I could see and hear her trying to laugh, I felt like such an idiot. Before I could say anything she pulled me close and wrapped her arms around me.

Our finger tips explored one another's bodies rather than our tongues. Her waist was thick, but it wasn't fat, she had a muscular core, firm arms and a round ass. To the touch she felt soft, but applying pressure revealed a firm body beneath.

I'd learned with my time from Janet to take it easy. I guided her to turn, wrapped my hands around her shoulders and pressed my thumbs into her muscles.

Her back arched, and she sighed with a faint moan. I tried to steal a glimpse of her face, but each flash outside came to quick or was too dull. As I massaged her, she too looked back curious of the stranger behind her.

She pressed back and rubbed her ass on my cock. I'd been so preoccupied with her identity, I didn't even notice my erection. She twisted and ground into my crotch and pulled my hips tighter against hers.

Her warm hands guided mine down towards her open leg. Over her shoulders, down her ribs and over her hips. I squeezed and messaged the soft warm skin that covered her muscular thighs.

We were both here for sex. She wanted it as much as I did when I realized that my courage returned. I slid my hand beneath her dress and was welcomed by smooth shaven skin, void of any undergarment.

My other hand explored her stomach and up to her breasts where I cupped a large handful of flesh. A top it a firm, erect nipple pushed through the thin material. I felt no bra, or if there was one it was made with very little fabric.

She swayed back and forth on my body and as if dancing she turned, reach behind her back and unzipped her dress. With a twist and roll of her shoulders, she worked the dress free and let it slip from the top of her body. For a moment, the fabric clung to her nipples then slipped free. In the faintest of light, her white skin glowed.

My hands returned to her, and I cupped her breasts in each of my hands. They were soft, fluid and warm, unlike Janet's who felt firm and sometimes a little cooler than the rest of her body.

Enthralled with how they moved, I rolled them in my hands and massaged them. My thumbs caressed and excited her nipples. Enjoying the attention, she swayed her body from side to side. The longer I played with her, the firmer and taller her nipples grew. When they reached their fullest extent, she grabbed my arms by the biceps and pulled herself into my chest.

This time she forgot about the ball and went to kiss my neck. I didn't wish to ruin the moment, so I didn't laugh. Instead, I slid my fingers behind her dress and helped slide it down over her hips and full round glutes. From there, it slipped from her thighs and crumpled on the floor. My hands slid up her back, her warm and smooth skin made me yearn to see her in light. I pressed by fingers into the muscles around her spine and she cradled her face into my neck.

Eager to return the favor, she reached down and unbuckled my pants, free of the leather belt she slid her hand inside and took hold of my cock.

Her slender hand stroked and played with it. I'd grown so hard it ached, I undid my pants and let myself free. Both of us wanted it now. In a frenzied pace, we raced to remove my clothes. She pulled my shirt free and I kicked my pants and socks off.

Purple finish the last button and threw back the shirt from my shoulders. Using the weight of her body she pushed me backwards onto the bed and straddle my thighs. I laid there pinned with my arms behind my back, trapped inside my sleeves.

Outside a lightning strike drew her attention to the window, in a brief second I could see a shadowy outline of her long sandy hair draped over her shoulders and face. She had a sharp jawline and a feminine, slender nose. Unable to free myself, she took control and explored my stomach and chest with her hands. Digging, prodding, and teasing my skin with her nails. Trapped in my damn shirt, I tried to fiddle with the buttons to free myself.

It didn't bother her that I wasn't able to caress her. Instead, she purred as her hands traced over every inch of my body. She pressed her fingers into my shoulders, felt my arms bulge as I fought the shirt, and after she felt my face like a blind lady would.

All I could do was lay there on my back, my cock straight up, as hard as I'd ever felt it. To my agony she would not touch it, not even by accident with her stomach. Finally, after many painful minutes, she ran her hands down my body and she reached it and felt its full size. She ran her hand up and down it, cupped my scrotum and began massaging it with both hands. Janet was very demanding, and I knew we were going out tonight. If I hadn't rubbed one out before we left I'd finished now.

I moaned and threw my head back into the mattress. Her soft hands caused my body to shutter and writhed against the silk sheets. My body tensed and she grew excited with feeling my tightened body.

Enough was enough, I grabbed the other sleeve of my hand, held on to it tight and tore my wrist free of it. Purples hands slid up to my shoulders and arms and I tore my other arm free.

She may have had a ball gag but my tongue was free, I pushed her away from me, swung her to the side and flopped her back onto the bed. I descended on her, as I did she spread her legs and I fell between them. My hands explored her chest, stomach, and hips. I discovered if I pressed my fingers into her warm soft flesh I found firm quivering muscles below.

With firm pressure I ran my hands over her thighs, up the front of her hips and back up to her breasts. I leaned forward and licked her nipple. In a brilliant display of lighting flashed and I caught a glimpse of her naval and shaven vagina. The thunder made the house sound as if it would crack into two, made her jump.

To regain her attention, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her up to me, opened my mouth and took as much of her breast as I could. While I sucked on them, I circled my tongue around her nipple.

Eager for more she pulled my head to her other breast and wrapped her legs around my waist.

Each time I felt them become engorged, she pulled my head to the other. My hands roam up and down her ribs and waist, I cupped her ass and continued to work away at her breasts. She wiggled out from underneath me, opened the bedside table and rummaged around until she found a condom. Like a pro she tore it open, unwrapped it and pushed me back all in the darkness. I was thankful she did, because Janet and I didn't use them. As a result, my skill never improved from that first time.

Her hands felt soft as she knelt over top of me and unrolled the condom down my shaft. I caressed her back and ass and tried to imagine what she looked like. This was only the second woman I had touched and I hardly got to see her.

It was almost as good as my first, on second thought, this was better than my first. I knew what I was doing, she was full of life, and we were both ready to go. She rolled over onto her back and I followed her over. We were sideways in the bed now, closest to the foot side. From here, I could almost see her face.

I reached down and slid my hand between her thighs. She was soaking wet, I could hear her purring each time my finger ran between her lips. I caressed the opening and ran my entire finger length of her soaking vagina. She lifted and spread her leg to give me more access. I slid two fingers inside of her when I knew she was ready. She was tighter than Janet, there was no way I could fit three, but I was still going to try. I kept my thumb outside and squeezed down to snake my hand inside of her.

She arched her back wrapped her body in the silk sheets. They were smooth on the skin, almost cooling. I grabbed them and dragged them over her nipples. She panted and breathed hard around the ball in her teeth. Driven to the edge, her legs slid up and down the bed.

This was my opportunity, I pulled my fingers out and tried to push three inside of her. I had to twist my hand and squeezed my three fingers together. Her hole grew stiff and refused to stretch wide. She groaned and pushed my hand away from her.

"Oc E" she said through her nose.

I tried to put my fingers back in.

"Mo, oc e." she said. This time she wrapped an arm around my neck slid her leg under me and pulled my cock towards her waiting hole.

Feeling around with my hand, I grabbed my cock and touch the edges of her vagina. Together we massaged her opening with the tip of my penis. She couldn't contain herself anymore. She ran her thighs up and down my hips and used her ankles and heels to pull me forward.

I guided myself in, at first I could only break the entrance. Purple felt so much different from Janet, I tried to push deeper until the condom stretched tight. She still had resistance, I pulled back out and entered again. This time I went in deeper than the head, just past the opening, and stopped. I felt her stretch over the tip and then with ease accepted me.

I repeated it three more times, each time she squeezed my shoulders tight and grunted in her throat.

It wasn't just her body that resisted. She put her hands on my hips and pushed back trying to slow my advance. I knew she wasn't like Janet, Janet was a different story. This one could run out of here screaming and yelling and I'd be in a lot of shit. Janet was also much more wild and frantic.

I used my hand to circle the head of my penis around inside of her. She let out a moan inside of her throat and tried to pull me deeper with her leg.

I enjoyed the number three, I found it to work best with Janet. After the third circle, I sunk down until I was half inside of her. I pulled back, let her rest and brought one of her legs up into my arm, reposition myself and slid back inside of her. Gently, I slid in and out of her halfway. She lifted her chin as high as she could and arched her back. She pushed herself into the mattress off my shoulder and hips and moaned in her throat.

The warmth of her body and tightness surged through my hips. My weight shifted above her and on the fourth thrust, I dropped my full weight on her and pushed deeper than the times before. She shuttered, frantically slapped my hip and tried to push back on my shoulder.

Concerned, I pulled out and paused outside of her. With a gentle touch, she reassured me and pulled me closer.

With one hand, she guided me back inside of her. The room lit up and thunder cracked the roof. The rain fell in torrents down the window. Neither of us had noticed when the rain started. In the brief light, I watched myself sink inside of her and admired her voluptuous body.

Her skin was white and pristine. As I had imagined her she was middle-aged, and shaven. Her body looked as smooth as it felt. I lost time staring at her gorgeous body and forgot to look up to see her face. When I remembered, the triple flash of lightning subsided and I missed seeing her face.

The room seemed to grow dark after the bright flash. My eyes grew blind in the darkness again. She slid her hands from my hip and shoulder and pushed on my chest.

"Uhg," she said.

With her wet juices smothering my cock, I sunk down my entire length. The deepest I'd been so far and felt a firm wall of flesh at the tip of my cock. Her body finally accepted my full thrust, I pulled back out, but not all the way and plunged myself back in.

She moaned and said, "uhg op."

I had been gentle to this point, but this was where Janet would get the hottest and demand more, faster and harder fucking. I turned off the love making and started to fuck her.

Several drawn out thrusts caused her to writhe and tense up beneath me, still she tugged at her gag. I pushed myself up from the bed, gripped her waist and pulled her tight by her shoulder. With her one leg still wrapped over my shoulder, I pulled her hard into my thrusts. This time I entered all the way. Her free leg flailed at my side from hard pounding.

As I withdrew she screamed, and as I drove myself back in, she moaned. Her hands fell from her head and braced herself against my chest and arms. Her body twisted to her side and with free access I slid my hand down and cupped her breast and continued thrusting forward as hard as I could.

"Ugh." She said. "O Ugh." She continued to repeat herself. With her free hand she tried to grab for the bed-side table.

Each time she did I thrust myself into her. Months of trying to satisfy Janet taught me all kinds of new techniques. I used a long stroke several times and then paused just before I pulled free. After a single breath I would plunge myself all the way and hold myself deep inside, before restarting.

"Ugh." She screamed. The sporadic thrusts caused her to grow frantic. She clawed at my shoulders and moaned through her gag. Her arm wrapped around my neck and clung tight to me. We were face to face, looking into one another's dark eyes.

I released her one leg and took both her shoulders in my hands. I fucked her hard, so hard I could see her breasts slamming up and down even feel them hit my wrists.

"Ugh" she grunted with each thrust. Her one hand clawed at my biceps and forearms the other held onto her breasts in an attempt to stop them from bouncing. I released her, pulled her knees up tight over my shoulder and sunk in as deep as I could. She threw her head back, her arms fell to her side and she tried to brace herself on the bed.

With her legs pinned against my chest I pulled her ass tight against my thighs and leaned forward. Her body shook and she frantically slapped the mattress. I could imagine her eyes bulge when she took my entire length.

"Ugh, uk wai, wai." She screamed. She curled forward and gasped for air.

I rested on her, not moving. I cursed myself for getting carried away. I was about to pull out when her body relaxed. She tapped me on the thigh and gently pulled and pushed on my hip, motioning for me to move.

A long stroke, then a half stroke, followed by multiple rolling long strokes. I imagined myself as a steam engine starting out. Her fingernails dug into my thighs and I paused deep inside of her. She whimpered, tensed up and her insides pulsed around me. Her body wanted more, and the pause brought it to a boil.

With the worst timing, my own orgasm welled up inside and threatened to urge my hips forward for a final thrust. I had pushed myself to close and now it would go with the slightest movement. Eager to keep things on the move, she pulled at me with her hands trying to get my hips to continue. Multiple cracks of thunder shook the house and lightning cracked through the clouds and lit the outside of the courtyard like a floodlight.

For two seconds I stared into my mystery woman's face two feet in front of mine. At first I noticed her giant green eyes, they were the same color as mine. Her hair too was the same as mine. The middle age face that stared up at me for those two seconds were so familiar I froze. Strands of hair clung to her face and smeared makeup stained the sides of her eyes.

I let her slid her one leg free of my grip. I still couldn't move for fear of cumming inside of her. I had a condom, but it was the idea of it.

We laid there in the dark, neither of us moved. Purple made the first move, she freed her other leg and wrapped both around my waist trapping me inside of her. With both her hands and legs she pulled me back inside.

"Mom?" I whispered.

"O ames" she said.

I was pretty sure she said no names. I just laid there, I couldn't help but think of that conniving bitch Janet. Then I realized what all those parties my parents went to were.

"uc e" she whispered.

I tried to look at her through the darkness, but I can see anything again, not even an outline.

She rotated her hip and wiggled underneath me. "Uc e." She purred. She slid herself up and curled back up against me.

My surging orgasm had faded, but my cock still pulsed hard with each move she made. This was my mother but I couldn't help it, my hip involuntarily twitched and I thrust deeper. In that moment, she just was another beautiful woman.

I shook my head, I thought of what my dad would say. It reminded me that he was in another room fucking Janet. A woman he had asked out to parties for years. Purple, yes, purple caressed my thigh with her long legs and embraced me.

I tried hard not to want it. But the warmth of her hands on my back and her soft legs pulling me forward, my muscles flexed, and I thrust forward to meet her, a second time, then a third and it all felt so normal.

We moved faster until our animal urges took over logic, etiquette, and all sense of morals were removed. I lifted one leg up and over my arm and fucked her again. But I was so close to coming I had to stop a second time.

"Onk cunn." She said.

"What?" I whispered.

She pushed my hips away until I slid out of her. That alone almost made me cum.

"Onk cun eck." She said it slow and tried to pronounce each word.

She pushed me away and rolled up on to her knees and presented her ass to me on all fours. With one hand, she reached between her legs and pulled my cock towards her. I took her by the hips and she guided me in.

"O Ugh." She said.

Now I understood what she was saying. "No names." I said.

I could see her look back over her shoulder, I could envision her smile. It was like permission for both of us to do something so taboo that only her and I would know.

I took her by the shoulders and pulled her back into me when I thrust forward. This time she really said 'ugh', but it wasn't my name. I knew I was bottoming out. She threw her head back and received each thrust with eagerness. Her legs quivered and she fell forward.

I didn't stop. I rode her down and continued my assault. I held her by the tops of her shoulders and slid in and out of her between her legs and butt. She gripped the mattress edge and tried to climb forward over its edge. Another orgasm locked her body and she threw her head back. When she did, I fell forward, wrapped one arm around her throat and clung to her shoulder. The other arm I slid under her stomach and down between her legs until I could feel the shaft of my penis and her clit. I rubbed it hard with my middle finger and continued to rotate my hips up into her.

A half moan, half scream built up from a low rumble in her throat. A sound I wish I could have heard free of the gag. Her left hand gripped the bed and her other hand tried to pull my fingers from her. But I wouldn't stop. She twisted and threw her head back like a wild horse, then her legs stiffened and her hips bucked forward. Her entire body grew rigid and she couldn't help but grind harder into my cock and hand. The hand that clenched the bed reached up and pulled my head down tight into her neck.

She didn't whimper, moan or grunt, just clung to me in silence. Her body relaxed and her hips squirmed under my weight.

I rolled to the side and pulled her by the shoulder onto her back. She rubbed her stomach and her breasts and squeezed her knees together. But she was not done.

"or urn." She said. She rolled on top of me. Repositioned herself and in the light of another flash I saw her kneeling over top of me. Before she slid down my cock, she pulled the condom off and threw it to the side.

"Wait." Was all I could say before the sensation of her warm moist body engulfed me. I let a moan escape from my throat and I threw my head into the mattress.

"fuck, fuck, oh fuck." Was all I said.

"O Ugh, uck e, uck e, uck e." She said each time she bounced on top of me.

She brought me to the edge of my orgasm, then stopped.

She had been overconfident in her stamina. In seconds she grew exhausted, her mind wanted to continue but her body struggled to keep up. She slumped forward and put her hands on my chest. Her large breasts squeezed out between her arms. She looked beaten and battered, her hair was a mess, sweat beaded on her forehead and try as she did, she couldn't make her hips grind forward.

I wanted to see more, I wished for lights to see the details of her beautiful body. A jealous part of me took over, I wanted to be the best she had. I grabbed her hips like I'd learnt to do with Janet and began grinding her hips into mine.

My chest and arms burned from the effort. I smiled to myself and her hands left her body and clung to my arms and engorged chest. Each time I rammed her forward onto my pelvis, she grunted and squeezed her hands.

"o Ucccc." She said. Her thighs tightened and grew firm. I reached up and felt her back arch. She froze, but only for a second or two, then fell forward on shaky arms.

That was when I felt myself going. I rolled her off me, got on top and slam myself inside of her. The sensation started in my hips and travelled upward from inside. I no longer had control, I fucked her like a barbarian. I grabbed by her shoulder, braced myself on the bed and drove myself down on top of her.

She moaned with me while I grunted. It was all she could do, she lifted a weak hand up to my arm the other rested on my thigh. Her legs splayed out to the sides, and she closed her eyes. All my muscles strained and burned, I grit my teeth and when I felt myself release inside of her my hips locked forward.

"Oh... fuck..." I said. Exhausted, I too came to rest next to her. Together, we panted in a heap of flesh.

After my muscled recovered, I came back to reality and realize what we had done. I wanted to faint or throw up but couldn't tell which. Part of me wanted to kill Janet. Then my mother reached up, pulled me close and held me. When I tried to pull away, she put a leg around me and shook her head.

She reached up and tapped the monitor three times. A very faint light illuminated the area. I realized that was probably what she was trying to do when she first tried to escape. It wasn't very much light, but enough that I would have been able to tell it was her.

When our bodies recovered their strength, we dressed in silence. She was much quicker than I was, but she skipped her heels and zipping her dress up. When I tried to find my pants she pulled me up to look in her face.

She pulled my forehead down to hers and hugged me.

"E ill alk." She said. "aiik ear." She put her hand on my chest. Then to my surprise, she reached down into my briefs and tugged on my still wet cock. As if not satisfied it began to rise once more. Which brought a slight moan from her. As if frustrated, she pulled her hand free and slipped the mask back over her face.

"We'll talk later?" I said.

She nodded her head, and when she left the room, she looked back over her shoulder at me.

I stood there alone in the room, unsure of what to do. For years my friends teased me about my mother, that if she ever got divorced, they would try to become my stepfather. She was the beautiful soccer mom other fantasized over. I thought back to when I would sneak into her room and look at her underwear. Back then, I imaging Janet wearing similar pieces, but it was the first place I ever saw lace g strings, micro bikinis, and lingerie.

I tried to turn the tablet back on, but camera feed was offline. I wasn't sure if I would kill Janet or not, because of how the night ended. Nothing made sense, I wasn't even sure if I would be in shit when we got home.