
Spying on My Mother


Out of the blue, my mom had announced that she would be going out on a date later that evening, which was unusual because it was a Monday. Usually she approaches dates like she does her work, where she plans it for the weekend and lets me know far in advance, showing very little enthusiasm over it.

But this time was different. It seemed like she didn't know about it until the last minute and told me only when she arrived home. She seemed very excited over the whole thing. an excitement which I hadn't seen in a very long time from her regarding other men.

"So how do I look?" she asked me with a huge smile on her face while modeling her outfit to me.

I wanted to tease her and tell her that she looked like she was going back to work because she wore what seemed to be her normal business attire, of a professional two button jacket, matching color skirt, and dark pantyhose. The only difference was she wore a little more makeup and jewelry. She looked classy as always.

"Great!" I told her. "No man would be able to resist you tonight."

She smiled and gave me a hug; she loved those kinds of compliments. She sat by the window for a moment and as her date pulled into the driveway, she immediately opened the door for him before he could ring the doorbell, which was a first for her.

Her date was also professionally dressed and seemed like a classy guy. Finally, someone who would be a great match for my mom. He did seem very nice when mom introduced us. He came across as a complete gentleman and it turned out they met each other a few months ago at work, and only in the past few weeks had they been starting to have lunch and spend more time with each other on a regular basis.

"Don't forget, dinner is in the fridge, and when I get back I'm going to check to make sure you finished all your vegetables", she said in her motherly tone. "Oh, and by the way, don't worry about me, we might be a little late tonight, but please leave the outside light on so I don't trip over anything, you know how clumsy I get."

"I was planning on sleeping early tonight anyways, I have class tomorrow morning. Enjoy your date you two!" I said as I waved them off.

I was very happy for the both of them, and I was especially glad to see my mom as happy as she was. Especially considering that I would be moving out soon to attend graduate school to become a lawyer like she is. It would be nice to know that my mother is with someone new and would eventually get married again.

Not long after dinner, I planned on calling it a night and hitting the sack early. But it was just one of those nights where you're sitting on the couch watching TV and one thing pops up after another and before you know it, your eyes are glued and you don't want to get up.

It was almost midnight when I heard my mom and her date pull up in the driveway. I thought that was surprising considering she normally comes home from a date around 10. I turned off the TV and was getting ready to open the door and turn the lights off for her so we could both go to sleep. But oddly enough, I never heard the door open from the car, even a minute after they arrived. I figured they were still talking after a nice romantic night out and I decided to check on them through the front window.

I peeked through the blinds and I was stunned by what I just saw, or what I thought I saw. My mom's date was lying back in his chair with his eyes closed, but she wasn't in her seat. It looked like his hands were rubbing something in front of him but I couldn't see what. Was this really what I thought it was? I had to get a better look and I immediately ran up a flight to stairs to see them from my mom's bedroom window, which had a direct view of the drive way.

My suspicion was correct; my mother had her head buried in his lap and was performing oral sex on him. From my angle, I had a clear view of what was going on (thanks as well to the light from the front door). I could see her head bobbing on his crotch while he was holding her hair from falling over her face.

When he pulled her hair back for a second time, I saw her more clearly. Her cheeks looked hollowed out from how hard she was sucking. And those same lips she uses to kiss me goodnight had formed a tight O shape around this guy's erect penis.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. All my life I had seen my mother as someone who was stern and proper in every way. She always scolded me whenever she heard me use the slightest curse word or does something she considered immoral. She always presented herself in the most elegant and professional light, and here she was, sucking some guys cock in front our house.

Despite the fact that she was my mother, I found myself becoming incredibly aroused. Just the taboo of what I was seeing amazed me. Seeing a mature woman in professional attire in the middle of a blowjob was amazing. But that woman being my mother made the whole thing 10 times dirtier. Seeing the woman who gave birth to me and raise me having her mouth used as someone's sexual object was something so nasty I couldn't even begin to comprehend it. My penis suddenly became harder than it had been for a long time.

I couldn't control myself anymore, I pulled my penis out and started masturbating to my very own mother sucking cock, watching her head bob up and down, seeing her face smooched together with a dick inside it.

I was stroking my hard cock watching this go on for a few more minutes before I saw his body tense and his head lean back. It was fairly obvious that he was about to cum. I expected my mom to stop sucking and maybe jerk him off or something, but she didn't. She kept on bobbing even as his body arched which obviously meant that she swallowed his cum. All of what I had just seen was more than enough to make me shoot a large load of my own cum into a tissue I grabbed near her bed. The orgasm I had was so intense that I felt as if I had just gotten laid.

I saw his flaccid penis for the first time as my mother took her mouth off him and sat up straight in her chair, and he was still laying back in ecstasy after what he had just received from her. My mother was saying something to him with a smile on her face, and he laughed. Being the elegant woman that she is, she pulled out a small packet of tissue from her purse and used it to wipe the excess fluids from the sides of her mouth as if she had just finished a meal. She also pulled out a few extra pieces of tissue and bent over to clean his penis for him as well. How nice of her.

Despite just having a massive orgasm of my own, my mind was still in a sexual frenzy. As she got out of the car, I couldn't just go to my room and pretend to be a sleep. I still felt the need to see more, to do more to fulfill my recently enraged hormones. As I heard her open the door, I ran back down to greet her so I could see the aftermath of their sexual encounter.

"Hi mom!" I said, still breathing heavy from running.

She gave me a look like she wasn't expecting to see me, "Oh, hi sweetie. I didn't expect you to be up this late, I thought you'd be in bed by now."

"I couldn't sleep, just wanted to check up on you and see if you had a good time and came home safely" I said with a deviant smile.

"Well that was awful nice of you, you didn't have to. And I had a great time by the way. Can we talk about this tomorrow? We should both be getting some sleep at this time of day."

As she walked past me, she gave me a small pinch on the cheek along with a wink, which she occasionally does. But this time was different. Her hair looked like it had been thrown all over the place, it looked sloppy. Her red lipstick was smeared around the inner parts of her lips, leaving only a red line on the outer parts. And she had a slight odor of sperm to her. It looked like she was hiding what was in her other hand by making a tight grip and holding it away from me as she walked away, and for good reason too, it was filled with the other guy's cum, which I decided to tease her with.

"What's that in your hand?" I asked pretending I didn't already know.

She genuinely looked surprised that I had asked, causing her eyes to slightly widen.

"Oh this?" she said as she waved them in the air, "It's nothing; I had allergies on the way back home. Must have been the pollen, we went out for a long walk after dinner."

With that, both of us headed back to our rooms to sleep. But I couldn't sleep, I was jerking off again thinking about what I had seen this evening. My mom was giving someone a blowjob in our driveway. I couldn't stop thinking of the sight of her elegant face being filled with a cock, and her sucking and bobbing on it.

I kept replaying that last conversation we had, along with that look on her face. She looked like such a naughty -yet classy- woman with that messed up hair and smeared lipstick. With that outfit she looked like a high end escort. I loved how proper she was wiping that cum off her face and off his penis. Even with sex she was so proper.

I kept stroking thinking about all those things for about 20 minutes. What sent me over the edge with another orgasm of the night was thinking about what she was doing. I could imagine her lying under her covers fingering herself to sleep thinking about how she did those things in the car like that, so brazenly in front of our home. I imagined her eating the cum off that tissue before flushing it down the toilet so she could taste him one more time.

I came again. I had 'regained' my senses and my mind returned to normal from all those deviant sexual thoughts and images about my own mother. The feeling of guilt came over me as I laid in bed reflecting on what I had done and the thoughts I used to bring myself to cum again. But at the same time, I knew this wouldn't be the end of it. The feeling was just too amazing to stop.


The next morning, I couldn't stop thinking about what I had seen the night before. How something I wasn't suppose to see turned my entire life upside down. I might as well have stayed home all day, because in all of my classes, I just kept thinking about my mother performing oral sex on her new date. Obviously I shouldn't have been surprised that my mother enjoys sex as much as everyone else; she is human after all, but seeing her perform a sex act was still obviously a major surprise. It changed my entire perspective on her and I had felt a level of sexual arousal the likes of which I've never felt in my entire life.

All of which had got me thinking further; what would become of all this? Would this change my relationship with my mother for the worse? Would I keep jerking off fantasizing about her? And more importantly, would I be satisfied with just my imagination if I didn't pursue this?

I knew right then and there the answer was that I couldn't stop, and I didn't want to. I had to find a way to see her; see her with her boyfriend, see her nude, see her masturbating- whatever it takes to fulfill my newfound sexual desire for my own mother. At least I hoped to.


It felt a bit awkward that night for both of us given the previous night's circumstances. I decided to break the ice by talking about one of my new favorite topics, her sex life.

"So..." I said. "How was it last night between you and him?"

She gave me a look like she didn't know whether I was talking about the actual date or making an innuendo that I had known what she had done in the car (I was doing both).

She smiled after that brief pause, "It was great. We had a nice meal followed by a lovely walk around the downtown area, and we stopped for ice cream. We had a chance to speak briefly earlier today at work, I'll be seeing him again soon for another date."

"That's wonderful mom," I said with as much charm as I could. "I'm glad you've finally found someone you're happy with. Maybe next time you could invite him over for dinner. We can all get to know each other better, and after that I'll be so quiet in my room you two won't even know that I'm home."

"Well there's an idea. He can try my cooking and both of you can get to know each other a little better. And if you couldn't already tell, I really like him, and he really likes me. So hopefully, this turns out to be something more...long term...if you know what I mean."

I reached out and patted her on her shoulder. "I do mom, I do. And he does seem like a great guy. He's your type, unlike those other guys you've been dating."

"Thank you. You have no idea how happy it makes me to know that you approve of him."


Two very long days later. I really couldn't wait for him to come over to our house. I did want to meet him, but more than anything, I wanted another chance to see (or hear) them in a sexual setting. This was really the only way I would ever get to see her performing a sex act of any kind or to catch an intimate look at one of her body parts, because after all these years of living with her, I know that she is always very cautious with covering up her body.

Dinner finally came and it was everything I expected it to be. We all had a great time chatting and he and I got to know each other a lot better. My mother had an ecstatic look on her face the entire time as if she were in love with him and was delighted that I had taken so well to him.

I cleaned the dishes after dinner as they went to the living room to watch tv and talk. Afterwards, I made a point of saying goodnight to them and to announce that I would be headed to bed already because I was exhausted and needed to wake up early the next day. But of course I really just wanted them to do something while they thought I was asleep and then, hopefully, I could find a way to watch.

I laid in bed surfing the internet- then it happened. I heard a soft moan, then another. The faint noise was coming from the air duct. My imagination started running wild with any number of sexual scenarios they could be up to, in our own home of all places. There was no way I was just going to sit in my room and listen, I had to go and watch.

I opened the door quietly, and walked gently across the hall so I wouldn't make any noise. Most of the downstairs lights were turned off and the living room lights were dimmed, allowing me to hide in the shadow while being able to see them. As I got close to the stairs, I laid my body down on the floor and stuck my head out slightly so I would have a clear view of the living room. So there I was, lying in the darkness spying on my mother and her boyfriend in action.

I was stunned by the sight of them having sex on the couch, completely unaware that I was watching them. He was sitting there with his pants down and my mom was on top of him, bare from the waist down facing his direction. I became more and more aroused watching my mom slowly gyrate her hips in a circular motion while they both looked incredibly aroused, planting kisses and rubbing their hands on each other in between their soft moans.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Even though I had hoped something would happen for me to watch, I never would have imagined that my mother would ever be so brazen as to have sex with someone on the living room couch while I was still home. The same feelings of lust and taboo of watching my own mother overwhelmed me as it did a few nights ago. The more my mom thrusted her hips against his erect penis, the more aroused I became.

My eyes began fixating on her bare bottom as they continued to have sex as it was the first time in my life that I had seen any of her intimate body parts. I watched in lust as her voluptuous full sized rear end clenched every time she was vaginally penetrated. It was as if her bottom had a life of its own as its muscles constantly contracted, causing it to jiggle in the process. She then started to gyrate her hips faster and in a more intense motion, making both of them start to gasp and breathe harder.

"Shhh...Shhh" she said, putting a single finger on his lips, making sure he kept quiet as they were both headed towards an intense orgasm.

His body tensed up and he reached down and used both hands to squeeze the flesh on my mother's ass as hard as he could while he came. My mother looked like she had an orgasm as well by the way she clenched her hands and feet and flung her body forward, pressing herself onto him. Then suddenly, they both relaxed their bodies onto one another. They both started smiling as they began planting kissing on each other's lips, smiling at the sexual moment they had just shared as I watched in pleasure.

"That was amazing" he said, still breathing heavy. "Of all the places we've fucked, this has to be my favorite; in your living room while your son is upstairs sleeping, with no clue what we're doing."

She laughed softly and playfully slapped him on the chest, "You're awful. I still can't believe I let you talk me into doing this here."

"Oh come on. Don't act like you didn't enjoy it. I mean that was the whole point of us fucking in different places right? To do something bad. Besides, you said we'd be able to hear if he was coming or not." he said with a smile.

"Well I guess you're right. We better finish up here, it's getting late."

I couldn't believe what I had just heard them say. A bunch of questions came to mind after they had just finished having sex. They've had sex in different places? Was mom an exhibitionist, seeking new thrills in an effort to enhance her sexual excitement? And they did it here in our home because they thought I was upstairs sleeping?

But my mind wasn't focused on that for long as she got up from his lap, giving me a clear view of her voluptuous thighs and thick brown patch of pubic hair. She walked over to grab a few pieces of tissue and started wiping the excess cum from her leaking vagina.

"Well aren't you going to clean me up?" he asked as he sat patiently with his pants still down.

"Of course I will" she said in a sexy tone. "I just didn't want to leave any stains on the carpet."

Even after sex, my mother was still very much the prim & proper mother that she presented herself as in public. My mom held onto the cum soaked tissues and got on her knees between his legs and prepared to suck his cock.

I watched in awe as she picked up his wet flaccid penis with her free hand and started licking their combined bodily fluids off of him as if it were a popsicle. It looked like he got hard again and she reacted by bobbing her head up and down faster like she did in the car. I couldn't believe that same elegant face I saw a few hours ago at the dinner table, the same face which was overflowing with joy, was now being used to suck the cum off of an erect penis on our couch. I could have had an orgasm of my own right there just listening to her fill the room with the sound of her slurping up that cum into her stomach.

If everything I had witnessed tonight wasn't shocking enough, I watched as he reached down into the pocket of his pants and pulled out his small camera and prepared to take pictures of my mother with it. I fully expected someone as classy as my mother to scold him for it and demand that he put it away, but she didn't.

Instead, she looked directly at him and smiled, with an engorged hard-on in her mouth. He snapped various pictures of my mom with his penis pressing through different sides of her cheeks. He also took pictures of my mom with her tongue out on the tip of his cock as she smiled and winked for the camera. He put the camera down and we both watched as her cheeks caved in harder and she bobbed her head faster.

Every so often she would stop to pull her hair back so it wouldn't cover her face from all the swaying her head was doing. After all, she was putting on a show for him and didn't want to block his view. This eventually lead to the final pictures he was going to take of her; a pic with my mother smiling at the camera, with traces of cum around her mouth, and an even nastier picture of her sticking her cum filled tongue out for him.

"Incredible. I think these blowjob pics are the best shots I've taken so far in our little collection," he said as he leaned over to show her the pictures he's taken.

My mom took a deep gulp and swallowed, looking closely at the pictures of her sucking cock.

"Those are definitely very erotic. We should really wrap this up, we've got work tomorrow."

My mother, still bottomless, once again walked over get more tissue paper, and used it to clean the sides of her mouth and to dry his penis before he zipped up his pants. My mom got dressed as well, putting on her pants which were neatly folded on a nearby chair. I caught a better glimpse of what her vagina looked like as she lifted her leg to put her pants on, but I still couldn't see much of it.

"I had a great time tonight, and I'll see you at lunch tomorrow. I'll send you these pics as soon as I get home. Bye," he said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek along with a hug.

"Wonderful, I can't wait. And I had a great time as well. Bye"

That was when I snuck back to my room as quietly as I could.

I laid in bed and began masturbating furiously at what I had just watched a moment ago. I kept thinking about what a naughty woman my 'perfect' mom could be. The way she sensually gyrated her hips on his cock before fucking him roughly, making both of them cum. How she was willing to fuck a guy in the living room while her own son was upstairs sleeping. And how she was so willing to enthusiastically suck the cum off his cock, while he took pictures of her.

Those are the kinds of things you would expect a porn star would do, not your very own mother. I never would have imagined that my own prim and proper mother would have ever reduced herself to committing such sex acts. And she was an exhibitionist to boot.

Regardless of how I felt about my mother's sexual exploits, I still got what I wanted. I got to see her sucking cock once again, I got to see her fucking, and I got to see what her bare ass and hairy vagina looked like. I certainly wasn't disappointed in any way. If anything, this only fueled my lust for my mother. She was every guy's fantasy.

I relieved all of my built up sexual tension by shooting a large load of cum into a tissue. I laid there thinking about what I heard them say earlier; that he was going to send her the pictures he took. He said himself that they've fucked in many places. I became excited thinking of all the naughty pics which could possibly be on my mother's computer- all of their public sexual exploits and adventures.


The next afternoon. I began looking through my mom's computer after I got out of class and came home. It was the only thing that consumed my mind the entire day- the possibilities of what I might find. My heart sank as it appeared as though her computer was filled with just documents from work and family photos.

I shouldn't have been surprised as my mom wasn't a stupid lady. She was always very careful with everything she did. I closed all of the folders in disappointment; my mom was definitely careful with those sex pictures. But just as I prepared to turn off her computer and leave in disappointment, it hit me, her recycle bin looked full, which I then clicked and opened.

And there they were, an entire collection of deleted images which she had in her bin but didn't clear. I undeleted them and immediately began browsing through the array of adult images.

My heart raced looking at several pictures of her in her professional attire, sitting on the toilet seat of a bathroom stall sucking his cock. Based on their clothes, it looked like they were still at work. The next set of pictures was of her with her pants down getting fucked from behind in that same stall. It looked as though her vagina had an incredibly tight grip on his cock the way it way it clung itself onto him. There were more pics of her giving him blowjobs in different places. The ones that stood out were of her sucking his cock in his car in broad daylight because it really gave me a clear and up close look of her with her lips wrapped tightly around him.

And finally, there were the pics taken last night at our house. It was surreal looking at a close up picture of my mother's face with a cock in her mouth, while looking directly at the camera. What made it even nastier was seeing the cum still visible on the cock shaft and on her O-shaped lips from sucking.

I quickly looked through the other pictures which included some with her tongue sticking out, licking the tip of his penis, and one of his cock pressing against the side of her cheek. The last few pics really got my blood boiling; the pics of her with a mouthful of cum as she smiled, and one with her tongue out, again revealing a load of cum in her mouth.

I quickly logged on to my email account and mailed all the pics to myself before deleting them again from her computer. The rest of the afternoon was spent masturbating to her pictures.


It was a little awkward having dinner that night, knowing how much of an exhibitionist my elegant and classy mother could be, and then spending all afternoon jerking off to her pics. It definitely made being around her again more interesting. But for some reason, my mom seemed a little down, she wasn't as cheerful as usual, especially given how happy she looked yesterday night.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. "You seem a little upset tonight."

"It's... nothing..." She looked like she wanted to say more, but held back for whatever reason.

"It sure doesn't look like nothing. Come on, we talk about everything. Are you having any problems at work or with your boyfriend?"

"It's not that...well, it sort of is. You went through my computer earlier, didn't you? I know you did. So don't deny it."

I was completely shocked that she knew. I thought it would be easy to just cover my tracks and that she would never know. But she found out somehow, and I was speechless.

"You don't have to answer," she said, sounding like her worst fear had come true. "I know that look on your face. The look of being caught. In case you were wondering, you forgot to delete one of the images. That's how I know that you had looked through my pictures."

Damn it. I wasn't as careful as I thought.

"...Mom, I'm so sorry."

"I feel sick right now," she said coldly. "I mean, how could you? My own son. Why on earth would you go through my computer and start looking through my personal things? What the hell were you thinking? How could you do something so perverted to your own mother!?"

"I don't know. I just, I couldn't help it..."

She cut me off and interrogated me, further using her skills as a lawyer. "Well you better come up with an answer, and soon, or else you'll be in some serious trouble! I mean it!!"

She suddenly became quiet and a look of sadness came over her. Her eyes started to water and she put her head in her hands and started to cry.

"I'm sorry mom," was all I could say.

She quickly wiped the tears from her face and looked at me again. "You spied on us yesterday, didn't you? That's how you knew about the pictures on the computer. And you watched us in the car at the beginning of the week- I knew you were acting strangely when I came home that night, but I wanted to believe that you would never spy on me like that. I can't believe we're even having this conversation."

"It just happened, it's not like I had been fantasizing about you for years. It's just that when I saw you with him, I felt things I had never felt before in my life. It was the taboo of something I wasn't suppose to see. It's hard to explain, you wouldn't understand."

"So you fantasize about me now?" she replied sharply, raising her eyebrow. "Is that it? Do you? It's a simple question."

"Are you mad?"

"Just promise me you won't think any less of me over this whole thing," she said. "I can't ask you to forget about any of this, we both know that won't happen at this point. But I've tried my whole life to be the best role model I could for you, especially these past few years when it was just you and me living together. And it really kills me inside knowing that you've seen me in...well...rather unflattering positions. This is so humiliating; I can't even talk about this anymore..."

"Of course this doesn't change my opinion of you. We're all human, and you're still the loveliest person I know."

My attempt to try and make her feel better didn't work as she still had a cold gaze in her eyes.

"I need to lie down for a minute and clear my head. Clean the dishes for me please and we'll talk about this later."

With that, she got up and left, looking like a person whose entire world had just collapsed.


After cleaning the dishes, I headed back to my room as fast and discreetly as I could, hoping she wouldn't want to discuss this any further tonight. We both had enough embarrassment for one night after all. As I sat on my desk and began working on some homework, I heard a knock followed by my mom opening the door and sticking her head inside my room.

"May I come in?" she asked in a more somber mood than before.

"Sure, what is it?" I said, playing dumb like I didn't know what she wanted to talk about.

"I was hoping we could still talk. But first, I want you to delete the images right now from your computer. And don't pretend like you didn't download any of them either. I'm not ignorant. I know this is embarrassing, but I need to make sure you do it. So, get to it."

I was mortified that I had to open my mother's sexually explicit pictures on my computer right in front of her, but I had no choice.

"Fine, I'll do it now."

She awkwardly stood right beside me as I deleted the pictures as fast as I could. Just as I was finishing up, my mom reached down into my trash can and picked up one of my cum filled tissue papers which had formed a small pile.

She opened it and looked inside. "Well it certainly looks like you've been having a busy afternoon...if this is what I think it is?" she said with a smirk, as if she enjoyed tormenting me.

"...ugh, sorry"

"Don't be. We're all human right?" she said, repeating my words from earlier. Come to my room for a moment, I have something important to discuss with you."

Her mood had certainly changed. The look of defeat and devastation was long gone. Instead, it was replaced by a look of confidence and control. I could only imagine what she had planned.


I followed mom to her room, where she stood with a serious expression. Then she sat on her bed and gestured to the spot next to her.

"Sit next to me," she said, patting the spot. "Look, I'm sorry for having yelled at you earlier. I should have known better than to do those things here while you were still home. So it was my fault for having put you in that position in the first place. Regardless, you shouldn't have spied on me or looked through any of my personal things. Believe it or not, I actually do understand how you feel right now and what you're going through. I swore I would never tell anyone...but...my sister had a similar experience with her son a few years ago and told me all about the whole thing."

I was shocked. This wasn't the conversation I had expected.

"Aunt Jackie and Ronnie?" I questioned in total disbelief over the matter. "What happened? Ronnie and I hang out all the time, I'm surprised he never mentioned any of this to me."

"Well it's not exactly something people bring up casually in a conversation," my mother replied. "But back to the point, a few years ago, Ronnie accidentally walked in on your Aunt Jackie in bed with his father- you can figure out what they were doing. Anyway, for the next several months, he kept on spying on her, trying to catch a glimpse of her naked. She confronted him about it and he eventually admitted to being a voyeur. She realized that he would keep on doing it unless he got to see what he wanted, so she showed him. She showed him her nude body, and once he got what he wanted, he stopped trying to peep on her."

"Jeez, no wonder he always listens to her and they get along so well. It's really surprising too since she always comes across as being such a strict lady."

"Which is exactly why you won't mention a word of this to anyone," she replied in an authoritarian tone of voice. "But I'm not telling you this just to gossip. I'm telling you this because after what you did and what you've seen, I know you won't stop spying on me. I know how boys are. So I've thought long and hard and I've decided to make you a deal; I'll show you what you want to see, just for tonight, and in exchange, you will never make any attempt to spy on me ever again, and that you will never bring it up in the future, not to me or anybody else. If word gets out about this, you know I could never forgive you. So do we have a deal?"

I couldn't believe what I just heard my mother say. Did she really just offer to let me see her naked? It could have been a trick of some kind. Or maybe she just wanted to see how far I would go. Maybe she really believed this theory. Worse, it could have been a spur the moment thing and she'd come to regret it later. Whatever the case, my mom had made the offer and there was no way I was going to turn it down.

"I...I agree," I said, unsure of whether this was some sort of trap or not.

I agreed to her offer not knowing what to expect. I agreed even knowing that no matter what happened tonight, it still wouldn't end my fascination of her. At this point, I was consumed by her sexuality, and she knew it.

After I gave her my firm answer, she remained silent and immediately avoided eye contact with me. It was obvious that she was really nervous as she stood up and swiftly took her off her t-shirt and threw it to the floor. Her pants came off just as fast.

"This is a lot tougher than I expected," she said.

There was mom. Standing in her bedroom, in front of me, wearing nothing but her bra and panties. It was surreal seeing her body like this, so up close. My heart was racing, so was hers. Looking at her body language, it was clear that she was nervous about this, but she tried to be brave.

"You don't have anything to be embarrassed about. You have an amazing body."

"That's easy for you to say. I'm the one doing the hard work. Here it goes..." she said as she put her arms around her back and snapped her bra off.

Just as quickly as her bra came off, she bent down and took off her panties.

And just like that, my own mother was standing there in the nude. She looked incredible. What immediately grabbed my attention was seeing her breasts for the very first time. I thought they were extremely sexy. They must have been b-cups and they sagged quite a bit. Her nipples and areolas were fairly large compared to the size of her breasts, and were a bright shade of pink. It looked like her areolas were well over an inch wide. Her nipples were long and had become hard, protruding forward after their exposure. It could have been the exposure which made her nipples hard, or maybe her own arousal from showing me her nude mature figure.

"You seem to be transfixed on these," she said, gently squeezing the lower half of her breasts, causing them to jiggle. "It's your first time seeing them I take it. Men are all the same; you all become mesmerized at the sight of bare breasts, even if it's your own mother's."

"I can't help it. I think you have an amazing body mom. I love these curves around your hips and thighs. But what's really hot are your breasts; I love how big your nipples are."

"Well just make sure you enjoy it while you can because this is the last time you're ever going to see them. Believe me, I won't put up with any more of your spying and peeping after this. Just get it out of your system while you have this opportunity," she said.

I used both hands and started to rub her thighs softly, before reaching over to massage her rear end, to which she immediately started squirming and slapped my hand away.

"No touching," she said firmly. "It wasn't part of our deal."

"You never said I couldn't," I countered.

"I guess not. Just make it fast."

I turned my attention towards her crotch as I used my fingers to brush aside her pubic hairs to reveal her vagina. Her body started shivering as I caressed her long dark labia and clitoris with my finger, before sticking it inside to finger her wet cunt, feeling it's tightness. Feeling its warmth and fluids.

"Okay, that's enough!" she scolded. "I never intended for it to go this far. You got to see what you wanted and now you can go to your room and pleasure yourself, or whatever it was you were planning on doing after this. I'm getting dressed now and I fully expect you to keep up your end of the deal. God, I knew this was a horrible idea, I'm not even sure why I did this."

"Please don't be mad. You have no idea what it was like for me the past few days. Just give me a few more minutes and I promise to never spy on you again," I pleaded.

"Fine. A few more minutes of this is all you're getting."

"Can you lie down please?" I asked.

Without saying a word, she laid on her bed with her legs spread so I could have a look at the most intimate area of her body. She shut her eyes as well and I could only imagine how humiliating this must be for her, having her own son look at her this way.

I continued where I left off, using my fingers to open her vagina. Only this time, it wasn't enough. I leaned forward and began licking her clit, feeling her pubic hairs on my face, not knowing how she would react. I felt emboldened by her non-response which led me to start sucking on her thick labia.

Then I went for it, I forced my tongue deep inside of her body causing her to squeeze her bed sheets. The more I moved my tongue around her insides, and my mouth around her outer vagina, the more her body started to twist and turn with sexual pleasure of her own. It was surreal having my tongue there. Surreal for both of us. She had a nice taste. The more I did it, the wetter she became. There was no denying that mom was enjoying this.

And I needed more. So did she.

I stood up and quickly threw my t-shirt and shorts onto the floor, leaving both of us completely naked in her bedroom.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked, looking at my nude body for the first time.

The good thing was, she wasn't mad. She didn't reject this. She didn't put an end to this, which she easily could have.

"Mom, you have no idea how much I've been fantasizing about you all week. It was like torture. Of course I want this."

I leaned over her body and began sucking both of her large nipples and areolas, feeling the softness of her breasts in my mouth. Feeling the stiffness of her nipples. I moved my body upwards for the last time, positioning myself right on top of her. She looked away from me with a look of disbelief as I planted kisses on her face and lips. Her face was pointed towards the wall.

But out of nowhere, she suddenly turned her head back, looked me in the eyes and kissed me back. Our lips were locked together tightly. It was the most passionate and intense kiss I've ever felt as both of our tongues were swirling around each others mouths.

As we were making out, she reached down with one hand and briefly started stroking my erection before guiding it inside her tight vagina. I couldn't believe I was now about to fuck my own mother. I started thrusting my cock inside her, thinking about how this was the same woman who gave birth to me and raised me. I'm sure my mother was thinking the same thing. And now I was using her body to relieve myself sexually. She was enjoying this as much as I was.

The whole thing felt surreal as we looked each other in the eyes the entire time we were fucking. The more she started to moan, the harder I tried to fuck her. It was the most vulnerable I've never seen my mom look in her entire life, watching her start to scream as I ravished her tiny opening the best that I could.

"I can't believe this," she groaned, her eyes watering, forming tears, as her body rocked back and forth. "I can't believe this is happening."

She was going through an internal struggle. The kind any decent mother would face in a situation like this. Her very own son fucking her. God, what a thought. I was using her for sexual pleasure, and she was enjoying it. Her breathing became harder and I felt her wetness. She held me tighter with her arms, signally that she wanted this to continue. That I shouldn't stop, because she didn't want me to.

"I think I'm going to cum," I groaned, ravishing her from on top.

Mom nodded while she was being fucked. "Do it. Inside me."

As my cock continuously pounded her mature pussy, I was unstoppable. My thrusts were hard and fast. Mom's face turned into a mixture of relief, intense pleasure, and a hint of regret. There was no doubt that she was still struggling with this (who could blame her?). But there was also no doubt that she got off on this too. The look on her face was more intense than in any of the pictures she had taken, or her previous encounter with the guy she was seeing. There was no doubt that she loved the taboo as much as I did.

I could feel myself about to climax inside of her. I suddenly arched my back and let out a long stream of cum deep inside my mother's vagina and into her pussy. Spurt after spurt, I was coating her vaginal walls. It was an intense pleasure that I had never felt before, that I had longed for. And just like that, it was over.

Mom looked at me with a loving expression. She wasn't mad at all. She seemed happy. It seemed as though she would never admit how much she loved this, and maybe she never will. After all, she had to maintain her presence as a proper and respectable woman.

"Come here," she said, pulling my head down.

We kissed each other and held each other that night, naked in each other's arms, in the most loving way possible.


I woke up around 6 am, still naked in her bed. All the lights were turned off, and I saw the nude silhouette of my mother standing in front of her slightly opened curtains, as she watched the sun rise. I could only imagine what was going through her head; how she had sex with her own son, and how our relationship would be changed forever.

I got out of bed and walked right behind her and held her, pressing my bare body against hers. I then started planting kisses on the back of her shoulder, and then parting her hair and kissing her neck.

"Was this what you had expected?" she asked, still watching the sunrise.

"Better," I said in between kisses. "It was more amazing than I ever could have imagined. I'm really glad we did this. What did you think? Did you enjoy it?"

"It was certainly an interesting experience. Having sex with my only child is not something that's ever crossed my mind in the past 21 years. It's not exactly normal. I'm still trying to get my mind around this whole thing. I still can't believe what we did last night, and that I let it escalate to this point."

"You're right. But I'm still glad it did happen. I love you mom," I said, as my penis started becoming more erect pressing against her stomach.

I moved my hands up and started massaging her soft breasts and rubbing her nipples with my fingers.

She turned around and looked me in the eyes. "You know I love you too. But we shouldn't do this anymore; the deal was only for last night remember?"

"Well it still looks pretty dark outside to me," I said as I began to kiss her on the lips. "Doesn't this count as night?"

We embraced each other in a passionate kiss feeling each other's tongues in our mouths. It was the most passionate kiss I've ever shared with a woman, and I was glad it was with my mother. My erection began throbbing against her warm body.

She grabbed onto my cock as if it were a leash and had me follow her to the bed.

"Sit down" she told me.

She got on her knees and started stroking my cock, examining it with her eyes like a doctor would a patient. Only she wasn't a doctor; she was a curious mother wanting to see how her son had grown over the years. She then leaned forward and started kissing the head of my erect penis the same way she kissed me on the mouth. The kisses were soft and gentle, and feeling her saliva on my penis only added to my arousal.

Her mouth opened wide and I suddenly saw my entire cock disappear into her mouth. I could feel her tongue rub across my cock as she sucked it, tasting my dried cum and her vaginal fluids from hours before. She looked me right in the eyes as she slowly started bobbing her head up and down, showing me how nasty she could be. It drove me crazy thinking about how my classy and elegant mother can be such a filthy woman if needed.

Moments had passed with the room being filled with only the noise of her slurping on my cock as she sucked it. We looked each other in the eyes the entire time and she started to bob her head faster and suck harder as soon as she felt my body moving. She knew I was about to cum. And I did. I shot out a long stream of cum inside my mother's mouth for her to devour. And she clearly had no issues swallowing it as she kept her soft lips wrapped tightly around cock as I continued to cum.

I was still breathing heavily trying to regain my senses. "You really do know how to please a guy, mom. That felt incredible."

"That's not something you ever should have known," she replied, continuing to lick the tip of my penis for any remainder of cum still leaking out of it.

She added, "Close your eyes, I have a little surprise for you."

As soon as I closed them, I felt her lips press against mine. It was a tight kiss on the lips. Those same lips that had just sucked my cock clean. Then she forced her tongue into my mouth and I briefly tasted myself.

When she pulled away she said, "And that's for spying on me. Now we're even, okay?"

She smiled in a teasing way. Then I watched her turn around and walk naked to the bathroom, making no attempt to get dressed. Her bare ass looked beautiful as each curvy butt cheek swayed with every step she took.