
Sounds Good Ch. 2

As he rang his neighbor's doorbell, Peter wondered about what he'd be getting himself into today. Ever since he started housesitting for his parents, he'd also started helping his neighbor Diane out with her own business, making authentic audio erotica. She wanted to give her audio that extra edge of authenticity, and he was the perfect partner for her to achieve that goal. Together, the two would act out scripts she had written. So far, Peter had only helped her with one, a story of an older woman who seduces her younger neighbor. It was a bit on the nose, but Peter didn't complain. Diane made clear that she'd be calling on his "services" many times more, and today was one of those times. Peter had received a text from Diane that afternoon asking if he'd be able to record another story today, so here he was, at her door at 7pm sharp, like she'd requested.

Diane answered the door and smiled as she greeted Peter with a warm hello and a soft hug, getting a great chance to press up against her plush breasts. Though she was maybe twice his age, Diane embraced her maturity. She was wearing denim shorts that hugged her thick thighs and barely covered her large butt, as well as a sweater that revealed no cleavage (much to Peter's disappointment), but hugged her curves tightly (much to his pleasure). Her caramel hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail, which bounced as she nodded, welcoming Peter into her home.

The two made small talk as they stepped into her living room. Peter tried to seem cool and casual, but Diane could tell he was still a bit nervous about their situation. She could also tell that he was trying not to just stare at her ass in those jean shorts, which made her smile.

"So, Peter, why don't we just cut to the chase?" She cut him off while he was talking about some work he needed to do around the garden. This seemed to light up his eyes.

"And what would that be?" Again, Peter tried to play it cool, but Diane could tell it was just an act.

"Well, I want to make you cum." She said casually. She almost laughed as she watched his façade melt away in an instant.

"O-oh, right. Yeah. How?" Peter asked, flustered at how forward Diane was being with him. Immediately, he regretted how naïve he sounded when he asked how she wanted to get him off.

"Well, if you mean what kind of story we're doing today, I wanted it to be something simple, a fantasy a lot of people have," Diane laughed, appreciating Peter's naivety. Meanwhile, Peter's mind started racing through different fantasies he'd had. Diane pursed her lips, and Peter noticed she had on a bold, ruby red lipstick that her lips even more enticing.

"So we're going for a classic, a little bit of teacher/student porn." Diane handed Peter one of the scripts she was holding, and he started to skip through it. It looked pretty basic, like any simple porn plot, but he knew that Diane was sure to still blow his mind.

"Alright, when do we start?" Peter was eager.

"Whoa there, stud. We need to set up still. Read through the script, make sure you know what we're doing, have an idea about what your lines are. Editing the audio is hard enough as is, I'd prefer we don't have to stop and start over and over again because you wanted to see me topless before you read the script."

He did want to see her topless. Diane knew him well. Peter could see the outline of a bra through her tank top. He was definitely ready to start recording.

"Alright," Diane continued. "Go get ready in the studio, I'll meet you in there when we start." With that, she winked and walked upstairs. Peter walked in the opposite direction, towards the guest bedroom Diane had converted into her sound studio. Through the door, the bed was set up with a silk sheet and plenty of pillows, with three microphones set up, like always: one next to the pillows at the head of the bed, one on the desk next to the side of the bed, and a boom mic hanging from the ceiling directly above the bed.

Peter sat down on the soft sheets, still taking in everything around him. This wasn't his first time in this room, but he still had some trouble wrapping his head around what he was doing. Helping his MILF neighbor create audio erotica. She was twice his age, maybe more, but she was more talented in the bedroom than any of the girls his age. She always knew what she was doing, and he couldn't wait to see what the script had in store for today.

As he read through the script, he saw it was, as Diane explained, a simple porn plot. Peter was playing a student who was failing, and his professor, Diane, tries to help him "get his grade up." Peter laughed to himself as he read through some of the lines. He was cut off by a knock at the door.

"You ready in there?" Diane called through the door. Peter put his script to the side and sat up against the pillows. All it said in the script for blocking was that he should sit comfortably on the bed.

"Yep, I'm ready." Peter was almost giddy. He tried to calm down a bit, not wanting to seem too eager in front of Diane.

Just then, the door opened, and Peters jaw dropped when Diane sauntered into view. She was dressed up like a teacher, but in the sexiest way. Peter noticed that she was dressed more sultry than outright slutty. Her look was professional, but the kind of professional that makes your mouth water. Diane had on high heels and tights, which traced up her legs to her dark pencil skirt, which stretched around her butt tightly. Tucked into the skirt was a white blouse, unbuttoned to show just enough cleavage to give Peter something to fantasize about. Her hair was pulled up in a loose bun, with a few random curls falling across the back of neck. Diane was also wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, which were definitely just for Peter, tying together the teacher look. And boy were they doing something for Peter. Maybe it was how mature and professional they made her look, but Diane in glasses got his cock hardening up in no time, something she noticed.

Diane did a slight turn, allowing Peter to see her from every side, which only got him harder. She walked over to her computer setup on the desk, pressed a single button, and with that, the microphones were recording. She nodded at Peter, who nodded back at her, before dinging the small bell on the desk. That sound was essentially the "action!" shout of the sound studio, helping Diane find starts and stops in the audio later while editing. She walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down, across from Peter.

"Thank you for coming into office hours," Diane said, now fully in character. "We really need to talk about your grade on the midterm."

"I'm not sure what's wrong, professor."

"Please," she cut him off. "Call me Mrs. Hill." Peter knew this was coming, he'd seen it in the script, but he hadn't noticed it said "Mrs." Something about Diane being married in this scenario almost made it hotter.

Peter continued, "Sorry, Mrs. Hill. What seems to be the matter?"

"Well, I just finished grading your midterm, and unfortunately, you failed. You've been doing well in this class, so I was surprised to see you do so poorly. I have to ask, did you even study?"

"Of course! Well, I tried." Peter was still reading off the script next to him, his eyes jumping between the words on the page and the sight in front of him. Diane leaned forward, inquisitively, as if she was legitimately curious as to what Peter was going to say next. As she leaned, she showed off more and more cleavage. Her soft, supple breasts tempted Peter, so he kept reading. "I tried to study as much as I could, but there were some... Distractions."

Diane was really in character as she looked almost sympathetic, giving Peter a pout with her full, red lips. "Oh? What distractions were those?"

"Well, I was supposed to do my studying on Sunday night, but... There was a party. And normally, I wouldn't go out to a party... Can I be honest with you Ms. Hill?" Peter was getting into character too, almost blushing as he spoke.

"Mrs." Diane corrected him, a correction that made her wink at him as she continued. "Of course you can be honest with me. Why'd you go to that party instead of studying?"

"It's been a while since I've... Gotten laid. I broke up with my last girlfriend a while ago, and I'm in a bit of a dry spell. I went to that party Sunday night in hopes of going home with a girl." Peter blushed even harder. Skipping studying to try and get laid? That definitely sounded like something he'd done in college.

"Oh my... That definitely is... Something." Diane looked deep into Peter's eyes as she continued. "Well, thank you for your honesty, but you still failed your midterm. That drops you to an F in the class, which is dangerous territory."

"Please, Mrs. Hill, I need to pass this class. How can I make this up? Is there any extra credit?" Peter practically begged. He then watched as Diane unbuttoned one more button on her top, revealing even more cleavage, just for him.

"Well, how about we come to an arrangement?" She leaned closer. "We want you studying hard for all the upcoming tests, we don't want you going out instead." She shook her head, and Peter shook his too, in a trance almost as she traced her hand up his thigh and softly grabbed his bulge through his pants.

"Mrs. Hill, you're grabbing m-my cock!" Peter kept reading the script while loving the soft fondling Diane was giving his package.

"We don't want you going out looking for sex instead of studying. So how about I help you out, keep you satisfied, and you can stay focused on studying? Depending on how this goes, maybe your grade even goes up?" She reached both hands up past his bulge, pulling lightly, teasingly, at the waistband of his pants. When she did, she pushed her tits together, giving Peter another great view of her cleavage. He was rock hard now, and his cock strained against his pants.

"Um, are you sure?" He felt so innocent. He knew he wanted her to just touch his cock already, but he also knew he had to work for it. He had to keep going with the script.

"I'm very committed to my students, and I want you get a good grade." Diane almost whispered. "Do we have an agreement?" Her voice was stern, but sexy.

"Y-yes. Please." Peter stammered. With that, Diane undid the button on Peter's jeans, unzipped them, and slid them down to his ankles before yanking them right off and throwing them to the floor. His erect cock flopped to the side aimlessly, and her eyes widened.

"Oh, wow..." Diane smiled, licking her lips. "Well, I think you've definitely gone up to a D." She winked at him. The play on words aside, Diane was legitimately impressed. This wasn't her first time seeing Peter's cock, but se was always giddy to get an eyeful of it. "But, a D is only barely passing. We'll have to keep going to get your grade any higher."

Diane leaned forward, running her hands up Peter's bare legs. Still fully clothed, complete with the glasses, she really looked the part. Peter's cock twitched as he imagined Diane as his actual teacher, teasing him like this. With her head only inches from his lap, Diane asked him a question.

"Of course, you won't tell anyone, will you? I'm a married woman, I can't have something like this getting out." She kept tracing her fingers lightly along his thighs, occasionally getting daringly close to his balls, which she noticed looked heavy and full, practically begging for her mouth on them.

Struggling to focus, Peter mumbled "N-no, no ma'am."

"Great," she smiled. "Now let's see if we can get that grade up past a D." Diane stopped teasing him and wrapped both hands around Peter's cock. It throbbed in her hands, and she could tell how into the teacher fantasy he was. She began to pump her hands up and down slowly, rhythmically, sighing in satisfaction loudly enough for the mic to pick up.

Peter, fully in the throws of bliss, now watched as Diane slowly pumped his cock up and down. From his angle, he could see her bright red lips pursed in concentration as she focused on her motions. He could see the loose curls that fell from her bun bounce ever so slightly with each pump, as well as her breasts in rhythm. Best of all, he watched as her small, slightly wrinkled hands stroked up and down on his shaft. To his surprise, Peter noticed Diane was wearing a fake wedding ring on her left hand. This must've been due to her character being married in this story, but the ring wasn't something a future listener could "hear." The ring was just for him to see, and it really drove him wild. There was something extra salacious about a teacher cheating on her husband with a student, and Peter loved being that student.

A small pearl of precum beaded at the tip of Peter's cock. One of Diane's hands broke rhythm to massage the head of his cock, using the bit of precum as lube. This elicited a slight moan from Peter, who loved the sensation.

"That's it, very good. I think you're definitely up to a D+ now. You're not thinking of going to any parties, are you?" Diane teased him, and Peter barely moaned out a "No." Diane then slid her hands all the way down his shaft, to the based, and pressed her ruby lips against his tip. Peter gasped, and another bead of precum burst across Diane's lips as she welcomed him into her soft mouth.

She savored the salty precum flavor for only a moment before getting to work, lathering his cockhead with her twisting tongue while pumping her hands up and down around the base of his shaft. Peter was in heaven, and he could tell Diane was enjoying herself too as she let out soft moans of pleasure while working at his cock. She pulled him out of her mouth with a soft pop, and lavished his shaft with kisses, up and down the entire cock. Each wet kiss left a small smudge of her red lipstick on his cock, a visual that drove Peter closer and closer to the edge. Diane then moved her hands from his base to his head, quickly stroking at the tip with a closed fist while still planting wet kisses around the shaft.

"Oh, you taste so good. I think you may be up to a C by now. Want to keep going?" She teased, still stroking his cock.

"Yes please," Peter groaned. With this treatment, he'd never consider going to another party as long as he lived.

Diane smiled, then planted her lips right on his tip. With firmly pursed lips, she silently waited until Peter made eye contact with her. That didn't take long, as he was curious why his "teacher" had stopped loving on his cock.

"I'm going to try something honey, let me know how it feels." Diane told him. Before he could ask her what she meant, Diane parted her lips around his cock and swallowed him down. Peter felt everything as his cock pushed past her plump, plush lips, slightly grazing her teeth, then running over her soft tongue before sliding partway down her throat. In no time at all, Diane had her nose pressed against Peter's lap and his cock all the way down her throat. She started to hum, and the vibrations of her humming sent tingles through Peter's cock that made him moan loudly pleasure he'd never felt before.

Diane pulled back, coming up for air, and Peter exhaled. His cock slid out of her mouth, dripping in her spit. She grabbed him again and said, "So, I'm guessing you like your teacher deepthroating your cock?"

"Y-yes, Mrs. Hill." Peter's voice was shaking now.

Taking his pleasure as an okay to keep going, Diane guided his cock back into her mouth again. This time, to play it up for the future listeners, as she smoothly glided his cock down her throat, Diane began to gag on it. It wasn't real, but she knew the sound would drive listeners crazy as she, a professional teacher, gagged on her student's fat cock. It drove Peter crazy, too. Diane's throat tightened with each gag, covering Peter's cock with even more spit. She pulled back again, this time letting his cock fall out of her mouth, spilling a bit of drool.

"Oops, I didn't mean to drool on your cock so much." Diane played innocent. "Sorry about how sloppy this has gotten, but hopefully it's convincing you not to go out partying anymore. You're up to a B- now. Do you want to stop?"

Peter's cock twitched and he shook his head. Diane broke character for a moment and rolled her eyes, gesturing towards the script at Peter's side. Embarrassed, he nodded and quietly flipped through it to get to where they were, reading his line back to her.

"Please, professor, I mean Mrs. Hill. I really need an A. Whatever it takes. I promise I'll study more." He sounded desperate, which turned on Diane. She was fully in character, and her student NEEDED this good grade. She NEEDED to convince him to study. She grabbed his cock again and started stroking it, an act made loud by the amount of her spit decorating his cock.

"How can I convince you to study? How can I convince you to stop going to parties? What do I have that these young girls your age don't?" Diane posited, almost to herself, still playfully stroking Peter's cock. "Oh?" She bounced with an idea. "My big titties? Girls your age don't have these" Diane leaned forward, letting Peter's cock push slightly into her cleavage, just his cockhead. "Now, if I let you titfuck me, will you promise you're done going to parties? Will you promise to study?"

"Please, yes, Mrs. Hill. Please let me fuck your tits, and I promise I'll study harder." Peter pleaded. Diane smiled softly, releasing his cock from her hold. She leaned back and undid the buttons on her shirt, removing her blouse to reveal a black bra barely cupping her large tits. The bra was simple, nothing lacy or flashy, something an actual teacher might wear. Before Peter could admire it any further, Diane unhooked it with one hand and let it fall off her shoulder, slowly revealing her stunning breasts to Peter. No matter how many times he saw her topless, he couldn't help but let out a gasp. She was the perfect combination of chubby and mature, which gave her tits some real weight. She laughed, and her tits bounced up and down, inches from Peter's wanting cock. He reached out, grasping at them.

"Go ahead." Diane encouraged him, leaning towards him. Peter's hands met her tits and he palmed two good handfuls of them. They were so soft, heavy and plush at the same time. He guided his cock between them and pressed his teacher's breasts around his waiting member. The sloppy blowjob earlier left his shaft wet and slick with saliva, which allowed him to begin smoothly pumping up and down. Diane smiled as her soft tits were cushioned up against Peter's hard, throbbing member. She could feel it pulse between her breasts, which got her excited. Peter pumped at a steady rhythm, gliding between her tits, enjoying every pump as his head pushed out from her cleavage smoothly. Diane smiled down at his cock as it appeared and disappeared with each thrust, and waited until Peter was in a full thrust up to spit on it. It's not like it needed any extra lubricant, so this was just for listeners, and for how hot Peter thought it was. What wasn't for listeners was when Diane reached under her breasts and found Peter's pumping balls, holding them as he thrust up and down, matching his rhythm. With each thrust, Diane would tickle his balls as she pet them softly, a feeling that Peter thanked her for with a low groan.

"Oh yeah? You like fucking your teacher's big tits? Girls your age don't have tits like these, do they? No, they don't." Diane asked rhetorically. "I love you sliding your cock between my tits, honey." Peter kept pumping, up and down and up and down in between Diane's soft breasts. The sensation was unbelievable, and Peter was in heaven. He even teased her nipples lightly while titfucking her, which made her let out a small squeal. Diane spit on his cock again as Peter read over the script one last time.

"Oh, Mrs. Hill, I'm gonna cum." Peter warned.

"Yes, cum for me, honey!" Diane smiled. She pulled back from him, and he let go of her tits mid-thrust. Still in rhythm of his pumping, Diane grabbed Peter's cock and began stroking it quickly, rolling his balls in her other hand while she went. "Cum on my face!" She commanded, spitting on his cock as encouragement while she continued pumping it.

That was all the encouragement Peter needed as he let loose a thick rope of cum that splattered directly across Diane's glasses. She kept encouraging him, and stroked him in time with his thrusts, as he came more and more. Two more shots splattered across her cheek, and a few hit her open, waiting mouth, decorating her ruby lips. Two last shots fell short and painted her tits, which made Diane smile. With his cock still twitching in her hand, Diane took off her glasses and looked up at Peter.

"Well, I think you've definitely earned that A." She looked at all the cum on her glasses and continued. "And I don't think you'll be going out to any parties anytime soon, either. Remember, spend your weekends studying, and I can take care of you." She lightly kissed the head of his cock, and he sank into the mattress as she rang the bell.


Diane stood up from the bed and set the cum-splattered glasses on the desk for Peter to admire his work. Speaking of admiring his work, he watched as Diane wet a washcloth in the sink and stared wiping off the cum on her face. He noticed as she got all but some of it, a single drop left on her tits. Peter's cock twitched as he saw Diane notice the missed drop, wipe it up with her finger, and proceed to suck her finger clean. Diane didn't even realize what she was doing, but she loved the taste of his cum.

"Alright Pete, I'm going to wash up. You're welcome to use the shower upstairs, of course." With that, Diane slid her skirt down to her ankles and kicked it off, revealing to Peter a black thong that showed off her ass. Peter sat up as she walked into the bathroom.

"Thanks again, Mrs. Hill." He jokingly called after her. Diane shot him a wink over her shoulder, and blew a kiss. As he made his way upstairs, he heard the water running, and tried to imagine what might be in store for their next recording session.

It was a Friday. That's all Peter could think about as he stood outside Diane's door after knocking. It was a Friday, in the middle of the day. Noon on a Friday and Diane had invited him over. This wasn't their usual day for recording, so Peter couldn't help but wonder if something was wrong. Maybe Diane was done with him, and wanted them to stop working together. No matter the dread he was feeling, it was quickly replaced with a different emotion when Diane opened the door.

She stood in the doorway smiling, wearing a dress and cardigan that looked simultaneously studious and sultry. The dress was made of a comfortable material, but was low cut enough that Peter's eyes were drawn right to her ample cleavage. It almost looked like she was getting ready for church, but that cleavage suggested she intended to seduce a priest while there. Either way, Diane greeted Peter with her usual smile and very cushioned hug, and welcomed him into her house.

A surprise to Peter, Diane did not immediately lead him towards the guest bedroom she had turned into a studio, where they typically recorded audio erotica together. Instead, she led him to the couches in her living room. She gestured for Peter to sit on one, then took a seat across from him on a separate couch. She clasped her hands together and leaned forward a bit, resting her elbows on her knees. From in front of her, Peter had a great look at her cleavage, distractingly so.

"Peter, you might be wondering why I asked you to come over today." As Diane spoke, Peter held his breath. "Don't worry, nothing's wrong." He exhaled when he heard that.

"So, what is going on?" He asked, breaking his stare from her breasts to her eyes.

"Well, I think that the work we've done together so far has been great. But, I believe that whatever your hobby, no matter how good you get, you should never stop practicing. And I think we should make sure we don't forget about practice." She arched her eyebrows, almost silently asking if he understood her.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, I think that makes sense. You mean, like..." Peter's voice trailed off as he searched for something to say. He didn't fully comprehend what she meant, but he didn't want to seem naive.

"Here, honey, why don't you just come with me." Diane stood up, and Peter followed as she led him out of the living room and to the staircase. He paused for a moment at the bottom. Peter had never been upstairs in Diane's house. This felt big to him. But Diane didn't hesitate, and continued up the stairs, and Peter followed behind her, shamelessly watching her butt bounce with each step. Was he able to make out a panty line through the dress fabric?

Upstairs, Peter looked down a hallway with a handful of doors on either side, and one at the end that Peter assumed was the master bedroom. He followed her down the hallway, closer and closer to the door at the end, but Diane turned and entered into a side door, the last on the left before the master bedroom. Almost disappointedly, Peter followed her into what he realized must be Diane's office. In the small room, a large desk was against one wall with a desktop computer on it, and a collection of desk trinkets. The swivel chair looked worn, but comfortable. There was a filing cabinet off to the side, adjacent to a closet built into the wall. Covering the opposite wall was a row of bookcases, stocked full of novels. Diane led Peter towards the side of the room with the books, then turned to face him.

"Sometimes, Peter, I will have an idea for a story, something for us to act out... But it doesn't always translate well to audio. However, that doesn't mean I want to just throw it away. It's still a decent story idea. So instead, I figure we should use it as a practice round." Diane stepped closer to Peter, putting less than a foot between them. She traced one finger down from his clavicle to his stomach. He held his breath when her hand stopped above his waistband. "You see, maybe we could play through this scenario, just for us. It would give us a good chance to try some improv and see where it goes. No recording, nothing for an audience. Just us." Diane was staring down at Peter's crotch, watching a bulge form.

"W-what exactly did you have in mind?" Peter had trouble finding his voice.

"I was at the library the other day, and it got me thinking..." Her hand stayed planted just above his waistband.

"A library?" Peter questioned.

"Yeah. See, you have to be quiet in a library. If you're too loud, it's distracting to others. And a quiet recording of me shushing you every time you moan doesn't sound too interesting for my listeners." Diane explained, though Peter considered disagreeing. However, she had a hand just inches from his hardening cock, so he had no intention of changing the subject.

"Did you have any specific story in mind?" He asked.

"I did." Diane answered. "Maybe a story between a naughty librarian and a patron who's touching himself while reading something inappropriate." She smirked, looking up to catch Peter's eye. He could hardly make eye contact, he had so much trouble focusing on any one thing in the moment. Without saying anything, Diane pushed Peter back a few steps until he was up against the book case, and like that, she got into character.

"Sir, excuse me, what exactly are you doing back here?" Diane's tone was hushed, but strict. Peter immediately felt guilty, blushing. Diane removed her hand from his waistband, and shook a finger at him. With each shake, her tits bounced slightly, and Peter remembered how soft and supple her breasts looked in this dress. After a long moment of silence as Peter ogled Diane's cleavage, she spoke, this time out of character. "Peter," her voice was at a regular volume now. "We're still trying to play through a scenario. Remember, there's not a script, but I still want you to improv it like we're actually doing it. Pretend I'm really a librarian, and I've caught you touching your cock while reading something inappropriate. Make something up! Have fun!"

"Right, sorry." Peter apologized.

"Now," Diane's voice dropped to a sultry, strict tone. "Just what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I was just, uh—" Peter feigned surprise and embarrassment.

"Just what? Were you just touching yourself? This is a library!" Diane's voice was a harsh whisper, but she moved closer to Peter, maybe three inches from him.

"I'm sorry, I was reading this book, and it got me... excited." Peter was beginning to get into character, find a groove.

"And what book is that?" Diane gestured to the nothing Peter was holding.

"It's about a young writer who gets seduced by an older woman. He's writing a sex scene for a book he's working on and she offers to teach him a few things." Peter was having fun with this. Diane was impressed with his creativity, and made a mental note to hold onto that story idea.

"Well, young man, that does sound exciting. But we can't have you touching your cock here, among the stacks." Diane moved closer, now less than an inch from Peter's side.

"I'm sorry, miss, do you want me to leave?" Peter was teasing her, and she could see it in his eyes.

"No, no, absolutely not. Clearly you're not taking care of yourself well enough, otherwise you wouldn't be here at a library jerking off. How about I just help you out, then we don't have this problem again. I'm sure I can do a good enough job that this shouldn't happen again. Does that sound like a good deal?"

"That sounds great." He nodded. Diane finally moved as close as she could get, pressing her body up against Peter's right side. She pushed her bosom against his arm, and he could feel her body heat radiating. He moaned when Diane's fingers brushed over the rather large bulge in his pants, but Diane quickly shushed him, putting a finger over his lips.

"Shh... We're in a library. You don't want anyone finding us." She smiled, he nodded and bit his lip to keep quiet. This proved to be an exceptionally difficult task as Diane stepped in front of Peter and ground her large butt into his lap. He enjoyed it, grabbing her hips and pressing against her. She sighed in satisfaction, feeling the bulge in his pants push against her ass. As he held onto her hips, he couldn't help but notice how soft Diane's ass was, like two pillows for his cock to bury itself between. He couldn't help but thrust against her, which caused her to have to bite her lip to muffle a moan of her own.

"You like that?" Peter teased.

"I do." Diane whispered back. "Do you like this?" In one swift movement, she stepped to his side again, pressing up against him, and pet his bulge. No longer wanting to waste any time, she reached a small hand down his pants, grabbing a handful of his cock and balls. Her hands were small, and his cock was large, but she managed to smoothly lift them out of his pants, as he helped to drop trou. Diane drank in the sight of this virile cock growing in her hands, the heavy balls full of cum. Half on purpose, half by mistake, Diane drooled onto Peter's cock, before beginning to stroke it slowly, softly working the saliva into a slick coat. She admired how smooth his member was, how much she loved gently stroking up and down, up and down, back and forth. Peter shut his eyes tight and braced himself against the bookshelf.

"How's this feel?" She whispered in her sultry tone.

"I— this is amazing." He barely spat out.

"No more touching yourself in my library?"

"No... No more..."

"Let's make sure you're taken care of... No more urges." Diane quickened her pace, stroking Peter's cock faster, from base to tip. He stifled another moan, feeling the cum churning in his balls. He was about to cum, sooner than he'd intended, but Diane was so good at what she was doing. The dress, the cleavage, the drool, the rhythm, the whispers, the spontaneity, it was all too much. As he felt his knees go weak, he groaned softly, but Diane pulled her hand away from his cock unexpectedly.

"W-what? What's wrong?" Peter took a sharp breath. The sudden lack of stimulation stopped him dead in his tracks, no longer on the edge. He was almost disappointed.

"Don't cum just yet. We have to make sure we get all of those urges out. We'll have to build it up a bit, so when you finally do burst..." She paused for a moment, softly squeezing Peter's tender balls, eliciting a whimper from him. "When you finally do burst, it'll get rid of all those urges at once."

"Okay, yes ma'am." Peter had never tried edging before, but he was more than willing to test it out with Diane. She seemed experienced, and could read his body well enough to know when he was close. And if it meant a better orgasm at the end, he was willing to suffer for that reward.

"Great." With a wink, Diane removed her cardigan before pulling her dress over her head, tossing it to the floor. Peter's cock twitched, almost flopping around as he stared at Diane's body, which she noticed and rewarded by grabbing his fat cock again, finding a steady rhythm in a matter of seconds. He examined the matching bra and panties she was wearing. Hot pink, a very exciting color. But despite the salacious shade, the bra itself wasn't flashy, instead more maternal in design. Nothing too big or brazen about it, it was simple in design and structure. This simplicity made the experience all the more authentic for Peter, who thrust into Diane's hand harder and harder, turned on by how amazing she looked. She wasn't some professional model or plastic starlet, she was his neighbor, a mature MILF twice his age, a little chubby, wearing the type of bra a stay-at-home mom would wear while going to a parent-teacher conference: something sensible and comfortable. And right now, she was pretending to be a librarian, stroking his cock with both hands while kissing his neck, occasionally breaking to whisper into his ear, encouraging, begging him to let go of all his urges.

With all this in mind, Peter again found himself close to the edge, ready to blow. He tensed up, one hand grasping at the shelf he was leaning against. Diane could feel him stiffen up as he thrust into her fist, and dropped his cock as he thrust into the empty air, grunting in displeasure.

"Not yet, not yet!" Diane scolded in a loud whisper. "Almost, I can tell you're almost there. But we have to make sure you get it all out of your system. We can't have you touching yourself back here again. What if another patron found us doing this?" The thought actually turned her on. She was so in character, silently jacking off a naughty young man, trying to be as discreet as possible, loving the feeling of his thick cock in her delicate hands.

Peter, on the other hand, was disappointed he wasn't allowed to finish. He just wanted to cum so badly. Diane traced her fingers across his shaft lightly, barely making contact, which drove him crazy. In a bold move, Peter slapped Diane's ass, grabbing a handful of it and pulling her in tight. She giggled in surprise, taking hold of his hard cock again, beginning to pump. As she massaged his cock, he kept his hand on her rear end, cupping one large cheek in his whole hand. The soft silk of Diane's panties felt so heavenly, like he was palming a cloud. Diane moaned in pleasure as he squeezed, his fingers lightly traversing her ass. She responded by picking up her pace, quickly jacking his cock before slowing down to the steady pump of a loose fist, which Peter blissfully thrust into again and again.

As she kept pumping, up and down his length, Diane alternated between kissing Peter's neck and whispering into his ear, shushing him for moaning. Her tits pressed up against him, still cupped by her soft bra. Peter was barely holding himself up with one hand, putting most of weight against the bookshelf he was leaning up against. His other hand kept gently grabbing at Diane's plump ass, defined by her soft panties.

With each pump, Peter thrust into her hand more and more, and Diane could feel him getting closer and closer. He couldn't help but let out a small moan as Diane spent an extra second massaging at Peter's cockhead, driving him wild, but she shushed him, still pretending to be a librarian, making sure this patron wasn't too loud to disturb readers among the silent shelves.

"Shh, shh, honey, not too loud. I need you to be quiet for me, can you do that?" Diane whispered, reprimanding him, her hands never breaking rhythm on his cock.

"Y-yes, yes ma'am." Peter tried his best to stay in character.

"I think you're ready. You wanna cum for me, baby?" Diane almost breathed the words into Peter's ear. He shut his eyes tight, trying to last as long as he could, but it was all too much. Diane looked so MILF-y in that bra and those panties, her hot, soft body was pressed up against his, he could feel her warm breath against his skin, her voice was like syrup dripping from her lips, and, most notably, she was stroking his cock with such a mind-blowing rhythm that he knew he was fighting a losing battle by trying to hold back any longer.

He couldn't even bring himself to say any actual words, only able to muster out a nod and a moaned "Mhm." Diane knew she was about to get her wish. She planted one final kiss on Peter's cheek before dropping down to her knees, continuing to stroke his cock, which was now at her eye-level. Peter opened his eyes to see his neighbor - or librarian, he should say - on her knees, next to his cock, staring up at him while pumping away. When she clasped a warm hand around his heavy balls, that was all he needed. He closed his eyes tightly again and let out a loud groan as he began to cum.

Diane could feel his balls tighten in her palm and kept stroking his cock, up and down, head to base, never breaking her rhythm. As Peter groaned, he shot a thick rope of hot cum out in front of himself, which splattered across the wood floor of the office. Diane smiled as she kept pumping, and Peter came more and more, depositing more and more cum on the floor of Diane's study. He was thrusting hard into Diane's hand, and she stopped pumping, just holding a tight grip around his shaft as he thrust into her fist, initially finishing with one large cumshot that jetted from his cock, completing his redecorating of her study's floor. Diane dropped the still-throbbing cock from her hands, sure that Peter was spent, considering the huge glob he had just shot. However, Diane was surprised to hear Peter gasp when she released his cock, because apparently he wasn't finished. As a result of all the edging, Peter had even more cum than usual stored up, and as his member flopped down, one final, thick shot of cum splattered across Diane's chest, streaking across her bra. She gasped, shocked at how much cum there was. She'd clearly teased him well.

"Well, well," Diane rose to her feet, no longer in character as she admired Peter's work, the last bit of cum that painted her bra. "You never cease to impress me."

"Thank you?" Peter was panting, equally as stunned as Diane at how much he'd cum. She really knew how to press his buttons just right. He almost felt dizzy.

"I don't know if this will come out in the wash. This'll make for a fun conversation at the dry-cleaner." Diane joked. She absentmindedly unhooked the clasp, letting the cum-drenched bra fall from her shoulders, her soft breasts spilling out of the cups. She turned back to face Peter, still laughing about her joke. As she took the bra off, her tits pressed together and jiggled, a sight to behold for Peter. He was mesmerized by her bouncing breasts, and barely noticed when his once-softening cock sprang to life, almost rock-hard again in a matter of seconds. Diane noticed, and for the first time, Peter saw her blush.

This young man had just cum harder than Diane had ever seen before, and yet one look at her naked body and he was ready for a round two almost instantly? She was stunned, flattered, and turned on, all at once. Without thinking twice, Diane opened her mouth to speak.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

With cum still dripping from his now-hard member, Peter looked stunned at Diane, but he nonetheless found himself following her. Out of the office, down the hall, through the door at the end, into her bedroom. This was the first time Peter was seeing her bedroom, but he could barely focus on everything around him as he was so consumed by the almost-naked MILF inviting him into her shower.

Neither of them said a word as they entered the master bathroom. Peter noticed how large the shower was; this shower could comfortably fit both of them. It had three dark green tile walls, one of which had a small window for natural light. The shower was enclosed by a glass wall, featuring a glass door with a metal handle, which Diane took hold of. She opened the door and turned on the shower, and all Peter could hear was the light sprinkling of water as Diane slipped her panties to the ground, revealing she was almost dripping wet, so aroused from the session with Peter, and especially turned on by how hard he'd gotten simply from seeing her bare breasts again.

Diane turned back to Peter, before reaching out and wrapping one hand around his hard cock, which was still covered in a combination of her saliva and his cum. His eyes bulged as she led him forward, pulling on his shaft lightly, teasingly, so he would follow her into the shower. He eagerly let her lead, following her until the two were standing under the warm water, letting it wash over them. Diane was still holding Peter's cock in a loose fist, and she could feel it throbbing in her delicate fingers. She turned back to face him again, pursing her lips.

"We're in the shower together." Diane finally broke the silence.

"We are." Peter wasn't sure what to say, he wanted her to take the lead.

"I didn't think this would ever happen. It shouldn't happen." She paused, creasing her brow. She didn't want Peter to get the wrong idea. They were business partners, first and foremost, not some lovers who bathe together.

"Do you want this?" Peter treaded carefully.

"I... I want this." Diane gestured to his cock, still in her hand, still a mess from earlier. "This is still, well, as close to professional as it can be. Don't get any ideas."

"Right." Peter nodded, though he knew that neither of them were fully convinced.

"We might not be in character, but this can still be called practice for a future recording session." Diane reasoned aloud. "Now, let's get you cleaned up."

Diane dropped Peter's cock for a moment to reach for a bottle of body wash. She squeezed a dollop into her hand, and worked it into a lather before wrapping both hands around Peter's shaft and beginning to massage slowly. She quickly found a rhythm, and Peter let out a groan while Diane bit her lip in concentration. As she stroked his cock, the body wash worked to wash away the slick mess that coated it, and in a matter of moments his cock was clean, but Diane had no intention of stopping.

As the water rained over their bodies, Peter managed to pull his eyes away from Diane's delicate fingers working a lather around his cock to notice the water running off her shoulders, cascading over her large breasts. He noticed she was breathing slowly, her breasts barely moving with each inhale. In a moment of confidence, Peter leaned in and took her right breast in his mouth, something Diane welcomed with a pleased moan and a tighter squeeze around his cock. She moved one hand from his shaft to the back of his neck, pulling him closer to her bosom. With only one hand on his shaft, she teased the tip, massaging his cockhead softly, eliciting another groan from Peter.

"Oh, yes, honey, just like that." Diane pressed Peter's face against her cleavage, and he palmed at her other tit with a free hand while still teasing the nipple in his mouth. His hand made its way from her breast down her wet body, resting on her hip, before Peter boldly pushed her up against the cool tile wall. Diane yelped in surprise, but didn't stop stroking his cock and pressing his face into her tits. Her breath hitched in her throat as she felt his hand slide from her hip to her crotch. His thumb brushed over her clit before two fingers slipped inside her, and she bucked against his hand, hard.

"You're so wet" Peter whispered.

"It's the shower," Diane tried to sound in control.

"No it's not." He called her bluff.

"I know," she barely whimpered, practically melting as he fingered her, pressing all the right buttons. Her fingers fell from his cock, which bobbed freely as her hand worked to stabilize her trembling body as Peter dropped to his knees in front of Diane and buried his tongue into her swollen, warm pussy. She thrust into his face, and he buried his tongue deeper and deeper, giving kiss after kiss to her lips. She was close enough as is, but Diane was sent over the edge when he began playing with her clit as he went.

"I'm gonna — I'm cumming!" She screamed as an orgasm rocked through her body so hard she almost slipped on the wet shower floor. A wave of pleasure emanated from her pussy, which Peter tasted as her fluids left a distinct sweetness in her mouth. Diane was practically panting when Peter rose to his feet, wiping fluids from his chin.

"I..." Diane could barely speak a full sentence.

"What do you want?" Peter asked.

"I... I want this." Diane regained her strength as she reached out and grasped Peter's still-hard cock. She reached her other hand out and took a handful of his large, heavy balls, pulling Peter in towards her. "I want this. Right now."

Peter didn't hesitate, and followed Diane's lead as she turned away from him. Diane guided his cock as he pushed into her from behind, pushing further and further, all the way into her until his chest was pressed against her back, and Diane was practically purring. As he pulled away, the sensation again elicited a slow purr from Diane, which was quickly replaced by short moans as Peter began to pick up his pace and found a rhythm fucking her from behind. As he plowed into her folds, she clenched around him, upping the sensation for Peter, who couldn't help but groan in delight as he thrust into his mature neighbor.

"Oh, yeah, keep going. Keep going. You feel so good!" Diane was overcome with pleasure as Peter fucked her. His thick cock was filling her up, and she could feel his balls slapping against her ass. Maybe she was just imagining it, but they felt so full and so heavy, and she knew that he had another big load coming.

On the other end, Peter grabbed Diane's hips as he thrust into her, pushing into her velvety folds, slick with her own cum. As he buried himself deeper and deeper into her, he could feel her grinding into him. He pumped harder and harder, pushing her up against the glass door of the shower. As water poured down on them, Peter watched the reflection in the mirror in front of them, as Diane's big tits pressed up against the glass, making them look even bigger. With every thrust, the glass door shook, and Diane's weakly pressed her palm against it, making a handprint in the steam. She pushed herself back from the glass, and Peter was thrilled to see he got an amazing view of Diane's swaying tits as she bounced back and forth on his cock. He could barely control himself as he reached around and grabbed at her ample breasts. They were so soft and heavy in his hand, and he could barely palm at one, but he used the leverage to pull Diane in closer as he thrust into her.

"I think I'm gonna cum." Peter grunted as he fucked Diane.

"So am I," Diane replied, practically a yelp as she felt her body seize up. "Oh my god, I love how you fuck me with your fat cock!" Diane shouted as she came. Her body racked with one of the most powerful orgasms of her life as her young neighbor plowed into her dripping pussy, fondling her tits as he went. At the same time, Peter couldn't hold back any longer as he felt Diane cumming on his cock. He let out a groan as he broke rhythm to push one long thrust, blasting hot cum into her. He thrust deeper into her with each consecutive cumshot, and Diane ground against him, encouraging him to push deeper. With one final, shared moan, Peter plowed into Diane with the last bit of his strength, cumming so hard that his cock spilled out from her quivering pussy, dripping cum along the wet shower floor.

The two were breathing hard, and Diane leaned against the glass door to stay on her feet. Peter could barely stand after such a strong orgasm, and was unable to stop himself from collapsing into Diane, pressed against her back as they both leaned against the glass. Their hot, panting breath would have fogged up the glass if it hadn't already been so steamy in there.

After a few moments, they had both started to catch their breath. Diane turned to face Peter, situating herself between his body and the glass, her heaving breasts pushed against his torso. She reached around him and turned the water off. They stood there in silence.

"I bet my water bill is going to be a big higher this month." Diane joked. She couldn't help but laugh at herself, which made Peter laugh, too.

"Well," She continued, looking up at him. She then surprised both Peter and herself by leaning up and kissing him quickly on the cheek. "I've got some errands to run, let's get you home."

With that, Diane opened the glass door and stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself up with a towel. She tossed another towel to Peter, who caught it, still in a bit of a tired haze. He was spent, literally, and he agreed with Diane's suggestion for him to go home. The sun was still out, but after cumming so hard twice, back to back, he needed to rest. He lazily toweled off, and the two went downstairs to get dressed again, putting on their clothes from earlier, though Diane chose to skip her cum-stained bra. As they walked out the front door together, Diane headed for her car in the driveway, and Peter for his front door across their shared yard. Diane drove away as Peter closed his door behind him, and collapsed onto the couch, still trying to catch his breath.