
Sounds Good Ch. 01: Intro


As the sun started to creep behind the horizon, and the hot summer day began to transition into a warm summer night, Peter realized that he had to take the trash down to the curb before the truck came tomorrow morning. He stopped washing dishes and went around to the backyard, taking the trash can from the side yard, down the driveway, to the curb out front. He looked at the cul-de-sac around him, no house looking like another. He thought about how his parents really were rich, able to afford to live in an expensive development with dozens of custom-built houses.

Peter had grown up in this house, but it wasn't until graduating college that he'd truly come to appreciate how nice of a home it was. While he was staring up at the house, he heard a voice call out to him.

"Well hey there, stranger!"

Peter turned, and there was his neighbor, Diane, who he hadn't seen in almost a decade. The time at treated her well, he could see, as she approached him with a soft smile. She was 50 years old, but didn't try to hide it, instead embracing her maturity, like a fine wine that only gets better with age. Peter remembered that she was single, and had been as long as he'd known her. No husband, maybe a boyfriend or two, but nothing permanent. Diane's caramel brown hair bounced in ringlets, falling just past her shoulders, framing her face beautifully. Her blue eyes weren't piercing as they made eye contact, but instead deep, almost gray. She wasn't wearing any makeup, but Diane's full lips still looked a soft pink. He gave her a quick, hopefully-unnoticed look up and down, and Peter noticed that she was in yoga pants that accentuated her curves perfectly. Diane wasn't overweight, but she had some extra weight in all the right places. He thighs were nicely thick, and she had a tummy that gave her a natural figure.

"Goodness, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Diane said as she went in for a hug. As she came in, he realized he'd been so distracted by her yoga pants that he'd somehow missed the v-neck she was wearing, which subtly showed off Diane's ample, plush tits. The cleavage showcased by this neckline wasn't much, but it was enough to make Peter eager for the hug he was about to receive, trying his hardest to focus on her tits pressing against his chest.

Diane pulled away from the hug and smiled at him.

"So how long has it been? Have you graduated now?" She asked.

"Yeah," Peter matched her smile. "I finished last month."

"Oh my goodness, congratulations honey!" She clapped her hands together, which Peter noticed pushed her breasts together, somehow making her cleavage even bustier. He silently wished she'd hug him again as a congratulation, but no such luck. She continued, "So how does it feel to be totally done with school?"

"Well, I'm actually starting grad school in the fall, in DC. I guess I just like school too much!" Peter awkwardly laughed, reciting that line he'd already repeated to dozens of his parents' friends that he'd met the past few months, since he decided to go to grad school.

"Oh, well good for you. Very professional of you." Diane gave him a soft smile, admiring his hard work ethic. When she smiled, Peter noticed slight wrinkles at the edges of her eyes, which he admired. Her skin looked so soft, and speaking of soft skin, Peter noticed his eyes beginning to trail down to her cleavage again, but he forced himself to stop and make eye contact with her so she wouldn't notice.

"So, how long are you in town for? Got any big plans before DC?" Diane asked, arching an eyebrow.

"I'll be here for the summer. My parents are on a cruise until August, so I'm watching the house while they're gone. It's nice, being in my hometown again in this weird in-between period." Peter thought about how nice having the house to himself, and the luxuries it afforded him. After this conversation, he might have to take advantage of the empty house, and relieve the pressure in his pants. Wait. The pressure in his pants? Peter hadn't realized it, but of course his cock had started to swell while drinking in Diane's MILFyness. He wasn't rock hard just yet, but he was dangerously close. While barely processing what she was saying to him, he tried to subtly put his hand in his pants pocket and adjust his cock through the fabric, pushing it into a less noticeable position. He then tuned back into what she was saying, hoping he hadn't missed anything too important.

"...But if you need anything, absolutely let me know! I've lived here for years, which you obviously know." Diane paused and laughed at herself. Of course this boy, this man, who had grown up next door to her all these years knew she had been there. "Either way, let me know if you need anything. I'm just right next door!"

"Thank you so much, I'll be sure to let you know." Peter flashed her a genuine smile, enamored with everything about her. "And that goes equally for you too! If you need anything, please feel free to come over anytime!" Peter offered back to her. Diane matched his smile, and perked up a bit, which included bouncing her tits ever so slightly, which Peter definitely noticed. With that, however, he could feel his cock begin to swell again, so he knew he had to exit the conversation.

"See you later!" He nodded and turned and began walking up his driveway towards his house.

"See you!" Diane called after him, walking towards her own door. Peter knew he shouldn't but he took one last look at her as she walked to her house, and it almost sent him over the edge. During their whole conversation, Peter had never seen her from behind, but now, as Diane walked up her front walk, he got to watch her ass in yoga pants, bouncing up and down with each step she took. It seemed to break the laws of physics, simultaneously bouncy and firm. Peter took one final look, knowing he'd have to remember it for some alone time later. More than anything, he was just glad she hadn't turned around earlier. Her bouncing ass, deep cleavage, and full lips were more than enough to get his cock rock hard. He felt relieved that she hadn't noticed him adjusting himself earlier.

Except, Diane had noticed. She was mid-sentence, and suddenly Peter was digging his hand into his pocket and doing something... Adjusting his growing cock. She smiled, thinking about it again as she made her way up her front walk, and thinking about how he was almost definitely looking at her ass now. She didn't even have to turn around to know for a fact that he was probably having to adjust himself again. She loved knowing she'd had that affect on him. And with that, she entered her home and shut her front door.


Now inside, Peter was almost panting. He'd never felt so aroused while still being so clothed in his life. He almost felt bad. He normally wasn't this much of a horndog, but there was something about Diane that made Peter feel something he'd never felt before. She was unbelievably sexy, but it was like she didn't even know it. It was just natural for her. Everything about her was very natural.

Peter walked back into the kitchen and smelled something burning. In a flash, he remembered that he'd put some chicken in the oven to reheat for dinner. It was only supposed to be in long enough to crisp up, as long as it'd take him to do the dishes, but then he had to take out the trash, which ended up being a conversation with Diane. As he scraped the burnt chicken into the trash, he knew he didn't regret the conversation, even if it meant he'd have to order takeout.


Later that night, Peter was watching a rerun of some police procedural, yet another Law and Order spinoff they only played after 10pm. He'd finished the Chinese takeout hours ago, and had almost entirely forgotten about his encounter with Diane. However, on TV, one of the detectives interviewed a witness who was in a similar v-neck to Diane's, showing off cleavage that, Peter had to note, was not quite as big as his neighbor's. Seeing that reminded him of everything earlier. He remembered those deep eyes, those plush lips, that full cleavage, that bouncing butt, and, most importantly, that soft, cushioned hug. In no time at all, Peter's cock was rock hard, pressing against his jeans.

Turning off the TV, Peter walked upstairs. He slid off his pants, shirt, and boxers, and tossed them into the hamper in the corner. He climbed into his bed, and his hard cock flopped against his stomach as he lay down. Rather than open his laptop and search for some porn, Peter closed his eyes and began to stroke his cock, thinking about his neighbor, Diane.

As he jacked off, Peter thought about her gorgeous cleavage, and how he'd somehow missed it while admiring her thick thighs. He then remembered how much her cleavage bounced when she clapped her hands together, and when she laughed at her own jokes. Just that thought was enough to elicit an audible groan from him. As he quickened his pace, stroking faster, he thought about her ass, bouncing rhythmically in her yoga pants. The stretchy fabric pulled so tight over her cheeks, he imagined those cheeks bouncing up and down in a different context. He thought about hearing her say his name, rolling off her tongue. Her tongue? He hadn't noticed anything special about it, he'd been too focused on her soft, red lips. The way they had to come together, then part just to say his name.


He snapped up. Someone was knocking on his door, calling out his name. Peter looked around, checking that it was after 11pm. He considered just going back to what he was working at, feeling his cock twitch in his hand. His balls were so full, but he decided he had to go check who was at the door, just in case it was some emergency. He hopped out of bed and pulled on a pair of pajama pants crumpled by the door.

Walking downstairs, the person at the door was still knocking by the time he opened the door. Diane stood on the other side, an almost-desperate pout on her lips. Her eyebrows creased as she explained to Peter that her kitchen sink had sprung a leak and she needed help plugging it. As much as Peter was listening to what she was saying, he was focusing more on making eye contact again, to avoid blatantly staring at the first thing he'd noticed when he opened the door: Diane's wet shirt.

He agreed to help and followed her across their shared front yard, through her doorway. Now he was in his neighbor's house, to help her fix a plumbing issue, and she was in a wet shirt. Peter could barely wrap his head around what was happening, but he tried his best to stay professional and neighborly.

"So where's the issue?" He whispered, trying to keep a low tone for anyone else asleep in the house.

"Oh, you don't have to whisper," Diane said, at a regular volume. "You're not the only one with the house to themselves for the summer. You remember my daughter?" Peter did, she was a few years younger than him. Diane continued, "She took an internship for the summer, so I'm not seeing her until Thanksgiving. We're alone."

Those two words sent a chill down Peter's spine, making him realize he hadn't put on a shirt before coming over. Diane noticed the lack of shirt too, admiring Peter's toned body. He certainly wasn't a beefcake, but he was just muscular enough that you could see the definition. She figured he probably wasn't an athlete or jock, but made an effort to go to the gym regularly. This brought a smile to her face, but she refocused on the mess at hand.

Diane walked into the kitchen, and Peter followed. He noticed that there was a fair amount of towels scattered around the floor, most wet with soaked up water. At the epicenter of the water, an island in the middle of the kitchen had a large sink in it. Below, the cabinets were open, and a slow, steady stream of water was spurting out of one of the pipes. Diane gestured towards the pipes, then, without another word, bent over directly in front of Peter. This movement caught him off guard, and he bumped into her just barely, enough that he could feel his previously-asleep cock twitch. Her plump ass was in the air, yoga pants still stretched across it, as she got a closer look at the pipes.

"You wanna take a look?" Diane asked up to Peter. Did she notice him looking at her butt?

"Of course, let's see what we've got." He tried to remain cool, which was easier now that he had something to actively focus on that wasn't his older neighbor's beautiful body. Peter spotted the leak, and Diane slid her tool box over to him. Peter had helped his parents around the house before, and had helped his dad redo the master bathroom, so he knew a little bit about plumbing.

"First thing I'm going to do is shut off the flow of water to this pipe, so no more should be leaking out. That'll make it easier to patch." Peter explained as he worked, which Diane appreciated. She was now crouching next to him, and he smiled at her, but she was more focused on the pipes he was working on. With the split second this granted him, Peter took another, longer look at the wet shirt Diane had on. It was the same v-neck from earlier, so he could see a fair amount of cleavage, especially considering she was partially leaning over while crouching. The wet spot was mostly around the left breast, and Peter could tell she was wearing a bra underneath. Suddenly, he snapped back to attention and met Diane's eyes. She had to have noticed him looking at her.

"Hm? Oh. My bad." Diane acknowledged his stare, and laughed at herself. She stood up. "Sorry about this, I was so focused on the leak that I didn't bother changing my shirt. Do you mind?"

Peter had no clue what he could have possibly minded, when suddenly, in one swift movement, Diane pulled her shirt over her head and tossed in on the countertop in front of her. Peter almost gasped. Underneath her shirt, he could see her stomach. She was a little chubby, as her thighs had implied, but the real attention grabber was the baby blue bra cupping her big breasts. It was a simple bra, with the subtlest frills running across the straps, but it was doing everything for Peter in the moment. In the bra sat two large, soft, supple breasts, tanned and ever so slightly wrinkled with age. Peter knew she was 50, but Diane's body was absolutely spectacular. Not tight or toned, like she was a health nut who freaked out about turning 40, but a woman who had embraced her age. She was natural, real, genuine, and Peter drank it in.

"I'll go grab a shirt in a sec, let's just get this patched up first. Do we need something like a paste or some kind of epoxy from a hardware store?" She asked, breaking Peter from the trance he was in, hypnotized by her bosom.

"Uh, no. Maybe eventually, but the best thing to use now is just some duct tape." He grabbed a roll from the tool box and wrapped a small strip around the leak a few times. "Now, we should be able to turn the water back on..." With a hiss, water started running again. Peter gestured towards the sink, and Diane turned it on. After a moment, water was running, and Diane crouched down to check the pipe. Leaning over Peter, the two admired his patchwork as the duct tape held up. She grabbed the pipe to feel the tape, and Peter couldn't help but imagine her hand grasped around another pipe. Diane pushed the tape around at the seems, and these ministrations easily translated in Peter's mind as he watched her small hand work its way around the pipe. He may have been interrupted earlier, but Peter was almost thankful for this interruption, knowing he had even better material to jack off too later.

Suddenly, Peter realized that his cock was hard. Not swelling, not starting to get aroused. His cock was fully erect, and he was in thin pajama pants with his mature neighbor in just a bra and yoga pants, practically straddling him. They were alone. Peter had to stop thinking about the situation, because it only made his cock harder. He pulled his eyes away from Diane's hands on the pipe to look at his pants, which were fully tented. He was so flustered, he had to adjust himself, but how? He couldn't just tuck his cock into his waistband, then it would definitely poke out. He reached down and touched his hard cock, making it twitch. He started to push it down, trying to think of anything other than how much of a MILF his neighbor was. How close her tits were to his face. He needed to think of anything else, but there was just too much source material to work with. He was desperately pushing his cock down when suddenly, Peter felt another hand touch his.

He gasped inaudibly, and looked up to see Diane looking down at him. She was no longer feeling around on the pipe, instead pushing Peter's hand away. While making eye contact, Diane removed Peter's hand, and wrapped her small fingers around his hard cock. She didn't stroke it, and just held it for a moment, what felt to Peter like an eternity.

Diane broke the silence, whispering in a sultry, low voice. "You have a very nice cock, Peter." He almost came right then and there. He was so dumbstruck. His neighbor had a handful of his cock. He didn't know what to do. So Diane took control.

She felt his cock twitch in her hand, and could feel the blood pumping through it. Without a word, she moved back, away from the cabinet and the pipes, towards Peter's lap. She pulled his pajama pants down and tossed them to the side, they weren't doing anything anyways. Peter couldn't move, just taking in everything happening around him. Diane grabbed his cock again, this time beginning to slowly stroke it up and down. She quickly found a slow rhythm, and Peter was in heaven. Up and down, up and down, it was mesmerizing.

"No one likes a dry handjob..." She whispered, almost to herself, before leaning down towards the cock in her hand. Peter held his breath as her mouth got closer and closer, before stopping about an inch above his head. She then opened her mouth, and spit onto his cock. Was it possible to elegantly spit? Peter wasn't sure, but if so, that's what his neighbor just did. She began stroking him again, working the spit all over, giving his cock a nice sheen, and giving the handjob a nice, smooth glide.

Diane looked at the cock in her hand, admiring it. It was a nice size, not so long that she wouldn't be able to enjoy all of it, but definitely one of the larger ones she'd ever seen. Plus, it was thick. Not weirdly large, but just hefty. It had girth to it, and Diane loved that. The head was slightly pinker than the shaft, and for a moment she traced a finger around the tip, causing Peter to tense up. She could wrap both hands around his cock, and was about to when she noticed his balls. Heavy, dense, and, most importantly, full. Those were definitely going to be a mouthful, a thought that made Diane subconsciously lick her lips. With one hand still slowly pumping around his hefty cock, her other hand trailed down to his balls, cradling them lightly. As she did this, Peter almost melted. Her hands were so soft, so gentle. She rolled his balls in her hand, then let a small amount of spit fall onto them, just enough to cover them in their own nice sheen.

With one hand slowly jacking his hard member, and the other massaging his smooth balls, Diane wondered how long Peter could last. He was visibly on the edge, but she had faith he could last longer. Either way, she knew she wanted him in her mouth. She took her hands off his cock, which caused him to inhale sharply.

"Oh, don't worry, just one sec." She reassured him, reaching behind her back to undo her bra with one swift movement. Peter's eyes widened as he tried to take in everything in front of him. Slowly, so slowly, Diane started to take off her bra, as it practically fell off. Was she teasing him? The straps ran off her shoulders, down her arms. Her tits spilled out, as beautiful as Peter had imagined them. They didn't seem to sag as much as Peter assumed older women's breasts would, clearly Diane had been doing her part to keep them in good shape.

She leaned down, grabbing his cock again. As she lowered her head towards his cock, Peter held his breath again. He watched as her lips parted and her tongue peaked out, just barely. She ran it along the length of his pulsating cock, down, then up, then down again. Peter let out a small moan. Peter then let out a much bigger moan when Diane made the impulse decision to suck in one of his balls. Still not breaking her slow rhythm stroking his cock, she rolled her tongue across his ball, puckering her lips around it before turning her attention to the other one, sucking on it lightly. She let it fall out of her mouth and turned her attention back to the main event. Raising up, Diane pressed her puckered lips against the head of Peter's cock and waited until he met her gaze, making eye contact, before leaning into it.

His cock parted her lips as Diane welcomed his warm member into her waiting mouth. As it ran across her wet tongue, she could taste precum spilling out the tip, which only turned her on more. She had this young man so excited! But she didn't stop there, taking him all the way down, until her nose was pressed up against his lap. Peter was on the verge of blacking out from overstimulation as Diane deep-throated him effortlessly. She pulled back, and he slid most of the way out of her mouth before she stopped at his head, sucking at it mostly with her lips, and massaging it with her tongue while she rolled his balls in her hand.

Diane pulled back and Peter's cock slid the rest of the way out of her mouth, covered in her spit. She began to stroke it with a quickening pace, working the tip with her mouth. She ran her tongue around it in circles, tasting precum that sporadically came from the top. She couldn't help but smile as Peter moaned in pleasure while she pumped her mouth in rhythm with her hand. For a moment, she stopped and just slightly brushed her lips against the side of his shaft, planting the softest of kisses possible. The teasing made him groan, and he clenched his fists.

While planting these soft kisses, she again went back to work on his balls, fondling them and rolling them around in her hands. They were so soft, so smooth, and so full. Diane was so excited to empty them soon enough. Again, Peter almost passed out from how good all of this felt. It was so mind-blowingly good.

But if it felt so good, why hadn't he cum yet? Was his stamina really that good? Was his self control really that good? Diane wondered, now alternating between pumping his cock in her mouth and lavishing it with wet kisses. Based on how this was going, she assumed it was as good a time as any to ask.

"Peter?" Diane whispered, pressing her lips up against his spit-covered cockhead while slowly stroking his shaft. Still in a trance, he nodded at her. "Peter, can I ride your cock?" She whispered, almost drooling onto his cock. This question, again, almost brought him to the edge. This MILF was asking him to fuck her!

"W-wait," he struggled to say as she stroked him softly. In disappointment, reason was coming back to him. "I don't have a condom." Diane let out a small laugh.

"That's okay, Peter. I can't get pregnant anymore. You can finish anywhere." She gave him a devilish smile and started stroking him faster. That comment got him even harder, and Diane knew now was her time.

Peter watched in awe as she turned around to show off her plump ass, before slowly pulling her yoga pants down. Now he knew she was teasing him. As the waistband stretched around her cheeks before snapping under them up against her thigh, Peter got a good look at her butt. She finished taking her pants off, then turned around, and Peter saw Diane completely naked for the first time.

Her caramel hair still framed her face, with her wet lips pursed ever so slightly with a small strand of spit in the corner of her mouth. Her breasts looked even bigger from such a low angle, and Peter wanted to bury himself in them. He then saw her pussy, wet, warm, and welcoming.

With Peter still lying on the ground, his cock pointed straight to the sky, Diane approached him slowly. He held his breath as she positioned her naked body over him, and slowly lowered herself onto him. Using one hand, she guided his cock into her welcoming pussy. As Peter let out a hushed gasp, Diane was sitting on his lap, stradding him, with his throbbing cock inside her.

She couldn't help but let out a stifled gasp of her own, followed by a low, steady moan as she began to fuck Peter's cock slowly. Up and down, she slowly bounced on his cock. Soon enough, they found a rhythm together, and he was matching her motions inversely, in and out, up and down. Diane had guessed correctly, his cock was the perfect size for her, and thick enough that it filled her all the way.

On Peter's end, he was in heaven. Diane's pussy was warm and soft, like a dream, and sliding in and out felt like velvet. And every movement and ministration, he felt tenfold. As she moved faster, Diane could barely handle it. She could tell she was about to cum, and tried to tell Peter, but she struggled to speak with all the great sensations she was overwhelmed with.

"P-Peter... I'm g-going... I'm about to... Keep going Peter, I'm about t-to cum!" With that, Diane felt an orgasm roll through her body. She clenched up around Peter's cock, which only turned him on more. She lost her rhythm for a moment, but Peter kept pumping, and with his help she found her way back.

Meanwhile, Peter couldn't help but throw his head back and groan loudly in bliss as he watched his neighbor orgasm on his cock. He loved watching her heavy breasts bounce slightly with each pump, knocking together ever so slightly. Feeling brave, Peter reached up and palmed one of Diane's mature tits. He could barely fit one in his hand, which he loved. He massaged it softly, teasing the nipple slightly. This worked, and Diane responded with more moans, picking up the pace.

Faster and faster, up and down, in and out, Diane felt another orgasm coming. She had only just barely recovered from the last one, and this one felt even bigger. Peter felt his own rising too, much sooner, and Diane could tell, noticing him tense up. She didn't want him to cum just yet, hoping they could finish at the same time. She took a chance and asked him.

"Peter?" Diane asked, still riding his cock. He met her eyes but didn't speak. "Peter, don't cum just yet, 'm close. I'm really, really close. I'll tell you when to cum."

Peter nodded and kept fucking Diane at the same pace. Diane was impressed that he was so on board with her request, and that he was just able to hold off like that without breaking pace or rhythm. The more she thought about it, the more turned on she was. Her young stud of a neighbor was filling her up with his thick cock in her own kitchen! And he may have been young, but he clearly knew what he was doing, teasing her tits to a point that was driving Diane wild. He was matching her rhythm while fucking her, and now he was able to hold off on cumming while she got closer and closer? Up and down, in and out, she felt her orgasm getting closer and closer, until she just couldn't take it anymore. She let out a small moan that quickly turned into a yelp.

"Okay, Peter, I'm cumming! Cum in me, Peter! Come on, baby!" Diane's body shook as she moaned, racked by one of the strongest orgasms of her life. On the other end, Peter let out a groan of his own as his full balls tightened and he started to cum. He pushed deep into Diane, who cried out in pleasure, and he came. Pump after pump, he emptied into her and squeezed her tits together. All of this was so much stimulation that Diane kept cumming, another orgasm hitting her again. She grinded into Peter's pelvis, feeling him cum inside her. His firm hands grabbing at her bouncing tits steadied her, and after what felt like days of sharing an orgasm, Diane exhaled, collapsing onto Peter's chest.

Now both panting in silence, Diane and Peter stared into each other's eyes as she lay on top of him. Diane's tits pressed against his chest, which, in any other scenario, Peter knew would be a highlight of his day. But right now, he readjusted himself and pulled his cock out from inside her, which caused them both to let out a small, shared moan, followed by a little laugh. Still catching their breath, Diane rolled off of Peter, lying on the cold kitchen floor next to him. For minutes, they both just lay there, catching their breath, until Peter finally broke the silence.

"Diane, that was..." His voice trailed off. "You are really good at that."

Diane couldn't help but laugh a little at how innocent that compliment was after what just transpired. "Oh yeah?" She offered. "Thank you, thanks. You're not too bad yourself. You were able to hold off on cumming until I told you to. That was pretty great."

"I didn't want to disappoint you." Peter replied, almost uncharacteristically sheepish.

"Oh, well don't worry. I'm very impressed." She gestured to Peter's body, then specifically to his cock. "Very, very impressed."

With that, the two fell silent for another minute, still catching their breath, until Diane broke the silence this time.

"Well, thank you for fixing my sink." She laughed at how ridiculous that sounded, but continued. "Listen, it's late, so you better get back home, get some rest." Peter sat up, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. The two stood up together. Diane watched Peter's cock bounce around as he stood, and Peter watched Diane's breasts do the same. Peter picked up his pajama pants that Diane had tossed across the room earlier and lazily put them on. He knew he'd be showering and doing laundry tomorrow anyway.

Together, she walked him to her door. On the way, they passed an open door to what Peter assumed was a guest bedroom. He caught a quick glimpse inside, noticing a desk next to a bed, as well as what looked like a professional microphone setup.

"What, do you podcast?" Peter joked, curiously.

"Oh, yeah, something like that. Maybe another time." Diane responded, closing the door. They made their way to the front of her house, and Peter turned back to look at her as he opened the door. She was still naked and gave him a soft smile with her even softer lips. Peter imagined those lips on his cock again, which brought a bit of life back to his spent member. Diane noticed the small bulged and laughed, giving it a playful poke.

"I think you have something to go take care of." She winked at him. Diane then pressed her tits together with her hands and them slightly while pouting her lips seductively. "Maybe that's enough material for you to work with?" She teased.

"I think I have plenty to work with." Peter winked back, and with that, he walked out her door, across their shared front lawn, to his own door. As he walked, he heard Diane shut her door behind him, before opening his own and walking inside. As he closed his door, he tried to wrap his head around what just happened. His MILF neighbor just gave him a great handjob, a phenomenal blowjob, and then let him fuck her right there, all in her own kitchen. He was rock hard in a matter of moments just thinking about it all. One thing was for sure, Peter wanted to do it all again. And little did he know, Diane would come calling in no time.

Sunday evening. Admittedly, a weird time to be excited for, but Peter had been looking forward to Sunday evening for the past week. Ever since Diane invited him over for what she called "a proposition." He had to admit, he was a bit nervous. He liked the idea of his mature neighbor wanting him, but he wasn't sure what for. One thing he couldn't ignore, however, was that their last encounter was incredible, ending in a shared orgasm.

Either way, Peter counted the minutes down until it was finally 8:00. The sun was well below the horizon, and Peter ventured across their shared front yard to his neighbor's front door. After a doorbell ringing and a short wait time, Diane opened the door and Peter was immediately thrilled that he'd accepted her invitation.

Diane was standing in her doorway in nothing more than shorts and a t-shirt. The shirt was another simple v-neck, showing off just enough cleavage that Peter's eyes were drawn their almost immediately. In the brief glance he got, Peter wondered if Diane was wearing a bra. The running shorts were some sort of soft, tight-fitting material, that exposed her tanned legs, practically fitting like a pair of underwear. Peter needed to see Diane from behind in these things. He got his wish when she welcomed him into her home, gesturing for him to follow her past the threshold. He was almost hypnotized by her bouncing butt as she walked halfway through the foyer before stopping in front of the double doors that led into her guest bedroom.

"Hello, Peter." Diane smiled warmly, eyeing him up and down. The young man in front of her was in jeans and a t-shirt, something decidedly simple. She couldn't help but appreciate how innocent he seemed.

"Hi Diane. What did you want to talk about?" Peter feigned curiosity, as if he didn't have an idea of what she probably wanted from him. Honestly, part of Peter wondered if maybe he'd misread the situation, and Diane wanted to scold him and tell him to keep his distance, that their last encounter had been a mistake. His nerves were quickly calmed by her reply.

"Well, the last time we met..." Her voice trailed off as she seemed to search for the right words. "I'll be blunt. Peter, when you were here last time, on my kitchen floor, I've never had anything like that. I mean, I've had more orgasms than that," Diane laughed almost to herself, as if she was remembering something fond. "But the orgasms that I did have were the most powerful, the most pleasurable, I've ever had."

"I-I'm sorry, if I did something—" Peter tried to speak but Diane cut him off.

"No, no, honey." She touched his arm softly. "Nothing to apologize for. To be candid, you're a great lay. And that thing you were able to do, stopping yourself from cumming when I asked? You were able to maintain pace, and fuck me even harder, and still didn't cum until I told you to. That's really something!" She pinched his shoulder playfully, sighing. "Now, I have a question to ask you. And I'll preface it by saying, at any time, you may back out. Tell me no, walk away, no hard feelings. Please, feel no obligation to help me out."

Peter was beginning to get nervous again, wondering what Diane, a confident MILF, could possibly be so concerned about. "Okay. What is it?" He asked. Without a word, Diane turned and opened the double doors to their side, revealing the guest bedroom Peter had caught a glimpse of last time he was here. She gestured into the room, and the two entered. Once inside, Peter took in everything in front of him. Against the far wall, in the middle, was a large bed with a gorgeous wooden headboard, adorned with only a fitted silk sheet and a number of pillows with matching silk cases. To the side of the bed was a desk with an open laptop with a few cables coming from it. Probably the most eye-catching were the abundance of microphones, three to be exact. Peter counted one mic mounted on the desk, pointing at the middle of the bed, one mic in an arm attached to the headboard, and a boom mic attached to the ceiling, directly above the bed. Diane could read the obvious confusion on Peter's face and cut in.

"Last time, you asked if I podcast, and I said no. Which is true, it's not really podcasting. I make..." Diane swallowed before continuing. "I make audio erotica. It's kind of like porn, but just the audio, not the visual." Peter's jaw dropped as she spoke, and he was too nervous to look her in the eye, so he just kept staring at the room around him, but he had a pressing question.

"What... What do you need me for?" Peter was almost too embarrassed to ask.

"Well, I've been making this audio erotica for a few months now, and it's been fine. I make enough money to live comfortably. But I've always felt like my content is lacking, and I know what it's missing: authenticity. You see, Peter, I can write scripts and perform stories about me, I don't know, blowing a lifeguard at a community pool," Peter was nervous, sure, but just hearing Diane talk about this hypothetical story got a twitch from his sleeping cock. "But even if I get a dildo and gag on it for a few minutes before pretending he cums in my mouth," Diane's example was really getting Peter's blood pumping. "It's just pretend."

"And that's not what you want?" Peter asked, almost a whisper. His throat was so dry.

"Pretend is fine, but it's nothing like the real deal. I'm thinking, what if instead of just deepthroating a dildo until I decide I'm done, I deepthroat an actual cock... Your cock... The audio would be authentic. Nothing plastic, nothing fake. I think my listeners would love to hear me actually getting fucked. I think the authenticity would really give me the edge in the market."

"And I..."

"And you would give me that authenticity. One thing important to this would be self control, as whoever I'm fucking would have to be able to cum at just the right time, sticking to the scrip strictly. And you showed that ability to cum at just the right time." Diane was trying her best to sell it all.

Peter could hardly wrap his head around this all. His mature neighbor, maybe twice his age, was now asking him to help her make audio porn. Audio erotica as she called it. A few days ago, she asked him to help fix her sink. Then she had a mouthful of his cock, and in no time he was cumming inside her as she orgasmed with him. Now, less than a week later, she was asking him to do that regularly, for her business.

"If you need more time to think about it, I get it—" Diane started before Peter cut her off.

"I'm in." He now spoke confidently, finding his voice. He would have to be insane to turn down his hot neighbor. Diane was sexy, Peter couldn't believe he ever had reservations.

"Really? Are you sure? Remember, if you don't want to, at any time, you can back out." Diane told him.

"I'm sure. 100%." Peter reassured her. "When can we start?"

Diane was a bit caught off guard by how forward her neighbor was being now, but nonetheless she was aroused by what it meant, how much he wanted to fuck her again. She perked up with a smile, bouncing her tits slightly, which Peter definitely noticed.

"Slow down there, cowboy. Not so fast. We have some logistics to go through before we can do anything." Diane explained, which deflated Peter a bit. Not wanting to let him down, and to keep him enticed, Diane tempted him. "But, don't worry. If you're interested, I have a story we could try out today. But only if you're ready." She teased, knowing he'd want to.

"Well, then let's get through these logistics." Peter eagerly responded, making Diane smile.

"Alright. First things first, a quick room tour." Diane gestured to the set up around them. "The main, um, set, I guess, is this bed right here. No top sheets or blankets, because those just make and stifle noise. A silk fitted sheet and silk pillow cases because they're the perfect combination of comfortable and quiet. It's memory foam, so no springs creaking." She pointed to each of the microphones. "These are each hooked up to the laptop on the desk, and will record everything. Dialogue, other noises... Everything. Over there," Diane pointed to a closet door Peter had missed earlier. "Think of that as my prop closet. You'll see more of that later, depending on what kind of stories we get into. There's also a guest bathroom attached," Diane gestured next to a small side room opposite the bed. "If we need to rinse off after any, um, recording sessions, we can use that shower."

This was a lot for Peter to take in, but, again, he had never been so intrigued. He was thrilled at the potential to fuck Diane again, to feel her mouth on his cock, his cock inside her. It was enough for him to force himself to keep up with everything.

"For a normal recording session, I'd give you a script, like this one." Diane picked up two packets of stapled pages off the desk and handed one to Peter. He was surprised she'd already had one written and printed. She was expecting him to accept her proposition, and wanted to get something done today. The title of this script read "The Neighbor." Peter laughed. "I know, I know, it's a little on the nose." Diane explained. "But it's easy to do, and art imitates life. We're practically already in character, no costumes or props necessary. It's the most natural thing I could think of." Peter had no objections.

He skimmed through the script, speed reading it as he went. It was easy enough to follow, like any porn script. He was a peeping tom, and his neighbor, Diane, wanted to teach him a lesson. He had no complaints.

"So, you'll essentially just read along as we go. The script is pretty self-explanatory, and should make sense as we go. And because it's just audio, you can read it as we go. And if you forget a line, I can edit it out. So no need to memorize anything!" Diane wanted to make this as easy possible for Peter, who was appreciative of this. "Oh! How could I forget!" Diane opened a drawer in the desk and pulled out a small bell, like the type you'd see on a hotel front desk.

"What's that?" Peter asked.

"Think of it like my version of a clapper board." Diane was referencing the boards used in filmmaking to help an editor sync up the audio with the film. For her, the bell functioned to allow her to see where she needed to make any cuts. "If you need to stop the scene, you ring the bell. If you ring the bell, I know to edit it out later. Not only that, it's also a bit of a safe word. If you hear the ding, you stop whatever you're doing."

"That makes sense," Peter acknowledged. He sat down on the side of the bed, and Diane sat next to him. "So, are you ready to start?"

Diane giggled, humored by his innocent eagerness. "Before we start, why don't we make sure we know what we're doing. You've read over the script, you've seen the setup. Why don't we just practice with the bell?"

"Oh," Peter blushed. "Okay. Yeah. Let's practice." He was excited to find out what kind of practice she wanted to try. Taking the lead, Diane reached towards his lap and began to undo his belt. In no time at all, with Peter's help, his pants and boxers were around his knees and his cock sprang free. Diane wasted no time in wrapping her hand around his cock and stroking rhythmically.

"So, for example, we could start with this..." Diane focused on her neighbors hard cock in her hand. It wasn't all the way hard yet, but it was getting there. The smooth shaft was topped by a sensitive head, and two full balls sat below. She was a comfortable woman, and even though this was only the second time she was seeing Peter's cock, she had no problem getting a handful of it.

Peter, on the other hand, was stunned. Yes, less than a week ago he fucked his neighbor's brains out on her kitchen floor, and yes, just ten minutes ago she'd asked him to help her make audio erotica. But now... Now she was gently stroking his hardening cock while biting her lip in focus. He couldn't believe what was happening.

"For example, if we did a story about, say, a doctor and patient, I might be a doctor giving you a checkup, and I get so enamored with your big cock, I can't help but start to stroke it." Diane explained, in a tone a teacher or instructor might take while breaking down a word problem. Her hand was in a loose fist around his cock, pumping up and down softly. Occasionally, she would linger around his tip, just briefly teasing it, making Peter tense up. "Do you like that?"

"Y-yes." Peter confirmed.

"And maybe I can't help but use my other hand to..." Diane's voice trailed off as her other hand found its way to Peter's balls. She began to gently rub at them, fondling them, rolling them back and forth in her hand. Peter shut his eyes tight, overcome with pleasure at all the stimulation.


His eyes shot open as Diane pulled her hands away. She had rung the bell. He couldn't help but thrust forward slightly, wishing her small hands were still wrapped around his cock.

"You see? If the bell is rung, we stop what we're doing." Diane smiles teasingly. "Whether it's because one of us forgot a line, or because something doesn't feel good, or really any number of reasons." Peter felt like telling her that it DID feel good, but Diane continued. "And if I ring the bell again,"


"We resume." In no time at all, before the sound of the bell had even fully left Peter's ears, Diane's head was in his lap, her lips wrapped around his throbbing cock. He couldn't help but moan as she began to pump her mouth up and down, teasing every inch of him with her soft tongue. He clenched his fists and threw his head back, thrusting into her mouth as she went. He was in heaven.


Diane pulled back, and Peter gasped as he thrust forward again, dangerously close to blowing his load. Diane was so talented that only a bit of a blowjob had Peter almost over the edge.

"Remember, if the bell rings, we stop." Diane smiled at Peter again, sitting up, again next to him on the edge of the bed. Peter could tell she enjoyed teasing him, pushing him to the edge, seeing how close she could get him, and if he could still control himself. Well, two could play at that game.

"I think I get it," Peter pushed Diane up towards the head of the bed so she was lying with her own head on the many pillows. She laughed as he did this, excited to see what he was doing. Diane was glad how comfortable he felt, and was a little turned on at how willing he was to take charge. Peter continued. "So if, for example, the story was about, I don't know, a yoga teacher and her student, I would do something like this?"

Peter effortlessly pulled Diane's running shorts down her smooth legs, tossing them to the floor. She wasn't wearing any underwear, which gave Peter a perfect view. That pussy that he had cum inside just a few days ago, that he felt clench around his throbbing cock, looked even more beautiful now. It was waiting for him as he situated himself between her legs. Diane got chills as Peter lowered his head, planting soft kisses on her legs. He slowly, so slowly, made his way up her thighs before stopping dangerously close to her waiting warmth. As he planted kiss after gentle kiss closer and closer, she was practically whimpering, begging him to do something. Diane gasped loudly as Peter inserted one, then two fingers into her, gently feeling her contract around him. Her walls tensed and pulsated as he began to slowly pump his fingers in and out of her. Diane bit her lip to avoid screaming when Peter's thumb began to softly massage her clit while he went. This young man was making her melt with just one hand. She was breathing hard in a matter of moments as he found a rhythm, playing with her wet pussy.


Diane was practically snapped out of a trance when she heard the bell ring, looking almost frustrated at Peter for what he'd done, but he gave her a devilish grin.

"Remember," he teased. "If the bell rings, we stop."


Peter rang the bell again, and Diane almost screamed when he planted a kiss right on her swollen pussy lips. Her breath hitched in her throat when he pushed his tongue inside her, driving her wild as he French kissed her lap. She thrust into his face, desperately grabbing a handful of his hair to more directly guide him. But Peter didn't need guiding, as Diane was brought closer and closer to the edge. She was practically grinding against his face as he teased her clit and tasted her sweet fluids. Diane was so wet, and so close, she could barely breathe as Peter brought her closer and closer.


Diane practically screamed when Peter sat up after ringing the bell. She was so close to finishing, and he was just leaving her there. She was panting, trying to catch her breath as she realized that this must've been how he felt just minutes ago.

"Well," Diane was still breathing hard as she sat up, picking up her pants from the ground and slipping them on. "I think you've got the idea."

"I think so." Peter smiled back to her, wiping a small bit of her juices off of his chin.

"Well, in that case... Why don't we get started? You can only practice so much!" Diane laughed, and Peter laughed with her. Peter had to admit to himself that most of his nerves were gone after that practice session. Diane, still trying to clear her head, stood up from the bed. "I'm going to get the equipment set up. You have your script?"

"Yes." Peter said. He swallowed hard, trying to prepare himself for what was about to happen. No going back from here.

"Great. Let's give it a go." With that, Diane pressed a few buttons on her laptop, clicked the mouse a few times, and nodded at Peter, who nodded back. "We're recording. Action, I guess." She announced as she stepped back from the desk and sauntered towards Peter. He was sitting on the bed, now leaning on the pile of pillows against the headboard. Diane climbed onto the bed, sitting opposite Peter, just out of reach. She looked down at her lap, took a deep breath, then looked up at Peter with heavy eyelids, pursed lips, and flaunted cleavage.

"Well hey there, neighbor," Diane was now in full character. Although, could you call it character when it was this similar to her real self? She continued, "Thanks for coming over, I just have something I wanted to talk to you about."

Peter watched as she readjusted herself on the bed silently. She shifted her bra slightly, which gave Peter more cleavage to gawk at. The way her breasts were pushing together, Peter remembered back to the first time he'd seen her shirtless. The first time he'd grabbed her tits. They were so soft, and had such a nice weight to them. He remembered how turned on Diane had been when he teased her nipples. He thought about how nice it'd feel to titfuck her, and how absolutely mind blowing it must feel to cum in between her tits.


Diane has rung the bell, snapping Peter out of his trance. He looked up from her ample bosom to see her staring at him, her eyebrows knitted together and her lips pursed in frustration.

"Peter, you need to focus. There's a script for you to read for a reason." She scolded him.

"I'm sorry," Peter apologized, embarrassed. "I just got distracted, remembering the other day. You just have such a nice body..." his voice trailed off as he realized how lame of an excuse that was.

"Thank you." Diane smiled, giving her breasts a teasing bounce. "But if this is going to work, if we're going to work, you need to stay focused and keep up. I'm going to do a lot of very distracting things to you, you need to be able to remain in character. In this story alone, I'm going to blow you and then let you fuck me. And this is a simple story. If you can't stay focused here, it's not looking too good for future stories." Peter blushed, definitely feeling the shame Diane wanted him to feel. He also felt the need to impress her now, to prove to her that he could keep up.

"I'm sorry, I'll stay focused. Let's go again. I promise I'll, um, stick to the script." He apologized. Diane trusted him, and situated herself on the bed again, getting back into character. She pointed at the script to his side.

"You start us off, I'll edit this all out. Your line is something like 'Of course, what do you need.'" Diane instructed, and Peter quickly found the line, trying to get into a character of his own. He nodded to Diane, and she nodded back to him as she rang the bell.


"Of course, what's on your mind? You seemed pretty serious on the phone." Peter played up a concerned tone, which Diane appreciated. The guy was getting into character, and she couldn't help but like it. He really wanted to impress her, and she could tell he was trying to take it seriously. She kept the scene going.

"Well, you see, we're next door neighbors," Diane knew the dialogue was a bit on the nose, a bit expository, but she needed to get it out of the way. She understood that listeners needed the scene set as simply as possible so she could move on to the erotica. "Our houses are pretty close, and from certain windows, I can see into your house."

Peter could feel his cock start to swell as Diane spoke. This fantasy scenario was about two neighbors, and Peter couldn't help but draw parallels. He wondered if Diane could see into his house.

"Like from my home office, I can see into your kitchen. Do you see where I'm going with this?" Diane's voice had an up-turn that made Peter's cock twitch.

"I'm sorry, I don't." His character was naive. If it were Peter in this scenario, he knew he'd be much more forward.

"Well, what I'm saying is, I know if I can see you, you can see me. And I also know that's true because I've caught you watching me, more than once." Diane have Peter an out-of-character wink.

"W-what?" Peter stumbled over his line. He tried to sound as caught off guard as possible, which Diane loved. He was really getting into it!

"Two night ago, when I got home from the gym, I took a bath. While toweling off in my bedroom, I looked through the window, and could see you watching me from what I presume is your bedroom window? Do I have that right?" Diane nodded encouragingly.

Peter felt legitimately flustered, as if he was the one peeping on his neighbor. "Um, no — I mean yes — that is my bedroom, but I didn't, or, I've never, um, I—" His stuttered some more. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Your curtains were open, and your light was on, and you looked so..." Peter let his voice trail off before Diane interrupted, as the script dictated.

"No no, don't apologize. It's okay." As she said this, Diane began to slowly make her way towards Peter. He could feel his cock begin to grow more and more with every inch closer she came. "Don't apologize. I liked it. It's just a shame you couldn't get a closer look."

With that, Diane pulled her top off, confirming Peter's suspicions that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her big breasts sat free on her chest, slightly moving with each breath she took. Peter drank in the sight, almost feeling bad for the listeners that would never get to see Diane topless. She was so busty, and her tits were so soft. Peter couldn't help but reach out to touch one, but Diane slapped his hand away.


"Hey! Stick to the script!" She rolled her eyes again.

"Oh, right, sorry. They're just..." Peter blushed.

"Just what?" Diane teased, pushing them together for a moment. She couldn't help but laugh, which lightened the mood a bit and made Peter feel less shame. "Honey, I know I have great tits. And trust me, I want you to grab 'em. But right now, while we're recording... Let's just get through this story."

"Yes, sorry, won't happen again."


"It really is a shame you didn't get a closer look." Diane kept going. She showed off her breasts to Peter, lightly fondling herself. "But if I'm being honest, I don't think it's fair."

"What's that?" Peter asked, sticking to the script.

"Well if you get to see me naked, it's only fair if I get to see you naked." Diane's voice sounded more serious now as she spoke. She looked at Peter with a small pout on her plush lips, before leaning down towards his lap. She undid the button, then slowly, loudly, unzipped his fly, a noise that Diane knew listeners would love to hear. In a swift movement, she hooked her fingers into his waistband, and proceeded to yank his pants down to his ankles before sliding them off onto the ground. Peter was almost impressed by how efficient she was. Now in just his boxers, Diane admired his growing bulge.

"My, my, looks like someone's a little excited!" Through the thin fabric, Diane pet his cock, which twitched sharply in response. Her fingers brushing lightly over his package was more than enough to elicit a groan from Peter. "Let's get these boxers off you. It's only fair that I get to see you naked."

Diane yanked Peter's boxers down similarly, and his cock sprung free, almost fully hard. As it bobbed up and down, Diane couldn't help but smile, wide-eyed at how great his cock looked.

"Wow, you certainly have a nice cock." Diane reached out and touched it lightly, stopping it from bobbing. As she began to stroke it softly, Peter glanced at the script. There was no line about him having a nice cock. That was just Diane speaking to Peter, something that made him even harder. He then saw he had the next line

"Oh my god, but you're my neighbor!" Peter acted stunned. Diane, meanwhile, had found a good rhythm, softly stroking Peter's cock in a loose fist, up and down.

"Well, this is just me being neighborly." Diane winked before taking his cock into her warm mouth. Peter could feel his balls tighten as she began sucking his cock. Her lips loosely glided over the shaft, and her tongue worked the tip, running along the underside before softly lapping up a pearl of precum. She quietly nursed at his member, with soft sucking noises filling the air, before pulling away, letting some drool spill out of her mouth onto his lap.

"I want to be a good neighbor. Does this feel good? Do you like me sucking your cock?" Diane asked, almost rhetorically. Of course it felt amazing to Peter, who moaned out a soft "Yes."

"Oh, I just love how your cock tastes." Diane said before swallowing it back down. While she pumped it in and out of her mouth, louder now, one of her hands began to caress Peter's balls. As she slurped at his shaft, she rolled the heavy balls back and forth between her fingers, putting Peter on Cloud Nine. The blowjob was getting wetter and wetter as Diane continued going to town on his throbbing cock. Peter was now pumping his cock in rhythm with Diane's mouth and hand, before she pulled her mouth off of his cock with a pop, still stroking it with her hand.

"You're such a naughty neighbor," Diane teased. "How about you fuck me?"

Following the script, Diane crawled to the head of the bed as Peter moved to the other end. On her hands and knees, she teased Peter by wiggling her butt at him, her exposed pussy tempting him. He rose to his knees and positioned himself behind her, aiming his cock at her swollen lips. He slowly inserted just the tip before pausing, which made Diane inhale sharply. As Peter slowly pushed himself all the way in, Diane let out a sustained moan, long and loud.

"Oh yeah, just like that!" Diane whimpered as Peter began to fuck her from behind. He held onto her hips, now understanding why they're called love handles. He quickly found a steady rhythm, in and out, in and out, thrusting into her. As he went, his lap clapped against her plump ass, functioning as a great metronome for the two of them. Which each thrust in, and each metronome clap, Diane's ass jiggled. Peter kept pumping, fucking her soft, smooth pussy.

"Oh... Yes... Just like that... Keep fucking me with that hard cock of yours!" Diane could barely speak as she was overcome with the pleasure filling her right now. She balled her hands into tight fists, clenching the silk sheets beneath her, before she couldn't hold herself up anymore and fell to her elbows, moaning loudly. Peter's cock pounding her pussy felt amazing, and she could feel her orgasm building. She moaned loudly again, almost burying her face in the pillow in front of her.

Behind her, Peter was in heaven, fucking his mature MILF neighbor as she practically screamed into the bed sheets. He grabbed at her bouncing ass, feeling how soft-yet-firm it was in his hand. He reached up and under with one hand, past her waist, finding he breasts. He grabbed one, fondling the bouncing tit, teasing the nipple. This only drove Diane closer, and she let out a small, stifled yelp, trying to focus.

"Oh, you feel so good inside me, filling me up. Your cock is just the right size. I think I'm gonna cum!" She was right, and Diane proceeded to seize up as an orgasm shook her body. "Oh my god, I'm cumming! You're fucking me so good, I'm cumming!" Diane continued. Peter gasped as he felt her clench up around his still-pumping cock, something that made him fuck her harder. Diane grabbed the pillow in front of her and bit down, moaning louder as Peter plowed into her. She was weak from the orgasm, but knew Peter was close and that the end of the story was nearing. She composed herself as best she could. "Are you gonna cum for me?" She asked.

"Mhm." Peter groaned. He was so close, all that teasing earlier meant he was eager to blow.

"Come on, baby! Cum in me!" Diane encouraged. That was all Peter needed. With one final pump, he felt his balls tighten up as he began to cum in Diane. He kept pumping, fucking her harder, depositing jet after jet of hot cum in her with each stroke. He pulled her in close, grabbing both her breasts in his hands. On the other end, Diane loved the feeling of his hard cock blasting cum into her while he held her tight, grabbing at her tits. She moaned softly, almost purring, as he finished, letting his cock spill out of her, still dripping in a mixture of his and her fluids.

"Well," Diane broke the silence, still in character. "It's a good thing you live next door. Next time, don't just watch me from afar. Ring the doorbell."


She rang the actual bell, breaking Peter from his panting trance. He let go of her soft tits, and leaned back from her, lazily standing up from the bed. Diane sat on the edge, looking Peter up and down. His cock was barely softening, still dripping in fluids, and he was breathing hard.

"Thank you, Peter. I gotta say, I was a little nervous at first, but you impressed me." Diane gave him a very genuine smile, which he weakly reciprocated. He was drained, literally.

"No, thank you. You're so good at..." Peter's voice trailed off as he gestured towards the bed. "At that." Diane laughed at this compliment, which was almost identical to the one he gave her after the first time he fucked her. He was genuine, she had to give him that.

"Well, on that note," Diane walked over to the computer on the desk. As she walked, Peter noticed his cum dripping down her legs. With a mouse click, the recording was done. Diane turned back to him.

"Well, I'm going to shower off. You're more than welcome to use the upstairs shower." She gave him another smile, which Peter almost laughed at considering what had just transpired. He nodded back to her and stood up from the bed. As Diane rinsed off in the downstairs shower, Peter was upstairs, doing the same. It was a weird feeling, Peter thought, to go from fucking each other senseless, to showering separately. Diane felt weird too, but also felt an ambrosial high unlike anything else. There was something about Peter, the way he fucked her like no man had before. She knew their work together had just started, and she was eager to see where it would go next.