
Object of Mom's Affection


After a long day at work...

Jill came home and took off her shoes. It was late November. She was a Constitutional law professor and exam week was fast approaching. By the time she got home that afternoon, she was exhausted after reviewing all of the key concepts with her students.

She disrobed piece by piece, tossing her expensive attire onto the floor as she headed up the stairs.

The prim and proper 42 year old was fully stripped of her professional wardrobe by the time she reached Robert's room. He was still away at college and was going to return once his winter break began. He was the only thing on her mind as she taught her law students all morning.

She entered his room wearing only a bra and panties. They were black colored, expensive, and sexy. No one would have ever imagined that she would wear something like that underneath her outfit. No one could have ever expected her to take off her bra in her son's room, but she did. She tossed her bra onto the floor. Then she reached down and removed her panties.

She was completely naked.

Jill stood in front of the bedroom mirror, thinking to herself. 'Am I pretty enough for him? Does he think about me often? Did he meet a new girlfriend at college?

The normally modest woman struck various nude poses in front of the mirror. She bent over to watch her breasts hang down. Her brown nipples were hardening from being exposed and aroused. Her crotch had a small patch of pubic hair. Jill turned to see her ass in the mirror. It was larger than she would have liked, but she couldn't complain. She had the body of a middle-aged woman, and she loved it.

Rest was needed after the busy day. Robert's bed looked appealing at the moment, so she laid down on it. Her naked body spread on top of her son's blanket. It was the most relaxed she had felt in a very long time. A deep breath escaped her lips. She closed her eyes for a long moment, but she realized there was still a lot of work she had to do.

Before Jill left her son's room, she planted kisses on his pillow. He would be home soon. She picked up her bra and panties and left.

Object of Mom's Affection

Jill sat naked in front of her bedroom computer.

She had spent over an hour answering last minute email questions from her law students. Each reply was carefully crafted and detailed. It always delighted her when students were motivated to succeed.

Before she got up to take a quick shower, a thought of her son came to mind. He would be home soon. She hadn't seen in months and she missed him dearly. With a simple click, she opened a new email and sent him a message:

Hey Robert,

I hope studying is going well for you. Final exams are always stressful, especially during your first semester of college. I know you'll do great and I'm very proud of you.

Things were awkward when you left home, there's no denying that. It was inappropriate what we did. I take full responsibility for everything.

We've talked dozens of times over the phone these past few months, but never about that incident. I hope we can put it past us and have a normal relationship. I don't want to ruin what we have.

Now get back to studying already, I want you to do great. : )

All the best,

Your mother

Jill went to the bathroom and took a shower, which always helped her to unwind mentally and physically after a busy day. Instead of thinking 'normal' thoughts, she continued thinking about her son, even though she knew it wasn't appropriate. It was her personal vice. Her secret vice.

When she finished, she dried herself and wore her silk robe. The computer was still on, and there were several new emails already. She skimmed through them, most of them were from her students, but one of them was a reply from Robert. She clicked the message from her son:

Hey mom!

Thanks for the nice words. I'm definitely working hard and I'm even meeting up with my study group later. We're going out to dinner afterwards. So things are going well for me here.

I don't want you to feel awkward or anything because of what happened. It wasn't that bad, was it? Besides, no one is ever going to know about it right? That's all that matters.

Take care,


Thoughts swirled through her head and her mind was abuzz. Getting a new message from her son always made her feel special. Deep down, it was arousing to her that Robert didn't mind their little encounter before he left for college. She wondered to herself if Robert ever masturbated late at night thinking about it.

She opened her robe and touched herself.


The next morning. Jill was in her office explaining the limits on Legislative power over individual states to Brittany, one of her favorite students.

"Thanks for clearing that up, professor," the student smiled. "Now I'm a lot more confident heading into the exam."

Jill smiled, "You'll do fine. I'm glad that you're taking the time to go through some of your concerns with me. It sounds like you have a firm grasp on everything now."

"I can only hope. Between this class and Real Property, it's starting to feel like my brain is about to overload."

"Yeah, I can remember my days as a law student. There are so many rules to remember, but once you understand the concepts, everything feels a lot easier. You just need a little more faith in yourself."

Brittany nodded. "You're the best. I feel bad for saying this, but you're my favorite professor at this school. You're probably the best teacher I've ever had. A lot of people have said the same thing. Everyone thinks you're super awesome."

"That's very kind," Jill replied proudly. "I love teaching, what else can I say?"

"That's pretty obvious. Don't tell anyone I said this, but students sometimes joke that you carry your laptop everywhere you go. If anyone emails you, they get a reply in 30 minutes or less no matter what time of day it is. That's the running joke in our class."

"Perks of being a middle-aged single woman I suppose. Most of my time is devoted to my students."

"Mind if I ask you a personal question?" Brittany asked. "How come you aren't dating? Why spend so much time on your job? I mean, no offense, but since we're on the subject, I've always been curious. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind, as long as you don't tell anyone."

The student held the palm of her hand up. "I swear I won't tell another soul."

"Good," the professor replied. "I had always assumed that my ex-husband was the person I would spend the rest of my life with. When that didn't happen, I didn't have a plan B. I don't know, I think that's common for a lot of women my age. I hope you'll never have to go through that."

"I think I know what you mean, to a lesser extent obviously. I was a serious relationship before and I was beyond devastated when I caught him cheating with another girl. The whole thing was horrible. Just awful. It took me a year to fully get over it."

"Are you with anyone now?" Jill asked.

Brittany smiled. "Not exactly. I'm sort of playing the field at the moment, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, well, you're beautiful and young. Plus you're very intelligent. There's no reason you shouldn't enjoy the benefits of youth."

"I can hook you up with dates if you want. There are plenty of hot guys I know who would love to be with a woman your age. Everything would be discreet of course...if you're interested..."

Jill laughed. "Thanks, but the last thing I need right now is for one of my students to set me up on 'dates.' But thanks for the offer."

"Let me know if you ever change your mind," Brittany said with a playful grin. "Anyway, I need to go. I have a meeting with another professor in a few minutes. Thanks again for your time."

The two women stood up and Jill extended her arm for a handshake, but Brittany wanted a hug, so the two women hugged.

"Good luck," Jill said. "Email me if you have any further questions."

Brittany reached inside of her purse and handed the professor a small box of candy.

"I bought that for you. Enjoy it. I'll see you next semester." Brittany winked, "And let me know if you change your mind about setting you up on dates. I'm totally serious here. I have no problems finding a guy your age, if that's what you're looking for. Everything will be discreet."

"Thanks again, but I'm not interested."

"So you never plan on dating again?" the student asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Of course I do, it's just , I have someone on my mind already. Long story."

Brittany smiled. "Really? You never mentioned that. So who is he? Someone you met at the grocery store? A friend? Perhaps another professor at this school?"

The professor shook her head. "I shouldn't have said anything. It's much too complicated."

"It's gotta be a younger man. Does he know? Or is this something you keep to yourself?"

Jill sighed. "He's much younger than me. I think he knows how I feel. Like I said, it's a very complicated situation and I shouldn't have mentioned it."

"Don't feel ashamed if you're attracted to a younger man professor. I have a Master's Degree in Psychology and another BA in Human Sexuality. I have a pretty good understanding of the inner-workings of the human mind. So I don't judge anybody when it comes to their sexual desires."

"You still wouldn't understand... it's... it's hard to explain..."

Jill suddenly became nervous, and without thinking, she looked on her desk, to a picture of her son. Brittany saw where the teacher was looking and she immediately figured out the secret.

"Is that a picture of you and your... your son? Oh... uh... that's understandable these days. Look, I better go now. I think I'm late for my other appointment. Bye."

The law professor froze where she stood. Her stomach sank as her personal secret was discovered by the intelligent student who managed to figure it out. Was Brittany going to tell her friends what a perverted woman the professor was? Or was Brittany going to keep it a secret?

Jill was powerless.


That afternoon. On the way home, Jill thought about her student's assertion that she worked too much, that her life was too focused on work. The student was right, she thought to herself.

Jill came home at 3 pm and undressed in her bedroom. She put on her expensive silk robe with nothing underneath. It felt soft and soothing against her fair skin. The house was eerily quiet, which was exactly what she needed.

She casually walked to Robert's room and removed the robed, placing it on a chair. Being totally naked in her son's room was her secret thrill. It was the highlight of her day. Seeing herself nude in the mirror while in his room made her vagina moist. Not many things were able to turn her on, but this did.

The law professor laid on the bed. Her naked backside was on top of her son's neatly spread blanket. Her legs and arms were spread wide open to enjoy the comfort of the bed.

Jill brought her hand down and began to touch herself. Her fingers explored her much neglected womanhood. The soft tips of her fingers played with her delicate labia. The tip of her index finger entered between the labia and inside of her vagina. Then another finger. Jill began to moan as she fingered herself. Her fingers switched from rubbing the inside of her wet vagina to rubbing her small clitoris in a circular motion.

Robert was on her mind. She imagined her son watching her, naked on his bed, masturbating openly. She imagined that Robert was also naked. She imagined him reaching down to help rub her pussy. Even more inappropriate, she imagined Robert's swollen hard cock just inches from her face. In her fantasy, she pulled his body forward and took his manhood inside of her mouth. He squirmed uncomfortably as she provided him with intense oral pleasure.

On the brink of an orgasm, the phone suddenly rang.

Jill snapped back to reality. Her alone time was ruined. But it could have been Robert calling? She got up, naked, and walked to her bedroom and checked the caller id. It was the Dean of the Law School.

"Hello," she answered. "...I'm doing well thanks. And you?... Oh nothing, I was on my exercise bike, that's how I stay in shape... I know... uh huh...Sure! Of course I'll be there. Sounds like a great idea... Great, I'll see you then... Bye."

The call ended and Jill blushed at the idea that she just accepted an invitation from the Dean to attend a lunch meeting with wealthy donors, while she was completely naked at the moment. Her fingers were still wet with vaginal fluids, and so was her labia.

It was a fun fantasy she had before the phone call interrupted. She looked at her computer screen and saw that she already had 9 new email messages. She washed her hands and got back to work.


Jill took a sip of her freshly made coffee as she sat naked in front of the computer. Nudity around the house was something she was becoming used to. She liked it.

After a quick skim of her email list, Jill's attention was grabbed by the fact that she had a new message from her son, and from Brittany. A message from Robert was always her top priority, but in this case, she was desperate to know what her student had to say.

She clicked open the email from Brittany:

Hello Professor,

Hope you're doing well. Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me this morning. I really appreciate it, and all the advice you've given me throughout the semester.

I also wanted to take the time to apologize for how I acted when I left your office. I really wasn't sure how to react at that moment, to be frank. It's a very taboo subject in society, and I've never talked to anyone about it before.

Just so you know, it's a normal fantasy. When I was studying Psychology and Human Sexuality, this topic was mentioned numerous times and no one seemed grossed out by out. That tells me that they either secretly enjoy the fantasy, or they can relate to it.

Personally, I sometimes have 'feelings' for my own father. I've never mentioned that to anyone in my entire life (except to you in this email).

Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you're not alone. I'd love to sit down and talk about this sometime. I always enjoy having a good conversation with you.


The law professor smiled to herself after she read the email. She felt humiliated when the student found out her secret, and now she felt relieved. Brittany understood. Brittany could relate to the somewhat shameful feelings of incest. There was nothing to hide anymore. Jill had always been fond of Brittany as a student, and they were starting to become friends over the course of the semester, but this only made them closer.

Jill clicked the reply button and typed her response to the student:

Dear Brittany,

Thanks for the message. You're even smarter than I expected when you discovered my 'secret'. Clever girl. I felt utterly humiliated and embarrassed when you left. I assumed our teacher/student relationship was ruined. Even worse, I was afraid you might spread the news with the other students.

I've worked hard for the reputation I have on campus, and with my legal career, and the thought of a rumor destroying everything would be so devastating. So I'm very glad that I can trust you.

I'm glad that you've told me about your father. It always feels good to share and to get things off your chest. As strange as this sounds, a part of me feels good that I have someone to confide in about this issue. Give me a call if you ever want to talk about it. You have my number.

All the best,

Your "favorite professor"

The email was sent and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Her dark secret was safe and she now had a trusted friend to confide in. They would eventually see each other on campus again and things wouldn't be awkward.

Jill then opened the email from her son:

Hey mom,

Judging by the last email you sent me, it's really obvious that you're still uptight over what happened between us. I still think about it occasionally. I couldn't stop thinking about it all day.

We kissed on the mouth. It's not that big of a deal.

Would it bother you if I enjoyed it? Anyway, there's no need to reply. I just wanted to let you know that you should stop being so hard on yourself. You're a great mom!

See you soon,


The normally well-composed woman suddenly melted in her chair. Her heart pounded knowing that her son enjoyed the kiss they shared on the mouth a few months ago.

Jill's womanhood and sexuality became alive again. She leaned back on the chair and spread her legs, letting her right hand satisfy her needs. Her fingers played with her clitoris and went inside of her vagina. The computer screen was still open to her son's email. Gasps escaped her mouth as she masturbated.

Time passed. Her toes curled. Jill had an orgasm.

The other law students who emailed the professor would have to wait for her bliss to subside before they could get a response to their questions.


The next morning. Jill sat in her office giving exam tips to one of her students. The conversation was professional and courteous. Teaching and mentoring students was a responsibility she took seriously.

After the brief meeting was over, they politely shook hands and the student left.

Jill was sitting in her office alone and then she opened her laptop to look at her email once again. Robert had sent her another message, but this time with a picture attached.

There was a knock on the open door and the professor immediately closed her laptop. It was her student, Brittany.

"Hey professor," she smiled. "Busy?"

Jill smiled back. "I always have time for you. Come in."

Instead of a handshake, they hugged like old friends, then they sat down.

"So what can I do for you this morning?" the professor asked. "Any other constitutional questions I can help you with?"

"Well actually you did a great job with that yesterday. I was in the library studying and I thought of you. That's why I came by, to see if you were around."

"Is it fair to say that the subject on your mind is not law related?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

Brittany nodded. "You're right. God, I can't stop thinking about it. You and your son? That's so wild."

"You seem intrigued."

"Of course I am. Who wouldn't be?"

"I don't blame you. I know it's really unusual. It's incredibly taboo. You're the only person who knows about it. So a part of me is actually glad that I have someone to talk with."

"Your son doesn't know?" she asked.

"He partly knows."

Brittany's eyes lit up. "Tell me everything. I need to hear this."

"Everything huh?" the professor laughed. "I don't think we have for everything."

"I'll settle for the short version," the student smiled.

Jill nodded. "Fine, the short version. After he turned 18, Robert became more focused on his future. We've literally spent hours together talking about which college he might want to attend and which major he should choose. He recently split up with his girlfriend so he had plenty of free time on his hands. We were around each other so much because he knew he wanted to leave home and explore life on his own. So it felt like the clock was ticking between us."

"I know the feeling. When I turned 18, I felt like I wanted to leave home to conquer the world. My dad was really proud of me and my choice to focus on education. But it was sad moving away because of how close we've always been."

"Exactly. We cherished every moment together. That period of time may have been the happiest I've ever been in my life. I was a very happy woman and a happy mother."

"So how did the whole incest thing happen?" Brittany asked with an eyebrow raised.

The professor gave her student a sharp look. "That's one heck of a way to put it. But I don't really have an answer. It just happened. He grew up so fast and before I knew it, he was already a man. I found myself thinking about him when I was in the shower, or in bed. It was scary. But I eventually accepted my newfound feelings."

"Sounds romantic. I love the whole 'forbidden' aspect to it. That's part of the reason I'm so drawn to my father."

"You have romantic fantasies with your father?" Jill asked.

"Not romantic. When I think about my father, I imagine him ripping off my clothes and treating me like the bad girl that I am."


"Just kidding," Brittany laughed. "But seriously, that's part of it sometimes."

"That sounds like another common fantasy that people have."

"It is. A lot of girls say the same thing. A 'daddy fetish' is pretty common."

"Seems like it."

"You mentioned that your son knows," the student said. "How did he find out? Did you tell him?"

Jill thought for a moment. "It was mutual. You know the feeling you get when you're with someone and the sparks just fly? We started having that a few weeks before he left for college. The feeling was always there and it lingered. It was undeniable."

"But that still doesn't explain how he truly knows your feelings."

"We kissed on the mouth," the professor bluntly stated. "The day he left, I tried to kiss him on the cheek like I always do, and he turned his head so that our lips touched. Instead of pushing him away like I should have done, I let it continue for a moment."

Brittany was taken aback. "Oh my. Wow. That sounds... interesting."

"That's the understatement of the century."

"You bet it is. So how long did the kiss last?"

"Longer than I care to admit," the professor replied.

"Any tongue action involved?"

"There may have been. I'll leave that to your imagination."

"Gosh, that's so freaking sexy. I never would have imagined that someone like you would be doing something so deviant. I love it."

Jill blushed. "Thanks I suppose."

"When I came to your office a moment ago, I saw you close your laptop. You've never done that before. Where you doing something involving your son?" she asked inquisitively.

The professor opened the laptop and showed Brittany the picture her son had emailed. It was a picture of Robert with a group of his study partners having dinner together at a restaurant.

"I was looking at this picture before you came in."

"He's very handsome," the student said. "And he looks like a great guy. You're such a lucky mom."

"I know," she proudly replied.

"Well, I'm sure you know the proper etiquette in this situation. In my generation, if someone sends you a picture, you have to send one back. It's only fair."

Jill raised an eyebrow. "Why do I get the feeling that you're up to something?"

"Nonsense," Brittany smiled. "Give me your phone."

"Okay," the professor said with a skeptical look.

The law professor hesitantly handed her phone to the student. Brittany pressed some buttons and then pointed the small camera at the professor. Jill sat up straight and smiled, thinking a friendly picture was going to be taken.

"Great, now lift up your top."

"Excuse me?" Jill asked in disbelief.

"Lift up your top. Show me your breasts."

"I most certainly will not."

"Trust me," Brittany said with reassurance. "When a guy is interested in you, and he sends you a picture, he wants a nude picture back. That's the way it works. Robbie is a handsome guy and I'm sure he's getting plenty of action in college. So you've really got to step up your game if you want his attention."

The normally well-composed woman suddenly found herself at a loss for words.

"I can't..."

"Come on professor, don't be such a prude," she teased.

"I'm not a prude. I've done many adventurous things in my life, including skydiving and bungee jumping."

"That's nothing compared to sexting with your son. Come on, it'll be fun. I'm doing you a favor here," Brittany stated.

"Someone might walk by and see us."

Brittany quickly stuck her head out of the office and looked in both directions.

"There's no one there," she replied, holding the camera up. "Lift up your shirt, bra too."

Without thinking, Jill lifted her shirt and bra and exposed her bare breasts to the student holding a camera. It was the most awkward she ever felt in her life and she tried to smile for the picture. The camera flashed and Jill quickly pulled her top back down.

"Wonderful set of tits professor."

Brittany's eyes were glued to the phone and her fingers were busy typing.

"What are you doing?" Jill nervously asked.

"I emailed the picture to your son with a nice little note attached," Brittany said with a mischievous smile. "I'm glad we've had this conversation. It was very productive. But I've gotta go right now. I'm meeting up with friends for lunch. I'll see you soon professor!"

Brittany stood up and gave Jill a quick kiss on the cheek and handed back the phone.

Jill never had a chance to reply as Brittany bolted out of the door. Everything happened so fast it was like a blur. She then looked at her phone and saw the message that Brittany had sent to Robert:

Hey handsome. Love your picture. I'm in my office thinking about you. How do I look? xo Mom

Below the message was the picture of her, looking prim and proper in a law school office, with her breasts fully exposed.

Jill felt mortified and her jaw dropped.


It was 3 pm when she arrived home. She lost track of how many times she checked her email, wondering how Robert would reply, or what he would think. She met with several other students in her office and her mind was squarely on her son's reaction to her breast picture.

The professor undressed in her bedroom, neatly removing her clothes and hanging them in the closet. Her panties went in the laundry basket and she noticed there was a wet spot from her vaginal fluids. It made her smile to think how excited she was.

Masturbation became more of a daily ritual for her in recent weeks. She laid on the bed, naked, and continued her favorite fantasy. Thoughts of Robert entered her mind. She touched herself thinking about seeing him again and showing him the wonders of her naked body. Before long, she was showing him the wonders of incestuous sex. Her mind drifted away in her other world.

The phone suddenly rang. Her eyes opened and the normally dedicated professor was annoyed that her 'alone time' was ruined by whoever was calling. She checked the caller ID and saw that it was her son.

She immediately answered:


"Hey mom," he replied over the phone. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Of course not. I always have time for you."

"Yeah, I know how that is. Everyone is always busy this time of year. And you could really use a break since you're always working so hard."

"You're calling about that email aren't you?" she asked bluntly. "I'm sorry about that. That was incredibly inappropriate of me. I've spent the past few hours wishing I could take it back."

"Don't apologize for that mom."

Jill took a deep breath. "How did you feel about it?"

"How do you want me to feel?"

"All I want is a little honesty. I don't want us to sweep this under the rug like the time we kissed. I want us to be truthful and open this time."

"Well, the first thing that came to mind was, who the hell took that picture?" he asked jokingly. "I know it wasn't you. So who was it?"

Jill smiled to herself. "If you must know, it was a very intelligent student of mine. She's too smart for her own good and the whole 'sexting' thing was her bad idea. She also wrote the text. It's a very long story, don't ask."

"That actually sounds kind of sexy. A student taking pictures of her law professor's breasts to send someone. I wish I could have been there."

"I'm sure you would. And that picture wasn't sent to just anyone, it was sent to my son."

"A very appreciative son I would add."

"So you liked it, eh?" Jill asked rhetorically. "I figured you would. But a big part of me was afraid you might think I was some sort of pervert."

"We're all perverts. And yes, I loved the picture," he strongly replied. "I was out with friends when I checked my phone and saw your boobs. I'm sure they wondered why I was acting funny afterwards."

"You better not have shown them," she said in her stern motherly voice.

"God no. Do you think I would show a picture of my mother's boobs to anyone? They'd think I'm a real creep for even having that on my phone in the first place."

"You're not a creep. You're a smart and handsome young man."

"And you're a smart and beautiful mom, with wonderful boobs."

Jill laughed. "Wonderful? That's how you would describe my breasts? Well I'm flattered you would say that. I'm sure you've seen several pairs of breasts in your college dorm."

"Sure I have. But I like yours better."

"Now you're just trying to charm me. I don't believe it. I've been to your campus twice and I'm always floored by the amount of stunning young women I see. It's unbelievable."

"It's the truth," he replied. "Your boobs are a lot nicer in my humble opinion."

"Then I take it you aren't sleeping with any college co-ed hotties at the moment. If you were, then you wouldn't be so enamored with my lady parts."

"You want the truth?" he asked. "There's a girl I hook up with sometimes. We're in the same study group. She's stunning. But sometimes when we have sex, I imagine that I'm with you."

Jill suddenly became silent and there was an awkward tension on the phone.

"Are you saying..."

"I think about having sex with you sometimes," he replied. "I know it's weird, but you wanted honesty."

"I don't think it's weird. Not anymore. I'd say you're in good company."

"Then it's settled. We've finally admitted it to each other."

"It feels like a burden lifted off my chest," she said. "I was never completely sure how you would react knowing that your mother has the hots for you. Now I know."

"Mom, you were never any good at hiding your feelings or picking up signals. It was always obvious when you were aroused, but trying to hide it. I thought it was really sexy. And you never noticed that I thought you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life."

"If I'm so easy to read, can you tell what I'm doing now? I'll give you a clue, I'm doing something that helps me relax. It's become my favorite part of the day."

Jill continued holding the phone with one hand, while reaching down with her other hand. She played with her bare breast and pinched her nipple.

"Hmmm...you're sitting down in your silk robe drinking a warm cup of tea," he guessed.

"Nope. Care to try again?"

Jill moved her hand even lower and played with her vaginal lips. She pinched and pulled each side of her labia and gave her clitoris a quick rub.

"You just got out of a warm bath and you're in your bathrobe right now?" he guessed again.

"Nope. But you're a little bit closer."

"I give up. This is way too hard."

"I'm completely naked," she said. "Before you called, I was in bed touching myself, thinking of you."

He paused for a moment. "I don't believe it. Now you're just teasing me."

"You don't believe me?"

"No way. You're not the type of person who would do that."

"Oh? Then what type of person am I?" she asked curiously.

"You're a very conservative woman. You're the type of woman who rarely masturbates, and if you do, it's done late at night with the lights off. Sorry, but I'm good at reading people and that's the category you fall under."

"Is your computer on?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's usually on during the day."

"Good. Sit in front of your computer and tell me if you see anything. Give me a second."

Jill got out of bed and stood in front of her computer. She logged on to her messaging service and activated her webcam. She saw herself naked on the computer screen. Then she invited her son to view the stream.

"Do you see anything?" she asked.

"Oh... my... god..."

She smiled and waved at the cam, "I'll take that as a yes. Hello."

"Mom... you're naked..."

"Now do you believe me?" she asked playfully.

"I'll never doubt you again. My god..."

"I'm glad I excite you. You have no idea how much I've wondered about this, wondering how you would react to seeing me. I've spent far too much time wondering if I turn you on."

"I'm not exactly turned-on yet," he replied suggestively. "Now I'm only excited. Maybe if you let me see what you were doing earlier, then I'll be turned-on."

Jill blushed. Her son wanted a webcam show and she put herself in a corner. She saw her naked body on the computer screen and her pussy was on fire knowing that her son was staring at her. The normally reserved woman felt a sudden need to be 'bad.'

"Just this once, because you asked nicely. Think of this as your reward for working so hard in college. I'm very proud of you."

She adjusted the camera on her computer so that it would point directly to the bed. She then got on the bed and laid on it, while still holding the phone. Her heart raced.

"What an incredible sight," he gasped. "You're gorgeous, mom."

"Thank you."

Jill held the phone to her ear, closed her eyes and began to rub her hand between her legs. Half of her felt utterly mortified that her son was seeing her in such a vulnerable state. The other half of her felt utterly aroused in ways she hadn't felt in a very long time. Her legs crossed tightly as she started to masturbate.

"Can you spread your legs mom?" he asked. "I want to see it."

It fueled her embarrassment when she opened her legs to the webcam. Her wet pussy was exposed. But it also fueled her sexual arousal. She continued rubbing herself.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it?"

"What would you do to it?' she asked. "If you were here, right now, what would you do?"

Robert breathed heavily. "I would crawl between your legs."


"I would lick you clean. I would lick you until you came."

Jill nearly dropped the phone when she heard that. Her eyes closed and she violently fingered her pussy. Her mind drifted away. She imagined Robert with his mouth on her cunt, orally servicing her. She wished he was there. She wanted to experience it. She loved him.



The next day. Jill tried her best to quiet the eager student in her office.

"Calm down Brittany," she hissed. "Someone might hear us. I don't want to lose my job over this."

"Did you really do it?"

Jill nodded. "Yes, I did it. I put on a little show for him with my cam. It was a gift for him working so hard in college. He deserves it for all the effort he's put towards his education."

"Holy shit," Brittany said in disbelief. "I can't believe you let him see you like that. That's amazing. I'm really proud of you, professor. You knew what you want and you went for it. You're my new hero."

"Are you being sarcastic?" the professor asked sternly.

"No way. All I'm saying is that you took the initiative, that you were brave. I like that you made the first move instead of waiting for the guy to do it. You showed him who was in charge. I'm a lifelong feminist, and I come from a long line of feminists, and I think you did something bold."

"That was a strange compliment, but thank you."

"He's coming back in two weeks, right?" Brittany asked. "You know he's going to expect something from you. Men always do. He's going to expect to see it again, or even better, he might want to join in. Any plans in mind?"

Jill shrugged. "None whatsoever. I honestly have no clue how I can look him in the eyes. He's already seen something that he never should have seen from me. I don't know what I was thinking."

Brittany smiled, "You were thinking with your vagina. It happens. We're not that different from men when it comes to needing sex."

"That's reassuring."

"I'm serious professor, you're a fully grown woman. At your age, you're at your sexual peak, and so is your son at his age. It's medical science. You two are perfect for each other."

"Which is why I wasn't able to sleep last night. I don't know how I can face him again," Jill replied.

"You're over thinking everything."

"Any suggestions?" the professor asked.

"Sexual relations are my specialty," Brittany smiled. "I suggest you give him what he wants. Give him what YOU want. Be blunt about it. Both of you are longing for this. There's no need to play any more stupid games. You're both adults."

"I'm not hearing an answer. I know you're an expert in psychology and human sexuality, but maybe I'm missing something here?"

The student looked the professor in the eyes. "When he comes home next week, don't wear any clothes. That's as clear as it gets. The moment he lays eyes on you, he'll know the relationship has changed. Best of all, since you're the one who initiates it, you'll still be the one in charge. You get to dictate the relationship."

Jill's eyes widened. "I don't know if I can do that. That sounds fairly extreme."

"That's what you want, isn't it? Robert wants the same thing right?"

"Fantasy and reality are two different things."

"Trust me, professor," the student replied. "I know what I'm talking about. I've given advice to countless men and women and I'm never wrong. I know how the mind works and what the heart wants. You're in good hands with me. I'll never let you down."


Two weeks later. It was 11 am on a cold Monday. Jill spent the morning making sure the house was clean. Everything was neat. All she thought about was her son arriving soon.

She sat in front of her bedroom dresser doing her hair and makeup. She wanted to look her very best, as if she was attending a ball gown. But instead of a fancy dress, she was wearing a thin silk robe with nothing underneath. The robe was untied, exposing the middle of her chest and vagina.

On the bed was a red gift wrap bow.

Jill smiled when she was finally satisfied with her appearance. Butterflies were in her stomach. It almost made her laugh that her life had come to this. The man of her dreams, her own son.

She heard the sound of her son pulling up in the driveway after a long 6 hour drive across the state. Nerves consumed her body as she disrobed, standing fully naked in front of the mirror. Perfect, she thought.

The highly educated and proper woman picked up the red bow and walked to her son's bedroom.

The front door opened and she heard Robert calling her:

"Mom?" he called out loud.

Jill laid on her son's bed. She was anxious. She raised her knees and held her ankles above her head. The flexibility was from years of stretching. To top it off, she placed the red gift wrap bow on top of her slightly hairy pubic mound, giving her son the ultimate gift when he gets to his room.

"Anyone home?"

His footsteps reached the stairway. Jill's heart rate rose. He walked up the stairs. Jill's heart was beating uncontrollably. Her open vagina was pointed towards the door.

"Mom..." he gasped.

Robert dropped his bags and his jaw fell. The sight of his naked mother before him was overwhelming to any loving son.

"Did you mean what you said over the phone?" she asked nervously. "Do you really want to crawl between my legs and lick me?"


A big sense of relief came over her. The plan wasn't a failure, it was a success. The nerves were gone. But the arousal had just begun.

"I can understand if you want me to get dressed. If not, there's nothing stopping you Robert."

"What do you prefer?" he asked, equally as nervous.

"I want you to do what you said on the phone."

Robert slowly and cautiously walked over to his naked mother in his room. The closer he got, the better the view he received. The webcam did no justice to his mother's naked body. He analyzed every curve. Her pussy was memorizing to him.

His fingers reached out and touched her feet, then his hands moved down her calves, then her thighs, then her body. He got down on his knees and his face was mere inches away from his mother's beautiful pussy. It was wet and it got wetter by the second.

"Are you sure I can do this?" Robert asked. "I don't want you to be mad."

She smiled, "This is for us. I've dreamt of this happening for a while. I know I want it."

With that, Jill watched as Robert moved his head down and pressed his lips against her labia. She moaned immediately. It was a dream come true as she watched. Her eyes never let go of the sight of her own son eating her pussy. He was great at it. His mouth sucked and licked all of her sensitive spots as if he already knew what she liked. His tongue played with her sensitive clitoris. Fluids gushed from her pussy as her fantasy became reality. She used her hands to hold her son's head in place.

The red gift wrap bow was still on her vaginal mound. Her pussy was a gift to Robert, but she was enjoying the sexual encounter more than he was; at least in her opinion.

It wasn't long before Jill felt her toes curl. It was an involuntary movement and her body's natural reaction. She was having an orgasm. The first of many...


New Year's Eve. Jill and her son watched the celebration on tv. The fireplace was lit. They were both naked, holding each other.


They kissed passionately as the ball dropped. It was officially a New Year and their mouths showed how things have changed. Their tongues intertwined and their wet lips touched once more before ending the kiss.

They continued watching the New Year's celebration on tv as Jill rested her head on her son's shoulder.

"Do you have a resolution for this year, mom?" he asked.

"I don't believe in them. If you're going to make a change, why wait? There's no time like the present."

"Good point."

"What about you?" she asked. "Did you make a resolution when we kissed?"

"I want us to spend more time together. I love being naked with you. Everything feels right. I don't care who knows about this or what people think, I'm in love with you, mom."

She rubbed her son's chest. "I love you too. It's cute that you want to open about this. But this has to stay between us. People would never understand."

"I don't care what anyone else thinks," Robert replied, touching his mother's thigh. "The only thing that matters to me is you. Maybe after I graduate from college, I can try to find a job nearby. We can live together."

"You mean like man and wife?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Something like that. We don't have to be shy about our arrangements either. If anyone asks, we'll just explain it to them. Society is changing. If gay marriage is accepted, why not this?"

Jill sighed, "You're not old enough to understand."

"But I'm old enough to be sleeping with you, aren't I?" he asked playfully.

"And you're doing a damn good job at it," she smiled. "I'm serious though, people wouldn't understand. You have to think about your future. If anyone in the community found out, this wouldn't be well received. I want this to continue between us, but only as our secret."

"If that's what you want, then fine."

Her hand moved from his chest, down to his flaccid cock. She held his manhood in her hand and felt it respond. His cock soon came to life.

"Don't feel bad. I want you to be happy while you're here with me. No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you....for us..."

Jill bent down, and in one swift movement, she took her son's cock in her mouth. Over the past few weeks, the highly respectable law professor had become accustomed to performing oral sex on her son. Her mouth was airtight like a vacuum and she sucked as hard as she could. Her head bobbed up and down with the tenacity of any professional porn star. Her tongue swirled around the head and she licked up and down the hard shaft.

"Oh god mom..." he moaned. "You're the best."

For his part, Robert looked down and watched his mother in action. He held her hair up so that he could have the perfect view of his mom sucking his cock. It was a feeling he never got tired of, despite receiving it multiple times per day for the past few weeks.

Jill got down on her knees, with the cock still in her mouth. She looked her son in the eyes, as if to show that she was obedient to him. She got more comfortable on her knees. It was easier for her to suck his cock and he would be treated to a much better view.

She continued sucking and the noises it was making were lewd and nasty. The saliva was overflowing from her mouth and it was all over his cock. It made the sucking noises sound a lot sloppier along with her powerful oral skills.

One of her hands stroked the raging hard shaft of her son's cock and her other hand was used to caress his balls. Their eyes locked together as she pleasured his sex organ the best she possibly could. The combination of her hands and mouth together was more than enough to send any man to the point of orgasm. His body started to tremble.

"You don't get to cum yet," she said, taking his cock out of her mouth. "I want our first sex session of the new year to be special."

He smiled, "Come here, on my lap. You know exactly what I need."

Jill stood up and let her son marvel at her naked body for a few seconds. It was a feeling she never got tired of despite always being naked around him lately. She climbed on top of Robert's lap and wrapped her hands around his neck. Her feet were on the couch. She lowered herself onto him, while he held his cock straight up so that it would enter his mother.

Her eyes widened when she felt his cock enter her body. The feeling of being impaled by her son's raging hard cock new grew old. It became one of her favorite thrills in life. All of her body weight was pressed on his lap. The hard cock felt perfect inside of her pussy. They were face-to-face and she started to ride him. Her breathing became harder and harder. It wasn't long before the prim and proper woman was moaning louder than the celebration heard on the television. Getting fucked by her son felt better than her wildest dreams.

"Turn around," he groaned. "I want you from behind."

She smiled to herself and obliged. She stood up and rested her arms on the couch, sticking her ass out for him. He grabbed her forcefully by the waist and pushed his throbbing manhood inside of her. He really began to fuck her harder than he had ever done it before. Slapping sounds echoed in the room. His crotch slammed against his mother's ass cheeks. He was pounding her as if she was nothing but a sex object for him to use. Their carnal desires were in full force, and all of the sexual tension which had built up between them over the past several months were being satisfied once again.

Jill screamed and thrashed her hair around. She no longer had to pretend to be a proper woman. At that moment, she was no longer the respectable or well-mannered woman in her community. She released all of her inhibitions and facades. She became nothing more than a woman with a carnal lust for deviant sex. Sex consumed her body and her sensations were completely overwhelmed on all fronts. Jill screamed as loud as she could while being fucked. There was no one who could hear it except for her loving son.

Robert reached down and squeezed his mother's breast, and he squeezed them hard. The breasts were swaying back and forth from the hard fucking she received. He played with both of her nipples, pinching them. Then he reached down and played with her swollen clitoris.

Jill screamed for her life as fluids gushed from her hot pussy onto the floor. It was like a magic button was pressed. She came harder than she ever had before. Robert came at the same time, filling her womb with loads of his warm cum.

They both collapsed onto the couch, lifeless except for their sweat and heavy breathing. Both of them were covered in sweat after their sexual escapade. Robert caressed the hair of his unresponsive mother, then he planted several kisses on her back. Her face was resting against the couch. She was enjoying her bliss.

*** EPILOGUE ***

Several days later. The house felt lonely after Robert left for college earlier that morning. All of the rooms were quiet.

Jill fixed the bed she had been sleeping on with her son before taking a sip of her hot coffee. She was wearing her silk robe, naked underneath as always, as she sat down in front of her computer. After a few clicks, she was ready to send an email to her student:

Dear Brittany,

I apologize for not responding to several of your messages. It's because I didn't know what to say, or what I wanted to tell you.

Robert and I have been having a romantic relationship together since he came home for the winter. It only happened because of your advice. The moment he came home, I was naked, in his room, with a gift wrap bow on top of my vagina. The look on his face is something I will never forget. We both wanted it. Before long, we gave our bodies what it wanted- each other.

You can imagine how things have been going ever since. As for our future, who knows? We've talked about this for many nights and we haven't been able to find a resolution. The next time I'll see him is in May. He left for college an hour ago and I already miss him. The only thing I know for sure is that I can't thank you enough.

We can talk more in my office if you want. School is starting soon.

Take care,


Constitutional law professor

p.s. Give me your exam number so I can give you an A+

She turned off her computer and stood in front of the balcony window with her coffee. It was freezing cold outside. The next few months without her son were going to be tough. She opened her robe, not caring if anyone outside could see her, and she reached down to put her fingers inside of her pussy. When she took her fingers out, she saw Robert's cum left over from their morning sex, and she tasted it.

Jill smiled to herself.

The End