
No Monkey Business P2

"Okay," I said. I paused for a moment, and saw that mom was frozen in place too. "I feel like I could cum," I said at last.

"Well then," she said, shuffling back slightly then bending forward at the waist over the sink, pushing her ass out towards me. "What are you waiting for?"

I had no good answer to that, other than to stand up and frantically push my jeans and underwear down and off. I all but ran around the kitchen table towards my mom's ass, my hard cock leading the way, precum welling up from its tip. "Ready?" I asked, even before I got there. Mom only wiggled her ass at me. I unceremoniously yanked down her pyjama bottoms which pooled around her feet. Sure enough she wasn't wearing anything beneath them. Her pussy looked wet already, and the skin around it was red, with arousal I guessed.

I wrapped my hand around my cock and shoved it towards her pussy, the tip sliding easily into her, and I wasted no time in building up a rhythm against her. Mom let out a few soft grunts, but soon they started sounding less aroused and more like she was in pain. I wanted to believe that maybe the tip of my cock felt so good that it was making her painfully aroused, but it soon became clear that she wasn't painfully aroused, just in pain.

"Stop, stop," she said after about a minute of my thrusts. "I'm sorry, Steven, that kind of hurts."

"What's the matter?" I asked, pulling my cock backwards and out of mom.

"I think all that hammering of your hand has taken its toll," she said, sounding equal parts disappointed and frustrated. I looked down at her and realised that the red around her pussy wasn't her being inflamed with arousal. I'd been thrusting my hand (and, occasionally, her hand) aggressively against her for the past few days. It was understandable that she was starting to get sore. Understandable, but really annoying. I stood there for a moment, my cock hovering mere inches from mom's pussy. I wondered what she would do if I just slammed my whole cock inside her and started fucking her there over the kitchen sink. I knew what I would do. I'd last about ten seconds then cum like a fountain. Whether I'd survive those ten seconds was less clear to me. Mom had made it clear she wanted my cum, and just as clear she didn't want us to actually have sex. She sighed, apparently not seeing a solution to our problem. "Could you try jerking off, but not against my pussy?" she asked.

"We tried that, mom, remember?" I said. "It didn't work."

"Oh yeah," she said. "What if... no."

"What, mom?"

Mom seemed to psych herself up for a moment, then offered her suggestion. "What if you masturbate against me still, but not against my, my vagina. Then when you're cumming you can slide it inside. I mean, if your penis is already nearby."

I gulped, not entirely sure what mom was getting at. "So, you want me to...?"

"For fuck's sake," said my mom under her breath. But not quite so softly that I didn't hear it. Then, more loudly, she said, "Rub it on my butt, Steven."

"Right," I said, gazing longingly down at the butt in question. I still wasn't really sure what she wanted me to do. I decided to risk a liberal interpretation of her request, and slid my cock into the crack of her ass. "Like this?" I said, rocking my hips back and forth.

"Uh, sure," she said, not sounding too sure. I went for broke and reached for her ass, pulling her cheeks apart enough for my dick to nestle down, so that when I released her, the cheeks rippled back into place, my cock snug between them. I could tell my mom wasn't sure about this development so decided to hurry up before she changed her mind. With my hands on her hips pulling her back, I started thrusting forward.

It didn't take me long to realise that this felt good on a whole new level. What we'd been doing had felt amazing, but I realised that it was essentially glorified jerking off, with a tantalising tease of being inside my mom's pussy as the grand climax. This was something far more sexual. I was getting an ass job from my mom, and it felt incredible. For me, at least. My mom was far less vocal than she had been on previous occasions, and I realised that unless she had some secret erogenous zone hidden in her butt crack, she wasn't really getting stimulated by this. It might have bothered me if I wasn't seconds away from my own orgasm.

"Close!" I grunted for mom's benefit, slamming my hips forward against her. In fact I was more than close. Before I knew what was happening a wave of pleasure surged through me, and a rope of cum flew from the end of my cock, following a beautiful parabolic arc over my mom's back and landing neatly in her hair. "Shit," I hissed, pulling back just as more cum flew forward and landed on mom's ass. Not sure how much more cum I was going to manage, I rammed my cock into mom's pussy and held it there, trembling with my orgasm. Only a dribble more cum emerged once I was inside mom, meaning that most of my sperm were in places that were unlikely to lead to an encounter with one of mom's eggs.

"You might want to work on your timing," said mom drily as I pulled my cock out of her. She reached down and pulled up her pyjama bottoms before resuming the washing up. I was surprised she was standing up straight so soon after I'd cum inside her, running the risk of my precious gift leaking straight out again. But then she could probably tell that the load I'd given her wasn't going to make much difference in the grand scheme of things.

"I know, sorry about that," I said.

Mom just shrugged. "It's no big deal, sweetheart. You might want to get washed up a bit." I had worked up quite the sweat during our session, not to mention the usual array of fluids coating my crotch.

"Right," I said, and headed upstairs for a quick shower. The rest of the evening passed with us both sat companionably in front of the TV. It wasn't awkward, per se, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd failed in my task. I'd do better next time, I decided.


In my dream I was driving, I know not where. A gorilla stood on the road side, thumb outstretched, wanting a ride. I ignored him. He gave me the finger. It was a long drive, and a shame I had to do it alone.

My dream shifted, as they so often do, and I wasn't driving the car alone, I was in the back seat with Cassie. We were making out passionately, a scene that came straight from my memory. In my memory, making out led to some pretty frantic groping, or even my tongue writing love poems on her clit. My dream had other things in mind, and it shifted again from a make out session to me pounding into her pussy from behind. The car in my dream helpfully expanded in size to make this more possible. It wasn't the only thing that had grown. I ran my hands over Cassie's ass, which had gone from what might politely be called petite to an ass to die for. Once again I realised that dream Cassie had somehow gotten hold of my mom's ass. And then Cassie moaned out "I'm going to cum" and the voice no more belonged to my ex girlfriend than the ass did. I was fucking my mom, I realised, with a jolt.

The jolt carried through from my dream into the real world and woke me up. For a moment I lay there, confusion reigning supreme. But a very pressing feeling below the covers woke me up in a hurry. My cock was hard, an orgasm so close that I was surprised I hadn't cum already. I froze in place, sure that even that wouldn't be enough to stop the impending eruption. If a butterfly flapped its wings in Kansas I was pretty sure there would be a tornado in Tokyo and a huge sticky mess in my bed. I could hear the clock ticking on the wall opposite and started counting the seconds, partly to ensure I didn't accidentally have a sexy thought and cum, and partly just to see how long it would take for my cock to calm down.

I was well into the three hundreds before I felt like I could move without having an accident. I immediately flung off the covers and slipped out of my boxers, worried about the stimulation they might provide just by touching me.

It was ridiculous, it really was. I was eighteen and had cum eight times in the past four days. I shouldn't be having wet dreams. It was some kind of sick joke my balls were playing on me. It was also a problem. The immediate threat of an orgasm had passed, but my cock was still just as erect. If I went back to sleep now I would be waking up in a puddle of my own cum. But I couldn't jack off - mom needed all of my cum that she could get. Especially after the fiasco with my last performance. That's when I remembered what she'd said the day before. About cumming in her whenever I needed to, night or day. True, she'd also said we should stick to two sessions a day, but the digital clock by my bed assured me it was after 2am, so technically it was tomorrow.

My logic may have been shaky, but this time I really do have to blame it on how horny I was. I slipped out of bed naked and made my way out of my room, down the hallway, and quietly opened mom's bedroom door. With the lights off I was having to do it all by memory. Fortunately I knew the layout of the house pretty well after eighteen years of living there.

I shuffled over to mom's bed and paused for a second. Through the silence I could hear my mom's steady breathing, she was asleep. Well of course she was asleep, it was the middle of the night.

I reached down and felt for the covers, then slipped into bed. Mom made a small noise but didn't seem to wake up, so I manoeuvred myself across the bed, under the covers, until my exploring fingers made contact with her.

"Mom?" I said, softly.

"Mmm, Steven?" she said, her voice thick with sleep. "Is it morning already?"

"Uh, in a sense," I said. I knew I was on dangerous ground, but I felt like getting my cum inside mom was the main priority, sticking to her twice-a-day notion was more of a guideline.

"Okay," she said. And then nothing. I decided to take that as permission and reached down until I found the waistband of her pyjamas. Mom was laying on her side but she lifted her hips slightly as I pushed down, helping me get her bottoms off, and even cycled her legs lazily to kick them off once they got past her knees. I then returned my hands to her waistline but got somewhat distracted en route by her ass. Even in the pitch black her ass was a thing of wonder to me. I stroked it with my hand, feeling how soft it was, the exceptional curve. I could have lay there all night just stroking it. Mom had other ideas.

She let out a low growl, it sounded more like lust than annoyance, but when she said "Behave" there was definitely some annoyance there too. She reached behind herself, I thought to move my hand from her ass. Instead, she fumbled around until she found my cock, and made an appreciative noise at how hard it was already. She then scooted backwards towards me until we were spooning, making sure she lined my cock up along my ass crack as she did so. She then released my cock and took my hand, moving it around so I was holding her around her middle, and finally gave her ass a little wiggle up and down.

If that was her way of signalling that I should begin then she wouldn't have to ask twice. I immediately started thrusting up, her ass feeling astonishing around my cock. My arousal was already in full swing and precum started oozing out from my cock, making the sensation even more delicious and letting my cock slide higher and lower along mom's ass with each thrust.

The eroticism of doing all this while essentially blind was not lost on me, and I had a sudden twinge of guilt that, as with our session in the kitchen earlier, mom was presumably not getting so much out of this.

With only a half-baked, horniness inspired plan in mind I started to make sure my thrusts into mom's ass crack went a little lower each stroke. Before long I started to feel the outline of mom's asshole with the head of my cock at the bottom end of each stroke. Mom shifted uncomfortably then, perhaps worried I was going to accidentally start fucking her ass. But that wasn't my plan.

After a few more thrusts I pulled back just slightly further on one of my backstrokes. When I pushed forward again my cock took the path of least resistance and rather than sliding back up mom's ass crack it headed straight between her legs. Mom gasped and reached down, perhaps planning to move my cock back again. But I was rock solid and fully erect, and as I resumed thrusting I could feel my cock rubbing over mom's clitoris with each pass. She started letting out gaspy little moans and she seemed to think better of moving me.

After a few minutes of this mom started moving her hips slightly, probably trying to maximise her own stimulation. While this new position was clearly doing it for mom, I had to admit that sliding my cock over the entrance to mom's pussy was not as stimulating for me as her snug ass crack had been. I was far from in danger of going soft, but nor did my orgasm seem to be getting any closer. I was stuck in a highly pleasurable sexual limbo.

Not quite sure what else to do, I decided to use the same tactic I had a few days earlier. In the dark I didn't know what mom was wearing on her top half. It didn't feel like one of her jumpers, so it was probably the top half of one of those pyjama sets she liked. Whatever it was, I moved my hand down from her tummy where she'd placed it and quickly slid it back up under her top till I reached the swell of her breasts. I grabbed one unceremoniously and started squeezing it between my fingers.

Mom let out a surprised coo and started bucking her hips harder against me, before grabbing my hand through the material of her top and squeezing it even harder than I had been squeezing her breast.

It was a delicious sensation, and I thought I might finally cum. And that's when mom stopped moving and pulled away.

"Wha...?" I managed to say as my hand was yanked from mom's top and my cock fell from between her legs. But mom didn't have stopping in mind. Instead she rolled over to face me and reached down to grab my cock, shoving it awkwardly back between her legs to slide against her pussy.

"Fuck me," she whispered, more to herself than to me. I knew enough to know this was her lust fuelled dirty talk rather than an explicit request, but damn did it make my cock twitch just hearing it.

I started thrusting like a man possessed, the base of my cock sliding over mom's clit and making her gasp, moan, and reach around me to claw at my back. I reached around too and grabbed mom's ass. I squeezed it and pulled it, using it to pull mom against me, using mom to get myself off. It all felt way too good to last, and I didn't.

"Mom," I managed to croak out. "Cum... uh." It wasn't exactly poetry and I wasn't even sure if mom heard me as she never stopped rubbing herself against me.

I reluctantly let go of mom's ass and reached frantically between mom's legs from behind, not wanting another cum splattered fiasco like in the kitchen. I positioned my fingers so on my final thrust forward my cock slipped neatly into mom's sopping wet pussy, and I pushed it in to the very hilt.

Mom let out a squeal and I grunted with lust as my orgasm struck. She then let out a less motherly cry of "Fuck!" and rolled onto her back, pulling me with her even as the cum started to jet from my cock. Her hips started going berserk, rolling and bucking against me, and jostling my cock around inside her pussy in a way that would have had me cumming in seconds if I wasn't already. She made a few more noises that might have been words or might have been meaningless, and then her orgasm struck.

If I thought my orgasm felt good then mom's clearly put me to shame. I could feel her whole body shaking beneath me. She was gasping for air and her fingers dug into my back like she needed me to survive. Without warning she grabbed my head in the dark and pulled it down to hers, kissing me frantically on the lips. I kissed back almost on instinct then opened my mouth in surprise. Mom seemed to take this the wrong way and shoved her tongue in my mouth, wrestling with my own even as more whimpers emerged from her throat.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds and then mom flopped her head back onto the bed, breathing hard. Small tremors still passed through her body as her orgasm slowly faded. My own orgasm had come to an end sometime during the kiss, though as I shifted my hips I felt another trickle of cum emerge from my cock.

"Wow," I said when I had enough breath back to say anything. I heard mom chuckle quietly.

"Wow is right," she said. "Sorry if I got a bit carried away at the end there."

"Oh it's okay," I said. I have to admit I was starting to feel a little awkward now that my orgasm had come and gone. That had been way more erotic than our previous sessions. I could see now why mom had wanted to avoid this whole thing taking on any sexual overtones. And that kiss! I felt guilty, but I was a little horrified about the thought of kissing my mom. With the lights on I'd rather go one on one with that gorilla from my dreams than make out with mom. Only the anonymity that the darkness provided had made it happen.

As I was thinking all this mom reached over to her bedside table to turn the digital clock towards us. My cock slipped from mom's pussy as she did so and I moved over the bed until I felt the edge, then sat on it.

"Huh," mom said. "Three thirty. I thought you said it was morning."

I suspected she was looking at me askance, but luckily with the lights off I couldn't see her do it and she, presumably, couldn't see where I was to aim it. "I said 'in a sense'," I reminded her.

"Uh huh," she said. "Then I guess you won't want a session until tomorrow night? Sorry, I mean tonight."

I stammered something unintelligible before realising mom was almost certainly just winding me up. She decided to let me off then. "Good night, Steven," she said. "Thanks for the cum."

I smiled in the dark. "Night, mom. Thanks for having it."

Retracing my steps from earlier I headed back down the hallway and collapsed in bed, falling asleep before I knew it.


Mom might not have been entirely serious about our middle-of-the-night encounter being the next day's morning session, but as it turned out that's precisely what it became.

We both woke up late after our exertions, and both found ourselves with a long list of things to get done. I'd agreed to help my friend Claire move some stuff to her boyfriend's house on the other side of town. Neither of them had a car and she wanted to get her most precious belongings safely out of her parent's house before she left for college. I guess she was worried that her mom and dad would sell them, or something. As I had the biggest car amongst her friends left in town I'd agreed to help out. When I'd offered to help a few weeks earlier it had seemed like a good idea, but now I found myself becoming slightly irked at Claire's doll house collection. I could have been at home blasting another load of cum into my mom's waiting pussy. Instead I was wrestling an oversized, undersized house through Claire's boyfriend's front door. He seemed pretty miffed too. Apparently Claire and her boyfriend had different definitions of "a few small items". By the time we all sat down for pizza that evening, the poor guy's house looked like it had more of Claire's belongings in it than his own. I couldn't help but suspect that come the Christmas holidays I'd be helping Claire move all these items back out again following a tragic break up.

When I got home it was already dark. Having had so much sexual release in the past few days I thought my body might appreciate having had the morning off. But if anything I was hornier than ever. I was trembling as I unlocked the front door of the house and went inside. I was going to find mom, wherever she was in the house, whatever she was doing, and I was going to fill her up on the spot.

Mom was not in the house. I checked every room. Then I checked them again. Either she was having an impromptu game of hide and seek without telling me or mom was out.

Obviously my mom wasn't a prisoner in her own house, but it was unusual for her to be out. I went to the kitchen and checked the calendar. There was nothing marked on it, but it was a Wednesday. Mom usually went grocery shopping on Wednesdays, as the store was quieter in the middle of the week, and working from home meant she didn't have to wait for the weekends. Still, she normally went earlier in the day.

I started pacing around the house, the sexual tension only building. It was silly, I know, but it felt like mom was teasing me. I was just starting to contemplate going to my room and taking care of myself when I heard a car pull up outside. Moments later my mom walked through the front door and spotted me.

"Oh hey, Steven," she said, innocent as you like. "I'm glad you're here. I got a little side tracked with work and didn't get to the store until late. Could you grab a flashlight and come help me bring the stuff in?"

I nodded, and tried not to look quite as predatory as I felt. I couldn't help but notice that while mom was wearing one of her usual oversized jumpers, down below she actually had a skirt on. Deep down I suppose I knew that if I opened up her closet it wouldn't have contained a set of identical jumpers and a set of identical pairs of jeans, but it was a little odd to see her out of what was almost a uniform for her. True, the skirt came down to her ankles and billowed out unflatteringly, but it was nice to see her in something different.

"Sure, mom," I said, and grabbed a flashlight from the kitchen. I guess I should explain that we lived on the edge of a not particularly large town. We weren't out in the countryside by any means, but the houses on our road weren't exactly crammed together. The houses were built on each side of the road so that no two were directly opposite one another. So, our next door neighbors were more than a house's width away from us. What's more, this far outside of the center of town, no one had ever bothered installing any street lights. The only illumination came from the stars, the moon, and the light spilling out of other house's windows. Hence the need for a flashlight when grabbing groceries from the back of mom's car.

We trooped out together, me with the flashlight, and mom lifted the back door on her station wagon. There was a week's worth of groceries back there and, try as we might, we couldn't quite manage everything, just leaving a large box of juice in the trunk. Once we'd dumped the first load of stuff in the kitchen we headed back outside to the car. Mom leaned in to grab the juice, but it was right at the other end of the trunk, which was almost long enough to comfortably sleep in. She had to lean ever further forward to reach the juice. This pushed her ass further up and out, swaying from side to side as she stretched. Her skirt wasn't tight fitting but even it could only do so much to contain her amazing backside, and I stood entranced at the show.

Something snapped inside me. I couldn't take it any more. A lust like I'd never felt descended over me. I dashed forward and wrapped my arms around my mom's torso, dropping the flashlight into the trunk in the process, its light flicking off.

"Steven!" squeaked mom as I started grinding my painfully hard cock against her backside. Even through my underwear, pants, and her skirt and - I assumed - her panties, it felt amazing. "What are you doing?" she asked, quietly and with nerves in her voice. Since the answer to that was obvious I guess she decided to change tack. "Someone will see us!" she hissed.

"No they won't," I said. I sounded confident but obviously I had no idea if anyone would or not. At that moment we could have been in the middle of Times Square and I would have sworn it just the same. In my defence it was really dark outside. Clouds were covering most of the stars and the moon was low and new. The light we'd left on in the living room cast a rectangle of dim light onto the road, but the car was parked by the other side of the house, so almost none of that light was diffusing over to us. Hell, I was grinding into mom and I could barely see what we were doing. "I need you, mom," I said, pulling back slightly to unbuckle my pants and then shove them and my boxer shorts down.

Mom groaned as my naked cock returned to grind against her ass. It occurred to me later that this was the first time I'd admitted that I was becoming as reliant on this as mom. We both knew the other was getting off on our sessions. I mean the whole point was me cumming, and mom's orgasms were, I suppose, an added bonus for her. But we'd started this whole thing as some kind of clinical procedure. If mom could have just pressed a button to make me cum she would have had me stick my cock in her, press the button, then withdraw my cock. We could both have read a magazine while this was going on. Somewhere along the way things had taken a turn for the sexual. Not a surprise, with hindsight.

Mom didn't respond with words, but she did start pushing herself back against me as I ground against her. I released her body from my arms, and she leant forward at the waist, laying her front in the trunk of the car while her feet remained planted on the ground. I grabbed her hips and started thrusting hard into her ass crack. Given the state I was in I didn't know how long I'd last, and I didn't want to cum all over her back again. I had to wrench myself away but I managed to stop grinding into mom, then reached down until I found the hem of her skirt. It was surprisingly light, and I pulled it up and over mom's ass, pooling it on her lower back. I then took the opportunity to run my hands over mom's ass. She was, for once, wearing panties, but they didn't feel like the huge ugly bloomers she'd worn for our first ever session, five days ago. These felt more like bikini briefs, covering much less of her ass. As my hand moved down following the curve of her ass my thumb strayed slightly, almost touching the fabric over her pussy. Perhaps because of the size of her ass, the briefs didn't seem to fit as snugly around her pussy as they did over her ass, and the fabric was much looser there. I didn't really think about that as the moment my thumb got near her pussy mom jerked beneath me and I remembered the rules.

I grabbed my cock and returned it to mom's ass, thrusting as soon as I was in position. The contrast between mom's silky smooth skin at the lower end of my strokes and the smooth fabric at the top was incredible. I let go of mom's hips and grabbed a butt cheek in each hand, then used my thumbs to push my cock deeper into mom's crack as I thrust. I'd never felt anything like it and could easily have kept it up until I came, but mom had a different idea.

"Pussy," she groaned quietly. I realised we did have to be quiet. Hopefully no one could see what we were doing in mom's trunk, but if someone walked past they could easily hear us. Fortunately mom's station wagon had horribly stiff suspension. This had always bothered me on long trips. Today I said a silent prayer to the god of minor car troubles. "Over my pussy," she murmured again, and I figured she wanted the same treatment as last night.

I pulled my cock back from mom's ass and lay it lengthways over mom's pussy. Her panties were already pretty soaked and my precum turned them into a sodden mess. I leaned forward into the back of the station wagon, supporting myself on my forearms over mom, then started thrusting down.

For some of the strokes my dick aquaplaned smoothly over my mom's soaking wet panties, for other strokes the head of my dick got caught up in her underwear and ground almost painfully against mom's clit. All of the strokes felt amazing, and based on mom's little whimpers she was of the same opinion.

"Turn," mom said, after a few minutes of this treatment. "Turn around." I guessed she was saying that she wanted to turn around and not that she wanted me to. It would have been a little weird if she'd just now become embarrassed and wanted me to look away. For one thing it was too dark to see anyway, and for another it'd be damnably difficult to cum in her if I was facing in the opposite direction.

I pushed up and got off mom and she scrambled to roll over onto her back, pushing herself a bit further into the station wagon in the process so her legs were supported and not hanging out the back of the car. As soon as it sounded like she'd finished I crawled into the trunk with her, moving forward with my cock until I felt it line back up alongside mom's pussy. I then lowered myself to lay on top of mom and started humping again.

"Oh god, yes," groaned mom, rather louder than I thought was wise. But given the grunts that I knew I was making I couldn't say anything. I thrust down harder over her pussy and then yelped in pain and surprise as the tip of my cock bashed down into the surface of the trunk. It was surprising more than painful, and in my alarm I did something that perhaps I shouldn't have.

Up until then my thrusts had been up and down, allowing my cock to slide lengthways over mom's pussy and tease her clit. When I bashed the head of my cock I pulled not upwards but backwards in alarm. Like I said, it didn't actually hurt that much and so I barely skipped a beat before thrusting again, except now I wasn't thrusting down, but forward. Forward, right into mom's pussy.

"Oh god!" we both uttered in unison. About two inches of my cock were buried inside mom's pussy. My forward thrust would easily have buried the entire thing inside, but mom was still wearing her panties, and they had caught my cock as it moved forward, halting it as soon as the fabric grew taut enough. I think we both realised at the same moment that as long as mom's underwear didn't slip to the side or disintegrate from all the fluids then I could fuck her to my heart's content without penetrating her much more than I'd been doing when I'd been fucking my hand. Of course, side slippage and fluid based disintegration were both possible, hell they were probable, but at that moment I don't think either of us cared.

"Don't stop," cried mom softly. I didn't plan to, and lowered myself down back over her even as I started hammering my cock into mom. The fabric over the head of my cock felt a little weird, and took some getting used to. But the sheer carnal feeling that I was fucking someone, even if it was only a few inches, was stupendous. Mom thought so too based on the way she started chanting "Fuck me, Steven; fuck me, Steven," almost to herself.

Putting my weight on my right arm I reached with my left to grab hold of mom's breast through her jumper. I could feel it jogging up and down on her chest in time with my thrusts, and pinched where I thought the nipple might be. I must have done something right as mom let out an even louder groan.

"Mom, you need to be quiet," I said. I'm not sure why I was worried about mom's voice when the obscene squelching sounds coming from my dick hammering into her pussy could probably be heard from across the road.

Mom too apparently found my statement more amusing than anything. In the almost non-existent light I thought I saw a glint of teeth and guessed mom was grinning at me. "Make... me..." she said between consecutive thrusts, then started groaning lustfully, each one louder than the last.

I really didn't want to get caught fucking my mom in the back of her car. I was all too aware that "It was only a few inches, her panties stopped me going in all the way!" was not exactly an excuse that society would listen to then nod and say "Huh, I guess you're right." Caught up in the moment I shut her up the only way I could think to, I moved my head down and kissed her.

Mom must have known that was coming as she moaned into my mouth but stopped her groan crescendo, she also wrapped her left arm around my neck, pulling my face into hers as we started making out. I felt her right hand snake down her body and thought she was going to encourage my cock into cumming. It wasn't my orgasm she was encouraging, though, as her fingers stopped when they reached her clit and started strumming across it frantically. Given what I was doing this meant my cock got caught up in the action, her fingers brushing over it repeatedly as I bounced it into her pussy over and over.

It was almost a race between us as to who would cum first. In the end I pipped mom to the post and pulled my face back as I felt my cock tighten. "I'm gonna..." I managed before I temporarily lost the ability to form coherent sentences. Mom must have filled in the gap though and she used the hand on her clit to drag her panties to the side as I pulled back for the final time. I thrust forward, this time without any fabric to hold me back, and bottomed out inside mom as a torrent of cum washed out of me. I locked my lips back to mom's as I came, ostensibly to muffle my moans. It didn't hurt that it felt damn good making out as I came.

Once I came down from the orgasmic high I pushed myself up onto my arms. I opened my mouth to say something but mom shushed me and said "Hang on." I felt her hand return to her clit and start rubbing it again. I guess she really had been close as she only lasted half a minute more before she started to buck underneath me and moan loudly. The sensations on my cock were incredible and, despite having just cum, it bothered me less than I thought it would to lean down and kiss mom again, just until she stopped being so noisy.

Both done, I backed up out of the trunk and pulled up my pants, briefly savoring the cool air on my sweaty skin. Mom waited a minute longer then emerged as well. She pushed something into my hands and I almost dropped the unexpected weight. "I got the juice," she said, then flicked on the flashlight she had in her other hand and locked the car. I just smiled to myself and headed back to the house, ready to help mom put away the groceries then go to bed, just like a normal mother and son.


I woke up a little after eight the next morning. Mom hadn't come to my room, and I could hear someone downstairs in the kitchen so I guessed we were having breakfast first today. That was fine with me as my stomach grumbled hungrily. I hadn't eaten anything since a few slices of pizza the previous evening. And I had done quite a lot of physical activity since then, I thought, my cock waking up at the memory.

I headed downstairs in just my boxers, suspecting that mom wouldn't mind and it would probably save time later. Mom must have had the same idea as when I entered the kitchen she was stood by the stove wearing a jumper, some black bikini briefs, and nothing else.

She glanced over her shoulder when I walked in. "Hey, hon," she said and smiled at me, then she looked down at the tent in my boxers and her smile widened.

It was odd. Mom's face hadn't grown on me since we'd started our arrangement. She hadn't become any more beautiful to me, and the thought of kissing her in the cold light of day still filled me with horror. But her face now seemed to provoke an almost Pavlovian reaction in me. I'd cum so much in this woman in the past few days that I started getting aroused in her presence, even when I could see her face. The way her ass looked in the underwear she was wearing certainly didn't hurt.

"Morning, mom," I said, and she turned back to what she was doing. Based on the smell I guessed it was bacon for breakfast. I hovered in the doorway for a moment, soaking up the sight of that perfect ass, then grabbed the juice from the fridge and poured us a glass each.

Food was soon ready and we sat down at the table, facing each other across it. We ate in companionable silence, occasionally smiling at each other shyly. The silence didn't really bother me as we often didn't have much to say over breakfast.

Soon enough we had both cleared our plates and drained our glasses. Normally at this point one of us would take everything to the sink and wash up. This morning though we both just sat there, as if waiting for something.

I saw a slight pink flush building up in mom's cheeks, and she looked like she was breathing deeper too. As for me, my cock had never really gone down during breakfast and now bobbed in my boxers in time with my heartbeat.

"So," mom said, looking at me.

"So," I replied, looking back.

The moment dragged out into interminable seconds. Then, as if following some silent signal, we both leapt to our feet. Mom shoved the contents of the table to one side, nearly sending her plate tumbling to the floor in the process. She then bent over the table, laying her front on it and splaying out her arms. For my part I was dashing around the table toward her. Even before I got there she was twitching her legs, bouncing her ass up and down impatiently. "Get it in me," she whined, "get inside me, Steven."

I nearly fell over in my haste as I tried to run around the table and drag my boxers off at the same time. Eventually I made it, boxers being kicked into the corner of the kitchen. Without waiting I grabbed my cock, lined it up with where mom's pussy was beneath her panties, and shoved forward.

We were both ready for that feeling of my cock sliding a few inches into mom's waiting pussy, and we both groaned with frustration as that utterly failed to happen. Rather than slide in restrained by her underwear, my cock had taken a detour and pushed south, down across mom's clitoris. I pulled back and pushed forward again, to the same effect. It felt nice, and mom probably appreciated my cock rubbing over her clit, but it really wasn't what we were after. Mom certainly wanted more, as she made clear.

"Fuck!" she cried. "Fucking fuck me!" She banged her fist down onto the table for emphasis, rattling the plates. I stared down at her panty covered pussy, trying to figure out why it wasn't working as well as the previous evening. Luckily for both of us I spotted it almost at once. After all the foreplay the previous night, mom's panties had been absolutely soaked. They'd done nothing to stop my cock entering her in that state, only stopping me short when the whole garment grew taut. Looking down now I could see an ever expanding damp spot on mom's briefs where her pussy was leaking out, but compared to last night her panties were positively parched.

If I'd thought for a few seconds I might have come up with any number of solutions for this problem, some of which might even have worked. But I didn't think about it. I needed to get mom's underwear wet, and I knew just how to do it. I slid a finger straight into mom's pussy through her underwear, then added a second to be safe. Mom let out a strangled squeal as I rapidly swirled my fingers around inside her, getting the panties soaked in her juices. It only took a few seconds for me to be satisfied at which point I drew my fingers back out. Mom pushed her hips back as I did so, as if trying to recapture my digits. I had bigger plans though, and met her backwards thrust by pushing my cock forward and against her panty clad pussy.

This time it worked perfectly. My cock pushed against the fabric of mom's panties, which buckled and entered her pussy, wrapping my cock in their soft material. I paused there for a second, savoring the sensation as my mom let out a long, loud moan. Neither of us were in the mood for teasing, though, so after a few seconds I pulled back then went to work hammering my cock into mom.

My hands drifted to mom's hips to help pull her back against me as I thrust forward. It didn't take long for me to realise I was missing an opportunity, and I moved them down to her ass, digging my fingers into the soft cheeks, pulling and pushing them out and together.

Mom murmured something as I played with her ass, too quietly for me to catch. I surrendered her ass for a moment and leaned forward over her, never slowing my hips, to hear what she said.

"Clit..." she was muttering, over and over. In her current position it didn't look like she could reach down to touch it herself. So, like a good son, I did it for her.

I wrapped my hand around her front and slid it down, inside her panties, and around the curve of her mound till my fingers found the little nub. There was plenty of lubrication with all of mom's juices welling up from her pussy and my precum leaking through the panties, so I didn't waste any time but started vibrating my fingertips back and forth over mom's clit.

It was an odd sensation for me, feeling my cock head rocketing past into mom's pussy through a layer of fabric as I strummed her clitoris in the flesh. The sensation as far as my mom was concerned was less odd and more absolutely fucking amazing. Her head shot up as I attacked her clit and I saw her mouth hang open. For a few seconds all her sexy little moans, grunts, and whimpers ceased, leaving only the sound of my cock wetly pounding into her. Then whatever sound mom had been trying to force out finally broke free and she yelled out. I didn't really catch all of what she said, not sure if all of it was even words. There were definitely some obscenities, quite a lot of them in fact. Also something about me fucking her until she couldn't walk straight. I didn't catch the tail end of her monologue as at that point my own orgasm took hold.

Mom was clearly in no position to adjust her panties for me. Fortunately I managed to take the fingers that had been teasing mom's clit and hook them around the gusset of her underwear as it sailed past. It was an awkward manoeuvre but done in the nick of time as my next thrust into mom was my last. Cum started spurting from the tip of my cock even before it was all the way into my mom. I pulled my hand back from her panties and resumed my grip on her ass, squeezing it mercilessly as the cum surged forth.

Finally my ejaculation drew to a close and I stepped back, adjusting mom's panties to cover her pussy again. Mom remained bent over the kitchen table for a while longer, getting her breath back. Finally she stood up, though her legs were noticeably shaking.

"I think," she said, and then took a few more deep breaths. I paused, wondering what erotic gem was going to come from her mouth now. "I think," she started again, "it's your turn to do the washing up." She dropped me a wink then and turned to go upstairs. I watched her ass leave and a minute later heard her shower turn on. I shook my head. At least all this craziness wasn't getting in the way of our normal relationship, I thought. And then I turned to the sink. After all, it was my turn to do the washing up.


After washing the dishes I went upstairs and washed myself. Then, since this seemed to be a washing kind of morning, I decided to do the laundry. As it had always just been me and mom growing up, I'd learned early on to do my share of the household chores, be they cooking, cleaning, or DIY. I hadn't always appreciated that as a kid, but now that I was headed to college I was glad I wouldn't be one of those people who turned up not knowing which end of a washing machine the clothes went in.

The laundry hamper in my room contained an alarming number of boxers, most of them with the tell tale signs of my and mom's recent fun. I grabbed them all and a few other items then headed to the bathroom to check what was in there. Finally I went into mom's room, after knocking on the door. She was sat in bed with her laptop, working on whatever it was she did. Something to do with spreadsheets, I thought. She smiled when she saw what I was up to and said "Thanks, hon."

I rummaged through her hamper, finding anything in there that could go in with the other items, then headed downstairs and set the load off.

That done I decided to have a lazy morning in front of the TV, figuring I'd earned it.

Mom came downstairs not long before lunch. I noted with some disappointment that she had some jeans on, but I realised I shouldn't take this personally as she went outside for a moment then came back in with the post.

"Anything good?" I asked as she flicked through the envelopes.

"Bills and junk," she said, tossing them on the coffee table. She sat down on the couch beside me and started flicking through the local newspaper, while my attention drifted back to the TV.

A few minutes later mom "Huh"ed, and I glanced over, my eyebrows raised in a silent enquiry. She was staring down at the newspaper. "Remember that film you wanted to see?" she asked, without looking up.

"Uhh, that describes quite a few films," I said.

"The one at the cinema," she clarified. "The one with the mega sharks fighting the giant aliens."

"Oh!" I said. "You mean Mega Sharks vs. Giant Aliens?"

Mom rolled her eyes. "Yes, that one. It's still on at the local cinema, but it looks like tonight's the last viewing."

"Damn," I said. "I guess I'll just watch it on TV in a few months."

Mom lowered the newspaper and looked at me. "You want to watch Mega Sharks vs. Giant Aliens on our TV?"

She had a point. Our television was adequate but not exactly huge. Reduced to our screen's size the film would probably become Quite Small Sharks vs. Aliens The Size Of A Chicken, Or Something.

Mom looked at the newspaper again, then up at the clock on the mantelpiece. "The last showing is 8pm tonight," she said. "Why don't we just go watch it then?"

"You're sure?" I asked. I don't why. Mom had similarly awful taste in films to me and it wasn't unheard of for us to go to the cinema together.

"Of course!" she said. "It's a date," she added with a sly wink, then she put down the newspaper and went into the kitchen to prepare lunch.


Mom went back to working on her laptop after lunch, and for lack of anything better to do I settled in my room with a book I'd been neglecting. Somewhere around the hundred page mark it started getting good, and I hardly noticed the time passing until mom poked her head through the door. "Dinner's ready," she said, and her head vanished.

I marked my place and went down to the kitchen. Dinner turned out to be a delicious lasagna. We both savored it for perhaps a little too long as we ended up having to dash to get changed and drive to the cinema in time for the movie.

The cinema itself was one of those middle aged ones you find in small towns. Not old enough to be quaint and personal, nor new enough to be shiny and exciting. It was just fine.

Mom and I bought our tickets and headed into the screen just as the lights started to dim for the trailers. We found our way to the back row by the light coming from the screen and sat down near the middle. The screening rooms weren't huge so sitting at the back was sensible. Despite arriving late we hadn't had to fight for our seats. The girl at the box office had looked surprised when we told her what film we were watching, and as we took our seats I couldn't help but notice that we were the only ones in there. I figured it was everyone else's loss if they were going to miss their last chance to see the cinematic marvel of the year.

It didn't take long for me to realise that I may have overestimated the film. Shocking, I know, but Mega Sharks vs. Giant Aliens just wasn't that good. Half an hour in I was, quite simply, bored. Based on my mom's occasional yawns and glances around the room as if searching for something to distract her, I wasn't the only one.

I scanned the room again and saw that we were still the only two customers, and at this point I didn't think anyone was going to join the film nearly half way into its run time. A wicked notion occurred to me, and I leant over to whisper in my mom's ear. "You know," I said, "we're alone in here."

I saw mom shudder at my words then turn and frown at me, giving her head a small shake. But then I also saw her scan the room as well, confirming what I'd said.

I should probably point out here that I wasn't some raging exhibitionist, desperate to sort-of-fuck my mom in public because of the thrill of discovery. No, I just wanted to sort-of-fuck my mom, period. I was happy to try it there in the cinema precisely because I knew we were safe from being discovered. My friend from high school, also called Steven, had worked at this very cinema for a year, only leaving a week earlier to go travelling abroad. I for one had been jealous of other-Steve, thinking a job in a cinema would be awesome. Think of all the free films I could watch! But apparently it wasn't like that. The staff were effectively banned, on pain of dismissal, from entering the screens after the first few minutes of the film and before the end credits started rolling. Presumably this was done to stop people like me who would have sat around all day watching the latest releases and getting paid for it.

Other-Steve had also been disappointed that one of his roles as head projectionist involved tapping a few keys in the morning then pissing off. All the projectors were digital now, and ran on automatic timers. Only the head projectionist was allowed in the projection rooms, in case someone else tampered with and broke the equipment. Since the head projectionist always had the morning shift I was safe in the knowledge that no one on the staff and no one from the public was going to come into the screen until those mega sharks vanquished those giant aliens and the end credits rolled.

I knew all that. Mom didn't. Maybe she does have an exhibitionist streak, and that's why a few minutes after my whispered observation she placed her hand in my lap and slowly started rubbing my cock through my pants. I gasped in surprise, having not really expected anything. My cock recovered faster than I did, and was soon straining upwards against my clothes.

Mom carried on doing this for a while, slowly caressing the outline of my cock. She was being as subtle as possible. A pointless precaution as I knew, but I realised that it was actually pretty hot to imagine that we could be caught. When my cock's restraint started becoming painful I shifted my hands down to my lap and, as subtly as mom had worked, I undid the buttons on my jeans and slowly shuffled them and my boxers down past my cock, which stood up proudly, ready for action.

Mom had taken her hand away while I did this. Once my cock was free I glanced over and in the ever shifting light I saw that she had been slowly lifting her skirt up just as I had been slowly lowering my jeans. As I watched she used her fingers to bunch the whole garment up around her waist, revealing a pair of those bikini briefs that I was starting to love so much. We both just sat there for a while, more interested in each other's laps than the allegedly exciting shenanigans on screen. Eventually mom broke the spell, and reached her hand over to grasp my cock. I gasped again and gave my hips a little thrust upwards, after which mom began to slowly stroke my cock up and down.

Not wanting anyone to feel left out, I reached my own hand into mom's lap and slid it down the front of her panties. I heard her whimper softly before my fingers even reached her clit, and when they did reach it she let out a much louder moan. The sound was all but lost in the exciting shark chase going on not so far away. Mom had seemed reluctant to start fooling around, but the inside of her panties told a different story. I could feel the smouldering heat emanating from her pussy, and her juices were pooling out of her pussy, slowly filling up her panties and no doubt starting to leak onto her seat.

Mom may have been well lubricated down there, but my cock was a different story. All the precum I'd carefully unleashed while mom was stroking me though my pants seemed to have been soaked up by those same garments. Mom stopped briefly to spit on her hand and try to lubricate my cock that way, but it had little effect. The feel of her hand on my cock felt amazing regardless, and I was about to lean over to tell mom not to worry about it when she took my hand out of her panties and leaned over to me first.

"Don't tell anyone about this," she whispered in my ear. For a second I thought she meant what we'd been doing in general. It was an odd time to worry about that, I thought, and even odder to think that I would tell anyone. But she didn't mean what we'd been doing in general, she meant what she was going to do next.

Tossing her hair to the side, mom lowered her head without hesitation into my lap. I didn't quite comprehend what she was about to do, or maybe I just didn't believe it. That lasted right up to the point where her lips sealed around the base of my cock and I felt her tongue roaming around the shaft.

"Fuck!" I yelled, loud enough to be heard over what had suddenly become a rather quiet film. I glanced at the screen to make sure the credits hadn't sneaked up on us. Luckily it was just some guy's emotional death scene. I returned my attention to my lap, where mom's head was bobbing up and down with gusto, all while her tongue was running over every part of my cock it could reach, liberally coating me with mom's saliva.

Feeling like I was going to explode any second I reached out and grabbed mom's ass, squeezing it like a life preserver. Then I reached around her body to her tits, grabbing one between my fingers. Then it was back to her ass. I was a mess, certain that I was going to either die or cum any second, maybe both. For the first time since our arrangement had started I was annoyed by the part where I had to cum in mom's pussy. If I could have released right there in mom's mouth I think I could have died happy.

Mom must have realised how close I was getting as she raised herself back up, taking a deep breath and wiping her chin as she did so. My cock strained upwards, looking furious to be given such pleasure then have it taken away. Mom didn't plan on staying away for long though. As soon as she was sat upright she stood up and took a step to the side, her legs straddling mine. Then she reached between her legs, roughly grabbed my cock, and dropped her body down, sinking her pussy onto my dick on the first try. Between her sopping wet pussy and my suddenly very moist cock, I didn't have any trouble penetrating a few inches into her, and her panties made little squelching noises as my cock pushed them up into her pussy.

With her hands on my knees, mom was able to start thrusting her hips up and down. I placed my hands on her hips wanting to pull her down further onto my cock, but that only seemed to throw off mom's rhythm. Instead I shoved my hands under mom's top, then slid them up over her body until I had a large, soft breast in each hand. I squeezed them roughly and pinched mom's nipples, prompting shrieks of pleasure from her. She was being loud, but the movie was being louder. It looked like some sort of epic fight was going on between the titular large entities. I realised that if this was the last fight scene then the credits probably weren't too far away, and with them would come the staff members.

I redoubled my efforts, circling mom's nipples then pinching them, meanwhile thrusting my hips up to meet mom's downward movements. I was getting close, and considered throwing my mom over the back of the seat in front of us and fucking her from behind to finish. Before I got the chance mom pushed up extra hard and stood up and off me. I barely managed to open my mouth to ask why when she turned around and lowered herself back down onto me, kneeling on my seat. Now face to face she started gyrating her hips wildly, the end of my cock rubbing every which way inside her.

With her back to the screen (which was currently filled with all manner of underwater space explosions) mom had become essentially a silhouette to me. That would explain why I didn't think twice about reaching up to grab the back of her neck and drawing her to me so my lips could search out hers.

We kissed messily, our frantic movements making it hard to maintain any kind of lip lock. The hand I had on the back of her neck wasn't really helping so I lowered it and my other hand to her ass, grabbing it firmly by both hands and stroking it with my fingers. The soft fabric of mom's bikini briefs felt great under my fingertips, but the parts of my hand that were stroking mom's ass skin-to-skin felt even better. That was easy enough to remedy. I reached my hands up to the top of mom's ass then slid them both back down to where they had been, but this time under her panties. In the process mom's underwear was pushed down a few inches, and the effect of that was instantaneous.

Without warning, as my hands slipped down into the back of mom's panties, when mom next crashed her hips down against me, my cock slid a good inch further into her than it had been doing. An inch might not sound like much, but when your entire sexual universe has focused down to a certain fraction of your cock slipping into a panty-covered pussy, an extra inch can make all the difference. Mom certainly seemed to think so as her moans suddenly because audible over the cacophonous action happening on screen behind. Now it was her turn to grab my head and force the kiss, her hips trembling as her orgasm took her.

Later I would suss it out. The gusset of mom's panties was only halting the progress of my cock because the rest of her panties were tight up where they should be. When I pushed down her panties it provided slack to her gusset, allowing it to go further inside of mom before tightening up.

That was what I figured out later. At the time it was basic animalistic thinking, cause and effect. When I stroked mom's ass and pushed her panties down, my cock went deeper, which felt good. Mom's hips had all but stopped moving after the power of her orgasm so I took up the mantle, bucking my hips upwards frantically. Every few strokes I pushed the back of mom's panties down a little further. Before long, rather than having a few inches of my cock inside mom, only a few inches weren't pistoning into her. I'll never know if mom would have stopped me if I'd ended up bottoming out in her since at that point my cock twinged and I felt my orgasm start.

It was way too late to fish mom's panties out of her pussy, shove them to the side, and plunge my cock back inside her. So I decided to take the opposite approach. With a final yank I pulled the back of mom's panties down over the curve of her ass. Freed from that responsibility they had plenty of slack and on my last thrust upwards my cock bottomed out in mom's pussy. Cum started to explode in great bursts from the end of my cock. I'm pretty sure that cotton panties aren't totally effective as birth control, so I hoped that some of those sperm were getting where they were supposed to.

As I came down from the orgasm I looked over mom's shoulder at the screen. It seemed to be a lingering shot of some wreckage under the ocean, slowly zooming in on a flashing light. I panicked. I'd seen enough bad films to recognise a classic just-before-the-end-credits sequel hook. We only had moments before the staff came in to clean this place up.

"Mom," I hissed. She didn't move, seeming to still be in some kind of post-orgasmic trance. I shook her shoulder. "Mom, quick! People are coming!"

That broke her reverie and, with a nervous look around, mom promptly stood up then sat just as promptly down on her seat next to me. I wasted no time pulling up my jeans and buttoning them as fast as I could. I glanced over, expecting to see mom rolling down her skirt, but instead she was busy pulling her cum-drenched panties out from her pussy. Once she had them out she held her long, smooth legs upwards and pulled the panties off. In the dim light of an alien tracking device nestled up against a baby shark, I could see that the outer facing side of the gusset was covered in creamy streaks. As mom held her panties up I could even see a little puddle of my cum pooled in a dip in the material. Not wanting to waste any of my cum, mom rapidly slipped the panties back on, inside out this time. Once this was done she finally started rolling down her skirt, even as the lights started to go up again, and a bored looking kid my age with a broom and a bin walked in. Decent at last, mom grabbed my hand and all but dragged me out of the cinema.

We got most of the way to the car when mom pulled me sideways down a dark, secluded alleyway. My first thought was that she'd seen someone she wanted to avoid. But that wasn't it. Once in the alley she shoved me roughly against the wall and followed it up by kissing me hard on the lips. I was more than a little surprised but I closed my eyes and returned the kiss. She pushed her hips forward, her mound rubbing over my cock, and I responded in kind by grabbing her ass and pulling her even tighter against me. We kept this up for a minute or two and my cock started to stir, but I don't think either of us were ready for round two.

Finally mom pulled away to arms length and beamed at me. "Thank you!" she said, her voice full of excitement. "That was... incredible."

I didn't know what to say to that, and apparently mom didn't need to hear anything as she pulled me back out from the alley and to the car. Neither of us said a word for the entire car trip home, or even once we got home. Only when we reached upstairs did I open my mouth. "Yeah," I said, "it was."

Mom grinned. "Night, sweetheart."

"Night, mom," I said, and we turned to go to our separate beds.


I woke up a bit earlier than normal the next morning. The temptation to stay in bed and drift back into sleep was powerful, but I overcame it and rolled out of bed, throwing on a t-shirt before heading downstairs.

It was Friday. Day seven of mom's and my agreement. A week tomorrow I'd be leaving for college. Now don't get me wrong, I'd been excited to go to college and I still was. I was under no illusions that having amazing sexual encounters with mom twice a day was some kind of replacement for life in general. I wasn't going to give up on college and stay at home to become my mom's full time cum dispenser. But I would miss it, I knew. Even though I really wanted mom to be happy, part of me secretly hoped she didn't manage to get pregnant during these two weeks and we'd have to keep trying every opportunity we got. Or maybe she would get pregnant but our arrangement would continue anyway. There would be no logical reason to do so, but hot damn did it feel good.

I puttered around the kitchen as I thought all this, rustling up some coffee and an omelette for mom and me to share for breakfast. Just as I finished and was about to go upstairs and rouse mom, she walked into the kitchen. I hadn't looked in the mirror so don't know how I looked after our session in the cinema the previous evening, but mom was looking pretty dishevelled. Her hair was mussed and she looked a bit bleary eyed. She also hadn't changed since getting up, I saw. She was still in her pyjama bottoms and I finally got to see the pyjama top that I assumed she'd been wearing during our late night encounter a few days earlier. It had the same pattern as the bottoms but was a button up shirt style top with a neckline that dipped down. It didn't plunge to her cleavage by any means, but compared to her usual jumpers it was positively scandalous. It also hung loosely from her tits in a way that certainly got my cock's attention.

"Hey," mom said croakily as she walked in. I gave a little wave, too busy taking in the details of her top to bother with pleasantries. Mom probably wouldn't have heard them anyway as she went straight to the coffee machine and poured herself a mug full. I winced as she immediately gulped a couple of mouthfuls of what had to be scaldingly hot liquid. Clearly it didn't bother mom, who just sighed with relief, topped up her mug, then sat down at the table.

I served up the food and mom and I tucked into the eggs with copious amounts of coffee thrown in. Mom seemed to wake up now she had some caffeine and food inside her, and we chatted between mouthfuls about our impressions of the film the previous evening. Given that we'd only seen forty minutes or so of it neither of us could really give a fair review, but we did enjoy pointing out all the terrible aspects we remembered from that first half. We seemed to have silently agreed not to discuss what we did for the second half of the film, or at least I thought we had, right up until mom looked down demurely at the table and said "I especially enjoyed that sex scene."

I grinned too, weirdly shy about discussing it in such a normal setting. Mom didn't bother staying on the topic and asked what my plans were for the day.

I explained about my activities on Craigslist a few weeks earlier, careful to avoid mentioning that I'd seen her ad. I'd managed to find someone to buy an accordion that my grandfather had inexplicably given me for Christmas the previous year and that had been sat on top of my wardrobe ever since. I could only assume my grandfather was going mad. I'd also managed to find a couple of guys who, between them, were selling most of the text books that I'd need for my first year of college courses. They were going at a fraction of the price they should have cost, on the proviso that I came and collected them. Luckily for me, my accordion buyer and text book sellers all lived in the same town, about a forty five minute drive away. I'd arranged all three transactions to take place this afternoon, which was my only real plan for the day. Mom nodded, "Sounds good!" she said.

I stood up and started collecting the dirty plates and mugs and asked mom what her plans were. She just shrugged a little. "Oh you know," she said, "work stuff. Nothing exciting."

I took the dishes to the sink and started the hot water flowing, ready to wash up. I thought mom might head upstairs then but she stayed at the kitchen table, watching me and sipping on a glass of orange juice. There was something about this scene that seemed familiar.

"So," she said, after a minute.

When nothing else seemed forthcoming I prompted "So?"

"So," she said again. "I've been thinking. About the rules of our... arrangement."

I nodded noncommittally, not sure I liked where this was headed. The rules at the start had been simple: no sex. That had meant no groping, no thrusting, and no monkey business. We'd been breaking those rules since the first session of course. I'd groped pretty much everything mom had to grope. I'd thrust into my hand, her hand, over her ass, over her pussy, and into her pussy. Our business had so many monkeys we just needed some typewriters and we could probably whip up some Shakespeare plays. Mom no doubt wanted to reestablish some semblance of sanity. I couldn't blame her, I thought, blamefully.

"I think we've been pretty good about following them," she said after a moment longer. I managed not to snort laughter, but it was close. If mom was going for a poker face then I could too. I just concentrated on washing the dishes as mom spoke. "Your idea about using my underwear to stop yourself getting inside me was really clever," she went on. There were so many things wrong with that sentence that I didn't know where to start. It hadn't been my idea, I'd just nearly impaled mom while she happened to still have her panties on. Without them we'd have been screwing in the back of her car. More to the point her panties didn't stop me getting inside her, they just meant less of me went inside than would have without them. Unless, as I'd discovered last night, I cheated and loosened her underwear, at which point they did a grand total of fuck all about stopping my cock in its tracks.

"But," mom continued. At this point I really didn't know what she was going to come out with. "I feel like some of the rules might be needlessly getting in the way of you doing your job." The job she was referring to, I assumed was knocking her up. And she had a point. Getting my dick inside her at the exact moment that I came had been a nightmare of timing since the beginning. My failure at the very kitchen sink that I was currently standing at still haunted me. And while fucking mom through her panties felt amazing, I did feel like we'd been lucky twice to get them out of the way so I could cum properly inside her. If we couldn't get them out of the way in time, like last night in the cinema, then I'd essentially end up cumming while wearing a soft, cotton condom. It wouldn't stop all my sperm doing their task, obviously (don't use soft cotton condoms as birth control, kids!), but it certainly wouldn't help matters.

I nodded slowly and placed the last plate on the draining board, then got to work on the pan I'd cooked the omelette in.

"So," said mom, "I think," another pause, "maybe," an even longer pause, and then a rush of words all at once. "If you get it all the way inside me to cum and it turns out you're on the brink but not quite there you can just give it another thrust to get yourself over the edge. One or two more thrusts. Nothing more. Maybe, like, five thrusts, tops."

I stared down at the pan in my hands, mindlessly scrubbing it even though it was clean. Mom was saying that, as long as I didn't take liberties, I could basically fuck her to push myself over the edge into orgasm. "Oh... okay," I said, shuffling back a half step as my cock leapt forwards and started pressing against the kitchen counter. "That sounds a like a great idea, mom. Good thinking!" I finally placed the now sparkling pan on the draining board and started giving my trembling hands a quick wash under the warm water. I heard mom's chair scrape backwards as I did so and I thought she was going to head upstairs. Instead, when I glanced over my shoulder I saw her coming around the table and heading right for me, wearing the kind of look a lion might give to a gazelle. Especially if the lion planned to fuck the gazelle in the kitchen. Which seems unlikely now I think about it.

"I need it," growled mom as she came at me. "Now!" she barked as if I'd said no, which I definitely hadn't. I turned to face her but before I could do anything mom sank to her knees in front of me and yanked my boxers down to my ankles. My cock sprang up and mom adroitly caught it in her mouth, then sucked on the head like she thought she could just suck the cum straight out of it. That didn't feel like an entirely implausible possibility at the time. One of her hands came up to cup my balls while I saw the other reach down into the front of her pyjama bottoms. It wasn't difficult to figure out what that hand was doing, especially as mom started grunting around my cock.

I moved my hands to mom's head, my damp fingers curling into her hair. I felt mom relax her head slightly and I took the initiative and started bucking my hips, fucking mom's mouth as her tongue swirled all over my cock's underside. The sensations coming up from my cock were incredible, with mom's tongue and the little vibrations from her moans overloading my nerves. I felt an orgasm coming on fast and stopped bucking my hips. Mom seemed to take umbrage at this and immediately began pushing her head back and forth, her lips sliding wetly over the length of my shaft as her tongue danced beneath it.

"Oh shit!" I yelped, feeling an orgasm about to burst forth. Lost in pleasure I'd momentarily forgotten where I was supposed to cum. Fortunately mom hadn't. She pulled her mouth off me just as I was about to cum and my cock hovered in front of her face looking painfully engorged. If my mom had been a real looker I might have exploded all over her face at that moment. Fortunately her face hadn't entirely lost its ability to stave off my orgasm, and I didn't cum. Mom didn't want to waste any time though. She laid down on the kitchen floor where she had knelt and shucked off her pyjama bottoms. She wasn't wearing any underwear. I didn't need to be told what she wanted, and sank between her legs before lining my cock up with her pussy.

"I'm ready!" she cried before I even got the chance to ask, and so I pushed myself forward, sinking my cock deep into mom's pussy. I was close, really close, but my orgasm hovered just out of reach. Well aware of our recently rewritten rule book, I pulled out and started hammering my cock into mom's tight, wet pussy.

Mom had said five thrusts was the maximum allowed. I think we both knew we'd be pushing that number up before long, but not this time. Four was all it took before the orgasm hit me like a physical blow. That was one more than mom managed. As my third thrust hit home she suddenly let out a cry and wrapped her arms around me, pushing her face into the crook of my neck. On the next thrust my own groan joined hers and I buried my cock as deep as I could into mom. She wrapped her legs around me, pressing down with her ankles as if to encourage me even deeper. I could feel the cum trickling down into mom, hopefully heading on a one way trip to her uterus and beyond.

We laid there on the kitchen floor for a few minutes, my cock slowly going soft inside mom and her limbs tight around me. Eventually she broke the silence. "Steven?"

"Yeah, mom?" I said.

"Could we get up? My back hurts."

I smiled and stood up once mom had disentangled her limbs from around me. I then helped her to her feet. "My hero," she said, giving me a kiss on the cheek, then she wandered off to her room and I got on with my day.


That afternoon at around three I pulled the accordion down from its home on top of my wardrobe and gave it a quick clean. A few quick squeezes convinced me that no, I really didn't want to keep the thing, and I headed downstairs with it.

Mom was sat on the couch in the living room, staring at her laptop. "Hey, mom," I said. "I'm just heading out now to get rid of this infernal thing. Do you want anything while I'm gone?"

Mom stretched her arms up in the air and closed her laptop. "I don't think so, honey," she said, then rubbed her face. "Actually could I come for a ride with you? It'll be nice to get out of the house."

"Sure!" I said. Mom was usually a good passenger to have in the car. She didn't backseat drive, she was a surprisingly good navigator for someone who didn't get out that much, and most important of all she never touched the stereo. What more could you want?

Mom stood up and looked down at herself. She was rocking the baggy jumper and skirt look today, for a change. That was fine with me and apparently it was fine with her as she just said "Let's go, then," and headed for the front door.

The drive to the town where we were headed should have taken less than an hour. I hadn't taken into account how bad traffic would be on a Friday afternoon, nor quite how bad the directions that I'd been given to my accordion buyer's house were. "Turn left at the tree, it's the green door," I muttered to myself for the tenth time as we drove in seemingly endless circles. In the end it took almost an hour and a half before we reached the right address. Even then it was mostly luck. I thought I had roughly the right house, except the door was a lurid red. I knocked anyway and a bemused looking guy not much older than myself answered. It turned out that yes, this was the right address, yes his door was green, oh but no, wait, it had been repainted recently so yes, his door was red now, and no, I most certainly didn't want to come in and check out his accordion collection.

Cash in hand and accordion finally disposed of I made my way back to the car where mom was waiting with a bemused expression of her own. "Don't ask," I said as I drove away to the next address.

The two text book sellers were easier to find but no easier to deal with. The first had forgotten I was coming and took half an hour to round up all the books, a process not made faster by his insistence on asking me every five minutes if I wanted a beer. Having turned down the offer with "Sorry, man, I'm driving," and "No thanks, I'm only eighteen," the first few times, I did at least entertain myself with ever more mysterious reasons to decline, none of which he seemed to pay the least bit of interest in. "Sorry, I can't, I don't have a liver." "Better not, I haven't drunk in years. Not since the incident." "No thanks, I only drink the blood of virgins." I don't think he so much as blinked at any of them.

The second seller was more organised than the first. Perhaps too organised. He insisted I check each book I was buying for damage, then signed individual receipts confirming the books were in the condition listed. It wouldn't have been so bad except I'd snapped up a dozen books at his bargain prices.

By the time I dropped back into the driver seat, what should have been a two hour outing had already lasted over three hours. And I still had to drive back. Mom had at least had the presence of mind to bring a book with her so hadn't been bored out of her skull waiting in the car.

"Do you want me to drive back?" asked mom, looking over at me from the passenger seat.

"Nah, it's okay," I said, running my fingers through my hair. Mostly I was just glad all the transactions were finished.

"Listen," said mom, "traffic is going to be even worse by now, and I don't think either of us will want to cook by the time we get home. What do you say we find somewhere to eat here and drive back afterwards?"

"I say: you are a genius, mom."

My mom smiled. "Yes," she said. "Yes I am."

In fact mom had spotted a little Japanese restaurant while we'd been driving in circles earlier, so she guided us back there and we headed in. We must have been earlier than the evening crowd, or else the restaurant just wasn't popular, since we were the only customers in there for the duration of our meal. Given how good the service was and how delicious the food tasted, I'd have to guess that it was the former.

We were both in high spirits as we left the restaurant and got back into the car. The sun had already dipped below the buildings and twilight was taking hold. I was willing to drive home on the highway, guessing that traffic would have cleared up, but after a little persuasion from mom I agreed to return on some of the smaller roads. Traffic would definitely be minimal on them, and I think mom was enjoying just relaxing in the car with the stereo playing.

The drive was uneventful for a while. Just me, mom, and the tunes we were listening to. I thought mom had drifted off to sleep a couple of times, but when I glanced over she was just looking out the window, relaxing.

After about half an hour, maybe half way home, I noticed mom was getting fidgety. Given how much sitting she'd been doing in the car today I figured her behind was probably just falling asleep. But then she ran the fingertips of her right hand in a slow caress down over her torso. That in itself could have meant many things, but it was harder to misconstrue when she reached over with her left hand and started rubbing my inner thigh slowly up and down.

"Steven?" she murmured after a few minutes of this, during a quiet point in one of the songs.

"Mm?" I said back.

"Find somewhere," she said simply. During more innocent times I might have thought she meant find somewhere to pee. But we weren't living in innocent times. And I didn't think she wanted to pee.

Ideally I would have found some quiet back road with no traffic and just parked up. But it wasn't late enough for any of the roads we were near to be deserted, and the way mom's hand had started rubbing across my cock on alternate strokes made me think she wasn't feeling like waiting.

I was pondering the problem when I spied a small gas station up ahead. Mom raised an eyebrow at me when I pulled into the forecourt, but I just waggled my eyebrows in return and got out of the car. Having adjusted myself slightly so the bulge in my jeans wasn't obvious, I ambled into the adjoining convenience store.

"Hello!" I said to the cashier, doing my best innocent impression. He was a large guy sat behind the counter and staring up at some talent show on the television. I grabbed some breath mints and set them on the counter. The cashier barely acknowledged my existence as he scanned them through and grunted out the price unintelligibly. Fortunately I can read so checked what price had come up on his till then handed over the required sum. He flicked the coins into the till without even looking at it, which I have to admit was pretty skillful. That seemed to be the total amount of interaction he was willing to have with me, but since buying breath mints was merely a cunning ruse I wasn't quite done with him yet. "Do you have any restrooms, perchance?" I asked, not sure why I was suddenly talking like someone from a Dickens novel.