
Naughty Selfies with Mom


I walked down the stairs early morning to the sound of my mother arguing with someone over the phone. She was sitting by the dining room table wearing her robe and she slammed her phone down after she gave the last word.

"Ugghhh... what an asshole," she muttered to herself.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

She looked uncharacteristically dressed down without any makeup. Her hair was sloppily done and she looked like she was on the verge of tears- a stark contrast to the usual 'upbeat soccer mom' image she always presents herself as in public. And her public image was extremely important to her.

"It's nothing," she replied in a deflated tone. "Actually... I heard from a friend last night that my boyfriend had been out with another woman."

"So you think he's cheating?"


"That could be anything," I said, trying to make her feel better. "For all you know, that could have been his sister or co-worker."

"My friend said that this other woman had her head buried in his lap in a parking lot. You know, going up and down. I don't want to get any more graphic than that."


She grabbed a tissue and wiped a tear from her eye. "I didn't want to believe that he was cheating on me either, so I called him just now to talk about it and he was tripping over his words. That jerk eventually admitted it. He tried telling me how she 'didn't mean anything to him' and how sorry he was."

"Jeez, I can't believe he would do something like that when he's already got someone like you."

"It's so hard to find a good man these days. I guess that I had been married to your father for so long that I forgot that some men don't know how to appreciate a good woman."

"Mom, you're one of the most beautiful and intelligent women I've ever met in my life. If a guy doesn't appreciate you, then he's an idiot and it's his loss."

"Thanks," she said with a warm smile. "You're the best. I'm lucky to have a young man like you in my life. You always know how to cheer me up."

"Of course, you pay the bills," I joked.

By the looks of things, mom appeared to lighten up for a moment.


"So I'm assuming it's over between you and him," I said.

She let out a loud sigh. "Well to me it's over. But he says he still wants to talk it over, even after I've made it clear that I don't want to see him anymore."

"Do you want him back? Do you want to give him a second chance or anything? Do you think he deserves it?"

"Not a chance," she replied immediately. "I can't trust him anymore. He's admitted that he'd been cheating for weeks. Weeks! He was messing around with her and then taking me out on dates."


"I know he is. But he's adamant on working things out between us. He says he's going to call me back when I calm down."

"Mom, we have a party in a few hours," I pointed out.

"I know. He's no longer welcome here. But I think he's going to try and call me anyway, which would ruin the mood for me. I have family and friends to entertain!"

"Well, if you want my opinion," I said. "The best way for him to stop bothering you is to, I don't know, pretend you've been cheating on him too."

"What do you mean?"

"Tell him that you've been cheating on him with another guy also. That you don't want to work things out because you have someone else."

"I don't know if he'll believe it."

"Of course he will," I replied. "But only if you make it believable. I mean, he's been hiding his affair for weeks, who says you haven't been doing the same thing? Just make him believe that you've been cheating too, and he'll never want to see you again."

A grin slowly appeared on her face. "Making him jealous certainly doesn't sound like a bad idea. With the right presentation, I think it could work. If he could play the game, so can I."

"I've got a bad, bad, feeling about that mischievous look on your face," I said with a grin of my own.

"You're the one who gave me the idea," she replied playfully. "It would serve him right for cheating on me. But for now, we should forget him and get ready for the party. I want to look my best."

"Suddenly you seem a lot happier."

"Thanks to you. And I pride myself on being a great hostess of parties. Thanks sweetie."

She stood up and gave me a kiss on the forehead before heading up the stairs. Somehow, this seemed like only the beginning of a long day.


An hour had passed when my mother called me to her room. When I got there, she struck a model pose to show off the outfit she'd be wearing for the party.

"What do you think?" she asked, still looking fresh out of the shower. "Not bad for a 45 year old woman, right?"

Her hands were around her waist as she stood barefoot in a holiday hostess outfit. It mainly consisted of a thick red dress which came down to her knees, displaying her toned calves from all the long distance running she does. It showed off most of her arms, highlighting her regular yoga routine. She also wore an embellished large black belt buckle around her waist. A lot of effort was also put into her hair and makeup.

Simply put, she was stunning!

"You look fantastic," I replied honestly. "I don't think I've ever seen you so... dressed up for a party before."

"You can go ahead and say it."

I paused a moment. "Sexy."

"Thanks! Wait until you see my matching black boots. I saw this ensemble a few days ago and I just couldn't resist."

"I can see why. Is this still a family friendly party?" I joked.

She smiled, "Of course it is. I know it's a little more revealing than what I usually wear for these sorts of gatherings, but since this year's party will only have grown-ups, I figured why not? You only live once, right?"

"Did the break-up have anything to do with this?" I tried to pry out of her more details. "You seem like you're starting a new chapter in life or something."

She gave a purposefully coy look. "Maybe. Let's just say that I feel liberated and I want to look my best. And if you look good, you feel good."

Right on cue, her phone beeped as she received a text. She picked up the phone on a nearby table, and judging by the suddenly miserable look on her face when she read it, it had to be him.

"Ughh..." she sighed. "He's apologizing profusely. He also wants to come over right now to talk about things. The last thing I need is for him to come here and make a scene. Guests will be arriving soon. It'll ruin the party."

"Just call him back and tell him that you'll talk to him tomorrow."

"At this point, I don't think that would do any good." The same mischievous grin from earlier this morning suddenly re-appeared on her face. "I've got an idea; I don't know how you would feel about it, but I need a huge favor from you."

As soon as she said that, she tapped the screen on her phone, doing something which looked important.

"Sure. Anything."

She took a few steps forward and stood in front of me. "This is going to sound a bit weird, but can you pretend to be my 'secret boyfriend' for a moment? It's the only way he'll get a clue that it's over. It will only take 2 seconds."

"I guess so, but how exactly is..."

She suddenly grabbed the back of my neck with one hand, leaned forward, and planted a wet and strong kiss on my lips. It felt wonderful feeling her mouth forcefully pressed against mine. It happened so fast that I didn't know how to react.

Her mouth pulled away and her attention went back to her phone as she looked at the image on its screen.

"Here, have a look," she said, showing me the picture of our lips kissing. "I'm going to send that to him and he's going to freak out. It's a nice way of getting him back for what he's put me through all morning."

"Yeah... uh... I'm sure that would do the trick."

A little smirk appeared on her face. "You enjoyed that kiss, didn't you?"

"What!? Of course not! I was just going along with it since I knew you had your phone out."

"Oh, don't try to deny it. You're a young man with plenty of desires. I know what young men like. Trust me, us mothers talk, and it seems pretty common that college men your age would feel this way about us."

"Seriously?" I questioned, surprised that my demure mother would be talking about a subject like this.

"Yes, seriously. We've never had this talk before, but I want you to know it's nothing to be ashamed of. Mom or not, it's okay if you enjoyed that kiss we shared."

"I guess there's no point in denying it," I reluctantly replied.

"So you did like it?"

"Did you?"

She nodded. "You have nice lips. Of course I enjoyed it. Now I want you to admit it."

"Yes," I sighed. "It felt nice when you kissed me. Why do you want me to admit it so much?"

"Just in case we need to push this further. Hang on. He's waiting for my reply. Let's see how he reacts to the kissing pic. I'll text him that I'm kissing my new boyfriend."

Mom stood there and texted the picture to her ex-boyfriend along with her messages. Sure enough, a response came instantly.

"That certainly got a reaction," she said, her eyes on the phone. "I think he's upset. Lots of exclamation marks. Oh... now he's telling me how much he's screwed up. Wait a second... he's confessing to cheating on me with 3 other women at his work. That asshole. Hmm... he says that confession is to show his newfound honesty. His 'repentance.' Prick. He still wants to come over soon."

"Will you let him?"

"And ruin our annual holiday party? I don't think so."

"Then what are you going to do?" I asked.

A full blown grin appeared on her face. "Are you willing to push this even further? If that kissing pic forced him to confess his other flings, then who knows how he'll react if I send him something more risque."

For the first time in my life, I was seeing mom's naughty and mischievous side. It was a side she so desperately tried to suppress, in her bid to be the pillar of the community. But at least she had good reason. This guy was a jerk to my mom and he didn't deserve her.

"How risque are you talking about?" I asked. "You know how jealous ex-boyfriends can be. He could put these pictures online or something."

"First of all," she said. "He'd never do that, because he's sent me plenty of pictures of his penis over the past few months. Many of which have his face attached. If he ever leaked my pics, then he knows that his nude pics are going global."

I suddenly tensed at the awkward admission that my mother was in possession of a guy's nude pics.

She smiled with a hint of embarrassment. "Sorry, too much information."

"It's okay. What's the other reason? You said 'first of all,' which usually implies there's a second reason."

"Secondly, neither of our faces will be attached to these pics. They'll be vague selfies of my body parts, which can't be used to identify me. Just close ups. Perhaps naughty ones."

I gulped. "Really? Are you sure you want to do that with me?"

"It's extremely awkward, I know. And I apologize for putting you in this horrible position of pretending to be my new boyfriend. But if we don't stop him from coming over, there's going to be a huge dramatic scene and our party will be ruined. You're the only co... umm, I mean... you're the only guy available at the moment who I can trust with something like this."

"Wait, what were you about to say? Before you stammered."

She blushed. "Nothing. So are you interested or not?"

Before I could answer, she had gotten a slew of new text messages which caused her to gasp.

"Darn it," mom cursed. "He says he'll be here in two hours after he takes care of an errand for his work. Most of our guests will be here by then. If we're going to stop him, then it has to be now, and it has to be something that will get him to leave me alone forever. I'm tired of having my heart broken."

"The plan makes sense. You can count me in. You deserve the best and this guy is a creep. I'll do anything you need."

She paused for a moment before raising an eyebrow. "Anything?"

"Yes, well, anything within reason."

"I think I have an idea. I'm not sure how you'll feel about it."

"Tell me, and I'll let you know. Go ahead, you can suggest anything. I'm curious to what a proper lady like you has planned for revenge."

"Maybe I'm not as proper as you think," she replied. "Women are allowed to have a secret side."

"Now I have to know. What's your plan?"

She took a deep breath. "Well, I think we should send him a more explicit picture so he fully gets the message. Just so you know, he really loves cumming on my chest after a blowjob. So maybe I can offer you something that would make us both happy."

I froze in utter shock, completely speechless with my jaw dropped. Mom seemed mildly embarrassed and amused by my reaction.

"Seriously?" I asked.

She nodded. "It's only a suggestion. If you agree to this emergency plan, then I'll take my top off, and you masturbate until you orgasm. Once you finish on my chest, I'll take a selfie of my stained breasts and send it to him, explaining that my new-and-improved boyfriend is already taking care of me. Does that sound like something you would be interested in doing? I know it's awful, but it'll save the party."

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, unsure if she was serious or not. "You're upset and maybe you're too emotional right now. We shouldn't do anything while you're in a state like this."

Her fingers immediately went to work undoing the large black belt buckle. The look on her face remained neutral. It was like she was in business mode.

"Maybe this will help convince you," she said.

My eyes were glued to her chest as she pulled down her dress to reveal her chest. She wore a sexy white bra and my eyes were captivated by how athletic her upper body looked. Her arms and shoulders were nicely toned, yet feminine, and her stomach had nice definition, but with curves that reflected her middle age.

"Are you interested or not?" she asked playfully, noting my surprise.

"... Uh... yeah... sure..."

She sat down on the bed, and her hands reached behind her back to unclasp her bra.

"Good," she said. "Enjoy, because this is the only time you'll ever get to see them."

She flung the bra to the floor and her bare breasts looked firm and beautiful. They were average sized, and she had a bikini tan line where her breasts were pale white compared to the rest of her body. Her areolas were fairly wide for the size of her breasts, and they were light pink. As for her nipples, they were a darker shade of pink, large, and they stood out prominently. I couldn't tell if they were hard because she was cold, or because she was aroused.

"It looks like you see something you like," my mother said, looking at my growing bulge.

"What can I say? Your breasts are amazing. And those nipples? I can't believe how big they are. They're perfect."

She smiled and playfully pinched both of them for my viewing pleasure. "I'm glad you like them. Now get to work. Guests will be arriving soon."

"You actually want me too..."

"Yes, stroke, stroke, stroke. Then cum on my chest. Do it now."

I reached down to free my semi-erect cock which immediately sprang to life once my mother's eyes were on me. I began stroking myself to the sight of my mother's breast, and she made it easier for me to climax as she fondled herself and played with her big nipples. But what was almost as hot as seeing my mother's chest up close was seeing the curious look on her face. Her eyes lustfully stared at my hard cock while I was stroking, and her mouth was open and it looked like she wanted to lick her lips.

"That's it," she said, encouraging me. "Keep stroking it."

I stroked as fast as I could. And she continued playing with her breasts for me. When I started to breathe harder, she knew what was about to happen and she leaned forward to catch my orgasm which was squirting onto her tits. I hadn't cum in a while, so it was quite a mess I made on her.

When it was over, she leaned forward to show her appreciation by giving the head of my cock a big kiss, and she cleaned me by licking a few drops of cum from the tip of my penis.

She stood up and immediately headed towards the mirror to examine the mess I made on her chest.

"Perfect!" she exclaimed. "I only wish I could see the look on his face when he sees this."

My mother grabbed her phone and used the selfie feature to take a lewd image of her cum stained tits, showing nothing which could ever reveal her identity. She smiled when she reviewed the image, then she texted it to the cheating asshole.

"Oh my," mom gasped at the text messages she instantly received back, while still standing there topless. "He's upset that I have a new man, but the plan worked. He won't be coming over to the party. Or ever. It's officially over between us."

Mom looked satisfied that the plan worked. She put her phone down, still topless, and smiled at me.

"I'm glad," I replied. "You deserve better."

"The party is starting soon. I really need to clean myself up and get dressed again. Thanks for your help. You're the best 'new boyfriend' I could have ever asked for."

She winked at me and went straight to her bathroom.


It was mid-afternoon and the party went off without a hitch. Our house was filled with laughter from family and friends who were glad to see each other. As for my mother, she walked around with a big smile, proudly socializing with all of the guests. She looked really sexy in her tight little holiday outfit, which was now completed with her sexy high heeled black boots.

I was in the kitchen preparing more food, and the moment I was alone, my mother approached me to talk.

"The plan worked," she said in my ear. "I haven't heard from him since this morning. I really owe you for this. Anyway, how are you doing?"

"Great, thanks. And you're doing a fantastic job hosting this party as usual."

"Actually, I was referring to what we did earlier. Have you recovered yet? Or did I emotionally scar you for life? Regret it? Enjoy it? Tell me."

"Oh, that. Honestly, I've thought about it for the past few hours."

Mom raised an eyebrow. "In a good way? Or bad?"

"Nothing I can say in front of anyone else, if you catch my drift."

There was an amused look on mom's face as she glanced down at me towards my crotch. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was aroused.

"Will it be a problem?" she asked with a sneaky innuendo. "As the party hostess, I can't have you standing around with a hard-on."

I gulped. "That would look terrible for both of us."

"It certainly would. We've already solved the problem of my ex-boyfriend. Now it seems we have another issue at hand. Meet me in the basement in 2 minutes. I'll take care of this situation for you."

"Are you sure?" I asked, partially excited, partially nervous.

"I'm your mother. Do as I say."


We headed down the stairs, unnoticed by all of the guests who were too busy chatting. Once we got there, my mother held me by the hand as she leaned her back against the washing machine.

"So you've still been thinking about your own mother?" she asked in an aroused tone. "Letting you cum all over my tits wasn't enough?"

My heart started beating faster and I know hers did as well.

"Unfortunately it wasn't. Why do I get the feeling that taking those naughty selfies has excited you?"

"Because it has," she answered. "It was wrong. It was horrible. I acted impulsively and I know I'll regret it."

"But?" I asked, prying for more.

"It was the most thrilling thing I've ever done in my entire life. My hands were almost shaking when you came on my breasts. And watching you stroke yourself in front of me-- oh my god -- it was surreal. My own son."

My cock throbbed. She must have sensed the subtle shifts in my body because she reached down and grabbed my cock through my clothes.

"Wow," I gasped.

She grinned. "You got to cum earlier. And you're already hard again. My pussy has been drenched since this morning. That's not fair."

"And what do you think we should do about it?"

"At the very least, we can't have you walking around the house with a hard-on. It'll scare the guests."

She reached below again, but this time to pull her panties down to her boots, and she kicked them off to the side. She put her hands on the edge of the washing machine and lifted herself so that she could sit on it, and then she spread her legs open to expose her bare pussy.

"You know what to do," mom said in a rushed tone. "Make it quick. And make me cum while you're at it."

I looked down in delight to see her cleanly shaven crotch. It had the same bikini tan line as her breasts, where the skin was pale white compared to her tanned athletic legs. Her labia was thin and light brown. And I saw a pool of wetness on her pink insides from how aroused she was.

I pulled my pants down, exposing myself, and I took a step forward to press my erection against her entrance. She wrapped her arms and athletic legs around me and pulled me closer to her. We were face to face, looking each other straight in the eyes as I pushed my manhood deep inside of her body.

It felt sensational being in my mother. But as much as I loved that feeling, I got even more pleasure from seeing that look on her face. It was a look which showed how much pleasure she was getting from this insanely taboo experience. Her eyes were open wide and filled with lust as her own son penetrated her. The tip of her nose wiggled slightly with each of her facial movements. And her mouth was panting and moaning, and I was able to feel her hot breath on my skin.

She became wetter with every thrust I gave. Her panting became harder. Neither of us cared that we were having sex while our family and her friends were upstairs chatting away. If anything, it made the moment even more erotic because of how big the taboo we were committing, with just an unlocked door separating us from everyone else.

"Oh fuck," she cursed.

Mom came hard and her eyes rolled back. Her body tensed and contracted. Then her body seemed to go limp for a moment before she composed herself while I was still fucking her. Knowing her, she didn't allow herself to relax that much because she still had a party to host.

"That's it... fuck me... fuck your mother..." she moaned lustfully, coming back life after her orgasm.. "I want you to cum inside me this time."

Hearing my respectable mother talk so dirty and seeing her cum so hard sent me to my climax. I thrusted as hard as I could, shooting a large load of cum deep inside her wet pussy. I didn't stop pumping my cock until every last drop of sperm was released in her.

When it was done, we both breathed deeply.

"God that felt amazing," I moaned in my mother's ear a moment after I finished. "I can't believe we just did that."

She was still breathing heavily. "Neither can I. Getting fucked by my son wasn't exactly on wish list this year, or any other year. But I enjoyed it."

"So did I, obviously. Thanks for letting me do this."

"There's no need to thank me," she replied. "It was necessity. And I needed that more than you did. Now if you'll excuse me, I have guests to attend to."

She gave me a gentle push to get my flaccid cock out of her body. She got off the edge of the washing machine, and without bothering to clean her cum drenched pussy, she put her panties on and left the basement with a smile.


It was night when the party was finally over. I watched my mother say her 'goodbyes' to the last of our guests with hugs and smiles, and when they left, she gave me a look of appreciation.

"I'm so glad this party turned out well," she said happily, but exhausted. "It was almost an utter disaster."

"What can I say? You can manage anything."

She smiled back at me and replied, "Thanks for everything. You've been a tremendous help today and you're the only man in my life. The only one that matters, anyway. I want to make sure you understand that."

"I'm always glad to be of service."

Her look of appreciation suddenly turned into something more serious.

"Look, I know what we did today isn't normal by any means. And, well, there are still some things I want to go over with you. Come to my room in a few minutes. I really need to clear my head first."


I waited a few minutes like she asked. When I headed towards the stairs to see her, I saw that her black boots were sloppily tossed on the stairway. Her red dress was left on the hallway floor upstairs. Finally, I saw her bra by the entrance to her bedroom, and her panties by the bathroom door.

As I followed her trail of clothing and undergarments, I approached her bathroom which was filled with the sound of her shower running. It was loud, and when I saw the view inside her bathroom, I understood why- her shower door was wide open and steam was everywhere.

I stood in awe of my mother's nudity. Seeing parts of her at different times was one thing, but seeing her bare physique in its entirety was something else. Her body looked jaw dropping as she stood under the steamy running water, letting the soap and shampoo flow freely down her frame. It was especially arousing watching her breasts jiggle while her hands were up rubbing her hair in the water.

She suddenly realized that I was standing there watching her after the shampoo was rinsed off, and she said, "I was just finishing up. Why don't you join me? You look like you could use a hot shower."

I didn't need to be offered twice. I pulled my clothes off and threw them on the floor, the same way she had carelessly threw her clothes off around the house. Her eyes were curiously looking at my naked body the same way I had looked at hers. And when I got in the shower with her, she greeted me with a big hug, pressing her breasts and nipples firmly against my body.

"What a day," she said with a sigh of relief.

"I know. But honestly, I'm glad things happened the way it did."

Her eyes became filled with a look of complete sincerity. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I never would have thought that committing acts of incest would feel the way it did. And frankly, it feels so natural being with you. You've always been there for me, unlike those jerks I've been dating. And after what we've been through today, I can't help but think about what it would be like if it continued."

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" I replied.

"I might be crazy enough to. We could try taking things one step at a time and see where things go. I think we'll get through it."

"I'm not too worried about that. I'm sure it's going to work out fine. And if we're actually going to continue this, then I'd expect you to treat me like any other guy you'd date."

A tiny smirk appeared on her face. "If you're referring to the blowjobs I gave him regularly, and you want the same deal, all you had to do was ask."

She casually got down on her knees, with my back blocking the shower water from hitting her face. She wasted no time taking my penis in her mouth. Her lips wrapped themselves around my cock and she bobbed her head back and forth while she was sucking me off. Her mouth felt incredible. It was warm and tight and her tongue was constantly moving.

My cock throbbed in her mouth even more as she looked up at me with her large beautiful eyes. It was an expression which read, 'look at how dirty your own mother can be for you.'

She spit my cock out of her mouth the moment she felt it pulsating. Both of her hands quickly went to work stroking my shaft furiously and playing with my scrotum. Her wet tongue swirled around the head of my cock, and her lips gave me gentle kisses in between.

My mother, being the experienced woman that she was, sensed that I was on the verge of cumming and stroked me furiously and kept her mouth wide open in front of me. I shot a hot load of cum onto her waiting tongue, and she continued sticking it out until I was completely drained.

Once she finished giving me the best blowjob I've ever gotten in my life, she looked up at me once again with an innocent look on her face, and she swallowed. She gulped it down and licked her lips clean. She then stood up and gave me another big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Did that finally take care of your needs for the day?" she asked lovingly.

"I'm afraid so," I jokingly replied. "But I can't speak for tomorrow."

She smiled, "And to think, today was my first time ever taking selfies. I never thought they'd be so naughty, and with you of all people. Now look at us. You came on my breasts earlier today, we fucked in the middle of the party, and I just finished sucking your cock. Life is strange, and I love it."