
My Women Ch. 04


Disclaimer: All characters in this story are above 18 years of age.

Note to the Reader: This is Ch. 04 of my series called 'My Women'. Please read previous chapters. The story here continues where it left off at the end of Ch. 03.

Also, I intend to tell this story in a slow burn. If you are looking for instant gratification, please be aware that you may not find it here. But I promise you, if you are prepared to stick with the series, I'll make it worth your while. Happy reading!

Recap: Nitin goes away on a solo trip to Goa frustrated at not being able to get ahead with Navya, his sister-in-law. He is also anguished since his mother-in-law Uma stopped talking to him. At Goa he gets treated to expert handjob and blowjob from the masseuse Mary. His anger at Navya fizzles out soon and she bares her breasts to him on video call. After a drunk call with Uma, they reconcile and she models the bra he bought for her on video call. Nitin gets news of his wife Swetha's accident and rushes back to Pune with misgivings about his relationships with his in-laws.

The sky above Apollo hospital, Pune was a brooding grey when the cab dropped me off at the entrance. My mind was filled with apprehensions as I took an elevator to the 3rd floor room that Swetha was in. The impossibility of my situation crippled my brain. The further I explored the sexual relationships with my wife's mother and sister, the shakier my position became. I felt like I was playing a game of Jenga. Each piece removed was like pushing the boundaries a step further with Mom and Navya. While the excitement increased with each piece, so did the risk. I couldn't shake the feeling that one day it would all come tumbling down. What would I be left with... I didn't know the answer.

I knocked on the door of room number 306. Mom opened the door and let me in. The Maroon saree and blouse she was wearing reminded me of our video call earlier... the way she had removed her blouse and showed me the red Victoria's Secret bra on her breasts... the meaty cleavage revealed at the plunging neckline of the bra... I sighed silently as she walked in front of me towards the hospital bed where Swetha lay. She was sleeping. I ran my eyes over her.

There was a cast on her left foot. Other than that she looked no different. The baby bump protruded on her belly. I thanked God for not letting any harm come to the life within the bump. I lifted my hand to caress her hair.

"Don't wake her up," Mom whispered, "Let her sleep... she needs it." I withdrew my hand. She gestured the extra bed on the opposite side of the wall and walked towards it. I followed and sat beside her on the bed.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She is okay... the cast can come off in a month or so... the doctor has advised complete rest... but most importantly, the baby is fine." Mom answered.

"Mmm." I murmured, still looking at the sleeping figure of my wife.

"But she is really nervous... even after the doctor told her the baby is well... she is not letting me out of her sight... like she used to do as a child when she was scared."

Chitra, her colleague who had admitted her here had hinted that she was in a fragile state... but Mom revealed the true extent of Swetha's fear. It came as no surprise for she was too deeply invested in the baby's life. I wanted to ask Mom if Swetha had asked after me... but something stopped me. 'You don't need confirmation of what you already know,' my mind seemed to say.

When does a woman feel secure with her husband and stop needing her mom or dad as much... my thoughts were all over the place. How could I be such a hypocrite... another thought popped up the next moment. How could I complain on my presence not being enough for her when my actions proved that she was not enough for me. I convinced myself that we still had many years of life to figure it out and wished that one day just the two of us would be enough for each other.

"Can we go home today?" I asked.

"The doctor advised to stay here tonight." mom said. I stared blankly at Swetha.

"Nitin," Mom called, bringing me out of my tired daze.

"Go home... you look tired... I'll stay here tonight... she will panic if she wakes up and does not see me here." She said.

Though I was tired, I didn't want to burden her with what was clearly my responsibility. My hesitation must have been evident on my face for she placed her hand on my knee.

"It's okay... it's just one night... I can manage," She assured me, "Navya has prepared something for you... Go have some food and rest... I'll order something from the canteen for me and Swetha."

I left the hospital at 7 PM and took an Auto home. I had been reluctant to leave. Though Mom took it for a dutiful husband's desire to be with his wife, it was only partly that. I was reluctant to go home due to the prospect of being alone with Navya and what it would lead to. This conflicted state of mind was new to me. If this was a couple of days ago, I would've jumped at the opportunity... but now I was nervous.

By no means was it a lack of interest in pushing the boundaries with Navya. I was really excited for it... but the excitement was tempered by the sobering thought of what would happen if and when I crossed that ultimate taboo line with Navya.

As I stood outside my apartment door, my body was thoroughly exhausted and hungry. Still my heartbeat picked up and my cock tingled when I pressed the doorbell. I heard footsteps rushing towards the door from inside. The door swung open and the blurry silhouette that appeared on the other side of the netted door screen took my breath away. The door screen was pushed open and my eyes were treated to the gorgeous view of Navya, wearing the ravishing 'Reformation' midi dress that I'd bought for her. She looked like a million dollars. An almost transparent cream coloured shawl was draped over her shoulders. The effect was breath taking. The shadow like lines of the cleavage teased by the see-through shawl were bewitching. Her hair was brushed smooth and curled at the tips. She had put on light make-up and bright red lipstick.

"Come in baby." She said. I walked in, my eyes hooked on her. I stood in the hall, my mind hazy from the effect of her look.

"You look tired... why don't you freshen up... I have prepared something special for you." She told me. Still speechless, I walked towards my room. I couldn't help but look back at her a couple of times before I went inside. Once alone, I heaved a lust-filled sigh. It was curious how my apprehensions vanished at just the sight of her. When she was in front of my eyes, my mind gained absolute clarity... that I wanted her.

I removed my clothes one by one. When I was down to my briefs, I entered the attached bathroom. There, I found waiting for me, a bucket of warm water and a tiny bottle of hair oil. A nice fragrance filled the bathroom. I noticed a new pack of bathroom freshener placed above the wash basin. I realized that Navya had meticulously planned these 'I missed you... welcome back' gestures for me.

Just as I was about to close the bathroom door, Navya appeared with a bottle of shampoo in her hand.

"Your hair looks like it needs this." She said, fixing a naughty look on me. I took the bottle from her hands. I caught her eyes dropping to my crotch before she left. I looked down and found a tent formed by my semi hard cock at the front of my briefs. I closed the door and stripped off the last piece of clothing.

As I took a relaxing shower and shampooed, my mind was trying to decode this transformation in Navya. Before I went to Goa she had been playing hard-to-get. Our conversations were dominated by her interests. She had placed hard boundaries on our interactions... but the woman that welcomed me home today was focused on me, what I needed. The change in her was stark.

After the shower, I put on a pair of track pants and t shirt and came outside.

"Take a seat at the dining table... I'll be with you in a minute." Her voice came from the kitchen. I did as I was told. Plates had been set on opposite ends of the table. I found it odd. Swetha and Navya usually sat at my sides while mom sat opposite me.

Shortly Navya came out of the kitchen holding a bowl and a casserole in her hands. She placed it at the centre of the table and opened the lids on both. The spicy aroma of the contents reached my nose first.

"Paneer butter masala and chappatis." She said, proudly exhibiting her efforts. The corners of my mouth curved upwards at the smell and sight of the food. Whoever said the way to a man's heart is through his stomach was absolutely right. My hands reached out to grasp the spoon in the curry bowl but she beat me to it. She came around to my side and served a couple of chappattis and a generous amount of curry onto my plate. The shawl hung loose on her chest as she bent to serve me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her cleavage under the shawl. I wasn't discreet... for she noticed where my eyes were glued. She turned around and walked towards the sofa. The dress accentuated the curves of her back.

When she turned back, I saw that she had discarded the shawl on the sofa. My cock throbbed at the unrestricted view of her cleavage. She came to the table and sat opposite me. A naughty grin played on her mouth as she proceeded to serve herself. I ogled without reservation knowing that what was being displayed was meant for my eyes. The spaghetti straps and the V-neck left most of her upper chest and the whole of her shoulders bare. Her slender neck and shoulders primed my lust. The slight depression above the clavicle was incredibly sexy. The cleavage of her 36B breasts, though not that meaty, was still hot... but when I looked at it, another image flickered in my mind... that of mom's meatier cleavage ensconced in her red lace bra... superimposed on Navya's chest. I had to blink a few times to get that image out of my head.

She ate in silence pretending not to be aware of my stare. I found the role of sexy doting wife that she was playing now immensely arousing.

"You look amazing." I broke the silence pregnant with lust.

"You used a better word before." She replied. Her luscious red lips moved sensuously as she spoke. I felt an urge to pull her close and kiss her... but I suppressed it.

"You look sexy!" I said, correcting myself.

"Mmm." She murmured in a husky voice. It was apparent that I had walked into a gradual seduction sequence. I smiled to myself at the thought.

The food that was getting cold on my plate called my attention and I focussed on eating. I tore a morsel of chappati and dipped it into the thick orange coloured curry. I wrapped the morsel around a cube of paneer and lifted it up to my mouth. My taste buds were overjoyed as the thick gravy unleashed amazing flavours. A strong tinge of ginger and garlic hit my senses and I closed my eyes chewing the morsel. Pure delight spread through my body as my empty stomach received replenishment.

A sudden metal clang brought me out of the buzz induced by tasty food. My eyes flew open and I saw Navya looking down at the floor under the table.

"The spoon fell off my hands." She answered my confused stare. It took me a few more moments to glean from her expression that she wanted me to play the part of chivalry and pick up the fallen spoon. I pushed back the chair I was sitting on and looked under the table. I saw the spoon but it was far and I would have to bend down to pick it up. As I bent my torso to reach for the shiny steel, my eyes caught something entirely different. The dress which was as long as her knees, now lay bunched at the top of her thighs. My line of sight like aimed arrows fell at the junction of her closed legs. Seconds ticked loud like bombs in my ears as I watched her legs open up in a gradual movement. Her thick and milky thighs parted ever so slowly revealing something dark in between. As my eyes adjusted to the dimness under the table, it became clear that what I was seeing was the crotch of the black colour panty she had on. My cock pulsated and my body trembled. I couldn't take my eyes off her mystifying view.

"Found it yet?" I heard her voice from above the table like it was coming from another room. I grudgingly pried my eyes off her crotch and picked up the spoon. I stretched my hand out to hand her the spoon once I sat back straight.

"I'll just wash it and come back." She said as she took it from me. As she stood and walked away to the kitchen the dress that was bunched at the top of her thighs straightened and fell down to her knees.

The air was thick with sexual tension after she came back. The rest of the supper passed in silence. Contrary to outside, it was loud Inside my head.

'I want to fuck her,' my mind screamed like a maniac. With great difficulty, I managed to keep a straight face. She had finished her meal before me and was waiting. I stood picking up my plate when I finished... but she took it from me.

"I'll wash the dishes... you rest baby." She said before walking into the kitchen. This devoted wife character she was playing was turning me on like crazy.

I went into my room and sat on the bed. My mind was buzzing with expectation. I tried to force it to be cool. I fished out my phone and browsed through it to occupy my mind. When that didn't work I dialled mom's number.

"Nitin." Her motherly voice answered after a couple of rings. My mind calmed down immediately.

"Mom," I spoke, "How is she?"

"She is fine... woke up and had supper... went back to sleep a few minutes ago." She said.

"I told her you had come in the evening... and didn't want to wake her then." She added as an afterthought.

"What did she say?"

"Uh... she said... she said okay." Mom ended up telling the uncomfortable truth when she couldn't think of anything else.

"Huh," I scoffed.

"She said okay... wow... are all pregnant women so insensitive?" I added.

"Nitin... it's just a phase... don't take it too hard."

"How long is this phase going to last... and what am I supposed to do in that time?" My frustration at Swetha came out.

"Son, I understand that you are feeling neglected... but be patient for now... for the baby's sake at least... she can't be upset now... her mind is fragile." Mom tried to console me.

"Mmm." I murmured.

"I'm here if you need to talk to someone or just vent... you can talk to me.," she said, "I care."

My heart felt heavy with love. It yearned to be near her.

"I want to see you." I said. The line went quiet for a few seconds.

"Come." She replied in one word.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Tell Navya to pack some clothes for me." She said before I hung up. I came out of my room just as Navya was done washing the dishes.

"Mom said to pack some clothes for her... She asked me to bring it to the hospital." I said without thinking. Navya's face fell. I realized too late that she must have had more plans for the night. The two women were pulling me in different directions and my heart didn't have the sense to resist or prioritize one over the other. It wanted both and was letting itself be pulled to both randomly. My brain had become a mess of overlapping desires.

"Can't she wait till tomorrow?" Navya asked, a bit irritated.

"I'll be back soon." I promised. I didn't know if I really would... but promised nevertheless.

I waited near the door with the car keys in my hand while Navya went to Mom's room to pack. She came back with a small plastic bag and handed it to me. I took it from her. I felt like something needed to be said before leaving... but I blankly stared at her, unable to form words. When the silent stare felt like it was becoming awkward, I turned and came out of the apartment door.

I turned again to face her after I picked my sandals from the shoe stand outside the door. She closed the door screen as I wore them. Just as I was starting to leave, I heard her voice.

"I'll be waiting for you."

I looked through the netted door screen at her slightly blurry silhouette. Her hands came up to her shoulder. My heart skipped a beat as her fingers dragged the spaghetti straps over her shoulders. The straps went over the curve and dropped down to her elbows. The top of the black dress fell off her chest exposing two round tits... tits I'd seen only on my mobile screen before.

The muscles on my forearm tightened with the urge to tear down the screen door and scoop her up... but before I could react she closed the door and the gorgeous vision vanished. I was left outside with my heart beating out of my chest.

'Fucking idiot!' I cursed myself. For the life of me I couldn't understand why I was not able to compartmentalize and prioritize opportunities over feelings. I was running hither and thither like a confused child. I told myself I would hand the clothes to Mom and come back as soon as possible.

Twenty minutes later, I knocked softly on the door of room no. 306. I heard no sound for a few seconds. Then the door came open really slowly. It was dark inside as I entered. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust and see mom.

"Shhh... she is sleeping." Mom whispered. I looked over at the patient bed and saw the sleeping figure of my wife.

"I'll take this." Mom took the plastic bag from my hand. The plastic rustled a little as she placed it on the other bed in the room.

"We can't talk here... she'll wake up." Mom whispered.

"Let's go out for a few minutes." I mirrored her whispering tone. We tiptoed out and closed the door without making any sound. Once outside I was faced with the dilemma of where to go. While I stood racking my brain, a man wearing janitor-like clothes walked by. On an impulse I called out.

"Bhai." He stopped and turned around. I went close to him and whispered.

"Where can I go... if... I wanted to light a cigarette?" I felt really awkward asking the question inside a hospital... but thankfully the man didn't seem to mind the question.

"Take the lift to the top floor and go right, you'll see the staircase that leads to the terrace... the key will be under the doormat." He told me... but didn't leave. He looked at me expectantly.

I fished out a ₹ 50 note from my pocket and handed it to him.

"Saabji... don't stay there for too long... I'll get in trouble." He said before walking away.

"Come." I said to Mom and walked to the elevator. She followed. We took the lift to the top floor and like the man said, found the staircase. I fished out the key from under the doormat and opened the door. Cool night air greeted us as we stepped out onto the terrace. It was totally empty except for some solar panels at one corner. I walked towards it. I stopped at the narrow space behind the panels, between them and the parapet. I turned around to see mom close behind. We stood facing each other barely two feet apart. Neither spoke for a while.

"Son," it was mom who spoke first. I waited for her next words. She lifted her right hand up to my chest and placed her palm flat right above my pounding heart.

"How are you feeling now?" she asked. The touch of her hand made me freeze. My tongue felt like it was made of concrete.

"You can talk to me." she said in her soft motherly voice. My body thawed from the warmth in her voice.

"I... I'm confused." I said.

"Tell me." She encouraged.

"Can one be in love with two people at the same time... is it right?" I framed the statement that was running through my mind as a question.

Her face became hesitant as she comprehended what I was trying to tell her. The struggle that she herself was facing came to the surface. She was finding it difficult to reply.

"I... I don't know Nitin," she began, but then stopped searching for words.

"The heart wants what it wants... It's no use explaining logic to it." She then said. Her face softened.

It was so beautiful the way she said it. I felt goosebumps on my arms. I don't know if it was what she said or the cold air flowing around us.

"I love you." I just came out and said it... deciding not to overanalyse it. She looked deep into my eyes, her palm still on my chest. My face lowered to be level with hers and closed the gap. My lips touched hers and felt a softness I'd never felt before. Her lips parted instantly welcoming mine. I kissed mom, catching her top lip between mine. She nibbled on my thick bottom lip with her moist lips. Our bodies came closer as our lips blended. Her soft breasts pressed on my chest and she wrapped her hands around my waist. I placed my hands on her hips and continued the soulful kiss, my hard cock pressed against her navel. It seemed like an eternity had passed before we stopped.

"I love you too." She said when we parted.

"My heart too has split itself between two people," she then said, "I still love my husband... even if he has left this world... and then... you... I couldn't help it no matter how much I tried... I am in love with you."

We breathed deeply, overwhelmed by the words we had said to each other. Mom's eyes were moist and glistened in the light of the moon. Minutes went by where neither spoke.

There was something I wanted... but I feared that it wasn't the right moment. I kept turning it around in her head. After a while I convinced myself that I should just say it.

"Mom?" I called, bringing her out of the daze.

"There is something I want to tell you.... Something... I want," I started, but then floundered.

"I... I want to see... are you still wearing..." My voice failed me.

"The red bra you bought me?" she finished the sentence for me. I nodded.

"Yes." She said.

"I want to... Can you..." I faltered again.

"You... want to see it?" she asked, her breathy voice almost inaudible. I nodded again, not trusting my voice. The air around us now felt really cold as opposed to my body which was burning from inside.

Mom's hands went up to her left shoulder and pulled the pallu off her chest. The maroon blouse seemed black in the night. Her hands converged at the centre of her chest, undoing the hooks of the blouse. My cock strained in my underwear. I could feel the wetness at the tip of my cock as pre-cum oozed out. One by one, the hooks came undone and her hands moved down to the next. It felt to me like the entire world around us had come to a halt.

Inch by inch, more of her cleavage came into view. The red fabric of the bra seemed to glow when it got exposed. The skin on her cleavage looked pale in the moonlight. Her meaty breasts jutted out in the middle from the tight fit of the red bra. When the last hook was undone, her hands held the two ends and pulled them away from the middle revealing her magnificent breasts snug inside the red lace bra. I realized that I had been holding my breath.

My cock was really hard and formed a prominent tent at front. I exhaled while I took in the gorgeous view. Mom was breathing deeply. Her bosom rose and fell in quick succession. The movement increased the allure of the motherly breasts. I looked up at Mom's face. Her body was trembling with. She had shut her eyes close.

For the second time I closed the gap between us and ours lips mashed together kissing. While our lips feasted on each other, my arms went around her and met at the centre of her back... where the hooks of her bra was. Each hand grabbed one wing-band strap and pushed. The hooks slid smoothly out of the eyelets. The straps snapped loose when they were released. My hands then traced a path around to the front. My fingers passed over the curvy side of mom's breasts and cupped her heavy tits. Her nipples were incredibly hard and pointy. They bore into my hands as I squeezed her tits. Mom moaned into my mouth, her lust inflamed by my hands on her tits. I squeezed again and again eliciting more moans each time.

At the same time, I pushed my tongue into her mouth. A gasp sounded at her throat as her mouth felt the new presence. My tongue slid between her teeth and rested on her tongue waiting for her response. It took only a second for her tongue to slide around the side and come over my tongue. Our tongues duelled each other to be at the top while our mouths stayed sealed at the lips. I tasted the sweetness of her mouth as our salivae mixed with each other.

My fingers now converged at the centre of her breasts and pinched her pointy nipples. I pulled her nipples slightly away from her stretching the skin on her tits.

"Aah!" she moaned and her mouth flew open, breaking the duel of our tongues. Our lips separated as she spoke.

"Not here Nitin... Not like this." Her hands came down and rested on the backside of my palms which were holding her tits. The smooth lace fabric of the bra got sandwiched between our hands.

"I don't want it to be like this... like thieves worried that someone might walk in any minute and catch us," She spoke softly, "I don't want that fear to restrict me... I want the freedom four walls and a closed door provides."

I listening while catching my breath. I didn't want to stop. My cock was near creaming. It took a lot to stop myself and think about what she was saying... and what she was saying was only logical.

Reluctantly, my hands slid sideways from her tits and went around to her back. Mom adjusted the cups of the bra over her breasts as I pulled the two straps at the back to the middle and hooked them. I then stood back as she hooked the blouse at the front and draped the pallu back over her left shoulder.

"Let's go back." She said and started walking. I didn't move though. The tent my cock was pitching was too conspicuous. She looked back when she didn't hear my footsteps behind her and saw the obvious issue at the front of my track pant. Her face became apologetic.

"I'm sorry... I stopped so suddenly." She said. Her look alternated between my crotch and face.

"It's fine." I said... but I really wasn't. My balls were backed up with cum and the erection wasn't subsiding.

"I..." Mom opened her mouth to say something.

"It's fine mom," I cut her off and continued, "but you better go now... It's not going to go down when... when you are near."

She stayed for a few more moments looking intensely into my eyes. Her eyes conveyed the burning passion inside her which the lack of privacy had kept bottled in. I watched her hips sway womanly as she walked away, leaving me alone on the cold terrace.

I caressed my balls over the cloth of my pant. It hurt a little as I touched them. They had swelled with the build-up of cum. I close my eyes and breathed deeply. In and Out... In and Out. I repeated it a few times till my head relaxed a bit. It took a couple of minutes for my cock to soften.

It was 11 PM when I found myself back at my apartment, ringing the doorbell. My balls were so blue that I was in a hurry to be alone in my bathroom and jerk off. I was sure it would take only a couple of tugs before the cum blasted out. Navya opened the door and let me in. She locked the door behind us.

"I was just about to get ready for bed." She said and walked away into her bedroom.

I was relieved. I was in no position to handle anymore teasing. I rushed into my bedroom and stripped off my track pant and t shirt. Clad in just my briefs I checked my bedside table top drawer for lube... but it was not there. My cock had swelled up again in anticipation of a jerk off. Hurriedly I pulled open the bottom drawer and rummaged around for the small tube of KY Jelly. My hands turned up empty.

"Where the fuck is it?" I swore to myself as I kept searching.

"Where the fuck is what?" Navya's voice came from behind me. Startled I turned around. What my eyes saw in the doorway was even more startling... Navya wearing only a black panty and the black Victoria's secret bralette.

I swallowed hard in surprise and burst into coughs as saliva went down the wrong way. She stood there, right hand high on the doorframe and left hand on her cocked hip staring at me as the cough abated.

"God!" I exclaimed once I caught my breath. She smiled wide seeing the intended effect of her attire grip me.

My cock lurched at the visual stimulation. The plunging neckline of the bralette exposed a lot of skin on her breasts. The fabric of the bralette was so sheer, the round pear-like shape of her tits could be clearly made out. The lace of the bralette came down to a couple of inches above her navel. Her black panties were of the hipster type. Though it covered up a lot, the front part that covered her vagina was a sight to behold.

She sauntered into the room toward me, with a bit of an exaggerated sway on her hips.

"I have been waiting long to get this time alone with you." She said as she closed the gap and threw her arms around my neck. She pressed her body on mine as she hugged. The fabric of the bralette felt like clouds against my chest. Her navel touched the tip of my cock over my briefs.

"Ohhh God!" I moaned softly as I struggled to control my cock.

"You like how I look, don't you baby?" she said as she lifted herself up on tiptoes and planted her lips softly on mine. I felt a zap like an electric shock and my hips convulsed as my cock erupted with spunk. My grey colour briefs darkened at the front as cum wetted it.

She stepped away alarmed at the sudden convulsions in my body. Worry lines appeared on her forehead as being a virgin she failed to understand what had happened. Embarrassed, I rushed to the attached bathroom. Once inside, I stripped off the cum-stained underwear and hung it up. I turned on the tap and brought my crotch under the running water. I washed the cum of my groin and wiped my cock and balls dry with a towel. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down before coming out with the towel wrapped on my waist.

I found Navya sitting on the edge of the bed with a dejected look on her face. She stood up as she saw me.

"What happened? Did I do something wrong?" she asked with concern.

"No No No... I'm sorry... It was my fault," I explained trying to ease her mind.

"I... got a little too excited... seeing you like this... so I... came in my underwear." I said with a sheepish grin.

"You looked so hot I couldn't control myself." I added. A shy smile appeared on her face instantly. I chuckled seeing her demure expression.

"You were so naughty earlier... teasing me... flashing your panty under the table," I spoke, "what happened to you... you were playing so hard-to-get a few days ago."

I sat down on the bed leaning against the headboard and lifted my feet up onto the mattress. She stood quiet, the shyness still showing on her face.

"Come here baby." I said and grasped her wrist. She climbed on the bed and snuggled up close on my left side. I slid down to lay horizontally and pulled her close. She rested her head on my chest and cuddled.

"You didn't answer." I said. I ran the fingers of my left hand through loose strands of her smooth hair.

"I wanted to show you how much I love you," she spoke softly, "and that I'm not pretending... like you said that day in the car."

I felt bad as I remembered that morning when I had tried to steal a surprise kiss in the car and received a startled slap from her. I had been a jerk, yelling at her and saying hurtful things.

"Don't think of what happened that day," I said.

"I know you love me... don't let what I said that day stress you." I continued stroking her hair. We lay quiet enjoying the warmth of each other's body.

"I want to kiss you... you lips, your neck, your breasts... I want to have sex with you... but I want you to want the same things," I said, "I don't want you feeling pressured."

Her breath tickled my chest as she replied, "I want all of that... and I can't wait to experience all that with you... but... I'm scared."

"Of what?" I asked her.

"I'm scared that I'm digging myself into a bottomless pit... I want you... but I can never have you... whole of you." She explained. I could feel the cobwebs in her head from the weight in her words. I had no answer for the question she'd left unasked.

Is there a future for the two of us...? I had been asking myself the same question and drawing a blank. I wanted Navya, but I could not risk breaking up the family for that. I realized that me and her would have to be on the same page to go any forward.

"Do you love your sister?" I asked her after a few moments of silence.


"Do you want our love for each other to hurt her?"

"No." she said.

"Do you want to stop being this way... being intimate with me?" I asked, dreading what she would say.

"I don't." she said... the firmest of all three replies.

"Then we have to stop thinking of the future... and keep our love to ourselves." I tried to assuage her fear.

"One day at a time... that's the only way forward." I added. My hand brushed over her hair and slid down to her back. I caressed her back over the smooth fabric of the bralette. A warmth spread over her skin.

"What do you want to do tonight? Do you want to just go to sleep?" I asked her when she was quiet for some time.

"I... wanted to lose my virginity to you tonight... but... you came already." She spoke shyly.

"That can still happen... if you want."

She lifted her head up from my chest and looked into my eyes. I held her face in my palms as we shifted to sit upright on the bed.

"May I kiss you?" I asked. She didn't answer... but she leaned forward and took possession of my lips. The dam she had built to stem the hunger of her lust burst open and her supple lips expressed its force. We kissed passionately, one set of lips moulding itself to the other's contours. The towel loosely wrapped around my waist came undone and my cock sprung free. It was not fully hard... but it was not completely spent either.

I brought my hands between us and cupped her tits over the bralette. Her breaths quickened. I squeezed her petite breasts and felt her hard nipples prodding my palms. I ran my fingers round her sides to her back, searching for the hooks. My fingers encountered only fabric. She broke the kiss, giggling at my searching fingers.

"It opens at front." She said. Her finger reached up and in a quick motion unhooked the bra. She then shrugged it off her shoulders. Her small yet firm tits stood proudly on her chest. Her areola was a dark shade of brown. Hard nipples like wild blackberries formed the topping. I brought my hands up and caught them between my thumbs and index fingers. She quivered as my thumbs flicked her hard nipples up and down.

I then lowered my fingers to her ass. Cupping her buttcheeks in each hand, I hoisted her up onto my lap. She spread her legs around my waist and sat, her panty clad crotch aligned with my free cock.

"Mmm" she moaned as I pulled her down on my lap and my semi-hard cock rubbed on her crotch. The way she sat, her tits were level with my chin. I leaned my head down and latched my mouth onto her right nipple. I started sucking on her youthful tits. My hands that cupped her ass started pulling and pushing her hips, rubbing her crotch against my cock. Soon, she caught on to the rhythm of the movement and started rubbing herself on me. I found myself getting harder.

As my cock reached its full hardness, I pushed Navya down on the bed. As she lay on her back, I grabbed her panty at the hips and pulled it off her. Her virgin pussy was shaved smooth. I wanted to put my mouth on it and taste her... but the thought of taking her virginity excited me more.

"Are you really okay with this?" I asked her. She nodded 'yes' with an expression that reflected both desire and nervousness.

I spread her legs and positioned myself in between. Supporting myself with my left hand, I guided my hard cock towards her pussy. I rubbed my cock head on her pussy lips and they separated, fully exposing the nub of her clit.

"Oh... Mmm.' She moaned at the first ever contact of a cock on her pussy. I dragged the tip of my cock to and fro between her clit and perineum making her body quiver with excitement. The more I rubbed, my cock began getting coated with her slimy cunt juices. I caught her nipple once more in my mouth and sucked while I continued rubbing my cock on her. I wanted to make her cunt drip so that she feels as less pain as possible during the virgin penetration.

My tongue circled round her stubby nipple. She arched her back pushing her tits up into my mouth seeking more of my tongue. My cock started sliding smoothly along her pussy, aided by the increased wetness.

I reached across and opened the bedside drawer. I took out a condom from it and tore open the packet. Quickly, I pulled it on my enlarged cock.

"I'm putting it in." I gave her fair warning.

"Go slow please." She asked me, shivering nervously. I position the tip of my cock at the entrance to her vagina and pushed in slightly. She placed her arm up along mine and grabbed tightly on my biceps.

"Ah!" she moaned at the pain caused by my probing cock stretching her pussy walls.

"Slow baby please." She pleaded. With my cock head successfully inserted, I now exerted negligible pressure, choosing to let the wetness of her pussy suck my cock further inside. Her jaws clenched as she braced herself adjusting to the pain. Time seemed to have stopped as my cock crept in millimetre by millimetre. When my balls touched the skin below her pussy, I realized that I was all the way in.

"You okay?" I asked her. She nodded timidly. Her eyes were tightly shut and the skin on her face was taut due to the clenched jaws. As slowly as I pushed in, I started to pull out. As my cock started to slide out, I saw a red stain on the milky textured condom. When all but the head of my cock had slid out, I stopped and thrusted it back in.

"Slow... slow." She spoke, more to herself than me it seemed. I slowly slid my cock all the way in. I then lowered my lips on hers and kissed, before repeating the slow in and out thrust. With her attention split between her mouth and pussy, she relaxed a little. The nervousness slowly evaporated of her face and she started kissing me back. My thrusts fell into a slow steady rhythm and we started enjoying making love. I pushed her arm off mine and placed them on the bed raised above her. I put more of my weight on her as her pain seemed to have made way for pleasure. I grazed my hands up along her raised arms and linked my fingers with hers. I broke the kiss and moved my head to the side.

"Is this how you imagined tonight would go?" I whispered into her ear. I dragged my lips down over her cheeks and kissed the side of her neck.

"Yes... Mmm." She hissed. I nibbled on her neck softly.

"Do you like how my cock feels inside you?" I asked in between necking her.

"Mmm baby... it's stretching me out."

"What? What's stretching what? Say it." I urged.

"Your cock... is stretching my pussy... Mmm!" she said between moans. I continued my steady pace of fucking, enjoying the unrushed lovemaking. It was new to me.

Swetha had always been in a hurry to have her orgasm whenever we fucked... and I had given up being on top so that she could ride me at a pace better suited for her pleasure and orgasm.

Now, my sister-in-law was under me, relaxed and enjoying whatever I was doing.

"Do you want me to go faster?" I asked Navya, just to be sure.

"No... I like this." She replied. I kept up my consistent pace, enjoying every second of my cock sliding in and out of her slippery hole. She had her eyes closed still.

"Look at me." I whispered. Slowly, she opened her eyes fixing me with an angelic gaze. The corners of her mouth curved slightly upwards and I couldn't help but smile back at her.

"How flexible are you?" I asked her afterwards.

"Mmm?" she murmured, curious at the naughty grin on my face. I pushed my upper body off her and positioned it upright by bringing my knees forward on either side of her butt. With my cock still inside her, I lifted her right leg up and over my head and placed it on her left leg on the other side. With the move, her body angled sideways and I leaned to my left and lay spooning her from behind.

"Ohhh." She moaned shivering.

I brought my right hand up and around, going under her right arm, cupping her tits while my hips kept up the steady thrusts.

"Mmm... play with my breasts." She moaned and placed her palm over mine. Her hands guided mine on how she wanted her tits to be played with. Her hard nipple poked the inside of my palm.

"Your tits are gorgeous." I whispered with my mouth near her right ear.

"Mmm... tell me more baby."

"Your dark brown nipples felt amazing in my mouth... did you like it when I sucked your tits?" I asked, wanting to hear her dirty talk.

"Mmm... the way your tongue licked around my nipple... it felt so good." She said.

I loosened my grip on her tits and traced a path down from them going through the middle of her torso. My middle finger dipped into her navel and continued the downward path. Navya shivered in anticipation when she figured out where the trajectory led to. My fingers encountered no resistance and slid down her smooth shaved pubic area onto her pussy mound. My middle finger fell into the crevice of her pussy and traced a straight line onto the nub of her clit. Her body quivered at the contact.

"Oh baby.' She moaned loudly as my finger started rubbing on her clit. My hips kept going with the thrusts dipping my hard cock into her now familiar pussy and pulling it back out.

My middle finger prodded softly right below her clit and simultaneously my mouth leaned in to reach her earlobe and sucked on it. A strong vibration spread out around her body at this unexpected move.

"Oh God!" she grunted, the pleasurable sensations at different parts of her body starting to overwhelm her. Our bodies were moist with sweat. I increased the pace of my hip thrust, realizing that her orgasm was near.

"Oh God... Oh God.' She repeated the low grunts in sync with my thrusts. The faster thrusts were stimulating my balls too. I could feel the cum rising. Surprising even myself I raised my hand up to her face.

"Lick it!" I commanded, putting my middle finger on her lips. Her lips separated and my finger slid in encountering her tongue. She latched on and licked all around my finger, wetting it. I pulled it out and placed it back down on her clit. I rubbed her saliva onto the nub.

"Oh baby... Oh my God... God!" she screamed and her body started convulsing. I put everything into the last few thrusts feeling a tingling in my balls. A warmth rose from my balls and flowed through the length of my cock, emptying into the loose end of the condom at the tip. Still I kept thrusting with the final ounces of energy. My palm felt intense quivering at her abdomen and her orgasm peaked. My cock too shot out in spasms, all the remaining semen.

It took a few more seconds for both our bodies to recover from the soft tremors of pleasure. We lay panting, joined at the hips... my cock still inside her. In the seconds that followed, my cock slowly went limp inside her. Spent, I let my body fall on my back. My limp cock along with the condom slid out of her cunt. The condom felt heavier with its tip hanging down with cum.

Shortly, she too fell back and lay facing the ceiling. I looked sideways at her and found a solitary tear trailing down from the corner of her closed eye.

"How was it?" I asked, still a little breathless.

"I've never felt anything so... strongly... ever before." She said, wiping the moistness off her eye. She breathed long and deep, trying to catch her breath.

"It was like... my entire being was concentrated... in this one moment." She added. I realized again how differently women experience orgasm.

She turned sideways towards me and rested her head on my chest.

"How was it for you?" she asked not looking at my face.

"Mind-blowing!" I said, "considering that I came a second time in less than half an hour."

"Let me just throw this in the dustbin." I spoke after a few quiet moments, gesturing at the condom still on my limp cock.

I lifted myself off the bed and walked around it to go to the bathroom. I pulled a few tissue papers from Swetha's rack in the bathroom and peeled the condom off my cock using them. I then wrapped it in the tissue papers and came out. I threw it in the dustbin beside the bed before climbing back on it and snuggling against Navya.

"Was I... better than Swetha?" she asked hesitantly after a while.

I thought about it. I knew the answer was 'Yes'... but something held me back from voicing it. The thought of Swetha asleep on the hospital bed with that ever growing belly carrying my child made me feel guilty.

"You were amazing," I told Navya, "but let's not talk about Swetha again when we are together." She fell silent... but nuzzled up against me. Her left hand draped over me and held my arm firmly. She raised more of her body over mine and cuddled. I felt the softness of her tits mashed against my body. She lifted her left leg and placed it over my thigh.

Gradually, I realized that these were physical manifestations of her mind starting to get possessive about me. It dawned on me that I had complicated my life even more.

I thought of the woman sleeping on the spare bed beside my wife in the hospital... Uma, my mother-in-law. I thought of the kiss we had shared on the terrace and my heart felt possessed by her.

As the arms of sleep cradled me, I dreamt of myself as a tree being slowly conquered by two creepers. While my roots had dug deep into the earth in an irrevocable marriage, the two creepers connected to the same earth were spreading on me... one with its grasp strong yet climb slow and another with a light grip yet tall climb. The only way forward was that I grow my trunk so vast... and my branches so high that both could claim ownership over me without ever having to encounter each other... and all this while I keep my roots intact in the earth.