
Mom, You're Naked!


"Oh my God," Lara said out loud, to herself. "What am I going to do?" Her voice sounded thin and small in the empty living room.

Lara was in a fix. Her boyfriend, Chuck, had left her house 20 minutes earlier. Earlier in the day he had persuaded her to let him strip her clothes off, tie her up, and take pictures of her. He said it was in honor of Nude Day. He wanted to post pictures of her on a fetish website for which he was a member. He promised he'd hide or crop her face out of the photos so nobody would recognize her. For reasons she couldn't explain, and that seemed especially dubious now, in her current predicament, she had agreed.

Things had gone OK, at first, even though she was nervous. Chuck bound her, and he fetched his camera from a bag to start taking pictures. But after a few minutes, he got a funny look on his face. Lara had seen that look before. He got that look when he was about to pull a prank, something he did often. A tremor of nervousness shook her body when she saw that look in his face while she was in her current state.

"I need to get you excited," he said.

"No, you don't," Lara said. "I'm already excited."

"Not enough," Chuck said.

He pulled something out a large bag he had toted to Lara's house. It was a vibrator - rabbit-style, with one long tip for insertion and the other to touch her clit. A devilish grin spread over Chuck's face.

"That's not fair," Lara said.

"All's fair in lust and bondage," he said.

"You would say something like that."

"I would and I do. You'll enjoy this."

He flipped the rabbit's on switch, and the long purple toy buzzed and twitched in his hand. Lara's eyes widened. Chuck had used the toy on her before, but never when she was tied up. It had never failed to make her pussy gush and her body shake with a room-shaking orgasm.

She felt the thick tip push forward between her lips, into the furrow between her legs. Lara twisted at its touch, the restraints holding her in place. Chuck's grin grew. The vibrator kept moving forward, stretching her insides, until the thick end settled into her tight but wetting channel and the smaller tip hit her sensitive nub.

"Arrrr," Lara called, straining against the cuffs and rope that bound her.

Chuck kept the thin tip of the rabbit against her clit, but he moved the thicker part inside her around as well as he could. The steady vibration against the little pink knob under her hood was almost too much. She knew she would come soon. She closed her eyes to accept the oncoming rush of orgasm. The wetness inside already was building up, and she felt the toy moving with slippery ease inside her now. She expected to make a mess on the wood floor below her.

Then, suddenly, the buzzing against her stopped. She opened her eyes to see Chuck pulling the vibrator out of her.

"Don't stop now!" she cried. "I was close! You have to finish me."

"That's too quick," Chuck said, eyes sparkling with mischief. "I want this to last longer. I want you to feel horny while you're bound like that. I want you to feel that need to come while you stand there."

Lara said nothing, and for a while neither did Chuck. His eyes traveled up and down Lara's bound body. When he was done ogling her, he drew closer to her and stared into her eyes.

"You know, I just thought of something," Chuck said. "You'd look good in whipped cream."

Lara didn't say anything right away. Chuck's face twisted into a wicked smile.

"And?" she said.

"We don't have any whipped cream," he said. "I think I need to get some. Yes, I'm sure of it. I need to go to the store and get some whipped cream."

Understanding dawned slowly on Lara. He meant to leave her like this when he went to the store.

"Um," she said. "You need to let me out of this, first, right? You're not going to leave me like this?"

Chuck's eyes held Lara's for a long time, evenly and with little blinking.

"I think I will leave you like this. I think you want this. You don't think you do, but I think you do. I'm going to run to the store. I'll get some whipped cream and some other things. I won't take . . . too long. I'll be back in -"

He paused dramatically, staring intently at Lara's face. Lara could tell he enjoyed her nervousness.

"Two hours," he said. "You'll be fine until then."

"You've got to be kidding," Lara said. "Chuck, you can't do that. Let me out. We can resume this when you get back."

"No," he said. "I'm going to leave you like this. I think you'll like it. It'll be good for you. You act so demure most of the time, but there's this side of you that wants to get out, and I'm going to help you do it. I'll be back in two hours. On the button. Nobody will be here or see you before that. By the time I get back you'll be going crazy for what I'm going to do to you."

Before Lara could say anything further, Chuck turned, opened the front door, exited, and closed the door behind him.


Chuck was gone. Lara was in the house alone.

Lara's jaw dropped with astonishment and dismay.

* * * *

Now, 20 minutes later, Lara hadn't moved. She was in the same position in the living room she had been. She couldn't move, because her hands were held by thick leather cuffs over her head. The steel link chain between the cuffs was strung between a sturdy eyebolt Chuck had screwed deeply into a heavy wooden support beam in the middle of the living room, rising from the floor to the ceiling.

Lara faced the front door of the house, not fifteen feet away. Her back and bottom rested against the cool wood of the support beam. She couldn't go anywhere. And she was completely naked.

Before he'd pulled out his camera, Chuck also had bound her right leg with a long line of jute rope and tied off the other end around the beam above her head. The result was that the rope held her right thigh suspended at almost a right angle from her left leg. Only the ball of her left foot touched the ground. With the front of her body facing the front door, Lara was aware of the extreme vulnerability of her position. She was on display with her legs parted to anyone who might come through the door.

Lara looked all around, wondering how she might get out of her predicament. She looked above her, at the eyebolt screwed into the wood. She thought she might be able to unscrew it, but her hands couldn't reach it. One of her legs was free, but she needed it to stand on, and there was nothing to do with it, besides. She thought Chuck, in his puckish hurry, probably had left the key to the cuffs nearby, but she didn't know where they were. She wouldn't be able to reach them, probably, even if she could see them.

She pulled down on the cuffs, putting all her weight against them. She wondered if the weight might break the chain or pull out the bolt.

It did neither. The only thing she accomplished was to cause the cuffs to dig into her wrists.

"Shit!" she said, in pain. She put the weight on her foot again and stopped pulling against the cuffs.

Her position, when relaxed, wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't painful, either. If she shifted right, she could throw the bulk of her weight on to the coil of rope around her thigh and take the weight off her foot. The leather of the cuffs was soft, and they weren't painful if she didn't pull against them. But she realized quickly she couldn't hold this position forever. Two hours - what Chuck had promised - was a long time to be kept in this position.

As the minutes ticked by, her anger at Chuck grew. She knew she was partly responsible. They'd been boyfriend and girlfriend for the last two months. Soon after they'd started dating, Chuck had revealed his fondness for kinky games, and Lara, not long divorced from a sexually boring marriage, went along with everything Chuck suggested. Lara enjoyed walking the knife's edge of control. Chuck enjoyed putting her in vulnerable positions, and she had to admit she got a charge out of being in those positions.

But this was the most vulnerable position she'd been in, yet. She was naked and cuffed and bound, fifteen feet from an unlocked front door. Theoretically, anybody could walk in the door at any time. She knew it was unlikely. There was little chance anyone would walk through the door before Chuck's return a little over an hour and a half away. The only person that might do so was her son, who was playing baseball with friends from college and wasn't expected to be back until after 6 pm - several hours away. So, it was highly unlikely anyone would see her before Chuck came back and set her free.

Still . . . there was the possibility. Only an unlocked door stood between Lara's nude, bound, exposed body and the rest of the world, and there was nothing she could do about it until Chuck came back.

"You're going to pay for this, Chuck," she said to the door. It said nothing back. The silence that followed her voice was almost palpable, heavy, oppressive.

As time passed, she grew more nervous. She didn't think it was likely that her son would come home before Chuck, but she guessed it was possible. Her son, Connor, was a junior in college and lived in an apartment half an hour away with two friends from college. But he had a key to the house, and Lara and Connor had talked about him coming over to the house to have dinner with his mom at 6. Lara turned her head to the right. The clock on the wall said it was only 1 p.m.

She tried to suppress her nervousness at the possibility of Connor seeing her as she was. She didn't think it was likely. Earlier in the day he'd called her to tell her he'd be playing baseball with his friends all day. Connor was a dedicated athlete and took his baseball games with his friends seriously. It was very, very unlikely, thought Lara, that he'd come home early. But it was possible. She couldn't imagine Connor seeing her naked and cuffed to the post. They weren't a prudish family, but they didn't walk around naked in front of each other, either. Lara couldn't think of a time that Connor had seen her naked. He was no longer a boy, but an athletic, good-looking, eligible - though currently single - young man. It would be just too mortifying if he came home before Chuck did.

With the growing nervousness she felt something else, as well. The temperature was rising. She hadn't turned the air conditioning on earlier, and the heat from the relentless summer sun was working its way into the house. She looked down at the pale, nude surface of her body. She wasn't sweating yet. But she would be by the time Chuck got back.

Lara was annoyed at Chuck. She liked playing games, but this was too much. It wasn't right of him to leave her in such a vulnerable position for such a long time. She was nude and helpless. She'd agreed to be cuffed and trussed like this, but not for 2 hours with Chuck outside the house. He'd had no right to leave her so helpless. The more she thought about it, the angrier she grew at him. She imagined things that might happen. The mailman accidently pushing the door open and stumbling upon her. A nosy neighbor trying the doorknob after getting no response to the doorbell and finding the respectable Lara Winston in a decidedly unrespectable state. Or - God forbid - a burglar seeking entry into the house and finding the door unlocked.

Still another feeling grew inside Lara. She fought it, trying to keep it at bay with her annoyance at Chuck and fear for her predicament. But she couldn't stop it. The feeling started from someplace deep and coursed through her. Her skin tingled. Her heart beat faster.

Lara was aroused. She was excited to be naked and exposed and helpless. Chuck had figured out this secret part of Lara right away, though her ex-husband hadn't figured it out in 18 years of marriage. Lara liked to be on edge. She liked being naked, and she especially liked being naked in circumstances where one wasn't supposed to be naked.

She gazed down on her full breasts. The nipples stood pink and pert and erect. Warmth suffused her chest and belly. A warmth started between her legs, enveloping the lips and cleft of her vulva. It grew in intensity. Something tickled her thigh. She was wet. She couldn't see it, but she was sure of it. A faint trickle started down her skin.

"No, dammit," she said again, to herself in the empty room. "Don't get turned on."

But she couldn't help it. She was turned on. A part of her body responded eagerly to the possibility that someone might find her naked.

"Concentrate, Lara," she said out loud. "Focus. Chuck will be back soon. Nobody's going to see me. This will all be over. Get it together."

She worked on her breathing. In. Out. In. Out. She tried to calm herself. It wasn't easy, but after two minutes of steady breathing she thought it was working. She told herself she'd focus on breathing until Chuck got back and let her out.

Then she heard the doorknob turn.

Lara's heart surged up from her chest into her mouth, choking off a cry of fear. It's just Chuck, she told herself. He's back early. He'll get me out of here.

The knob finished turning, and the door opened. A tall figure silhouetted against the mid-day light from outside filled the entry way. The figure paused and looked down at a heavy gym bag in his hand. Then the figure looked up. His eyes caught Lara's.

It was her son Connor.

He was sweaty and shirtless, wearing only gym shorts, ankle socks, and sneakers.

He said nothing, at first. Neither did Lara. To her the silence seemed endless. Connor's mouth opened, a wide, immobile "O", while neither of them said anything. Then he dropped his gym bag on the floor. He slammed the door closed behind him.

"Mom," Connor said. "You're naked!"

Lara said nothing, and for some moments neither did Connor. He stared at his mom blankly, eyes wide and mouth agape. Lara saw him shake his head and approach her. He looked at her cuffed hands and then he looked all around the room. She saw the confusion in his face turn to alarm.

"Mom," he yelled. "What happened? Are you OK? Who -"

"I'm OK, Connor," Lara replied, cutting him off. But Connor wasn't mollified. His body shook and his eyes scanned the room frantically.

"Who did this?" he asked.

"Chuck did it," Lara said.

"Chuck? I'll fucking break his head open." Lara saw Connor's fists bunch up. Obviously, he thought Chuck was nearby. Lara winced at her son's anger and his foul language. She had an aversion to obscene words and rarely used them. She knew she needed to calm him down.

"Connor, listen to me," Lara said. "Chuck isn't here. This was a game. I let him do this. We did it together. Calm down. He's gone and won't be back for a while. He went to the store to get some things and said he'd be back."

Connor took three more steps toward his mom until he was only a few feet away. His body, tense and wound up, deflated a bit. Lara could tell he was trying not to look at her nude body, but he wasn't succeeding. His eyes darted up and down her exposed figure. It was obvious he didn't know what to say.

"Connor," Lara said. "Can you do something for me?"

"Sure, Mom," he said. "What do you want?" He tilted his head away from her, but Lara could see he still looked at her from the side of his eye.

"Find the key to these handcuffs," she said. "It should be around here."

To Lara it seemed to take a few seconds for her request to land on his consciousness. Connor was rooted to his spot, trying hard not to look at his nude mother but unable to avoid doing so. But eventually he responded.

"OK, Mom," he said. "Where should I look?"

"I don't know," she said. "Somewhere around here. The sofa. The chairs. It's got to be nearby."

Connor began looking around the living room, overturning sofa cushions and throwing pillows to the floor in his search for the key. Lara noticed that from time to time his gaze turned from his search to glance at her nude body. It made her feel funny to know her son wanted to look at her.

"You're home early," she said. "Why? I thought you were coming over at 6."

"We were supposed to have a game, but half the guys didn't show," Connor said, hoisting a pillow from the sofa. "I don't know why. So, we didn't have enough guys for a game. The rest of us pitched and hit some balls for a while. But it was too hot, so we stopped. I decided to come home. I didn't expect -"

He didn't finish his thought. He paused and let his arms fall to his sides. He looked up and held his mom's gaze.

"Mom," he said. "This seems . . . kind of messed up. Are you OK? What's going on?"

"I'm OK, Connor," she said. "This is something Chuck wanted to do. I went along. Willingly. I'm sorry. It must be weird for you to find me like this."

Lara wished she could disappear, but the cuffs and rope held her fast to the support beam. She would be exposed to her son until he found the key and let her go.

Connor kept looking around the living room.

"Ouch!" Lara said. She had been shifting her body to get comfortable and the rope on her right leg suddenly pinched her.

Connor stopped what he was doing and approached her.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing serious," she said. "It's just this rope around my leg. It tightened when I shifted my weight and it pinched me a little.

"Can I do something?" Connor asked. He stood only a few feet from her. Lara noticed his shirtless body, slicked with sweat, not yet dry, from his athletic activities. She noticed the breadth of his shoulders and his muscled chest and torso. A tremor shook her body.

"I'm not sure," she said. "The rope is tight around my leg. I'm not sure -" Her voice trailed off. She didn't know what to say.

Connor squatted until his head was even with the tied-off leg. His fingers grabbed the rope and adjusted it on her thigh.

"Is that where it was pinching?" he asked. "Did I fix it?"

Lara shifted her body to figure out if Connor had solved the problem. She realized her naked hips were rocking and pushing forward just a foot away from her son's face. For reasons she didn't quite understand or want to admit to herself she kept rocking, not saying anything right away. She looked down from her position at her son's face. She saw Connor's eyes dart from the rope on her leg to the bare junction between her legs. It was hard for her to admit it to herself, but it was true: she was getting more aroused from the nearness of her son's face to her exposed pussy.

"It's better," she said, after a delay. "Thanks. Can you find that key?"

"Sure, mom," Connor said, but he didn't move. His body remained in the same pose, but he craned his head up at her.

"Mom, why would you do this? This seems kind of . . . I don't know. Out there. Weird. I would never imagine you doing this. You're tied naked to a post while your boyfriend - who's an asshole, by the way, to leave you here - is away at the store. I don't get this."

Lara looked down, into her son's upturned eyes, and her heart melted at the genuine concern she saw in them. She knew this must have been strange for him, seeing his mother tied up and naked liked this. But she saw his eyes dart from hers to her erect nipples. A strange feeling swept her body, ending at her pussy, and she wanted to bring her thighs together, but, tied as she was, she couldn't.

"It's Nude Day," she said.

"Nude Day?" Connor responded. "What the fuck is that?"

"Connor, your language," she said. "It's a national day to celebrate nudity. Chuck told me about it and said he wanted to do this for Nude Day. Look, I don't know how to explain it, Connor," Lara said, trying to stay calm. "It's embarrassing to talk about with you. Chuck and I like to play certain kinds of games. He likes to expose me and put me in vulnerable positions. I know it's hard to understand."

"You're sure vulnerable now, Mom," Connor said. He looked away from her face, and Lara thought he was looking at her pussy again. Without even thinking about, she rocked her hips, once again pushing her pussy toward her son, ever so subtly. A faint gasp of air escaped her lips. She hoped Connor hadn't heard it. She drew back, butt against the support beam, as soon as she realized what she was doing. She wondered if Connor, with his face so close, could smell her.]

"You're totally bare, Mom," Connor said after a half minute of silence. "Do you . . . do you shave it off?"

Lara was uncomfortable talking about how she maintained her pubic area with her son, but she was aroused, too.

"I had it waxed two days ago," she said. "Chuck likes it this way and he gave me a gift certificate."

"A gift certificate for a wax job," Connor said. "It looks good. You look good down there, Mom."

Lara recoiled at the sound of the crude word - about her! - coming from her son's lips, but a shiver coursed through her body.

"Thanks, Connor," she said. She heard her voice wavering. She couldn't help it. As much as she wanted to keep her desires in check it was driving her crazy that her son was looking at her bare pussy from inches away. Chuck had pushed her near the edge, and the nearness of her son, knowing his eyes were on her body, pushed her nearer still.

"Connor, could you stop looking at my . . . you know, and look for that key?" she said.

"Sure, Mom," Connor said, but, again, he didn't move. From what Lara could see he couldn't tear his eyes away from her bare sex. She looked at his face from above and it didn't move. But she saw his hand reach out and point to her naked thigh.

"What's that, Mom?" he asked. "It looks like moisture. My god, Mom, it's flowing from your pussy. Are you turned on? Do you . . . do you like me looking at you like this?"

Despite the heat, Lara couldn't stop a cold shiver running up and down her naked, exposed body.

"Connor, I don't think we should talk like this," she said. "Can you please find that key and let me out of here?"

But Connor still didn't move. He held his squat in front of her, eyes inches from her pussy, staring at her.

"You're gushing, Mom," he said. "Fuck, there's more of it. I've never seen anything like that before. I can see it coming out of you."

From overhead, Lara saw Connor press his index finger against her thigh, where a thin, shiny rivulet of moisture emanating from her depths ran down her excited skin. He ran his finger up, scooping up the moisture, until the moisture shined in the light of the room when he held it away and in front of his eyes.

"You like this," he said, his voice wavering. "This turns you on. Your own son looking at your pussy."

Then Connor put the finger in his mouth. He sucked up his mom's juices with a loud smack.

"Connor!" Lara said with a gasp. "What are you doing?" She saw his eyes close with evident delight at what he was tasting. The one knee that held her up grew weak and slumped. Lara wanted to be outraged and let Connor know her outrage, but what he'd done excited and aroused her. She couldn't, however, let her son know she felt that way.

"Connor, please," she said.

"Sorry, Mom," Connor said, pulling his finger slowly out of his mouth. He held his finger to the side and looked his mom in the eyes, but he didn't move.

"Mom, you're totally helpless," Connor said.

"I know," Lara said, a frantic note in her voice. "That's why I need you to help me. Please look for the key."

Connor still didn't move.

"But you wanted it that way," he said. "You wanted to be helpless and naked, so a man could do what he wanted to you." Connor gestured to his mom's thigh with his chin. "It turns you on, right now. I can see it. I can see it dripping down your leg."

"Connor, please -"

"You have a pretty pussy, Mom," Connor said.

"Well, thanks, you said that already, but you shouldn't say it. Please, can you -"

"Have other guys told you that?"

"Connor, that's not an appropriate question for you to ask."

"But this isn't an appropriate situation you've gotten into, Mom. You're naked and cuffed to a post in the living room near the front door. You're so excited you've got fluid leaking out of your pussy down your leg. 'Cause I'm looking at you. Am I right?"

Lara didn't say anything.

"I know I shouldn't say this. Shit, I shouldn't think this. But you're really hot, Mom. This is like the hottest thing I've ever seen." He ran two fingers over the part of her thigh where he'd picked up her wetness.

"Tell me it turns you on, Mom," Connor said. "I want to hear it from you. It turns you on that you like being tied up and you like that I'm looking at your pussy and admiring how pretty it is. Tell me, Mom."

Lara was turned on. She couldn't deny it to herself. It drove her crazy that her bare, aroused pussy was only inches from her son's eyes. And his words drove her arousal to still greater heights. She could feel her arousal in the fluid that leaked from her sex and dripped down her legs. But she didn't want to admit it to her son. That was wrong. She felt she had to find a way to get control of this situation, but cuffed and bound as she was, she couldn't think of any way to do it.

"Oh, Connor," was all she could say.

"Connor, what?" her son replied. "What do you really want to say? Tell me you're turned on. I can tell you are. Tell me, Mom."

She wanted to stay strong and stand fast against what her son was asking. It wasn't right to talk to him this way. But her body fought against her. The tingling wouldn't go away. Arousal washed over her.

"Yes," she said, in a very small, quiet voice.

"Yes, what?" Connor asked.

"I'm . . . I'm turned on," she said at last.

"I think this will turn you on more," Connor said.

Lara felt her son's finger touch one of the lips of her pussy, so faintly that she barely felt it at first. But it was enough to make her body convulse. An electric charge surged through her. She was equal parts embarrassment and arousal.

"Oh!" she cried. Her eyes closed, and for a moment all sensation was concentrated on the touch of her son's fingertip to the lip of her pussy. She neither saw nor heard nor felt anything else. But at last she opened her eyes, looked down, and saw her son, his attention focused on his mother's pussy and his finger caressing her lips.

"Connor, you can't do that!" she said.

"I can, Mom," he said. "And I can tell you like it. Look how your body is reacting. I wouldn't do this if you didn't like it, but I can tell you like it. You told me that, too."

Lara felt Connor's finger move away from her lips to the cleft between them. The finger moved up, then down, tracing the full length of the slit of her pussy. Up and down, and over and again. Lara felt Connor's finger pushing deeper as it kept moving up and down. Then the finger slid over the other side, tracing the length of the other lip. Lara's hips buckled to the touch of the finger. She tried to stifle a moan but couldn't.

"Oh, Connor," she said. "Please don't do that."

Connor pulled his finger back.

"Please look again for the key, Connor," Lara said. She tried to look at him with the most pleading expression possible. She thought if she couldn't convince him to stand up and away from her now, she wouldn't be able to do it at all. And then - she couldn't imagine what would happen then.

Her body shivered again.

"OK, Mom," Connor said. "I'll try."

He stood up and walked around the living room again. To Lara's gaze it appeared he was being thorough. He was turning over the pillows on the sofa, which was facing the other direction. Then he walked over to a big stuffed chair closer to the front door. He bent over the seat. He seemed to see something and paused.

"Did you find it?" Lara asked, her voice breaking with desperation and embarrassment.

Connor didn't answer right away. He was staring at something.

"Well," he said. "I found this."

He stood up from the sofa, holding the rabbit vibrator in his hand. Chuck must have put it there when he left, Lara thought, and she hadn't noticed him doing it. A glint of moisture shone at each of its tips. Connor turned it over and around, seemingly fascinated by it. Lara's body slumped with embarrassment.

"Did Chuck use this on you?" he said.

"Connor, please -"

"He did, didn't he? That's why you were wet. He was using it on you. My God, Mom."

Her embarrassment was complete. She was naked and exposing the depth of her sexual perversity to her son. Even after she got out of her predicament - whenever that might be - she had no idea how she'd be able to look him in the eye again. She couldn't imagine what he thought of her.

"Mom, I had no idea," Connor said. Lara thought he seemed calmer and more collected than she imagined he would be, seeing evidence of his mother's sexual kinkiness for the first time.

"You're a lot different from what I thought, Mom," Connor said.

She groaned.

"I've seen these online, and I saw one in a sex shop once," Connor continued. "But I've never used one or seen it used." Lara saw him stare at it, his eyes wide and attentive with curiosity.

"There's some moisture and a little crust at the tips," he said.

Connor looked back at his mom. He stepped around the sofa and approached her. She felt her body shrink as he drew near. He held the toy between them. Lara couldn't help but notice the dull sheen of dried sweat coating his leanly muscled shoulders, chest, and torso. Its masculine scent hit her nose. Another tingle swept her body.

"I didn't see the key," he said. "Just this. So, your boyfriend cuffed you and tied you to this post, used this on you, got you excited until you were wet, and then just took off? Why'd he leave?"

"He said he was going to get whipped cream and some other things," Lara said. "But I think he just liked the idea of me being like this, naked and helpless."

"I'll bet," Connor murmured, almost to himself. "Asshole. I might kick his ass when he gets back. When's he going to be back?"

"He said he'd be back in two hours," Lara said. She looked at the clock on the wall "That was an hour ago. So, we've got an hour to go. Connor, can you please do something to get me out?"

Connor didn't say anything right away. Lara couldn't tell what he was thinking. He looked lost in thought, like he was mulling something over or trying to figure something out.

"I can't find the key," he said. "I might be able to slice through those leather cuffs with some garden shears we've got out in the garage, but I'd be afraid of cutting you."

His voice trailed off as his eyes remained fixed to the toy between them.

"You didn't get any release, did you, Mom? He left you here without getting that. And you've been wanting it ever since."

His voice grew stronger and more authoritative. Lara was worried about what the tone of his voice meant, but she liked its timbre and firmness. His voice was deeper and more masculine than Chuck's.

"I'll get the shears and get you out, Mom, I promise. But seeing as how you've practically traumatized your poor son by surprising him like this, I'm going to get my payment for my good deed first."

"Payment?" she asked, voice rising. "What do you mean, pay -"

"I'm going to make you come myself, Mom." Connor held the rabbit toy closer to her face. "With this."

"Oh, Connor, please, just let me out," Lara said. But her voice cracked and softened to a whisper, and another voice cried inside her, which Connor could not hear: Yes, do it! I need to come! I'm going crazy, Connor, and I need to make you come.

A blush swept Lara's face. She felt the flush of warmth and could tell Connor saw it and figured he wondered why.

"Mom, admit you want to come. I can see you're excited. You admitted that before. Tell me you want me to make you come with this." On the same beat as the word "this" he hit the on switch of the rabbit. It hit Lara like a gunshot and her body quivered with fear and arousal.

"Connor, we shouldn't -"

"We left the "shouldn't" bus a long time ago, Mom, don't you think? Come on, say it. Say you want it. It'll be quick."

The slow, uncertain shaking of her head became a timid nod.

"OK, Connor," she said. "But make it quick."

"Make what quick?"

She couldn't believe how pushy and assertive Connor was being. She knew he was aggressive and always acted older than his years, but he'd always been a polite and respectful son to her. This new Connor was a person she almost didn't recognize. But she had to admit, his assertiveness turned her on, and her body rocked with a rising eagerness to submit to him.

"Make me come, Connor."

"OK, Mom."

He lowered the rabbit and squatted in front of her again until his head was level with her waist. Lara looked down and noticed that between his bare outspread legs his dark gym shorts tented lewdly toward her. The sight of her shirtless, sweaty son, the tent in his shorts, the toy poised at her bare entrance, her cuffed and bound nude body - the combination was driving her crazy. She thought she might come before the toy even touched her.

She was wrong. She felt it enter her once again, just as before, though more quickly and with less finesse. Chuck had far more experience with rabbits, and probably all toys, than Connor did. Chuck knew how to tease and caress a woman with toys. Connor pushed the rabbit into her with boyish eagerness. But she'd already been teased and caressed and prepared, and her body was ready for harder play. She liked the forceful way the rabbit, at Connor's urging, plunged into her wetness.

"Unnnnh." Guttural sounds escaped her lips as her eyes shut and she concentrated all attention on the touch and feel of the long buzzing toy making its way deeper into her. The other tip collided with her exposed clit. "Ohhhhh." She opened her eyes to see the toy in Connor's hand shoved all the way inside her. "Mmmmmm." It felt so good she couldn't help but let out a symphony of sex sounds for her son.

"Mom, this is amazing," Connor said, his voice high with evident joy and lust. "You look amazing. I've never seen anything like this before. I can see your clit. It's bigger than I thought. Like a big pink pearl, half inside that cute little hood. I'm going to peel it back so I can see it better."

Sure enough, she felt her folds pulled back and the tip of the toy pressed harder against her there, now moving in little circles over her at Connor's hand, which was growing more skillful by the minute.

It was coming now, she thought. She couldn't hold it back. Nothing could. She was pure sensation now: the thick shaft of the toy buzzing and buzzing in her depths, the insistent tip circling her clit, the exposure of her bare nude and now sweaty body to her son's gaze. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Unh, unh, unh." She grew louder and louder in response to him.

"I'm going to come, Connor," she said, her voice quavering as her body buckled.

"Go ahead, Mom" he replied. "I want you to. Come for me."

His last words pushed her over the edge. The orgasm burst forth from between her legs and fanned out in waves over her body, which shook and spasmed. Lara's eyes rolled back and for a moment she saw nothing, savoring, though barely able to stand, the joy and release and embarrassment that swept her nude, helpless body.

Connor somehow held the rabbit inside her against the shaking and bucking of her body. She guessed he wanted to see her orgasm if he could. She didn't deny him. Her body rocked and rolled in every direction and dimension as her son watched her.

Then she felt it. Oh no. She couldn't help it or stop it. The quake of the orgasm broke the dam holding back her wetness, and she gushed. She watched as fluid poured and sprayed out of her, over the thick cylinder of the toy inside her body, over Connor's hands, splashing and spattering his bare torso and spilling finally to the floor. Lara let loose in a thick torrent of girl cum. She saw it spray and coat the front of Connor's shorts, which, now wet, did even less to conceal the raging hardon that was obvious to Lara's eyes.

The spasms and shaking grew less intense but continued for another minute. She thought she might pass out. Her body slumped and the cuffs drew tighter against her wrists.

"Ohhhh," she said.

She saw Connor's face grow startled at the reaction of her body. He pulled the toy out and dropped it on the floor and stood up. Before she knew what was happening her son's large, heavy hands were on her sides, partly bracing her and partly holding her up.

"Are you OK, Mom"? he asked.

"I'm OK," she said. "But that orgasm was so . . . so intense. I almost passed out. But I won't. Just hold me for a second, OK?"

"Sure, Mom."

Connor was much taller than she was, and it was a comfort to let her head fall forward and rest against his chest. Her forehead hit a bulging pectoral muscle. Her arms were weary from being held over her head for so long. Her legs were like rubber, and she was grateful for the steadying power of Connor's hands. The pungent smell of his sweat hit her nose again. She felt his lips kissing the top of her head, softly and lovingly through the thicket of her hair. She wished she could rest her hands on his shoulders.

Connor drew closer to her, pulling her body tightly against her. A bulge hit her belly. His penis, erect and straining against the shorts, dug into her. She pushed back. She couldn't help it any longer.

"That was incredible, Mom," Connor said. "Don't you think so?"

"Mmmmm, incredible," she said, not moving her head against his chest. Her eyes were near the level of his chest, muscled and smooth (did he shave it? she wondered), and directly beneath her gaze was the prominence of his penis, obscured by the black shorts fabric and bent upward where it hit her belly. Its head was pointed toward her, she could tell. She was sure it was uncomfortable.

Without thinking about it she began rotating the center of her body, so her son's cock, pressed against her through the shorts, began to trace a small circle around her belly. After no more than a few seconds she felt Connor respond, rotating his body in a different direction but always keeping his cock pressed against her. As spent as she was from the orgasm, Lara felt something stir anew inside her.

Lara lifted her head off Connor's chest and gazed at his face. His eyes already were fixed intently on hers, and they held hers like that for what seemed a long time. Then he looked at the floor.

"You really let out a gusher, Mom," he said. "I've never seen it like that. Have you done that before?"

"I have," she said. She felt an urge to cling to his body, but the cuffs prevented her from doing so. "Not quite like that, but I've done it." She looked at the mess still spreading slowly over the oak floor. "That's a record for me."

"So better than with Chuck?" Connor asked, grinning.

"Oh, yeah," she said. "Better than with Chuck."

Neither said anything for a moment. The silence became suddenly heavy, the only sound the faint ticking of the clock on the wall. Connor and Lara looked into each other's eyes.

Connor grabbed his mother and kissed her then, his mouth firm and hard on hers, and she submitted readily and without resistance. She moaned again as their mouths explored each other and their tongues danced together. Only smacking sounds now broke the stillness in the room. Lara thought her son was a surprisingly good kisser. Her focus on his lips shifted when she felt his hardness on her belly again. She pushed against him with her belly and her mouth as Connor held her and pressed her against his body.

She broke briefly from a long kiss. "That must be uncomfortable," she said, pressing her belly against him to emphasize what she meant.

He pulled his face back and looked at her with a shy grin. It was adorable to Lara that after all that had happened her strong, adult son could manage to look shy. His smile melted her once more.

"I guess it is, a little," he said. They kept grinding into each other.

"I'll do something about that, Mom," he said. He pulled his hands away from her and quickly pushed the gym shorts down to the floor. He stepped out of them and bent down and quickly pulled off his shoes and socks, throwing them to the side where they wouldn't soak up fluid from the puddle Mom had left.

Connor stood naked in front of his mom. He closed the distance between and gripped her sides in his hands, resuming the position they'd had moments before. It was the first time Lara had seen her son's penis since he'd become a man. It stood straight and erect and veiny away from him, its bulbous head poking into her torso. As he pushed closer the head tipped up, moving against her body until it lay hard and lean between their bodies.

Lara noticed she was breathing harder.

She and Connor looked closely and deeply into each other's eyes. She wanted to grab him, but she couldn't. The cuffs wouldn't let her. She'd have to wait for Connor to make the first move.

She didn't have to wait long. He put a hand behind her head and pulled her closer. Their lips met and he kissed her again. He kept kissing her, on and on, his mouth moving in an oval all around her lips, kissing them, biting them. His hands gripped her ass. Lara loved the rough, strong fingers that mashed and squeezed each cheek.

Without ceasing the assault of his mouth on hers, his hands lifted off her ass and swept around to the front of her thighs. Lara felt her left leg lifted off the floor. She no longer supported herself. She was held up by the cuffs, the rope around her right leg, and her son's hands. He pushed her legs back, spreading them wide. Lara knew what was to come and she knew she couldn't stop him.

"Are you sure?" she asked him.

"Yeah, Mom," he said. "I'm sure. I can't even think. I need this."

He'd no sooner finished speaking when Lara felt the big, firm bulb push against and part her wet, waiting lips. They gave way easily. His cock was thicker than the toy that had been inside her minutes earlier. It filled her and stretched her, and she moaned again.

"Connor -"

"You like that, Mom?"

"I love it. Oh, I love it."

"I'm fucking you, Mom."

"You're . . . " She didn't want to say it - didn't want to give in to the use of obscenity. But the word seemed right. "You're fucking me. Keep fucking me."

"I will, Mom. I will. But you have to tell me. How does it feel?"

"It feels fantastic, Connor. So good. I feel so naughty."

She got the words out, somehow, between gulps of air as his cock picked up speed in its thrusts into her. She was completely helpless. She couldn't push back against him or pull away from him. Her hands were still bound, and her feet were off the ground. All she could do was feel his control over her body.

She knew, dimly, someplace deep inside, that she shouldn't be doing this, but it seemed like she'd crossed the moral redline so long ago she no longer cared. She wanted only to surrender to the moment and the sweet, insistent pulse of her son's thick cock inside her. All redlines dissolved to a blur against the onslaught of their mutual lust and need.

Connor, silent for a while, suddenly growled.

"Aggggh, Mom! It feels so good. Your pussy feels fantastic."

It sounded weird to Lara to hear her son talking about her pussy, but she couldn't stop him, and had she been able to she doubted she would have. She thrilled to his hard, furious fucking of her, and if he wanted to tell her how good it felt that was fine with her.

He pushed her back against the post as he fucked her. He pulled one hand away from her thigh. It shot up and roughly grabbed one of her breasts, kneading it with strong fingers. She marveled at her son's strength, and his ability to hold her up with one hand and the weight of his body pressing her against the post. She felt a sharp pinch as he squeezed a hard nipple between his fingers. Then his hand moved to do the same thing to the other breast.

She felt the rise in her, again. She was going to orgasm. Her body shivered and a high-pitched squeal escaped her lips. She watched her son's strong face, his square jaw clenched, and his dark eyes cast down to watch their fucking.

"You're going to make me come again," she said.

Connor didn't look up, but he changed his rhythm. He sped up, grabbing her butt cheeks harder with his hands and pushing inside her with even more vigor. Lara almost felt like she'd be split in two, and she loved it.

"I want you to come, Mom," he said. "I'll come with you."

Then he looked up, into her eyes, and Lara and her son stared at each other while their bodies, now slick with sweat, rocked together.

She could tell he was getting close, too. His breaths came faster and louder. His hips pressed against hers with more urgency. The thick rod of his flesh seemed to press more deeply into her with each stroke.

"Oh, yeah," he said. "Oh, Mom."

His voice did it. The dam broke and she cried out a in great shriek that filled the room.


The orgasm shook her to the core, touching something deep inside her, something Chuck had never touched. Lara couldn't name it. But it didn't need to be named. It enveloped her with overwhelming force, and she surrendered to it, utterly.

Moments later she heard her son.

"Here it comes, Mom. Here it is."

Connor pushed three times more, deeply, and then Lara felt his body shudder against hers. They shook together, Lara's left leg entwined around her son, his arms embracing her. Their bodies stilled after a while, and they stood together for a long time. Lara heard the ticking of the clock on the wall.

After a minute or two, Lara could see Connor trying to say something, but the words didn't come right away.

"That was . . . That was -"

"Yes, it was," she finished.

"I can't believe we did that."

"I know. But we did."

Connor pulled out and let his mother down. Lara's left foot hit the floor again. Her son stepped back from her and they stared at each other, eyes wide and shining with wonder at what they'd done. Cum dripped from Connor's penis, Lara saw. She felt his cum at her entrance and trailing down her thigh. The house was warm, and their bodies were damp. The smell of sex and sweat filled the air. Lara became aware again that her hands were still cuffed over her head and they were growing weary. She also realized the time was drawing nearer for Chuck to return. She couldn't let him find her like this.

"Connor, please get me out of this. Find the key. Get the shears. It doesn't matter. Just get me out."

His eye glinted.

"OK, Mom. I'll look for the key again. If I can't find them, I'll get the shears."

Connor, still naked, rounded the sofa and lifted a cushion. He reached forward and held his hand up.

The key was in it.

"Found it."

Lara's suspicion rose.

"That was awfully quick. You didn't see that before?"

"Of course not," Connor said, grinning. "I wouldn't do that."

Before Lara could reply Connor came around and put the key in the cuffs. They opened at once and Lara lowered her hands to her sides. Her right leg was still bound. Connor played with the loops and knots until at last he loosened them. He set Lara free.

Lara's hands felt tingly from having been cuffed so long. She shook them.

"I don't want Chuck to see me like this. Here. I have an idea."

Lara fetched her phone from a nearby table.

"Take this," she said to Connor.

"What for?"

"Take a picture of me. From the shoulders up."

Lara held the cuffs in front of her face. Connor snapped the photo. Lara took the phone from her son and tapped her thumb rapidly over the touch screen.

"I'm texting Chuck."

"What are you saying to him.?"

"I told him I got out of the cuffs, but I'm not telling him how. I told him not to come back to the house. Ever."

Connor smiled, and Lara enjoyed the sight of her son running his eyes over her still nude, messy body.

"Sounds like a good call, Mom."

Lara smiled, too.

"I think so," she said. "I don't need him. I've got somebody better."