
Magic Wanda


The following story is about the feelings of a young virgin, his desires, hopes and the weekend when he finally fulfilled his wishes. If you're looking for a quick sexual fix, check out one of my other stories. The fairly lengthy plot and character development here is necessary in order to build the story and character relationships into a satisfactory sexual conclusion. Remember to vote after reading and any feedback would be appreciated.

I was nineteen when it happened. It seemed like a miracle at the time. Looking back, I figure there was some magic somewhere that helped me to this destiny, which was my Aunt Wanda.

I'd never had a girlfriend and like most guys my age with endless fantasies and a constant hard-on, I had to make do with my over-worked imagination and masturbation. Finding a girlfriend and losing my virginity were always at the forefront of my thoughts.

My regular fantasy was losing my virginity to an older woman, someone with experience who would seduce me and teach me how to please them. I lived in a total dream world.

The reality was, I had no confidence, no experience and no girlfriend or older female tutor to help me change any of that. It drove me crazy.

Not all my mates were quite as unlucky, at least I didn't think so at the time. There was my best mate, Dave, for starters. A few months younger than me, Dave was good looking, never had a bad word to say about anyone and was a funny guy. Girls liked Dave. He was confident, but not cocky, and had had his fair share of girlfriends through school and college. Unlike me, he quit studying and got himself a job in sales. In fact, he'd only just started work when he told us he was getting married.

What a shock. He'd only been seeing Nina nine months. She was a stunner, there was no doubt about it, but there was something about her that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Something I definitely didn't like. I thought he was making a mistake. Our other closest friend, Ringo, thought the same, but being the good friends that we were, we patted him on the back, congratulated him and asked him when the stag do was.

We were like the three musketeers. All for one and one for whatever pretty girl we could ogle at.

We'd met Ringo at college, he was just three days younger than me and we had a lot in common. He was pretty shy, had never dated a girl, but was witty and knew how to have fun when we were out and about. His real name was Steve but ever since we'd given him the name Ringo (don't ask, I don't think the story even makes sense to us anymore), it had stuck. He seemed to like it and it suited him.

The happy couple decided to get married on Dave's nineteenth birthday in August, a double celebration. We arranged the stag do three weeks in advance of the wedding and booked a sizeable party of us in at a sea-front hotel in Blackpool. A proper weekend send-off for the condemned man we joked. The joke turned a little sour.

One month before the wedding, one week before our mad weekend in Blackpool, Dave found a message on Nina's phone.

'You were incredible last night baby. Can't wait until we're alone again next Friday. CU 2moro at work. Ram'

Dave was hoping it had been sent to Nina's phone by mistake, but some simple detective work led to the discovery that 'Ram' was Paul Ramage from Nina's office and that the bastard had been shafting Nina regularly over the last month or so. It was over and Dave was devastated.

I'd never seen anyone as cut up as that. I tried to imagine his hurt but I had nothing to compare it to. We called the stag weekend off and didn't see Dave for about five days. We couldn't get him out for a pint, he wouldn't come to the phone, to the door or even look at the funny faces we pulled through his window. We were worried.

On day six, we'd all but given up. Then, out of the blue, later that same day, he called me.

"Rick?" he said sounding his normal self.

"Dave?" I replied, surprised to hear him sounding so chipper.

"Yeah, sorry about the last few days. Let's go to Blackpool and let rip."

"You're on!" I said, not hesitating. If that's what Dave wanted, that's what we were going to do.

I was quickly on to the phone to Ringo and we decided it was probably best if it was just the three of us. We didn't think he'd cope too well with constant questions, insensitive comments and piss-taking.

The three musketeers boarded the 11.25 to Blackpool on Friday the 27th of July. It was a beautiful, hot, English summer's day.

Ringo and I had decided not to mention Nina at all. If Dave wanted to speak about it, that was different, but until he did, we were going to keep the conversations on music, football, the delights of Blackpool, basically whatever would keep his mind off the cheating bitch.

We needn't have worried, Dave brought it up as the train pulled away from the platform.

"I know I've been a little out of it these last few days. Just my way of dealing with it, that's all.���

"How are you feeling now?" I asked.

"Pretty good," he said. "I've had a lucky escape and I've got the rest of my life and a world of possibilities to look forward to. Now let's forget about what's happened, have some fun and get bladdered." With that, he pulled a six-pack of Tennants 'Force 10' lager from his bag and handed them round. "A couple of these down us and we'll be well on our way," he added.

He wasn't wrong. At ten percent alcohol content per can, they soon started to have an effect. By the time we'd reached our destination a couple of hours later, our laughter was loud, the world was a little fuzzy and we entered Blackpool a collective mass of buzzing testosterone.

"Come on, last one in the boozer's a pussy!" shouted Dave looking over his shoulder, already five yards in front of us.

Being the slowest runner and the most sensible, I tried to protest. "Let's drop our bags off first, get changed and stuff."

"Pussy!" they both shouted in unison sprinting away from me. I slung my bag for all I was worth at Ringo in the hope of knocking him off his feet, but the bag landed a couple of feet behind him. He heard it and jumped out of the way as it skidded along the pavement and carried on into the road. Splat! An open-topped Blackpool bus was the first to run over it, closely followed by a white Ford Transit van. Dave and Ringo were bent double laughing at me, yards from the pub entrance.

"Now then pussy boy!" screamed Ringo, snorting like a pig with laughter. "At least you won't need to do any ironing tonight!" They fell into each other before reaching the pub door, still chuckling away along with a few bemused passers by.

"Very bloody funny," I said retrieving my flattened belongings from the middle of the road. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be my weekend. I couldn't have been more wrong.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We went a bit crazy that afternoon. We didn't check in to our bed and breakfast until about six o'clock, which totalled over six hours drinking since opening those first cans on the train. We were a little inebriated and loud to say the least as we approached 'Jaycee's Bed & Breakfast' and I was a bit worried we'd be turned away.

We somehow held it together as we paid our money and scrawled down our details for the smiling Chinese lady. It wasn't exactly the most salubrious of places. The hall was dark and dowdy, the middle of the stair carpet was virtually worn out and there was awful sixties style wallpaper hanging off the walls. Still, at fourteen quid a night each, we weren't complaining.

We zigzagged up two flights of stairs to our room and it took me a few seconds to fiddle the key into the Yale lock before a small click told us I'd cracked it. That was the signal for Ringo to surge forward from the back. The three of us burst through the door and our momentum catapulted us forward until we ended up in a big pile on the floor.

"Bloody hell, get off me you fat biffers!" I screamed, unsuccessfully trying to wriggle out from under their giggling frames. "Come on, come on, I'm having trouble breathing here."

"Ace!" said Ringo still sprawled on top. He reluctantly got to his feet and I pushed Dave from on top of me, glad to at last get some air to my lungs.

Ringo was still all cock-a-hoop and full of energy. "Come on," he said. "Let's get back out there and get some skirt!"

"Get some skirt?" said Dave sarcastically. "You wouldn't be able to get any skirt if it came up to you and flashed you its panties! You're both bloody useless with women."

I wasn't standing for that slur. I could have gone for the cheap shot and mentioned Nina, but I thought better of it and did the next most stupid thing.

"Okay lover boy," I started. "Put your bloody money where your mouth is. If you're so confident, me and Ringo versus you."

"Yeah," supported Ringo. "Twenty a man. You win Dave, and we'll give you forty quid. We beat you, and it's twenty a piece for me and Ricky boy."

"Easy money," replied Dave smiling to himself. "How do we decide who wins? We need some sort of scoring system."

"Let's keep it simple," I suggested. "Fifteen points if you spend the night with a girl, ten if you get a snog and five bonus points for any phone numbers handed over willingly. Highest points total wins."

"Lads, are you sure you want to throw your money away like this. Going on track records, you may as well pay me already," said Dave smugly.

"We'll see big mouth," scoffed Ringo.

"Are we all agreed then?" I asked.

"Yep," said Dave.

"Partner?" I asked nodding at Ringo.

"Too right," he replied.

"In that case," I said, "let battle commence."

"Right, forty minutes to get ready then?" said Ringo.

"Forty minutes? Forty minutes?" repeated Dave. "You two could spend 'til Christmas putting your make-up and perfume on and you'd still look as appealing as a Baboon's back-side!"

"Get him!" shouted Ringo at the top of his voice. He quickly grabbed a pillow off the nearest bed and swung it at Dave's head. It connected beautifully.

There wasn't much contest in the fight that ensued as we beat Dave to surrender with our relentless bombardment. The real competition was about to begin.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That night proved to be a disappointing wash out. We started out with a pizza to line our stomachs for the alcoholic onslaught to come, but the food only seemed to dampen our spirits, and sober us up just enough so that we were beginning to develop headaches from our earlier session. By the time I'd got the drinks in at the second pub of the night, Dave was almost falling asleep. To be honest, I wasn't far behind him. We called it a night after that. Points total, zero, for both teams. For all our bravado earlier, we were tucked up in bed, like three babies, before ten o'clock.

We all woke feeling pretty good the next day but we decided to stay off the beer until after our evening meal. The sun shone continuously, we did the whole seaside thing and had a great day.

We started with football on the beach and then went to the famous pleasure beach and rode the hair-raising 'Big One' roller-coaster. After a fish and chips lunch we played several fairground games, almost killed one another on the dodgems and finished the day off by winning a little Casio keyboard playing bingo. Predictably, we plink-plonked our way back to Jaycee's, singing nonsense words to truly awful 'music'.

With our spirits raised once again, Dave had seemingly forgotten all about the events of a week or so ago. I had thought his little speech on the train was a bit of a front, but he genuinely seemed to be having a good time, and carrying on as normal. It was good to see. He was my best mate and it had been horrible to see how deflated he had been.

That Saturday night, we hit our first bar at about nine o'clock. The place was packed full and it took us a good fifteen minutes to get served. We got two rounds in at once and because it was so hot in there, the six bottles of Budweiser were gone in under twenty minutes.

Next, we walked down a side street to find somewhere a bit quieter. We plumped for 'The Golden Fleece' but it was like one of those places you see in old western movies when strangers walk in and everyone stops talking and turns round to stare at you. Once served, we knocked back our drinks and moved on, keeping our heads down, not daring to look at anyone. Trust us to find a real local's bar in a buzzing seaside town full of holiday makers.

We headed back to the main drag and the relative safety of 'The Tower Lounge'. It was another heaving, happening place. We spotted a balcony running around the lounge perimeter, looking down onto the dance floor, and we headed there hoping to find a bar. We were in luck and had more Budweiser in our grasps within minutes.

At first, we wondered why it was so much emptier on the balcony but we had the answer five minutes later as the stifling heat started to get to us. Again, we quickly finished our drinks and moved on.

We just decided to go next door from there. The place was called 'Brannigans' and a sign on the door promised 'dancing, eating, drinking and cavorting'.

It was Ringo's turn to get the drinks in and he immediately honed in on a busty barmaid with 'Prickteaser' emblazoned across her T-shirt. She was a bit of a looker to say the least. I saw Ringo exchange a few words with her and they both seemed to be laughing in tandem. By the time I'd pushed through the crowd to help him with the drinks, he was waving a little piece of paper at me.

"That's five bonus points in the bag Ricky boy!" he said excitedly grabbing at my shoulder. "No messing about. Did you see her? She's bloody gorgeous."

"Who?" I asked, knowing the answer but not believing it. "Prickteaser?"

"Yup, that's her," he said grinning like a clown. He looked up and caught her eye again and raised his bottle to her, giving her a little nod and wink at the same time. She reciprocated the wink and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Dave came back from the toilet to witness them holding each other's gaze.

"Whey-hey!" I shouted in Dave's ear. "Look at this. Ringo's only gone and got us the first five points on the board hasn't he!" I waved the piece of paper in his face.

"Whose?" demanded Dave. "Not Prickteaser behind the bar?"

"The one and only," interjected Ringo still looking like the cat that got the cream.

"What's her name?" asked Dave.

"I dunno man," answered Ringo. "Let's just stick to Prickteaser. I like that."

"Maybe she wrote it next to her number," I suggested.

"Well, let's check it out then," said Dave grabbing the piece of paper from me.

We all moved in close together as Dave unravelled it, eyes wide with anticipation as if the secrets of the world were about to be revealed to us. In big bold letters, were written the words 'Fuck-off loser'.

Dave burst out laughing as Ringo and I looked at each other in astonishment and disappointment. Ringo turned back round to the bar. Prickteaser, cool as you like, raised her glass to him, nodded and winked.

"Bitch," said Ringo.

Dave finally stopped laughing and started chanting, "Minus five, minus five, you guys have got minus five!" over and over.

"Bollox," said Ringo. "Shut your big mouth else I'll do it for you."

"Whoooo," said Dave in a high-pitched sarcastic tone. "Put your handbag down love. I was only joking."

I had a feeling that Ringo wasn't going to recover from that little episode. The contest would be between Dave and me.

Dave scored first, making it ten points to nil when he drunkenly smooched with some young, under-dressed, over-made up young girl on the dance floor of The Palace nightclub.

Despite Ringo's encouragement, I couldn't muster the bottle to chat to any girls myself. I got the impression that Dave would have snogged his mother that night if it had meant him scoring points against us. I used the excuse that I was only interested in quality, but by the end of the night, I was regretting opening my mouth and dreaming up the stupid contest.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning, we were all suffering from our excesses of the night before. We stayed in bed until about twelve o'clock. Once up, we headed out for a fried breakfast at a nearby cafe. It certainly helped the recovery, but we were subdued for the rest of the day.

It didn't help that the glorious sunshine of the previous two days had disappeared to be replaced by a strong coastal wind and heavy showers. We had a couple of games of ten-pin bowling and then went to the pub to watch some live football. It was a case of lemonade's all round.

We were fully recovered from our hangovers by the evening and got ready to hit the night spots for one last time.

Again, talk was rife about the competition and Dave was full of himself. He really was enjoying winding us up.

"Got your twenty pound notes with you lads? Ready to see the master in action again? Got any phone numbers lately Ringo?" It went on and on.

"I've had enough of all that chat," I whispered to Ringo. "I don't care if I get blown out tonight. I'll show him. What's the worst that could happen?"

"How about some bird telling you to fuck off?" reasoned Ringo.

"Aw come on, that was just one girl. She even warned you on her T-shirt what she was like. I'm not going to let that bother me."

"Good for you mate. It bothers me though. You're on your own tonight."

I had my first opportunity back in The Tower Lounge, our second bar of the night. The target was a pretty brunette stood about ten feet away from us with two of her friends. I kept talking to myself in order to build courage and finally, when one of her mates wandered off, I made my approach.

I could feel the sweat trickle down from under my arms as I approached her, my cheeks reddening by the second. My mouth started to go dry and as I got to within two feet, I started to panic. She saw me coming and looked away. Not a good sign. There and then, in that split second, I lost the tiny bit of confidence I'd just talked into myself and muttered, "Excuse me, do you know where the toilets are?"

"Just over there love," she said. "Right behind where you were stood."

I didn't say anything. I just shuffled away feeling about three feet small. I didn't stop to talk to smirking Dave or head shaking Ringo. I went straight to the men's room and wetted my face in front of the mirror to cool down. I figured the competition was lost. I wasn't going to try anything so stupid again in a rush.

As I went back out and took my drink off Dave, I handed him a twenty pound note.

"Congratulations stud," I said. "I give in. I just haven't got the bottle for it."

"Give over," he said, surprisingly dignified. "Get a few more beers down you and you'll be well away."

"No, really, that's it. Ringo's already given up and that's me calling it quits. Let's just forget about it. The only way we're going to win is if some bird tries to pull us. Let's face it, that just ain't gonna happen."

"He's right," chipped in Ringo, getting his own twenty quid out of his trouser pocket. "Well done mate. You've still got it. Now let's find you a better woman than that ugly mutt you were swapping saliva with last night."

"Cheers lads," said Dave. "Drinks on me, what's everyone having."

"Cheeky git," I said. "It's your bloody round anyway! Make mine a double vodka on the rocks."

It didn't take long for Dave to home in on a suitable girl. This time, the standard was pretty high. We stayed in The Tower Lounge until they kicked us out at about twelve thirty. Dave had enjoyed the last few slow dances with the new girl and we saw her write her number down for him and give him a final peck before they departed to their opposite sides of the dance floor.

We congratulated him on his twenty five point total and headed to 'Jellies' nightclub. But it was a Sunday, and the doorman said they were closing in half an hour and wouldn't let us in.

"Shit," said Dave. "I don't feel like going home yet."

"Yeah, me neither," said Ringo.

"Well, I think the best we're going to manage at this hour is a kebab or a curry. Any preference?" I asked

"I fancy a good Indian myself," said Ringo.

"Fair do's. Currie's on me," said Dave smiling.

We headed back towards our B&B along the seafront, knowing there was an Indian restaurant just round the corner. We were walking against the strong winds and the waves were crashing in just over the road to our right. Fortunately, the rain had stopped and looking up, we could see the bright flashing lights of the Pleasure Beach on the horizon.

We didn���t speak much. It was a disappointing finish to a good weekend. I'd got my head down, avoiding the sand and grit that was occasionally being whipped into our squinting faces, when a piece of paper was blown up into my face and held there as if willing me to read it.

I reluctantly pulled my hand out of my trouser pocket and grabbed the offending paper. As I pulled it away from my eyes and it came into focus, I could see it was some sort of advertising flyer. Not just any flyer though, this one had naked women decorating it.

"Hey lads," I said. "Stop and look at this."

As they gathered round, our backs turned against the wind, I read the content out loud. "Peppermint Elephant, gentleman's club. Grand Opening June 27th. Free entry for up to four guests with this flyer throughout June and July. Open 8pm-3am Tuesday to Friday, 3pm-3am Saturday and Sunday. Come and see Blackpool's finest ladies in all their naked glory."

"Whey hey!" said Dave. "Does it say where it is?"

"It's got a map on the back," I said flipping it over. "Looks like it's just past the Pleasure Beach."

"It's miles," moaned Ringo. "And my stomach's crying out to be fed."

"Forget your stomach fat boy," said Dave. "It's only one mile, which is three or four quid tops, in a cab. Oi Oi Taxi!" he yelled across the street, never pausing for breath. "Plus it's bloody free entry. Here we are." The taxi pulled up and we were on our way.

Ringo carried on moaning about his hunger and how they were all going to be ugly slappers with too much make-up on. We were still arguing and telling him to shut up as we entered the club. We all stopped talking at the same time as two scantily clad, stunning girls came into view. They were dancing and gyrating to loud music, on a stage less than twenty feet from where we were stood.

"Bloody hell," drooled Ringo.

"Bloody hell indeed," I added.

"Would you gentlemen like a stage or table seat?" asked a waitress in a bunny girl outfit. We all looked round in surprise, not having noticed her approach us.

"Stage," I said quickly.

She led us over to three great seats at the edge of the stage and took our drinks order. The stage was set out in the shape of a T and we were sat facing the bottom of the T, with a shiny silver pole no more than a few feet from our faces.

"Oh baby," exclaimed Dave. "This place is ace. Either of you been to one of these before?"

"Nah," I said. "What about you?"

"No. Wish I had though. Not sure how you go on," replied Dave.

"My uncle went to one of these somewhere," offered Ringo. "I think it was a few years back. He paid for a lap-dance and I think he said it cost him a tenner."

"What exactly happens?" asked Dave.

"Well, she took him to a private room and basically sat on his lap and jiggled about and got undressed. You're not allowed to touch though. He said it was a bit frustrating. In fact, he said one of his mates came in his pants!��

"Bollox," said Dave.

"No, I swear. They call him Milky Pants now. He never lived it down."

"Don't think there's much chance of that happening with us," I suggested. "Not after the amount of alcohol we've consumed tonight. Probably a bloody godsend."

"Yeah," said Dave. "Where's that waitress gone anyway."

"There she is," said Ringo looking round. "Looks like we're up next."

Two minutes later and she was with us. As we'd sat down, the two girls on stage had tottered back off and we were looking in anticipation at the twitchy curtains on the other side of the stage.

"Sorry about the wait boys. Three gin and tonics, there you are."

"How much love?" asked Dave.

"Twelve pounds please darling," she said smiling while bending over so that we got a nice view of her cleavage.

Dave took out three five pound notes and coolly slipped them down her front. The cheeky bastard even gave them a little tap, right on the middle of her breasts.

"Keep the change," he grinned.

"Thanks baby," she said winking at him. "Anything else for you boys?"

"Well," said Dave beckoning her in. "We've never been anywhere like this before. How do you, you know, go on about things. How much does it cost?"

"I can organise the private lap-dances for you or if you want to show a lady your appreciation on stage, she'll have a little pot that you can put pound coins in. If you're feeling particularly enamoured by a performance, a five pound note may get you something a little more." She finished the sentence with a wink.

"So how do we select the girl for a lap-dance?" I asked intrigued. "Do you have like a profile book with them all in or something?"

"No honey. They'll all get their turn on stage and you pick the one you like. You'll also see ladies wandering round the club asking if you'd like a dance. They can do a strip at the table for you which is ten pounds, and lasts the length of a song, or for twenty pounds you get taken to somewhere a little more private for a lap dance. Have you seen anyone you like so far?"

"Not really," I replied. "I suppose we've missed quite a few of the girls already haven't we?"

She laughed. "I guess so honey. Did you have something specific in mind?"

"Er, not really. What do you mean?" I stammered, a little embarrassed.

"Well, do you like girls with big breasts, nice eyes, tight little bums, long legs, older ladies? We've got a nice variety in here."

"We like all of the above!" said Dave grinning. Ringo wasn't really listening, his eyes had wandered from the waitress to the girls who'd just come on to the stage.

"Listen love," continued Dave. "Why don't you give us an hour and come back. If we've seen someone we like, we'll let you know then."

"Sure thing honey," she said before turning and wiggling off back towards the bar.

"You gonna go for it?" I asked Dave.

"I reckon so," he replied smiling. "Sounds like too good an opportunity to miss. What about you Ringo?"

There was a pause as we waited for him to reply. He obviously hadn't heard. He was transfixed by the tall redhead who had just slipped out of her long shimmering dress and was now half way up the pole just in front of us.

"Hey, deaf boy!" shouted Dave. "You still with us? Forgot about your stomach at last?"

"Er, yeah man. Only thing I'm hungry for right now, is that foxy chick in front of us. Now shut-up yabbing for a minute and enjoy the show."

We laughed at him and did as requested. The redhead proceeded to skilfully slide down the pole, spinning round, using just her legs to grip it. Her long shapely legs spread apart as she reached the stage again and did the splits. She soon sprang back up and began shaking her head and swishing her long hair from side to side in time with the music. We were mesmerised. She looked directly at us as she parted from the pole with a twirl and seductively swaggered over to the edge of the stage in front of us. She leaned forward with her hands covering her breasts and then as her body was at a right angle to her legs, her face just above us, she released her hands and jiggled her upper torso. Her firm perky breasts seemed to defy gravity as they jutted out, shaking for us, her nipples hard and erect.

"Fuckin' hell," whispered Dave under his breath. I just nodded, not daring to take my eyes off her. Ringo stood and reached into his pocket, his eyes now holding the gaze of the performing redhead. He pulled out a five pound note and the redhead smiled at him.

She rubbed her breasts and then traced her hands down over her belly and slowly slipped her fingers down into her bright red thong. She slid her fingers back out and elegantly lowered herself down into a squatting position, so that her legs were spread and she was sat with her backside resting on her heels. She pulled the top of her thong away from her stomach, indicating to Ringo to insert the five pound note. Grinning, he leaned forward and taking as much time as he could, slipped the note down the front of her thong.

"What's your name?" he asked excitedly.

"Angel," she breathed out in a husky voice. She winked at Ringo and turned back towards the pole.

"Fuckin' hell," repeated Dave.

We watched the rest of Angel's performance in silence and got to our feet to clap, whistle and cheer as she walked off stage.

"I'm in love," said Ringo.

We laughed at him again. He looked like he was suddenly floating on air.

"Put your tongue back in!" said Dave still chuckling. "Look, here's what we're gonna do. 'Cos you guys have been top mates and helped me forget about you-know-who, I want you both to select a girl and then when our friendly neighbourhood bunny girl waitress comes back over, I'll pay for a lap dance for each of us."

"Top man!" shouted Ringo excitedly. "Mine's Angel!"

"Okay," said Dave laughing again. "What about you Rick, you seen anyone yet?"

"Nah, I'll bide my time and have a good look round first."

We sat and watched another five or six equally impressive dancers over the next hour. Dave was trying to decide between two brunette's that he'd spotted, Bambi and Dixie. All the girls we'd seen were attractive and sexy but I hadn't seen anyone in particular that had really caught my eye.

The time passed quickly and our waitress was soon back, smiling as she walked over to us.

"What's it to be then gentleman?" she asked pleasantly.

"Angel!" said Ringo almost before she'd finished her sentence.

The waitress gave a little giggle. "Very popular is our Angel. I'll see if she's free for you. What about you sir? Have you seen anyone?" she said nodding at Dave.

"I can't decide between Dixie and Bambi to be honest."

"I'll make sure I get one of them for you. What about you young man?" she said, her gaze wandering across to meet my eyes.

"I haven't really seen anyone that special. What about one of the older women you talked about earlier. If you could get one of those for me, it'd be a nice surprise I reckon."

"Okay boys. I'll see what I can arrange and I'll be back over in five minutes."

"What about the money?" asked Dave.

"You can pay the girls direct," she replied before disappearing.

True to her word, she came back over five minutes later.

"Right gentleman. I have Angel for you, Bambi for you and Foxy or Honey for you. They are our two older ladies free right now. Foxy is in her thirties, brunette with nice round boobs and very slim. Honey is in her forties, blonde, voluptuous and even bigger boobs."

"Honey sounds perfect. Thanks," I said.

"Okay boys, if you want to make your way over there to the back, Carla is waiting for you to show you to your booths. Enjoy it and remember, no touching."

As we made our way over to the back of the club, Dave turned round to us and gave us a twenty pound note each.

"Have a good time fella's," he said grinning. "What's with the grandma request though?" he asked, nodding at me.

"Dunno," I replied. "Guess I've always fantasised about older women. It's the thought of them seducing me and sharing all their worldly experience."

"Bloody hell," said Ringo laughing. "You're only having a lap dance."

At that moment we reached Carla who gave us a friendly greeting and led us to three separate booths. They were in the same room but were separated by thick red curtains. There were two bouncers in tuxedos at the entrance to the room. I sat down in the comfortable chair provided and waited nervously for Honey.

I was twiddling with my thumbs when I heard the curtain move. I looked up to see Honey's rear as she was pulling the curtain back across. She was wearing an open backed tight fitting gold coloured dress. Like all the other dancers, it was obvious she was wearing no bra and her legs were bare. She had on matching gold coloured high heels with criss-crossing ties round her ankles.

She turned round and I froze. I was certain the woman I was starring at was my Aunt Wanda.

I hadn't seen Aunt Wanda in about eight years but even after all that time, I was sure it was her. My head was spinning. Had she recognised me? Would she recognise me now? Should I say anything? What the hell was she doing here?

She looked fantastic, that was for sure. Definitely not out of place amongst the younger girls we'd been watching. If she had walked in and I hadn't known her, I would have been delighted.

I used to see her quite often when I was little, and I remembered fantasising about her quite a lot when I reached the age of ten or eleven. She always used to wear short skirts and tight tops and looked fantastic in a bikini. I used to try and visit as much as possible in the summer. She and Uncle Tommy didn't have any kids, but they had an outdoor pool, which was a rarity in England. She also spoke to me like an adult, not a little kid like the rest of the family used to do. I liked her even more because of that.

All of a sudden, when I was eleven, she disappeared. My Mum told us she'd split with my Uncle Tommy, there had been some complications and we probably wouldn't be seeing them any more. Even though she was Mum's sister and I was sad when she told me, I never questioned it. I don't suppose you do at that age.

She continued to walk towards me, smiling, wiggling her hips, her massive breasts swinging beneath her glamorous dress. She turned her back to me and bent over, showing me her shapely behind. She slowly lifted her dress until I could see the whole of her backside apart from the thin sliver of gold resting in the crack of her ass. She shook her hips from side to side, her backside a matter of inches from my face, giggled and stood again, letting her dress fall back to her knees.

I still couldn't speak. I could feel the sweat on my back and underarms and I must have had a look of terror on my face. The music seemed to be getting louder and was pounding in my head. Then she spoke and I knew without any doubt at all that it was definitely her.

"Pammy told me you were a hot young thing, but she didn't tell me you were this hot," she whispered in my ear, emphasising the word 'this'. She was leaning forward, continuing to gently gyrate to the music. I couldn't believe my ears and realised she had no clue who I was. I was busy ogling down the front of her dress at her wonderful breasts when she stood up and stepped back, ready to remove her clothing. I suddenly got a grip and snapped out of it.

"Aunt Wanda," I blabbed. "It's me, it's Rick…your nephew."

The words seemed to hang in the air. She stepped back further to look at me, taking in what I'd just said. Then she screamed. Loudly.

Before I knew what was happening, the two heavies wearing tuxes had burst through the curtain and charged at me. I'm not sure which one hit me first, but I went flying off the chair and through the curtain into the next booth. My head felt heavy and the room was spinning. I could taste blood in my mouth and as I started to re-focus, one of the bouncers was pinning me down, his hot smoke stained breath centimetres from my face. He was snarling and shouting at me.

"No touching punk!"

I couldn't have moved even if I had wanted to. I heard Aunt Wanda above us, screaming at the heavy.

"Get off him! Get off him! He hasn't done anything!"

"Yeah, get off dick-head." I recognised Ringo's voice, realising I must have been knocked into his booth.

The grip loosened around my shirt collar and the bouncer lifted his heavy frame from me and got to his feet. He growled at Ringo and turned to Aunt Wanda.

"What did you scream for then yer stupid bitch?"

"I, I, I…thought I'd seen a mouse," she stammered in reply.

There was quite a crowd gathered round by this time. Dave was stood at the side of Ringo, their arms folded across their chests, trying to look as big and hard as possible.

"Fuckin' hell," said Dave out of the side of his mouth to Ringo. "I'd hate to have heard her scream if Rick had touched her."

Aunt Wanda dropped to her knees beside me. Her delicate hands stroked my stinging face. I had the perfect view of her ample cleavage, her swaying globes inches above me in the stretchy fabric of her dress.

"Ricky, Ricky, you alright? Oh god, you're bleeding. Come on, let's get you sorted out."

She helped me to my feet and I gently shook my head and put my hand to my mouth to make sure all my teeth were still intact. There didn't seem to be any missing or anything chipped.

"What the fuck happened?" asked Ringo coming over with Dave.

"Look, don't worry about it. Just get back and enjoy your dances. I'll see you in a while. I'm just going to get cleaned up." With that, Aunt Wanda took my hand and I followed her past the bouncers, down a corridor under a sign that said 'staff only' and towards a door with the words 'no unauthorised personnel beyond this point' painted on it.

Aunt Wanda gently knocked on the door and said "It's Wanda. Anyone in there? You decent?"

"Just me. Jenny." Her voice got louder as she spoke. "Why you knocking honey?" she opened the door from the inside and a pretty black face appeared. She came into full view as the door opened wider. She was wearing only knickers and a pair of thigh high boots. She made no attempt to cover herself as she looked at me in surprise.

"Well who's this hot, young stud?" she said smiling at me, and then, "Oh, what happened to your face?" as I tried to smile back.

"Long story," replied Aunt Wanda. "Look, can you do us a favour Jen. I just need five minutes privacy to try and help get him cleaned up. Can you just stay out here and keep an eye out for us."

"Sure thing Wanda, let me just grab my dress."

We followed her inside and didn't speak until she had left the room. The smell of perfume was strong and soft music played through a small stereo on a table in the middle of the room. I didn't know what to say. I looked up at Aunt Wanda and saw the concern in her face.

"First of all, let's get your face cleaned up. Then we can talk." She led me over to a sink in the far corner of the room. There was a large mirror above it and I looked at my face. Blood was decorating my lower lip and there was a lump below my left eye.

"You took quite a hit there Ricky. Sorry about that," she said quietly while reaching across and wiping the blood from my face and lips with a wet flannel.

"It's okay Aunt Wanda, don't fuss." I said, not looking at her.

"I was just a little shocked that's all. You've changed so much Ricky…you're a man."

"You haven't changed Aunt Wanda. You still look fantastic," I said raising my head to look at her.

"Aww, that's sweet. Thank you."

"Why did you and Uncle Tommy split?" I asked. "Why did you leave town?"

"I guess your Mum never told you huh?" she said taking my hand again and leading me over to a couch. I sat beside her and waited for her to start talking again. She took a deep breath before opening her mouth.

"I'm not sure where to start. I haven't seen Tommy for about seven years now. We got divorced a year after I moved away. The last I saw of him was at the divorce hearing. He used to knock me around a little and didn't believe I should leave the house without him. He was a very jealous person. Unfortunately, I didn't realise until we were married and then it was too late." She bowed her head as she paused and then looked at me.

"Are you sure you're interested in all this?" she asked softly.

Her eyelashes seemed to flutter in slow motion and she had a tear in her eye. She looked so vulnerable and yet so beautiful.

"Of course Aunt Wanda," I replied edging closer towards her. I smiled at her and hesitantly took her hand in mine. She smiled back and gave my hand a squeeze before continuing.

"I was too independent to be stuck in all day looking after the house. When I first met your uncle, I was attracted to his power and wealth. I thought I'd enjoy being a kept woman but I was wrong. I wanted to earn my own money and so, I, well, that's when I started stripping. It was only a couple of times a week at a place in the city. I told Tommy I was doing a beauty therapy course but he followed me one day and when I got home he beat me real bad. He went mad and told your Grandma and Grandad that I'd been stripping and selling myself."

"What, prostitution?" I asked frowning.

"Yeah. It wasn't true. Thing is, even though they saw me after the beating, they still believed Tommy. I was astounded and disappointed. I just had to get away then. My own Mum and Dad wouldn't believe me." A tear rolled down her cheek as she finished the sentence and I reached up and gently wiped it away with my thumb.

"They didn't want anything to do with me and told your Mum to keep you away from me. Your Mum was stuck in the middle of it all. We've kept in touch, but it's never been the same between us. We aren't close anymore. Thing is, your Mum has continually been trying to get things smoothed over with your Grandparents and a few months back, they got in touch to apologise and wanted to meet. It's been so hard over the last few years. I've felt like a total outcast. Anyway, I agreed to meet them again. You only get one life right?

"The bridge between us is just starting to be rebuilt and it's such a relief. The only problem is, I told them I'd stopped stripping after I'd left Tommy. I told them it was just a cry for independence while I was with him. You won't say anything will you Ricky?" She moved her head towards me and held my stare with her big puppy dog eyes.

I could feel my heart pounding against my chest as if straining to get out and I was feeling very strange. I had emotions of sorrow and pity and I guess, right then, I thought I was in love. I couldn't find my voice. I was spellbound and attempting to fight my emotions.

It didn't work. Caught up in the moment, I moved my face towards her, my lips honing in on hers. Just as I thought our lips would meet a loud rap on the door made me jump. I moved back and our hands broke their connection. Jenny popped her head back round the door and she spoke in a loud whisper.

"Gary's just been asking for you Wanda. He wanted to know what had happened and make sure he was alright." She nodded at me. "I think he's worried about adverse publicity and he's not happy about you screaming out. I told him you were in the toilets. He wants to see you in his office in five minutes."

"Shit. Okay, thanks Jen," said Wanda.

"I'll come with you," I said. "I'll let him know I won't cause any trouble."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea Ricky. He's pretty mean and he'll probably go mad at me."

"Don't worry," I said. "I'll make sure you don't get in trouble. Come on."

As we exited the room and thanked Jenny once again, I could see Ringo and Dave at the end of the corridor. Dave spotted us first and I could see him nudge Ringo and point to us.

"You're alright then?" Dave asked as we got closer.

"Yeah, I'm Okay, just a cut lip and really. Enjoy your dances?"

"That little skirmish kinda spoilt the mood," shrugged Ringo. "We didn't bother in the end."

"You poor things," sympathised Aunt Wanda. "It's all my fault too. I'll see if I can make it up to you."

Ringo and Dave raised their eyebrows and smiled, looking at each other and then back at Aunt Wanda. I didn't like the hungry look on their faces and wanted to get Aunt Wanda away from them.

"Look guys, here's that twenty quid I never needed. Get another drink in each. I'm just going to smooth things over with Wanda's boss. He's worried I may cause this place trouble after that heavy attacked me."

"Who the bloody hell's Wanda?" asked Dave.

"Err, she is," I said pointing at Aunt Wanda. "Honey's just her stage name. I heard a couple of the other girls call her that while she was helping me get cleaned up."

"Right," said Dave nodding.

"Not be long then," I said, following Aunt Wanda to the other side of the club.

She knocked on a half opened door with 'private' clearly signed on it and we walked in together after we heard a gruff voice bark at us to enter. It was a small office and was dimly lit. I could just make out posters and pictures of young attractive girls in various states of undress on the walls.

Wanda's boss, Gary, was sat in a big leather chair behind an old wooden desk. He was smoking a cigar and rocking back and forth, his feet up on the desk. He slowly looked up and then did a quick double take.

"Who the fucks he?" he grunted, taking his feet off the desk. He leaned forward, squinting, trying to get a better look at me.

"It's the client that was attacked by Bruno," explained Aunt Wanda.

"Yeah, I just wanted to come and say that I won't be causing any future problems for you. I know it was just an honest mistake. No major harm done. Your hired muscles were just doing their job."

He took a puff on his cigar and sat back in his chair. "Glad to hear it son. Now, I'm sure you're itching to get back out there. Ta ta."

"Actually," I said, clearing my throat. "I'd rather stay. Make sure she's not in any trouble. She screamed 'cos she saw a mouse. I can vouch for that. I saw it myself."

Gary scratched his shaved head and fiddled with the knot of his tie, obviously irritated. "Look here son. This is between me an' her. We ain't got no mice in here and from what I can gather, if she hadn't decided to scream, we wouldn��t be here wasting our fuckin' time having this conversation. Now clear off."

"Go on Ricky," said Wanda, motioning with her eyes towards the door.

I don't know what came over me but I wasn't going to just stand there and let Aunt Wanda take all the heat. I didn't like the way Gary spoke to me either, as if I was just some kid. I stepped forward, ignoring Aunt Wanda's protest, and stood as close to his desk as possible. I put my hands on it and leaned forward, making sure I was looking down on Gary.

"Look pal," I started. "If you don't want me to change my mind about taking my story to the local press and a decent solicitor, I suggest you start listening. Alright?"

He moved towards me, still in his chair, so that his face was only a few inches from mine. He blew a puff of smoke into my face and said, "Make it sharp."

My mind was working over time and I knew I had to sound convincing. "The mouse was a mechanical one that we won at The Pleasure Beach today. One of my mates must have let it in as a joke. Like I said, no harm done. Now let's just forget the whole thing. I don't want this lady to get in any trouble. It wasn't her fault. Now, are you gonna shake hands and let us both go?"

I stood back up straight and offered him my hand. He paused for a few more seconds, weighing up his options, before slowly getting to his feet. To my relief, he shook my hand. It was a vice like grip that intensified as he spoke, his other hand pointing at my chest and his cigar waggling frantically up and down in his mouth.

"Okay, but I want you and your fucking mates out of my club in the next ten minutes."

His eyes moved across to Aunt Wanda. "And you can pay me what you owe me for tonight and get out an' all." He let go of my hand and held it out for Wanda to pay him.

She walked over and took a roll of notes out of her purse, counted out fifty pounds and placed it in his hands.

"I'm sorry for the trouble Gary," she said as she handed it over. He grunted and snatched the money off her.

We left the office in silence and closed the door behind us. I followed Aunt Wanda back into the main club and we stopped at the entrance to the corridor leading back to the dressing room. There was an awkward silence until we both said "sorry" at the same time. I laughed nervously and smiled at her, desperate for this not to be goodbye. I couldn't think of a way to prolong the night but as if reading my mind, Aunt Wanda came up with a suggestion of her own.

"I'm sorry I spoilt the fun for you and your friends Ricky. Let me make it up to you all." She paused to gauge my reaction. "Come back to my house and I'll give you a free show."

My heart skipped a little with excitement. I didn't speak, my mind working overtime again. Did she mean me or did she mean all of us?

"What's wrong, don't you want to come?" she asked sounding hurt.

"Of course I want to Aunt Wanda. It's just that I don't really want my mates to, you know, watch you."

"Oh," she said, a wicked smile lighting her face, "you want me all to yourself do you?" She let out a little laugh and put a finger under my chin to lift my head. "I meant the free show was just for you. Two of the other girls that work here are my lodgers. I'll make sure I sort something out for your two friends. I'll meet you outside in five minutes."

She gave me a peck on the cheek before disappearing down the corridor.

I went over to Dave and Ringo who were still enthralled by the girls on stage and gave them the good news. They knocked back the remainder of their drinks and we made our way back out.

The heavy who had crashed into me earlier was stood on the door. He grimaced as he saw us approaching, his eyes not leaving us. He gave us a disapproving look as he opened the door to let us out.

I ignored him but Ringo held his stare and gave his head a quick peck forward toward the bouncer as we walked past him. The heavy and his colleague followed us out and I thought they were going to come after us but they stopped at the top of the steps as if standing guard.

We got to the bottom of the steps and Ringo shouted up at them. "It's a good job you didn't hurt him yer fairy. He'd have got up and killed you. And if he hadn't, then I would have!"

Fortunately, they didn't bite. Dave just stood laughing at us as I tried to pull Ringo away and shut him up.

I finally dragged him off and turned to look for Aunt Wanda. There was no sign of her yet and it had started raining quite hard once again. I spotted a bus shelter just down the road and I motioned for the other two to follow me. We jogged the short distance to the refuge.

"I thought it was too good to be true," said Ringo probably starting to think of his stomach again. "That woman was having a laugh. She's probably back in the club peeling her clothes off for some sucker feeding notes down her…"

I cut him short. "She'll be here. Now stop whining otherwise I'll tell her to let Dave have the free show from both her friends."

"Sorry mate," he said, "I'm just horny as hell after being in there and I'm cold and wet and still hungry."

"Aaagghhh, poor baby," mocked Dave.

Just as they were starting to jostle, we heard a car pull up at the side of us. It was a huge dark saloon, with blacked out windows. The driver's window slowly and smoothly came down and Aunt Wanda smiling face looked out at us.

"You boys need a ride?" she purred seductively.

"Do we ever!" exclaimed Ringo, grinning.

Aunt Wanda looked at each of us in turn as if sizing us up again.

"Okay," she started. "Ricky, you in the front with me, you two in the back with Poppy and Daisy. Introduce yourselves when you get in there, be polite and enjoy the ride. It's about a fifteen minute drive back to mine."

"Flower power!" said Ringo grabbing at the handle of the car door before almost diving inside.

I shook my head, laughing and opened the front door, before climbing in to the sizeable leather passenger seat.

A delightful sight greeted me as I looked across at Aunt Wanda. She had changed into a white, sleeveless top and a very short, black skirt. It seemed that she'd had to walk some distance to the car as her hair was wet and her top clung tightly to her. I could make out her full round breasts through the thin fabric. Her nipples were standing out as if she'd just spent the last five minutes tweaking them. She had a contented expression as she watched my admiring gaze drink in her beauty.

I could hear Ringo and Dave making their introductions in the back, interspersed by fits of giggling from the ladies.

I didn't feel quite as relaxed up front, and I was struggling to think of something to say. I was torn between lust and guilt. Lust was winning and I didn't seem capable of having anything other than improper thoughts about my Aunt Wanda.

"What's wrong Ricky?" she asked. "You don't like what you see?" She paused until she could see I was about to speak and then added, "I thought you'd like my…car."

I could feel the heat return to my cheeks. What exactly had Aunt Wanda got in mind for me? Was she teasing me for the hell of it?

She laughed lightly and I felt her hand on the top of my leg.

"I'm sorry," she smiled. "I'll stop teasing you as long as you promise to lighten up and relax. I want you to have a good time tonight Ricky. Your friends don't seem to be having any problem." She nodded her head backwards and I turned round to see what was going on.

The back was huge and had two bench style seats facing each other. Ringo and Dave had their backs to us and Wanda's two friends were smiling and chatting with them as if they'd known each other all their lives. They both looked about ten years younger than Aunt Wanda, very glamorous and sexy but a little thin for my liking. They wore long coats, held together at the waist with belts, exposing their impressive cleavages. I couldn't make out if they had anything else on other than the stockings and high heeled shoes extended out towards my two friends.

"They'll have the time of their lives," whispered Aunt Wanda giving my leg a gentle squeeze. My cock was already growing and sprang to life with Aunt Wanda's playful action. Not for the first time that night, it was straining to escape my trousers. "I said I'd let them off a weeks rent each if they gave your friends a night to remember."

"Thanks," I replied.

Aunt Wanda smiled at me and fluttered her eyelashes before checking her mirror and driving off. As we got onto the main road out of Blackpool, she put the car into cruise control and spread her legs a little, wiggling to get comfortable in her seat. She reached and pressed a button on the dash and I was amazed when a screen between us and the others in the back whirred into life until it was touching the ceiling of the car. As it did, the sound of their chatter and laughter was cut to an inaudible muffle. I looked at Aunt Wanda in surprise and she once again laughed at my reaction.

"It was part of my divorce settlement. It's a bit old now but class never goes out of fashion," she said winking at me.

"It's cool," I said.

We sat in silence for a while, my eyes constantly drawn to Aunt Wanda's bare legs. I started to wonder if she was wearing any knickers and what it would be like to run my hands up along the smooth skin of her thighs, until I reached the soft folds of her pussy.

I swallowed hard and knew I had to think of something to say, preferably something to take my mind away from my incestuous train of thought.

"Does it have any more gadgets like that?" I asked.

"Sure," she said. "Watch the screen again."

I turned round in my seat and saw the solid black sheet separating us from our friends. As Aunt Wanda pressed the button again, the screen changed from black to a light tint and I found myself starring at Aunt Wanda's two friends making out on the back seat.

"They can't see or hear us," she added, "but I can filter their sound into here for us. Like so."

She pressed another button and I immediately heard gasps and whistles coming from Ringo and Dave. By the looks of things they were enjoying the performance.

"Are they lesbians?" I asked her.

"Not really. They both prefer men but enjoy performing together. It turns them on to see the effect they have on men when they get it on together."

The scene wasn't helping me control my already throbbing cock.

I could hear the girls' kissing noises interspersed with occasional moans of pleasure and Ringo and Dave muttering the odd "jesus," or "fuckin' hell." I smiled to myself, pleased they were having a good time.

Next, Dave cleared his throat and said "Why don't you feel inside her coat Poppy? It's open just at the side of where you've got your hand."

The girls stopped kissing and slowly turned to look at Dave as if he'd just interrupted the best kiss they'd ever had in their lives. I thought there was going to be trouble and there was a long pause as Poppy continued to stare at Dave. Slowly, a wicked grin broke over her poker face.

"Alright honey," she said. "You mean like this?" Poppy pushed Daisy's coat open a little further exposing her left breast. She looked back at Dave and licked her lips before slowly tracing her hand gently over the fullness of her friend's bosom. Daisy let out a little gasp of pleasure as Poppy paused at her nipple and rubbed back and forth with her finger and thumb until it was fully erect.

"You know it always feels better if both my tits are played with at the same time," breathed Daisy looking at Poppy.

"I know Daisy sweetheart but I'll fall over if I don't use my other hand for balance in here. What are we going to do about it?" They both looked over at Dave and Ringo in unison and I watched as my two friends turned to look at each other with a puzzled look on their faces.

"Jeez," I said to myself forgetting about Aunt Wanda for a moment, "offer to feel it for her you fools."

As if they'd heard me, they both snapped their heads back round to face the girls and blurted out.

"I'll do it!"

Cue another fit of giggles from Daisy and Poppy with Aunt Wanda not far behind them.

"Not the quickest in the world then your two friends," she said to me.

"Guess not," I replied before turning back to watch the action.

Ringo was sat opposite Daisy and was the quickest to react when she nodded her approval at them. He jolted forward pretty fast and nearly fell into her lap in his eagerness. He glanced at Daisy for assurance as his hand got near to the gap in her coat. He slowly tugged at the opening until her other breast was fully exposed. His fingers were almost upon her naked skin when she unexpectedly spoke, making him jump.

"A, a, a, a, young man. Me first. You let me feel along your bulge and my tits are yours for the rest of the journey." She looked up at Ringo for a response as Poppy carried on caressing her other breast.

Ringo turned round to look at Dave and I was wishing he could see me through the glass so that I could tell him to let her at him. Dave was obviously feeling the same way as I could see him make a 'go on my son' sort of face while nodding his head.

Ringo turned back to face Daisy and tilted his head slightly and nodded.

"Okay," he said, "but be warned that it's already standing to attention."

"I figured that," giggled Daisy. She sat up a little as Ringo undid the zip on his trousers. I wasn't sure whether she was going to get it out or just feel under his clothes. My question was soon answered as she snaked a hand into his fly and started stroking backwards and forwards with a slow, smooth motion.

"Mmmm," she said. "That's very hard. Nice. Yeah, Poppy, I think I'm going to stick with this brave man tonight. He's got just what this horny girl wants, ooohh, and it's getting harder."

Ringo was now leaning forward with both hands resting on the back of the girls' seat, enjoying the attention. I wished I could have seen the look on his face. Daisy retracted her hand from within Ringo's trousers and gave him a playful slap on the backside.

"Alright Bingo," she breathed up at him, "Let's see if you're any good with your hands. Come down here and play with Daisy's boobies."

"Err, it's Ringo, not Bingo," he said smiling, squeezing in next to her on the seat.

"Ringo, Bingo, Gringo, whatever," replied Daisy slipping her coat back, uncovering her breasts and shoulders.

Ringo wasted no time in grabbing both at the same time and squeezing them together.

"Beautiful," he said under his breath, continuing to run his hands around the circumference of Daisy's bosom, before working inwards to play with her nipples. Daisy moaned in pleasure as he gave them a little tug.

"Oh yeah Gringo, I like that. Keep going baby, you're making Daisy all wet."

"I think this seat is a little crowded," said Poppy suddenly, looking up at Dave. "Mind if I join you?"

"No, course not," replied Dave.

She sidled over and gave myself and Dave a great view of one of her own boobs as her coat flapped open. Dave wasted no time in making his own move and leaned forward to kiss Poppy. Just as his lips approached hers, she pulled back and put her finger to his lips.

"Sweetheart," she said in a mumsy voice, "we've only just met. I don't kiss anyone on a first date."

"Sorry," he offered, "I didn't mean to offend you."

"You didn't," she said winking at him, "just make sure you make me moan and groan as much as Daisy over there." With that, she undid her belt and pulled her coat apart. Her breasts were more pert than daisy's and her nipples already firm. I could just make out the red outline of her knickers. She definitely had no skirt on.

"Turn round," said Dave.

Poppy did as he requested and he coolly pulled her coat from her shoulders and started gently massaging her neck and upper back. He received two sighs of pleasure from Poppy for his efforts and as she rolled her head back, he moved his hands forward and down her arms and round to her breasts. He ran his fingers over them and cupped them from underneath, pulling them upwards. He took her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and gently rolled them while continuing to hold her boobs.

"Oh David, that's perfect. Mmm, yeah. Looks like Wanda picked us a couple of studs out tonight. Isn't that right Daisy honey?"

"Sure is sweetheart," she replied in between moans.

"Oh boy," continued Poppy, "is that a rifle you have in your pocket young man?"

I was suddenly snapped out of my voyeuristic trance by the sound of Aunt Wanda laughing out loud. I turned round to look at her and saw that she was looking in her rear view mirror at the action in the back.

She then looked directly at my crotch with one eyebrow raised.

"Looks like he isn't the only one with a stiffy," she said nodding at me.

My hands immediately lowered to cover my tented trousers and I could feel my cheeks reddening yet again.

"Sorry," I offered bowing my head and not looking at Aunt Wanda.

"What the hell are you sorry for? If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty much soaking between my legs after listening to all that hot chat back there. Here look."

With that, Aunt Wanda slipped her left hand a short way up her skirt and moments later her finger re-appeared, glistening under the passing street lamps as we glided through the night. She brought it closer to me and I wasn't sure how to react. The smell was strong and unusual to me. It was much nicer than I'd imagined it would be.

"Wow," was all that I could manage.

Aunt Wanda pressed the button to blacken the dividing screen and cut the sound from the back.

"How come you're so up tight about all this? Is it me?" asked Aunt Wanda.

"No, of course not. Not really. It's just a weird situation isn't it?"

"Do you find me attractive Ricky?"

"Yeah, course I do. I have since I was about nine or ten. I couldn't believe it when I saw you tonight. You're stunning Aunt Wanda."

"Have you got a girlfriend?" she continued.

"No," I replied. I didn't want to admit to that, even to Aunt Wanda.

"Have you had many girlfriends?" she said raising her eyebrow for the second time in as many minutes.

"Aunt Wanda," I protested.

"Come on Ricky, I'd like to know." I didn't answer and so she carried on. "I've only had one boyfriend since I left your Uncle Tommy. Real jerk he turned out to be too. Don't know why I stuck with him as long as I did. 'Spose I needed to get back on my feet and it was a rebound thing. Come on Ricky, how many?"

I thought about lying to save my embarrassment but I knew she'd see right through it. I wasn't very good at telling lies.

"None," I said quietly.

"None? I don't believe it. If I was your age and looking for a man, I'd be throwing myself at you. "

"It's okay Aunt Wanda, you don't have to try and make me feel better."

"I'm not. Usually when I dance for men in the club I don't enjoy it. They're usually ugly or old or leery or all three but I was really looking forward to dancing for you tonight. I thought you looked really handsome and nice. Well, I still am looking forward to dancing for you. If you still want me to."

I smiled at her. "Of course I want you to. The truth is, if you hadn't have been my Aunt and had finished dancing for me, I'd probably be back at the bed and breakfast right now, err, you know, thinking about you. I like older women, and you're by far the best looking woman that works in that club. That loser Gary should pay you for working there."

"I guess you just haven't found the right girl yet right?" she said matter of factly. "I bet you're one of those guys that are super choosy about the company he keeps."

"Yeah, you could say that. Not that I've had a lot to choose from. I'm really nervous round girls. I never know what to say and I always think they'll think I'm stupid or ugly or something. So, I hardly ever talk to any girls, let alone go out with them."

"Just sounds like you need a bit of a confidence boost that's all. I'll see if I can help."

"Aunt Wanda, you've been brilliant to me and the lads tonight. I'm guessing I can talk to you about anything right?"

"Yes, of course. In fact I'd really like you too. I've missed having someone who confides in me over the years. I think we can trust one another. You aren't going to tell anyone back home that you saw me or where you saw me are you?"

She'd asked me that once already earlier and I knew it was important to her. I never would have said anything but out of desperation and jealousy of Dave, Ringo and every other guy my age currently 'getting some', I saw a way of taking advantage of the situation.

"Well, that ties in with what I was going to talk to you about."

"Go on," she said looking across at me with a curious look on her face.

"I'm a virgin Aunt Wanda." I paused to catch my breath and Aunt Wanda's reaction. She didn't seem that surprised. "Thing is, it's driving me mad. I want to lose my virginity."

"Oh, I see," she said looking concerned.

"Yeah, and well, I won't say anything to anyone if you can speak to one of your friends or lodgers or someone who'll be understanding and let me make love to them."

Aunt Wanda was quiet for a moment and looked a bit disappointed. Her eyes wandered from the road, back to me and I was relieved to see her smile again.

"So, let's get this straight. If I can find someone who'd be willing to let you make love to them, knowing it's your first time and everything, you promise to keep your mouth shut about me being a lap-dancer?"

"Yeah, that's right," I said with confidence.

"How long are you in Blackpool for?" she asked

"Err, we go home tomorrow."

"Oh crikey. I have someone in mind Ricky, but I'm not sure whether they'll be available at such short notice. I could try Poppy or Daisy but that's going to cost me a whole lot more rent, your mates will be pissed off with you and start asking more questions. Do you like either of those?"

"Yeah, but they're a bit skinny for me. You're right about Dave and Ringo. It looks like they're having too much fun. Can you try the other person? Does she live in your house too?"

"You could say that. Just leave it with me. We're here now. I'll see if she's around."

She pulled through some big iron gates and onto a long drive which led to a huge detached stone built house. As she parked at the side of the gravel path leading to her front door, she operated the dividing screen and it slowly started its decent. I couldn't help but look behind me to see what was going on and was a little disappointed to see the two girls pulling their coats back around their scantily clad bodies.

I got out of the car first and walked round to open Aunt Wanda's door.

"Nice pad," I commented as she stepped out. "Part of the divorce settlement too?"

"It helped, but I've only been here for four years, the rest of it was down to hard work. I'm good at my job you know," she said with a mischievous grin on her face.

Dave helped Poppy out of one side of the car and Ringo aided Daisy at the other. I'd never seen either of my friends look so happy. Not even when we won the Casio keyboard at Bingo.

"I must say Wanda," said Daisy linking arms with Ringo and walking over, "these are some fine young men you found us. You can do this more often. Drummer boy here not only looks and feels divine but he has the touch of a god."

"I have to agree," chipped in Poppy, "look at my handsome devil." She rubbed the palm of her hand slowly up Dave's chest and gently squeezed his bum with her other hand.

I don't think Ringo and Dave could have been any happier at that moment if I'd told them they'd just won a million on the lottery.

We hurried inside, out of the rain and I was hoping the two girls were going to hang their coats up. No such luck.

We walked through the hallway into a big lounge which housed two huge sofas, a very expensive looking coffee table and a massive widescreen TV.

"Whoaaaa," said Dave, "nice place Wanda."

Ringo and I nodded our heads in joint approval. Aunt Wanda smiled at us.

"Thanks boys. Would you like a drink while us ladies go freshen up?"

"G and T for me please," I said.

"Got any mataxa?" asked Ringo

"Yes I have. Nice to see a young man with taste. What about you?" asked Aunt Wanda to Dave.

"Vodka martini, shaken, not stirred," he replied in his best Sean Connery accent. It had the desired effect as everyone laughed.

We sat down together on one of the sofas as the three ladies exited the room, talking to each other in whispers. We waited until we couldn't hear them anymore before we spoke.

"Punch me!" said Ringo who was sat in the middle of Dave and I. We both did as instructed, hard, on to the top of his arms.

"Aagghh! I meant pinch me, you dickheads. I wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming." Dave and I sat chuckling as Ringo rubbed both of his arms where we'd landed our blows.

"What's wrong Bingo? Are you cold or something?" said Dave in a sarcastic tone.

Ringo grabbed Dave and they started wrestling on the couch and throwing the occasional body punch. I waded in to break them up, worried they were going to break something or that the girls would come back in and decide we were a bunch of school boys and bugger off to bed.

"Break it up you two. Aunt Wanda will go mad if she sees you brawling like that or if you damage something." They stopped straight away and it took me a second to realise what I'd just said. I thought I'd been rumbled.

"Aunt Wanda?" exclaimed Ringo. "Bloody hell mate, I can't believe it. That old sweetheart must really want to get into your pants if you've started role playing already."

"Yeah," added Dave, "I'm impressed. You've certainly done a fine job tonight mate. I reckon you've cast some sort of spell over that Wanda bird, and those two flowers of ours are well kinky. Nice one."

"Cheers," I said after emitting a sigh of relief. "What were you two getting up to in the back of that car then?"

"Bloody hell," said Ringo looking over his shoulder, "We both had a right old fondle of their hooters. And, they loved it! Those two chicks are fucking sex on legs man. They were hardly wearing a stitch under those coats. Sexy knickers, stockings and suspenders, and nothing else. Despite all the alcohol, we were both rock hard, isn't that right Dave boy?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure it'll get any better than that though, Poppy wouldn't even kiss me. I found that a bit weird. It was as if they were call girls or something."

"Oh come on," I protested, "That's a bit harsh. Not everyone's gonna fancy you and you've only just met them. Just because they strip for a living doesn't mean they're tarts. Let's put it this way, which would you rather have ended up with in Blackpool on your last night; a meaningless snog from some slapper in a club or what you've already had plus a guaranteed strip show and maybe more if you play your cards right?"

"Well I'll have had both, so that rules me out of that question," said Dave smugly.

"Ungrateful twat," I said before jumping on him and starting my own wrestling moves. Ringo joined in and together, we administered some serious arm twisting and tickling as we held him down. He was starting to squeal like a girl as we were all suddenly stopped in our tracks by the sound of Aunt Wanda clearing her throat. She was stood just behind the sofa and none of us had heard her come back in.

"Now, now boys," she said smiling with a tray of drinks in her hand, "I hope you're not fighting over me."

���Sorry Aunt Wanda," I offered. She looked at me in horror, her eyes widening and face grimacing.

"It's alright," I quickly added making a mental note to stop calling her 'Aunt' in front of other people, "they know about our role playing antics. I didn't think you'd mind, Auntie." I winked at her and she smiled.

"I guess we're all adults here," she said placing the drinks on the coffee table. "Now, I'm going to get changed, and the girls should be out in a few minutes for you two. Nephew Ricky, you can follow me."

She held out her hand for me and I quickly got up off the sofa and took it. We exited the room to the sounds of, "Whooo, go on Rick my son," and wolf whistles from Dave and Ringo. I was on cloud nine.

Aunt Wanda led me through a myriad of corridors until we reached a large stone staircase. I looked up to see Daisy and Poppy coming the other way. We stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for them to reach us. I kept looking from one to the other in total awe, thinking how lucky my friends were. Daisy was wearing a maids outfit, Poppy was dressed as a nurse. Both outfits accentuated their shapely breasts beautifully and both had stocking tops visible below their short dresses.

Daisy's black outfit matched her dark hair and she had on bright red lipstick and black stockings and high heeled shoes. Poppy's blonde hair was now hanging loose and stretched down almost as far as her bum. Under her white uniform, she wore white fishnet stockings and shiny red platform high heels. My cock was starting to twitch again as they got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Hi handsome," said Daisy smiling at me.

"Hi," I just about managed to get out. "You both look amazing."

"Thanks," said Daisy leaning towards me. I wondered what she was doing until her mouth was nearly on my ear and she whispered, "Wanda loves having her nips tugged hard, drives her wild." She put her hand on my backside as she breathed into my ear and my cock immediately jumped up and pushed against the material of my boxer shorts and trousers.

I was too dumbstruck to say anything and just smiled as they carried on down the corridor, their bums swinging left to right in unison. I was left wandering how she knew this and exactly how they normally paid their rent to Aunt Wanda.

I turned round to look at Aunt Wanda and she was staring at my crotch again with a wicked grin on her face. I didn't try and hide it this time, I just shrugged my shoulders and raised my eyebrows and looked to the heavens.

"Come on," said Aunt Wanda excitedly, "I think you're going to lose your virginity tonight, the someone I had in mind is up for it and should be along just after I've got your warmed up with that dance I promised."

"Punch me," I said under my breath as I trailed behind Aunt Wanda up the stairs.

We reached a corridor at the top of the stairs and stopped next to the second door along. Aunt Wanda fell back on to it, breathing heavily. Her gaze never left mine I wandered what was going through her mind. I wanted to lean forward and kiss her but I knew it was wrong and I felt that my night might end there if I tried anything.

My heart started beating faster as Aunt Wanda continued to stare lustfully at me and raised her finger, beckoning me towards her. Maybe she wanted to kiss me too. I stepped slowly towards her. She reached out for my cheek and pulled me in closer, our faces getting nearer by the second. Suddenly, she pulled her head round to the side of mine and whispered into my ear.

"I have a surprise for you inside here," she said huskily. I could feel her breasts pushing against my chest and was sure she could feel my hardness against the flat of her stomach. Just as I thought I may cum right there and then, she opened the door with her free hand and fell away backwards, breaking free from me and following the door as it opened.

I stood, frozen to the spot for a moment, wondering how much more of this torment I could take before pulling myself together and following her inside.

I was immediately greeted by the sight of Aunt Wanda's beautiful rounded bottom sticking in the air as she bent forward to switch on a huge television screen housed on one of the four walls of the enormous bedroom. It sprang to life immediately and the screen was filled by a mass of buzzing and flickering.

Aunt Wanda looked frantically round the room until suddenly exclaiming, "Ah, there it is." She picked the remote control up from a pillow on the bed and aimed it at the gigantic monitor. The black, fuzzy screen was gone in an instant and replaced with the image of Dave and Ringo sat still on the sofa, watching Daisy and Poppy climb onto Aunt Wanda's coffee table. I looked back at Aunt Wanda with a look of astonishment on my face.

"Surprise indeed. Is it fair to say you have a bit of a voyeuristic streak in you Auntie?" I said cheekily.

"I suppose you could say that. It's actually a sophisticated security device, but as you can see, it comes in handy for one or two other things as well." She grinned at me mischievously.

I looked back at the screen and the view suddenly flicked from looking at the back of Dave and Ringo's heads to a side view at a lower angle.

"Enjoy the show sweetheart," said Aunt Wanda. "I'm just going to refresh by taking a shower, then I'll come and give you that dance I promised."

"What time will your friend come?" I asked trying not to sound too eager.

"I think she'll be ready for you in about an hour," she replied. "If you need to use the bathroom, there's one en suite through that door there."

With that, Aunt Wanda left the bedroom and I was left alone.

I sat for a couple of minutes starring at the screen but not really taking in the erotic scene unfolding before me. I had too many thoughts whizzing through my head.

Was I doing the right thing, first of all letting Aunt Wanda strip for me, and then getting her friend, a total stranger, to screw me so that I could lose my virginity. I decided I'd kick myself forever if I didn't go through with it and began to wonder what Aunt Wanda's friend was going to be like and whether I'd still think it was a good idea if I didn't fancy her.

I decided to cross that bridge when I came to it and said a little prayer, hoping that she'd be as hot as Aunt Wanda and her other friends.

I refocused on the screen to see Daisy and Poppy breaking away from a full on kiss. They were still stood on the coffee table. There was no sound, but I could make out that Poppy was saying something. Dave got up and moved to the other sofa and Poppy got down off the table and walked over to him. Daisy had started dancing in front of Ringo, wiggling her hips while placing one hand on the back of her head, the other on her stomach.