
Like a Game Show


"Goodnight baby. Don't stay up too long" I close the door on my son, Justin, who's studying hard in his room. He's 5'11 and his body is bent over a desk that he's outgrown. His straight jet black hair hands over his face and his round wire glasses are sliding down his nose.

He has always been a hard worker. He just got his acceptance letter for Harvard 3 days ago, and instead of relaxing, he continued to work hard. Most kids his age, heck, even I, stopped working hard after I submitted my applications to college; but my son wasn't like most kids. He really cared about everything he did, and he wanted to do well for the sake of doing well. He had grown up so much and even though he turned 18 a couple months ago and was legally an adult, I still saw him as my baby son. I couldn't believe that he was leaving home soon and heading to the East Coast.

I go back to my room, and crawl under the comfy covers and FaceTime my husband.

"Hey! How's it going?"

"It's really busy here" he responds. "Everything's a mess. I might be coming home later than expected."

My husband has been away in Japan for the last two months, working on the business he started back home. We both moved to the US from Japan and had our son here because we wanted to give him a different life than the one we had at home. But recently I've been regretting that decision because it seems that my husband is back home in Japan more than he is in the US with me and my son these past couple years since he started his business.

He updates me on the numbers and what he has left before we hang up. I turn off my lights and go to sleep.


"Wake up! Wake up!" Someone is shaking my shoulders. I scrunch my eyes as I'm met with bright light. My head is throbbing as if I've been hit over the head with something. I grasp my head in my hand and blink until I see more clearly. There's a woman kneeling in front of me. She has dark straight black hair and bangs and is wearing a red blazer and red miniskirt. She's wearing open toed black heels and black lipstick.

"What's going on?" I ask groggily. I blink until I can see clearly around me. I'm in a complete blank white room. There's nothing to see here. I look down and I'm in a tiny black underwear with laces on the side of my hips. I'm wearing an even smaller black bra that is held together by the bow tied in the front.

"Why am I wearing this?"

Two big men enter into the room, loaded with guns.

"Jennifer, you need to go out now."

"What am I doing here?" I feel the tears start to rush down my face. I pull my body closer to myself as I try to hide my body in shame and fear.

"Your husband has been messing with up with his business deal. Now you're going to pay for this mistakes."

"What are you going to do to me?" I clutch my body closer in dread.

"Ha" one of the men laughs, "be thankful for what we're doing. Could've been much worse."

"Janice," he cocks his gun, "take her out to the set." And with that, they leave.

I continue to ask her questions, but the woman's face is set in stone almost as if she doesn't hear a single word I have to say to her. I'm brought to a set and I see three other women, like me, in a tiny matching underwear set. They're all wearing different colors. One is wearing green, one is wearing blue, and one is wearing pink. They are all Japanese like me and have a similar body type as me.

There's a cardboard with four heads cutout, bosom spots cut out, and genital spots cut out into the cardboard. Janice leads us all to the back of the cardboard and lowers the curtail that covers the face of the cardboard. Each space for us is labeled 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. She takes me to stand behind B. She then steps away. One of the men from earlier comes back out and comes close behind me. I feel the metal rim of his gun pressed to my back.

"Don't you dare say anything. If you say anything or ask any more questions, I will come out and fucking kill you. Understand?" I nod my head quickly without tearing my eyes away from the small curtain in front of my face. Us four women are lined up behind this cardboard, with our breasts and genital area cut out. Whatever this game is, it's sick.

I see camera crew all around, surrounding us from all sides. Janice nods at a crew member and he gives her a thumbs up. She smiles at the camera and raises the large round microphone to her face.

"Welcome to the family incest game! I am your host, Janice. This is an incest challenge game show. On today's show, we have a mother and a son. The mother is hidden behind one of these four spots."

The camera pans to show our exposed bodies from the front.

"The son will come out and play with these beautiful women. The goal of the game is to avoid incest! If he successfully avoids incest, they will get a free vacation to Japan! All accommodations paid for!" Janice says cheerfully.

"And here is the handsome son!" I see my son step out in a T-shirt and boxers from the corner of the set. He nervously looks at the women and stands next to the host. I

feel my stomach drop and tears start to well up in my eyes. I can't believe what my husband has done to me to put me in this situation. I can't believe that my poor son has to go through this.

Janice puts her arm around his waist and pulls him closer to her. "Are you excited?"

"I'm scared and nervous" he responds.

"Don't worry" Janice says, "you'll find that this is a lot of fun."

Janice looks at Justin and gives his arm a squeeze with her long red-nail painted fingers. She turns him around and they walk over to us. I turn to the side and see the other women next to me. They look nervous, but a bit excited. None of us can see what is going on.

"Aren't these women beautiful?" Janice asks?

"Yes...extremely." Justin responds, "I just can't believe that my mom is one of these women. I hope I don't touch her."

"Don't worry about that. I'm on your side." Janice says cheerfully. "Here, why don't you come here first" she leads Justin to woman D, the one in bright pink thong and bra.

Justin looks down at the woman in front of him. He can't see any faces, but her heaving breast, tight against her bra, is exposed.

"Come on, don't worry. Just touch her."

Justin extends his hand and softly puts them down on the woman's breasts. He rubs his fingers over the nipple until it hardens. He flicks one of the nipples between his fingers and rubs the other. I can hear woman D starting to softly moan at my son's touch.

"Why don't you take the bra off?" Janice encourages Justin.

Justin pulls the end of the bow to unravel it, and the bra bursts open to expose the woman's large chest. Justin continues to play with the woman's nipples. He reaches his hand over to woman C and starts fumbling with her breasts while he plays with woman D. He takes off the bra for woman C and flicks both their nipples. Both C and D are moaning in pleasure. I'm disgusted to see what's going on next to me. My son is being forced to pleasure these women.

"Why don't you move on to B? She seems a bit lonely over there" Janice says.

Justin nods and moves his attention away from those two women. I can feel him standing right in front of me. He is so close. I want to scream, to tell him to stop. But I know the consequences. He starts rubbing my nipples over my bra, but then quickly unravels the bra to expose my boobs. My boobs aren't as large as the other two ladies. I have nice B cup breasts and a slender figure due to my Japanese ethnicity. Justin weighs my boobs in his hands and gently massages them. He squeezes a boob while he plays with the other's nipples. I stay completely silent. I flicks harder, and I still stay silent.

"What are you thinking?" Janice asks.

"This one is harder to please" Justin responds.

"Maybe you need to do a little more to make her happy" Janice smiles.

I feel a small wet touch to my nipple and my nipple quivers. Another gentle wet touch. I feel his mouth encircle my nipple and slowly start suckling on it like when he were a baby.

He sucks gently, almost barely there, and then slowly starts sucking a bit harder on my nipple. A flash of memory of him suckling my tits as a baby cross my mind and make me feel sick to my stomach at how he sucks me the same exact way but now I feel so different. His other hand squeezes and flicks my nipple on the other breast. He switches to the other side and does the same with my other boob. He swirls his tongue around my nipple and flicks it hard with his tongue. My son is so good. I can't believe what he's doing to me. I try hard to keep any noise from escaping between my lips. He nibbles gently at my nipple and caresses my boobs. I try not to squirm in pleasure as he lightly holds my nipple between his teeth and licks the tip of my nipple with his tongue. I imagine him as my baby, as my son, to get rid of the creeping feeling inside me, but I just flush in embarrassment at the moistening feeling between my legs. I clutch on the flimsy cardboard that is barely blocking my body.

"She's still not making any noises. She's a difficult one isn't she?" Janice says.

"Yeah, she's really difficult to please. The other two women were so happy."

"I see that she's made you really turned on. Your dick is so hard" Janice eyes Justin's rock hard dick, peeking through the top of his boxers.

"Yeah, I definitely am interested in B a lot. She's difficult."

"Why don't you touch her down there?" Janice nods down at my crotch.

Justin continues to suck my titties but I feel his warm hand roaming over my panties. I try to squeeze my legs together tight. I'm wet. I'm so wet and I don't want him to know but the tiny panty is clinging to my pussy and the lips are clearly outlined. His finger traces gently around the top of my panty and rests on my hip. He tugs the end of the lace and undoes one side of the underwear and quickly undoes the other. But my panty doesn't fall; I'm so wet that my pussy juices are holding on to it. He slowly pulls the underwear off and I feel it rub against my clit. He drops it to the ground and reveals my ungroomed bush.

"Wow, that's a very wet spot on her panty" Janice says.

I haven't had sex in a long time and was not expecting this moment. I'm mortified that my son is seeing my bush. I feel like I need to be sexier, and that thought scares me even more. His finger easily slides over my clit and to my hole. His finger is slick with my pussy juice.

"Oh fuck. She's so wet" he whispers. He rubs his fingers back and forth between my clit and my hole. My body is warming up and I'm having a difficult time stopping my noise.

I can hear how wet my pussy is. Janice takes the mic close to my pussy so that the audio can pick up the squelching noise that my pussy makes as my son rubs his finger all around.

"She seems to be enjoying it, even though she's so quiet. Why don't you taste her?"

Those last words make me want to faint. My heart is racing in fear and anticipation. I feel a little wet poke on my clit. A warm flat, slightly rough surface embraces my clit. I feel a warmth surround my most sensitive part. The wet rough tongue slowly moves up, almost not moving at all. It's like a child who just got their favorite lolly pop and is trying to savor every last bit. Justin lets out a warm breath, sending shivers up my spine, as his tongue caresses its way up my pussy. He opens up my pussy flaps and exposes my tiny pink clit. He puts several soft kisses on my clit, and then the kisses transform to sucks. His lips suction around my clit and he gently sucks it, moving his head back and forth. I clutch hard to the cardboard, feeling his soft lips, tongue, and breath against me. My husband never tasted me and this feeling of the gentle warmth and wetness on me was turning me on beyond control. Justin then moves his tongue near my hole and slowly licks to the top; cherishing each taste as if it were the first.

"She tastes so good" he moans. "Like pears."

"Ungghhh" a moan escapes my lips on hearing his words. Hearing my son say that pussy is delicious is a different kind of pleasure. I'm taken back to memories of joy for cooking my son's favorite meal.

"Did you hear that?" Janice says.

My son continues to slowly lick my clit, up and down, up and down, not losing focus. His tongue darts to the side and licks each fold of my pussy lips. His saliva mixes with my pussy juices. I know his face is covered in my juices and that makes me squirt out more. I can smell my pussy from where I am. All the while, one of his hands is squeezing and playing with my titty. He then takes his hand and starts rubbing it near my pussy hole while he lick my clit. A gush of juice goes down my pussy in anticipation of something entering inside me. My legs are already widened from the immense pleasure he's giving me. He doesn't even realize the pussy he loves so much, the pussy he is burying his face into, belongs to his mother. He swirls his tongue near my hole. He licks every fold and corner of my pussy, tasting everything.

Justin's dick is throbbing hard at the pussy gushing in front of him. This is the wettest and most delicious pussy he has ever had. It tastes better to him than his girlfriend's pussy. Even though this pussy is hairy, he likes how dirty it is. Woman B's juices are covering his face. He rubs the opening of her hole with his finger and starts flicking her tiny clit harder. Her legs tighten and he hears her moan louder. Hearing her moan is so satisfying because Justin has worked so hard to make woman B feel good. He slowly inserts his finger into woman B. His finger is encapsulated by the wet, juicy flesh. He feels his finger suctioned into her pussy.

"Uuunnggghhh oohh ungggggg"

I try hard to keep myself quiet, but when I feel him entering his finger into me while he laps my pussy hard, I let out a loud, low moan. I can't help it. He leaves it there for a bit while he continues his work. He slowly takes his finger out, making my pussy ache in need for him inside me. He continues to tease my hole like this. By slowly going in and staying, and slowly pulling out completely before going in again.. His finger is slow but his licking motion is fast and hard. His tongue is flat against my clit as he strokes my pussy hard. My juices are running down my legs. I see a camera panning from the back, capturing my face of pleasure. A camera is capturing my son unknowingly licking and fingering his mother, and another camera captures me enjoying my son's finger and tongue.

My body is pressed hard against the cardboard in front of me and I'm slowly gyrating my hips to my son's tongue and finger. My head swings back in pleasure and I let out another soft moan.

I feel the heat building inside of me. I don't care what the camera sees. I don't caret that it's my son. I feel so incredible, in a way that I've never felt before. My son's eager tongue and and slow moving fingers inside me is making me so horny. The pressure and heat continues to build and just as it's about to explode-

"Why don't we move on to the next round?" The host says cheerfully into the mic as she pulls Justin's body away from me. I let out of a sigh of both disappointment and relief. My son's young face pops into my mind, but instead of the heat inside my body going away, I start imagining him pleasuring his mother from earlier on with his small penis.

"What's the next round?" Justin asks and snaps me out of my trance of imagining my younger self being fucked by my son.

"Penetration." She smiles.

My heart jumps in excitement and disbelief. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. The thought of my son inside me was turning more on more than I wanted to believe, and the deep desire within me was overpowering my disgust.

The host takes Justin out of the room and the camera crew comes back and they remove the large cardboards. They place large mattress pads on the ground and spread a large white sheet on top. They instruct us to lay on the mattress, side by side to each other, in the same order as we had been lined up. They give us eye masks with the letter we were assigned. I get a large black eye mask with feathers puffing at the sides, with the letter B on it in large pink letters. All our clothes are removed and we're laying naked on the mattress. I can't see anything, but I can feel the other women breathing next to me. We were instructed to lay on our backs, our arms flat on the ground next to us, and our legs spread open and bent open. I feel the camera crew taking the cameras and panning our pussies, doing a close up of what we all look like now.

The music started up again and the host enters with Justin.

"Fuck" I hear him whisper.

"Hahaha, never seen so many beautiful pussies in your life, have you Justin?" The host asks. "Never" Justin responds in awe. His eyes hungrily try to take in all the women at once.

"Just remember," the host says, "the goal of the gameshow is to avoid your mother. Your mother is one of the women lying naked in front of you."

She then pulls Justin close to lady A.

"You haven't touched her yet. Why don't you find out what she's like? She's been waiting her turn."

I feel Justin's weight come down on the mattress to the woman next to me. I can feel her body clenching up in anticipation.

Justin leans down and gently licks her pussy. He nibbles her lips and rubs his finger against her clit. I can smell the aroma of her pussy from where I am.

"What's wrong?" The host asks.

"I'm just worried this is my mother. I don't want to keep touching her if she's my mom." He says.

A tinge of guilt strikes me at the knowledge that he's being fooled so badly.

"Let's move on to woman B. You made her feel amazing last round. I'm sure she's been waiting."

I hold my breath as I feel Justin's weight shift over as he moves to me. My legs are wide open and he's bent over right between them. I feel his warm breath near my pussy. He takes a big inhale and then sticks his tongue out and gently licks up and down my labia. He takes his time, warming up my already hot pussy again. My son really likes to take his time. He moves his tongue to the opening of my cunt and circles around it. I've never felt anything like this before. My husband never licked my hole.

I feel him then gently press his tongue inside and out, inside and out. My pussy squeezes against his tongue in pleasure and my pussy juice starts pouring out. It feels incredible to have his soft wet tongue inside my hot cunt. I've never felt anything like this. My body begins to quiver in pleasure. I keep my arms tight at my side.

"She really likes this. You should deep tongue her harder." The host says.

My son puts his arms around my waist and starts pulling my pussy to his mouth as he goes in and out hard. I'm barely holding myself together and stopping myself from screaming out in pleasure.

"OOOhhhhh, unnnggg, UNNGGGG" I groan, "ohhhhh, aaahh, aahhhh." His tongue flicks as it's deep inside me, hitting all the rights spots. I bite my lip down but my body quivers so hard, not hiding my pleasure. I feel so good, I can't even make noise. Just as I'm about to cum, he puts my body down. Disappointment fills me but then I feel something heavy and hard lay on my clit. I let out a gasp. My son's dick is touching my sensitive part. We are so close to taboo. He moves his dick back and forth, rubbing my clit with it. My head is spinning. I'm feeling my son's dick on my clit. It's so close to my pussy. As he rubs his dick on my clit, I get wetter and wetter. Without realizing it, I begin rubbing myself up and down as well in rhythm with my son. I squeeze my legs so that his cock is squeezed harder against my pussy for each stroke. The sheets underneath me are completely soaked, my thighs are slick, and screams of pleasure escape my lips.

"You should go inside her" The host says.

My heart drops. I can't have my son inside me. This is actual incest.

I feel the tip of my son's dick pressed against the opening of my cunt. He slowly presses it in. It's easy for him because my pussy is soaking wet and already begging to be entered again after his tongue. I feel every inch of him enter. "Unggg" I let out a deep moan after his entire dick is inside me. My pussy feels so full in a way that it never felt with my husband. My pussy feels stretched and full and so satisfied. I groan in pleasure at this new feeling. He slowly pulls back and my pussy squeezes hard onto his dick, reluctant to let go. He slowly pushes back in. He takes his time deep fucking me with his long large dick. My son's cock feels amazing inside my cunt. My breathing is ragged.

Justin sees the naked sexy woman in front of him heaving in pleasure. He sees her hands grasping tightly onto the sheets as he enters her body. She feels incredibly soft and silky inside. Her pussy is so hot and it squeezes his dick well when he goes in and out. He loves seeing his dick sink into her body. In and out, in and out.

"Unnnnghhh, ooohhhhh , unnnngghhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh" The woman moans loudly. Her body is shaking on the mattress. Justin's dick is slick with her pussy juices. He feels her juices running down his balls. Her sexy load moans make him go faster. He pounds her hard, wanting to give her pain and pleasure all at once. She begins to scream and her body arches.

"I'm about to cum. Oh my god, baby, I'm going to cum!!" She barely wheezes out. He goes even harder and that's the last stroke for her. She lets out a large scream as she orgasms on his dick. He can feel her pussy throbbing on his dick, but he doesn't let go.

My body feels incredible at the orgasm that I had. This was the most powerful orgasm of my life, and it was done by my baby boy. I'm exhausted and my body is slack, but Jason doesn't slow down. I want to stop, I'm tired, but he doesn't care. It seems like he likes how weak I look. I'm tired but he keeps fucking me hard. My head rolls to the side in exhaustion, and then I feel it. A hot shot of semen fill deep inside me.

"That was amazing! Even I'm so turned on" Janice exclaims. "How do you feel now?"

"Incredible. I've never tasted or been inside such an amazing pussy in my life" responds Justin.

He pulls his dick out and I feel his hot sperm trickle out, and slide down the crack of my ass and all over my asshole.

"Let's find out the mystery woman!" Janice exclaims.

Two large hands pull me up and remove my eye mask. The light feels bright and I can't keep my eyes open.

"Fuck" Justin whispers.