
Leo Goes into the Wrong Bedroom


"I still want to go."

"It's OK for you Sis, but I will be on my own."

I got a dirty look from her, "So we don't count?"

I gave her a smile, hoping to take the heat out of the argument, then I said, "You know what I mean, the only man."

"So you have now started calling yourself a man, I thought you were a mouse?"

That made my wife Mary laugh, but she stopped when I glared at her.

Mother then joined in, "Please let's not argue about it. We need to discuss it like adults, not fight like children."

Then she looked at each of us in turn, daring us to disagree with her.

"Good, now we can talk about it in a civilised way."

My Sister Lizzy had arranged it at short notice, just two days ago. She had suggested we go away for a long weekend, and we had all agreed. The problem was that Father had now dropped out.

Mother then took control, "Let's have a show of hands. All those in favour of still going."

I was the only one who didn't raise their hand. Nothing was said, but they were all now looking at me.

"Come on Leo, you will still have a good time, even without Father."

My Sister was almost pleading, and I was starting to feel guilty because if I refused to go then the trip would be off. I made my mind up, but I kept them waiting for a few more seconds.


I then got a big hug from my Sister, a smile from my wife, and a nod of approval from Mother.

Five minutes later Father joined us, he had been busy packing his suitcase.

"What was all that noise about?"

"Just a bit of lively conversation," then Mother changed the subject, "What time is the car coming for you?"

Father looked at his watch, "Now, in fact it's almost fifteen minutes late."

"Will you miss your flight?"

Mother sounded concerned, but my Father just laughed.

"It's a company jet, if I am late it will wait for me."

I was impressed, this morning he had just said that he was needed in Germany for an urgent meeting, no mention about a private plane.

"I am sorry Lizzy that I can't come, I know how much time you spent organising it. It's my job, I have no choice, and from what I have been told I will be needed there for at least a few days, possibly a week"

I said, "Don't worry Father, they will be OK with me."

I could see that Lizzy was deciding if she should tell him that they had to persuade me, but thankfully she kept her mouth shut. Twenty minutes later the car eventually arrived. It was a three hour drive to the airport so Father was keen to get going, after quick hugs and kisses he was gone, leaving us to get ready for our trip.

We had prepared most of our stuff the previous night, so it didn't take us long to pack the car.

"Have we got everything?"

I got a muttered "Yes" from somebody, that was good enough for me, so I started driving. We had a six or seven hour journey ahead of us, so if we have forgotten something there will be no turning back.

It was early evening when we arrived. I had done most of the driving but I wasn't too tired. Lizzy had described the place as a remote cabin on a hillside, but as we approached it I was pleasantly surprised. It was definitely on a hill, the car was now struggling in first gear, and it was remote, there were no other buildings for miles around. However it was more like a normal house rather than a cabin. It looked a lot better than I had imagined it would be.

Mother echoed my thoughts, "Lizzy, I thought you said it was a cabin?"

"That's how it was described to me. They had problems with their website so I didn't see any pictures of it."

"They could have sent you pictures, to your phone or email."

"Next time Leo you can do the booking."

I didn't reply, I might not be the smartest guy in the world, but I do know that when you are in a hole you stop digging.

Mary chipped in, "It looks wonderful, thanks for organising it."

That calmed my Sister down.

We quickly unloaded the car, then we went exploring. Downstairs consisted of a large living room and a large kitchen, with a bathroom attached to the kitchen. In the middle of the kitchen was a big wooden table that would easily seat six people. Upstairs consisted of a single corridor with the bedrooms leading off it, two to the right and two to the left. One of the end ones was locked.

Lizzy said, "They did mention that one of the bedrooms was having some work done on it."

The three bedrooms were identical, each having a double bed, but no en-suite bathroom. To keep Lizzy happy I suggested she have the first pick. She chose the first one on the right.

"Mother what about you?"

She shrugged her shoulders before saying, "It doesn't really matter, they are all the same," then she added, "The one next to Lizzy."

We took the one that was left, opposite to my Sister.

As soon as we were in our room Mary looked at me, I knew what she was thinking. Who puts the bathroom downstairs near the kitchen?

"I think they wanted it there so that they could have a fourth bedroom."

Mary nodded, then she said, "I am glad none of us said anything about it in front of Lizzy."

"But did you see Mother's face? I could see she was itching to say something."

"Yes, I don't know how she managed to control herself. Your Mother obviously knows what Lizzy is like, so thankfully she kept quiet. This is supposed to be a nice holiday, I would rather not have an argument every five minutes."

"Is every ten minutes OK?"

"Very funny," she had said it sarcastically, but I did get a small smile from her.

I gave the room another look.

"It might be possible to fit a small bathroom in here, one with a very slim shower. If we give them some feedback at the end of the stay then I might say that."

"OK, but don't say anything to your Sister about it now. If you do, you know what she will say."

"Next time Leo you can do the booking."

We both then laughed, when I had said it I had even sounded like my Sister.

Ten minutes later we were all sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a nice coffee. When I looked at my Sister she seemed a bit subdued, then she spoke.

"Sorry about the bathroom. I didn't realise it was the only one, I thought each room had one as well."

You don't kick somebody when they are down, so I said, "It's OK, we are not here for long."

Mother then joined in with, "It never crossed my mind that it was a problem."

That was too much, we all had to laugh, even Mother. Now that it had been put to bed, we could enjoy our holiday. Lizzy then prepared an excellent meal. My Sister has her faults, but cooking is not one of them. As we ate I looked round the table. We are a close family, despite all our arguments, and we are very protective of each other. Mother's favourite saying is, "If you kick one of us in the leg, we all limp."

It took us an hour to finish because there was a lot of talking, and a lot of laughing. I could tell this was going to be a good holiday.

While Mother did the washing up, Mary and Lizzy went into the living room, but I remained at the table finishing my second coffee. I then started thinking about my family again. Lizzy is twenty one, five years younger than me. She is only five feet tall, and a slim build. I am six feet tall so I tower over her, but she has the dominant personality. At times she even scares me. Mary is twenty eight, two years older than me. If you want to know what she looks like, then just look at Lizzy. Strangers often assume they are Sisters. Since the two years we have been married a few people have said that I married my Sister. I always laugh with them, but I find it a bit uncomfortable because deep down I think there is some truth to it. I have always found her attractive, but it's a feeling I try to ignore. However what happened just over a year ago has made that more difficult.

I had just returned from work, and I was eager to get my hands on Mary's body. We had not been married long so we were having sex most days.

"I am in the bathroom."

When I opened the door she was at the sink, naked, with her back towards me. I smiled when I saw her ripe bottom and slim waist. When I reached round and held her large breasts she gasped.

"Bend over and open your legs, I want to fuck your nice tight cunt with my big cock. If we are quick we should be able to finish before my Sister gets here."

She didn't move, but I felt her nipples harden as I played with them. Then I heard a noise downstairs.

"Lizzy I am back."

I froze, but my Sister reacted quickly. She was leaving the bathroom when she shouted, "I am in the bedroom," then she added, "Leo is home, he is in the bathroom."

When we were all together Lizzy was the first to speak. Looking at me she said, "I managed to leave work early. I had a shower while Mary got a few things from the shops."

I just nodded, so that was why she was naked in the bathroom.

"I did my shopping as quickly as I could, I didn't want to leave you two alone in case you argued."

She was smiling, it was her attempt at a joke.

We didn't reply, but when I looked at Lizzy I knew that she was thinking the same as me. If Mary had returned five minutes later she would not have found us fighting, she would have found my Sister bent over the sink with my cock deep up her cunt.

"Have you finished?"

That startled me, I was so busy thinking about that incident with my Sister that I had forgotten my Mother was there.


"Yes, sorry I was daydreaming."

I then handed her the mug so that she could wash it. When she turned her back to me I smiled. If only she knew what I had just been thinking about. We never talked about it, it was as if it had never happened. However every now and again I ask myself the same question, "Why had she not said anything?" Instead she had let me continue.

Before leaving the table I had to adjust myself. Thinking about my Sister in that way was not a good idea, it always gets me excited, but it also frustrates me as well. I might want to have sex with Lizzy, but it is never going to happen, so why torment myself?

Mother was the first to go to bed, just after ten. As she left us I looked at her, I still found it difficult to understand how a Mother and Daughter could be so physically different. Mother was only a couple of inches shorter than my six feet, and she has the build to go with it. If she had been standing there at the sink instead of Lizzy, there would have been no way I would have mistaken her for my wife. I closed my eyes and imagined standing behind her naked body, then reaching forward to fondle her tits, tits that are a good few inches bigger than Mary's. How would they feel? I had once overheard Lizzy talking to a friend who had commented on how big Mother was. I will always remember her reply, "If you think they are impressive, you should see her nipples."

"Somebody looks as if they are ready for bed."

I opened my eyes, Mary was there with her arm outstretched. She helped me up, even though I was quite capable of getting up on my own. I hadn't closed my eyes because I was tired, but it was getting late so I went along with what she wanted.

"Goodnight Lizzy, don't stay up too late."

She just nodded at me, then she looked at my crotch. When I glanced down I realised why, there was a large bulge where my cock was straining to get out, the result of thinking about Mother. We then left her alone as we went to bed.

"Please Mary."

"No, we did it yesterday. That should be enough for you."

"But we are on holiday."

"What has that got to do with it?"

I turned over, pulling the covers as I did so.

She laughed, "You are like a little baby when you don't get your own way. "

"I never get my own way."

This time her laugh was even louder, then she said in a soothing voice, "We will have sex tomorrow. I promise."

I muttered, "I suppose that will have to do."

"Yes it will," then she added, "Now go to sleep."

I eventually did, but it was difficult, my throbbing cock kept me awake for over thirty minutes.

When I woke I thought it was morning, but then I realised it was too dark. According to my phone it was two twenty, I groaned, it was going to be a long night. I also needed the bathroom, but I was too lazy to get up. I knew that eventually I would have to go, but it was ten minutes before I climbed out of bed.

The corridor was almost pitch black, and I wondered if I should go back in and get my phone so that I could use it as a torch, but I decided I could manage without it. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I searched for the light switch, when I flicked it on the kitchen was illuminated. I could now see my way to the bathroom.

It didn't take me long to empty my bladder. When I had finished I muttered under my breath, "Who in their right mind puts the bathroom downstairs?" I then shook my head as I made my way back.

I opened the bedroom door and quietly walked in. As I snuggled up to her I could feel the heat from her body. It felt good spooning against her, but I soon realised that was a mistake. My cock was springing into life, it had unfinished business. I gave a low groan, why was I torturing myself by pressing against her. I was about to turn over when I realised she was naked, sometime in the night Mary had taken her nightie off, probably because she was too hot.

As I reached over and cupped one of her tits, I told myself it was just going to be a quick feel. I would stop before she woke up. However when her nipple responded to my touch by going hard, it encouraged me to do more.

I now had my cock pressing against her bottom, and my fingers were rubbing and pulling her swollen nipple. Then she moved, muttering something that I didn't quite catch. I froze, I was going to be in big trouble for waking her up. I waited for her to tell me off, but she didn't, instead she started moving her bottom, pushing it against my cock.

I smiled to myself, she had given in. I then quickly lifted her leg up so that I could get to her cunt, I wanted my cock in her before she could change her mind. It took me longer than it normally did to find her opening, and for some reason her lips felt bigger. Her cunt was also tighter, I had to push hard to get it all in. It felt good being up to my balls in her. My cock is a decent size, seven inches, but its width is the most impressive thing about it. It's quite a lot thicker than the average cock. My big cock and her small cunt is a winning combination.

When I started to fuck her she responded straight away, moaning every time I went deep into her. She wasn't just doing it to keep me happy, she wanted it as well. That made me fuck her even harder.

Two minutes later she was making even more noise, a lot more than she normally does. Then she started to gasp. I stopped mid-stroke, was she alright?

"Fuck me hard, I am going to come."

She had said it in a low voice, only just audible, but it was confirmation that she was OK.

I then fucked her as hard and as deep as I could manage. She lasted another minute before she climaxed, with me following a few seconds later. It must have been a big one for her because she was writhing about, and I could tell she was finding it difficult to keep the noise down.

"That was some fuck. Thanks Mary, but what got into you? You were like a wild animal. At one point I was worried you might wake the others up. Lizzy would not be happy if she was woken up by us having sex."

I laughed at that, but she just grunted. I then kissed her on her neck and turned over. I was now tired, but I was also thirsty. If I didn't get a drink now I would probably have to get one later on. I gave a low sigh then I got out of bed. When I opened the door I realised I hadn't taken my phone, but not to worry, I had managed OK last time.

When I got back into bed Mary was sound asleep, she was even snoring. She now had her nightie back on, had she taken it off before because she had wanted me to fuck her?

The next time I woke it was morning, just after seven. Mary was still asleep. I crept out of the bedroom to have a shower. Fifteen minutes later I was sitting at the kitchen table having a nice mug of coffee. I had just started my second one when Lizzy came into the kitchen. She was in her dressing gown, and she was carrying a large bag. She must have seen me looking at it because she said, "It's got my clothes in," then she added, "I am going to have shower, but I need a drink first. Will you please make me one?"

When her drink was ready she took a sip, then she cupped it in her hands.

"Do you remember that time in the bathroom?"

I almost choked on my coffee.

"Do you?"

"Of course, that's something you don't forget," then I added, "Why do you ask?"

"Because I want to know something. If Mary hadn't got back when she did, and if I had let you finish, would you have been annoyed that you had fucked me instead of her?"

That was a direct question, straight to the point.

"Do you want my honest answer?"

She just nodded.

"Then it's no. I would not have been annoyed."

She was smiling, obviously pleased at my answer.

"That's good, because last night when you went to the bathroom, you returned to the wrong room."

I was now staring at her, opened mouthed, and she was grinning.

"Yes, last night you had sex with your little Sister."

I tried speaking but nothing came out. I took a deep breath then I tried again.

"But why didn't you stop me?"

"I was asleep when you came into my room. When I woke up you had your fingers on my nipple, and I could feel your cock poking into me. It's over six months since I split up with Chris, and I haven't had sex since then. You had got me worked up, I couldn't resist, I needed to be fucked."

I was now thinking about last night, in hindsight the signs were there. At the time I had noticed them, but not understood what they meant. Her large lips and tight cunt should have sounded warning bells, but I was just happy to enjoy them.

"Afterwards I went to get a drink, but what if I hadn't?"

"I would have waited a few minutes, then I would have told you."

"So what happens now?"

"It's up to you. We can pretend it never happened," then she paused before continuing with, "Or we can do it again tonight. You have a nice cock, very thick. I would like some more of it, but this time with some foreplay first."

I had now got over the shock of finding out that I had accidently fucked my Sister. If we did it tonight would we get away with it again? Thinking about how good it had been, I decided it was worth the risk.

"What time?"

We decided on two o'clock.

"I am going to have a shower now. For some reason I am all sticky between my legs."

She thought that was very funny, and I heard her laughing all the way to the bathroom. A few minutes later Mother and Mary joined me in the kitchen.

Mary said, "I heard Lizzy laughing, she seems in a good mood."

Mother chipped in with, "I wonder why?"

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"The last time she was in such a good mood was when she was going out with Chris."

I didn't like the way this was heading, but thankfully that was the end of that conversation, we then moved onto what we should have for breakfast.

An hour later we were outside. Lizzy had planned a challenging walk for us, through a wood and up a couple of hills, and we were eager to start.

"This should be good. I estimate it will take us twelve hours."

We all looked at her. Mary was horrified, and I thought Mother might actually cry, but Lizzy didn't seem to notice. Then she stopped studying the map, with a big grin on her face she said, "Just kidding, it's only five hours."

It ended up being nearly seven, but we took our time, taking frequent breaks. We stopped to eat our packed lunch near the top of a small waterfall, the view was breathtaking. When we got back I was tired, but a nice tired.

Thanks Lizzy, you picked a great walk."

"Glad you liked it Leo. I think you owe me one for planning it."

"I do, just let me know when you want to collect."

Then, after checking Mother and Mary were not too near, she moved closer to me and whispered, "Tonight in bed."

This time Mother cooked the evening meal. It was good, but not up to Lizzy's standard. After eating it we watched a film, when it ended I looked at Mary, she nodded. Good, she was ready for bed as well.

As we were leaving the room I stopped, turning to face Lizzy I said, "Have you done tomorrow's route yet?"

"Nearly, I will give you the details in the morning," Then with a wicked grin on her face she added, "Or you can pick them up after you have been to the bathroom."

Mary and Mother looked puzzled, I just hoped I didn't look how I felt, shit scared. She had set me up for a fall, and from the look on her face she was enjoying it.

Mary was the first to speak, "What do you mean?"

"Didn't he tell you? Last night after he had been to the bathroom he got the rooms mixed up, he came into mine."

I held my breath, I knew the next thing she would say would be, "Then he came into me."

"I was awake so he didn't disturb me. He was so embarrassed, weren't you Leo?"

I was now breathing again, thankful that she was just playing games.

"Yes I was embarrassed, but Lizzy thought it was funny."

When we got to the door of our room Mary pointed at it, then she giggled before saying, "This is our room."

I just smiled at her, but it was forced.

We quickly got into bed.

"I have been thinking. We all made a joke about you going into Lizzy's room, but it could actually have been very embarrassing."

"What do you mean?"

"She might have been asleep."

"Yes, but when I got into the bed I would have realised my mistake."


"You may find this strange, but I can tell you two apart."

She ignored my heavy sarcasm, adding, "In the dark? We are the same height and build."

"I still think I would have known that it was Lizzy."

"But what if you hadn't, and what if you had touched her?"

"Touched her?"

She giggled again before saying, "Yes, touched her breasts."

This was getting uncomfortable, it was as if she knew what had happened. I calmly said, "She would have stopped me," then I added, "Can we end this conversation?"

"Do you find Lizzy attractive?"

"NO," it came out louder than I had intended.

"Not even a bit?"

I sighed, and she giggled again.

"Sorry Leo, I was just teasing you. It's been a nice day, and now I want to end it by having sex."

I had been hoping that she would have been too tired, I wanted to save it for my Sister. Yesterday I had almost been begging her for it, if I said no she would wonder why. Would I be able to get her to climax without having one myself?

I started by nibbling on her tits. When we were first married we used to start by kissing, but now we rarely did that. I then sucked hard on her nipple, she arched her back in response, as if she was trying to get more of it into my mouth.

"Suck the other one."

She was always keen for both nipples to get equal attention. I now had one in my mouth, and the other between two fingers. I then kept switching when I sensed she wanted me to do so.

"That's good. Last night you might have been doing it to Lizzy."

I am not sure if you can choke on a nipple, but I think I almost did.

"She is the same size as me, do you think they feel the same?"

She had taken me by surprise, but now I was starting to enjoy it, and I could tell that she certainly was.

I lifted my head from her nipple, "Yes, and I bet she likes them being sucked."

"Suck your Sister's big tits."

This time I did it even harder, perhaps too roughly, but she didn't complain, instead she moaned loudly.

"Don't you want to finger her?"

Yes, and I would be doing it later on, but for now I had to make do with Mary's cunt. I put two fingers at her opening, then I rammed them in, up to the knuckles. She gave a deep satisfying moan.

"I need more. Your Sister can take three."

As I gave her another one I wondered if she knew that, or if she was making it up.

"She told me once when she was a bit drunk."

That must have been an interesting conversation. If she liked three, then that is what she would get later on.

I was now finger fucking her, and she was moaning and bucking her hips in response. A couple of minutes later she pushed my head away from her nipple.

"They are getting sore."

I could now concentrate on her cunt. With my other hand I felt for her clit, it was nicely swollen.

"Gentle, I don't want to come yet," Then she giggled before saying, "Lizzy doesn't want to come yet."

I was gentle, and I even stopped moving the three fingers that I had inside her. This was getting highly erotic, I wanted to prolong it for as long as possible.

After five minutes I could feel her climax building, so I eased off. My finger was still on her clit, but now with the lightest of touch.

"Give me a minute to calm down, then I want you to rub it hard," she then corrected herself, "No, then I want you to lick it."

I smiled. Normally we skip that, going straight into fucking. Our sex life is good, but what I would like more of is getting my mouth on her cunt.

As I put my head between her legs she pushed her bottom up, it was if her cunt was reaching up for my mouth. When my tongue found her opening she squirmed.

"Lick my clit."

When I did, she made a loud purring sound.

"Does it taste nice?"

I mumbled, "Yes."

She giggled, "Lizzy says she tastes nice, Chris always used to say that."

Had Lizzy told Mary everything, and had Mary responded by telling my Sister what we did in bed? I put those thoughts out of my mind and got back to work, licking a clit was serious business, I needed to concentrate.

"That's the spot."

The skill was to get her worked up so that I could finish her off by fucking her, but not too excited so that she climaxed on my tongue. After three or four minutes Mary was making gasping sounds, she always did that when her orgasm was approaching.

"It's time to fuck you."

When I looked at her she shook her head, then she said, "It's time to fuck your Sister."

I happily went along with her little game, "Lizzy how do you want me to do it?"

"I like it from behind, I am a dirty bitch."

She then got onto all fours. I pushed her back down so that her bottom stuck up. As I positioned my cock at her opening I wondered if what Mary had just said was a direct quote from my Sister.

When I pushed into her, I arched my back so that I could go in as deep as possible. That got a loud moan from her. Then I started fucking her hard, I could hear my balls slapping against her. All thoughts about saving it for Lizzy had gone, I now wanted to pour everything I had into her little cunt.

"I am nearly there."

Good, I couldn't last much longer.

Thirty seconds later I felt my cock start to twitch, and she start to climax. I felt her cunt pulsing against my cock, as if it was trying to squeeze all my seed out. It ended with her moaning loudly, and me grunting like a pig. We then collapsed onto the bed.

While I lay on her she kept making whimpering sounds. After a minute or so I go off her, then she turned over.

"I liked that"

I didn't need to say anymore, she knew that I meant her including Lizzy in our love making.

She smiled at me, but I could tell she was embarrassed.

"Was it a bit too much."

"No, but I don't think I will be able to look Lizzy in the eye when I see her tomorrow morning."

That made her laugh. I just smiled, I had a feeling that this might become a regular occurrence.

Five minutes later she was asleep. I looked at my phone, it was ten past eleven. Lizzy was expecting me at two, should I stay awake? Ideally I would have liked to set my alarm, but that was not possible, it would wake Mary up as well.

"Leo, why did you set your alarm?"

"To wake me so that I can go and fuck my Sister, now go back to sleep."

I think I stayed awake for about another twenty minutes. When I opened my eyes again it was two twenty, I was late. I got out of the bed as quietly as I could and almost tiptoed to the door. After going to the bathroom I made my way back. When I was outside her door I stopped, yesterday had been accidental, if I entered now it would be deliberate. However I wanted more, after taking a deep breath I opened the door.

The bedside light was on, and she had her phone in her hand.

"You are late, I was just going to call you."

She then put the phone down as I went towards her.

"Would you really have done that?"

She laughed before saying, "Of course not, I was checking the time. Now get into bed."

We were now lying down facing each other, inches apart but not touching. It felt as if we had all the time in the world, but that was deceptive. The longer I stayed in her room the more likely we were to be caught.

She was the first to act, kissing me on the lips. That was a surprise, it even shocked me a little. I had come to her room with the expectation that all her intimate places were available to me, but I had assumed her mouth was out of bounds for kissing. When she forced her tongue into me my inhibitions disappeared, and I sucked on it eagerly. We then spent the next few minutes exploring each other's mouth.

When she pulled away we were both breathless.

"That was nice, but why haven't you been playing with my tits?"

"I was enjoying your mouth, I didn't want to rush things."

"Well it's now time to enjoy my tits instead."

Yesterday I had briefly fondled them, today I wanted to suck on them. When my mouth covered her nipple she moaned. I sucked deep and hard, only stopping so that I could do the same to the other one.

"That's good, very good. Do you do this to Mary?"

I didn't reply, instead I flicked her nipple with my tongue. I could tell she liked it so I kept on doing it.

"Suck it hard."

This time I tried to get all of her tit into my mouth. That was impossible, but I gave it my best shot. It almost took her breath away.

"Do that again."

I did, but to her other one.

"Mary is lucky, she can have this every night," she then hesitated before adding, "Did you do it to her before you came to me?"

I got out a mumbled, "Yes," while I continued sucking on her.

"I bet you didn't stop there. Did you finger her? Of course you did, how many fingers?"

I was reluctant to take my mouth off her ripe nipple, so I held three fingers up. I heard her squeal with delight, then she said, "Just how I like it. Now do the same to me."

With Mary I had rammed them in, but my Sister's cunt was new to me so I wanted to take my time and explore it. She definitely had bigger lips, I would enjoy sucking on them later on. Then I moved to her opening, positioning my fingers, but not pushing them in. She then started to wiggle her bottom, but I teased her for a full minute before I started to enter her. When they were in as far as they would go I stopped, and I raised my head.

"Mary likes that, do you?"

"Yes, but I will like it better when you start to fuck me with them."

It was difficult at first because her cunt was tight, but it got easier as I continued doing it. She was now a lot wetter than Mary had been when I had fingered her earlier, and she was also moaning louder.

I was now ignoring her tits, but she didn't seem to mind. I was concentrating on her cunt, and that was enough for her.

"That's it, rub it hard."

Her clit had been easy to find, it was a big one, nicely swollen. Mary's is a decent size, but hers is even bigger.

"Your clit is big, very big."

"Thank you Sir," then she giggled.

She had said it as if she was a pupil talking to a teacher.

"Would Sir like to lick it?"

If she wanted to play that game then I was happy to join in.

"You are a naughty girl, a very naughty girl," then I waited a couple of seconds before adding, "Yes I would, but has anybody ever done that to you before?"

"No Sir, nobody has ever done anything to it before," then she giggled before continuing with, "Except for myself with my fingers."

That was enough for me, I couldn't wait any longer. Before she could say anything else I was between her legs, greedily sucking her big lips into my mouth. Mary liked me doing that, but I could tell my Sister enjoyed it even more.

"Do you like the taste?"

I nodded as best I could under the circumstances, the movement of my head made her moan. Her cunt had a strong taste and a musky smell, it was perfect. However I must remember to wash before going back to Mary.

After a few minutes I moved my attention from her lips to her clit. She was quiet at first, but when I licked the right spot she started to writhe.

"You love my big clit, don't you?"

That was a question that didn't need answering. For the next few minutes I licked it vigorously. If I moved away from its sweet spot she quickly told me what to do to get back on track.

"You had better stop now. If you don't I am going to come."

Raising my head, to tease her, I said, "What's wrong with that?"

"Because I want your cock."

I continued licking her.

"Fuck me, NOW."

That made me stop. I got up from her as quickly as I could, then I pushed her legs high.

"No, let me bend over."

I just ignored her, pushing her legs even higher before I entered her. When my cock hit the top of her cunt she grunted.

"Yes, fuck me."

I smiled, she was now happy to be fucked in this position. I started slowly, but I was soon giving her long strokes with the full length of my cock. Her little cunt was tight, but it was well lubricated with her juices. Had I ever had a better fuck than this?

"This is good, but you can do better. Fuck me harder with your big cock."

When I moved her legs onto her shoulders she gasped. Was it now too uncomfortable for her? I didn't care, she wanted better and that was what she was going to get.

As I fucked her I kept trying to get in deeper, I must have succeeded because her moaning increased.

"I can't hold on for much longer. I am going to come soon."

That was a worry, having sex with Mary earlier on had taken the edge of me. She was near to a climax, but I might need a few more minutes.

"Have you ever thought of fucking Mother?"

What had prompted her to say that? Perhaps she has some sort of sixth sense of what might help me to climax.

"Yes, what Son hasn't thought about that?"

"I bet you would like to get your hands on her big tits, and to suck her huge nipples."

I was now having to hold back, any more dirty talk might take me over the edge.

"If you give me a good climax I will try and make it happen."

That was too much for both of us. She came first and I followed a few seconds later. Her climax was a big one, her head rolled from side to side and she was gasping for breath. Mine was in my top ten, possibly top three. I was surprised how long it lasted, considering that I had reached it only a few hours ago.

As soon as I recovered the first words out of my mouth were, "Was it a good climax?"

When she realised why I had asked that she laughed.

"So is that what you want?"

"I am not sure, but were you serious about arranging it?"

"It was just dirty talk," but then she hesitated before adding, "Let me think about it."

We left it at that. Five minutes later I was in the bathroom having a quick wash. When I got back to our room I gave a sigh of relief, Mary was still sound asleep.

The next day after breakfast I managed to get some time alone with Lizzy. When she gave me a wicked grin I knew that she wanted to talk about the same thing that I did.

"Do you want to do it?"

I was still having doubts about it.

"You seem keen that I should, why?"

"Two weeks ago I had a long conversation with Mother, I say conversation but it was basically her pouring her heart out. What she told me surprised and shocked me, Mother and Father haven't had sex for over a year. She wants it, but he has lost interest. When he went off sex she suspected that he was seeing somebody else, but she soon realised that he wasn't. They both still love each other, but she is frustrated."

"I didn't know."

"Nobody did. I just feel so sorry for her, she is still a relatively young woman, and she has needs that are not being satisfied."

I reflected on what she had just been saying.

"So you encouraging me to get into bed with her, is mostly for her benefit?"

"Correct. There is no way she would seek out sex from another man, but having it with you would be different."

"Keeping it in the family."

I had said it with a smile on my face, but when I saw that Lizzy was not amused I changed my expression.

Her stern look continued for a while longer, then she said, "Yes or no?"

I thought about how unhappy Mother must be, and then about her big tits and supposedly amazing nipples.


"Good, now how are we going to arrange it?"

"It could be like you and me. I go to the bathroom, and when I return I accidently go into the wrong room."

Lizzy shook her head.

"Your mistake with me was understandable, but going past both our rooms to get to Mother's doesn't sound believable."

"What if you and Mother change rooms?"

A big smile illuminated her face, then she said, "Yes, that would work. We just need to think of a good reason for changing."

We were both silent for at least a minute as we tried to think of a solution.

"Nothing from me Leo, what about you?"

I shook my head before saying, "The rooms are the same, so why would you change?"

"Let's leave it for now. We can think about it while we are doing our walk."

"OK, but switching rooms is only part of it."

"What do you mean?"

"I go into the room, then I get into bed with her. Deep down she might want it, but her first reaction when I touch her is to say no."

I got a withering look from her, "And you are supposed to be the clever one. You have to be subtle. They say that if you put a frog in a pan of boiling water it will jump out, however if you put it into cold water and slowly heat it up, the frog will stay in and be cooked."

"I see what you mean. If I charge in and try to fuck her straight away, it's a no."

"Yes, but if you start of by getting into bed and cuddling up to her you can then slowly turn up the heat."

"That might work, something along the lines of, 'Sorry Mother wrong room. Now that I am here can we talk about plans for our next holiday? Move over and let me get into bed, it's a bit cold'. How does that sound?"

"Not bad for a first attempt."

Today's walk was only five hours. Every now and again Lizzy would walk close to me, asking if I had thought of something. It was always a no, until about the sixth time. We managed to get five minutes away from the others while I discussed it with her.

"I do something to her bed, perhaps unscrew a few bolts. When it collapses you say she can sleep in your room."

"Where am I going to sleep?"

"Downstairs on the sofa."

"But Mother will suggest that I share with her, the bed is big enough."

I hadn't thought about that, it looked as if it was back to the drawing board.

"Hold on, Mother snores. I can use that as my excuse."

"Good, when I get back I will see if I can sabotage her bed."

When we got back we were all hungry, so Lizzy started cooking the evening meal early. Mother and Mary stayed in the kitchen with her, that gave me the opportunity to sneak into her room. After five minutes I had worked out what to do, unscrew four bolts from the end of the bed, then remove two of them. Now I needed to find a tool that I could use to do that.

Twenty minutes later I had something that might work, a wrench from a tool box that was in a cupboard under the stairs. The bolts were a bit stiff but they were coming off. After I had undone two of them I had a sudden thought, I was unscrewing them so that I could screw Mother. When I went downstairs I might tell Lizzy that, she would find it funny.

As usual the meal was top class. It was a simple stew, but absolutely delicious. After such a meal I felt that the least I could do was tidy the kitchen up, but Mother insisted that she would do it. I offered again, but she shook her head.

When I got up from the table, to go to the living room, Lizzy followed me. As soon as we were alone she said, "Did you do it?"

"Yes, I think it might work."

"Might work?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"There is no way to test it. It can only collapse once, that is when Mother gets on it."

However when Mother went to bed it didn't collapse, but what it did do is creak and start to shake when she moved about on it. I was asked to take a look, I then quickly declared it unsafe.

"I think something has worked loose. I will try to fix it tomorrow, but don't sleep on it tonight."

Mother was happy to take up Lizzy's offer of her room, but she didn't ask her to sleep with her. I could see that had annoyed Lizzy, even though she would have said no.

Thirty minutes after Mother had gone to bed, me and Mary did the same.

"Do you think Lizzy will be OK on the Sofa?"

"Why, are you thinking of inviting her into our bed?"

I got a playful slap on the arm for that, then she said, "Not tonight."

I knew she was only joking, but it made me wonder if that was a real possibility in the future.

After forcing a yawn, I said, "I think we had better get to sleep, we have a long journey home tomorrow."

Mary didn't reply, instead she just turned her back on me. Five minutes later she was snoring. After another thirty minutes I left the bedroom. When I returned from the bathroom I put my ear to our door, good, she was still asleep.

When I entered Lizzy's room I held my breath, I didn't want to wake Mother up until I got near to the bed.

"Move over Mary, I need to get in."

She made some sort of sound, then she rolled over so that she was facing me, but she was still asleep. I said it again, but this time louder. I then watched her as she started to wake. She then turned on the bedside light.

When she saw me she quickly sat up, there was a worried look on her face.

"Leo, why are you here?"

I tried to look surprised.

"Sorry, I have done it again. Please don't tell Lizzy, she will never stop ribbing me about it."

Mother was now smiling.

"I thought something had happened, that there was an emergency."

I then put my arms across my chest and shivered.

"Can I get into bed?"

There were no objections from her, she just moved over.

"Turn over so that I can warm my feet against your back."

She laughed, then said, "Don't you dare," but she did what I had asked.

I then cuddled up to her, trying to make it as innocent as possible. I had put my hand over her, but it was on her stomach, well away from her big tits.

As we talked about today's walk, I slowly moved my hand. She didn't say anything when I rubbed her stomach, so I slowly moved it higher, only stopping when I felt the weight of her large breasts. When she put her hand over mine, to restrain it, I knew that was as far as I was going to get.

"Have you had a nice holiday?"

"Yes Leo, I think we should do it again."

We then started talking about where that would be. She now seemed engrossed in the conversation, that was my opportunity to try again. When I applied a little force she released my hand, perhaps without realising what she had done.

"I think next time it should be for at least a week."

"No Mother, I prefer these short breaks. We can take more of them."

"We will ask Lizzy, she can have ..."

She had stopped because my hand was now on her nipple. I could feel it under my palm, it was big, and it was getting even bigger.

"I don't think your hand should be there."

"Sorry, I just moved it without thinking."

Reluctantly I lifted my hand from her.

"As I was saying, Lizzy can have the casting vote."

"They are very big."


Then she realised what I meant.

"Yes they are. I don't know where they came from, nobody else in the family has them that size."

I could tell she was proud of them, and so she should be. That might be my way in.

"Have you ever measured them?"

That made her giggle.

"No, but your Father has. He said they were just over one inch long."


"And they are thick as well, you should see them."

That was just an expression, I don't think she was suggesting that she should actually show them to me, but I seized the opportunity.

"Can I?"

There was silence for a few seconds.


"OK, but you must never tell anybody."

Her nightie was now off, and I was staring at her magnificent tits. She even put her hands under them to push them up. The length of her nipples was impressive, but their thickness was even more so, at least twice the thickness of Mary's or Lizzy's.

I couldn't take my eyes off them. Just looking was getting me excited, but I was desperate for more.

"Can I touch them?"

I could tell she was considering it.

"I will be gentle."

That tipped the balance in my favour.

"Yes, but not for long."

When I rolled her nipple between my finger and thumb she gasped. As I did the same to the other one I noticed that her eyes were now closed, and her head was tilted back. She was enjoying my touch. How long should I wait before sucking on her? I knew it should be at least a few minutes, five or six would be ideal, but I only managed two at the most.

As soon as her nipple was in my mouth her body jerked, then she held my head. I stopped.

"You are a naughty boy."

I didn't move. She had said it more as a statement of fact rather than to scold me. Then she stroked my head, I responded by gently sucking on her big nipple. How long should I do this for? This was something I was happy to do for ever.

As I worked a nipple with my mouth and tongue, I entertained the other one with my fingers. When I switched I did it quickly, I wanted to keep her, and myself, excited.

We continued like this for several minutes, but I was greedy, I wanted more. Without stopping what I was doing to her tits, I put my hand on her inner thigh. She didn't seem to notice. Slowly I moved it up, when I felt the edge of her knickers I pushed my hand between her legs. I thought all resistance had gone from her, but her immediate response to my hand being so close to her cunt was to clamp her legs together. My hand was now trapped. When she pushed hard against my head, I lifted my mouth from her nipple, then I sighed. This was as far as she was prepared to go.

"I am not sure I should have let you play with my top, but there is no way I am going to let you touch me there."

This time she sounded annoyed, and her voice was firm. I put on my best 'sorry' expression, then I said, "I have been a naught boy, does Mummy forgive me?"

That calmed her, she even chuckled.

"You have always been like that, taking things too far."

When she stroked my head again I knew I was forgiven. She seemed happy doing it, and I let her. While I was still in bed with her there was always hope. Now that she was more relaxed her hold on my hand had loosened. If I had wanted to I could have removed it, but why hadn't she done that, or asked me to do it?

Slowly I flexed my fingers. I was now very gently rubbing on her knickers, trying to understand the bulges I could feel.

"Leo, I said no."

I stopped, then I said, "Sorry, I couldn't help it. It feels so good."

"I wish your Father thought the same."

She had said it in such a low voice that I had to strain to hear it. I now knew she wanted more, but it was the fact that I was her Son that was stopping her. I might still be able to talk her into it.

"You are right, we shouldn't go too far, but what if I stay outside your knickers?"

She didn't reply.

"We could try it. If you don't like it you can tell me to stop, and that will be the end of it."

I thought I would have to say it again, but eventually she spoke.

"Just outside."

I smiled, she had now opened her legs wide to give me better access. The thin fabric of her knickers was now stretched tight against her plump cunt. I could make out her lips and clit, both of them looked inviting. At her opening her knickers were heavily stained, a result of the attention I had given her nipples. They would be in a far worse state after I had finished with her cunt.

"I thought you wanted to touch it?"

I muttered a quick, "Sorry," I had spent too much time admiring the view, it was now time to act.

One hand went for her lips, the other for her clit. When my fingers reached their targets she moaned, and then when I started to rub them against her she gave a low satisfying purr.

I was now concentrating on her large clit. It took me a few seconds to find her sweet spot, and when I had found it she let me know.

"Yes, that's it."

As I worked her clit I wondered how this would end. Her breathing was now getting more ragged, she would get a climax, but would I? Here last defence was her knickers, if I could get those off then surely she would let me fuck her.

In frustration I tried to push my fingers into her, the material stretched, but only enough to get the tips of them in. I pushed harder.

"No, you are going to rip them."

"I will unless you let me go inside them."

I had sounded determined.

"No," then she gave a long sigh, before continuing with, "It will be better if I take them off."

As they were coming off she said, "We shouldn't be doing this, but you have got me so excited that I can't say no. I want a climax, and I want a good one."

I thought she was going to say more, but when I thrust three fingers deep into her she lost interest in talking. I was now finger fucking her, and I had got back to servicing her clit with my other fingers.

After a couple of minutes I could tell her climax was building, it was time to fuck her before it was too late. When I removed my fingers she raised her head from the bed, there was a puzzled look on her face, that changed to a smile when she realised why I had stopped.

I quickly pushed her legs up, then I positioned my cock at her opening. As I was about to enter her she said, "Lick me first."

I hesitated, worried I might take her over the edge with my tongue, but I decided it was best to give her what she wanted.

I was right to be concerned, from the noises she was now making I could tell that if I wasn't careful she would easily climax. However now that I had started I was enjoying it so much that I was reluctant to stop. If I was to close my eyes I could believe that I was licking Lizzy's cunt. It tasted , and smelt, the same as her.

This time when I stopped she knew what was coming next. However before I could widen her legs, she placed her hand on my arm.

"Not this way, I want it from behind."

When she got into position she wiggled her bottom, she was telling me she was ready for my cock.

"I like it this way, it goes in deeper."

"You like it in deep?"

"Yes, give me all you have."

I just hoped I had enough.

When my cock touched her opening, she pushed back, eager for it to enter her, but I only put the tip in. She pushed back even more.

"I want you to tell me what you want me to do."

"Put it in," there was surprise in her voice, she didn't know why I was asking.

"If you want me to fuck you, tell me."

Mother never uses bad language, or says anything crude. Now that I had her hooked I wanted some dirty talk from her. It was a risky thing to do, she could just end it now if she wanted, but I knew she was too far gone. I was guessing she would do or say anything if it meant that I would fuck her.

"You have to say it."

"I want you to fuck me."

She could have said it with more meaning, but it was a start.

"What do you want me to fuck?"

This time it all came out.

"Fuck my cunt, fuck my dirty cunt. I am a bitch and you can do whatever you want with me. Just hurry up."

Wow, that was more than I had expected, and this time she had said it with meaning. The time for talking was over.

I was now in her up to my balls. She wasn't as tight as Mary or Lizzy, but I wasn't complaining, the added excitement of it being my Mother made up for that. When I had entered her I was surprised that she didn't make any noise, but now that I was fucking her she was making up for it.

After a couple of minutes I reached towards her big swinging tits, searching for her nipples. When I found them she gasped. I was now pulling on them hard. She was enjoying it, but they would be very sore tomorrow.

I was happy to finish this way, but after a few minutes she said, "Rub my clit."

When I did, she groaned, then she added, "And play with my bottom."

I started to play with her cheeks.

"No, I mean put a finger in."

She then got my thumb, as deep in as I could get it.

This was good for both of us. I was fucking her hard, and her clit and bottom were getting special attention.

"I am not going to last long. Fuck me hard and finish me off."

I grunted, "OK," then I tried to fuck her even harder.

I was close as well, but she needed to come first. A minute later I was still frantically fucking her, then she climaxed. I closed my eyes and put all my effort into joining her.

"You must stop now."

I ignored her, but three strokes later I gave a loud grunt, then my cock twitched. I counted six before I had finished.

After I had reached it she collapsed onto the bed, taking me with her. We stayed like that for at least a couple of minutes, then I got off her. While I waited for her to recover I put my pyjamas back on, and then I sat on the edge of the bed. A few seconds later she turned over.

We looked at each other, then she gave me a big smile.

"That was wonderful Leo, we must do it again."

"Yes, but not now."

That made her giggle,

"You had better go. I hope Mary is still asleep."

I only spent five minutes in the bathroom. When I got back to our bedroom door I was hesitant to enter, I had a feeling that she would be awake, and that there would be some awkward questions about why I had been gone so long. However all the worry was for nothing, she was still dead to the world.

The next morning I was up early, I had the bed to fix, and we had to leave by ten. It took me fifteen minutes to tighten the screws, two of them were difficult. When I went down to the kitchen Lizzy and Mother were already there. Mother greeted me with a nice smile, then she got back to preparing breakfast. As soon as Mother had her back to me Lizzy whispered, "Well?"

"Yes I fucked her. We can't talk now, I will tell you all the gory details later on."

She shuddered with excitement before saying, "I can't wait."

During breakfast there was very little talking, I think we were all a bit sad at having to go home. However, just when we had nearly finished, Mother said, "I want to thank Lizzy for arranging this holiday."

"Thanks Lizzy," and I meant it.

Then Mary chipped in, "Yes, it has been really good."

"It wasn't that big a deal," but you could tell she was pleased with what we had all just said. She then continued with, "Leo you can do the next one. Any ideas?"

I scratched my head, "I don't know where we should go next, but I think it should be soon."

There was a quick, "Yes," from Mother.

"But what I do know is that wherever we stay it must only have one bathroom, in the kitchen."

Lizzy and Mother laughed, but Mary looked puzzled, then she said, "But I thought you all hated having only one bathroom?"

We had at first, but it was instrumental in me ending up in the wrong room, twice. Without it this would have just been a normal family holiday.

This time when Lizzy and Mother laughed, I joined in, but Mary just shook her head. She probably thought we had all gone mad.

One day I might tell her why we had laughed!