
Joy Ride


NOTE: I'm taking another risk and trying something different again! Please let me know if you enjoy this story, and if you'd enjoy reading others like it. Comments and feedback are very important in determining what I write next, so make sure you let me know how you feel! As always, enjoy!


"Again, great hustle out there, everyone!" A heavyset man with five o'clock shadow and salt and pepper hair spoke to the young men in front of him. Coach Miller gave a proud smile as he looked at the varsity soccer team before him. "Great practice today. I'll see all of you tomorrow, bright and early!" The players groaned as they dispersed. "6 AM, I expect to see you all here for warmups. Try and blow off some steam tonight, come to the game with a clear head!" He sighed and waved his hand in defeat, watching as the juniors and seniors made their way to the parking lot, some calling out parting acknowledgements of his advice.

Two seniors, Brad and Kyle, walked to the lot together, their matching bags slung over their shoulders with their high school logo sewn onto the front. Kyle was taller, tan, with brown hair he was constantly running his hand through to look casual. Brad was just an inch or two shorter, and his hair was a shade darker, cut short with curls at the top. Kyle was in a loose-fitting tank top, Brad wore an old jersey, and both had on baggy gym shorts. Between soccer and the gym, the two boys were muscular; where Kyle was a little beefier, more obsessed with his physique, Brad was leaner, in shape but thin.

"Have you started studying for Spanish yet? Ms. Morales seems serious about this test." Brad asked Kyle as they stepped off the grass, onto the gravel of the lot.

"No, not yet, have you?" Kyle responded, absentmindedly. He surveyed the cars in front of him, watching as fellow teammates either hopped into their own cars or were picked up by parents. Brad glanced around as well, looking for Kyle's mom's dark green mini-SUV. Typically, Kyle's dad picked them up after practice, on his way home from work; this evening, however, he had to work late, and Kyle's mom offered to chauffer the boys. Even though the two boys were both eighteen, neither had their own car. Kyle had failed his driving test twice, and while Brad did have a license, his parents couldn't afford a car. As such, Brad squinted in the low light at each of the cars; Kyle's mom was running a little late.

"Hey Kyle!" A shrill voice caught Brad's ear and he turned to see a small, gray sedan idling on the side of the road, outside the parking lot. Hanging halfway out the window in a low-cut top was Amy, Kyle's girlfriend. She waved enthusiastically, her whole body wiggling. The driver of the car, another senior, Jake, honked the horn twice, also gesturing to Kyle. Brad could partially make out a girl in the back, who he assumed was Jake's girlfriend, a junior he couldn't remember the name of. Brad shot Kyle a confused look, who pulled his eyes from his girlfriend's bouncing cleavage.

"Sorry, did I forget to tell you?" Kyle apologized insincerely. "I'm hanging out with Amy and the others tonight. Amy's older sister Molly is in college, and she said she could get us some beers for a party. You know how Coach said we should blow off some steam?" Brad watched Kyle undress Amy with his eyes. "I'm hoping Amy will blow off my steam, if you know what I mean." He playfully smacked Brad on the shoulder and winked.

"Wait, you're going with them?" Brad asked as Kyle walked away, towards the idling sedan.

"Yeah man, sorry. My mom should be here soon, can you tell her for me?" Kyle called back.

"Well, sure, I guess." Brad shrugged. He hated how irresponsible Kyle was, and how frequently it affected him.

"Thank you!" Kyle shouted back, throwing up an overdramatic pair of hands, pretending to bow to Brad in thanks. Brad just sighed, watching the sedan drive off, full of hormones. As the parking lot thinned out, the sun hung lower in the sky. The school year had just begun, and it was late summer, so the nights were still warm and the humidity stuck to Brad's skin. He checked his phone, wondering if Kyle's mom was actually coming to pick him up, then looked up to see the familiar mini-SUV pull into the parking lot, stopping in front of him. Brad walked up and opened the passenger door, smiling at his friend's mom, who was giving him an inquisitive look, before a quick sigh.

"Let me guess, Kyle went to hang out with Amy." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, you kind of just missed them. Coach said we should all blow off some steam before Regionals tomorrow. Kyle took that to mean he should party with Amy." Brad replied, settling into the passenger seat, placing his bag at his feet. "I don't think he's coming back tonight." Brad had had this conversation before, constantly being the one to tell Kyle's parents of their son's spur-of-the-moment plans. The two boys had been best friends since middle school, and even though Kyle began running with a very different, very delinquent crew in high school, they still stayed close. Their moms got coffee every Tuesday, and their dads went fishing together on Sundays. Brad was close with Kyle, but that only meant he was even more willing to call Kyle on his misbehavior.

"Oh, he can be so irresponsible." She groaned. "I'm sorry you have to put up with him, Bradley." She laughed, shooting him a smile. She was the only person who called him Bradley besides his own mother.

"Don't worry about it, Mrs. Lynn. I'm definitely used to it at this point." He smiled back. When he'd met Kyle in seventh grade, he'd thought his parents were cool because they didn't demand that he call them by their last names. They weren't Mr. and Mrs. Smith, they were Mr. Mike and Mrs. Lynn, Kyle's cool parents.

"I wish my kid wasn't such a little bastard." Lynn joked, and Brad felt his cheeks get warm, not sure if he was allowed to laugh at her comment. "You're a good kid, why can't you peer pressure Kyle into being a better person, huh?" She laughed again, and Brad did as well. The car pulled up to the driveway of the parking lot, inching towards the main road when Lynn stopped, tapping her car's GPS in the center. "Sorry, honey, I just realized I've never driven to your house from this direction, and I just don't want to get lost. Can you give me your address?" Lynn gave an embarrassed smile.

"Sure," Brad sat forward. "Here, I can just type it in." He tapped the touch screen, filling in his address, before pressing a big GO button.

"STARTING ROUTE TO 4176 FAIRWOOD ROAD" the GPS' robotic voice announced as it loaded the map. "YOU WILL ARRIVE IN FOURTEEN MINUTES."

Lynn stepped on the gas and turned onto the main road as the GPS instructed her to continue straight for the next few miles. The two sat in silence for a minute, listening to the hum of the car, before the silence was broken by the GPS again.


"You know, I don't know where I'd be without this thing." Lynn gestured to the GPS. "I've lived in this town for the last fifteen years and I still get lost without a map."

"Yeah?" Brad was half listening.

"Yep. The other day, I had to look up directions to get to the mall, the same mall I've been shopping at for fifteen years, just because I was coming from the south instead of the north..." Lynn continued, going into a story about how terrible her sense of direction is, as Brad drifted off. It wasn't that Brad wasn't interested in Lynn, it was simply that he was too interested in Lynn herself to actually listen to her. Lynn Smith, a plain name for a plain woman; but something about how she carried herself this evening was making Brad look at her in a way he'd never seen her before.

In the warm light of the setting, summer sun, Brad was enamored by how radiant Lynn looked. Her tanned skin was soft and supple. Her blonde hair was just barely trembling from the slight breeze sneaking in through the cracked sun roof. Her raspberry red shorts fit snug on her smooth, thick thighs; and Brad watched as her calf tensed as she slowly stepped on the brake pedal as the car in front of them slowed down. On her shoulders, Brad could just barely make out a beige bra strap peeking out from under her simple, comfortable, white tank top. Following the strap down to her bosom, he noticed how full her breasts looked. He'd always thought she was nice looking but in all the years of being Kyle's friend, Brad had never taken a moment to appreciate how truly sensual of a woman his friend's mom was. He fixated on her cleavage, barely shown off by her top's scooped neckline; with each pothole, each dip, each bump in the road, her subtle cleavage jiggled and her maternal breasts bounced ever so slightly. Suddenly, a loud, robotic voice snapped Brad back to reality.

"CONTINUE STRAIGHT ON GROVE STREET, THEN TURN LEFT ONTO CREEK TRAIL ROAD. YOU WILL ARRIVE IN TWELVE MINUTES." The GPS announced. Brad looked up from her breasts, realizing that Lynn wasn't talking anymore. He wondered if his staring was obvious, and if she'd noticed at all.

He also realized that while he looked his friend's mom up and down, he'd obviously grown a little aroused, and his cock was waking up. Brad looked down at his lap in horror and realized he could see the outline of his cock, half mast, somewhat noticeable through his thin gym shorts. Out of the corner of her eye, Lynn watched as the young man frantically grabbed his bag off the floor and situated it on his lap, trying to seem casual as he "adjusted" himself beneath it.

"So, Bradley," Lynn spoke again, practically frightening Brad as he tried to mentally redirect blood from pumping into his crotch. "You said your coach wants you guys to blow off some steam before Regionals tomorrow?"

"Um, yeah." Brad tried to play it cool, engaging in the conversation.

"So what're you going to do to clear your head? Do you have a girlfriend?" She almost enjoyed how flustered her questions made the young man sitting next to her.

"Oh, Mrs. Lynn, I—Uh, no, I don't." He stammered, understanding what she was insinuating. She clearly knew what Kyle was getting up to with Amy. "We have a Spanish test on Monday, so I'll be studying for that tonight."

"You know," Lynn never took her eyes off the road as she moved her right hand from the steering wheel to Brad's left thigh. "You really should make sure you blow off some steam tonight. Otherwise, you'll be so worked up that you won't play well tomorrow."

Brad stopped breathing, and felt his heart skip one or three beats. Was this actually happening? His cock was no longer growing, it was now fully grown, rock hard under his bag as he watched Lynn's mature hand gingerly caress his inner thigh, her ruby painted nails a striking juxtaposition against his navy blue shorts.

"Um, Mrs. Lynn, uh—" he started, but she shushed him with a glance before looking back to the road.

"Bradley, let me see what you've got under that bag." She nonchalantly pushed his bag to the floor. Lynn took her eyes off the road to admire the sight in front of her: Brad embarrassed, blushing, his shorts tented by his hard cock straining against the thin fabric. He refused to make eye contact with her, too afraid she'd be upset.

"I—I'm sorry," Brad apologized, feeling vulnerable and flustered.

"What's to be sorry about?" Lynn shrugged. "You're so worked up, you just need to relax, blow off some steam." Brad again held his breath as his friend's mom reached to his lap. She snaked her fingers under his shirt, hooked them under his waistband and pulled down slowly, pulling just low enough that her passenger's swollen cock sprung forward, pointing straight up. She tugged the waistband just a bit lower, revealing Brad's heavy balls. She tucked the waistband underneath his package, and took a look at the prize before her, letting out a small gasp when she saw the present she'd unwrapped. Brad's cock was visibly throbbing in the warm air, and Lynn was impressed. It wasn't the largest she'd ever seen, but it was long, longer than she'd anticipated. She never would've guessed that her son's friend was packing at least eight inches.

Her eyes still on the road, Lynn made contact with Brad's cock, sending a shiver down his spine. She ran her fingers along his shaft, starting at the base, trailing her soft fingertips up to his sensitive cockhead. He let out an involuntary groan as she cupped his balls in her soft palm.

"Oh my, Bradley, your balls are so full." She remarked, genuine concern in her voice. "It must be painful. You really need to take your coach's advice and blow off some steam. How about..." She prodded at his large balls before tracing two fingers up his shaft again, finally taking grip of his large cock in her maternal hand. Lynn gave his cock a quick squeeze, and a few drips of precum leaked out, spilling over his cockhead.

"Wait," Brad grunted, suddenly feeling guilty. "What if someone finds out?"

"Well," Lynn spoke is a measured tone, still paying attention to the traffic in front of her. "I'm not planning on telling anyone. What, next Tuesday when I'm getting coffee with your mom? 'Hey, Jillian, a few days ago I got a handful of your son's cock.' Can't imagine that would go over well." She laughed, and Brad squirmed in her hand. He couldn't help but feel a little odd hearing Lynn mention his mom while she had a grip on his throbbing cock. "Or am I going to bring this up to my husband?" She continued in a sarcastic tone. "'Oh, Mike, just so you know, our son's friend has a better cock than you.'" Brad felt another shiver run down his spine. Had she just said that he had a better cock than her husband? "Besides, it's not like this is some torrid affair. I'm just helping you clear your head before a big game. It's totally innocent."

There was something about Lynn saying the word "innocent" while beginning to slowly stroke Brad's cock that made him groan again, spilling more precum that Lynn quickly made use of as lube to aid her movements.

"This is just some quick relief, okay?" Lynn asked.

"O-okay." Brad nodded.


"Emphasis on 'quick', I suppose," Lynn stated. "If you're not finished by the time we get to your house, your mom might get curious about why we're parked out front for too long."

With that timer in mind, Brad finally began to relax a little bit, letting Lynn go to work, stroking his cock with a steady rhythm. Up and down, tip to base, Lynn's soft hand held a firm fist around the young man's stiff member. With each pump down, Brad thrust into her hand slightly, almost unnoticeably, relishing in the amazing feeling of this MILF's hand on his cock. She removed her hand, and Brad whimpered, scared it was over suddenly. Instead, Lynn brought her hand up to her mouth and spit into her palm, before returning it to his cock, finding her rhythm again, now with more of a steady glide thanks to the added lubricant.

"You know, Bradley, you should be very proud of your cock." Lynn complimented, still not taking her eyes off the road. As her hand worked up and down, she continued. "I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend, or multiple, honestly. Not many guys have tools like this." She switched her grip, holding his cock with an upside-down fist, her thumb gently teasing his balls as she continued stroking. "If I knew a guy like you in high school... Let's just say I don't think I would've been able to wait until marriage like I did with Mike." Lynn was really lavishing on the compliments, like she was lavishing love onto Brad's cock, as it throbbed in her hand.

"CONTINUE STRAIGHT ON WEST COLONIAL BOULEVARD. YOU WILL ARRIVE IN FOUR MINUTES." The GPS' robotic voice reminded the two of the timer they were working with. Brad was stunned and disappointed at how quickly the last four minutes had flown by, not wanting to have to lose the amazing treat he was getting from his friend's mom.

"Well, I suppose we should speed this up." Lynn begrudgingly admitted as she slowed the car to a stop at a red light; she was almost enjoying this as much as Brad was. She glanced around her at the other lanes of traffic idling around her. All of the other commuters were looking straight ahead, none paying any attention to her. With the wait of the long light before them, Lynn saw the opportunity she was presented with and leaned down towards Brad's lap, who's eyes bulged as he prepared himself for what he thought was about to happen as this older woman's blonde hair brushed against his balls.

Instead, Lynn stopped just an inch away from Brad's twitching cockhead, and it took every ounce of self control for him not to simply thrust upwards into her mouth. Rather than taking his cock into her mouth, Lynn drooled a large glob of spit onto Brad's rock hard cock. Though it wasn't her soft lips engulfing his throbbing member, or her warm mouth swallowing him down as they sat stalled in traffic, Brad couldn't deny that the sensation of this woman's hot saliva spilling down his cock was one of the best things he'd ever felt.

"Oh my god, Mrs. Lynn," Brad moaned as she sat up, beginning to stroke him again, now with more vigor. As her hand quickly glided up and down in a tight fist around his swollen cock, Brad swore under his breath. He was close.

"IN THREE HUNDRED FEET, TURN RIGHT ONTO CEDAR COVE DRIVE. YOU WILL ARRIVE IN TWO MINUTES." The GPS ticked down. Lynn drove, her eyes back on the road, while trying her best to help this young man.

"Are you going to cum?" Lynn asked, encouraging him.


"Are you going to cum for me, Bradley?" She coaxed, briefly giving specific attention to his cockhead, eliciting another whimper from him.

"Y-yeah," He could barely speak as he shut his eyes tight, thrusting into her hand.


"Come on, Honey! Give it to me!" She could see his mailbox in the distance, stroking him even faster.

"L-Lynn, I'm g-gonna—"

"Uh-uh, Bradley," She corrected, not letting up on his cock. "I'm still Mrs. Lynn. I'm still married," She was practically whispering in his ear. "I'm still your friend's mom."

That last sentence did it for him, and Brad lost it. He let out a loud groan as his balls churned, and he bucked hard into Lynn's hand, letting lose a huge blast of thick cum as he thrust forward. Lynn didn't let up on her stroking, and Brad swore loudly as he shot rope after rope of cum, splattering the glove box in front of him, and coating Lynn's working hand in loads of hot cum. Finally, Lynn slowed her stroking, as Brad let out one last grunt, sending a stray shot of cum across the GPS touch screen. With that, the young man was totally drained, exhaling hard and sinking deep into his seat.

"My, my," Lynn remarked, impressed with the mess she'd made. She slowed the car to a stop, idling in front of his house as she admired his twitching, spent cock.

She woke up breathing hard, tangled under a mess soft bed sheets. Beside her, her husband slept soundly, his back to her. Past him, the window was open, but there was no breeze on the warm, summer night that could have cooled the heat Lynn was feeling. In the dark, she composed herself. She was still almost panting, coming down from a vivid dream about her son's friend, Bradley, the young man she'd given a ride home just last week. She'd given him a bit more than just a ride home. Since that car ride, she hadn't been able to get him off her mind.

Lynn readjusted the sheets and fluffed her pillow, settling back in. The clock on her nightstand read 3:19 AM, much too early for her to get up. As time ticked by, Lynn, awake in the dark, stared at the ceiling. No matter how comfortable she was, every time she closed her eyes, she just saw her hand wrapped around Brad's hard cock, stroking it until he can't take it anymore, spilling his hot cum all over her gentle fingers. Sleep wasn't an option as long as she was thinking about that drive.

Rather than fight it any longer, Lynn gave into temptation, silently moving her hand from her sternum, down her torso, slipping into her panties. Her fingers hesitantly reached out, and Lynn immediately felt how wet she already was. After checking quickly to ensure her husband was still asleep, she felt her breath hitch in her throat as she inserted two fingers inside herself. As she began to play with herself, she imagined her son's friend was there with her, helping her, assisting her. She was wearing only a loose t-shirt and a pair of cotton panties, which allowed her to lightly grab at her left breast with her free hand. Her skin was soft and warm in her own hand, and she fought back a groan as she continued to tease herself, imagining it was Brad's young, inexperienced hand on her bosom. On the brink of an orgasm, she dropped her breast and balled up a fistful of her blanket, stuffing it into her mouth as she massaged her clit, letting out a muffled moan as her body wracked with orgasm. In the brief throws of bliss, she glanced at her husband, still sound asleep, completely unaware of his wife, trying her best not to moan the name of their son's friend as she makes herself cum.

Cleaning herself up in the bathroom, Lynn finally caught her breath for the first time since waking from her dream. Splashing water on her face, she looked at herself in the mirror. One thing was clear: Lynn had to get her hands on that young man's cock again, and soon. But how?


With the sun high in the sky, the weekend was well under way, and Brad was out for a drive. A few days ago, his soccer team had won their championship, and the day after that, on his birthday, his mother had surprised him with a new car. Well, not exactly new; the cherry red Jeep was about as old as he was, but it was cheap and it worked, the two qualities Brad looked for.

Now that he had a car, Brad had offered to start running errands for his mother on the weekend while she ran Jupiter's, her store in town, and this Saturday was his first time. He'd already been to the grocery store, as well as the dry cleaner, and now Brad was on his way back from the mechanic where he'd picked up a new spare tire. With the backseat full of groceries and fresh-pressed clothes, a new spare in the trunk, Brad pulled out of the parking lot, about to drive home when his phone rang.

He fished it out of his pocket as it buzzed in his hand. "KYLE'S MOM" flashed across the screen. Staring at that name, he couldn't help but feel a nervous rush of excitement. Last time he'd seen Lynn, she'd given Brad the best, and only, handjob he'd ever gotten.

"Hello?" Brad answered the call eagerly.

"Bradley? It's Mrs. Lynn," She sounded so maternal on the other end. Her voice was soft, but steady.

"Hi, Mrs. Lynn, I know it's you, I have your number." Brad replied.


"Yeah, my mom made me save your number in case of emergencies."

"Well, isn't that just fitting. It seems I'm the one who's in a bit of trouble right now." She gave a small laugh. "My car just broke down. I've already called a tow truck, but it's not going to be here for over an hour apparently. I tried calling Mike, but he's not answering, he must not have his phone. And I'm not even bothering with Kyle, he never answers my calls." Brad had a guess where this was going, and was trying his best to play it cool.

"You need me to come get you, Mrs. Lynn?" He offered.

"If it's not too much trouble, Bradley, that would be so great!" She sounded so glad, Brad could hear the smile on her lips. "I'm kind of out of the way, I was doing some grocery shopping for the week when, wouldn't you know it, the car stopped running! I'm on Sycamore Ave, maybe a block down from the church. You know where that is?"

"I do! I'm about five minutes away, I'll see you soon!" Brad hung up and drove off.

As he turned onto Sycamore, Brad couldn't help but start to get aroused. Nothing's going to happen, he told himself. She just needs a ride. Last time was just her being nice, that's all. Nonetheless, as he pulled up behind her car on the side of the road, Brad felt his cock immediately begin to swell when Lynn stepped out of her car.

She was wearing short shorts, a creamsicle orange color, that hugged her thick thighs. Her shirt was another thin tank top, this one a shade of lavender, the pale color offset from her tanned shoulders. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a messy bun, and as she approached the car, Brad watched her maternal breasts jiggle with each step. By the time she got to the passenger door, Brad had to discreetly readjust himself to hide his now-erect cock.

"Oh, Bradley, you're an absolute lifesaver!" Lynn exclaimed as she climbed in. He thought it was strange that she didn't have any groceries with her, but his attention quickly shifted to his passenger's ass as she situated herself. Her shorts were riding up, and they were practically just panties at this point, so high up her thighs. "Thank you again for doing this for me," Lynn said, and Brad snapped his eyes up to hers. Did she catch him looking?

"Of course, Mrs. Lynn," He tried to play it off. "No trouble at all. I'm just taking you home, right?"

"Yes, please." She smiled.

They drove in silence for a minute, Brad sneaking glances at the mature woman next to him, doing his best to keep his eyes on the road. Lynn used the mirror on her sun visor to reapply lipstick, and Brad fixated on her lips. They looked so soft, and when she puckered them at her reflection, Brad felt his cock throb in his lap.

"Now, Bradley," Lynn spoke, and Brad pretended he had been focusing on the road. "I just wanted to say thank you for giving me a ride. I can give you a bit of gas money, it's only fair."

"Really, it's no problem." He reassured her.

"No, no, I mean it. You're really helping me out here!" She reached across and touched his forearm. His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he drove, and Lynn couldn't help but giggle at how tense she made her son's friend. "Please, let me at least thank you properly." Her voice dropped as she moved her hand from his forearm down to his lap. Through his gym shorts, Lynn traced her finger along his obvious bulge. Brad squirmed under her touch, and let out a small grunt.

"Um, Mrs. Lynn, you, uh, you don't have to—" He stammered.

"Oh, Bradley, please, it's the least I can do. It'll be just like last time." With that, Lynn was finished teasing the young man, ready for the real deal. She snuck her fingers under his waistband, pulling down just enough for his large, erect cock to bounce up. Lynn tucked the waistband under his large balls, giving them a slight prod as she did so, eliciting another grunt from Brad. She couldn't help but bite her lip while admiring her son's friend's rock hard cock, as well as his heavy balls, full of young cum that Lynn was desperate for.

"My, my, Bradley." She whispered as she wrapped one hand around his cock. Trying his best to keep his eyes on the road, Brad couldn't help but give a small thrust into her soft hand. Lynn began to pump in rhythm, cooing as she stroked.

As they pulled up to a stoplight, Lynn reached over with her other hand and gave Brad's balls a tender squeeze. He stifled a moan and leaked a mess of precum out of his twitching cockhead. Looking down at the mess, Brad realized something.

"Wait, wait," He said nervously. "Last time was a really close call. My mom usually does the laundry, so she got suspicious when I was washing just my shorts." Lynn loosened her grip on his cock as he continued. "I had to lie and say I spilled something on them at practice. If I, um, make a mess again... she might ask more questions." His voice trailed off, and the light turned green; for another moment, they drove in silence, Lynn never taking her hand off of Brad's cock as she pondered the circumstances.

"Well then," She broke the silence with an idea. "Let's not make a mess." Lynn winked, unbuckled her seatbelt, and leaned forward, across the divide between their seats, dropping her head into Brad's lap. He let out a surprised gasp as Lynn swallowed his cock down, guiding it past her lips, into her wet, warm mouth.

Lynn savored the feeling of Brad's hard cock throbbing in her mouth, feeling its' stiffness against her soft tongue. As she pulled back, she planted a wet kiss on his now-twitching cockhead.

"Bradley," she said. "The light is green."

"What?" He hadn't looked up from his lap since his friend's mom had put his cock in her mouth. Now that he did, he saw the stoplight they were waiting at had changed to green, and the car next to them had driven off. Brad stepped on the gas pedal, a bit too hard at first, causing the car the accelerate forward before smoothing out at a steady speed. The sudden lurch forward caused Lynn to sway back, with the tip of Brad's cock popping back in her mouth for just a moment.

"Easy there, Bradley." Lynn encouraged him to drive normally to their destination. Still some ways away from her house, she knew she had enough time to enjoy this.

As they drove, Lynn planted quick kisses up and down Brad's shaft, complimenting him as she went.

"My, my, Bradley," she paused to kiss his cock. "I know I said this before, but," she kissed again. "You should be very proud," another kiss. "You've got quite the package," three kisses in quick succession. "And I do mean, the full package," she kissed down his shaft before giving a longer, softer, wetter kiss to one of his balls.

Brad couldn't help but moan when Lynn took one of his balls in her mouth, sucking on it softly, teasing it with her tongue. She switched to the other ball, giving it equal attention, much to his delight.

"Bradley?" She asked, her voice innocent and playful.

"Y-yes, Mrs. Lynn?" He stammered.

"Is this your first time receiving a blowjob?" She asked coyly, before licking his cock from base to tip with her soft tongue.

"Um, y-yes." He could barely answer.

"Oh my, honey," Lynn gave a slow, wet kiss to his throbbing cockhead. "We'll have to make sure it's a memorable one." She took him in her mouth and began sucking, pumping her head back and forth, up and down, rhythmically driving Brad crazy with lust.

Turning onto the town's main road, Brad had to focus his attention on the busy street ahead of him. There were more cars, more intersections, and more crosswalks. As he slowed his car to a stop in front of an intersection, he watched in a silent stupor as his best friend Kyle exited Brad's mom's store, accompanied by Kyle's father Mike. Not only was Kyle Brad's best friend, he was also the son of the woman currently wrapping her lips around Brad's cock, pumping her head up and down in order to make him cum. And Mike, Kyle's father, was married to said cum-hungry woman currently drooling on Brad's hard cock. Without realizing, Brad was holding his breath, silently watching the two cross the street in front of him, completely unaware he was in the car stopped before them, completely unaware that the matriarch of their family was there with him.

"What's wrong?" Lynn asked, popping Brad's cock out of her mouth. "Everything okay up there?" She had noticed he was holding his breath, and saw the frozen look on his face. Confused, she started to sit up, but Brad, nervous, placed his hand on the back of her head and pushed her back down, out of sight from pedestrians.

Lynn could barely react as Brad shoved her head down, opening her mouth just in time to swallow him down again. His cock slid right into her mouth, and she couldn't help but get even more aroused as this young man's fingers got tangled in her hair as he forced her to stay down.

Above her, Brad watched, petrified, as Kyle glanced over, noticing his friend. He gave a small wave and a nod, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. In the car, Brad used his free hand to give a weak wave back, forcing himself to smile, too afraid to open his mouth for fear that a loud moan would escape his lips. Kyle turned back and kept walking, and his father never looked up from his phone. Brad watched them disappear into the crowd of weekend shoppers on the other side of the street before letting go of Lynn's head.

"What was that about?" Lynn said as she pulled back, simultaneously confused and turned on by how assertive Brad was.

"Um, nothing," he lied. "Just some people crossing the street."

The crosswalk cleared of any stragglers, the light turned green, and Brad began driving again. As he passed shop after shop, Lynn went back to work on his cock, taking the head in her mouth and sucking on it while jacking him off with one hand. Brad let out a low groan, feeling the orgasm building.

Pulling off the main road, they turned onto another large street, this one less busy, but still multiple lanes. As he approached Lynn's neighborhood, now only a few minutes away, Brad felt her drop his cock from her mouth before spitting on it, which sent a tingle up his spine.

"Now, Bradley, honey, I want to try something I haven't done in a while. Let me know how it feels."

Pulling up to a four-way stop, Bradley almost passed out behind the wheel as he felt Lynn guide his cock back into her mouth, pushing past her lips, grazing over her teeth, gliding across her tongue, and sliding down her throat. As she deepthroated him, she felt his cock throb in her mouth. She couldn't help but gag, choking on his impressive size, before pulling back to come up for air.

"How was that?" Lynn asked, catching her breath.

"A-amazing, Mrs. Lynn." Brad barely stuttered.

"Yeah, but I can do better." She said smugly.

With that boast, Lynn swallowed him down again, this time with more fervor, until her nose was pressed against his lap. Looking at the car across from him at the intersection, Brad recognized the driver as a lady from his mom's book club, a woman named Diane. She waved to Brad, gesturing for him to go, and Brad tried his best to keep his composure as he drove through the intersection, past Diane, as the older woman next to him gagged as she deepthroated his cock.

Lynn pulled back again, letting the cock, coated in her saliva, spill out of her mouth, throbbing, desperate for attention.

"How close are we?" Lynn inquired, wrapping her hand around his shaft.

"Maybe a minute?" He replied, practically out of breath. Between the anxiety of the close calls, and the euphoria of Lynn's mouth, Brad could hardly breathe.

"Oh my, we've got to finish this up!" She announced.

Lynn dropped her head back onto Brad's cock, pumping his shaft with one hand, up and down, up and down, while sucking on his cock with her soft lips. In her mouth, she was giving him everything, lavishing his cockhead with licks and laps, tasting his precum.

As he rounded the corner, Brad couldn't hold back anymore, and felt his balls churn. He let out a loud groan as he came, thrusting out of his seat, pushing his cock further into Lynn's mouth. Lynn welcomes the extra inches, feeling his shaft throb as her son's friend dumped load after load of hot cum onto her tongue, down her throat. She tried her best to swallow as much as she could, but he kept cumming, filling her mouth full. Eventually, he stopped thrusting, slumping back into his chair, spent. Lynn pulled back with a pop, letting his drained cock bob in front of her face for a moment, admiring her work.

As he slowed the car to a stop in front of her house, Lynn sat up, and Brad watched as she swallowed a mouthful of his cum before opening wide to show off an empty mouth.

"See? No mess!" Lynn said proudly, giving him another wink.

She towards him again, reaching out and tucking his cock back into his pants before giving the softening bulge in his lap a soft pat. As she opened the door and stepped out of his car, Lynn gave him one last look. "Thanks again for the ride."

"Pull it together, Lynn!" She whispered to herself. Lynn looked at her reflection in the mirror, fixing her lipstick in the dim fluorescents of the bathroom. Her friend Jillian was hosting their weekly book club, so it was a group of moms, some bottles of wine, and a book none of them had read, all sitting in a circle, loudly gossiping about their husbands, their kids, and their every complaint.

Lynn typically enjoyed the book club, but now, things were different. This was the first meeting since her encounters with Brad, the son of her gracious host, and close friend, Jillian. In a little over the span of a week, Lynn had given Brad his first handjob, then later, his first blowjob. Now, she had to excuse herself to the bathroom to splash her face with cold water; no matter how hard she tried to focus on the drunken conversations about which bag boy at the supermarket was cutest, she couldn't stop thinking about Brad, only a few rooms away. As the other women chatted, she felt the heat between her legs as she imagined sneaking away, tiptoeing upstairs, and finding Brad in his bedroom.

"Cool it, Lynn!" She whispered aloud to herself. Last time, she'd faked a distress call to Brad, pretending she needed assistance after her car broke down. Really, she just needed an excuse to be alone with him, and in a car seemed to be the safest bet during the day. She'd lied to Brad about having been grocery shopping, she'd lied to Brad again about trying to call her husband for a ride, and she'd lied to her husband about spending the day at home while he was out shopping with their son, Kyle. Speaking of Kyle, he was a big reason she knew she couldn't do anything more with Brad; Kyle and Brad were best friends! He could never find out what she'd done.

"Lynn, you okay in there?" A voice called from elsewhere in the house. She realized that the other women had stopped chatting, and must've been waiting for her to return. Had she been gone that long?

"Oh, yeah, I'm good." Lynn called back, drying her hands off on the soft towel next to the light switch. She opened the door, shutting off the light, calling out again, "I'm good." She turned the corner, entering back into the living room with a smile.

It was getting late. Brad had been studying for almost four hours straight, feeling confident for his Spanish test tomorrow. The new teacher was giving exams every week, which meant he had to study a lot. These tests were every Friday, which meant he spent his Thursday nights studying, a challenge now that his mom was hosting her book club every Thursday night.

From his bedroom upstairs, he could hear the local moms drinking healthy amounts of wine and loudly chatting about every facet of their personal lives, occasionally pausing to laugh heartily at a punchline Brad missed. Curious, and tired of studying, he shut his textbook and headed downstairs. As he made his way down, Brad could clearly hear one of his mom's friends, Michelle, discussing a pizza delivery guy she'd heard a rumor about.

"Extra sausage, you know? Maybe we need to order a pi— Bradley!" Michelle exclaimed as he turned the corner into the living room. Lynn found it hard to swallow for a moment, caught off guard by the young man entering the room. She locked eyes with him, but only for a brief second, before he moved on, getting a look at each of the other women in the room. But all it took was that brief moment of eye contact for Lynn to remember how badly she wanted his cock again; she took a deep breath to center herself.

"Hi, ladies," Brad gave a soft smile as he looked around the room. He saw his mom, Jillian, sitting at the edge of one couch, pouring herself another glass of wine. Next to her, her friend Karen, new to the book club, nursed a half-full glass. She was in tight pants and an even tighter top that accentuated her large bust. Across from her on another couch was Diane, another friend of his mom's; she was chubbier than the other women, and she wore it well. She was wearing a yellow cardigan that draped effortlessly over her curves. In front of Diane, in her own armchair, was Michelle. She had a daughter a grade above Brad. Michelle was in a long, thin, flowy skirt that covered her ankles, and a equally thin tank top that did a poor job at hiding her hot pink bra straps beneath. However, none of these women captured Brad's attention quite as much as Lynn did. Sitting on the same couch as Diane, she had no wine glass in front of her. She held a book in her lap, and was dressed in a thin sundress that dropped to her ankles in the back, but rested just above her knees in the front. Her red lipstick was eye-catching on her tanned skin, and her natural blonde hair was pushed behind her ears. Lynn held Brad's gaze for just a moment, before he felt guilty for admiring her long, smooth legs, and looked back to his mom.

"Brad!" Jillian said. "What a treat, the ladies don't typically get to see you!" She stops and walked over to him, wobbling slightly on her first step. She, like most of the other women, had clearly had more than a few glasses of wine. She steadied herself against his shoulder, standing next to him as if showing him off to her friends.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Brad apologized. The women were certainly taking their time appreciating the young man standing before them. He was tall, athletic, with he had such an innocent look in his eyes.

"Oh, not a problem, honey. We're actually just finishing up." Jillian nodded to the other moms, who all murmured I distinctly about having to get home, checking their watches and phones. "Looks like I'll need to call you all a ride, huh?" Jillian asked.

"Yes please!" Karen called out, rising to her feet. The other women also stood up, visibly tipsy, gathering their things.

"Wait," Brad interrupted from the side of the room. "Why don't I give you all rides home?" Since getting his license recently, he'd been trying to help his mother out as much as possible. This seemed like a great way, saving all of them money. Besides, he needed a break from studying, and even if he didn't expect anything elicit to happen, it was still a bit of a rush for Brad to ride in any car with Lynn.

"Oh, that would be wonderful!" Jillian exclaimed, happy to see her son offering to help. Lynn perked up. All together, the gaggle of drunk women made their way out of Jillian's home, hugging her goodbye and thanking her for hosting, before piling into Doug's Jeep. Diane climbed in first, sitting behind the driver's seat. Karen slid into the middle seat, next to her, and Michelle sat behind the passenger's seat. Lynn walked up, noticing that the three others had taken the backseat, and swallowed hard before opening the passenger door, realizing she'd be sitting next to Brad as he drove.

In the driver's seat, Brad also swallowed hard, waiting until Lynn was looking down at her seatbelt buckle to adjust himself, trying his best to hide his swelling package. In his gray sweatpants, he could still make out a straining bulge, but it was better than a tent. With a turn of the key, he put the car in drive and pulled out of his driveway.

As he drove, Brad glanced at the woman next to him, then to the women in the backseat. Beside him, Lynn, sober, looked straight ahead, trying her hardest not to stare at the now-obvious bulge in Brad's pants. Her blonde hair wavered as she realized she was holding her breath; exhaling, her ample breasts caught Brad's eye. Behind him, the three drunk women chatted amongst themselves about their weekend plans.

"Thank you for—hic—doing this for us!" Karen hiccupped as she called up to Brad.

"Yeah, thanks so much!" Diane added, sweetly.

"Yes," Lynn smiled, looking to Brad. "Thank you so much." Feeling bold, she reached over, patting him twice on the thigh. In a moment so brief Brad wasn't sure if it actually happened, Lynn ever-so-slightly grabbed a handful of his hard cock, before bringing her hand back to her lap. Brad almost swerved off the road as he pulled up in front of Diane's house, feeling his cock throb in his pants.

"Diane, I didn't know you lived by Cherry Lane!" Michelle perked up, looking out the window as the car slowed to a stop.

"Oh, yeah, talk about memories, right ladies?" Diane laughed as she got out of the car. "Thanks again for the ride!" Brad watched as she made her way up her walk, opened her door and entered her house.

"What's on Cherry Lane?" Brad asked, curious. He knew of the street, which snaked around the hill behind Diane's house, but as far as he knew, it was just a dead end that overlooked the town. There was nothing up there but a few spots to park and a street lamp.

"Oh, come on, Bradley," Michelle chided in jest. "You must know about Cherry Lane. Every teen in town knows about that place." She nudged Karen, who was also smiling.

"It used to be something of a 'lover's lane,' if you know what I mean." Karen giggled. "High schoolers used to park up there to make out and, well..." She let her voice trail off suggestively. Brad knew exactly what she meant.

"But, it was especially famous back in the day because that's where you went to lose your virginity!" Michelle jumped back in. "If you were going to Cherry Lane, you were going to pop your cherry!" She and Karen giggled, whispering amongst themselves about times past.

"You've been there, now, haven't you Bradley?" Karen asked, but he didn't respond. "Come on, a strapping young man like you? You must have taken dozens of girls to Cherry Lane by now!"

"I, uh, well—" Brad stammered, blushing.

"Don't tell me you're still a virgin, Bradley!" Michelle called out, shocked.

"Actually, Ms. Michelle, we're here at your house!" Brad changed the subject as he pulled up in front of her home. Unfazed, she opened the door and climbed out of the car, only tossing a drunken "Thanks!" to Brad as she walked to her front door.

As he drove off, Brad felt bold, and got an idea. He checked his rearview mirror; Karen was staring out the window, not paying any mind to anyone else. With confidence, Brad took one hand from the steering wheel and swiftly slid it onto Lynn's leg, holding a lose grip on her thigh.

Lynn felt her breath hitch in her throat as she watched Brad not take his eyes from the road, even has his hand crept under the hem of her dress. Careful as to make sure that the woman in the back wasn't paying attention, he snuck his fingers into her lap, brushing up against her silk panties. Taking a breath, Brad pushed her panties to one side. One finger traced her lips, feeling a hint of wetness escaping from them. She squirmed under his touch, and Lynn had to bite her lip hard to stifle a surprised moan as Brad inserted one, then two fingers into her warm, waiting pussy.

While driving, Brad began to finger her, massaging her folds, and teasing her clit. Lynn couldn't help but bite down on her own finger to keep quiet. She was mortified that Karen might catch on to what was taking place, but she'd be damned if she actually wanted it to stop. Brad teased Lynn as he drove, alternating between fast and slow motions, massaging her clit, bringing her closer and closer to the edge, until she just couldn't take it anymore. All at once, Lynn felt the orgasm roll through her body. She bucked hard against Brad's hand, letting out a only stifled whimper. As Brad pulled the car to a stop in front Karen's house, the woman climbed out, and said goodbye. Lynn couldn't even bring herself to say goodnight to her friend, too afraid that if she tried to speak she'd only be able to moan Brad's name.

"Well, Mrs. Lynn," Brad smiled as he pulled away from the road. "Next stop, your house."

"No, Bradley." She spoke slowly. "Drive to Cherry Lane."


After a quick drive, Brad got to the top of Cherry Lane, the infamous lover's lane he'd never known about. Atop the hill, there was a small clearing with a view of the suburb below. There was a row that accommodated maybe three cars, lit by a single street lamp, which cast an orange glow on the area. As Brad parked, he felt the strain in his pants throb as he imagined what might happen next.

"Get in the back." Lynn told him once the car was stopped.

"After you," Brad gestured, turning off his lights.

"Always the gentleman." She smiled back at him before unbuckling her seatbelt and climbing over her chair. As she climbed into the backseat, Brad watched her ass in the rear view mirror, perfectly outlined by her sheer dress, which was just short enough for him to get a peak at her silk panties. For just a moment, Lynn paused to wiggle her ass in the mirror as the young man looked on, and Brad felt his cock press against his pants. She finished climbing back, settling herself on the driver's side, behind Brad. He took a deep breath, removed the key from the ignition, dropped it in a cup holder in the center console, and climbed into the backseat as well.

In the back, Brad say across from Lynn, who had her back to the window. She had kicked her shoes off, and was running one hand up her smooth leg, tracing her finger along her calf, up towards her thigh. Brad watched, hypnotized, as her finger stopped just as it reached the hem of her dress.

"Bradley?" She spoke, breaking the silence.

"Y-yes, Mrs. Lynn?" He looked up from her thighs to meet her gaze.

"Lose the shirt." Lynn commanded, and he did not hesitate, pulling his shirt over his head, tossing it to the front seat. For a moment, Lynn admired his young, muscular figure, before continuing, "Now take off your pants." In a matter of seconds, he slipped his sweatpants down to his ankles, kicking them off, sitting in only his tight briefs, which could only barely contain his raging erection.

Resting on her knees, Lynn leaned in towards his lap, her face only an inch from his cock, with just a thin piece of fabric between. She giggled as Brad's cock twitched under her hot breath. No longer able to restrain herself, Lynn yanked down his briefs, dropping them to his ankles. His hard cock spring forward, lightly slapping her in the face as it bounced free of his straining waistband.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry," Brad apologized, mortified. But Lynn wasn't upset, more than anything she was elated. With his cock leaning against her mouth, Lynn puckered her soft lips, giving the underside of his cock a gentle kiss. Brad shuddered from the sensation, and then let out a small, surprised grunt as Lynn opened her mouth and took in his cockhead.

As they sat in the back of his car, Lynn began to slowly nurse on her son's friend's cock. Lying across the back seat, her head in his lap, she teased his cockhead, sucking softly on the smooth skin, and massaging his balls with her delicate fingers. On occasion, she pulled back to lick the tip, lapping up any dollops of precum he produced, tasting the sweet pearl as it burst across her tongue. Brad couldn't help but let out soft moans as he pushed further and further into Lynn's mouth, grabbing onto the side of the door with white knuckles as he fought back blowing his load in this MILF's mouth.

Finally, Brad thought he couldn't hold back any longer, and was about to warn the hardworking woman of his impending orgasm when she pulled back, dropping his throbbing cock from her warm mouth. She wrapped a loose fist around his shaft, beginning to stroke him slowly as she spoke.

"Honey, tell me, were you being honest earlier?" Lynn's voice was low, but innocent.

"What do you mean?" He responded, feeling the previously-building orgasm slowly subside, his balls unclenching.

"When you said you've never been with a girl before." She stopped stroking, looking up at him from his lap. He had trouble looking down at the mature woman holding his cock.

"Oh, um, I— uh—" He stumbled over his words, embarrassed.

"Bradley," she cut him off. "Are you a virgin?" Her bluntness caught him off guard, and he couldn't help but answer her just as bluntly.

"Yes." He blurted out. Immediately, he felt his face flush red, and wondered if Lynn could see his blushing in the low light.

"Well, Bradley," Lynn began to slowly stroke his hard cock again, slowly, teasingly, with a loose fist. "Would you like me to help you out with that?"

Brad could barely hold back, and again almost shot his load right then and there. This woman had been a family friend, someone he'd known for years. Then, a few days ago, she offered him a life-changing ride home, and now she was offering him something he'd only dreamed of... Though, admittedly, he'd dreamed of this quite a bit. On more than a few nights, Brad had turned off porn to instead imagine Lynn's hand wrapped around his cock, her warm and wet mouth, her soft lips and tongue, and, of course, he'd fantasized about what it would be like to fuck her brains out. Now, as he sat in his car in the empty lover's lane, in the low light of the single street lamp, he looked into the eyes of his best friend's mother as she licked a drop of precum from his twitching cockhead, and nodded.

"Allow me." Lynn rose from the floor, kneeling on the cool leather of the backseat. She bunched up two handfuls of the bottom of her dress, and Brad watched in awe as, in one swift move, Lynn pulled her dress up, over her body, over her head, before balling it up and tossing it to the front seat.

Lynn couldn't help but smile as she noticed Brad's cock throb as he got a look at her near-naked body. Even in the dim light, Brad could tell her tan was even, and his eyes poured over her natural curves. As he'd noticed on their car rides, she had thick thighs and beautiful love handles, with a hint of chub in her stomach. Brad's jaw dropped as he finally got a look at her large breasts, barely covered, pressed together by a sheer, black bra, creating a soft cavern of cleavage. He'd seen her in a bathing suit at one or two pool parties, but had never really paid attention. Lynn reached back and effortlessly undid her bra, letting the straps fall from her shoulders, as the cups smoothly released her heavy breasts. Ina moment of boldness, Brad reached out, feeling his cock twitch in his lap as he cupped one breast in his inexperienced hand, resting his other on her hip. Her skin was soft in his hand, and she cooed to his touch when he grazed her nipple with his fingers. He so desperately wanted to ask to fuck her motherly tits, but chose to hold back, instead letting her take the lead. She was, after all, much more experienced than he was.

"Lean back," she told him. They shifted, and Brad slid down, lying on his back across the backseat bench, still slightly upright with his head against the side of the door. Lynn stood to a crouch, and, as Brad looked on in amazement, slid her panties to her ankles, stepping out of them, until she was completely naked in front of him. Brad drank in the sight of her pink pussy, practically dripping wet from how turned on she was. Lynn loved the feeling of being ogled by this young man, and couldn't help but blush. Regaining her composure, she exhaled, before climbing back onto the seat, straddling Brad. With one hand, Lynn steadied his rock hard cock, and he watched with baited breath as his friend's mom slowly lowered herself onto his cock. His breath hitched as he felt the warmth of her pussy surround his cock, and she couldn't help but gasp as she felt his fat cock push past her swollen lips, through her folds, until she was sitting on his lap, his cock fully inside her.

For just a moment, neither of them moved, before Lynn rose up just a few inches, then dipped down again, then back up, then down again. In no time at all, she began to slide up and down in a steady rhythm, feeling his cock push into her, enjoying every twitch and jolt of his cock as he experienced euphoria for the first time. On the other end, Brad groaned softly as the mature woman in front of him began to ride his cock with a purpose, slowly grinding herself against his lap, feeling her contract and tighten around his member.

"Oh my g-god, Bradley!" Lynn now found herself struggling to talk as she rode the young man, beginning to pick up her pace. Soon, she was bouncing up and down, letting out moan after moan.

From below, Brad watched her large, maternal breasts bounce with each pump. As she bounced on his cock, Brad thrust upward into her, and Lynn couldn't help but gasp.

"Fuck!" She shouted, feeling like the wind was knocked out of her, coming closer and closer to the edge. She wobbled, falling forward, steadying herself against window, leaving a smudged handprint.

Now only a few inches from each other, Brad leaned forward, popping one of Lynn's prominent nipples into his mouth, eliciting another surprised moan from the MILF.

"B-Bradley—" Lynn tried to speak, but found it hard to form a complete thought. Teasing her with his mouth, Brad felt her buck lightly against his hips, as he palmed her other breast, massaging the soft skin in his hand.

As she rode him faster and faster, Lynn could no longer take it, and felt something building inside her.

"Brad— Honey— I'm ab-bout to—" but she couldn't finish her sentence. As Brad teased her tits, Lynn could barely hold back, feeling her pussy quiver around his throbbing cock, and in a rush, she felt an orgasm wash over her. She bucked hard against his cock, letting out a stilted scream as she came on the young man's cock. After a moment, she exhaled hard, slumping over in exhaustion, collapsing into his chest. Breathing hard, Brad could feel her soft tits pressed against his chest. With his cock still inside her, he could feel her still gyrating, just barely, slowly grinding against him.

"Is everything okay?" Brad asked, nervous, as he felt her still riding his cock ever-so-gently, practically just massaging the tip of his cock with her lips; with her ministrations, he could feel the cum still building up inside him, waiting to burst soon.

"Bradley," she finally caught her breath, forming a complete thought. "Everything's okay. That was incredible." She paused to take a few more deep breaths. "But we've still got more to do, I know you haven't finished yet. Let's change positions."

Mustering up her drained strength, Lynn pushed herself up from Brad's chest. Sitting up, she climbed off of his cock. Brad watched his shaft, dripping in Lynn's juices, bob free from her swollen, pink sex. Leaning back, she laid on the backseat, spreading her legs in the air. As Brad got to his knees, he positioned himself between her thighs, leaning her calves against his shoulders. With one hand feeling up Lynn's smooth, silky leg, running from her firm calf to her chubby, maternal thigh, Brad's other hand directed his cock as he pushed forward, thrusting into her waiting pussy. With his first thrust, she whimpered, still sensitive from her recent orgasm. Gently, he planted a few soft kisses along the length of her leg, which sent a chill down Lynn's spine, before beginning to pump into her. As he began to find a steady rhythm thrusting in and out, Lynn bit down on her knuckle, trying her best to hold back more moans, as Brad stuffed her with his fat cock.

From his aerial view, Brad watched as Lynn bounced with each of his thrusts, mesmerized by her soft, heavy breasts as they jiggled with each pump. Her blonde hair, splayed behind her, shook, and her brow was furrowed in bliss. She had one hand stuffed partway in her mouth in a weak attempt to keep herself quiet; with her other hand she had begun massaging her breast, feeling up her sensitive skin, teasing her nipple. With each pump, the mature woman let out a stifled whimper, hardly able to contain herself.

As Lynn looked up at Brad, dizzy with arousal, she saw a splash of yellow light wash across his face. Even from her dazed state, she recognized that those were the light from headlights, as another car pulled into the secluded lovers lane. Without slowing down, Brad glanced up, squinting to get a better look at the small sedan that had just pulled in. As it pulled into the only other parking space, maybe fifteen feet from his Jeep, Brad's heart stopped as light from the street lamp above them illuminated the sedan just enough for him to see the faces inside.

From the other car, not five yards away, Kyle looked back at Brad. In the low light, he squinted, making sure he was actually looking at his tepid, quiet friend's face, surrounded on either side by two beautiful, sleek legs pointing directly up in the air. Brad froze, just slowly thrusting back and forth, in and out, with long, slow strokes. On the receiving end, Lynn whimpered in pleasure.

Brad's mind raced for a moment as his hard cock throbbed inside his best friend's mom, while he made eye-contact with said best friend. Does he know? Brad thought. No way could he know, he can't see her face. This must be a terrible coincidence.

He was right, it was just a coincidence, but now he was face to face with Kyle as his friend's mother moaned softly, squirming on his slow-pumping cock.

In the driver's seat, Kyle's girlfriend Amy said something to Kyle that Brad couldn't make out. He watched, holding his breath, as Kyle broke eye contact, turning to say something to Amy. Meanwhile, one of Brad's hands trailed down, his thumb grazing over Lynn's sensitive clit, causing her to moan in surprise. They spoke back and forth for a moment, with Kyle gesturing to Brad's car, before Amy threw the car in reverse and backed out of the parking spot. Brad wasn't sure what Kyle had said to her, but they'd decided to give Brad privacy with his unknown date, and park somewhere else. As they pulled away, Kyle shot Brad a smile and a thumbs up, proud that his timid friend was losing his virginity to some random babe.

In the car, Brad finally exhaled, feeling his cock, hard as ever, twitch against Lynn's velvety folds.

"Who was that?" She asked, taking her fingers out of her mouth. Brad was flustered for a moment, deciding whether or not to lie.

"No clue," he chose to lie. "But it looks like they're going somewhere else." He pushed into her, more assertively this time, with a newfound confidence.

Lynn let out a squeal as Brad began pumping into her, thrusting faster and faster, finding a quick rhythm. His cock thrust in and out of her warm, dripping pussy, as the mature woman's maternal breasts bounced with each pump.

"Bradley," she whispered, struggling to speak again. "You have such a nice cock, I c-can't..." her voice trailed off as her eyes rolled up in bliss. "I mean, I can't believe I'm your first. You're so good at this!" She barely managed to speak before gasping as Brad reached down and began to massage her clit again.

"Lynn—" Brad started.

"Mrs. Lynn" She corrected him.

"Mrs. Lynn, I'm going to, um, finish soon." Brad said.

"You can cum inside me if you want." She shot him a small wink. As if energized by this statement, Brad pushed deeper. This, combined with how he was massaging her clit, as well as the fact that Lynn was exponentially more turned on when she thought about the fact that this well-hung young man filling her with cock was her son's best friend, all worked to bring Lynn to the edge sooner than she'd expected.

"Br-Bradley!" Lynn exclaimed, feeling her insides start to contract. "I'm cumming! Don't stop, Bradley, don't stop!" She screamed, convulsing as one of the strongest orgasms of her life tore through her, bucking against Brad's lap as she came hard on his large cock.

Meanwhile, all the sensations of Lynn's folds contracting as she came on his cock drove Brad to the edge, and he let out a loud groan as he exploded inside her orgasming pussy. With a grunt, he pushed deep into her, feeling their fluids intermingle as he dumped load after load into her. He pulled out, spilling his cum on her quivering pussy lips, as he shot more ropes of hot cum that decorated Lynn's body. As he grunted, Brad blew rope after rope, streaking across her soft stomach, her jiggling tits, with one even glazing across her chin, painting her ruby lips. He'd never cum this hard before, and with one final pump, Brad spilled a fat mess of cum onto Lynn's ravaged pussy before slumping backwards.

Panting, Brad leaned against the cool window behind him, his cock still twitching in his lap; Lynn lay on the seat, her legs still spread, with a mess of cum spilling from between. Breathing hard, trying to catch her breath, Brad tried to speak.

"Wow," was all he could muster. Lynn let out a small giggle at how much they'd worn each other out.

"Wow indeed," she replied, still staring up at the ceiling. "Say," she tipped her head forward, looking at the young man across from her, his cock still hard in his lap. "Can I get a ride home?"