
Hypnotizing Mother


A brand new sleeping bag was tossed onto my bedroom floor.

"Pack your things, we're going camping tomorrow," my mother said with a firm sense of resolve.

"Camping?" I asked. "I thought you hated camping."

"I do. My therapist found that out today and he suggested I give it another try. He wants me to get over all of my phobias. It made sense once I thought about it."

My mother had been going to the therapist for the past several months. I never fully understood why, but it made her happy. I also would never criticize her for that either, since I was a psychology major in college. In fact, I was always 100% supportive of anything she did that involved self-improvement (not that I thought she needed it).

"Well, if that means we get to go camping, then I'm all for it."

Her eyebrow rose. "It'll only be for the weekend. Believe me, I don't want to stay in the woods any longer than I have to."

"The thought of you walking around the forest trying not to get your designer clothes dirty might actually be funny to watch," I smiled.

"Don't count on it mister," she replied. "I'm coming prepared. I've already spend over $200 dollars on a new outfit and hiking shoes for this camping trip, that I'll hopefully never have to wear again."

"I'm sure we'll have a great time."

She nodded. "Thanks. I have no clue how this is going to turn out or what we're going to do over there. But I have a good feeling about all of this."

That sense of resolve remained on her face, and in the tone of her voice. This clearly meant a lot to her for whatever reason.


It was Saturday night and my mother and I sat around a campfire. We spent the afternoon hiking and sightseeing. I loved it, but my mother didn't have the same enthusiasm.

"So now that we've spent a couple hours out here, are you a little less afraid of being in the outdoors?" I asked.

"Not really," she said hesitantly. "But at least we've got to spend a lot of quality time together, right? I've been so busy lately since my recent promotion, and you've got your hands full with college. So it's nice to be able to connect with each other again."

"Good point. We haven't done anything like this in a while."

She nodded. "Well I'm glad that this trip hasn't been a total loss. I can't wait until we get back to the city where there's power and running water and a clean place to live."

"What's this fear you have with nature anyway?" I asked. "I think that's what you mentioned yesterday, that you had a phobia or something. You never told me that before."

"It's nothing you'd be interested in."

There was a passive look on her face, like she wanted to move on, but that only made me more curious.

"Come on mom, I'm majoring in psychology for a reason. Maybe one day I'll be in the shoes of your therapist helping people who really need it."

"Fine," she said with a small huff. "When I was a little girl, our family went camping. One afternoon we went out for a hike and we ran into a grizzly bear. It wasn't a close encounter or anything, the bear was minding its own business across the river. But I remember absolutely freaking out and running for my life in the other direction. Since then I vowed to never return to the outdoors."

"That's the reason?" I asked with a smile. "It sounds like the bear wasn't even close to hurting you."

"You weren't there at the time to see it. It was big and scary."

"That's true I guess. So what about your other reasons for seeing a therapist? Running from a bear can't be the only thing that's making you shell out thousands of dollars to go talk to a professional."

"That part is off limits mister," she said in a motherly tone.

"Now you've got me even more curious. Come on mom. It's just us in the woods. You said you wanted us to spent quality time together, right? That's what people do when they camp and sit by the fireplace, they let their guards down and share revealing stories about themselves."

She paused for a moment and stared at me. "I'm seeing a therapist because I have...intimacy issues."

"Intimacy issues?"

Mom looked genuinely conflicted about whether she should continue or not.

She took a deep breath. "I've only had three orgasms in my life because I have a hard time being comfortable with a man, or even with myself. There, now you know my little secret."

"Oh..." I gasped, not knowing how to react.

"So there's your honest answer. That's why I never wanted to go into detail about why I'm seeing a therapist; because it's embarrassing to talk about."

"It's really nothing to be ashamed of though," I replied in a reassuring way. "Lots of women have intimacy issues. It's definitely treatable based on the new research that's out there."

She gave a forced smile. "I know. My therapist says the same thing. We both agree that it stems from my own insecurities that I have. I've always been insecure about the way I look, among other things."

For a moment, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. There was no doubt she was an attractive woman and had always presented herself with confidence and grace. But like most people with these sorts of issues, you can never really tell what's going on underneath the surface.

"That's common with many women. Even famous supermodels and actresses say they feel insecure about their appearance sometimes. And for what it's worth, I think you're a very beautiful woman. Seriously, whenever we go out together, it gets awkward seeing other guys look you over."

"Thanks," she smiled. "That means a lot coming from a stud like you. But it takes a little more than a few compliments and a few random guys hitting on me to fix my issues. I don't know. I had a special connection with your father and even that wasn't enough for me to fully enjoy intimacy. It's been impossible to find someone else that I can connect with like that."

"So that's why you haven't been on many dates?"

"Basically. It could be a great guy asking for my number, and I would always find a reason to say no. Either that or I would find a way to screw things up because I always think he's going to reject me in the end."

"You're the kind of woman who can get any man she wants," I replied. "Seriously, you're beautiful, smart, funny, and you're pretty good at cooking and cleaning. You're a total package."

She laughed. "Oh really? I guess that does sound like a pretty good deal for a man, minus being able to provide good sex, since...well...nevermind. That was inappropriate. I shouldn't have brought that part up."

She looked a little embarrassed and briefly held her head down.

"It's okay mom. We're both adults here having an adult conversation. I don't mind."

"Sometimes I forget that you're already a young man. And on that note, it's time for me to hit the sack. It's been a long day and I'm exhausted."

"That's not a bad idea," I replied. "I'll do the same after I catch up on some reading."

"Oh? Anything interesting?"

"Just some book on hypnosis. I'm writing a research paper on it."

"That does seem pretty intriguing."

"It is," I replied. "Some parts are controversial, but many doctors think it's the wave of the future in terms dealing with social disorders and what not."

"Sounds a lot better than having to come out to the wilderness to deal with old fears. What do you say we give it a try?" she asked hesitantly.

"What do you mean?"

Her eyebrows rose. "How do you feel about trying a little hypnosis trick on me? It'll be fun. I'm sure it's harmless. I doubt it'll even work, and it's not like we have anything to lose."

I was completely caught off guard by my mother's playful request. It was obvious she was both joking and serious at the same time. And she was right, there was nothing to lose. It's harmless.

"I...I guess so. I've never done it before, but the instructions in the book don't seem that hard."

"Great! But we'll only do this on one condition," she replied.

"What's that?" I asked.

"That if this little experiment actually works, that you don't try to take advantage of me in any way. I'm serious. I don't want any weird things going on, like you making me your servant or giving you all of my money. Nothing weird. We're just doing this for fun and I fully expect you to treat me with the utmost of care."

I nodded. "What kind of creep do you think I am? You don't have to worry about anything like that. Promise. Now let me get my book..."


After several minutes of reading the instructions, and several more minutes of trying to do it right- it actually worked! My mother gazed at me with a blank look in her eyes. She sat motionless and was unresponsive except to my voice. She was under hypnosis.

"Can you hear me?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied in a lifeless voice.

Seeing my mother in a state of pure emptiness was scary at first. It was uncharted territory for both of us. One wrong move could have its unintended consequences. But at the same time, it was exciting. It was human psychology and biology at its most fascinating (at least in my opinion). She was under my control and I wanted to do my very best to help her.

"Good," I said. "I understand that you have certain issues with yourself. Insecurities about who you are and the perception of your body image. Is that correct?"


"Can you tell me about them? Do you know how it started?" I asked, trying my best to play the role of a real doctor.

"It started when I was young," she replied in the same hypnotic state. "My parents were strict when it came to sex. I grew up in a strict environment and I used to feel ashamed for having dirty thoughts. I never felt comfortable with myself. The feeling of acting sinful stayed with me my entire life and I never got over it."

Hearing the personal details of my mother's life came as a surprise to me. I wanted to help, but I didn't want to do anything which could radically change her in any way, so I decided on putting a time limit to all of this.

"I understand. I might be able to help you with this. Do you think you can follow my instructions for a while?"

"Yes," she slowly nodded.

"Good. Up until sometime tomorrow morning, I want you to realize how beautiful you actually are. I want you to be comfortable in your own skin. No more insecurities. No more judging yourself. And no more intimacy issues. Is that clear?"


"Good. Now I'm going to count backwards to one, and when I snap my fingers, you're going to be an entirely new person for a while. 3...2...1..."


The next morning was quiet. There was the usual sound nature makes, but nothing from my mother. She always wakes up earlier than me and greets me whenever I get out of bed. Her tent was open and she was nowhere in sight. I washed up, and before I could start looking for her, I heard her call me.

"Hey there!" my mother yelled behind me. "Beautiful morning, isn't it?

When I turned to look, I saw my mother without any clothes on. She was completely naked like there wasn't a care in the world.


She briefly looked down at herself and then up at me. "What? Naked? It's a beautiful day and I really need a tan. Lighten up."

My eyes wandered over her body. Her middle aged figure looked stunning. She was completely unabashed that my eyes roamed her large round breasts, which sagged a little, and the voluptuous shape of her hips. Her brown nipples looked hardened, but that was probably because of the cool breeze.

"But...you're naked," I stammered.

"We went over that already," she replied with a puzzled expression. "I don't know why, but I've never felt so liberated in my life. I love it."

A sudden sense of guilt came over me. I found myself becoming aroused looking at my naked mother, and it was all my fault that I had hypnotized her to be this way.

"So you're just going to stay like that?" I asked.

"Why not? You can join me if you'd like. I don't have a problem with that."

"Uh, no thanks."

She put her hands on her bare hips and gave me a stern look. "And I thought I was the family prude. Anyway, I was on my way to a morning swim, so why don't you join me? I could use the company. Now let's get you naked."

Before I could respond, my naked mother walked towards me and gave my tshirt a soft tug on the bottom.

"What are you doing?" I asked in near disbelief.

She smiled and playfully kept on tugging. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm not letting go until you're butt naked and in the water with me."

My mother stayed true to her word and continued to playfully tug on my clothes. She wouldn't relent and eventually was able to get my tshirt off after I lifted my arms.

"Do you really want to do this?" I asked as I stood shirtless.

"I wouldn't be naked if it didn't feel good. Now off with your shorts."

She reached down and her hands moved towards my bottom. At that point, I could have easily stopped her. But I couldn't. A part of me didn't want to. I felt powerless by her naked beauty.

In a swift motion, she pulled down my shorts and underwear and I was naked right alongside her. I never considered myself an exhibitionist in any way, but there was a strange thrill in being naked in front of my own mother, with her eyes looking me over.

"You've grown," she said, with her eyes roaming my body and private area.

"Thanks," I blushed. "So are we just going to stand here and look at each other's naked bodies all morning?"

She reached out and held my hand. "Of course not. This weather is perfect for swimming and we're going to do just that. Now into the lake young man."

We held hands and walked with each other, taking step after step until we were both inside the water. She held my hand tighter after she felt the cold water touch her feet, and she loosened her grip when she got used to it.

"This feels refreshing," I said as we both entered the lake.

"I know. It's exactly what I was craving for since the moment I woke up this morning."

She was referring to the hypnosis and she didn't even realize it. A part of me wanted to tell her outright what I had done the night before, but that could have meant that I wouldn't see her naked anymore. I wanted to make the moment last.

"You're usually uptight about this," I noted. "I mean, you're always covered up at home, and now you seem to love being so free with yourself."

She began to swim with a serene look on her face. "You're right. But the strangest feeling has come over me and I have never felt anything like it before. Maybe my therapist was right. Maybe all I needed was to be out here in nature to find peace."

"Maybe. I haven't seen you this relaxed and happy in a while."

Her hand lifted from the water and splashed my face. "How's that for happy?"

I splashed the water right back in her direction. "We're even now."

"You think so?"

A big smile grew on her face and she swam towards my direction. She was in an incredibly playful mood as she reached out with both arms and tried to pull my head underwater. I didn't let her, and we laughed and wrestled around with each other. She ended up giving me a big hug, pressing her large breasts with her hard nipples against my chest. Feeling my mother's naked skin against mine was a surreal taboo.

"God, you're a real strong lady," I joked.

She lifted one arm and flexed her bicep. "It's from years of doing housework and taking care of you. Being a good mother is hard work. I hope you appreciate it."

"Of course I do."

"You say that like you mean it," she said with a sincere look in her eyes.

"I always mean it."

"Then prove it," she said as she wrapped her hands around the back of my neck.

We kissed each other on the lips. It wasn't the innocent mother/son kind of kiss. It was the dirty kind, the kind that two sexually aroused adults would give each other; and I loved every second of it.

Our tongues wrestled. Our hands caressed each other's bodies. Her hand reached down and touched my hard cock, which the cold water couldn't even get rid of.

I was excited at the thought of my mother giving me a handjob, but before she did, she let go.

Her face went blank and her eyes were filled with a look of horror.

"Why are we naked together?" she asked with a genuine curiosity. "And why was my hand on your penis? Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening."

I followed her lead as we swam back to land, and things only became more awkward as she saw my raging hard cock as I followed her.


We argued with each other for what seemed like hours, but it was only the rest of the morning. The hypnosis wore off and she had turned back to her normal self without any knowledge of the night before. To say that she was angry was an understatement. She was furious.

I kept on assuring her that I wasn't a pervert and that I didn't take advantage of her in any way. She was skeptical about it, but eventually she remembered and had accepted the fact that she had been acting under the spell of my hypnosis.


The rest of the morning was awkward and our lunch time was mostly silent. She had come to terms with the fact that the hypnosis had worked and that we were completely naked together.

"At least you got a good show out of this, right?" she asked softly with a faint smile.


"That was a joke. I'm sorry for freaking out and accusing you of dirty tricks. It felt like I had just snapped back to my old self, only without any clothes on and I saw you with a big smile on your face. What else was I supposed to think?"

I nodded. "You don't have to be sorry about that. We're both new to this whole hypnosis thing. I tried doing it safely, but I guess that wasn't enough."

"It's a learning experience. There was nothing malicious about it."

"As long as you're not mad," I said with relief. "This whole situation was the last thing I had expected to happen. I never even considered it."

She arched an eyebrow. "You didn't seem so bothered by it at the time, if you know what I mean."

"So now you're going to blame that on me?"

"No. I take full responsibility for dragging you into the river with me naked. But I'm still curious about that massive erection you had when we got out of the water."

I shrugged. "What did you expect? You've got a great body. Mom or not, ANY man would have been as excited as I was. Besides, my penis doesn't discriminate on any basis."

"Apparently not."

"Okay, now things are getting awkward again. We should just start packing our things. Hopefully we'll look back at this years from now and laugh."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," my mother said with a sense of hesitation. "I've been thinking about it for the past hour, and it really wasn't that bad. I felt a sense of freedom which I've never felt before while I was under your hypnosis. It was heavenly."

"Well you could have told me that earlier and saved me the guilt trip," I joked.

A smile grew on her face. "What I'm saying is, I'm still struggling with all of this. It's not easy for me. Mothers aren't supposed to let their sons see them undressed, not to mention prancing around with them in the nude. It isn't right."

"I get the feeling that there's more you want to say."

She took a deep breath. "I've quietly done some soul searching while we were eating lunch and I've come to the conclusion that it wouldn't be so bad if we did this again. If you're still comfortable with hypnotizing me, I would be more than willing to give it another try."

Those words hit me like a smack in the face. Not only was my mother no longer upset, but she wanted to continue our hypnosis, which possibly meant that I might see her naked again.

"Only if you're sure," I replied. "And only if you give me some specific guidelines, you know, so I wouldn't get blamed if you did something weird."

"Fair enough. But I haven't really thought of anything in particular. I trust you. Do what you want. The only thing I ask is that you don't make anything permanent. I'd like to take things one step at a time."

"You're serious about this, aren't you?" I asked.

She nodded. "I am. This morning felt like I was finally unshackled of all my emotional restraints. I felt so alive and I want to experience that again."

"And the nudity part? What happens if I hypnotize you, and you get naked again? Are you going to freak out again?"

"It's not what I want to happen, but if it does, I can live with it as long as no one ever find out. This stays strictly between us. Think of this as a therapist/patient privilege. I'm handing myself over to you."

"What do you want out of this specifically? To feel comfortable, or to feel something more? I'm not exactly sure what you want me to do."

She took a deep breath. "I want you to cure my intimacy issues. It's been so long since I've had an orgasm. You're a young man, so you could relieve yourself whenever you want. Now try not having an orgasm for a couple of years. Doesn't sound very fun does it?"

My heart nearly skipped a beat. Hearing my mother talk about her sexuality and orgasms was almost music to my ears in a strange, perverted way.

"You're right, mom. I'll do my best."

She smiled, "Good. Now let's get started."


It wasn't long before I put my mother back under hypnosis. Once again, I had complete control over her mind and body. But this time, I had her permission to take things a step further.

"Can you hear my voice?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied robotically.

"Perfect. Now I want you to think about all of your sexual troubles and all of the insecurities you have when it comes to intimacy."

"Yes. It's always been difficult for me. It feels like I won't allow myself to enjoy that part of life."

I took a deep breath. She was at my mercy, and under my complete control.

"Now I want you to do something; for the next few hours, you're going to release your inhibitions. No more insecurities. No more shame. No more roadblocks. You're going to be a new woman that's vibrant, healthy, and lusting for sex. I want you to let go. I want you to give in to your carnal needs and I want you to satisfy it as much as your heart desires. Is that understood?"

She nodded. "You want me to let go and give in to my desires."

Temptations took over and I gave the final instruction to my hypnotized mother. In that split second, I convinced myself that I wasn't taking advantage of her, but that I was helping her.

"You going to obey my commands. I want you to do as I say during these next few hours. Is that understood?"

She nodded again. "Yes, I understand."

"Very good. Now I'm going to count backwards, and when I snap my fingers, you're going to once again be comfortable in your own skin and do everything that I've asked. 3...2...1..."


After I snapped my fingers, my mother came back to reality and had a look of epiphany on her face. She was back to her normal self, but at the same time, I could see it in her eyes that she was a different woman.

"So how do you feel?" I asked curiously. "Did it work?"

She gave a long pause and thought for a moment. "It feels like nothing changed. I'm sorry, I don't think it worked this time. Maybe things will be different once we're home and I'm relaxed and alone."

"You're probably right about that. This isn't exactly the environment for that sort of thing. At least we tried though, right?"

"Or maybe that's the way it was meant to be," she said with a sad look. "Oh well, you did your best. Maybe I was meant to be a sexless woman. We should start to pack up now."

When she stood up, she suddenly froze and her face went blank. "Uh...oh my god."

"Are you okay mom? What is it?"

"I...I feel..."

"Aroused?" I asked.

She nodded nervously and breathed heavily. "It feels so warm between my legs, like it's craving for something."

"Just try to relax," I said calmly as I stood up. "The hypnosis must have worked and your body is reacting to it. This is great mom."

Her knees slightly weakened and she did her best to stand upright. "I don't know if I can go through with this. It stings, and I'm scared. I want you to undo the hypnosis right now."

"Wait a minute. Isn't this what you wanted? This is your chance to fully experience the things your body needs."

"But you're my son," she replied with a concerned look. "I didn't expect to actually be having these feelings right in front of you."

At that point, I felt incredibly conflicted. On one hand, I fully understood how embarrassing this would be for her. On the other hand, I really did want to help her in any way that I could. And more than anything, I wanted to see her naked again, not to mention sexually aroused.

"Give me a chance," I replied. "I know I'm not the person you ever expected to be doing this stuff with, but it's obviously working."

She paused and took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll give you chance. Now do what you need."

"I want you to completely undress," I said in a commanding voice.

The hypnosis once again proved how effective it was and she started removing her clothes. Piece by piece, each article of clothing she wore was removed from her body. Her face looked like she was in disbelief as she got naked for me. Once she was done, I got a better view of how aroused she was by the wetness between her legs.

"Did you hypnotize me to do whatever you say?" she asked with a dumbfounded look. "I can't believe that I got naked so easily."

"Is any of this bothering you?"

"Well you've already seen me naked, so there's no point in making a big fuss about it anymore."

"Good," I smiled. "I probably wasn't going to stop anyway. I kind of like having you under my spell. It's fun."

She held back a playful grin. "I was expecting you to be a little more professional about this."

"I am being professional about this," I teased. "But that doesn't mean we can't have fun with it."

"So what comes next? Are you just going to have me stand here naked all day?"

"Of course not. Now I want you to put your hand between your legs and rub. Tell me what you feel."

At that point, I couldn't tell if she was acting under hypnosis, or on her own accord. But she moved her hand without hesitation and placed it between her legs. Her fingers moved and a soft moan escaped her lips.

"It feels...warm," she said with another moan. "My clitoris is throbbing and aching to be touched."

She didn't need further instructions as she continued rubbing herself. Her facial expressions changed every few seconds while she masturbated in front of me.

"You know that I enjoy watching you right?" I asked without thinking.

"I can tell."

Normally, this sort of thing would freak my mother out. She was always guarded with her body. But now, it seemed so bizarre that she was naked and masturbating in front of me, like this was all no big deal. On a strange level, this was totally hot for both of us.

The fluids from her vagina seeped through her fingers and dripped to the ground. She went faster and more fluids dripped.

"Take a few steps towards me," I ordered.

She did as I asked and we became face to face. Her fingers never stopped rubbing her vagina, and I reached up with both hands and cupped her breasts. I gently squeezed and massaged them. My fingers took each of her hard brown nipples and pinched them slightly. Her facial expressions changed immediately, showing the state of pleasure she was in. I could only imagine how sensitive those big nipples were, especially in the heightened state of arousal she was in.

"Don't stop," she in a sexually depraved voice. "I love the way it feels when you touch me."

My mind swirled with all sorts of perverted thoughts once she admitted that. My hands caressed her harder and I continued playing with her big nipples.

"Can we go further?" I asked. "Do you mind?"

"I don't think I'm in a position to give you any orders," she smiled in a mischievous way, which was basically meant to encourage me.

"That's right. You aren't. Now take off my tshirt the way you did this morning."

Both of her hands took off my tshirt, and I couldn't help but enjoy the fact that her fingers were dripping with vaginal fluids.

"Anything else?"

"My shorts."

A part of me expected that my mother would snap out of her hypnosis, or admit that she was pretending to be hypnotized, and then slap me in the face for making a perverted request like that. But that never happened. She dropped to her knees and pulled my shorts and underwear down, leaving me as naked as she was. My cock immediately turned stiff in front of her face.

She puckered her lips and looked at me with eager eyes. "What would you like me to do next?"

From her position on her knees, licking her lips, and looking up at me, we both knew what was about to happen. And by the look in her eyes, she seemed eager to please.

"I think you know what I want right now."

Without hesitation, she took my throbbing hard cock inside her mouth and began to suck. One of her hands held and stroked my cock while she sucked me off, and her other hand reached down to continue rubbing her swollen clit.

She sucked my cock with enthusiasm and vigor I had never felt before. She was a woman who was driven by a need to satisfy her overwhelming sexual desire. I wanted to let this continue for as long as I could, but I never forgot that this was about her and not me.

"Do you like doing this?" I asked.

She took my saliva covered erection out of her mouth and answered, "I'm enjoying this a lot more than when I did it for your father."

"Good. Now I'm going to return the favor. I want you to experience what sex feels like when you're completely uninhibited. Now lay on your back."

My mother's eyes lit up. Her dream of finally enjoying a normal sex life was finally coming true, and I was ready to give her something that she would never forget.

She got on her back, on top of the beach blanket which had already been laid out on the dirt, and she waited for my instructions. Her face showed her nervousness, and I couldn't blame her. She was about to get fucked by her own son.

"What now?" she asked, with a trembling voice.

"Spread your legs."

Her knees arched and her thighs were spread. I got between her legs and saw the inner workings of my mother's wet vagina. I gave it a good look up close before bending down to kiss it. Her body reacted the moment I did, so I did it again and again. My tongue darted out and touched her hard clit and I could hear her moaning. Her body shook and twitched with every lick and kiss I gave.

"Oh my god...don't stop...don't stop..." she bluntly stated in a depraved voice.

I continued sucking and licking her labia and clitoris until my mouth got tired. Her fluids were everywhere and it was obvious she was on the brink of an intense orgasm. But my cock was still rock hard and I had a better idea.

"Ask me to fuck you," I ordered. "I want to hear you say it."

"Fuck me. I want you to fuck me hard. I want you to make me cum. I need it badly. I'm desperate for it."

The look in her eyes and the tone in her voice gave me everything I wanted to know. She was desperate and hungry for this.

I postured up between her legs and hovered over her. My naked skin pressed against hers and we were ready to give in to our powerful sexual feelings.

"Now I want you to reach down and guide my cock inside of you."

We were face to face, and she did what I asked. Her hand grabbed my raging hard cock and pressed it against the flesh of her vagina. I pushed my cock in, past her labia, and into her warm, tight little hole. She felt the way every woman should. It was warm and inviting.

The best part was seeing her facial expressions change with every inch I entered. Her eyebrows raised, and then lowered. Her eyes opened, and then closed. Her mouth opened, and then she would clench her teeth. It was like the perfect mixture of conflict and pleasure.

"Is everything okay?" I made sure.

The conflict remained on her face. "I never thought I'd be making love to my own son. But it feels perfect. Keep going. I'm not fragile. I won't break. You can make love to me. Or fuck me, if you'd like. Whichever you prefer."

God, what a statement. Fast or slow? Loving or rough? This was my mother, after all, so I settled for something in between.

It wasn't long before we started having sex. Slow and loving at first. Then I fucked her harder. It was just the two of us out in the middle of nowhere. The only thing that mattered was that it was the most amazing and pleasurable experience we had ever felt. Our eyes were locked onto each others and our breathing became heavy. I fucked her faster and faster, and her moans became heavier. Her facial expressions kept on changing and it was clear that she was having the time of her life.

"Oh my god," she groaned loudly. "Oh my god. I'm going to...I'm going to..."

She was going to cum. Hearing her express those words and feeling her skin and seeing her in pleasure was too much for me to take as well. She drove me crazy. And I did the same to her.

I fucked her as hard as I possibly could and she started to scream with incredible pleasure. Her arms squeezed me tight, and so did her legs which were wrapped around my body. Her eyes were shut tightly and she clenched her teeth. I could feel her vaginal muscles contracting and a gush of fluids rushed out from her cunt. She was having a powerful orgasm.

She screamed and screamed. Her back arched violently as we both came at the same time. I shot a large load of my cum deep inside of her womb before we both went completely limp, and I collapsed on top of her.

We were both sweating and exhausted. I could feel her heart pounding when I rolled off of her and laid on my back for a few minutes.

"So how do you feel?" I eventually asked with a heaving breath.

"I'm cured."

"I'm glad to hear it. That was the best sex I've ever had in my life. I don't care if anyone knows that I just fucked my own mother."

"Well I do!" she said as she playfully slapped my chest. "This is our little secret. God, I don't think I'll ever be the same woman again. I feel...new. Relieved."

"That was just so amazing. Maybe we could stay out here for a little while and, you know, explore a few more things."

She smiled, "Well as far as I'm concerned, you're my new therapist. I'm listening to every word you have to say. And I've also got a few fantasies I'd like to explore. In the meantime, I need to wash myself. I could feel your cum leaking from inside me. Let's go back to the lake to get cleaned up."

I grabbed her wrist and held her down. "Actually, I prefer the other way of cleaning up. I know you know what I'm talking about."

Her eyes gave me a stern look, which turned playful. "Fine. You've earned it."

"My payment for being a good therapist."


She bent down and took my cum covered cock into her mouth and she sucked and swallowed. Within a matter of seconds, all the cum on my cock had been sucked away, only to be replaced with her warm saliva. Although I was clean, she kept on sucking. Then she took my cock out of her mouth and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Happy?" she asked after a gulp to swallow it.

Mom got up and walked naked to the lake. I followed her and watched as she crouched down and splashed water into her pussy, letting everything drip away, cleansing herself of the intense orgasm.