
Glory Hole Ch. 05

I'm going home, are you coming?"

"No. I'm going to stay for a while."

He then left, and I gestured to Rick that I wanted another beer. He was busy with another customer, but as soon as he was free he served me.

"That guy you were talking to. Do you know him?"

"I do now."

"Very funny, but you know what I mean."

I could see in his face that what I had said had irritated him. Rick was now more than just a bartender, he was a friend, so I needed to apologise.

"Sorry," then I quickly added, "Never seen him before. Just somebody who wanted to talk about the girls."

"He comes in every few weeks, always on a Friday. You are the first person that he has spoken to."

"So he orders his drinks by sign language?"

That got a smile from Rick.

"Of course he talks to me, but we never have a conversation. I don't even know his name."

I did, but that was because he was my Father. His name was Frank, but he had told me that to the girls he was known as Elvis. Half an hour ago, when I had seen him come out of the back room, I nearly had a heart attack. He was the last person I had expected to see at The Tavern. But you know what they say, it's the quiet ones you have to worry about.

On my way home, I kept thinking about what had happened. My Father had fucked Chloe, his Daughter, through the Glory Hole, without realising who she was. My Sister had been happy to accept Elvis's cock, not knowing that it was really her Father's. I was now trying to find an answer to the big question, 'Should I tell them?'

When I went to bed I was still thinking about it. Anne was due back Sunday, I could discuss it with her, and then I realised that I couldn't. She still didn't know that Lizzy was my Mother and that Charlotte was my Sister. I hadn't told her because I was worried what her reaction might be. You either think tasting forbidden fruit is erotic, or disgusting. From what I already knew about Anne, I would guess she would find it exciting, but I had a nagging feeling that she might not approve of it. However, I would have to tell her eventually, otherwise I would never be able to take her home to meet my family.

It was just after eight when I woke. I was tempted to stay in bed longer, but my stomach was rumbling, so I got up. When I went into the kitchen, my Sister was at the table. I looked at her, and she smiled.

"After you left me, a new guy came into the room. I bet you can't guess what he was calling himself?"

I bet I could, but I needed to pretend that I didn't.


That got a frown from her.

"Don't be silly, have a proper guess."

I was tempted to tell her the correct answer, just to shock her, but I resisted.


"That's better, but no."

This could go on all day.

"I give in."

"It was, drum roll please."

I just ignored her.


I shrugged my shoulders, then I said, "What's the big deal? That's a perfectly good name."

"I just thought it was unusual. Nobody calls themselves Elvis these days."

I hadn't planned to quiz her about last night, but her mentioning it had given me the opportunity to do so.

As casually as I could, I said, "So how was Elvis?"

"Good. I would say he was about fifty years old," then she giggled, before saying, "But he fucked nearly as good as you."

So there was still life in the old dog.

"Did he have a big cock?"

"Average. No, slightly bigger than that."

So I hadn't inherited my ten inches from him.

"Do you think he will be back?"

Her hands were now on her hips, and she was staring at me, obviously offended by my question.

"Of course he will be back. He said so himself, and it might even be next week."

She then got up to make herself a coffee, and I debated with myself again about telling her. I was still thinking about it when Mother and Father joined us.

During breakfast there wasn't much conversation, and as soon as my Sister and Mother had finished, they left the kitchen. We could now, if we wanted to, talk about last night.

I looked at Father, wondering what to say. He then gave me a brief smile, before getting back to his newspaper. And that was the end of it.

An hour later I called Anne. I wanted to know what time she would be back tomorrow. I had spoken to her yesterday, and that had been when she had told me that she wouldn't be home Saturday, she was staying an extra day. I had been disappointed, but I didn't make a big deal of it. However, when she now informed me that Sunday had become Thursday, I lost the plot. We argued, and I even slammed the phone down. A few seconds later she called me back.

"I am Anne. You can do whatever you want with me."

Normally that got me excited, but this time it just made me laugh.

For the rest of the day I did as little as possible. I even had a nap in the afternoon, but that turned out to be a bad idea, because it was now nearly midnight and I couldn't sleep. I think it was after one when I eventually drifted off.

Despite not getting to sleep until late, I woke early, just before seven. It was after eight before anybody else was up, and it was Father. After a quick breakfast, he surprised me my saying, "I am off to play golf."

Not long after he had gone, my Sister joined me in the kitchen, and I got another surprise. She was just wearing her knickers.

Staring at her I said, "What if Father had seen you like this?"

"He would have got a stiffy," then she laughed, before saying, "I heard him leave, so I knew it was OK to come down. I am going to have some toast, then I am going to go back to bed. I need my beauty sleep."

As she popped the bread into the toaster, I went behind her and put my hands on her hips, then I whispered in her ear, "I have something for you."

She giggled, then said, "I know. I can feel it pushing against me."

When she turned round, I thought she was going to kiss me, but instead she pushed me back with both her hands.

"I need food more that I need sex."

"Not a problem. You can eat while I fuck you."

She shook her head.

"Let me. If you do I will tell you who Elvis is," then I quickly added, "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"Who is he?"

It had just popped into my head, and I should have had the good sense to keep it there. She was now giving me an intimidating stare, and it was going to continue until I told her.

I was never going to win, so I took two deep breathes, then I said, "It's Father."

I watched her face change. First it was shocked, then it was thoughtful, but soon it became excited. I seized the opportunity, by going for her tits.

As I pulled on both of her nipples, she said, "That's what he did," then she shook her head, before continuing with, "My Father played with my nipples."

I muttered under my breath, "He did more than that," but I don't think she heard me.

When I greedily sucked on her nipple, she gasped, and then said, "What if he comes back?"

"He's gone to play golf."

Now that she knew it was safe to carry on, she was more enthusiastic, and moaning louder than before. Each time I switched nipples, the volume seemed to go up. Any louder and she would wake Mother up.

And that is what happened. She got louder, and shortly after, we were startled by Mother entering the kitchen.

"I don't mind you fucking, but please will you keep the noise down."

Then she looked as if she was going to leave, but when she gave us a wicked grin, I knew she was staying, and I knew she was joining in.

Both my Sister's nipples were now being sucked.

"I need a tongue on my clit," then she gasped, before saying, "And I need it now."

We both raised our heads, then we looked at each other. Who was going to do it? I wanted to, but the look on Mother's face told me that she wanted it more.

I waved my hand, as if I was gesturing for her to go through a door, then I said, "After you."

She giggled, then we both stepped back, so that my Sister could lie down. Unless we changed rooms, it was going to have to be the table or the floor. She chose the table. After taking her knickers off, she was quickly onto it, ready for Mother to get to work on her pussy.

I watched as Mother parted Chloe's legs, before burying her head between them. Then I heard a noise that sounded like a thirsty cat lapping at a bowl of milk, and I smiled. She was doing a good job.

"Play with my tits."

I had been mesmerised by what was going on between my Sister's legs, but it was now time for me to join in.

It soon became a competition, about who could give Chloe the most pleasure. Mother had the advantage because she was working on a clit, but I wasn't far behind with what I was doing to the nipples.

Five minutes later it seemed as if we would take her over the edge, but she wanted more.

Between moans, she said, "Change over."

I was happy to do that, but my Mother seemed reluctant. She only moved when I pulled on her head. As we crossed over, I could see the disappointment on her face. Childishly I stuck my tongue out at her, and in response, she raised her middle finger, then gestured it towards me. We then both burst out laughing.

"Take your time. Don't worry about me."

My Sister had said it with heavy sarcasm. I looked at Mother, and the laughing stopped. We knew that if we delayed much longer, it would spoil it for Chloe.

Now that it was my turn on her cunt, I was going to make the most of it. I started by running my tongue up and down her slit several times, then I stuck it in as far as it would go. Next I attacked her big clit.

"Fuck. That's so good."

I was pleased that she liked it, but I had something better up my sleeve, and when I did it she gave an almighty moan. I had sucked on her clit.

"Do it again."

I did, and I kept on doing it.

"Bite my nipple," then she gasped, before saying, "Gently."

Her cunt and nipples were now getting the attention that they needed, but my cock was getting nothing.

"Let me know when you need to be fucked."

That got a "No," quickly followed by, "Just make me come now."

I wasn't happy with that, and I was about to protest, then my Mother spoke.

"Make her come, and then you can have me."

That was all the incentive I needed. As I licked and sucked on her clit, I thought of what was happening next. My cock would soon be pushing deep into my Mother, and it wouldn't stop until it was fully in. Then I would fuck her hard, very hard.

Now that I was concentrating fully, it wasn't going to take long to take my Sister over the edge. After a couple more minutes, she was nearly there.

"Suck harder."

I glanced at my Mother, and I could tell she was thinking the same as me. Who was Chloe talking to? However, it didn't matter, because both of us started doing what she had asked. Seconds later my Sister erupted. It was the full works, back arching, head jerking and eyes rolling. It looked as if it was never going to end. When it did, Chloe looked exhausted.

As she got off the table, she muttered, "I only came down for some toast."

I looked across at the toaster, then I said, "It's ready now."

She laughed, and we joined in. It was stone cold, having popped up ages ago.

Staring at it, she said, "I'm going to have cereal now instead."

Then Mother added, "And I am going to have a big cock."

"In that case I'm going to eat in the living room."

We waited until my Sister had left before starting. Mother only took her knickers off, leaving her bra and nightie on, so I knew she just wanted to be fucked. I was OK with that, my Sister had provided the foreplay, so I was ready to go straight for it as well.

I thought she might do what Chloe had done, go on the table, but instead she bent over one of the kitchen chairs. It wasn't the best height for me, and I would have to bend my knees, but I wasn't going to say no. I was twenty three, and at that age you will accept any position, no matter how uncomfortable, when there is cunt on offer.

As my cock pushed into her, she sighed, then said, "I love your Father, but I wish he had your cock."

Then, when I started fucking her, she added, "We had sex last night, but I need more."

I thought she was going to keep talking, but when I started giving her long hard strokes, she went quiet.

It wasn't long before she was gasping, and my balls were tightening. We would both be reaching it soon, and with a bit of luck, at the same time. Shortly after we both climaxed, only seconds apart. As soon as my cock had stopped twitching, I pulled out of her. I wished every Sunday morning would start like this.

Father got back just after midday. We were in the living room, watching television.

"You need to get some exercise. Just watching television all day is not good for you."

Then he was gone. We all looked at each other, then we laughed. We had got plenty of exercise while he was away.

Monday was a slow day. I had lots of work to do, but I was finding it difficult to concentrate. Victoria was in, but was busy for most of the day in meetings. I only saw her twice, and for just a few minutes each time. By the afternoon I was even hoping that Jim would come over and see me, but he didn't.

I left at five on the dot, but this time for home rather than The Tavern. I wasn't in the mood for sex, and that was now worrying me. I was twenty four in two months. Was I getting old?

However, when I woke the next day, I had an erection that was so hard it could have cut through steel. My libido was back. I was tempted to knock one off, but that would be a waste, better to save it for a Glory Hole in The Tavern tonight.

When I got into work, Victoria was waiting for me, and it was obvious that she wanted to tell me something. When I got near to her, she looked around, to check that there was nobody listening, before saying, "I start tonight."

I was now glad that I had restrained myself this morning.

"Will you be going to The Tavern?"

"I wasn't going to," then I paused briefly, to tease her, before continuing with, "But I will do now."

That got a big smile from her. I was always going to go, but saying that to her had made her feel special. Before going back to her office, she told me that she would only be working between six and eight. Rick had suggested that she only did a short shift on her first day, and she had agreed with him.

I had a lot of work to do, so lunch was a sandwich at my desk while I got on with it. While taking my second bite, I saw Jim approaching. Yesterday I would have welcomed the distraction, but today I was too busy.

"Did you know that polar bears have black skin and although their fur appears white, it is actually transparent?"

It was another one of his random facts, and my first reaction was to say, "Yes, now fuck off," but what I actually said was, "No. That is very interesting."

He then stood there, and I could tell he wanted to say something else. I gave him a nice smile, then I waited. Eventually it came out.

"Do you know when Victoria," then he started again, "Do you know when Madonna is working at The Tavern?"

"Yes, but it's a secret. If I tell you I will have to kill you."

That got a wry smile from him, but I don't think he found it funny, so I decided to just tell him.

"Tonight, between six and eight."

"Are you going to see her?"

See her. I'm going to fuck her.

"Yes, what about you?"

"I have something planned," then he quickly said, "But it can be cancelled."

Thankfully, he didn't stay long. We were now both going to The Tavern, and we had arranged to meet there at five thirty.

We didn't leave together, but we got there almost at the same time. I was just ordering a beer when Jim arrived. I got one for him as well. For the next twenty minutes we talked about lots of things, but we avoided the elephant in the room. That was Victoria, and who would be going first.

It was now five minutes to six, so we had to decide.

"It's nearly time."

Jim looked at his watch, than nodded in agreement.

"What do we do, toss a coin?"

He looked horrified at my suggestion.

"No. I am happy to wait."

That made me feel guilty, and I was now determined that he would have the honour of going first.

"Thanks Jim, but I insist."

When he looked at me he must have seen that I meant it, because he said, "OK."

When it was time, I wished him good luck, then he made his way to the back room. Rick then came over.

"Who is he seeing?"


Rick shook his head, then he reached under the bar. He now had in his hand a nameplate, and on it was 'Madonna'. Jim was back as Rick was showing it to me.

Looking at Jim, he said, "Sorry, I need to put this on the door first."

This time when Jim went to the back room, he was accompanied by Rick.

I now had to wait my turn. As I drank my beer I kept checking my watch. My guess was that it would be twenty minutes, but Jim was gone longer than that, almost forty. When he got back to the bar he looked like the cat that had got the cream.

"I think I am in love."

I was pleased he had enjoyed it, and I didn't burst his bubble by reminding him that he was supposed to be in love with Mary. It was now my turn, so while he gestured to Rick for another drink, I went to the back room.

As soon as I opened the door, she spoke.

"I'm Madonna, but I can't sing and I can't dance, but I can make love."

I muttered under my breath, "Just like the real one."

"Hi, it's Simon," then to make sure that she knew who I was, I added, "From work."

"Good. I have been waiting for you."

I could hear the excitement in her voice.

"What did you think of my introduction?"

"I like it, but fuck sounds better than make love."

"I can't possibly say that. It would sound so rude."

I thought she was being serious, but then she laughed. I shook my head, she had got me. Then, with the anticipation rising, I waited for the panels to open.

"Do you like them?"

"Yes," and I meant it.

They weren't very big, but they were still a nice handful, or a full mouthful, and they looked firm. Her areola were large and dark brown, almost chocolate coloured. In contrast, her nipples were a lot lighter. Yes, I did like them.

When I squeezed her tits, she gasped, and when I pulled on both nipples, she moaned. This was going to be fun, for both of us.

"I've waited a long time for you to play with them. You can suck on them if you want."

I didn't need asking twice.

I was now milking her as if I was a baby at my Mother's breast, only stopping so that I could switch nipples. If she had been in the room with me, I bet she would have stroked my head while I was sucking on her.

"I think that's enough."

That startled me. I had been so engrossed in what I was doing, that I was almost in a trance like state. How much time had passed? Ten minutes, or it could have been even longer.

When she closed the panels I took my cock out, and then I gave it a couple of strokes, so that it would look its best when I put it through the hole.

As I pushed it into the other room, I said, "Is that enough for you?"

"Yes. More than enough," then she giggled.

I knew I should have started slowly, and that's what I had intended to do, but once I was in her I couldn't help it. I just had to fuck her hard. The first stroke was almost the full ten inches, and the next one was. I then continued fucking her hard, driven by an overwhelming need to climax inside her.

"I can't take much more of this."

Should I stop? I wasn't sure that I could.

"You need to make my pussy come."

Good, she wanted to carry on, and with a bit of luck I would be able to give her what she wanted before I climaxed. However, if that was going to happen then I needed to try harder. As I continued fucking her, I put both hands on her bottom, then I spread her cheeks, so that I could go in deeper. A few seconds later I knew it was working, because she was now moaning non-stop. It wouldn't be long before she reached it.

I got there first, but only just. As I flooded her cunt, she climaxed. Mine was a nice one, and hers sounded as if it was as well. I was happy to stay in her for as long as possible, but she moved away from me as soon as her orgasm ended.

"Victoria, sorry Madonna, how do you like your new job?"

I was expecting a quick answer, a resounding yes, but she was silent.

"Having second thoughts?"

She sighed, before saying, "Yes. The thought of lots of sex was exciting, but having more than one man in an evening, is too much for me."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I kept quiet.

"If I get another big cock tonight, then I think it will kill me."

When I got back to the bar, Jim and Rick were talking. They stopped when they saw me.

Rick then said, "You look disappointed."

"I guess I am. She was very good, but I think she's going to quit."

It was now Rick's turn to look disappointed.

"That's a pity, but it doesn't suit everybody."

Jim didn't say anything, he just looked gutted, and soon after he left without finishing his drink. I stayed for another two hours. Anne was still away, so there was no reason to rush home.

When I woke the next day I was in a good mood, that was because it was Wednesday, the day my Mother and Sister worked together at The Tavern. There I could fuck both of then to my heart's content, without the fear of Father walking in on us.

I ate breakfast alone, and had almost finished when Father joined me.

"Your Mother and Sister are not well."

I looked at him, expecting more details, but I didn't get any.

"What's wrong with them?"

He shrugged his shoulders, and then he said, "Just a bug."

At that point I stopped asking. When I had finished I went upstairs. They were both in the bathroom, one vomiting into the sink, and the other into the toilet. I left them to it. Whatever they had, I didn't want to catch it. As I went back downstairs, I felt sorry for them, but also for myself. There was no way they would be able to work at The Tavern tonight.

I was fifteen minutes late for work. When I got to my desk Jim was there, sitting in my chair. He quickly got up.

"Just keeping it warm for you."

I smiled, but I was actually annoyed. I just hoped he hadn't changed any of the settings. It was one of my pet hates, people messing about with my chair.

Still smiling, I said, "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk about last night."

We then did, and we both agreed that it was a shame that Victoria wasn't going to continue at The Tavern.

It was only a short while after Jim had gone, when Victoria appeared.

"I told Rick."

I just nodded, then she left without saying anything else. Was that the end of any sort of relationship with her? I didn't know, only time would tell.

At four thirty I ran out of work, and I wasn't eager to get any more. I then spent the next half hour trying to decide what I was going to do tonight. I had two options, go home, or go to The Tavern. Anne had called me just before midday, telling me that she was back tomorrow, so it should have been an easy decision. However, sticking my cock through one of the Glory Holes was very tempting.

As I made my way home I felt righteous, I was doing the right thing, but deep down I knew that if my Mother and Sister had been working, then I would be on my way to The Tavern.

Just before I went to bed, Anne called again, to give me good and bad news. Good, because she would definitely be home tomorrow. Bad, because she was going to be working at The Tavern in the evening. Apparently there was a bug going around, and Rick was short of girls. It was probably what my Mother and Sister had gone down with. I wasn't happy, but we came to a compromise. She would meet me after work, and we would go to The Tavern together. I had wanted her undivided attention, but now I was having to share her, but it was better than nothing.

When I woke the next day, I knew the best thing to do was to put Anne out of my mind. If I kept thinking about her it would be a long day. The time would go by quicker if I was busy.

That worked until three in the afternoon. After that I kept checking my watch every ten minutes or so, I just couldn't help it. When it was time to leave I breathed a huge sigh of relief. However, I then had to wait nearly thirty minutes outside the building, because Anne was late, but when I saw her all my frustration disappeared in an instance. We hugged and kissed for so long that some people that were nearby were starting to stare. When we noticed them, we both laughed, and then we parted.

"I've missed you."

"Me too. I was only supposed to be away for a week."

"You're here now, that's all that matters."

Half an hour later we were at the back of The Tavern, and Anne was searching for her key.

"It must be here somewhere."

But it wasn't, we even emptied her handbag to make sure.

"Please will you get a key from Rick?"

"Yes, but only if you give me a kiss."

"OK, but get the key first."

However, when I tried to kiss her, she didn't resist. In fact she kissed me back, and when I put my hands on her tits, she didn't stop me. She even let me unbutton her coat so that I could put my hands inside. When I squeezed one of her tits she moaned. My other hand then pulled her skirt up, so that it could get to her cunt. As I gently rubbed her through her knickers, she moaned again, but this time louder.

"We need to get inside. Go and find Rick"

"No, I can't wait."

Then I rubbed that golden nugget of hers even harder, and she gasped.

As good as this was, I wanted more. I wanted to push my fingers deep into her, and then I wanted to fuck her. I wasn't convinced that she would let me continue here, but I was going to try. The first obstacle to overcome was her knickers, they needed to come off, but then I had a better idea. I put my other hand up her skirt, then with both hands I pulled on them. I heard them rip. Anne was about to protest, but when my fingers touched her naked cunt she stopped. They were probably very expensive, and they might even have been her favourite pair, but I didn't care.

I now had two fingers up her, and I was fucking her with them. I didn't dare touch her clit, because I knew that if I did, she would climax soon after.

"I need your big cock."

Good, all her resistance had gone. She now wanted it as much as I did, even if it meant being fucked at the back of The Tavern, with the risk of being caught. Looking around, I couldn't see an obvious place to do it.

"I can lean over the wall."

She was right, that was probably the best option. At one side of The Tavern was a low wall, two feet high at the most. If she bent over it, I could fuck her from behind.

It didn't take her long to get into position, and for a split second I wondered if she had done this before. Probably not, but it wouldn't surprise me if she had. She still had all her clothes on, even her torn knickers, but I had pulled her coat and skirt up so that I could get access to her.

When I pushed into her, it lifted her up, and she nearly fell over the wall. That made her giggle, but it became a moan when I started giving her long strokes. Both of us were desperate, so it wasn't going to take long. After only a couple of minutes we were nearly there, then we heard footsteps. We froze. They became louder, and we knew we were going to be in trouble.

"Don't mind me, just carry on."

Then she laughed, and I gave a huge sigh of relief. Only one person laughs like that, Rose.

We took her advice to carry on fucking, and we didn't even wait until she had gone into The Tavern. It didn't take us long to finish, and when we did, we both had the best climax that we had ever had together.

Rose hadn't locked the door, so I didn't need to get the key. After she went in, I made my way to the front of The Tavern.

"Hi Rick, a beer please."

"Coming up."

After serving me, he started to leave, then he stopped.

"Has Anne started work?"

I nodded, then said, "I escorted her to the back door."

I didn't tell him that I had fucked her before she went in, because I didn't know how he would take it. Better not to tell him.

After getting me my second drink, Rick handed me a leaflet.

"I almost forgot to give you one of these."

I read it, then I read it again.

"Is it for real?"

"Yes, it's today's special for my regulars."

I looked at it for the third time.

'** Today Only ** Rose is hosting a sponsored cock sucking event. For every mouthful she swallows, Rick, the generous owner of The Tavern, will denote money to Rose's favourite charity, The Hedgehog Sanctuary'.

"She has a thing about Hedgehogs."

I hadn't known that, and I wondered if, when she gives them the money that she has collected, she will tell them how she has earned it? I hoped not.

I wasn't in the mood to see Rose. I had already emptied my balls this evening, into Anne. It would have been better if Rose was doing it tomorrow. However, Rick kept asking me, and it was getting annoying, so I gave in.

"What's your name big boy?"

She then laughed. It was her full uninhibited one. I shook my head, nobody laughs like her.

"It's Simon."

This time it was a chuckle, but it was almost as loud as her laugh.

"Didn't I see you earlier with Anne?"

She knew she had.

"I would like some of that, but today is a cock sucking day."

"Yes, Rick gave me the leaflet."

She then laughed again, but I didn't know why.

"I've just had a thought. There is no reason why you can't fuck me first, before coming in my mouth."

When the panels were opened, and her tits were in the room, I couldn't understand why I had been reluctant to see her. Her tits weren't just huge, they were firm as well, and they were topped by the thickest and longest nipples I had ever seen. Only Angela's came close to hers.

After five minutes of frantic sucking, my cock was stiff again. After another five, on her other nipple, it was trying to rip my trousers.

"My pussy needs a big cock, do you know where I can find one?"

I raised my head, then I said, "It just so happens that I do."

As expected, she laughed, and it was her famous full-blooded one again.

As the panels closed, I unzipped myself, then I put my cock into the other room.

"I am a big woman, with a big pussy. I need a big cock," then she paused before adding, "And that IS a big cock."

It went in easily, because she was very wet, but also because her cunt was big. There was some tightness, but nowhere near as much as there was with Anne. She was fuckable, but anybody under eight inches would struggle to satisfy her, fortunately I had ten.

It didn't take us long to get into a nice rhythm. I thought it was going to be chore, but it was now turning into a very pleasurable experience. It was also a calm fuck, there was nothing frantic about it. We were both heading towards a climax, but it wasn't rushed. We would eventually get there, but we were taking our time. After fifteen minutes we were still going strong, but she was now breathing heavily.

"Are you nearly there?"

"Yes, and for fuck's sake don't think about stopping."

I wasn't going to, which was just as well, because if I had, I think that in anger she would have ripped my cock off with her bare hands.

As I upped the pace, she started gasping. I then fucked her even harder, and that did the trick. Good, first part accomplished, next was to come in her mouth.

I quickly pulled out of her, but I had to wait a while before I felt her mouth on me. She spent some time licking the head, and then she started taking me into her. As she bobbed her head I closed my eyes. Then, for the next ten minutes, it was very much like our fucking, slow and steady. She didn't attempt to swallow the whole of my cock, instead she concentrated on the first few inches. When I eventually came, it was a nice one.

When I got back to the bar, Rick had another drink ready for me, and it was my favourite malt whisky.

"It's on the house."

"Thanks Rick."

That was very generous of him. Before drinking it, I raised it up, so that I could make a toast.

"To the Hedgehog Sanctuary."

Anne worked at The Tavern Friday evening as well, but then we had the weekend together, most of it in bed at her place. By Sunday night I was exhausted, and on Monday morning, I was thankful that we didn't make love before we went to work.

As I sat at my desk, I vowed that I would never have sex again. However, by two in the afternoon I was starting to change my mind, and when it was time to leave, I was ready to fuck any woman, as long as they were legal. Anne was working late tonight, not for Rick, but for her day job. However, even though I was eager for sex, I didn't fancy going to The Tavern, so I made my way home.

When I got back, my Mother and Sister were in the living room, and Father was out.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm OK now, but Chloe is still not one hundred percent."

I got a weak smile from my Sister, that was confirmation of what my Mother had just said about her. We then talked for a while, but Chloe didn't say much. I then left them watching television, while I went to my room.

Getting to work the next day was a nightmare. The weather was terrible, but the traffic was worse. I ended up being forty five minutes late, and Walt, the chairman, had seen me come in. I had only just sat at my desk when Victoria came over. Walt must have had a word with her about my poor timekeeping. Before she could say anything I apologised.

"Don't worry, we were all in late, including Walt."

Good, I wasn't in trouble.

Smiling at her, I said, "What can I do for you?"

As she placed some papers on my desk, she said, "I need you to review these. They should be OK, but it's better to have another set of eyes on them."

I nodded, and I thought we were done, but she didn't go. There was something else she wanted to say, and it looked as if she was trying to find the right words. It was a few seconds before she spoke again.

"About The Tavern," then she paused before saying, "And about us," then she stopped.

There was silence again, before she eventually continued.

"I don't regret any of it, and I have now got it out of my system. My husband and I have a better relationship. Do you understand?"


Then, after getting a nice smile from her, she left. I did understand. Her husband was now satisfying her in the bedroom, so no need for anything extra, either from me or at The Tavern. She was now just my boss again, and I was genuinely pleased for her. I had enjoyed having sex with her, but I still had Anne, and all the girls at The Tavern, so I wouldn't be missing out.

The plan for this evening was to leave work at five o'clock, and to go to Ann's place. However, that changed when Anne called me.

"My parents are in town. Pop has some business to attend to. They are keen to meet you, so I have booked a table at their favourite restaurant."

She then gave me the name of the restaurant. I knew where it was, but I had never been in it. It wasn't just expensive, it was beyond expensive. I was now looking forward to eating there, but I was also apprehensive about meeting her parents.

Anne met me outside, and we then went in. We were quickly taken to our table. While we were studying the wine list, I noticed a couple approaching the table. When Anne smiled at them, I knew they were her parents.

Ann hugged her Mother, and I shook her Father's hand, then we swapped. I wasn't sure if I should kiss her on the cheek, so I played it safe by giving her a handshake instead.

Her Father then said, "Let's order first, then we can talk."

It was twenty minutes before we had finished. Anne started with several dishes that she wanted, and then she slowly whittled them down to one. My selection was easy, I chose a steak. Her parents just told the waiter they wanted their usual.

"So where did you meet our little girl?"

Her Father had asked an obvious question, and I should have prepared an answer, but I hadn't. As I hesitated, Anne answered for me.

"It was at a bar," then she told an elaborate story of how we had met, and what had been said. I was impressed, I almost believed her myself. It was certainly a lot better than what I could have said.

"It was at a Glory Hole. I stuck my cock through it, and then I fucked her hard."

The next half an hour was all about exchanging information. By the time the food had arrived, we had all learnt a lot about each other.

Her Father was an impressive man, not so much his appearance, though he was immaculately dressed, but the way he talked. He was confident, and he spoke with authority. I liked him, I liked him a lot. However, I wasn't sure about her Mother. She was a beauty, an older and slightly larger version of Anne, and she was dressed to perfection. She hadn't said anything that I didn't like, but I got the impression that she was looking down at me, that I wasn't good enough for her Daughter. There was one time when her mouth was curled up, as if she had a bad smell under her nose, but it quickly changed into a smile when she noticed me looking at her.

We took our time eating, and despite my reservations about her Mother, I was having a good time. But there was one tricky moment.

"We must meet your parents."

Her Mother then chipped in with, "Yes dear, that's a good idea."

That was a question that I had now been waiting for, and there was only one way I could answer it.


Her Father then said, "I am back next week, can we arrange something then?"

I nodded, and I tried to look pleased. I just hoped that my face wasn't showing what I was really feeling. I needed to have a serious conversation with Anne before then, to tell her that the woman she knew as Lizzy was my Mother, and that Charlotte was really Chloe, my Sister.

Shortly after the dessert course was served, Anne's Mother excused herself. As soon as she had left the table, her Father looked at me, and then said, "I know Anne works at The Tavern."

I was too stunned to speak.

"The Tavern is why I am here, I am thinking about buying it. I have been speaking to Rick. I think he will sell if I make him a good offer. I am going there tomorrow evening, will you come with me?"

I was still shocked, but I managed to say, "Yes."

By the time her Mother was back, we had made the arrangements.

An hour later we were leaving the restaurant. I wanted to go back with Anne, but her parents were staying at her place.

"Father would be OK with that, but Mother wouldn't approve."

The next morning, I managed to have a quick word with my Mother and Sister before Father got up. My Sister was giving The Tavern a miss tonight, but Mother would be there.

The plan was to meet John, Anne's Father, outside The Tavern at seven, and I had been warned not to be late. Anne had told me that punctuality was his thing. If I was late he would not be impressed. She wasn't coming, she would be spending the evening with Grace, her Mother.

Mid-afternoon Anne called. When I put the phone down I laughed out loud, fortunately nobody was near my desk to hear it. All my worries about telling her that I was fucking my Mother and Sister, had now gone. It had taken her a while to get to the point, but eventually she had blurted it out.

"I want my Father to fuck me at The Tavern, will you please help me?"

After getting over the shock, I had said yes. I was tempted to tell her about Lizzy and Charlotte, but I decided that would be better done on another day. Her cunning plan was to work as Madonna, and for me to persuade her Father to try out a Glory Hole, and of course, for me to recommend Madonna to him.

I got there at five to seven, then I waited outside for John. I didn't have to wait long. As he approached me, I looked at my watch, he was four seconds late, but I was too polite to mention it.

Rick's brother Oscar was at the bar, but there was no sign of Rick. After I had introduced them to each other, Oscar took John to see Rick. An hour later, while I was starting on my third beer, John came back.

Smiling at me, he said, "It's a done deal."

I congratulated him by shaking his hand.

"There are some details to sort out, but there is nothing that will stop the sale."

He then talked about some of the changes he was planning to make to The Tavern, and I gave him my honest opinion on them. Most I liked, but there was one that I didn't think was a good idea.

When that conversation was exhausted, I decided it was time to put Anne's plan into action.

"Now that you are going to be the owner of The Tavern, don't you think she should try out one of the girls?"

It wasn't subtle, but I couldn't think of a better way of asking. I could tell he was interested, but he was taking his time in deciding. Then he smiled.

"I think I will," then he made my job easier by saying, "Is there anybody you can recommend?"

I had a long list of girls that he should see, but I was only going to tell him one of them.

"Madonna. If you see her you will not be disappointed."

"Thanks, what about you?"


We went to the back room together. That was my idea. I wanted to be sure that he would see Madonna. If she wasn't free, I would try to persuade him to wait.

When we got there they were all green, so we could take our pick of any of them. He then read the names out.

"Mary, Rose, Lizzy, Madonna. You think I should see Madonna?"

I tried to sound confident, when I said, "Yes I do."

He then stared at me, and it was getting uncomfortable. Then, when he smiled, I knew he was going to see her. As I went in to see Lizzy, he went in to see his Daughter.

"Hi Mummy."

"Hi Simon. I haven't been fucked for a while," then she giggled, before adding, "Not even by your Father, so I am ready for it."

I was as well, but I was hoping for some foreplay first. When I saw the panels move, I smiled, I knew I was going to get some. When her tits were in the room, I was on them in record time.

"Suck my nipple hard."

She had read my mind, but I didn't just suck, I nibbled on it as well. I also made sure that the other one wasn't neglected. As I rolled it between a finger and thumb, she gave a guttural moan. It was almost an animal noise.

After a few minutes I switched over. Later, when I wanted to switch again, she pulled back, and the panels were quickly closed.

"I hope you enjoyed that, but I think you will like my pussy better."

I couldn't argue with that, but did she want my fingers or my cock?

"Do you want to be fucked now?"

That got a quick, "No."

"OK, I'll put my hand in."

It was, "No," again, and now I was confused.

"I am going to get as near as I can to the hole, then I want you to lick me. It's not going to be comfortable, but I am desperate for a tongue on my clit."

It was a difficult position for me as well, but as soon as I started I forgot about any discomfort. She wanted me to pleasure her clit, but I took my time getting there. First I ran my tongue up and down her slit, and then I nibbled on her lips. When I sucked them into my mouth she moaned.

"That's nice, do the same to my clit."

I did, and she almost climaxed.

"Take it easy. I want to come, but I want some cock first."

I was going to point out that I had only done what she had asked, but I had the good sense to keep quiet. This time when I got back to work on her clit, I gently licked it, rather than sucking on it.

"That's better."

"Yes Mummy."

That made her giggle. My plan now was to slowly take her towards a climax, but stopping just before she got there, so that I could finish her off with my cock. It was all going well until I licked her clit too vigorously.

"Fuck, I'm in it."

I was annoyed with myself for not concentrating, but happy for her because it sounded like a big one. As I waited for her to come round, I wondered what would happen next. Whatever it was, I doubted if I was going to get to push my cock into her sweet cunt. It was a minute before she started moving, and when she did I heard her groan.

"I am getting too old for this. My back is killing me now."

I was concerned for her, but selfishly, for me as well. This wasn't good, she might even ask me to leave. I was now thinking about which of the other girls I would go and see.

"But I think I will be OK when I bend over."

I quickly put my cock in the Glory Hole, I didn't want to give her time to think about it, in case she changed her mind.

As she pushed against it, she said, "It's too soon for me to come again."

I was OK with that, this was all about satisfying my needs. I started slowly, and it was several minutes before she got my full length. I then got into a nice rhythm. Shortly after I felt the sap rising, so I upped the pace.

"If you fuck me harder I might be able to come."

I wasn't sure that I wanted that. It had been simpler when it was just me that was going to have a climax. However, I took it as a challenge.

She was now getting the full ten inches, and I was going as deep into her as I could. I was even arching my back for extra penetration. I might not succeed, but it was a valiant effort.

Having to concentrate on Mother's needs was now slowing down my climax. If I wasn't careful, she would get another one, and I would be left hanging.

And that is what happened. Without any warning she gave an almighty moan, then her body went rigid. I tried my best to come as well, but I was still going when she moved away.

"Sorry Simon, but it's your fault for fucking me too hard," then she giggled, before saying, "How can I make it up to you?"

My cock, that was still through the hole, had slumped, but after she said that it was now back to its best. I thought about all the things I could do, and there were many, but what did I want to do? My first choice was to fuck her again, but I would be surprised if that was on offer. I settled on something that I hadn't done for a while.

"Have you decided what you want to do?"

"Yes, to fuck you."

"No. Much as I would like to, my clit is now too sensitive."

Not a problem. I had expected the answer to be no, but it was best to ask. Now for my second choice.

"How about a tit fuck, and when I come can I spurt on your face?"

"No," then she laughed, and I knew it was really a yes.

If you are going to put your cock between somebody's tits, then Rose is the one to do it with. Her massive tits smother your cock. It was going to be different doing it with Mother, because she was a lot smaller, but hopefully it would still be just as good.

It was a while before she started, and I was getting worried that she might have changed her mind. However, it was worth the wait. My cock was now between her tits, and they were holding me tight. It felt good, and I knew it was going to get even better.

"When you are about to come let me know."

"Yes Mummy."

However, I didn't need her to tell me that. It's only polite to let a woman know when you are going to spunk all over her face. They need to be ready so that it doesn't go in their hair.

It took a while before I got it right. I had started by using my full length, but that meant that the head of my cock wasn't spending much time between her tits. When I settled on fast shallow strokes it was a lot better.

Five minutes later I was still going strong, but I could feel a stirring in my balls. I left it another thirty seconds before warning her.

"I'm nearly there."

"OK. I'll finish you with my hand."

I would have preferred to continue fucking her tits, but I wasn't going to argue. She was now holding my cock tight, and giving it quick strokes. I was on the edge.


No response.


When she laughed, I knew she was teasing me. Then she did what I had asked, and I started to spurt. When I had finished she surprised me by taking the head of my cock into her mouth. She was teasing out the last drops.

"How did I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did I hit the target?"

That got her laughing again.

"Yes. Cheeks, nose, and even some on my ear."

We had gone into the back room together, and, with perfect timing, we exited it together. We waited until we were back at the bar before talking.

"Thanks Simon, you said she would be good, and you were right." Then he paused, and there was a look on his face that suggested he was remembering something, before adding, "She reminded me of Grace when she was younger."

It's no wonder she reminded him of his wife, because she was his Daughter.

We stayed at The Tavern for another hour, and then we made our way back to Anne's place. I had another drink there, then I went home.

When I went to bed I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. I had a lot on my mind. I kept thinking about Anne and her Father. Would she do it again? Probably yes, but would she ever tell him who Madonna really was? I wasn't sure about that. Then I thought about my Sister. She had done the same with her Father, but both of them had done it unwittingly.

However, what was on my mind most of the time, was Anne's Mother. Ever since meeting her, I had an overwhelming desire to fuck her. I knew she didn't like me, and I felt the same about her, but that might be part of the attraction. I kept imagining what it would be like to bend her over, and then to ram all of my ten inches into her. I wanted her to beg for more as I fucked her hard, until she had a screaming orgasm.

That was never going to happen. Then I had a brainwave. I now had a huge smile on my face, as I planned it out. It would need Ann's help, and possibly my Mother's as well, but it could be done.

Would it work? There was only one way to find out, and that was to try it!