
Glory Hole Ch. 03


"Rick, what do you think?"

"You're asking the wrong person for advice on relationships."

I was surprised. In my experience bartenders and taxi drivers are always keen to have their say, even when they are not qualified to do so.

"Come on. All those years of listening to people telling you their sob stories."

"Listening yes, but giving advice, no," then he gave me a wry smile, before adding, "I've been married five times."

He was now looking at me, waiting for a response. I was initially shocked, then I burst out laughing. Rick shook his head a few times, but he was smiling, then he left me to serve another customer.

I had been telling him about my girlfriend Charlotte. When we first met I wanted to see her every day, but six months later I was losing interest. The sex was still good, but no better than what I was getting at The Tavern. And we were fighting more often, even over trivial things. It was time for a change. I was twenty three, too young to settle down with one woman. I was going to leave her. My mind was made up, but I wanted Rick's opinion, so I had asked him.

As soon as he was free again, he was back.

Leaning close to me, he said, "Dump the bitch."

His face was serious, and he had said it firmly, then he spoilt it by laughing. It was my turn to shake my head.

I waited until he had finished, then I said, "What do you really think?"

"OK, but remember, this is from a man who has been married a few times," then he gave me a brief smile before continuing with, "Charlotte seem really nice, and I like you Simon. But if it is not working, then there is no point in continuing."

While I contemplated what he had just said, Rick got me another beer.

As he handed it to me, he said, "It's on the house," then he looked around, as if he was checking to see if anybody could overhear him, before adding, in a whisper, "But don't tell the owner."

I laughed at Rick's joke, he was the owner. Ten minutes later I was in the back room, seeing which girls were free. I had the choice of two, Anne or Mary, and I picked Mary. I really wanted to see Anne, so that I could ask her out. However, it didn't feel right doing that while I was still with Charlotte.

As I opened the door, I made myself a promise that the next time I was back at The Tavern, I would be single again.

"Hi Mary, it's Simon."

"Simon with the big..."

I cut her off with a quick, "Yes," that made her giggle.

"It's been ages, I thought I was never going to see you again. Don't you love me anymore?"

As she giggled again, I said, "Of course I love you," then I muttered under my breath, "But not as much as Jim does."

A few seconds later the panels were opened, and Mary's tits were in the holes. This was the first time I had seen them, because my only previous visit to her was before the top holes had been added.

"I bet they are not the biggest tits you have ever seen," then she laughed.

No, but they were definitely the smallest, little more than two small bumps. However, her nipples were big, completely out of proportion to her small tits.

"I like your nipples."

"And I like them being sucked."

I am always eager to please a woman, so as a hand when to one nipple, my mouth went to the other. As I sucked long and hard she moaned. I was excited as well, my cock was trying its best to split my trousers. It would be better if it was out. As I continued servicing her nice nipples, I unzipped myself.

Mary must have heard what I was doing, because she said, "Is the beast out of its cage?"

I gave her a quick, "Yes," then I got back to work, this time sucking on the other nipple. That made her gasp.

"Put it through the hole."

I wasn't ready for that yet, I wanted more time on her tits.


I raised my head, and sighed, I was going to give in.

"I want your cock, but you can still play with my tits."

That surprised me, normally the women close the panels before I fuck them. Would it even be possible to enter her and have her tits at the same time? I was about to find out.

When I put my cock through the hole, she said, "Fuck, you are a big boy."

It made me smile. It was what she had said last time, but it was still nice to hear it again. Then I waited for her to push herself against me.

"It's not going to work. I need to step down so that you can fuck me, but if I do you can't have my tits."

She sounded disappointed.

However, before I could reply, she said, "I know what we can do though," then she giggled.

I then felt her hand grasp my cock, and move it. When her hand stopped, the head of my cock was touching something that was sticky.

"This is what we are going to do."

I didn't reply. I could tell from the tone of her voice that she wanted to be in charge, and I was going to let her.

"You suck my tits, and I rub your cock against my clit. With a bit of luck we can both come together. Is that a good idea?"

I wasn't sure that it was, but why be negative?

Enthusiastically, I said, "Yes, it sounds like a plan."

I then got back to work on her tits, and she started moving my cock along her slit, then up to her clit.

It took a while to get into a rhythm, but after that it felt surprisingly good. I was enjoying sucking each nipple in turn, and the feel of my cock against her cunt, even though I wasn't getting inside her.

A few minutes later she started moving my cock faster, and as she did her moaning increased.

"Suck me harder," then she gasped, before adding, "I am nearly there."

I did, almost pulling her nipple off.

"Yes, do it again."

As I kept on doing it, she gave an almighty groan that just kept on going. It only ended, a minute or so later, when she climaxed.

I was now wondering what was going to happen next. At the start of her orgasm she had removed her hand, and I was now left with a throbbing cock that wasn't getting any attention. I was frustrated, even annoyed, then I smiled. She had now taken my cock into her mouth, and she was slowly bobbing her head.

I closed my eyes as she got to work on me. It felt good, very good. Just the right pressure, and just the right speed. After a couple of minutes my balls started to tighten, the sap was rising.

She was now taking less into her mouth, concentrating on the first three or four inches, and she was moving quicker. I was now close to coming, time to warn her.

"I'm nearly there."

I thought she might speed up, but she didn't. Instead she kept the same steady pace, stopping thirty seconds later, when I poured it into her mouth.

I was now back in the bar waiting for Rick to get me a beer, but it was more than ten minutes before I got served.

"Sorry about the wait. Who did you see?"

I wondered if I should make him guess, but I decided on the simpler option of just telling him.


He nodded his head, and I assumed it was because he approved of my choice. Then he said, "You always get good service from her."

As I sipped my beer I thought about what Rick had said. He was right, I had now seen her twice, and both times had been good. She was now in her seventies, and still hungry for sex. Would I be as active when I was her age? Probably not.

The next day, after work, I met up with Charlotte at her favourite coffee shop. I was going to finish with her. It took me fifteen minutes to pluck up the courage, then I blurted it out.

"We should stop seeing each other."

It wasn't original, or subtle, but it was the best I could come up with. For a few seconds her face showed no emotion, then she burst out laughing. Did she think I was joking? Eventually she stopped.

"I was going to finish with you, but you beat me to it."

Then she laughed again, and I joined in, but I didn't find it as funny as she did. It was another hour before we left to go our separate ways. Had we made the right decision? Then I thought of Anne at The Tavern, and I smiled. All doubts had now gone.

When I got home my Mother and Sister were in the kitchen, they were laughing about something.

"What's so funny?"

They looked at each other, then Mother said, "We were talking about tomorrow's night out."

Then my Sister added, "And what might happen."

That sent the blood to my cock, but I tried to stay calm as I said, "What have you got planned?"

My Mother shook her head, before saying, "That would be telling," then she giggled, and my Sister joined in.

I was now in my bedroom, and finding it difficult to sleep. I had a decision to make. Tomorrow was Wednesday, Mother's day at The Tavern. However, I wanted to see Anne. I contemplated seeing both of them, but that would be too much, especially if my Sister was there as well. Eventually I made my mind up, Mother tomorrow, then Anne on Thursday. Good, I could now go to sleep.

I was just drifting off, when a sudden thought hit me. Mother tomorrow, but was I Simon her Son, or the other Simon? I groaned, why was life so difficult? However, this time it only took me a few seconds to decide. I was going to be the other Simon.

I woke with a smile, and I just knew that it would be a good day. By midday I was still smiling. I had just completed a rather tricky piece of work, and I was pleased with myself. I was in such a good mood that I didn't flinch when I saw Jim coming towards my desk.

"Did you know that Jonah Adam Falcon has the largest penis on record, at thirteen and a half inches?"

Then he left before I could respond, leaving me confused. I think it was his idea of a joke. Shortly after, my boss Victoria was at my desk. For a split second I was tempted to tell her about Mr. Falcon, but I had the good sense to keep my mouth shut.

"When will you finish that work I gave you?"

I beamed at her, before saying, "Already done."

She looked surprised, then pleased.

"I need to check it," then she hesitated, before adding, "We can go over it together."

After getting coffee we went to her office. We then sat next to each other at the table, with the documents I had prepared, spread out in front of us. We finished the first paper in five minutes, with only one minor correction needed. She then reached for the second one, and I made the mistake of looking down, as she revealed a lot of leg. My cock started to grow, and despite my best efforts, it continued. It was now making its way down my right leg. It wasn't too uncomfortable, but I was worried that she might notice it. I got away with it for a couple of minutes, then she stopped speaking mid-sentence. I closed my eyes waiting for her to scream, and for my career to disappear in a puff of smoke.

"As I was saying, this piece would be better moved to the end section."

I opened my eyes, then I just about managed to speak.

"Yes, I agree."

Thankfully, she was ignoring it, and given a bit more time, my cock would go limp. Then she moved closer so that our legs touched. It might have been accidental, but placing a hand on my leg, and then rubbing my cock with it, certainly wasn't.

Keeping her eyes on the paper in front of her, she said, "Simon, what I like about you is that you do a good job," then she paused, before continuing with, "And I know that I can always trust you to keep a secret."

I nodded, not sure where this was going. Then she removed her hand, and I thought it was all over. But it wasn't. Still staring at the desk, she took hold of my hand and placed it on her lap. When she opened her legs, it was obvious what she wanted.

My mouth was now dry, and I was frantically trying to decide what to do. Victoria was mid-forties, not unattractive, but she also wasn't a beauty. Her best feature was probably her long legs, and she always wore short skirts to show them off. Despite my hesitation, deep down I knew I was never going to say no, so why wait? Now that my mind was made up, I was going to take it as far as I could.

When I started pulling her skirt up, she opened her legs wider. I stopped when I saw her knickers. They were tight against her, it was going to be difficult to get inside. However, I knew that if I got her worked up enough, she would take them off for me.

I then started exploring her, rubbing my fingers against the thin material.

"I think we need to get back to work."

I stopped suddenly, thinking she had changed her mind. But her legs were still open. I then realised that she wanted us to continue going over the documents, while I played with her.

We finished the current paper in just under fifteen minutes, and for all that time I had my fingers on her cunt. I now had a mental picture of what it was like. How big her lips were, and where her clit was, and how it felt.

When we started the next document I tried to slip my hands into the top of her knickers.

She quickly shook her head, then said, "I need to do something."

I pulled my hand away, and she got up and left. What was she doing? My best guess was taking her knickers off, but then I started thinking. By the time she got back I was expecting security to be with her, to escort me out of the building, but thankfully she was alone.

This time when I put my hand between her legs, there was nothing stopping me getting to the Promised Land. She gasped when I pushed the tips of two fingers into her, but then she continued speaking.

"It might be better leaving this piece out."

I nodded, and I hoped that later on I would be able to remember all the points she was making. For now my concentration was on her cunt, and how to make it come. While she had been away I had taken the opportunity to adjust my cock. It was still inside my trousers but pointing up. Ideally it should be out, with her hand stroking it, but even I knew that was too risky. This time was all about her needs. If I did a good job then surely there would be a next time, and then it would be my turn.

We were now reviewing the last paper, so it was time to finish her off. I started focusing solely on her clit, and it responded to my touch. After two minutes of attention it was nicely swollen, and she was finding it difficult to speak.

"This part..."

Then she stopped, and a low moan escaped from her lips.

"Is better moved to..."

This time it was a louder moan, and I hoped that nobody was near the door, because they might have heard it. I then moved my fingers quicker, and she dropped the paper from her hand.

She was now leaning back in the chair, eyes closed, with a look of pure pleasure on her face. My fingers were now moving so fast they were almost a blur. A minute later she climaxed. Her body went rigid, and her head was shaking from side to side. If anybody had come into the office during her climax, we would have got away with it. I would have told them she was having a fit, and they would have believed me.

It didn't take her long to recover, and when she did she got back to work as if nothing had happened.

"This part is better moved to the middle, just after point three."

It then didn't take us long to finish. Anybody seeing us leave together, would have been none the wiser.

It took me forty minutes to make the changes. I had just finished when Victoria came to my desk. When I handed it over to her she smiled, then said, "Nice work."

I wasn't sure if she was referring to the documents, or to what I had done to her with my fingers. I hoped it was both. As she left I wondered what would happen next time. I didn't know, but what I did know was that there would be a next time.

I was one of the first to leave work. Victoria had got me excited, without any relief, so I was more than eager to get to The Tavern. Mother, and hopefully my Sister, would be there waiting for me.

When I got there I didn't bother ordering, instead I went straight to the Glory Holes. Lizzy was free, and I quickly entered her room. I don't know who was more shocked, me or Jim. The stupid fucker had forgotten to lock the door.

As we looked at each other, Mother said, "What's going on in there?"

Jim mumbled something about there being a mix-up, it had been difficult to hear exactly what he had said, so I spoke.

"Sorry, we have ended up with two of us in the room," then staring at him, I said, "Somebody forgot to lock the door."

We then heard giggling, and it was from two people, so my Sister was there as well.

"You had better lock it before anybody else comes in. Two is OK, but three would be a bit weird," then she laughed.

I thought she was joking, but when she said, "Hurry up and lock it," I knew she was serious.

I looked at Jim, then he smiled. So he was up for it, but I wasn't sure I was. He then went over to the door and did what Mother had asked. I shrugged my shoulders. It was certainly going to be an experience, but it might not be a good one.

"Now can we get started," then she giggled before saying, "But first tell me your names."


"Have we seen you before?"


"Good, then you are in for a treat."

"I am Simon, and you know me"

There was then some more giggling, before Mother asked, "Which Simon?"

I was both, but I kept up the pretence by saying, "What do you mean?"

"What's the password?"

"I have no idea."

There was silence for a few seconds, probably because of the disappointment that I wasn't their Son and Brother. Of course I was, but they now thought I was the other Simon.

When the panels were opened, I noticed Jim looking hungrily at the tits that were now on display. I gestured for him to pick, and he chose Mother. I watched him for a few seconds, as he sucked deeply on her, then I shook my head. I wasn't sure that this was going to work, but I was going to make an effort.

My head was now buried into my Sister, and I was taking long hard sucks on her nice nipple. A minute later I had almost forgotten about Jim, then he tapped me on the shoulder. We quickly switched over. Mother had covered her birthmark with a Band-Aid, in case her Son visited her. I shook my head, it was getting complicated. I then put it out of my mind as I worshipped her nipple. By the time we switched again, I had done everything to it that I could think of, except biting it.

Then I heard whispering, before Mother spoke.

"We have two nice juicy pussys, does anybody want to play with them?"

My Sister quickly added, "And I am twenty years old, so mine is very tight."

That got a, "Yes," from Jim. He even put his hand up, that made me smile.

When the panels were closed, I looked at Jim. I guess he was thinking the same as me, it was time to get our cocks out. I was undressed first, but he wasn't far behind. Then we looked at each other, comparing cocks. We even gave ourselves a few strokes, so that we would look our best.

I was the winner at ten inches, but Jim's was nothing to be ashamed of. He was about seven inches long, and about the same thickness as mine. I got a polite nod from him, to acknowledge that I had the bigger one.

"Have you two finished flashing your cocks at each other? We can't wait all day."

Then my Sister joined in with, "I am desperate to be fucked."

But which one was I going to get, and who was going first? Jim took the initiative. His cock was now through the hole.

"That's a nice one, a good size for fucking."

I almost laughed, because Jim was nodding to himself, agreeing with what my Mother had just said.

Then my Sister chipped in with, "Do you want him, or are you going to have Simon, your Son?"

Jim had turned his head, and he was now looking at me wide-eyed.

"I'm not her Son, but she likes to pretend that I am, because her Son is also called Simon."

He looked relieved, and I felt a bit guilty. I have been fucking my Mother and Sister for so long, that I now regard it as normal, but Jim's reaction made it clear that actually it wasn't.

Then Chloe joined in, "And I pretend to be his Sister."

Jim was about to speak, but he stopped. Instead he groaned. It had started, but which one was he fucking?

I watched in fascination as he kept thrusting into her. At the end of each stroke he grunted. Whoever he was in was enjoying it, but I still hadn't managed to work out who that was.

"Fuck her harder, she is a dirty slut and she likes it rough."

That was a bit over the top from my Mother, but I now knew who Jim was servicing, and more important, who I was getting.

"You can do better than that."

That was harsh from Mother, from what I was seeing Jim was doing a great job. Any harder and he would collapse.

"Fuck, I'm going to come."

Jim muttered something under his breath, but I didn't catch any of it, then he grunted like a pig. At the same time my Sister squealed, as they both climaxed together.

It was a minute before Jim moved. When I walked past him to get to the Glory Hole, we high fived each other. The girls must have wondered what was going on, but they didn't say anything.

As soon as my cock was into the next room, Mother was on it. As she slowly pushed back against it, she moaned. Only stopping when I was fully in her. This was going to be good, and I was going to show Jim that I could fuck as well as him.

"That feels good, now please will you fuck my tight pussy."

"Yes Mummy."

That got a giggle from my Sister.

I started slowly, but it wasn't long before she was getting long hard strokes, using the full length of my cock. There is no point in having ten inches if you don't make the most of it.

It wasn't long before I felt my climax building, so I eased off, but that got a quick response from her.

"No, I need to be fucked hard," then she moaned, before adding, "I want my Son to fuck me hard."

For the next five minutes that is what she got. I thought that would have been enough to finish her, but she seemed determined to last as long as possible, perhaps to show my Sister how it should be done. I could understand that, at some level I felt as if I was competing with Jim.

"Is he doing a good job on your pussy?"

Mother grunted a quick, "Yes," to my Sister, then after a few seconds she managed to say, "But I want it faster."

I puffed my cheeks out, then I got to work. A minute later she gave an almighty groan, before shouting, "My Son has made my pussy come."

It was loud enough for the other rooms to hear, but I didn't care. I was driven by my need to reach it, and I did, just as she was moving away from me. She must have felt my cock pulsing, because she stopped, letting me pour it into her. When my climax had ended, my balls ached.

As we dressed, Jim came close to me and whispered, "What happens in Vegas..."

I nodded, there was no need for him to finish the sentence.

We left the room together, and we even drank a couple of beers together. I could tell Rick was itching to find out what had happened, but he waited until Jim had gone before quizzing me.

"Tell Uncle Rick what naughty things BOTH of you have been up to."

I laughed, he obviously suspected something. Should I tell him?

"If you spill the beans I'll give you a free drink"

"Make it a single malt whisky, then we have a deal."

That got a quick, "Yes."

I should have held out for a double. I then told him all of it, in graphic detail. He kept shaking his head in disbelieve, especially when I told him word for word what the girls had said. My reward was that whisky, and as I sipped it very slowly, enjoying the smooth taste of it, I reflected on the day. For some reason, I knew when I had woken up that it was going to be a great day, and I was right.

The next day was strange, almost surreal. I had a few conversations with Jim, most of them work related, and even though nothing was said, I kept thinking of our time together at The Tavern. I also had two meetings with Victoria, one of them in her office. As we discussed various complicated topics, in a professional manner, I kept asking myself the same question. Had I really fingered her to a climax yesterday? The answer was always yes, but I was still finding it hard to believe.

Just as I was about to leave for the day, I saw Victoria approaching my desk. I felt a sudden shudder of excitement, was this the time when we would take things further?

"George has just seen the work you did yesterday. He was very impressed."

I thanked her, and then she left. I was disappointed, but then I remembered where I was going tonight, The Tavern, to see Anne.

Rick was surprised to see me back so soon.

"I thought you would be resting tonight," then he smirked, before adding, "After what you got up to yesterday."

I wasn't in the mood for talking, so I cut to the chase.

"I have finished with Charlotte, so I am here to ask Anne out."

Despite our chat about it two days ago, he seemed surprised.

"How did she take it, was she distraught?"

I couldn't help laughing, then I told him what had happened. He ended up laughing as well, then his face went serious.

"Sorry, Anne isn't in today, but she is due in tomorrow."

I shrugged my shoulders, to let him know that it was no big deal, but really I was gutted. I had set my heart on seeing her. I was so disappointed that I didn't visit any of the other girls, instead I quickly finished my drink, and then I left.

The next evening I tried again. As I approached the bar Rick gave me a smile and a thumbs up. I was so happy I was tempted to order a whisky, but sensibly I got a beer instead. I then drank half of it, to calm myself, before going to the back room. I gave a sigh of relief when I saw that she was free.

"I am Anne. You can do whatever you want with me."

A tingle of excitement went down my spine. I would never get tired of hearing her say that, and of her girly voice.

"Hi, it's Simon."

"Is it the Simon that likes to fuck my tiny pussy with his big cock?"

I gave a quick, "Yes," hoping she was referring to me.

That made her giggle, then she said, "Guess what I am wearing?"

"Your school uniform?"

She must have heard the excitement in my voice, because she giggled, before saying,


When the panels were opened I got a surprise, but it was a nice one. She was still wearing her blouse.

"I thought you might like to undress me."

My hands were quickly on her, and as I squeezed her small tits it took me back to my youth, and my first fumblings with a girl. She hadn't let me get inside her bra, but I still had fond memories of the time I had spent with her.

It was a few minutes before I put my hands into the holes, so that I could unbutton her blouse. As I worked on the top ones, she undid her school tie. As soon as her bra was revealed, I pushed it up. Then I went for her nipples.

I was now rolling one between a finger and thumb, and sucking hard on the other.

"Somebody is enjoying this," then she giggled, before adding, "Me."

She wasn't the only one. We had only just started, but my cock was already throbbing like crazy.

"I am now fingering my tiny little pussy."

That spurred me on, and I sucked even harder on her nice nipple.

"I thought that would get you going."

When I switched to the other one she gasped.

"I am only a little girl. Please be gentle with me."

She then started to giggle, but when I sucked even harder, it turned into a moan. For the next five minutes I was rough with her tits, at times too rough, but she didn't complain. So I continued. However, a minute or so later on, when I started nibbling on her, she did

"Ouch! That hurts."

I quickly raised my head, then I said, "Sorry."

The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt her. As she closed the panels I wondered if I had spoilt it, and she was now going to ask me to leave.

"That was a nice starter, now for your main course," then she giggled, before adding, "Pussy."

My roughness had been forgiven, and she was now as eager as I was to continue. My cock was out of my trousers in record time, then I thrust it through the hole. I felt her tiny hand grasp the base, then she slowly moved it up to the head, then she stopped.

"Mr. Jenkins, you are a naughty teacher. I hope you are not thinking of putting that into my teeny-weeny pussy."

She had said it slowly, in her girly voice, and it sent shivers down my back. It might be her play-acting, but I doubted it. If I ever get to know her better, I will ask her about it.

When her hand was replaced by her opening, I sighed. This is what I had been waiting for. Then slowly, very slowly, she pushed back against my cock. Despite having fucked her before, the tightness of her cunt still took me by surprise. She stopped halfway, and I heard her take two deep breathes before continuing. When I was fully in her I shook my head, how could such a tiny girl take such a big cock?

For the first minute I was gentle, then lust took over. I was now giving her long hard strokes, using my full ten inches. She was responding with a lot of moaning and groaning, and the occasional gasp. We then got into a nice rhythm that lasted for several minutes, then it suddenly changed when she started wiggling her bottom. It was putting me off my stroke, and I was going to tell her to stop, but then she suddenly climaxed, and as she did she went still.

Now that she wasn't moving, I could fuck her hard again. Thirty seconds later I reached it. As my cock twitched, I thought about asking her out.

As I was getting dressed I tried to find the right words to say. Should I make it sound as if it was no big deal, and that if she was to say no, then I wouldn't be upset? But it was a big deal. I had finished with Charlotte so that I could be with her.

"You are taking a long time getting dressed."


She laughed, then said, "No need to say sorry," then she laughed again, before continuing with, "The answer is yes."


Then I heard that girly giggle of hers, and I wondered if I should fuck her again.

"Rick told me you were going to ask me out. So to save us both a lot of time, the answer is yes."

We then exchanged numbers, and I promised to call her soon.

When I got back to the bar Rick came straight over.

"Was it a yes?"

Then he saw the big smile on my face.

"Good, Anne wouldn't tell me what her answer was going to be," then he gave me a concerned look, before adding, "I hope you didn't mind me warning her?"

"No, it made it easier."

Then I had a thought.

"Where did you ask her?"

He grinned as he pointed to the back room.

I shook my head, but I was more amused than annoyed.

"Was it before or after you fucked her?"

"No," then he took his time, before saying, "It was while I was fucking her."

I had to laugh, and Rick joined in. This was something I was going to have to get used to. She might now be my girlfriend, but she also worked at The Tavern. Did that really worry me? No, but after my third beer, I wasn't so sure.

I got home late. My Sister was the only one still up. I was a bit unsteady on my feet, because I was slightly drunk. Chloe must have noticed.

"Do you need me to put you to bed?"

For a split-second I thought she was serious, then I realised that she was just mocking me. However, if she had meant it I wouldn't have objected. I might even have tried it on with her, though I wasn't sure that I could perform.

For the next few days I kept ringing Anne, but her phone was always off. I was starting to think that she had changed her mind. Then she rang me while I was at work.

"Sorry Simon, I dropped my phone and it broke. It's only just been fixed."

Shortly after the call had ended, Jim came to my desk.

"You look like the cat that's got the cream."

I hadn't realised that I was grinning. Should I tell him why? Then I remembered we had shared a room at The Tavern, so I knew I could trust him.

Looking around first, to see that we couldn't be overheard, I said in a low voice, "I have a date with Anne."

"Me too," then he quickly added, "I mean with Mary."

There was only one thing to do after hearing that, and that was to high five each other. As we did, Victoria passed us. She looked surprised, but thankfully she didn't stop to ask us why we had done it.

I stayed late at work, so that I could finish a report that Jim needed for the morning. On my way home I thought about Anne. We had arranged to meet tomorrow evening at a wine bar that was near The Tavern. I also thought about Jim, and I wondered where he was taking Mary, and would he be shocked when he saw her, and realised she wasn't as young as he thought.

I had only just got through the front door, when my Sister shouted to me.

"I'm in the kitchen. I want a word with you."

That sounded ominous, was I in trouble?

I greeted her with a nice smile, then I sat down at the kitchen table. She didn't join me, preferring to remain standing.

Then she blurted out, "Are you Simon?"

I remained calm, even though I knew what she meant. But I wasn't going to help her out by just admitting it.

Looking as surprised as I could manage, I said, "That's silly. You know my name is Simon."

Her hands were now on her hips, and she was trying to stare me out.

"You are, go on admit it."

From the look she was now giving me, I knew I wasn't going to win.

"OK, I am."

She then sat down next to me.

"What gave the game away?"

"At breakfast you said you had some important work to do, for a colleague named Jim. Then it hit me, Simon and Jim. I then started thinking. Same mannerisms, same way of talking," then she laughed before adding, "The same size cock."

"Does Mother know?"

She shook her head.

"Are you going to tell her?"

That got a quick, "No," then she continued with, "What she likes about it is that she gets to have sex with you, without you knowing. You knowing would make her feel guilty."

That had some logic to it, even though it was a bit twisted.

"What about you?"

I could see her thinking about it, then her face erupted into a big smile, "It makes it even more exciting."

That didn't surprise me, but her leaning over and kissing me, did. It was a couple of minutes before I pulled away from her.

"Not here, and not now."

She shook her head, then said, "Mother is out with her friend Alison, and Father is at a bar watching the game. They won't be back for at least another hour," then she giggled, before adding, "We can do a lot in an hour."

This time when she kissed me, I didn't just kiss her back, I also went for her tits. I now had both hands on them, fondling them as best I could through her clothes. However, when I started unbuttoning her top, she pushed my hands away, and we stopped kissing. She then stood up, and I did as well.

"Take my knickers off."

I had them down, and then off, in just a few seconds.

I then said, "Get on the table."

"Can I just bend over?"


She looked at me, and when she realised I meant what I had said, she did as she was told.

"Is this what you want?"

I shook my head, and she smiled. She was flat on the table, but her legs were closed. I wanted them open, and she knew it. I was about to push them apart, but she moved them herself. I just stood there, mesmerised by what I was seeing. I knew she had a nice cunt, but this was the first time I had been able to see it in all its glory. Her big chunky lips looked good enough to eat. It was time to go down on her.

My head was now between her legs, but I hadn't started yet. I was just breathing deeply, taking in her strong musky smell.

"Don't worry about me, just take your time."

Under the heavy sarcasm I could also hear frustration. I was tempted to wait even longer, just to tease her, but I was as keen as she was, so I lowered my head.

"That was good, do it again," then she moaned as I did, before adding, "And don't stop."

My tongue was moving up and down her cunt, starting near her anus, and ending on her clit. She had asked me not to stop, and she was going to get what she wanted, that is until it was time to fuck her.

After a few minutes I unzipped myself, and I managed to do it while still pleasuring her.

"Flick my clit with your tongue, I like that."

When I did, she gave a low moan, and as I continued doing it, she became louder. I was now ready to fuck her, to push my cock as deep into her as I could manage, but I wasn't sure she was, so I waited.

For the next five minutes I worked her cunt with my tongue, licking every part of it. Then I sucked her clit into my mouth.

"Fuck, that almost made me come."

I then did it again, but gentler. However, it was still almost too much for her, so I stopped. As I got up she raised her head, she looked puzzled, that was until she realised what was going to happen next.

I was now ready to enter her. I had pulled her towards me so that her bottom was at the edge of the table, and my hands were holding her legs up high, almost over her shoulders. The table height was just right, perfect for fucking her.

As I squeezed into her she closed her eyes. She gasped when the last inch went in. I then started to fuck her.

"I'm not going to last long."

I eased off, I wanted this to last.

"NO, we don't have much time."

I thought we had, but now I was worried.

I was now doing my best to make her come, and hopefully reach it as well. I was even arching my back so that I could go deep into her. From the noises she was making, it was working. She would only last another minute at the most. Then I heard something, it sounded like the front door opening. As I stopped, mid-stroke, I put a hand over her mouth to stop her making a noise.

I hissed, "Somebody is back early."

When I removed my hand, she surprised me.

"I don't care. Fuck me," then she quickly added, "If it's Mother it doesn't matter, and if it's Father he will go upstairs to use the toilet. Trust me, he always does that. We have a couple of minutes."

I think we got three. It was enough for her to have a big climax, but I was left hanging. I wasn't disappointed, just relieved that we hadn't been caught. We had even managed to get ourselves decent before Father came into the kitchen. However, it had been a struggle to get my semi-erect cock back into my trousers, and my Sister had only got her knickers on with seconds to spare.

"What have you two been up it?"

It was an innocent question, but there was no way we could answer it truthfully. My Sister was the first to react.

In a calm voice, she casually said, "Just talking."

Turning to me, he said, "The game was a waste of time, we lost again."

He then spent the next ten minutes telling me about it. My Sister didn't stay long, this was of no interest to her. As she was leaving, Father's back was to her, so she gave me a big grin. She had found it exciting, but it had been way too risky for me.

When I eventually went to bed, I almost didn't play with myself. I kept thinking about what would have happened if Father had caught us together, and that was putting me off. However, when I started thinking about Chloe's cunt, that got me hard, and I ended up having a nice climax.

When I woke the next day I had a raging hardon, probably because I had been dreaming about Anne. It was going to be strange meeting her away from The Tavern. I had fucked her three times, but I didn't know what she looked like.

I hadn't been at my desk long, when Victoria came to see me.

"I know it's short notice, but can you work late tonight?" then she paused, before saying, "With me."

It was probably just work, but her hand lingering on my shoulder was suggesting that it was something else.

"Sorry, I can't. How about tomorrow?"

There was a look of disappointment on her face, but it was quickly replaced with a smile. When she had gone I made myself a coffee, then as I drank it, I thought about her. Since that meeting in her office, there had been no sign that she wanted to do it again. I had been disappointed, but I had come to terms with it, regarding it as a one-off. But now I wasn't so sure.

When I first saw her, I just knew that she was Anne. She was everything I had imagined, but better. She was tiny, five feet tall at the most, and with a slim figure. Rick had said she had the face of an angel, but that didn't do her justice. She wasn't just angelic, she was beautiful.

As I approached her she smiled.

"Hi Simon, do you like my outfit?" then she moved close to me, before saying, "I was thinking of wearing my school uniform, but I thought that this would be more appropriate."

I was expecting to hear her girly giggle, but here in the wine bar, I only got a cheeky smile. After looking her up and down, I just said, "Yes," and from the look on her face I could tell that she knew I was pleased with what she was wearing.

I am no fashion expert, but everything she had on was classy, and expensive. Then I noticed her watch, and unless it was a fake, it was worth more than my car.

We stayed for almost three hours, but we only had two drinks each. We were too busy talking. I wanted to go back to her place, but she said no, she had some work to complete for tomorrow. I didn't mind, I knew it was a genuine reason rather than a brush-off.

On my way home I was in a good mood, despite not being able to take her to bed. I had learnt a lot about her. Surprisingly, Anne was her real name, and yes she was actually twenty five. She came from a very rich family, and had been privately educated at a rather posh school. Working at The Tavern was purely for fun, her real job was something to do with finance. I wondered if her wealthy parents knew what she did in her spare time. This was definitely an unusual relationship. It had started with me fucking her anonymously, and now I was getting to know her. I had to smile, it was the wrong way round.

When I got home, my Sister was in the kitchen. Without saying anything, she pointed to the table, then she smiled. I shook my head, but I knew she was just teasing. Mother was in the living room, and Father was upstairs, so there was no way we could do anything, even if we had wanted to.

The next day I was half an hour late getting into work. When I saw Victoria coming towards my desk, I decided that I was going to blame it on the traffic, but really it was because I had just got up late.

"Simon, I hope you can stay late tonight?"

"Of course."

Then she left, and I was thankful that my flimsy excuse wasn't needed. But I had forgotten about the promise I had made yesterday. I was planning to call Anne, and arrange to meet her again, but that would now have to wait.

At five, people started to leave, but I kept on working, waiting for Victoria to come and get me. It was almost six before that happened.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I had some other stuff to finish first."

When we got to her office, the table was covered with papers. She quickly tidied them up, then she went to her desk and got a large folder out of one of the drawers.

Holding it up, she said, "This is what we will be working on."

Thirty minutes after starting on it, I was beginning to think that this was the only reason she had asked me to work late. After another hour, I was convinced.

"Let's take a break."

I was the junior, so I went to get the coffees. When I got back, I was surprised to see that the blinds were now closed.

"This next part is confidential," then she paused, before adding, "We don't want anybody looking in."

I nodded, that sounded sensible. But when she locked the door, I thought that was overkill. However, when she then stood in front of me, and leant over the desk arranging papers, and at the same time wiggling her bottom, I knew that locking the door was necessary.

Sometimes you can get the wrong signals from a woman. You think she is coming onto you, but she isn't. In this case there was no mistaking what Victoria wanted from me, but I hesitated. I thought about Anne, then I thought about the men she would be seeing at The Tavern. If she could fuck other people, then I could as well.

When I put my hands on her bottom, she placed her top flat on the table, then she opened her legs. I quickly put a hand up her skirt, expecting to feel her knickers, but instead I touched her naked cunt. She had planned this, and she was ready. I think she was expecting me to just fuck her, but I now had plans of my own.

"Turn over."


"I am going to lick your cunt, then I am going to fuck you hard with my big cock."

She gasped, but I think it was because of what I had said, rather than because she was excited.

"Do it."

I had said it with authority, and it had worked. She was now getting up. As she positioned herself, I took my cock out. A few swift strokes with my own hand got it fully erect, and I made sure that she could see it. She was now looking at it, and I could see the apprehension on her face. I knew what she was thinking. Was it too big for her? Perhaps, but in a few minutes she would be begging me to fuck her with it.

I started by pushing my tongue into her opening, as far in as possible, then I sucked on her lips. They were not as big as my Sister's, but still a nice size. Then I went for her clit. I had always thought that her best feature was her long legs, but I had discovered a hidden gem. It was big, and it was getting bigger as I sucked on it.

"This is so good."

It was for me as well. Then I started flicking it with my tongue.

"But that is better."

Now that I had found what she liked, I kept on doing it. After another minute I noticed her breathing heavily, so I eased off. As I continued, I could tell that she was heading towards a climax, but this time more slowly. It took nearly twenty minutes before she was breathing heavily again, but this time I didn't just ease off, I stopped. It was time to fuck her.

The first few inches went in easily. Good, she could take the width, but could she take the length? Yes, because I was now up to my balls in her.

"Are you OK?"

"I think so. You are twice the size of my husband."

"Do you want me to take it out?"

That got a quick, "No," then she followed it up with, "I want you to fuck me with it."

It's always best to give a woman what she wants, especially when she is your boss.

I started slowly, then I couldn't hold back. In less than a minute I was giving her long strokes, at times almost coming out of her cunt when I pulled back. She was doing well, considering that she was only used to five or six inches. She was taking it all, without complaining. This was a woman that needed a big cock.

All good things have to come to an end. I would have liked another five minutes, I would even have settled for two, but she was now climaxing. My boss, that was always under control, was letting herself go. The blinds might be closed, and the door locked, but if there was anybody outside they would be in no doubt about what was happening inside. As her orgasm faded she made less noise. Eventually she was silent, and that was when I flooded her cunt.

After leaving the room for a short while, she returned. Now she was composed, it was as if nothing had happened. It only took us another fifteen minutes to finish the work.

When I got home I called Anne. No, she wasn't free tomorrow, but then after some giggling, she said, meet me at that wine bar at seven. I was confused, it had been no, and now it was suddenly yes. What was going on? She wouldn't tell me, even when I begged her.

I got there twenty minutes early, but she was on time, almost to the second. I knew that because while I was waiting, I was constantly looking at my watch. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"What do you want to drink?"

She shook her head, then said, "We are not stopping. We are going to The Tavern, I am working."

Before I could say anything, she took hold of my hand, and started to walk out. I now understood. She wasn't free tonight, so if I wanted to see her, or rather fuck her, it would have to be where she worked.

When we got to The Tavern she surprised me again, because she took me to the back of it, to where the girls entered. As she unlocked the door, she put a finger to her lips. Inside was a corridor, with four doors leading off it. She went to the end one and then gently knocked on it. The door was quickly opened. She then went in, and I followed behind her.

"Simon this is Lizzy."

I don't know who was more surprised, me or Mother, but I was the first to recover.


I just got a nod from her. Anne must have noticed my discomfort, but she didn't say anything. She had probably put it down to the fact that Lizzy was naked.

Turning to me, Anne said, "I am working with Lizzy today. We thought you might be interested in joining us. And if you are a good boy, we might let you join in," then she looked at Mother, before adding, "She has told me all about you. And how she likes to pretend you are her Son."

Mother looked uncomfortable again, but she tried to hide it with a smile.

As we waited for the first visitor, I kept glancing over at Mother, trying to gauge how she was feeling, but it was impossible, I was getting nothing back from her.

After a few minutes, we heard the door opening.

"Hi I'm Lizzy. Who are you?"

"It's Albert," then he paused, before continuing with, "And I'm desperate to fuck you."

I watched as he did that. Anne didn't bother joining in, and Mother looked as if she was just going through the motions. However, when he had finished he sounded pleased.

After he had gone, I declared, "Another satisfied customer," and Anne laughed. Mother joined in, and she appeared to be in a better mood. He hadn't given her a climax, but I think she had still enjoyed it.

Shortly after, we had another one. It was George, apparently a regular with both the girls. When he found out that Anne was in with Lizzy, it made his day. He only had a small cock, barely five inches, but he knew how to use it, and he was enthusiastic. Anne got a climax, and Mother nearly did. I was impressed, especially when they told me that he was in his sixties.

Watching them at work was fascinating, but I wasn't getting any action.

"Next time can I join in?"

They looked at each other, then they both said, "Yes," at the same time. That made them laugh.

When they had finished, Anne said, "But don't make a sound. You are not supposed to be here."

I moved my fingers across my lips, to show them that my mouth was now zipped up. Anne thought that was funny, but Mother gave me a look that said, 'Stop being silly'.

When the next customer said his name, I had to put a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. It was my mate Jim from work. He was also delighted to discover that Anne was with Lizzy.

The panels were now open, and both the girls had presented one of their tits to him. As he worked on them, I joined in. One hand went between my Mother's legs, and the other between my Girlfriend's. When I started fingering them they moaned. Jim must have thought it was because of what he was doing, but it was really my attention that was getting them excited.

I now had two fingers deep up both of them, but I was also trying to push another into Mother. I was finding it difficult to do, until she moved her bottom to make it easier for me. As I finger fucked them, the moaning increased. Surely Jim must suspect something? He may be doing a good job with their tits, but you only get the noises they were making, when a cunt is being serviced.

They let Jim and myself have almost ten minutes, then Mother put a stop to it.

"That was wonderful, but you now need to fuck Anne," then she giggled, before adding, "And after you can have me."

That got a loud, "Yes please," that made both the girls laugh. I almost joined in.

The panels were now closed, and Jim's cock was in the room. As I looked at it, Anne came over to me.

She whispered, "Hold his cock."

I shook my head.

"You don't have to do anything, just hold it."

Reluctantly I did, it was definitely a first for me.

"I love the feel of your big cock," then she looked at me, and grinned, before continuing with, "Would you like me to stroke it?"

I was now shaking my head again, this time vigorously.

"Yes", was Jim's quick response.

His cock was now getting long strokes, with a firm hand, but thankfully my Mother had taken over from me. She didn't do it for long, and when she stopped, it was Anne's turn. But this time she used her cunt.

When he was in her she gasped, then she said, in her girly voice, "You naughty man, fucking me while I am wearing my school uniform."

From the noise Jim then made, I think he almost climaxed. However, to me it was funny, because Anne wasn't in her uniform, she was naked.

He was now fucking her hard, and her little body shuddered every time he thrust into her. It was getting me excited just watching it, and Mother seemed to be enjoying it as well.

When I moved over to her, and whispered, "Bend over. I want to fuck my mummy's cunt," she turned to me and nodded.

She was now ready for me to enter her, but I pushed her top down to get it even lower. Then I parted her cheeks, before slowly pushing my full length into her. It was now a race to see who could give their partner a climax first. Jim had started before me, but Mother was so worked up, that it wouldn't surprise me if I won.

For the first few seconds, while I fucked her, I was listening to what the others were doing. Then I concentrated solely on my task, to give her a climax.

I don't know if it was because Anne was in the room, and I was trying to impress her, but I was like a wild animal. Mother had been fucked hard before, and some of those times had been by me, but this seemed to be on another level. Every stroke was long and hard, and as deep into her as possible. After only a couple of minutes, she was giving me all the signs that she was nearing her climax. Mine was near as well. It was only a few seconds after that, when she reached it. As her orgasm briefly tightened her cunt, it took me over the edge. As she slumped to the floor, she took me with her.

When I eventually pulled out of her, Anne was standing nearby. Looking at me she said, "Next time you fuck me, I want it like that."

I just nodded, then I remembered Jim.

"Has he gone?"

"Yes, one woman was enough for him. It's just as well, otherwise I would have had to stop you and Lizzy."

I doubted if that would have been possible, but I didn't tell her that.

After forty minutes without another customer, we called it a day. Anne went home on her own, but I shared a taxi with Mother. We didn't speak until we were in the house.

"Do you fancy a coffee?"

"Yes, and we need to talk."

She was right, we did. We waited until we were both seated at the kitchen table, coffee in hand, before speaking.

"It was a shock finding out that there is really only one Simon."

"Does it bother you?"

"Now that I am over the shock, no it doesn't."

Then she gave me a stern look, before saying, "But don't ever tell your Sister."


"What she likes about it is that she gets to have sex with you, without you knowing that she is your Sister. You knowing would make her feel guilty."

My face was now serious, but I desperately wanted to laugh, what she had said was almost word for word what my Sister had said about her.

However, somehow I managed to keep it in, while I solemnly said, "I understand."

"And if you are wondering what happens next?"

I certainly was.

"We carry on as normal."

This time I couldn't keep it in, but I did wait until she was out of the kitchen.

I was now laughing, almost uncontrollably. What we were doing could be called many things, but 'normal' was definitely not one of them!