
Feel Your Skin


Dr. Amanda Ledgard stood in the lab with her notepad and pen. She observed the patient, a naked male, who was her test subject for the afternoon.

A small cylindrical device was placed over his fully erect penis. Buttons were pushed, and within moments, he began to moan. A few more moments passed and he withered in pain and pleasure. It wasn't long before his knees buckled and he nearly collapsed. His orgasm was hard and he looked like he was in agony, but once he recovered, it was clear that he more than enjoyed it.

"Looks like we have another success on our hands," the assistant stated.

"It appears so," Dr. Ledgard replied.

The doctor took notes as the male subject regained his composure. The test was a success and something revolutionary was created.


"So how do you feel about creating the most realistic sex toy ever made?" the young female reporter asked during the sit-down interview.

Dr. Ledgard smiled, "It's a flattering comment. The study of human sexuality has always been of particular interest to me throughout medical school. My main passion in life has always been helping others. That's always been my drive. I never thought I'd ever find myself at the forefront of the sex industry, but here I am. It's my own way of making a difference in life."

"You're well known amongst your peers for having a keen intellect. So how would you address the critics who say that you're wasting your talents with the sex industry, as opposed to doing something that benefits society?"

"It's understandable that some would feel that way," Dr. Ledgard noted with stride. "But in the end, I feel that I am making a difference for the betterment of society. I've always been a firm believer of the health benefits of sex. So by creating a product which can simulate the feelings of an actual sexual encounter, I believe that we'll have a population that's much more stress-free in their everyday lives."

The reporter's eyebrow rose while holding up the cylindrically shaped device in her hand.

"You've got no disagreements with me there, Doctor," she smiled. "So how exactly does this thing work? It certainly looks interesting."

"Well, this particular version is for men. It's easy to use and it's shaped like a penis pump obviously. The male subject would simply place his erect penis inside, and all he would have to do is switch it to whatever setting he wants, and enjoy. The results have been spectacular."

"Any update on a female version?" the reporter asked, holding back a playful grin.

Dr. Ledgard winked. "Coming to a store near you. We plan on rolling out a variety of different models of these devices within the next year for men- hopefully for women soon after."

"I can't wait. With all the buzz this device is getting, no pun intended, it's sure to be a hit. It certainly must be exciting for you to be the person who single handedly brought sexual pleasure to the forefront of mainstream news."

"Well frankly, sexuality is somewhat of a complex notion. It's something that's essential for human life, yet as a society, we like to run away from it. So to answer your question, yes, I find it exciting that sex is in the news for a positive reason."

"And what about the rumors swirling around about an even more advanced product that you're working on?" the reporter asked. "Care to shed any light on that?"

Amanda flashed a sly grin. "That one is still in an early phase. But I can tell you that it's VERY advanced and we're hoping that it would stimulate all of the senses to create the feeling of actually having physical sexual contact. It uses pheromones, a scentless chemical which humans naturally produce in order to induce a sexual response. I'm very excited about it."

The reporter smiled, "We're very much looking forward to it once it's ready. Thank you for the interview, Dr. Ledgard. I know you're extremely busy these days so I'll let you go."

"It was my pleasure. Thank you for stopping by."


It was late at night. Almost everyone in the building had left, and Dr. Ledgard put the final touches on the new chemical compound she was working on.

"You're still here?" Dr. Marisa Cruz asked.

The two were best friends since medical school, and Marisa served as a close advisor ever since.

"I'm fixing the minor issue with the new pheromone," Dr. Ledgard replied, with her eyes still on the computer screen.

"Minor issue? Our last patient had a raging hard-on which lasted for several hours. Thankfully our lawyers have crafted airtight wavers or else we might be sued out of business."

"He wasn't going to sue. The trail of fluids he left behind suggested that he enjoyed the experience more than he regretted it."

"Touche," Marisa shrugged. "But he complained of severe aches while it happened. I can't imagine being that aroused for several hours and having to take a non-stop pounding to relieve myself. The point is, it would be a good idea for us to be 100% the next time we test this thing."

Amanda turned to look at her friend. "I was hasty last time. This time I'm positive. We're on the verge of another big scientific breakthrough."

"Well, you've already set a high bar. Your last creation has sold over a million units worldwide by the latest estimates. The people at the sales division say that the number will grow to two million in a matter of months. Everyone is waiting to see what you do next."

"Which is all the more reason I need to make sure our new product even more special," Amanda said with a wink.

"Knowing you, I'm sure it will be fantastic. You've always been an overachiever. As for me, I'm tired and exhausted. I'm going home to enjoy the weekend in bed. Good night doctor. Don't work yourself too hard."

"One more thing," Dr. Ledgard added. "I know we have enough people working in the marketing department, but I'd like to bring in someone else as an added consultant. My son. He recently graduated with a degree in marketing, and he's already developed some nifty ideas which we could use. He'll be working closely with us. I wanted to give you a heads up about that."

Marisa's eyebrow rose. "Robert will be working here with us?"

"You seem surprised."

"A bit. I mean, he's your son. I know that we envisioned these products to be open to society, but it does seem sort of awkward in a way."

Dr. Ledgard sighed, "I've been struggling with that myself. But he's very persistent in what he wants and I refuse to be a hypocrite."

"Well that part isn't a surprise. He has all your best qualities; your brains, feistiness, and the desire to be at the forefront of society's advancements. I really like him."

She smiled. "Now you're just being a tease."

"I wouldn't dare," Marisa smiled back. "So, I'm assuming he uses your device?"

"He has, if you must know. I was apprehensive about giving him one, but I knew he was curious about it. Besides, I'm not a hypocrite. I've always been an advocate of a healthy sex life as part of healthy living, so it wouldn't be right for me to deny that to my own son."

"You're right. I've never told you this, but I've given these devices to my sons when they went off to college. God forbid they get someone pregnant. That's how I see it."

"That's a great attitude for a mother to have," Amanda replied. "It's the trend of the future it seems."

"It certainly is. And it's all thanks to you."


It was early Saturday morning, which was one of the rare days that Amanda Ledgard gave herself permission to lounge around the house in her pajamas and relax. She sat at the breakfast table reading the newspaper when her son came down to eat.

"Morning," he said happily. "This looks great mom. Thanks."

Robert helped himself to the freshly prepared juice, along with some toast and raw honey.

"You're in a good mood this morning," she replied.

"Why not? There's a lot to be happy about these days."

"I've got more good news for you then. I'm letting you work with me in the lab as a marketing advisor. I've already told Marissa and the others, and they're fine with it."

He got up and gave his mother a big kiss on the cheek before sitting back down. "You're the best! I promise I won't let you down."

"You better not," Amanda replied sternly, but playfully. "A lot of people in the marketing division are jealous that a young college grad like you is able to make the big decisions because I'm your mother."

"I understand. But at the same time, being your son makes me a heck of a lot more motivated to help you market something that you've worked so hard on creating."

"That's sweet of you to say. But I'm sure some of that motivation has to do with us living in the same household right? The more money I make, the richer you'll be as well," she joked.

"Maybe there's a little of that as well," he shrugged. "So what are we going to be doing? I've never been to your lab during work hours."

"That's the issue," Amanda sighed. "You're an adult now. I'm sure you've seen plenty of naked women before, but this is different. The nature of work I do involves naked men and women. Sometimes it's clinical, but sometimes it gets more explicit."

"You mean they have orgasms, right?"

"Exactly. That's the nature of my job. I know you're smart and mature for your age, but I really don't want this to be awkward for us. We're going to be around people who are vulnerable and experiencing different states of intense climaxes. Everything must be done professionally."

"You don't have to worry about me," Robert assured. "I'm not going to start giggling in the background or ogling at every pretty girl I see. Believe it or not, I know how to act professionally."

She smiled. "Marisa was right about you. You'll fit right in with us."

"Thanks. So what's the first order of business on Monday? Anything new going on?"

"There is actually. That's part of the reason I wanted to bring you on board as soon as possible, to capitalize on some of the marketing ideas you've already given me. We're working on a new device which gives the user an enhanced feeling of sex. It's much more realistic than anything we've ever done in the past."

"Did you say more realistic?" he replied with his eyes wide open. "Your last device was already realistic as far as I'm concerned."

Amanda nodded. "You'll get see it for yourself tomorrow. The prototype is already completed and I've worked out the minor kinks we've had with it."

"I can't wait. Any teasers about what I'll be seeing? I've heard you on the phone a few times talking about how advanced this thing is. Sorry for being so nosy and spying on your conversations by the way."

"Don't worry about it, I'm used to being spied on," she joked. "It's a fairly advanced little machine. It's essentially the same penis pump device as before, but with a few upgrades. This time it's connected to other features. The user wears a mask and breathes in pheromones which I've created in the lab. You'll have to see the results to believe it."


Monday morning. Dr. Ledgard, her son, and her small team of researchers watched the male test subject wither and moan while he was testing the new prototype. He was completely naked with a device around his penis which gave him the sensation of sex. The subject also wore a breathing mask which fed him a gas containing female pheromones, sending his sexual arousal through the roof.

It wasn't long before every muscle in his body contracted and he had a violent orgasm. His whole body shook and he suddenly went limp.

"Perfect so far," Marisa stated. She took notes on her findings and smiled to her colleagues in the room.

"We're getting there," Dr. Ledgard replied with a stone face. "We need to schedule a few more tests, but we're on the right track."

The fellow researchers removed the mask and pump from the test subject's body, and he was covered in sweat. They helped carry him out of the room, but before he left, he thanked the doctors for the best orgasm of his life and he volunteered himself for future experiments.

"Time for a lunch break," Amanda said to the group. "Before you go, wonderful job everyone. Once again we find ourselves on the cutting edge. I can't thank you all enough. Have a nice long break, and come back in 3 hours so we can discuss how to proceed."

Everyone applauded the successful test before eventually leaving the lab.

"That was absolutely incredible to watch, mom," Robert said to his mother, with just the two of them alone.

"I agree. I've never seen that type of physical reaction on a male subject before. We're really onto something amazing here."

"I've never seen a reaction like that either, from a man or a woman. It must feel unbelievable."

"Have you thought of any new marketing ideas for it?" Amanda asked.

"A few," he replied. "I haven't settled on anything yet, but I've got some ideas floating around in my head which could help make this thing even more popular."

She smiled. "Well, let me know once you've thought of something concrete. Now let's go eat. I've really worked up an appetite and I'm sure you have as well."

"Actually...this is the only time I've ever seen the lab empty. It's just us here. Do you think maybe I could try it out?" Robert asked hesitantly.

"Try it out? You mean you want to strap yourself to a prototype and use it?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I mean, I don't think it's that big of a deal. You said the other day that you've seen plenty of naked men and you stay professional about it."

"I think you know what the difference is," she replied like it was so obvious. "You're my son."

"Is it that big of a deal? You've said countless times that sex is the most natural thing in the world, and how everyone would be better off exploring their sexual feelings. So why not me? Besides, you know I'm going to use it eventually."

Dr. Ledgard paused and gave her son a stern look. "Marisa was right about you having the same feistiness as I do. We'll do this on one condition."

"What's that?"

"This stays a secret between us. I don't want anyone finding out that I saw my own son naked and that I got him off sexually. The last thing I need is for my critics to have something like this to use against me."

He smiled. "You don't have to worry about that mom. I know how to keep a secret."


Amanda unwrapped a new prototype from its packaging and activated it. She could hear the sound of her son undressing, and it was the first time she had felt butterflies in her stomach while working in her own laboratory. Seeing her son naked and giving him an orgasm was more nerve wracking than anything she had ever done in her career.

She turned around with the device in hand and finally saw it; her son was completely naked and lying down on the lounge chair. She took a deep breath and tried to be as professional as she could.

"You look so relaxed," Amanda said.

"I'm excited more than anything. I don't mind being naked. It never bothered me. After all, this is for science right?"

"Right. It's for science. Now don't mind me, but I'm going to insert your penis inside this tube."

Dr. Ledgard reached down and touched his penis using her fingertips. His penis instantly grew and she had no trouble inserting it inside of the cylindrical tube.

"That was easy," she joked.

"Sorry, you've got a nice touch," he replied with a hint of embarrassment that his own mother got him hard. "You've got a nice touch."

"No need to apologize. Sex is what this is all about right?"


"Good," she smiled. "Now close your eyes and enjoy. I'm going to put the mask on and activate this machine. If you start to feel uncomfortable, or if you want to stop, just give me a signal and this will end."

"I know I'm in good hands."

His eyes closed and Dr. Ledgard put the mask over his face and activated it, along with the penis pump. It wasn't long before she heard his moans and watched his naked body start to twitch. He was enjoying himself. And secretly, she was becoming aroused watching her son in such pleasure. It was the ultimate taboo.

Suddenly, a small whistling sound filled the room. Her eyes immediately located the source of the noise. One of the tubes was leaking the pheromones into the air and she immediately tried to close it.

'Damn this thing,' she muttered to herself.

It was the first defective product she had to deal with and it proved to be a real pain in the ass. Normally one of her assistance would handle this situation. She reconnected the tube properly, but not before a new problem arose.

The top of the penis pump opened and she looked down and saw a clear view of her son's raging hard cock being satisfied in the machine. Her eyes were transfixed by it, but as his mother, she knew it was wrong to watch. She couldn't help herself and she felt hypnotized by it. Robert's body started to shiver and gave all the telltale signs of an impending orgasm.

Without thinking, Amanda bent down and wrapped her lips around the tip of his erection, swirling her tongue around it. All she cared about was sex at that point. Robert just kept on enjoying his sexual ecstasy, oblivious to the fact that his own mother was now sucking him off.

"Oh god!!!!" he yelled. "Oh fuck!!!"

His cock erupted and he shot a large load of cum inside of Amanda's mouth, and she slurped everything up with her tongue and swallowed. She then used the back of her hand to wipe away the extra sperm from her lips.

When it was over, she closed the top of the pump, turned off the machine, and removed the mask from Robert's sweaty face.

"You obviously enjoyed it," Amanda said, trying to act natural.

"That was absolutely incredible! I've never felt anything like that before. Those pheromones really make a huge difference. God, that last part felt so real. It was like I was actually with a woman."

She suddenly acted coy. "The device did its job then. Now let's get you cleaned up and dressed before anyone gets back."

He looked down at his naked self. "Great idea. And where the hell did all my sperm go? I could have sworn I made a big mess. At least that's what it felt like."

"You must have shot it to the top of the pump. Don't worry, I'll throw it away."

Just then, she looked up and saw Marisa through the window in the other office. Her back was turned, and Amanda immediately became nervous at the thought of being caught.

"I'll be right back," she said to her son.


Dr. Ledgard entered the next room to talk to her friend.

"I thought you went out to lunch?" Amanda asked.

"The rest of the group wanted to get some drinks. So I stayed behind and grabbed a quick sandwich instead."

"How much of that did you see?"

Marisa held back a smile. "Enough to see you suck Robert's cock. But don't worry, as your best friend, I won't tell a soul."

"God, I don't know what came over me," Dr. Ledgard sighed. "I wasn't thinking right. The pheromones leaked and they somehow had an effect on me, even though they were designed to appeal only to men."

"Maybe so. But a few days ago you tweaked the formula right? Could that have been the source of the problem?"

She thought for a moment. "You're right. I may have overdone it and made the formula applicable to both men and women."

"There's the answer," Marisa replied. "Now you don't have to feel so bad about giving your son a partial blowjob."

Dr. Ledgard flashed her friend a serious look. "Very funny. That could easily have been you with either of your sons if you were in that position."

"Don't worry, I'm not judging you. It wasn't your fault. Biological needs can trump human reasoning and emotions. You simply reacted to what your body wanted."

"You're right."

"Can you at least tell me if you enjoyed it?" Marisa asked hesitantly. "What was it like?"

"You really want to know?"

Marisa nodded with a mischievous look on her face.

"It was the best sexual thrill I've experienced in many years," Dr. Ledgard admitted.


Amanda drove home late that afternoon while her son was still beaming.

"I still can't believe what happened today," he said. "That thing felt so real. Especially the last part. I don't know how you made this, but it actually felt like a real person instead of a machine. The whole thing was so intense."

"Then I've done my job," she replied, wishing the subject would change.

"Seriously, this is going to be huge. I'm so excited."

"Look, I know how much it means for you to help me, but I think it's best if we ended this. You were great today, but I just don't think it's right for us to be working on something that revolves around sex."

"What?!" he replied in shock. "I don't get it. I did everything you asked and I thought it was going smoothly."

Amanda pulled over on the side of the road and turned off the car.

"I'm going to be brutally honest with you," she said after a deep breath. "There was a leak in the tube and I ended up breathing some of the pheromones. The top of the pump accidentally opened and I couldn't control myself. It was me that you felt at the end."

"You mean when I came?"

She nodded. "My mouth was around you when you had your orgasm. Marisa saw it and we agreed that the issue stemmed from the adjustments I've made to the gas. It wasn't supposed to be potent towards women, just men."

"Now I know why you seemed so uncomfortable all afternoon."

"Like I said, you were great today. And I'm sure you'll be a big success in the marketing field, but I don't think we should work together on these sexual devices anymore."

Robert looked his mother straight in the eyes. "Mom, I honestly don't care about how you reacted earlier. It's not your fault. I'm an adult now and I think you should start treating me like one. So if you want to fire me, then it better be for good reason."

"You remind me of myself when I was young," she replied with a hint of sincerity. "I was determined and driven just like you. I never took 'no' for an answer."

"So I'm still part of your team?"

"I was absolutely sure I was going to kick you off no matter what. But now, how could I refuse? I wouldn't be where I am today if I wasn't persistent. Let's go home and rest. We've got another busy day tomorrow."


That night. Amanda sat down to eat dinner with her son after a short phone conversation with Marisa.

"Great news," Amanda said. "I just got off the phone with Marisa a few minutes ago and we've got another exciting experiment to look forward to in a few days."

"Oh yeah? What's happening then?"

"We have a female test subject coming to our lab to try a different prototype. She'll be the first to use our brand new female version. I'm sure you'll enjoy this a lot more than seeing a male subject."

A smile grew on his face. "Hey, you're the boss. I just follow orders."

"I thought that might peak your interest," she teased back. "I hear she's attractive, not that it matters."

"It definitely doesn't hurt. That's for sure."

"Listen," she said in a more serious tone. "I want to apologize again for what happened earlier. It was extremely inappropriate of me and I hope there's no hard feelings between us."

"Apologize? Hard feelings? You're really starting to overreact about that whole thing. Science is science, and like you said before, you acted on impulse. Besides, you aren't going to hear me complain about that any time soon."

She tried holding in a smile. "You liked it."

"Isn't that the whole point of your work?" he replied innocently.

"You know exactly what I mean. Frankly, I'm a little surprised that this doesn't bother you."

"Why should it?" he shrugged. "I felt like a new man afterwards. That's all that matters right?"

"Not when your mother's mouth is involved. I'm starting to feel slightly disturbed by how indifferent you are to the fact that my lips touched your penis."

"Well you got to see me naked along with countless of other people you work with, and you have to touch their sexual parts and watch them orgasm. So I don't see what the big deal is."

"Sexually pleasuring my son isn't what I had in mind when I decided to become a doctor."

He laughed. "That's one way to see things."

"Oh, and how do you see it."

Robert gave his mother a smooth look. "I see it as two people exploring the bounds of human sexuality. We're doing what needs to be done for the sake of science. Honestly, the fact that you're my mother makes no difference to me. We're two people with an important duty."

"That's easily the most romantic way I've heard my job being phrased," Amanda replied with a feeling of being impressed.

"Thanks. Plus you're really hot. So that helps a lot."

"Now there's the Robert I know. Welcome back to Earth. I missed talking to you."

He smiled. "I meant every word I said."


It was 8 am when Dr. Ledgard arrived at the laboratory with her son. Testing on the first female version of the sex toy was about to begin in an hour, and she couldn't have been more excited.

"I've got some terrible news," Marisa said.

"Please don't tell me it has to do with today's project," Dr. Ledgard replied.

"I'm afraid so. She bailed on us at the last minute because she's having second thoughts about her willingness to participate."

"She should have realized this beforehand. Did you try persuading her with more money?"

Marisa nodded. "That didn't work either. I've been on the phone with her for the past 30 minutes and she won't budge. Apparently she's afraid of potential side effects from the experimental gas, and she's scared of having violent sexual reactions in front of everyone."

"Do you think we can find a quick replacement?" Dr. Ledgard sighed.

"I'm afraid not. With all of the legal procedures involved with a waiver for something like this, it's going to take a while. I'm sorry. I know how much this meant to you."

"Looks like we'll have to cancel. Call the team and let them know they won't be needed today."

"Wait a minute," Robert injected. "Can either of you be the subject for today? Or maybe someone from the staff can do it? There's no point in wasting an entire day just because one person didn't show up."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Amanda replied. "It's very important for each doctor to monitor everything so that we can get proper results."

"But it might be useful for someone with medical training to experience it. You know, so one of you could explain the results in better detail or something."

"He's right," Marisa added. "Neither of us would truly know what the problems or benefits are with this prototype if we haven't experienced it for ourselves. We'll otherwise be relying on testimony from subjects who are untrained in medical science."

Dr. Ledgard paused and gave it a thought. "Fine. You've persuaded me, Marisa. And I'm assuming that you have volunteered yourself as today's test subject, right?"

"Ummm...well actually, I'm on my period. I'm positive that neither of you would be interested in seeing me squirt something that looks like..."

"Please don't finish that sentence," Amanda said, cutting off her friend.

"So I guess we're left with you, mom," Robert stated.

"Me? This is the first time this product is being used. I need to be the one monitoring it, otherwise I won't know what adjustments need to be made."

"He's got a point," Marisa added. "You're the only one here who can do it. I'll take notes and make the observations for you. You can trust me with this. I'll send the rest of the team home and we'll do this in private."

"I find it a little unsettling that you two are ganging up on me," Dr. Ledgard joked, but in a serious way.

"It's only for the best," Robert said. "We've all agreed that the experiment must go on, and you have been selected to be today's participants. Sorry, but that's the majority opinion."

She reluctantly smiled, "I'm never going to forgive you for this. You've always been too smart for your own good. But you're right."


Several minutes passed and Dr. Ledgard entered the lab barefoot wearing a medical gown. Robert and Marisa both looked at her and tried to hold back their laughter.

"Are you getting ready for surgery, mom?" Robert joked.

"Don't be cute," she replied back. "But on a serious note, I'm going to have to ask that you stay in the other room for this test. You'll have to watch through the window."

"What? Why? This is an important event and you'll need all the help you can get. Besides, you got to see me naked a few days ago and it wasn't a big deal."

Amanda gave her son a stern motherly look. "That's different. You're my son and it isn't right for you to see me in an orgasmic state. I'm also keeping my gown on to cover my body."

"Your son has an excellent point," Marisa added. "Something could go wrong in here and it's safer to have Robert in the room with us. I also think it's best for you to disrobe completely. We won't be able to get a clear analysis of this device unless I'm able to read your entire body language."

"So you want me to get naked and have an orgasm in front of my son?" Dr. Ledgard asked her colleague with a peeved expression.

Marisa nodded. "That's correct. It's for the best."

"Whose side are you on anyway?" Dr. Ledgard inquired.

Marisa smiled. "I'm on the side of scientific understanding. Now are we going to stand around and chat all day, or are you finally going to get naked so that we can begin?"

"You're outnumbered again, mom," Robert added.

Amanda let out a loud sigh. She paused to think, but she knew she was trapped in an awkward situation which there was no way out of.

"Fine. It's two against one here. But you two shouldn't expect to ever see this again."

With that said, the world renowned Dr. Ledgard reached behind her medical gown to untie it, letting it fall to the floor. She stood naked in front of her best friend and her very own son as they stared at her body. It was especially awkward for her to see Robert admiring her bare figure.

"Having a good look?" she asked sarcastically.

"Uhh... sorry mom."

"Don't be so hard on him," Marisa said playfully to the doctor. "Can you blame him for admiring his beautiful mother?"

"Let's get this over with."

Amanda laid down on the lounge chair and got comfortable. She knew the procedure and exactly what to expect.

"Just relax," Marisa said. "I'm going to put on your breathing mask now. Robert, I want you to insert the object inside of her vagina."

"You couldn't have done that part for me?" Dr. Ledgard asked Marisa.

"Don't be so picky. Your son is a grown man and I'm sure he'll be delicate with you."

Dr. Ledgard couldn't take her eyes away from Robert. She watched how nervous her son looked. She noted how he was staring straight inside of her vagina. She observed his facial expressions change as he slowly and gently inserted the vibrator shaped device inside of her body.

Various thoughts swirled through her mind: Was he getting aroused? Was he enjoying this? Was he going to masturbate to the thought of her vagina and naked body later?

"Relax," Marisa said again. "We're all set and I'm going to turn on the device. I'm going to take a step back to observe your bodily reactions. If you need any help, or if anything goes wrong, just signal Robert and he will take care of it."

Marisa pushed the activation button and took several steps back with her clipboard to take notes.

The pheromones started pumping and Amanda's heart raced with nervousness. It was her second time in a week breathing the gas, but this time it was much more potent because she was breathing it directly. The object inside her vagina began to vibrate and stimulated her vaginal muscles.

It was only a matter of seconds before Amanda felt herself becoming extremely aroused. A few more seconds and she became hypersexual. The pheromones drove her wild and the vibrating device inside of her vagina pushed her over the edge. She no longer cared that she was naked and aroused in front of her best friend and her son, the only thing on her mind was her insatiable sexual appetite.

Several minutes had passed and Amanda was on her way to a powerful orgasm.

Without warning, the prototype device inside of her vagina suddenly stopped working, leaving her in a state of complete sexual frustration.

"Oh god!!!" she yelled, pulling off the breathing mask. "This useless thing broke."

Her legs closed and clenched tightly as if in pain.

"What are you feeling?" Marisa inquired. "Are you okay?"

Dr. Ledgard continued squirming on the chair. "It aches between my legs and I don't think it's going away."

She pulled the useless object out of her vagina, not caring that her vagina had become completely gaping and exposed. After tossing it to the floor, she clenched her legs together and curled her toes.

"It's starting to hurt."

"Robert, I think you should help your mother," Marisa said. "She's in desperate need of help."

For the first time since entering the lab, Robert stood dumbfounded at the request, and so did Dr. Ledgard.

"What!?" Amanda yelled. "That most certainly will not happen. I'll be fine."

She tried to act normal, but it didn't work.

"Don't be such a proud woman," Marisa shot back. "Those pheromones you've created are highly potent and you've witnessed first hand the effects they've had on our patients. It's important that I monitor your physical reactions, and the only person here who can help is Robert."

Amanda tried to stand up and object to her colleague's advice, but she found herself weak in the knees and burning between the legs. In a frustrating turn of events, she fell back onto the chair as an intoxicating level of sexual arousal flowed through her body.

"She might be right, mom," Robert hesitantly added. "You're obviously suffering and we can't just leave you like this."

"And how do you suppose you're going to help me?" Amanda asked skeptically.

"Just lay back. It's going to be awkward at first, but I know what to do."

Dr. Ledgard continued giving her son a skeptical look, but she didn't have a choice. The pheromones wreaked havoc on her sexual drive and she was far more aroused than she was willing to show. She knew she had no other alternative.

As Dr. Ledgard laid back onto the lounge chair, she watched as her own son made his way towards her.

She laid there helplessly as Robert's hand moved down between her legs. Her maternal instinct as a mother was to close it and cover herself, but she was far too aroused. She was naked and vulnerable from the pheromones, and she needed sexual relief at all costs. She allowed his hand to approach her vagina and his fingers felt like magic once they touched her womanhood.

"Oh god..." she gasped. "That feels so...I shouldn't...Ohhh...."

As shameful and embarrassed as she felt being pleased by her son, her lust was far more important. She looked him straight in the eyes as he started to finger her. His strong fingers rubbed her painfully swollen clit in a circular motion. Amanda's mouth opened and she tried her best to suppress any kind of moaning to show how much pleasure she was in.

After playing with her clit for a few moments, Robert's fingers entered his mother's vagina causing her to release another gasp. His fingers entered in and out of her soaking wet vagina. Minutes passed and his intensity increased.

Before long, he was fingering his mother as fast and as hard as he could, bringing her to a powerful orgasm. She panted and screamed. Her toes curled and her back arched. A sudden rush of fluids sprayed from her vagina and she squirted for the very first time in her life. The once clean chair was now covered in fluids, and Dr. Ledgard struggled to keep her breath.

"I'd say we have another success on our hands," Marisa smiled, taking notes. "Your hypothesis is correct, and the pheromones are equally as effective for women as they are for men."

"I'm glad you were able to figure that out," Dr. Ledgard sarcastically replied while still breathing heavily.

Marisa then teased her boss. "Any time a mother allows her son to bring her to an orgasm like that, and then squirt, has a serious case of sexual arousal. But I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that."

"I thought I needed you for everything?" she quipped.

With that said, Amanda was finally able to stand back on her feet, and she looked down at her body. She was completely naked, sweaty, and her legs were covered in her own fluids.

"That must have felt amazing, mom," Robert said while still staring at her body. "I've never seen a woman squirt like that before."

"That was the first time I've ever squirted. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get dressed."

She slowly walked a few steps to put on her medical gown.

"What's next?" Marisa asked.

"I'd say we've done more than enough research for the day. Take the rest of the day off and let's regroup tomorrow with the rest of the team. We still have a lot more work to do before this product is perfected, but we're on the right track."

The three of them took a sigh of relief over the provocative and lively morning they shared.


After several more minutes of small talk, Marisa was the first to leave. Amanda and her son were left alone in the empty lab while she was still wearing the medical gown.

"What an experience," Robert said. "I can't believe I was part of a scientific breakthrough."

"It was certainly a scientific breakthrough all right. I just wish it hadn't been me who was the test subject, and you on the other end touching me."

He smiled. "It wasn't that bad."

"Maybe for you it wasn't," she replied in a stern tone of voice. "Like I said before, it isn't right for you to see me like this, let alone touch me the way you did."

"You're right, but it was for your own good. You looked like you were suffering badly before I helped out. Besides, it's not like anyone is going to find out. None of us are going to tell anyone, and Marisa is practically a member of the family. She's not going to tell anyone either."

Dr. Ledgard ignored his comment and picked up her bra and panties. "Turn around for a moment. I need to get dressed."

"I can't watch you get dressed even after seeing you naked?" he teased.

"That was science," she said bluntly. "You don't have an excuse to see me naked anymore, is that understood?"

"Okay, I was just joking mom. I hope you aren't mad."

Dr. Ledgard paused for a moment so she could calm down. "No, I'm not mad. It's just...I'm still a little...the effects of the pheromones haven't completely worn off yet. So I'm feeling a little frustrated if you know what I mean."

"You're still aroused," he replied, stating the obvious.

"Yes, I'm still aroused. The only thing on my mind right now is driving straight home, getting in the shower, and, well, you don't need to hear the rest of that. That's only for me to know."

"I'll probably be doing the same thing," he said without thinking. "I mean... uh... I'm pretty tired and I want to go home as well."

She put her hands on her hips in a motherly fashion. "You're going to masturbate thinking about this, aren't you?"

"I guess there's no point in denying it."

Without saying another word, Dr. Ledgard let the medical gown fall to the floor and she stood naked in front of her son once again. His eyes marveled at her body and she was completely unabashed.

"Consider this a freebie for being such a helpful hand today. Enjoy it before I put my clothes back on."

"Wait," he said, as she attempted to put on a bra. "We've already seen each other in extremely intimate situations, and we're both going to go home and do the same thing. So do you think we can have one more moment between us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think maybe we can help each other with our needs? I know it's crazy, but the lab is empty and no one is going to find out."

She paused and gave it a serious thought. "You know, when the vibrator broke and you had to use your hand on me, I actually preferred your touch over the machine. With all of this technology, I've realized that I've lost sight of certain things. These sex toys can do a lot, but they can't replace a human touch."

"I agree. When I tried out your sex toy, feeling your tongue was the best part."

"So we're in agreement," she said with an eyebrow raised. "I feel your skin, you feel mine. We'll get these crazy feelings out of our system. Agreed?"

"Do you even need to ask? I think you should already know the answer."

Dr. Ledgard smiled and tossed her bra to the floor. She walked over to her son, and without giving him any directions, she started to undress him. It wasn't long before the both of them were standing completely naked before each other.

"What next?" he asked.

"Lean back on the lounge chair. It's my turn to do all the work. You deserve it."

Robert obediently did as he was told and leaned back on the seat where his mother had recently orgasmed. His throbbing hard cock was pointed straight up in the air and was desperately waiting to be satisfied. He watched as his highly educated and respectable mother opened her legs and positioned herself over his cock.

She slowly lowered herself, and Robert used one hand to hold his erection straight up so that it would enter his mother's body. A feeling of warmth came over his body as the tip of his penis touched her moist vaginal opening. Her vagina provided more than enough natural lubrication for an easy entry. She continued lowering herself and his cock slid all the way in. Her entire body weight was rested on his lap.

"God that feels so good," he moaned.

"You've earned it. Now let's see if I can finally get rid of what those pheromones have done to me."

Dr. Ledgard wrapped her arms around her son's neck and she slowly started to gyrate her hips. They were face-to-face and looked each other straight in the eyes. Once her vaginal muscles became accustomed to having a hard cock inside, she began to pick up speed. Before long she found herself riding her son's raging hard cock. She bounced up and down in a way she had never done before. It was the most depraved and lust-filled sexual encounter she had ever had in her life, and with her own son at that.

Her newfound sexual cravings made for her forget about the taboos she was violating, and how prim and proper she was supposed to be. She didn't care about anything except for their sexual lust. She rode him so hard that the expensive and highly advanced laboratory was filled with lewd sounds of them fucking. Rhythmic slappings echoed, and so did the noises of her wet vagina being fucked.

"I need to cum!!" Amanda cried, almost in a hypnotic state. "I need to cum so bad!!!"

Fluids once again flowed out of her vagina and onto the floor. Her nipples were harder than they've ever been before, and every muscle in her vagina began to contract. Robert came at the exact same time, shooting load after load of his cum inside of his mother's body. They both breathed uncontrollably as they satisfied their newfound lust for each other.

When it was over, they both collapsed for several minutes with their sweat and orgasmic fluids everywhere.

"Are you okay, mom?" he asked.

"Never been better. I don't think I'll ever be the same again," she replied jokingly.

She playfully slapped him on the chest and stood up as he stared at her naked body. She loved the fact that he never got tired of admiring her figure. It made her feel special in a weird way.

"What are you doing? I'm too weak to go anywhere."

She smiled. "I'm going to get more pheromones so that we can continue experimenting. We also need a mop and some paper towels to clean up afterwards."

For the first time in Dr. Ledgard's medical career, she opted to work in her lab while completely naked, with cum flowing down her legs.