
Fantasies of a Good Mother


Laura stood on the small dock overlooking the lake.

She was standing next to a real estate agent, deciding whether to buy the property or not. The house was large and spacious. The area was quiet and serene. It was Laura's second time visiting the property with the realtor, and everything seemed perfect to her.

"Beautiful view isn't it?" the realtor asked. "I never get tired of coming here."

Laura nodded. "Neither do I. A place like this is exactly what I'm looking for."

"Based on the things you want, I'd have to agree. Here you have a large property all to yourself, which is perfect for writing books. And there are plenty of outdoor activities, including swimming and hiking. The views on this property are amazing."

"I'm sure my son would love that," Laura added.

"Your son will be living here as well?"

"That's part of the reason why I want to move to this area," she replied. "It's a great place to write a book, and it's close my son's college. He can live with me instead of a dorm, and I would have a nice place to work."

The realtor smiled, "I think that's wonderful. You two would be so happy here."

"I think I agree," Laura smiled back. "Let the seller know that I'm interested in buying this property. I'd like to move in as soon as possible."

Fantasies of a Good Mother

Several months later. Laura sat in the office room of her new home early in the morning. There was a computer on her desk, along with family pictures and papers. Boxes were laying around the room, some opened, some remained closed. Everything had the look of someone still in the process of moving in.

She leaned back on the chair after receiving a call from Janet, her manager. The two became close friends after Laura hired her over a decade ago.

"How are things in your new house?" Janet asked. "Is your writing coming along well?"

"I'm still getting settled in. I love it here. But I'm a little scattered on the writing. I'm working on a few different things at the moment, little by little. Nothing solid, unfortunately."

"I know how that goes," the manager replied. "Anyway, it's fair to say that you're not deeply involved in writing any new stories at the moment right?"

"Pretty much. I have a few ideas for more crime novels. The usual stuff."

"Good," Janet replied. "Because there might be a way for you to take your career to new heights."

"Which is?"


Laura was taken aback. "Erotica? You mean erotic stories?"

"Precisely," Janet replied. "Erotica is highly in demand right now, and the market is craving for new and exciting authors. Someone like you could easily write a big hit in that genre."

"I'd hardly consider myself 'new' given how long I've been doing this line of work."

"But you would still be considered a new author in the world of erotica."

Laura thought for a moment. "Erotic stories aren't my thing. You know that."

"I know. But I also know that your recent books have seen a steady decline in sales. You're not drawing an audience the way that you used to."

"Every author goes through a slump at some point. It's natural. As my manager, I expect you to understand that. Besides, the stuff I'm working on right now has plenty of potential to become bestsellers some day. So please, spare me the advice."

"Well as your manager, it's my job to give you advice which could help your career."

"Changing genres isn't exactly the kind of advice that I pay you for," Laura quipped.

"Listen, I've already spoken with the people at the publisher's office and they think it's a great idea. With your name recognition and writing credentials, it's almost certain that your erotic novel debut will be a big hit with readers."

"You think so?"

"I've been in this business longer than you have," Janet replied. "So take my advice. The publishers agree with me, and they said they'll give your first erotic novel a large promotional push."

There was a long pause on the phone.

"Let's say that I decide to write an erotic story. Frankly, I can't guarantee that it would be any good. I've never done it before."

"Not a problem," Janet said without care. "I can send you some short erotic stories that I've recently helped get published for another client of mine. Obviously I don't want you to copy them, but you can use them for inspiration."

"Do you think the original author will mind?"

"No way. She's actually a big fan of yours. She speaks very highly of you."

"Your client who writes erotic stories is a woman?" Laura asked.

"Not all erotic stories are written by horny old men. Women write them too, smart ones. And women also read a lot of erotic stories. Welcome to the new world."

"Thanks for the warm welcome," she sarcastically replied. "Email them to me and I'll take a look. No promises. I'll see if I can come up with something worth writing."

"It shouldn't be much different than writing a crime novel. Story, suspense, characters, build-up, and then the grand finale. In this case, just end it with hot steamy sex. It's that simple."

"Easy for you to say," Laura replied.

"Like I said, I've been in this business for a long time. If you're short on ideas, I hear that using real life inspiration works."

"Great. I'll bang the mailman when he comes around so I can sit in front of the computer and write about it."

"That'll work," Janet replied. "I hope you have a sexy mailman."

"You're making me excited now."

"Good, maybe that'll help you get started. Have fun."

Laura playfully sighed. "This is going to be an interesting couple of months if I actually decide to do this."

"Interesting, tantalizing, and exciting. Get used to it. I'll email you some erotic material for you to read. Hopefully that'll get your juices flowing."

"I hope you mean my creative juices."

"That too," the manager joked.


Laura spent the next two hour sitting in front of her computer reading erotic short stories. It was her first time ever viewing pornographic themed stories, and they impressed her. None of them were overly vulgar as she had anticipated them to be. They were subtle, with slow build-ups, character development, and satisfying conclusions of sexual encounters.

The first story she read focused on a female office manager who was too busy to date. The main character noticed that her female co-worker was coming to work with lines on her arm and back. Eventually, she asked the co-worker what those lines were, and after a lengthy conversation, the co-worker admitted she was visiting a BDSM club. The co-worker gave her boss a card and explained the benefits of visiting such a place. The female office manager eventually decided to have a look and it changed her life forever.

The second story involved a male college professor who had recently been divorced. After mid-terms, one of his students approached him with an offer. She was a sexy cheerleader from a wealthy family. She bluntly offered him sexual favors in exchange for good grades. The professor strongly refused and threatened to report her to the Dean. His morals and integrity as a professor were more important. The student, however, was persistent and never gave up. The professor reluctantly accepted the agreement and was sexually satisfied in his office by the college girl. It was a cliche story, but enjoyable nonetheless, she thought.

The third story featured two adult women who were childhood friends. They both recently went through painful divorces and sought each others company. They became closer than ever before. They understood each other and found the true value in each other. It was a lesbian story.

'This might not be so difficult after all,' Laura thought.

She acknowledged to herself that the stories were titillating at the very least. At that point, she understood the appeal of erotic stories, and why they were finding mainstream success. If her mind wasn't so focused on work, she would have been much more aroused.

There was a faint splashing noise coming from the lake. She heard it through her open window and stood up to look outside. Tom, her son, was outside swimming. It was beautiful outside, and it would have been a travesty for her to be trapped inside the house working all day, she thought.

'I really need a break.'

Laura undressed in her bedroom. After getting naked, she put on a one-piece bathing suit and covered it with a large tshirt. She grabbed a large towel and headed outside.

The distance from the house to the lake was short. Laura and Tom made eye contact as she walked towards him on the wooden dock. Tom looked comfortable and relaxed while treading in the water.

"Mind if I join?" she asked.

"Sure," he smiled. "The water is great."

After she put her towel down on the dock, Laura pulled her tshirt overhead and stood in her bathing suit. She noticed that Tom was watching her, but she didn't mind. It was normal for people who swam. She dove in the lake and swam underwater for a while, enjoying the blissful feeling of nature's water against her skin. Once she needed air, she came back to the surface and treaded on the water alongside her son.

"You must have done a lot of writing," he said.

"What makes you say that?"

"You've been crammed in your office all morning."

"I was reading a couple of short stories," she replied. "Janet wants me to write Erotica."

"You mean erotic stories?"

Laura nodded. "Yeah. Janet thinks it'll be a good career move since erotic stories are so popular nowadays. Apparently the publishers are willing to give me extra promotion if I write my first adult novel."

"Really?" he laughed. "Mom, no offense, but you should stick to crime stories."

Laura reached in the lake and splashed water on Tom's face.

"Very funny. You don't think I can do it?"

"It's just that I have a hard time imagining you sitting in front of the computer to write a sex story," he playfully replied. "That's all I'm saying."

"I'm glad to see that you have so much faith in me. I hope you remember that my career as an author pays for this expensive home and your college tuition."

He smiled, "Don't worry, I didn't forget. And I think you'll do a great job writing an erotic story. I'd love to read, even though it would be kind of awkward knowing you wrote it."

"Believe me, I considered that part already. My parents, family, and all my friends would probably be reading it too. But I'm not interested in making anything overly raunchy or explicit. I'll probably go with something more on the romantic side, you know, a reflection of the human condition. That's usually where I do my best work."

"Does this mean you're going to write it?"

"Seems like it," she replied. "Maybe Janet is right. It'll be great for my career, and a great way to add variety to my work."

"Awesome. I'm sure it'll be a fun read."

Laura flung her arm and splashed water on Tom's face again, and they laughed.

"Come on," she said. "I'm getting tired. Let's go back inside and I'll make lunch."


That night. After spending the day coming up with ideas that led nowhere, Laura furiously typed away on her computer. She thought of something which could work. Writing an erotic story had never crossed her mind before, but it was becoming a reality.

~~ The beginning of the story revolved around a middle aged woman who recently moved to a secluded home near the forest. It was to be her place of solitude. While out hiking, she meets a handsome young man who was also exploring nature. They started a small conversation and become friendly. Their conversation ended and they continued on their separate ways, but the older woman was smitten by the chance encounter. The woman knew they would eventually cross paths again. It excited her, even though she knew it was taboo because of their age difference. ~~

Once Laura finished typing the opening to her first erotic story, she emailed it to Janet to get her feedback. It was 11:35 pm by the time she finished typing. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and then went to sleep.


Early Sunday morning. It was 8:14 am when she checked the clock. Laura slid her right hand between her legs and began to rub. It was a common practice for whenever she awoke with a sense of arousal. Her fingers rubbed her clitoris for a few moments before entering her vagina. Morning masturbation was her favorite way to start the day.

Her mind wandered to unusual places. Like most people, she had her favorite fantasies. She usually fantasized about classy men her age, sweeping her away in a moment of romance. But this time, she thought about the scenario in her story with an older woman meeting a much younger man. She imagined that she was that older woman.

Then, for reasons unknown, she imagined that Tom was the younger man. It was the first time that he was ever the star of her masturbation fantasies. She had always thought of him as a handsome young man, but those thoughts never became sexual. She imagined herself kissing him while swimming in the lake together. Then she imagined herself naked with him on the hiking trail, holding each other tight. Then came the long sex session.

Her eyes were shut and her toes started to curl while she masturbated. Before long, she had an orgasm. She checked the clock to see that it had become 8: 49 am. She had been masturbating for over half an hour, then she rested her head back onto the pillow. A feeling of bliss flowed through her body from the orgasm, and it was all thanks to an unusual fantasy over her son.

'Where did that come from?' she asked herself, surprised by her own thoughts. 'My little secret.'

Laura got out of bed and washed herself in the bathroom. Afterwards she undressed in her bedroom and wore a casual tshirt and sweatpants.

The phone rang. It was 9:16. She checked the caller ID to see that it was her manager.

"Well good morning Janet," she happily answered.

"Aren't you in a good mood today," Janet replied.

"What do you mean? I'm always in a good mood."

"Not like this," her manager replied, knowing something was different. "Anyway, I saw your email late last night and I immediately forwarded it to the Publisher's office."

Laura's mind suddenly became alert. "Did he call you back? What did he say?"

"As it turns out, the Publisher loves what you've written so far. He says if the rest of the book is that good, he's going to give you a huge promotional push."

"That's great. I certainly wasn't expecting that."

"I knew you could do it," Janet replied. "The timing is perfect since your contract is set to expire soon. If your first erotic novel turns out to be a big hit, then I would have an easier time renegotiating another contract for more money."

"That never hurts," Laura smiled to herself.

"So I assume the story is in full swing?"

"No pun intended, but it seems like it."

"Good. How long do you think before it's finished?" the manager asked.

"The usual. It should probably be a few months before it's done. Maybe less since I think I can do it fast. The story is fairly simple, so it shouldn't be hard."

"Wonderful," Janet said happily. "The publisher wants to put this story out for the holiday season, so I told him that you'd be done before the end of summer. So it looks like you'll have a busy next few months of writing."

"What would I do without you?" she replied sarcastically.

"You'd still be a writer, but you'd be making much less money with a different agent. That's for sure."

Laura laughed. "Good point. Now I better get to work before I miss that strict deadline you've placed on me."


She went downstairs for breakfast. Once she was in the kitchen preparing her morning coffee and fruits, Tom came to the sink after finishing his breakfast cereal, which he ate in front of the tv. To him, it was just another lazy weekend, in contrast to his mother, who was still gleeful from the powerful orgasm she gave herself.

"Hey there," she winked.

"You're in a good mood this morning," he replied.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"


"I just got off the phone with Janet and she said the same thing."

"Oh. Because it's true. You don't seem so grumpy."

"I guess I woke up on the right side of the bed," she replied, knowing what the real reason was.

Tom quickly washed his bowl in the sink while Laura prepared her food.

"So you talked to Janet this morning huh?" he said. "Does this mean you're officially making that story?"

"I am."

"That's great. At least you've got something to focus on right? You seemed kind of bored these past few months."

"I did?"

"Yeah, trust me. I notice these things. You look bored whenever you aren't writing a novel. I can always tell whether you're working or not. When you don't write, you look completely unmotivated. But when you're writing a novel, you seem much more energetic and motivated to do things."

She smiled. "Maybe that's why I look so happy this morning."

"That makes sense."

Tom placed the bowl in the dish rack and was about to leave.

"Do you have any plans today?" she asked.

"Not really. I've got a paper to write for class, but it's easy. I'll probably go swimming again today. This place is awesome. I'm glad you bought it."

"I'm glad you like it," she replied. "How about we spend some time together before lunch?"

"Sounds good."


Hours later. Laura and Tom were both outside on the lake again. This time, instead of swimming, they were floating on small individual rafts. They wore their bathing suits and enjoyed the bliss of floating on water, along with the rays of the sun while they tanned.

"This is heavenly," she said.

"You've got that right."

"I'm glad we moved here. I missed you when you were away at college. So it's nice for us to be together again."

"This beats living in a tiny dorm. That's for sure."

Laura splashed water on him.

"Is that all this place is good for?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Of course not. Your food and cable tv are pretty good too."

"You won't be laughing once I start charging you rent."

"I'm only kidding," he replied. "You're the best mom in the world. Happy now?"

"Much better."

They continued lounging around in the sun. Laura extended her limbs and dipped her hands & feet into the water, which was slightly cooler than the day before. Time slowly passed as they enjoyed being alone together.


Several weeks later. It was an early Friday afternoon, and the day already felt long. Laura was home alone and was busy writing. Tom was still in one of his college classes so Laura had a few more hours to herself. She found herself staring at the computer screen with nothing else to write.

'What happens next?' she asked herself.

It was like the characters were frozen in time on her computer. The older woman and younger man were interacting, but it stopped there. Venturing towards an erotic storyline was a new process for Laura, and she couldn't figure it out. Laura put her hands behind her head and leaned back on the comfortable chair. Then she stood up and paced the room back & forth. Her pacing moved to the hallway.

Her eyes darted to her son's room. The door was slightly open and she could see his messy bed. Her eyebrow raised and she had a dirty thought.

'Why not,' she thought. 'It's not like he's ever going to find out.'

Laura undressed and tossed her clothes onto the floor. It wasn't long before she was completely naked. She casually walked towards Tom's bedroom, unabashed by her own nudity. When she was in his room, a dirty feeling came over her. The taboo gave her a surreal feeling. She walked around his room and looked at his things before stopping to look at pictures on the wall. There were pictures of Tom with his friends, and with family. Her eyes focused on the pictures of her with Tom.

She brought both hands down to her vagina and rubbed. Her eyes never left the pictures of her son. The dirty feelings continued to overcome her. It was depraved, and she knew it, but it was for the sake of her erotic novel. That was her rationalization.

When her legs started to become weak, she looked for a decent place to sit. She decided on his bed. Before she laid down, her eyes turned to the tiny flashlight near the bed. It was waterproof and smooth. It was less than 6 inches in height. Perfect, she thought.

Laura picked up Tom's small flashlight and laid down on his bed. She spread her legs wide open. Her eyes were open, looking at the ceiling, and she inserted the backside of the small flashlight inside of her vagina. She pushed it in, using it exactly like a sex toy.

'Oh,' she gasped.

Images of her own son passed through her mind. None of them were proper. All of the thoughts were depraved and filled with debauchery. Her eyes closed and shifted around. Her lips quivered. Her toes curled. The rate she used the small object increased in speed, and she rubbed her clitoris. She knew she would have to wash it with soap later.

She came.


After dinner that night, Laura went back to writing her story:

~~ The older woman continued her daily walks through the hiking paths and occasional swimming in a nearby lake. The solitude was what she wanted. She was a wealthy woman who retired early after years of hustling in a major city as a corporate executive. She enjoyed the quiet and slow pace for a change. But deep down, she longed to see the young man again.

The older woman & younger man eventually met. They talked, and they become even more friendly than their previous encounter. They agree to meet again at the same place the next day.

When the next day came, they had a picnic together and ate lunch by the lake. She built up the courage to ask him about his dating life. When he said he was single, a part of her was delighted. When he told her that she was beautiful, her heart raced. They shared a tender kiss. ~~

Laura turned off the computer when it became late and she was tired. Her writing process had always been visual. She would imagine the story in her mind, then she would type it onto the screen. With her erotic story, she imagined herself as the older woman, and Tom as the younger man.

She washed herself in the bathroom. Then she turned off the lights and went to bed.


It was mid-Sunday morning. Laura and Tom went on a long hike on the nature trail. They reached a point where they were overlooking a forest area and a nearby river. They stood in silence for a moment and their eyes gazed at the beautiful scenery.

"I still can't believe how gorgeous this area is," she said, looking at the view. "We're extremely lucky to live here."

"Yeah. You're right."

"This place does wonders for my writings."

"I can tell."

She raised an eyebrow. "Can you?"

"Yep," he said with a smile, as he turned towards his mother. "You seem so much happier here, like you're more relaxed. In our old house, I could always tell whenever you were short of ideas because of that annoyed look on your face. I never mentioned it because I knew you would be offended, but I thought it was kind of funny."

Laura shrugged. "Maybe you're right. I can be in a mood sometimes if my work isn't going well."

"So I guess that means your erotic story is pretty good so far. You seem happy."

She looked at him skeptically, wondering if he was being sarcastic or not.

"It is. It's going really well. It's entitled, The Place of Solitude & Depravity. I really like it so far."

He smiled, "Sounds like a classy story."

"What were you expecting me to write? Two people randomly meeting on a train somewhere and deciding to have sex for no apparent reason?"

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea mom."

She playfully slapped his arm. "I'm sure that's standard reading material for someone like you."

"I prefer pictures and videos," he joked. "But seriously, I can't wait to read it. I love reading your work."

"Thanks. This is obviously much different than what I normally write. But you might find it interesting."

"Well, what's it about?" he asked.

Laura suddenly felt slightly uncomfortable. "Love and romance mainly. It's about a female corporate executive who decides to change the pace of her once busy life. She has enough money to retire and finds solace in nature. She meets a younger man. I'll just leave it at that."

There was a slight awkwardness in the moment, and Laura wondered if her son could make the connection between the story idea, and her real life sexual fantasies. But in her mind, Tom didn't think anything of it. Why would he?


A few weeks later. Janet poured two cups of coffee and served one to Laura. They were in her downtown office having a private meeting. Janet sat behind her desk and Laura sat across from her.

"Great news," Janet said. "The Publisher is thrilled with what you've written so far. You'll be getting a big promotional push before the release. In terms of business, we'll wait and see how sales go before we renegotiate. I think we're in a great spot."


"I couldn't have said it better. Maybe you've finally found your calling as an author."

"You mean as an erotic author?" Laura smiled.

"Exactly. It seems to suit you."

"The funny thing is, if you had told me a few months ago that I would write an erotic story, and actually enjoy it, I would have laughed it off."

"Frankly, I don't blame you for thinking that," Janet said casually. "I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out. But you did it. Your latest work is some of the best I've ever seen."

"Well it's not done yet. All it needs now is more build-up and the dreaded sex scenes."

"I have faith that you can work your magic and make something sexy for people to read."

"Hopefully," Laura replied.

"How did you come up with those characters anyway? This story is more detailed and realistic than any of your best crime novels."

"It's more or less the same process," Laura said. "I think of the story I want, and who the characters are. Then I think about what makes sense for them to do, or say. I visualize it to the best of my abilities, and then I write it down. It's as simple as that."

Janet nodded. "That makes sense. But still, were there any inspirations this time around?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because you always use real life people as inspiration for your characters. So there has to be someone in mind. I'm curious who it is."

Laura paused for a moment. "There's someone in mind. You're right."

"Is he handsome?" the manager asked with an eyebrow raised.

Laura smiled. "Yes, he's handsome."

"Aren't you going to tell me who he is?"

"I'd rather not. But I'll admit that it's a fairly unusual source. The sex scenes are going to be provocative to say the least."

"I like the sound of that."

"You're the agent of several erotic story authors right?" Laura asked.


"Do you have any advice for making a satisfying conclusion? You've read a lot more erotic stories than I have, and you certainly know what readers want."

Janet thought for a few seconds. "In your case, since you're using someone in particular, I'd say to push his buttons in real life. Tease him. Make him want you. From there, you can fill in the rest with your own active imagination. The conclusion writes itself after the main climax."

"Do you really think that's going to work?"

"I know it will," Janet replied with complete confidence.

"Easier said than done."

"So is life. But that's the process. You've written a spectacular story so far, and it needs a spectacular ending. Who knows, you might even enjoy it."

Laura's heart rate started to pick up. She felt herself becoming aroused at the thought of doing something perverted with Tom.

"Maybe you're right," Laura replied.

"How long have we known each other?"

"Longer than I care to count."

"Exactly. And when have I ever been wrong?" Janet asked.

"I don't recall."

"Exactly. Now let's go have lunch. My treat."


Later that night. Laura sat in front of her computer and continued her story to the point where it almost reached its first sex scene.

~~ The older woman struggled with her feelings when she was alone. The younger man was constantly on her mind. She found herself thinking about him during odd times, no matter what she was doing. She masturbated thinking of him. She waited patiently to find him outdoors during the weekends. Whenever they met, they would spend time together. Sometimes they would kiss if no one was around.

Before long, the older woman made an offer she could never take back. She bluntly offered the younger man a chance to make love in her home. He was invited to come to her home at a later date when he had the proper time. ~~

Laura slid her hand down her panties. The more she wrote, the more real the story became.

She rubbed her clitoris in a circular motion with her index finger. Her eyes were still open, and she looked at a picture of her son which was on the table. It was the ultimate taboo.

Lewd thoughts filled her lustful mind. She imagined herself kissing her son. He kissed her back. They caressed and fondled each other in her fantasy. Soon they were naked. She got on her knees and took his manhood in her mouth until completion. Tom graciously returned the favor.

Laura came.

She laid blissfully in her chair for a while. Then she went to the bathroom to wash her hands with soap. Afterwards she removed her panties and used a paper towel to dry her vaginal area.

When she got back to her computer, she opened her email account. The cursor on the screen hovered over her files, and she thought for a moment. Laura took a deep breath and attached the entire story to an email, and sent it to her son.

Once the email was sent, she went to bed, unsure of what would happen next.


The next day. It was a Saturday morning and Laura was in the kitchen pouring herself coffee. She wore a simple robe with a blouse underneath. After she took a sip of the hot drink, Tom came down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning," she said, taking another sip of her drink.

"Hey mom," he replied as he headed straight for the food. "I saw your email."

Her eyebrow raised. "Did you read it? What did you think?"

"Seriously? That thing is over a hundred pages long and I just woke up."

"Reading is a great way to start a morning. Remember that."

"Maybe for you it is."

Laura gave him a frustrated look. "The reason I sent it to you is because I wanted your opinion. You seemed curious about it, so I gave you a copy of what I have so far."

"I know. I know. I'm still busy with school work and exams are coming up. I'll read your story eventually, and I'll let you know what I think about it."

"Great," she smiled. "Your school work is a lot more important obviously. But read my story when you have extra time."

"I glanced at the first few paragraphs and it looked nice. Seriously, I can't wait to read the whole thing."

"Just wait until you get close to the ending," she winked before taking another sip of her coffee.


One week later. Laura and Tom laid on their separate rafts, just a few feet apart, and enjoyed floating on the lake. Sunbathing on the water had become their favorite weekend activity together. She wore the same one-piece bathing suit, and Tom was shirtless wearing only his swimming trunks. Their feet were in the water. There was a long stretch of silence between them.

"I finally got around to reading your story," he said randomly, breaking the silence. "I finished it last night."

Her eyebrow raised. "Well what did you think about it?"

"I thought it was really good," he smiled. "I don't normally read that sort of stuff, but it was good."

"I'm glad you think so. It's my first time venturing towards that territory, so I'm interested in what people have to say."

"What did Janet say about it?"

"She loves what I have so far. So do the people at the publisher's office."

"Good," he replied.

"What did you think of the characters and their interaction so far?"

"Very realistic. When I was reading it, the scenes were easy to visualize. Those are the kinds of stories I like to read. It was like watching a movie."

"That's what I always try to achieve," Laura replied. "I try to make all my stories feel seamless, exactly like you said."

"You did a great job on that."

"Any preferences for the ending?" she asked. "I'm still undecided on that part."

Tom thought for a moment and then smiled. "Not really. I'll leave that up to you."

"Why are you smiling?" she asked skeptically.

"No reason."

"I know that look on your face Tom. Just tell me. I want your honest opinion."

"The main character in that book is based on you isn't it?"

Her eyebrows raised. "What makes you say that?"

"The personality is just like yours. Similar backstory too. I can imagine you saying those words whenever I read the main character talking. It sounds exactly like you."

Laura felt her heart rate gradually beginning to increase for reasons she couldn't understand.

"Does that make you uncomfortable reading it?" she asked.

"Why would it?"

"Because I'm your mother."

"But you're also human," he replied. "So you have a thing for younger men. Big deal. That's common for women your age. No offense."

Laura looked at him with an 'If you only knew...' type of expression on her face.

"That's a reasonable opinion," she stated. "I'm glad you're being mature about this. That's one of the reasons why I wanted your thoughts. You're always honest with me."

"I'm a mature guy. What can I say?"

She gave him a motherly smile, "You can answer my question and give me your opinion on the ending. We can talk like adults here. I want the perspective of someone your age, since the male character in the book is also a college student."

Tom thought for a moment. "I think the characters going inside the house to have sex is way too bland. It's too expected. You need to spice things up a little. I think the book would be more erotic if they had sex outside. That way, there would be elements of exhibitionism & voyeurism to it."

"Is that something you enjoy?"

"It's just my opinion. You asked, and there's my answer."

"I like that idea," she replied. "That kind of ending floated in my mind for a while, but I wasn't sure about using it since the older woman is more reserved when it comes to sex. She's struggling with her feelings for the younger man, but she also wants to take things further. That's the appeal of an erotic story in my opinion."

"How are you going to decide?"

"I do what I think feels right. I think of it like hacking a combination lock; I keep turning my thoughts until something clicks. I don't write until it feels perfect. That's the way I work."

"So if the main character is based on you, then you'll probably go with a safe ending," he said playfully.

"Oh really? And why is that?" she asked curiously.

"Because you're so reserved," he said as a matter-of-fact. "I can't imagine you writing about people having sex outdoors. So you'll probably go the more traditional route and keep them indoors."

She raised an eyebrow. "You sound so sure of yourself."

"I'm usually right when it comes to women."

Laura felt her heart rate continue to rise. Talking about her sexuality with her own son of all people was a secret thrill.

"You're still young," she replied. "And you still have a lot to learn about women. Even the most reserved woman can still have dirty fantasies."

"True. But I still predict you're going the safe route with your story. You don't seem like someone who would write a raunchy sex scene."

"Why? Because I'm afraid of outdoor sex and nudity?" she asked, as if it were a challenge.


Laura pulled the side of her bathing suit down and completely exposed a bare breast. It was entirely impulsive. Her face was expressionless and she watched her son's reaction. Tom's jaw dropped and his eyes widened. His eyes were locked onto his mother's brown nipple as if it were hypnosis.

After a few brief seconds, Laura placed her top back in its rightful position, covering her breast once again. A burning feeling was between her legs, and she was fully aroused, but she didn't show it.

"What were you saying about me being a prude?" she smiled, watching him squirm.


"Like I said, you still have a long way to go when it comes to learning about women," she replied.

"I...guess so..."

"I'm glad we finally understand each other. It's a beautiful day, so let's enjoy it rather than argue."

Laura leaned back on her raft and looked up at the sky. One impulsive move sent a sexual charge through her body. She smiled to herself over what she had just done. It amused her that Tom had suddenly become so flustered after seeing her breast as if he had never seen one before. It was like he had a school boy innocence again, even though he was a young man who was experienced in sex.


An hour later, Laura was in her bedroom furiously typing away on her computer. Inspiration came to her, but it was mostly from what had happened with Tom earlier.

~~ The older woman saw the younger man at a distance. She walked towards him with a purpose. She had originally planned on inviting him to her house where they would have coffee, talk, and eventually make love. That was how she originally envisioned their first romantic encounter.

Instead, she carried a picnic basket with her. Once they came face to face, she told him they should find a quiet spot to have lunch. And they did.

They finished their food under the shade of a tree. Her eyes constantly looked around to make sure they were alone, and they were.

Without a hint of warning, she looked him in the eyes and began to undo the top of her thin sundress. He didn't say a word, he just watched. Then she exposed both of her bare breasts to him. They kissed. They made love. ~~

By the time Laura finished her first sex scene, it was 5:48 pm. 'Darn it,' she thought. Her mind kept working, and her fingers wanted to keep typing. But she prided herself on always preparing a nice dinner for her son in a timely manner, so she had to stop.

That was the kind of loving mother she was.


Laura was in her home office early the next morning, looking through her window. Her eyes were on the lake and the trees. She was on the phone with her manager.

"I'm impressed with what you've been writing so far. I didn't think you were capable of getting this explicit," Janet said over the phone.

"Neither did I," Laura replied. "But let's just say that I took your advice, and the results were better than I anticipated."

"Hmmm. Aren't you full of surprises lately."

"I know. I've been surprising myself ever since I started writing this book."

"Is there anything else I should know about?" Janet asked with a gossiping tone. "It sounds like you've had an enjoyable experience."

"It's complicated. Trust me."

"Whatever you're doing, keep it up. Whoever this guy is has brought out a completely different side to you."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Laura replied with a faint sigh.

"Don't tell me you're starting to fall for your inspiration."

"Like I said, it's complicated."

"What exactly did you do with him anyway? Can you at least tell me that much? You've peaked my interest."

Laura playfully sighed. "I flashed one of my bare breasts to him while we were in the lake together."

"No way. You didn't? Did you?"

"I'm afraid so."

"God, the lake next to your house?"


"Gosh, that's so bad," Janet replied in disbelief. "Weren't you afraid that your son might have seen it?"

"You have no idea."

"This new version of you is really something. It's like you're possessed."

"That about sums it up," Laura agreed. "Since I started writing this book, I found something which struck a chord deep inside of me. I can't explain it. I don't think I ever could. But it makes me feel alive."

"I think I know what you're going through."

"You do?" Laura asked, wondering if her secret had been discovered.

"Yes, I do. You've discovered your secret fetish. It's okay. Everyone has one. You happen to like younger men."

"Oh, right."

"I was with a much younger guy recently," Janet admitted. "I never told anyone about it because I was afraid of being judged. But I'm telling you because apparently we understand each other now. Obviously you have the same fetish, so we can trust each other with this."

Laura smiled to herself. "I'm lucky to have a friend like you. And I'm glad you introduced me to the world of erotica."


A few hours later. Laura and Tom walked down their backyard dock towards the lake. Tom was shirtless, wearing only his swimming trunks. Laura's body had a towel wrapped around it, and she carried more towels in her arm.

Once Tom dove into the lake, Laura placed the towels onto the wooden dock, and then she removed the towel wrapped around her body. She was wearing a two-piece bikini which showed off her bare midsection, and Tom's eyes immediately took notice. What surprised her the most was that Tom made no effort to conceal that he was staring at her.

"Nice body mom," he said playfully, while treading in the water.


Laura slowly made her way into the water, feet first, before going all the way in. She dove beneath the surface and swam underwater before eventually making her way back up. They treaded the water together and enjoyed the beautiful day.

"You seem different lately," Tom noted.


"I don't know. You just seem looser, more relaxed. You used to be embarrassed showing off your body. And of course that moment we had yesterday."

She smiled, "You mean showing off my breast? I don't regret that. It was worth seeing your priceless reaction to it."

"That's what I mean. You never would have done something like that before we moved here."

"I know. Believe me, I feel like a woman on the verge of a sexual rebirth."

His eyes widened. "Did you just say..."

"I did," she replied, cutting him off. "Writing this novel has really opened my eyes to new things, sexually speaking."

"Oh," he nodded.

"Does that bother you?"

"Why would it? Everyone goes through fazes like this at some point."

"Well, does it make a difference if you were the person I had been fantasizing about to write the story?" she asked, curious of his reaction.

"I kind of already knew," he replied.

Her eyebrow raised. "You did?"

"I had an idea when I figured out the main character was based on you. But I wasn't sure until yesterday, when you flashed your boob. I could tell how aroused you look, even though you tried to hide it. Your face said it all."

"You're too smart for your own good. You know that?"

"You never seemed to mind," he smiled.

"I like that you're being so mature about this," she replied. "I'm actually impressed. I think you deserve a reward of some kind."

"Like what?"

Laura reached behind herself and untied her bikini top. She removed it while continuing to tread the water. Then she lifted the loose bikini overhead and dangled it, before tossing it to the open water. Once again, it amused her that Tom was so dumbfounded by her nudity. She thought it was cute that Tom tried to gaze at her breasts through the water.

"Now you're just torturing me," he said, with his eyes on his mother's body.

"Maybe I am. Take off your swimming trunks."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. "I haven't done anything this crazy since college. I'm feeling nostalgic."

Tom smiled and quickly reached down to pull off his trunks. For a moment, he sank underwater while removing his bottom, but then he quickly reappeared to the surface. His hand held up his swimming trunk overhead just like his mother did. Then he tossed it to the water, just like his mother did.

Laura reached down and did the same, tossing her bikini bottom to the lake. They both swam naked.

"Feels nice," he said.

"I know. I'm glad we're sharing this moment together."

"I agree," Tom said with a strange expression.

"You look like you have something to say to me."

"Nothing. It's just, I like this mom. It's nice."

Laura swam closer to her son until they were both face-to-face. They looked each other in the eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Their lips met. The kiss was soft at first. Tender. Once they became comfortable kissing, they started to make out. Their tongues met and their embrace became passionate.

She ended the kiss, released her arms, and swam backwards towards the dock.

"You can keep swimming here for a while longer," she said. "I'm headed inside to prepare lunch."

All Tom could think about was that they were naked and in a completely open area.

"Aren't you afraid someone might see you like that?" he asked.

Laura smiled, "If I was worried about being seen, I wouldn't have gotten naked and thrown away my bikini in the first place."

Once she reached the dock, Laura climbed out of the lake, naked. She was deeply aroused knowing that Tom was staring at her naked ass and backside. She then proceeded to walk naked back to her house, out in the open, without a towel covering her body.


The next day. It was a Monday morning, and Tom's class was canceled at the last minute because the professor was sick. As much as she wanted her son in school, Laura was happy at the fact that she got to spend another day with Tom.

She was in the kitchen making sandwiches and preparing other snacks. Everything was placed inside of a picnic basket, which also contained a small blanket so they could sit outside and have lunch together. It was the final act of her secret fantasy for Tom.

Hours later. Both of them were taking a casual walk through the forest. It was a beautiful day and they took comfort in the shade of the trees. They passed by other hikers, their neighbors, and they exchanged greetings before continuing on their separate ways.

"Have you decided what you're going to do after college yet?" she asked as they continued walking.

"I've thought about it," he replied. "I might apply to a grad school and see what happens. Maybe I'll try law school like we've always talked about."

"Whatever makes you happy. I'll support your decision one-hundred percent."

"You're the best," he smiled.

Laura looked around and saw a flat surface on the ground. No one was around, and the area felt serine. Everything felt right.

"This looks like a perfect spot," she said. "Let's have our picnic here."

They unfolded the blanket and placed it neatly on the ground. They removed their shoes and were barefoot. Once they sat down comfortably, Laura opened the picnic basket and neatly took out the wrapped food. They ate in silence, with only the sounds of nature in the background. They looked at each other, and she knew Tom was thinking of something to say.

"You have that look on your face again," she said in a motherly voice.

"I'm just relaxing."

"But you have to be thinking something. I can always tell whenever you have something on your mind."

"I can't stop thinking about yesterday," he replied. "I've thought about it a lot."

"I assumed you would."

"Do you regret doing it?"

Laura thought for a moment. "A part of me does. The other part doesn't. I had fun, and obviously you did too."

"Sure I did."

"Did you masturbate thinking about me afterwards?"

"Okay, this is starting to get embarrassing mom."

"It's a simple question," she smiled.

"Fine, I did. Did you?"

Laura nodded. "I did. Would you be offended if I told you that I had been fantasizing about you for the past several weeks?"

He looked at her skeptically. "You can't be serious. Are you?"

"Why would I lie about that?"

"I'm not sure."

"It's the truth," she replied. "It started happening when I began writing the book. I wrote it with you as the main inspiration, and things escalated from there. I'm not sure how, or why it started. I'm not proud of it, but that's the truth."

"Oh," he gasped.

Tom looked at her with another dumbfounded expression on his face. He was completely and utterly speechless from his mother's revelation.

"Is that all you have to say for yourself?" she asked with an eyebrow raised. "Say something. Tell me what's on your mind. I want us to be open and honest with each other."

"Yesterday wasn't the first time that I had ever thought about you in that way before. I've done it a few times. Seeing you naked for the first time was pretty exciting."

She smiled, "Actually, you didn't get to see me entirely naked. My breasts were underwater, and so was my private area. You only got to see my naked backside."


Laura put her food down, and she reached to her chest and began to unbutton the top of her sundress. It was like a scene from her story. She nervously unbuttoned her top. Her face was stoic, and she wanted to see his reaction.

By the time the last button was undone, she opened her top and revealed her breasts. Her breasts were average sized, slightly sagging. Her large brown nipples quickly hardened from the exposure to the breezy air, and from her own sexual arousal.

"Like it?" she asked.

"I love it," he replied, slightly nervous. "You're beautiful, mom."

"Do you want to see the rest?"

A sly grin appeared on Tom's face. "I thought you'd never ask."

Laura adjusted the way she sat, and she spread her legs apart. Once she lifted the bottom of her dress and her vagina was exposed. It was covered by a small patch of dark pubic hairs.

"There," she said. "Now you've seen everything."

"Technically, you mentioned something about being entirely naked. I've only seen your lady parts. Not the rest," he smiled.

She gave him a motherly look. "Smart ass."

Laura got up, standing on her feet, and took a deep breath. With one swift move, she pulled the thin sundress overhead and tossed it to the grass. She stood completely nude in front of her son. Her body reflected her age, which is what Tom preferred.

"That's more like it," he replied. "I think you're flawless."

"I'd say the same about you, if I knew what you looked like underneath those clothes."

"You want me to get naked? Here?"

She nodded. "Where else?"

"Someone might walk by and see me."

"So it's okay for me to be naked out here, but not you?" she asked sternly.

"Good point."

Tom stood up and quickly removed his clothes. Laura loved how completely unabashed he was about his own nudity. She loved his eagerness and sense of self-confidence. Seeing his naked body made her wet between the legs. Being naked with him made things hotter. The moment he removed his underwear, she saw his fully erect cock.

"Not bad," she said, looking him over. "About what I expected."

"Thanks I guess."

They both gazed at each others nudity. Laura smiled and walked closer to her son until they were nearly face-to-face, standing on the picnic blanket. Their nudity was on full display for the world to see, but no one was around. It was their private moment.

"When you had dirty thoughts of me, what did you think about?" she asked. "What did you want to do to me?"

"Dirty things. Just about everything."

Her eyebrow raised. "Is that so?"

"Yep. And you? What did you think about?"

"Mind if I show you? There's been something I've been wanting to do for a while now."

"By all means," he smiled.

Laura got down on her knees and immediately began to admire her son's erection. She gazed at it like a woman seeing a man's sex organ for the very first time. It was special to her. It was her son's.

She rubbed his legs with both of her hands. Then she rubbed the back of this thighs. Every touch made him grow harder. That's when she rubbed his penis with her hands, continuing to admire it. She liked the way it felt in her hands. It was soft, yet rock hard.

The first kiss she gave to the head of his penis made him twitch. She continued kissing it, the head and the shaft. Then came her tongue and she licked his penis like it was dessert.

Her lips opened, and then she finally did it. She bent down and inserted the tip of the hard cock inside of her mouth. She closed her lips around the head and sucked. Hearing Tom moan in pleasure gave her pleasure as well. She sucked harder. Then she moved her head down so that she sucked the rest of the throbbing shaft. It wasn't long until she formed a rhythm, bobbing her head up and down on her son's cock.

The more pleasure Tom received, the more pleasure she had as well. Sucking his cock gave her an overwhelming feeling which flowed down her spine and inside her vagina. Feeling his hard cock in her mouth made her come to life sexually like nothing she had ever felt before.

She slowed her rhythm, then came to a stop. She took it out of her mouth and held it in her hands once again. It was wet from her sucking. She gave it another kiss.

"I think that's enough for now," she said playfully, holding his wet cock in her hands.

Tom looked like he was in pain. "You can't stop yet. It aches really bad."

"That's the idea. But I need you to do something first. Are you good at pleasing women?"

Tom's eyes lit up. "You bet I am."

"Good. Hopefully I don't have to give you any lessons."

Laura let go of his penis and laid down on the blanket. She laid flat on her back, and she spread her legs open while looking at Tom.

She loved the fact that Tom had a boyish wonder about her body. She watched him lay on the ground with her, and his eyes were glued to her open vagina. He marveled at it, staring up close.

"You're soaking wet," he said. "I've never seen anything like that before."

"Then you have some idea what I've been going through lately."

"I bet."

"Do me a favor. Start licking."

Laura watched Tom give her a sly grin before bringing his face down between her legs. She watched him press his lips against her vagina. She felt his mouth against her labia, and she felt his tongue on the inside of her pussy. Laura closed her eyes in bliss and enjoyed the oral favor. Tom's tongue moved up and roamed her clitoris. He aggressively licked up and down, side to side. It darted in and out of her soaking wet pussy. He didn't care how wet she was, he slurped everything inside of his mouth and swallowed it. He loved doing it as much as his mother loved receiving.

"Oh god..." she gasped, squeezing the blanket with her hands.

When she looked down again, she saw that Tom was looking at her while continuing to eat her pussy. It was at that moment that she realized just how much Tom had been lusting after her for all these years. The burning sensation between her legs only became worse, and it was an insatiable lust which could no longer be satisfied with just oral sex.

"Take me now," she groaned. "I want you to have me. My body is yours."

"Are you sure you aren't going to regret this later?"

"I'm only saying what my heart wants. My body needs this. I won't regret it later."

The smile on Tom's face showed that he agreed. Laura watched her son get on his hands & knees and crawl over her body. He planted kisses on his way up, starting with her stomach, then her breasts & nipples, and then he positioned himself over her. They were face-to-face, with Tom on top, and Laura underneath. Their eyes were locked, and they felt each others breath. Their skin was pressed tightly together. They could feel each others heart pounding.

"Your body feels so soft," he said in a moment of candor.

She reached down and grabbed his throbbing erection. "And you're extremely hard right now. I want it inside of me."

Laura used her hands to guide his erection towards her entrance. He lowered his body and positioned himself so that his cock would slide right in to her vagina. Given how wet and hot her pussy was, entering was easy for him.

Both of them gasped after his throbbing hard cock went inside of her womanhood. They crossed a line that no mother/son ever should, and ventured towards becoming an unholy coupling. They looked at each other realizing that it was something they could never take back- ever. Her response to that was to wrap her legs tightly around her son.

"Do it," she said forcefully. "Fuck me."

Tom was taken aback by his mother's words. She rarely ever cursed, and she always used proper language. He expected that she wanted to make love, but she had other plans. In the mood she was in, she wanted sex, and she wanted it hard.

After the first thrust, Laura's eyes widened and her face started to change. What started out as an innocent fantasy had become a reality. She looked Tom in the eyes as he continued to thrust. Her heart pounded fast. Her blood was flowing. Her sex drive was reaching its peak. She wrapped her arms around Tom's neck and tightened her legs around him, then she enjoyed the deeply intimate moment.

Moans escaped her lips. They became louder and louder. The harder Tom fucked her, the louder she became. The more Tom thrusted, the more her face changed and contorted. She couldn't hide the pleasure she was feeling. She didn't want to either. She was bare and vulnerable to her son. She wanted him to see her pleasure.

"Fuck me!" she yelled in a moment of raw passion. "Fuck me!"

Her eyes opened and closed. Each time she told Tom to 'fuck' her, he obliged and went harder. She could tell that he liked hearing those words. It was obvious that her son liked the dirty talk from his highly educated and respectable mother.

Her strength soon faded from the pounding her son was giving her, and she released her arms and legs from gripping Tom's body. Her body became limp, and the only energy she had was released in her moans and cries. Her legs remained spread, and her feet were planted on the blanket.

When her hands were on the blanket, she felt Tom grab a hold of them. They held hands, looked each other in the eyes, and enjoyed their sexual moment. He continued pounding away and they became even more intimate than ever. Beads of sweat were forming around their faces. Their minds and bodies were consumed with lust for each other. Their hearts were pounding, and they had both reached the absolute height of sexual arousal.

Nearly every muscle in Laura's body contracted, and it was almost scary to her. Her body had never felt that way before. Her arms and legs contorted, and her toes curled. Her lower back arched violently. Fluids gushed from her vagina and made a terrible mess on the picnic blanket.

Her body soon became unresponsive after an intense orgasm, and Tom continued pounding away.

"Mom...I'm going to cum," he groaned in her ear.

"Inside me. Inside me."

Tom grunted out loud and Laura felt his body stiffen, and soon he flooded her womb with spurt after spurt of his fresh cum.


Minutes passed and they laid side-by-side, naked. Their bodies cooled down and their sweat dried. Their breathing returned to normal. Neither of them said a word. And neither of them cared that someone might walk by and see them.

"I'm at a loss for words," Laura said, looking up at the blue sky.

"That's a first."

She playfully slapped his chest. "I better wash myself before your cum dries on my legs."

"Most of that cum is yours, mom."

"I know. But female cum is easy to wash off. Once your cum dries, it would feel crusty and thick. That would make the walk home rather unpleasant."

Laura stood up, naked, and she walked towards the forest area. She didn't bother to put her dress on.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm going to wash myself in the river."

Tom followed his mother. They both got in the small river stream and cleaned their sexual organs from their cum stains. They splashed each other with the cold water. They laughed, and they had fun. Then they kissed.


Weeks later. A wave of inspiration came over Laura at night. She was dressed in her nightgown, sitting in her bedroom, typing furiously. The conclusion to The Place of Solitude & Depravity was nearly finished:

~~ The older woman and the younger man continued their sexual rendezvous in the forest. She continued wearing a thin sundress whenever she would meet him, with nothing underneath. The weeks passed and every meeting felt like a new adventure. They would always find someplace outdoors where no one was around, and they would have sex. Being naked in the outdoors was a thrill, but being intimate with each other was a sensation she never could have imagined.

After a few more weeks, the younger man broke the news that he was leaving. He had been accepted to a grad school on the other side of the country, and they wouldn't have a chance to see each other anymore. It was painful to her, heartbreaking, but she came to terms with it. On their last meeting, they made love in her bedroom, on her bed, for the very first time. It was the last time they ever saw each other.

The End ~~

Laura took a long and deep breath. Finishing a novel was always a powerful feeling. She felt relief. It was like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. What amazed her the most was how fast she wrote the entire thing, but that was mainly due to her love for the story, and the inspiration she got from her son.

After turning off the computer, she stood up and stretched. Her arms were held high, and her legs were spread apart. A smile crept across her face.


It was an early morning. Laura sat naked in front of her computer screen in the bedroom. She was working on a new story, and she was on the phone with her friend Janet.

"I'm almost finished with the new one," Laura stated over the phone. "It should be ready for another holiday release."

"Excellent. The people at the publishing office are going to be thrilled. Especially if it's anything like the last one."

"I'm positive it will meet expectations."

"You know, you never did tell me about the guy who was your inspiration for the last book," Janet said in a gossiping manner.

"Maybe one day I will. I hope you understand."

"Sure. We all have our little secrets."

"I agree," Laura replied. "But I confess that the guy who was my inspiration for my last book, is also my inspiration for the new book."

"I love the sound of that. You're such a bad girl Laura."

"And it's all your fault."

"I know. I take full credit for that," Janet said playfully.

Laura laughed. "I should get back to work. It was great chatting with you again this morning."

"Of course. Send me a copy of your first draft when it's done. I can't wait to read it."

"It's a steamy one. You'll love it."

"I always do. Bye."


They both hung up the phone, and Laura went back to work, furiously typing away at a new story.

Before her mind could fully commit to what she was writing, her bathroom door opened. Tom had just finished brushing his teeth and washing his face in her bathroom. He was completely naked, and he walked behind his naked mother to give her a big hug, and to squeeze her breasts from behind while giving her kisses on the cheek.

"Busy again?" he asked in between kisses.

She kept her eyes on the screen. "I like staying busy."

Tom's hands squeezed his mother's breasts. His fingers played with her hardening brown nipples, and he continued kissing her face. Laura's eyes were still reviewing the computer screen.

"Are you too busy for me?"

"Of course not. Where else would I get my story ideas from? You're my inspiration."

"Is that all I am to you?" he replied jokingly. "Just your inspiration?"

Laura's eyes were still busy on the computer screen. "Of course not honey. I love you very much."

"If you're going to keep working and ignoring me, then I think you should at least have breakfast first. It's the most important meal of the day, and you need your energy to write."

She turned her chair around and looked Tom in the eyes. "Oh really? Is it that time already?"

"I believe so."

"Good, because I'm starving."

Laura casually bent her head down and took her son's erect penis inside of her mouth and began to suck. She bobbed her head fast with her lips wrapped tightly around his throbbing cock. Tom closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure. It wasn't long before he came inside of his mother's mouth.

The End