

L.A. Wicker©

This story is for ADULT amusement only. It contains material of an ADULT, EXPLICIT, SEXUAL nature. If you are insulted by sexually explicit subject matter or language, DO NOT read this!

This story is a work of fiction! It is not real! All characters and events portrayed in it are imaginary, and any similarity to real people or events is purely coincidental. The author does not condone or endorse incest in any way, shape or form!


This story may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Copyright © 2008 L.A.Wicker. All rights reserved.


Dana carefully walked down the creaky, basement stairs and to her son, Jason's room and she walked in. Jason was sitting on his bed, smoking a big cigarette and he was watching a porno movie. "Jason!" she yelled and slammed the door shut behind her and sat down on his bed. Dana peeked to her left, she saw two people doing it like little rabbits, and she noticed something else. The older woman was calling the young man, son. "Umm, what is this and why are you watching it?" she asked with shock and wondered why he was watching this trash. Dana knew that Jason loved older women and had a very big crush on her, but never would she have thought it had gone this far and he would watch incest movies.

He jumped when Mom barged in, but didn't care. "It's called 'Taboo' Mom. It was a big hit back in the day and it's making a comeback." Jason said as he took a big puff off of the joint and he could see the smoke drifting in Mom's face.

Dana fanned her face and gave him a frown. "You know I hate when you smoke in the house and whatever kind of cigarette that is," she stopped to fan her face and frowned more, when he blew into her face and Dana couldn't escape it. "It stinks," she added and couldn't help breathing that smoke into her lungs.

Jason held in a laugh and he loved Mom to death. She was the most beautiful and sexy woman in the world, but poor Mom, was a slow as molasses tree, dripping in the winter and he loved her for it. "They are herbal cigarettes and really good; Mom and the guy at the store told me that it helps with things." Jason said and knew he'd burn in hell, but he had an idea. "Like, when your back hurts really bad...this might help you and make it stop," he added and he saw Mom give him a new look. Mom was getting interested. He felt bad, because poor Mom's back was a mess and she hurt so badly at times.

"Are sure about it and this isn't pot or something bad for me?" Dana said, giving him a firm look and hoped he wasn't fibbing to her. She knew that she wasn't as wise to the world as Jason was and she hoped he would not lie or deceive her.

Jason felt bad, because his next words would surely send him to hell. "Mom, have I ever lied to you before?" he said and felt a cold chill run down his spine and Mom reached over, took the giant-sized joint and she hit it like a pro. 'Holy fuck!' he thought and covered his mouth. 'She's gunna be fuckin' fried!' he thought with another laugh, wondering what Mom would be like stoned on her ass and Jason hoped this didn't blow up in his face.

She sucked in the smoke and Dana wasn't sure if it tasted like pot, but she only had it a few times as a teen and couldn't really remember. "I hope you are telling the truth, Jason," she said and took another big, long puff and held it in her lungs. She turned to the movie and watched the two people still screwing. 'What I wouldn't give to be her!' she thought, looking at the young man's long, hard penis, as he hammered the pretty woman under him and Dana did not realize that she let out a long, slow sigh of need.

Jason saw her watching the movie and knew that Mom would be in la-la land very soon. "Hey Mom, you should scoot your pretty, little ass back here by me and we'll find something else to watch." Jason said and he waited for Mom to reply, but she was deep in the movie and he saw something. Mom's right nipple had grown three times its normal size and he saw hundreds and hundreds of goosebumps, on her long and slender neck.

She gave him a quick glance and shook her head. Dana quickly moved beside Jason and held his arm in hers. "No! I like this and um...can you start it over, please," she whispered, putting out her lower lip, knowing that her son loved her to do that and she knew that it excited him very much. Dana did not realize that she was wasted, stoned, buzzed and any other word you call it, she was it.

He grabbed the remote and the movie had been restarted in a flash. Jason looked around and saw that Mom was still holding joint, but by this time, it went out and he needed it lit again. "Hey Mom, it went out. Pass it here and I'll fire it back up," he said and gave her a smile.

Mom's eyes were little slits and she was smiling from ear to ear. "Oh...," she said looking to her hand, held it up and Dana passed it back to Jason. "Hurry, I like that stuff and umm, it does help a person relax and I feel sooo good now," she cooed and rested her head on his chest, enjoying his light cologne and its soft scent.

'I'm sure you do, Mom and it only gets better.' He thought and knew that once Mom felt the full strength of the pot, she would be on cloud nine and horny as shit. The last three girls Jason smoked with and fucked with this stuff, said that it set them on fire and made their pussies burn for a cock. He quickly lit it, took a few puffs to get it burning real good and Jason gave it back to his sexy Mom.

Oh, I'm sorry, about Jason's Mom. Dana was a tall lady, five-foot nine, with a slender, athletic body and very thick, light brown hair that went it to the middle of her back. She had soft, brown eyes and a firm, square face. She had a great ass, hips and firm, muscular thighs. Dana worked out four days a week and her hard work showed. Her size eight ass got more looks than any other woman in town did and Dana loved that. Her breasts were small, a B cup, but they stood out and waved to anyone who looked.

"Mmmm, I like that stuff," she smiled, took it from him and Dana inhaled. "Oh my, I feel all tingling and um...!" Dana giggled, reached the funny cigarette back to Jason and she moved closer to her son. "You won't tell anyone that I watched this, will you?" she asked as if she was a little girl, asking her Daddy for something bad and Jason just slipped his left arm around Mom's lower body.

"No Mom, I won't tell on you! I can't believe that you've never seen or heard of this movie, Mom. It's on all the 'bad' lists and your friends at church...would shit in their undies!"

"Ahhh, who cares about them? I don't care and um...I like being here, with you. We haven't snuggled in ages and your Mommy misses it!" she smiled, wondering why she was feeling so excited and looked up to Jason with dreamy eyes. "Will you snuggle with me...Jason, please?" Dana asked with a soft purr and turned to lie on her side, towards his big TV and he quickly moved behind her body.

"Mmmm, yeah, that's sooo nice!" she turned to look at him and Jason was an inch from her face. "What are you up to? You trying to kiss me, like when you were a little bugger!" she giggled, turned her face to him and Jason gave her soft, loving kiss, but it was on her lips and not her cheek.

"Nothing!" he replied and snuck a soft kiss on her puffy lips. Jason slid against Mom and hoped that his stiff cock didn't scare her away. He loved this too and Jason wanted her to stay with him all day.

She giggled and as Jason moved against her back, Dana felt something pushing on her butt and it was hard. 'Oh my gosh, that's his penis!' she thought as fear raced through her body, but Dana could feel blood pulsing through him and it was so hot. She lay watching the opening scene of the movie; the same woman was making love to a man more her age and they were arguing over the lights being turned on. His long penis moved in and out of her body, she kept fighting to turn the lights off and finally she gave up.

Jason could feel Mom's breathing and it wasn't normal. It was rapid and very heavy today. He reached for a large pillow and pulled Mom's limp body up. "Now you can see it much better," he smiled and snuggled closer, until his cock was crushed into her sexy ass-crack and rubbing her tight jeans.

Mom may have been a churchgoer and Dad was the church pastor, but it did not mean that she dressed like one of them and she dressed hot. She wore skin-tight jeans, short dresses and skirts, all the time and Mom had a few very skimpy bikinis too.

He reached over her body, placing his hand on her bare stomach and Jason gently caressed in a small circle. He sniffed Mom's neck and her soft perfume drifted up his nose. 'Oh my God!' he moaned to himself, feeling his cock growing harder and he hugged Mom tighter.

She felt his hand on her tummy and a warm rush covered Dana's entire body. She was a very lonely woman and her husband could care less. She was only 38; was young and still had very, very strong womanly urges. Dana had urges that were not being taken care of by her husband and Dana was so lonely. Her son started filling her mind and she didn't know what to do about them.

Dana watched the movie and the next scene was of the Mom telling her son, that his father moved out and somewhere in there, he kissed her on the mouth. Dana sucked in a breath of air and just as she did, she felt Jason's penis jump and it made her heart pump faster. "Mmmm, what are you doing?" she asked with a wide grin and turned her upper body towards him.

"I'm hugged the most beautiful and sexy woman alive!" Jason replied and he could see Mom's right nipple.

It was hard as a rock and even though it was under her blouse, he could see a perfect outline of it. He felt Mom giggle and he took another chance. Jason kissed the side of Mom's warm mouth and she only smiled at him. She never said one fucking word and he was shocked. Normally, Mom would have freaked out and sent him away from her, but not today and Jason was going to make the best of this.

She heard him and a tingle started in her lonely vagina. "Are you trying to sweet talk your Mom? You bad, bad boy!" she whispered and felt his hand moving around her bare stomach, moving a little lower, towards the top of her low-cut jeans and Dana just looked into his dark brown eyes.

He caressed Mom's warm flesh and Jason knew that Dad hadn't popped her in a year, maybe more and the poor thing had to be going crazy for a hard cock. "If it's working...yes!" he replied with a smile, kissed her mouth and his hand slid lower. Mom didn't move or say anything; she just gave him a weak smile and went back to watching the movie.

She knew that Jason was enjoying this rubbing and cuddling, because of his very, very hard penis and Dana thought it to be very enjoyable too. The big orgy scene came on and Dana could not believe her eyes. Men and woman were screwing in positions that she had never seen before. They traded places and the men shot their seeds on the women's breasts, their behinds and on their faces.

Dana felt Jason's right hand caressing the top edge of her jeans and he slid a lone finger under them. As if to test the water before jumping and she didn't move a muscle. She lie still, watching the movie and enjoying the young man behind her, as he caressed and teased her body.

Jason sat up, relit the joint and he held it down for Mom to take a puff. "The big scene is coming soon. Hit this and loosen those damn jeans! I don't know how you can breathe or move in them." Jason said as he watched Mom turn on her back, reached down to unbutton her snug jeans and she didn't say a single word to him. "Isn't that much better?" he asked and moved against her side, easing his hand back on her stomach and caressed towards her open jeans.

Dana knew that she should get up and leave, but she was so lonely and needed someone to hold her, even if that someone was her only son. "I shouldn't let you touch me this way, but...it feels sooo good," she whispered as Jason smiled, kissed the side of her mouth and reached the cigarette back to her lips. Dana inhaled and her head began to spin. "Oh wow, the room is spinning and I feel like I'm floating now!" she giggled and pressed to his hips and Dana felt his penis pulsing on her side. She didn't move or anything. They just looked at movie and not a word was said.

After the big Mom and son fuck scene, Dana sat up and looked at her son. "That was very interesting scene and um...um...exciting," she moaned and Jason's hand slid around her.

"I love that movie and do you know why?" he asked as Mom sat there and she just looked into his eyes. "It makes me think of you and me making love." Jason replied as he kissed the side of Mom's face and his left hand slid down her lower back, into her jeans.

Dana heard him and wanted to scream 'yes', but he was her son, her baby and she couldn't. "You shouldn't think about me that way. It's nasty and so wrong." Dana replied and it truly did hurt to say that to him, but what else could she say? They couldn't do that, but the snuggling and cuddling seemed fine. "We could do this more often and um...," she said and wanted to finish the words, but how could Dana tell her son that she needed someone to love her.

He kissed Mom's ear and pressed his hard cock completely on her. "I'm going to enjoy that and I'll make sure to have smoke for us too." Jason whispered in Mom's ear as he kissed and nuzzled it, watching goosebumps covering her entire neck and he just smiled.

"You're such a bad boy!" Dana giggled and she gave him a kiss on his lips. "Can we find another movie tonight and snuggle more?" she asked with a low voice and a little smile.

"One condition."

Dana heard him and could only wonder what dirty thoughts Jason had, but today it was exciting her and she didn't know why. "And, what might that be?" she asked with a big grin and if his request weren't that bad, Dana would do it for him. Jason loved her with all of his heart, he would do anything for her and Dana needed to reward him. He loved her more than his father did and Jason showed her a hundred times more love too.

He thought about his next words and Jason hoped Mom was still loaded. "Since it's been really hot at night, you should wear your new red bikini, so you won't get that hot and um...could give your back a good rub too." Jason said as his left hand caressed the top of Mom's ass and his right, caressed her beautiful face and she gave him a playful slap.

Dana heard him and her blood started to pump faster. She thought of being in her son's room, alone, at night and wearing something so small and tantalizing for him. "Yeah right!" she laughed and knew he was never going to give up. "Are you ever going to get me out of your head or not?" Dana asked with a smile and as she waited for Jason to reply, she tried to think of something else that she could wear for her horny son.

He caressed the said of Mom's pretty face and smiled. "I doubt it, Mom." Jason replied and he kissed her cheek. "You're beautiful, sexy and I love you so much," he added with a soft voice and kissed her again.

Dana looked into Jason's eyes and she could see that he was serious. The poor kid looked like a lovesick puppy and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I think you are a nut and you need to stop this, but on the other hand," she paused to hug him and run her fingers through his thick, brown hair and Dana kissed him. "It is kinda cute and I love how you romance me," she smiled and Dana could feel her face blushing.

"I'm glad you like it and if you like, I could turn things up a little." Paul said as he caressed down the back of her jeans and he felt Mom's panties under his probing fingers. She just looked at his face and Mom never said a word.

She heard Jason and that sounded very good. Her husband was a devoted church pastor and never home. He spent every waking moment at the church and Dana was tired of it. She needed a man, but it seemed that her husband didn't need her and Dana knew a young man that wanted her very much.

"And um...what would that entail?" she asked with a little grin, wondering what Jason would try next and Dana liked this. Her husband hadn't touched her in over two long, lonely years and Jason was slowly starting to replace him.

He caressed Mom's back and Jason tried to think of something to say. "More touching." He whispered as his fingers slowly traced the tops of her small panties and he felt Mom shiver. "A little more kissing, too." Jason moaned in her mouth, softly kissed her and Mom returned his soft kiss. "But nothing bad, Mom and lots more hugging." Jason said and he loved the warm glow on her face, Mom looked like a young girl in love and horny too.

"I really do wonder about you and um...I guess that will be fine, BUT if you get out of line," she said with a firm voice and her finger was in his face. "I will put an end to it and I mean it, Jason!" Dana said and remembered the last time she had to correct him. They were lying by the family pool and Jason was rubbing oil on her back, when he slid his hand down her bikini button and started caressing her butt. Dana slapped him so hard; he had her handprint on his face for two days.

Jason knew that Mom wouldn't fuck around and she'd knock him out. "Ok Mom, relax and calm down. I told you I would behave," he quickly replied and thought about the day Mom slapped him.

"I can't wear that bikini and you know it, but maybe I'll look around and see what I can find." Dana smiled at him and her fingers ran through his hair. "I could use nice backrub and do you have more of that stuff?" she asked and hoped Jason did. Dana loved this feeling and wanted to enjoy it again, later, as he rubbed her back.

Jason kissed Mom on the side of her face and knew tonight would be great, but that was his last joint and he was broke. "Well, we have a problem. I'm out of it, but if you give me some money, I can go get more and we'll be good for a few days." Jason said and Mom nodded her head.

"Sure, how much do you need?" she quickly asked and didn't care how much it cost. Dana liked this and wanted more. Jason treated her better than her husband ever did and she loved it.

"60 bucks and that will last about a week."

"I don't care how much it cost. I like the feeling it gives me and I can't wait for you to rub me down."

"Me too Mom and it will feel sooo good. We'll smoke a big one and I'll rub you for as long as you want." Jason whispered as he nuzzled his face against Mom's and he could feel her heavy breathing.

She loved his face against hers and Dana could smell his after-shave. "I like this and if things stay 'nice', we'll keep doing it and have a little fun." Dana said and hoped this wasn't a bad idea, but she needed a man and Jason was the only man after her.

"They will Mom, I promise."


Dana gave Jason twice the amount of money he asked for and she told him to get as much of the stuff as he could. Jason left and she quickly went to her room, trying to find something nice to wear, that would turn Jason on, but nothing overly revealing. "Oh Lord, what in the world am I doing?" she whispered and sat at her dressing table.

Jason was her son, but this was so fun and exciting. Dana was lonely and craved a man's comfort, charms and the need to be loved. She thought about her son and the thing that was rubbing on her behind. 'Oh boy, why does life have to be sooo fucking complicated?' Dana thought and hoped that she could resist Jason. He was a charming young man and he already had her on a leash.

She took a long bath, relaxed in the hot water and Jason's long penis filled her thoughts. 'I wonder why his father is small and he is sooo big. Jason got that thing from my Daddy, that's for sure!' she thought and reached both of her hands to her nipples. She rubbed the nipples and thought about Jason touching them. Dana's son playing with her nipples and maybe a few other things too.

She shaved her legs, under her arms and for the first time in ten years, Dana shaved between her long legs and as she did, Jason filled her thoughts and a warm rush flooded her entire body. 'Oh boy, I hope I haven't made a big mistake by doing this.' Dana thought as she carefully shaved the short fuzz and she wondered if Jason enjoyed pleasing a woman with his tongue. Dana always liked that, but after being married a few years, Jason's Dad all but stopped loving her and hardly ever came home.

She finished her bath and Dana found a very revealing blouse, a tiny pair of shorts to wear and knew that Jason would be in heaven. The blouse was light blue; it slid off of her shoulders and only covered half of her toned stomach. She didn't wear a bra and as Dana looked into her dresser mirror, she could see both of her excited nipples and she smiled.

Dana held up the shorts and couldn't believe that she still had them. Her and her husband went on vacation a few years ago and she bought them to turn him on, but he just got mad at her and said she looked like a tramp. Dana kept the shorts and was glad she did. After putting on an equally small pair of white panties, Dana wiggled the shorts up her hips and grinned from ear to ear. They were white, cut very high in the leg and they rode low on her hips. She buttoned them, smoothed them out and could feel her pussy oozing juices.

"Jason's going to shit in his pants when he sees these and I can't wait to see his face!" she laughed and sat down to fix her makeup.

Jason came in through the garage door and when he saw Mom, he stopped dead in his tracks. She had on a small blouse and it dipped off her right shoulder. It only covered half of Mom's stomach, but what Jason looked the most, it was fucking' see-through. Mom had on a very small pair of white shorts and they were cut low. They hung on her hips and looked as if they would fall off of her at any second.

"Holy shit, Mom, you look fuckin' great and hot as hell too!" he gasped, walking towards her, reached out and gently pulled her into his arms. "Mmmm, you are so pretty Mom and I love you." Jason whispered in her ear and leaned to kiss the side of Mom's neck. He felt her shiver and he hugged tighter.

Jason's eyes grew wide and Dana smiled. Her new boyfriend was home and from the bulge in his jeans, she knew that he liked her outfit and she was happy. He pulled her into his arms and Dana could feel him against her upper thigh. She enjoyed his hug and pushed closer to her son.

Dana was making a sandwich and turned to see him. "I guess this means you approve?" she asked and turned in a slow circle, letting Jason enjoy her and she could see him growing more. Dana saw his eyes on her butt and she stopped, letting him look more and she needed him to touch her. "Feel how soft and tight...they are," she panted to him and rubbed each of her excited cheeks.

Jason watched her turning and his cock grew harder. Mom looked like she was in heat and ready to fuck, but she was his Mom and he promised her that he would behave. He reached down, gently put his hands on Mom's soft cheeks and he squeezed. Jason moved against her and pressed Mom between his body and one of the kitchen counters. His stiff cock rubbed the back of her leg and his hands caressed Mom's ass.

He slid his hands around her body, over her smooth stomach and just under Mom's small breasts. Jason nuzzled his face to her neck; he kissed it and took a chance. He carefully slid his hands over her breasts, very lightly squeezed and Jason quickly slid them back to her stomach.

"You look so beautiful and I'm going to spoil you tonight. You didn't wear the bikini, but this looks just as good and as my way to thank you. I'm going to give you the best back massage, you've ever had!" Jason said as he kissed Mom's neck again and he backed away.

Dana pushed back and held his hands. "I haven't been spoiled...in a very long time," she smiled and went back to making her sandwich. "So, did you get the stuff and is it the same kind?" Dana asked and she couldn't wait to have that wonderful feeling again. "That made me feel sooo good and relaxed," she added as he pulled a bag from his jeans pocket and she turned to him. "Oh wow, I can smell it from here and I like it!" she said and inhaled the pot.

He laughed to himself and Jason wondered what hell would be like. "Yeah, it's a better grade and it last longer too," he replied, opened the bag and he held it up to Mom's nose. As she sniffed, he looked down and Mom's nipples were already hard as rocks and needed someone to play with them.

"Why don't you roll up a cigarette and we'll smoke it on the back patio." Dana said as she finished the food and started out the back door. "It's always so nice out here and I'm also glad that we had it screened in," she said walking out and towards a set of table and chairs. She sat at the table, took a bit of food and watched Jason rolling the cigarette.

He rolled the joint and watched Mom eating dinner. "So Mom, are you sure about what we're doing?" Jason asked and took a big bite of his sandwich. He watched her face turn a pretty shade of pink and his cock jumped.

She looked at him and really wasn't sure, but they couldn't get too wild and they had to be careful. "I guess some touching, a little...petting and um...maybe a few kisses, will be fine, Jason." Dana whispered and his eyes grew.

"Mom, I can't wait!" Jason said and leaned to kiss her. "Oh Mom, this is so cool!"

Dana smiled and when Jason kissed her, she wanted to scream and jump on him. "Let's just keep things light and we'll be fine," she replied and went back to eating.

"I'll let you lead the way and I'll follow." Jason replied, lit the joint and he was ready for fun with Mom. This stuff was much better and it was going to fuck her up. He took a deep puff and reached it to Mom. She leaned forward to get it and he could see straight down her blouse. "Mmmm Mom, you've got pretty breasts and I love when they look like that," he smiled and pointed to Mom's swollen nipples.

She looked at Jason, then to her chest and Dana's face turned bright red. "Oh you bad boy, looking at your Mom's breasts and saying how pretty they are!" she said with a giggle and took the cigarette from him. She smiled and sat back up. "What if we do this," she paused to take a big puff and held the smoke. "You're free to touch, feel and caress every inch of me, but...not where you came from." Dana said with a soft voice and could not believe what she just told her son.

He listened and Jason's cock grew hard. "I think that we're both going to enjoy this and have a great time together!" he said with a grin and pulled Mom on his lap. "You are so sexy and I'm going to make you all mine!" he growled and hugged Mom's warm body to his.

She heard him and smiled. "What will your father have to say about that?" Dana teased and deep down, she didn't give a damn about him and now, Jason wanted her and she was excited.

"Fuck him! He's too damn dumb to see what a wonderful person you are Mom and that you need a man to love you." Jason said as he hugged and kissed Mom on the lips. "If he doesn't want you...I do Mom and I mean that with all my heart," he said and softly kissed Mom right on her mouth, letting his tongue slide over her lips.

Dana heard Jason and she wanted to cry. "Oh baby, that's so sweet and you make me feel so good," she moaned as they kissed and she felt Jason's right hand moving towards her breasts. "Mmmm, yes!" she moaned when his loving hand covered her left breast and Jason toyed with her hard nipple. "You don't believe in wasting time, do you?" she cooed as her son gently pulled and twisted her swollen nipple, sending wonderful feelings flooding her lonely body and making her pussy drip with need.

"I've been waiting a long time for you, Mom and I'm taking full advantage of it!" he said and started kissing and sucking on the side of her neck, sending goosebumps all over her body and they were everywhere too.

"Oh my gosh, you are out of this world and you're gunna kill me!" Dana moaned as her son licked, kissed and sucked every inch of her neck. She tilted her head to the side and let Jason do as he wished. "Ohhh Jason, yes!" she moaned as his warm, exciting lips kissed and sucked her neck. "Just be careful and don't mark on me!" Dana moaned again and held his right hand on her breasts.

He smiled and kept kissing Mom's neck. "I won't Mom." Jason replied as he kissed up to her right ear. "You drive me crazy, Mom! Do you feel that? I'm hard for you day and night, Mom and I want you!" he said kissing her deeper and his right hand slid down her body. Jason caressed her stomach, eased down to Mom's shorts and he slowly unbuttoned them.

"Should we go down to your room and um...do this?" Dana asked Jason, as he slowly opened her shorts and started working his skilled hand inside. "Yes, yes!" she whimpered as he caressed the top of her panties, while gently pulling them up and into her wet slit. "Ahhh, Jason! Ohhh God!" Dana moaned, chewed her lower lip and looked at her son, hoping she could stop, if things got out of control.

He just watched Mom and Jason knew she would be his by tonight. She was so lonely and he felt bad for taking advantage of her, but if Dad didn't want her, Jason did. "Nobody is here, so relax, Mom and let go," he whispered, stood up and pulled her to a big futon couch on the other side of the deck. Jason lay down and Mom crawled up beside him. She turned on her back and his hand slid on her stomach.

His hand moved to her stomach and Dana couldn't move or push it away. "Keep an ear out for your father's car; I'd hate to get caught in this predicament!" Dana moaned, as Jason's fingers caressed her so softly and with so much love. He caressed the soft hair of her mound, gently pulling and running his fingers through it and Dana felt something nice. Jason was moving a finger down the center of her panties and towards her aching clit. "Mmmm, oh Jason...careful," she moaned and reached to hold his hand.

He kept caressing and rubbing towards her clit. "Mom, relax! I'm not going to break my promise," he whispered, pushed her hand away and Jason continued on his quest. Mom's helpless moan of need, told him that he found his prize and Jason ran his finger lightly over her bud. "Oh yeah, is that good, Mom?" Jason teased as she moaned and lifted her hips.

His finger found its mark and Dana wanted to scream. It sent a shock through her and she fought back an orgasm. "Yes...oh God, yes!" she whimpered as Jason toyed with her and Dana was so close to her release. "Jason, I'm...I'm...close!" Dana whimpered again and pressed her mound to his loving hand, grinding into it and hoping she didn't regret this.

Jason kept rubbing and teasing his poor, lonely Mom and he enjoyed her soft moaning. "Let go and relax," he whispered, moving over the side of her body and pressed his stiff cock against her bare thigh. Even though his jeans were on, her heat quickly covered him. "Come Mom, let go and I'll show you how a man should treat his woman." Jason whispered as he teased her aching nub of flesh. He pulled it, he rubbed it and he leaned towards Mom's right nipple.

She saw him, took a breath and Dana could not hold it back any longer. Her back arched up, juice shot from her body and she screamed. "Oh Jason! Jason! Oh my God, Jason!" Dana screamed and her body was as stiff as a board. "Oh baby, oh sweet, sweet baby," she whimpered as he kept rubbing and gently caressing her trembling body. Dana snuggled against Jason and knew that she was his. In twenty years of marriage, not once, did Jason's father ever make her orgasm like this and Dana wanted to happen again.

Jason rubbed Mom, watching as she came and the poor thing came hard. "Oh yeah, that's my girl! Yeah baby, come for me and I'll make it all better...ok?" he whispered into her ear and hoped this was the start of a new life with her. Her warm juices quickly covered his fingers and he rubbed more, pushing against her squirming body. "Oh yeah, you're my girl...huh? Do you like this?" he whispered again and kissed her panting mouth. Mom's soft moans filled his ears and Jason held her close.

"Oh Jason, oh I'm...so confused, but I...um...loved this so much," she cooed and squeezed him. "You made me feel like a...a...woman again and I can't thank you enough." Dana said with a soft whisper and snuggled to him.

"I'm here Mom and if you want, I can be more than a son and you'll never be lonely again." Jason said with a kiss and he heard the house alarm beep. "Well shit, he's home," he said with a frown and Jason hoped Mom would do this again. She started to jump up, but he grabbed Mom and gave her a tight hug. "Will you come to my room tonight, Mom and um...help me?" he asked with and Mom hugged him tight.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry! Mom forgot that my guy needed a little help too." Dana purred to Jason and slowly stood up. "I'll try my best and if I can," she said, leaned to Jason and kissed him. "Mom will help you, ok?" she purred and ran to her room.

'Oh God, I hope that Steven doesn't suspect anything, but why would he? He never, ever looks at me. I could let Jason seduce me in the middle of the living room floor and he wouldn't notice!' she thought with a laugh and quickly stripped. She threw her clothes in the bathroom sink, rinsed them and jumped into the shower.


Steven sat at the table and looked at his wife, Dana, wondering why she was smiling and humming a song. "What's gotten into you today?" he asked with a firm look, as she gave him a piece of pot-roast and sat across from him.

Dana sat down and hoped that she could do this. "Nothing, can't I be happy and in a good mood?" she asked with a smirk, thinking of his son, holding her in his arms and pleasing her needs as a woman.

"Yes, but you seem different somehow."

"Well, I'm sorry if it bothers you." Dana said as she gave Jason a quick smile and licked her lips for him. "I could just seat and say nothing."

"You don't have to be sour, Dana. I was making a statement. What did you do today, Jason? Anything interesting?" Steven asked his son and Jason started choking on his food. "What in the world has gotten into my family today?" he asked and laughed.

"Nothing much, Mom and I watched a movie."

"Oh really, what movie?" Steven asked, but this time, Dana choked on her wine and gave Jason a dirty look.

Jason smiled and wiped his mouth. "It was a love story and pretty sad. The kind you hate so much," he added, looking at his Dad and what a fool he was for leaving Mom alone with him.

"Oh, as long as you had fun, that's all that matters." Steven said and he saw Dana's face turning bright red.

"We had a great time...didn't we, Mom." Jason said as he rubbed his foot up the inside of Mom's bare leg and she gave him another dirty look.

She tried pushing Jason away, but couldn't and she would get him later. "Oh yes, we had a nice afternoon." Dana said with a cool voice and glared into her son's eyes.

Jason moved his foot and went back to eating. "How's the church doing, Dad? Any big problems today?" he asked Dad, but Jason didn't give a fuck about him or the church. Jason hated it all and wished he could leave this shit behind.

"Nah, not really, but ol' Miss Duckworth is on her way out and they don't think that she'll make it through the night. I may go up to the city and sit with the family tonight. Would that be ok with you?" Steven asked as he looked to Dana and she nodded yes.

'Oh yes! Go and never come back!' Dana thought with a grin, knowing that she and Jason could be alone. She could help him now and return the wonderful favor. "That will be fine, Steven and be sure to give them my best." Dana smiled and gave Jason a quick wink, thinking of being alone with him and the fun they were going to have. "When do you think that you'll be home?" she asked and took a bite of her food.

Steven shook his head and replied. "I think that I may just stay in the city and go straight to the network meeting in the morning."

"Oh that's right. I almost forgot!" Dana said and she tried to keep her mind from Jason, but couldn't and she felt wetness oozing from between her legs. "I hope they've decided to put you on TV," she added, thinking of Jason sitting on his bed, with his long cock in her mouth and Dana sucking him dry.

"Oh yeah, I hope that goes good, Dad. That could bring the church tons of money and you'll be famous!" Jason said, but didn't care either way and he looked at Mom.

"Yes, all of what you said, would be wonderful, but let's not get carried away." Steven said as he wiped his mouth and got up. "I'm going to get a few things and um...I'll leave you two alone," he said and gave Dana a quick look, wondering why she was looking at Jason in such an odd way. 'I guess it's just my imagination, but she looks as if she's in love or something,' he thought and went to get his over-night bag and a clean suit of clothes.


Dana walked up to Jason, kissed him long and deep. "I didn't think that he was ever going to leave!" she moaned as they kissed and Jason pulled off her thin blouse, tossed it behind him and she loved the way he looked at her. His big hands covered her breasts and when he squeezed, Dana moaned and started to push her hips to his. "Oh God, I love when you touch me, baby. My heart pounds, my nipples get hard and um...my pussy drips for you!" Dana moaned, kissed him more and sank to her knees in front of him.

"I'm going to take care of you now, Mom and you can just forget him." Jason said as he watched Mom drop down in front of him, unzip his pants and she gently pulled out his hard cock. She held it in her tiny hands, leaned down to it, looked up and Mom kissed the head.

Dana pulled the monster from his pants and she was shocked. "My God, you are so big and beautiful! I want to suck you and show how much I love and adore you," she moaned and gently sucked the right side of his swollen shaft, flicking her tongue as she went and her eyes never once left his. "My sweet baby," she moaned again and moved to the other side of him. "Oh God, you're so hard...so long...and it's for me!" Dana whispered, smiled to her loving son and she sucked him deep into her warm, motherly mouth. Jason moaned and he held the sides of her head.

Jason's penis felt like a hot piece of steel and Dana sucked it deep into her mouth, until it hit her throat and she held off a small gag. He tasted salty, he tasted like a man, but most of all, he tasted like her son and Dana sucked harder.

Mom sucked hard and she sucked him with love. "Oh Mom, God yes!" he moaned and held her in place, easing back and forth, enjoying Mom's sucking mouth and her tiny whimpers of need. "I love you mouth and I want to cum! I'm close, Mom! I'm so fucking close!" Jason cried out, as he held her and he moved faster. "Oh Mom, suck it! Suck it, Mom! Suck it, harder!" he moaned and Jason moved faster, enjoying her slurping and gagging on his cock.

Jason looked down and watched as he fucked his Mom's mouth. It looked like a scene from a porn movie and Mom was beautiful. She sucked and her beautiful eyes looked up to his, never breaking their gaze and somehow, she managed a smile.

Dana stayed in place; she smiled, knowing he was close and never moved. She was letting her son fuck her mouth and it was fantastic. 'Yeah, fuck me! Fuck my nasty, Mommy mouth and make it yours, baby! Make me yours!' Dana thought as her son used her and she didn't care. He could do anything to her and Dana would love it all.

Jason felt his cock tighten, it jumped and he moaned, as cum shot from the tip and it splashed in Mom's throat. He heard a gag and Jason smiled. "You better get used to this Mom! I live for a hot babe to suck me off!" he cried as she got up on her knees, lifted her neck and Mom sucked him deeper. "Oh my fucking God!" he yelled when his cock slid into her throat, he felt her swallowing and drinking his cum. "Oh Mom, you nasty bitch! You sure can suck...cock, Mom!" he grunted, thrust forward and his last jet of cum, hit the back of her throat.

Jason came hard, but Dana knew what to do and she acted quickly. 'Oh God, yes, yes!' she thought and swiftly got up on her knees. She tilted her neck and her loving son, was completely in her and down her throat. 'Oh God, oh my fucking...God, Jason!' Dana screamed to herself, enjoying his loving gift and savoring every drop. She drank his seeds and her insides were warm with love. At last, after waiting so love for love, Dana found it with her baby boy and she couldn't have been happier.


Jason and Dana were lying on his bed, snuggled together and looking into each other's eyes. "That was insane Mom and I loved it so much," he said with love, as he caressed Mom's left nipple and Jason lightly kissed her.

She smiled and returned his kiss. "I owed you a nice time and I'm glad you enjoyed it." Dana paused to kiss him again, she moved over Jason, felt his bare penis under her, against her wet panties and she smiled. "Mmmm, I have a good feeling that you're going to keep me busy, but as you could tell...I love pleasing my man with um...," she stopped, licked her lips and smiled. "My mouth!" Dana moaned and kissed him deep.

He smiled and was a bit shocked when Mom got on him, but her pussy felt wonderful on his cock and Mom was dripping like mad. Jason heard Mom and his hands slid down to her gorgeous ass. "I'm glad you enjoying sucking me and after what you just did for me...I was thinking that I should return the favor," he said and Mom smiled down to him. "Would you like me to um...eat you out...Mom?" Jason asked, her face went blank and he felt her shiver. He caressed her ass with his left hand and somehow, Jason slid his right under Mom and he started teasing her clit again.

She moaned and lifted enough for Jason to get his hand under her body. He touched her and Dana knew she was his. "Oh God, Jason, I'd love for you to do that to me! He never..." Dana was going to say more, but his fingers covered her lips.

"Fuck him and never talk about him again!" Jason said as he rolled over, on top of Mom and his left hand grabbed her throat. "Do you understand me? I'm taking you and from now on Mom, you are mine!" Jason growled as he looked into Mom's frightened eyes, his cock grew hard and he thought of taking her. "I should take you now and just say the hell with this playing!" he growled again and gave Mom a hard kiss.

"No Jason, please don't do this!" Dana begged and hoped that he wouldn't go that far. She wanted him, but not like this and she needed a little more time to let this sink into her brain. "Come stop this, Jason and eat your Mom's, horny pussy and help me cum," she purred, caressing his face and when Jason smiled, Dana knew that he was only kidding.

"Do you think that I would hurt you, Mom?" he laughed and slid down, until Mom's breasts were in his face and he started kissing them. Slowly sucking and moving back and forth, between them.

"Oh you, bugger! You scared the shit out of me!" she laughed and gave him a slap. "But, it was kind of exciting and really dirty!" Dana giggled and Jason moved down, he started kissing her breasts and she could not wait for him to move between her long legs."Oh yeah, I like that!" she whispered and watched Jason kissing and suckling her nipples. She caressed his hair, while watching and juices flowed from her needy pussy.

He took turns sucking each breast, making sure that they both got an equal share of his love and he thought of the other prize that Mom had. "I can smell your pussy, Mom and...it smells sooo good too! I can't wait to lick it...suck it and um...put my tongue inside you!" he moaned between sucking and kissing Mom's breasts.

Dana heard Jason and her back tried to arch, but Jason's body kept her still and she was ready to explode. "Oh yes, I can't wait, baby!" she whimpered as he kissed lower, lower and lower. She could feel his warm breath blow across her thighs and Jason's lips grazed over the soft flesh of her right thigh, teasing it as he kissed towards her panties. "Oh God, oh God!" she cried as Jason's lips teased and tormented her body. She squirmed, she moaned and she cried for more, but Jason wanted her to wait and enjoy her new lover.

He kissed to her panty line, stuck out his tongue and licked up Mom's center. Her back arched, her muscles tensed and she screamed. He laughed and licked her again, but this time, he stopped and lapped at her swollen clit. His fingers moved into the action and started rubbing just under her swollen bud.

She felt his tongue and Dana's brain felt like it was going to explode. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my...fucking...God!" she screamed as Jason's tongue lapped at her aching pussy, sending feelings through her that Dana never knew and was enjoying for the first time in her life. Her loving son was showing her a wonderful new world of love and sex. She was Jason's now and Steve would have to go.

Jason continued to lap at her panties and Mom's little clit, but he needed more and he jerked down her panties. "There we go!" he moaned, stuck his tongue out and very lightly, licked Mom's center. Her salty taste covered his tongue and Jason licked deeper. She jumped and her hips pushed towards him. "You poor, poor thing...you'll never be horny again," he whispered, tenderly sucking Mom's excited lips and swollen clit.

She lay with her eyes squeezed shut, but her legs were wide open, enjoying her son Jason and his skilled tongue. He licked at her excited sex; his fingers carefully spread her tender and excited lips. Jason eased one inside her and his tongue licked deeper. "Oh baby, oh my God! Oh God...fuck...oh fuck!" Dana screamed as Jason sucked her clit, his tongue flicked it and his finger was making love to her. Her toned hips lifted from the bed, humped the air and she pushed to him. "Ohhh, God, baby, my baby!" Dana screeched, as he sucked, teased and he carefully eased a second finger into her wet pussy.

He looked on and loved Mom. She was so beautiful, so sexy and Mom was going to be a wonderful lover. He kept licking, sucking and gently fingering Mom's pussy, until she let out a long and loud scream. Warm juice shot from her pussy, hit him in the face and Jason licked more. Mom's hips bucked, her ass lifted from the bed and more hot juice shot from her pussy.

She eased her legs down and motioned for Jason to move up. "Ohhh my God...Jason, that...was...wonderful!" she said and tried to catch her breath. She moaned as he moved over her side and they kissed. "Now I know why those girls' flock to you and I can't blame them, but um...if we continue this, I'm not going to share you and I mean that," she said and watched to see his reaction, but there was only a big smile and he kissed her.

"I don't care about them. I only want you Mom." Jason said and he wanted her now. "Let me make love to you, Mom and make you happy," he added with a soft whisper, but she only gave him a frown and shook her head no. He just kissed her and knew she wouldn't last much longer. Mom would be his and Dad was going to get a big, big surprise in his email.

She heard him and was sad, but they needed to wait and make sure about this. "We're taking this slow and only playing or did um...you forget?" Dana asked with one of those motherly looks, that reminded you of being in a police interrogation room and you knew that you'd best tell her what she wanted to hear or it was your ass. "Huh?" she teased and leaned up to kiss Jason.

Jason hugged Mom and started whispering in her ear, kissing it as he did and she felt like a puppet. "I remember, but Mom, you can't blame a guy for trying. You're so pretty and sexy too. That makes it sooo hard to resist you," he whispered, kissing her ear and slowly kissed towards her neck.

She giggled, turned her head and bared her neck for his ravishing. "Jason, oh my Jason!" Dana moaned as he kissed and sucked the side of her neck, sending rushes of excitement and need, flooding her body.

"How does it feel to be mine now and knowing that you'll only answer to me, not him?"

She heard Jason and thought he'd blown a fuse. "Jason, our playing is fun, but I'm still married to your father and I have to answer to him." Dana said, but Jason only smiled. "What are you smiling about?" she asked and he didn't reply.

He smiled and couldn't wait for ol' Dad to get the email. The poor guy was going to shit and die, but Jason didn't care and knew that Dad could give up two million bucks with no problem. But, Jason figured Dad would get pissed when he found out that Mom also was a part of the deal. He wanted money, but most of all, Jason wanted Mom to be all his and to be her husband.

"What if Dad gave us um...a few million bucks and you to me? What would you say then, Mom?"

She laughed and gave him a kiss. "If by some miracle in heaven, he ever said that and meant it, by all means...yes, but that'll never happen, baby. You know how he is with money." Dana said and her own words made her sad. He cared more about money and the church, than he ever did about her.

Jason lay back on the bed and just smiled. "Should we move into your room, the guest house or what?" he asked and Mom snuggled against his chest, he hugged and caressed her back.

Dana wished that Jason's fantasy about them would come true and she could be his, but she knew Steven and he would never, ever do something so crazy.


Jason was sitting in his father's recliner, enjoying a cool drink and a beautiful woman, sucking his stiff cock and he smiled. "Oh my, it's nice to be a man and to have you," he said, looking down to Mom and she smiled around him.

She lifted her head, let him pop from her mouth and caressed his thighs. "I think you're getting spoiled, young man and I should cut you off!" Dana giggled, but she could never cut him off and deny him anything. She looked at him, kissed the tip of his cock and went back to enjoying him.

"Oh God, you suck sooo good, Mom!" he moaned and caressed her soft hair, enjoying the soft sucking and slurping sounds Mom was making. "Mom...I love you and you should let me fuck you now!"

She jerked from him and looked up with cold eyes. "First off...you will not 'fuck' me! You will make love to me, unless otherwise noted! That word is so nasty and so foul, Jason and I wish you wouldn't use it when you refer to us making love!" Dana said and she got up to get a drink.

He heard Mom and knew she was pissed off. "I'm sorry Mom and I'll do my best to stop. It's just a bad thing I started saying to girls' and I'll stop." Jason said as he stood and walked to join Mom by the bar. "I'm sorry, sweetie," he whispered, pulling her into his arms, hugged Mom and caressed her face.

"I just hate a lot of words and that is one of them. Something as sweet and personal as sex is, should not be associated with a word like that. I also understand that at times and I do hope that we engage in a few of our own, that word is very appropriate and sets the mood."

"Like me holding you down and pretending that I'm forcing you?" he said as his hands slid up and he grabbed Mom's neck. "I could say that um...I was going to 'fuck' you to death and I wasn't stooping, until you exploded!"

"Mmmm, yes and I can't wait for that. It scared me to death, but it was also exciting and I got sooo horny too!" she giggled and couldn't believe she told him something so private. Dana knew that Jason would store it in his mind and use it on her some day.

"I'll keep that in mind!" he smiled and pulled her back into the living room.


The next day, Jason was lying on his bed, smoking a joint and Mom was between his legs, sucking his cock. "Mmmm, that's it, Mom, yeah!" he moaned as her head and hands slowly moved up and down his thick shaft. "Ohhh God, suck it, suck it!" Jason moaned again and louder, as her warm mouth sucked his swollen head and her tongue teased the tip.

Dana sucked harder, leaned up and let him pop from her mouth. "You like that...do you?" she teased and licked up the underside of his pulsing shaft, stopping to tease the spot under the cock-head and she smiled at Jason. "I'm glad I make you happy baby." Dana added as she looked into her son's eyes and saw nothing but love.

He caressed her face and knew he had to have Mom, soon or his balls were going to shrivel up and blow away. Her blowjobs were awesome as hell, but Jason needed to put his cock in Mom and make love to her. He dreamt of loving her for hours and hours, only stopping to eat or for a short rest. Jason loved Mom and he wanted her in his bed at night.

"You always make me happy, Mom," he replied and was going to say more, but his phone rang and Jason looked at the caller id. He laughed and pulled Mom up on his chest. "Listen to this, but don't say anything!"

"Why is he calling you?" she asked as Jason held the phone for her to look.

Jason smiled and kissed Mom. "This is what I've been waiting for and you my dear...will be mine!" he winked and pushed the answer button on the phone. "Hello Dad." Jason said and waited hear his Dad's voice.

"Alright you littler fucker, what makes you think I'm going to give in to this shit? Have you lost your mind or what?" he laughed and read the note again. "And how dare you say that you want your Mom as your wife! Plus, I'm never to look at or touch her again!" Steven yelled into his phone and wanted to kill Jason.

Jason smiled, picked up his computer and sent another email to his Dad. "After you look at and read my next email...you'll see and know why!" he laughed and thought of how pissed Dad was going to be.

Steven opened his email again and his jaw dropped. "Oh my God! How did you get this?" he asked Jason and Steven's heart was pounding in his chest, thinking of his life and good name being ruined by his own son.

Jason laughed and when he heard the fear in Dad's voice, Jason knew that he had won and he was getting Mom. "Does it really matter, Dad? I have it and you will do as I say. Do you understand me?" Jason asked with a smirk, knowing that Dad was ready to explode with anger.

"Yes, I understand you." Steven said with a submissive voice and he had to get his son.

Jason smiled again and caressed Mom's face, enjoying the shocked look on it and the gleam in her eyes. "Oh and if you try any shit...the video will be sent automatically to all of my friends and to every TV network in town. Do you understand?"

Steven took a breath and he truly hated Jason. "Yes, Jason."

"I want the million dollars in my bank by the end of today and um...as far as Mom goes," he stopped to kiss her and made sure that is was loud. "She and I are moving into the guest room and we will live as man and wife!"

"You're a little prick!" Steven said into his phone and he heard Dana's voice.

"Oh no Steven, he is 'not' a little prick. His cock is as big as my Daddy's was and um...maybe a little longer too!" Dana giggled into the phone and wished that she could see his face.

Steven took a breath and knew that he was beaten. "Well, I bet that makes you happy...whore! Have you bothered to tell Jason how you know that your father had such a big cock?" Steven laughed, hung up the phone and started transfer the money into Jason's checking account. "Fucker!" he growled and clicked the send button.


Dana was lying with Jason and she was playing with his cock. "What in the world did you do to make him do this and give you all that money?" she asked, gently stroking his hard shaft, thinking of him being up her pussy and Dana couldn't wait to enjoy her loving son.

Jason smiled at Mom and wasn't sure if he should tell her or not. He didn't know how Mom would react knowing that her husband loved to suck dicks and putting his cock up another man's ass. "Let's just say that he really likes going to the gym and being in the shower with other men." Jason said with a grin and Mom's jaw dropped.

"Oh my God, are you for real? No wonder he stopped making love to me! Yuck!" she laughed, but deep down, it hurt thinking that the man she once loved was into other men.

Jason held Mom's hands and he could see that she was upset. "Don't let this bother you Mom and ruin our evening. Tonight...," he paused to give her a soft kiss. "I'm making you my lover and you won't have to think of him again." Jason said as he moved over Mom and kissed her more.

"I'm going to love that and waking in your arms, every morning," she said with love and a smile. "Will you take me out to dinner and for some dancing? I'd love to dance and be in your arms." Dana added with the need for a man to romance and woo her.

He caressed Mom's face and Dad's words kept running through Jason's mind. "Yeah Mom, but what did Dad mean when he said something about you knowing how big your Dad was? Did something happen or what?" Jason asked and Mom sat up.

Dana looked at Jason and hoped he didn't think she was a freak. "Your grandfather and I um...had...sex together," she said and his eyes grew wide. "It happened right after I turned eighteen and it was so beautiful...like now and the road we are about to go down, but we stopped our love and not long after, I met your father. A little while after that, you came into my life and made me complete." Dana said as she lightly kissed his lips and Jason looked shocked.

"Holy balls Mom, are you for real!" Jason said as he tried to think of his sexy Mom, fucking his deceased grandfather and it was a big surprise.

She smiled and hoped he didn't think any less of her for what happened in the past. "I was eighteen and getting ready to go to college. My mother was gone more than she was ever at home and my Dad was my life. We spent a lot of time together and one night...it just happened. I was coming out of my shower, when my Dad came into my room to ask what I wanted for dinner and um...he saw me naked." Dana said as Jason listened to her story of the past and he lay beside her.

"Wow, so is that why you've been so mean and stuff, when I flirt with you?"

"Yes and I'm so sorry." Dana whispered and felt bad for doing that to Jason. "I didn't want anything to ruin our love or split us apart...so I tried pushing you away."

"This is fucking insane as hell! My Mom made it with her Dad and now...we're going to make out too!" Jason said and shook his head in disbelief, trying to envision Mom under grandfather and being fucked.

Dana hated Steven for telling Jason about her past and now, her son was clearly upset by this and she had to smooth this over. "Hey, all that matters is that we're going to be together now, right. Isn't that what you've wanted and been dreaming of for the last few years?" she asked Jason and leaned to kiss him on the lips. "Come on baby, forget this and let's go out to dinner." Dana said, but she could see that his mind was on her past and she wanted to kill her husband.

Jason was sitting up and having a cigarette, trying to short this all out, but he felt as if Mom had betrayed him. "You slapped the piss out of me and would ground me for a week, just for looking at or rubbing your ass and come to find out...you screwed your own Dad! What kind of shit is that, Mom?" he asked with hurt and did not return her kiss.

"Yes I did and I did it for a reason, Jason! After that night with my father," she said as tears started pouring from her eyes and rolled down Dana's face. "We were never...the same...and we...drifted...apart!" she sobbed and started to get up and leave, but Jason grabbed her and pulled her back on his bed.

He felt bad and quickly grabbed her. "Stop Mom, I'm not mad because of that, it's just a shock and that's all! I don't give a shit either way and...I will not let anything came between us...every again," he said with love, kissed Mom on the mouth and Jason pulled her down on his bed. "I love you so much," he whispered as they kissed and Jason caressed Mom's blouse, gently teasing her left nipple.

Let's skip going out tonight and we'll stay here." She whispered as her small hand slid into her sons pants, she found his growing cock and started stroking him. "Jason, make love to me to me, baby...please!" Dana begged with need, as she pulled down his pants and she sucked him deep into her warm, motherly mouth. Jason fit in her mouth as if he had been made for it and Dana smiled.

Jason laughed at Mom and he had created a monster. A sex crazy monster, called Mom. "No way Mom, you told me that you wanted romanced and go out dancing, so we are going and even though I love this...," he moaned, pushed Mom back and Jason quickly got off his bed and away from Mom. "I'm taking you out Mom and I made reservations at a nice place downtown." Jason smiled as she crawled from the bed and moved back into his arms.

Dana smiled as she hugged him and knew that she had a good, young man and he was her son. "I'm impressed, what made you like of doing that?" she asked as they kissed and nibbled each other's lips.

"After tonight, you're going to be my wife and after what you said about it being so special, plus after hearing...well, you know. I think we should go out and have a good time together!"

She hugged Jason and kissed him. "You are a keeper." Dana whispered and kissed him again. "But, when we get back to this house...I want my baby boy...back inside his Mommy!" Dana growled into his ear, gave his stiffening cock a hard jerk and started to leave his room. "Do you want one last date with your mother or um...your future wife?" she asked with a low and sultry voice, making sure to sound as sexy as she could. "I want to dress for the right occasion." Dana added with the same low voice and Jason gave her a wink.

"I'm going out on a date with my Mom, but I'm bringing home my wife and I'm making love to her...all night long." Jason said and could see a warm, loving glow cover her pretty face. "So, dress as a sexy Mom that's about to get the um...love making of her life!" he laughed and was glad that he quickly caught himself. Mom hated the word fuck and he came close to slipping.

Dana smiled, took a breath and said. "Just say it, the fuck of my life!" she giggled, waited for his reply and ran away.

"Mmmm, I am going to enjoy this sooo much!" he growled, licked his lips and Jason couldn't wait to slip his cock up Mom's hot pussy and give this sexy thing the fuck of her life. "Alright then, dress as a sexy Mom, but you're going out with your son. All you can think about is, he's about to give you the fuck of your life and you can't wait for it!" he said as Mom ran away and went to dress.


"Mmmm, it's sooo nice to be in a man's arms and knowing what's about to happen between us." Dana whispered in Jason's right ear, as his hands roamed her lower back and the tiny, tiny black, silk dress she was wearing. "I can't wait to have you back inside me, baby," she whispered again and felt his hands slide under her dress. He slowly caressed her cheeks and pulled her closer; making sure that she could feel his need and that he would take her very soon.

"What's going to happen, Mom?" he whispered in her ear and caressed harder. "Tell me what is going to happen, Mom!" Jason said as he pulled back and glared into her pretty eyes.

She heard him and Dana's blood started to boil. "No, I won't say it and you can't make me!" she said with a sharp tone and started to pull away, but he grabbed her and jerked her back.

"Tell me...now!" he growled, quickly grabbed her throat and squeezed. "Say it or I'm just fucking you right now...right here!" Jason said with a low and very mean tone.

She looked into his eyes and fought the urge to cum in her panties. "Jason, you let go this instant and you know I detest that word!" she said with one of those Mom voices, but Jason's grip never loosened and she could feel juices oozing from her pussy.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck and um...fuck!" Jason said to her and Mom tried getting free. "You belong to me now Mom and tonight, I'm going to fuck you hard and as fast as I fucking can! What do you think about that?" he growled and showed her down on the sofa, positioned himself between her legs and kept his right hand around her throat.

"No Jason, let me go, please!" Dana pleaded as she fought to push him away, but this is what she needed and wanted. It had been far too long since having sex and she needed it hard.

"I'm going to fuck you and that sweet, little pussy I came out of and do you know what else I'm going to do?" he asked with an evil laugh and tried giving her a kiss, but Mom turned away and he grabbed a large handful of her hair. "Kiss me or I'll slap the shit out of you!" Jason growled as he jerked her face to his and she just sat there.

"No, I won't do anything!" she said as tried turning again, but Jason gave her a firm slap on the outside of her left thigh. "Jason, I'm you Mom and you can't do something so nasty to me!" she begged with a fake voice and kept acting as if she was trying to fight him off, but Dana loved this and didn't want him to stop anything.

"Well, to fucking bad, Mom and you better get ready!" Jason said as his right hand moved between Mom's legs, he rubbed and fingered her pussy, making sure that she was ready and wet enough to take him. "Because...I'm going to fuck you right and right now!" he laughed, grabbed her tiny pair of yellow panties and Jason tore them from her hips.

"No Jason, please stop this!" she yelled as his cock pointed to her tiny hole and he leaned to kiss her on her mouth.

"I love you so much," he whispered and pushed forward. "Oh fuck, oh my fucking God!" Jason yelled when Mom's tight pussy grabbed him and it squeezed hard. Her muscles felt as if Mom had an extra hand inside her body and it took a bunch of steroids.

His big cock-head pierced her body and Dana came. Her pussy locked on her son's cock and she lost it. "Oh fuck, Jason....oh my Jason! Yes, fuck yes, fuck yes!" Dana screamed and held him tight, never wanting this to end or for him ever to leave her body. "Oh my baby, my beautiful...baby...boy!" she yelled as his girth spread her pussy wider than it had ever been stretched and he sank deeper. It felt as if someone was ramming the fat end of a baseball bat up her tiny, tiny pussy, but Dana loved it all and wanted more. Her baby boy was back inside her and that's where she wanted him to stay.

"Oh Mom, Mom!" he moaned as his shaft sank into her, until their hips touched. "I'm all the way in you, Mom and its heaven!" he smiled as they kissed and held each other close.

"Yes baby and I never want to let you go!" she moaned, enjoying the feeling of such a big man inside her body, filling her with love and his massive cock. "I um...need to tell you something." Dana said as she caressed his face and wrapped her long legs around her son's hip. "I'm not on birth control, but I still need you to love me hard and don't stop until you cum inside me. Please Jason!" she said and saw a wicked smile cover his face.

He heard Mom and laughed. "Oh how fucking cool! I get to give you our baby and ol' Dad..."

"Well, uh...fuck him and now, please fuck me, baby! Give me our baby and tomorrow morning...we're leaving here and never coming back!" Dana said as she gasped for air and needed her son to pound her lonely pussy.

"Your wish is my...command!" Jason replied with a smile and started making love to her. "I'm only going to last a few seconds and that's all, Mom!" he moaned, moving in and out of her tight hole, enjoying its tight grasp around his cock and her soft moaning of need.

She rested on the sofa, her son's long cock was slipping in and out of her pussy, filling it with love and Dana couldn't wait for his best gift. "Yeah baby, just relax this first time and don't worry about it! Just cum and fill me up! Fill up your sexy...Mommy!" she moaned into his ear as Jason used her pussy and he used it hard. "Yep, come on baby! Come on, baby...fuck me! Fuck your Mom, baby and fuck me hard!" she moaned louder and kicked her feet into his back, driving him on and pushing Jason deeper into her body.

"Oh Mom, yes, oh shit...yes!" he grunted and started filling her tiny hole with his hot cum. "I love you, oh Mom I love you!" Jason moaned as he pulled her into his arms, while his hips continued moving and loving the beautiful woman under him.

His cum hit the back of Dana's pussy and it was as if, a hose was in her and it was turned on. "Jason, oh my God! your cum...oh God, oh God!" she yelled in his ear and squeezed his neck. An orgasm swept over her and Dana thought that she was dying. "Oh baby, my baby! Cum in me, cum in your Mommy and love me forever!" Dana moaned as Jason held her and his lips were on hers.

"I will Mom, I promise."

Jason made love to his sexy Mom the entire night and he came in her over seven times, each load was very big and very thick too. The next morning they woke, packed a few changes of clothes and were never seen again. A little, less than a year after they left, Steven got the picture of his grandson in the mail, but he laughed and threw it in the trash.


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