
Claire Sucks Her Son's Cock


A last minute cancellation of a client-meeting meant that Claire was able to head home early. She had already made plans with herself to lounge around by the pool and relax.

'This must be my lucky day,' she thought.

A car was parked in her driveway and she suddenly remembered that her son had invited a study partner from college. Once she parked, she got to the front door and heard her son blaring his new Depeche Mode album on the stereo as she entered.

'Well they obviously aren't studying anymore,' she said to herself.

The living room was down the hall and her son had no idea that she was home. She took off her shoes and as she walked towards the living room, she saw her son laying back against the couch with a young lady on her knees in front of him. The armrest and back of the couch blocked her view, but it was obvious that she was performing oral sex on him. It was at that moment which Claire took a step back and slipped her shoes back on so she wouldn't be seen.

"God that was amazing," he said to her. "You're the best."

The young lady got up and turned the music off so they could talk. As she stood by the stereo, she picked up a family picture sitting on a table and looked at it.

"Thanks," she replied. "Is this your mom? She's a real hottie."

"Yeah, she is," he replied while pulling up his pants.

Claire's heart started beating faster and her head was spinning. What started out as a great day turned quickly turned into an oddity. First she had walked in on her son receiving oral sex in their living room. And no less than a few seconds later, she heard her son agreeing that she was a 'hottie'.

The young lady continued, "The guys she works with must have a constant hard-on whenever they're near her. She's got that 'sexy soccer mom doctor' vibe going on which is really attractive."

"They probably do. I hate to say it, but while you were blowing me, I couldn't help but look at that picture and imagine that she was the person sucking me off."

"You ass!" the young lady replied, before playfully throwing a pillow at him. "I can't say I blame you though. If she was my mom, I guess I'd want her to eat my pussy as well."

"You should see her when she gets dressed up for an important event or some fancy party; she's stunning when she has that red hair tied up and she's wearing a nice outfit."

"Sounds like Freud was right about all his oedipal theories."

"Very funny," he said, trying his best to laugh it off.

She smiled at him, "Anyway, I had a great time and I told my parents I'd be home early to help make dinner."

Not wanting to get caught, Claire quietly took a step back and slightly closed the door and pretended to just open it as they came nearer, to look as if she had just innocently arrived home.

Claire entered the room and no one suspected a thing.

"Oh, hi there," the young lady said politely. "You must be Tom's mother. I'm Anne."

The two ladies shook hands and smiled.

"I'm Claire. It's very nice meeting you. Were you just leaving?"

She nodded, "Yeah, my parents are expecting me. You have a very beautiful home by the way. And you look great in that outfit."

"Well thank you," Claire replied proudly. "That's very nice of you to say."

Despite the pleasantries and flattering words, all Claire could think about was how Anne's lips and mouth had recently been wrapped around her son's penis, and how she presumably swallowed at the end. And of course she couldn't forget that Anne had called her a 'hottie' and said how she wouldn't mind if she 'ate her pussy'.


After Anne left, Claire and her son headed towards the kitchen for something to drink. There was a slight bit of awkward tension on Claire's part after having heard her son admit that he thought about her in an incestuous manner.

"Study partner huh?" Claire asked. "It's obvious that she really likes you."

He gushed, "We're not dating if that's what you're implying. We're in the same psychology class and the teacher paired us up to do a presentation."

"What's it about? I remember I used to be terrified about giving presentations in college. I used to be painfully shy and reserved back then. But looking back, I'm grateful for having to give all those talks because it helped make me the woman I am today. Good verbal communication is an important part of life."

"I agree wholeheartedly, mom. Trust me, I wouldn't be able to get any girls if I'm quiet all the time right? Apparently you have to talk to them first. And since you're wondering, we're presenting on some guy named Freud."

Claire raised an eyebrow, given the context of the situation. "It should be a good learning experience for you both."

"Yeah. Well, he's one of the founders of modern day psychology in terms of research methods and theories. Basically he's a smart dude."

"Learn anything interesting?"

He suddenly looked away and became coy. "All sorts of things. Like I said, smart dude. I hope you don't mind me cutting this conversation short, but I could really use a shower right about now."

"Don't worry about it. See you at dinner."


Claire knew the theory her son was researching for school, how young men (and sometimes young women) secretly wanted to bed and dominate their own mothers.

A moment of clarity came and she wondered how prevalent it was with her own son. She had already heard him say that he imagined that it was her performing oral sex on him, rather than his pretty young classmate that was his own age. A part of her was shocked and betrayed that he could think such lewd things. The other part of her was flattered that she could actually 'compete' for the sexual attention of a handsome young man his age.

It was late and she could barely concentrate anymore after such a long day. She turned off the lights, crawled underneath her blanket, rested her head on the pillow and fell fast asleep:

"So what were you and Anne doing just now before I arrived home?" she asked her son.

Claire stood in her living room with her hair tied in a neat ponytail, and she wore an elegant dress. Tom was in his normal t-shirt and shorts.

"I told you mom, we were studying together," he replied casually.

Her eyebrow lifted. "I saw what you two were doing. And I want you to know that I don't approve of it. I think it's disgusting, demeaning, and degrading towards women."

"Says who? Didn't you see how much she enjoyed it? I know I did. Deep down, you probably would too if you weren't so repressed. Come on, I'll show you."

"Gosh... Think about what you're saying Tom. I can't. I'm your mother. This is wrong. We can't..." she stammered nervously.

"No one will ever know. It's simple mom. I'll teach you..."

All it took was a simple placement of his hands on her shoulders for her to drop to her knees. He pulled his shorts down to reveal his youthful and healthy erection, and she wrapped her hands around the back of his thighs as if she were on autopilot. Tom's hands caressed her hair and they looked each other in the eyes.

"Come on mom, you know you want to. Deep down I know how curious you are."

Claire opened her mouth and she nervously leaned forward towards her son's erection.

Her eyes shot open and she was suddenly wide awake.

Her heart pounded and she tried to get a grip on reality. The images and feelings she conjured up in her own mind felt uncomfortably realistic. The absolute worst part for her was that she couldn't tell if she just had a nightmare or a wet dream. The stain in her panties suggested the latter.


The next morning, Claire headed to the medical center's park area at exactly 10 am. It was the exact time that her colleague, friend, and mentor took his morning break for tea. She bought herself a cup of coffee and when she saw Dr. Fitzgerald sitting alone on a bench, she went over to greet him.

When he saw her approach him, he got up to give her a big hug and an invitation to sit with him.

"It's so nice to see you Claire," he said happily. "It's been awhile since we've been able to sit down like this together even though we work in the same area."

She smiled, "I know, things have been hectic around here lately haven't they?"

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company? Anything new going on in your life?"

"Actually, there is," she said with a hint of shyness. "And this is something I can only talk with you about. Not only are you a close friend, but I also consider you a mentor and somewhat of a father figure."

"The first part was very nice of you to say," he replied with a smile. "But you're making me feel old with all that other talk. So what's this about?"

"Oral sex."

"Hmmm...finally an interesting conversation for a change."

He playfully and jokingly leaned forward and put his hand on his bearded chin to lighten the mood. It was a gesture which helped put Claire at ease, and she appreciated it. He asked her to proceed, and so she did.

She took a deep breath, "As you know, my parents had always pushed me to be an overachiever growing up. They pushed me to excel in school, and to work hard at anything which would contribute to my academic success. And that included staying far away from boys because they thought it was a distraction, and especially far away from sex because an early pregnancy would have been devastating to them, and me obviously. Long story short, when I was around 18, I became close with my neighbor from across the street. We were classmates and the same age. We eventually experimented with sex a few times before we both left for college. He was my first. One day he was over at my place because he had accidentally locked himself out of his house, one thing led to another, and I ended up giving him oral sex for the very first time. To our unfortunate surprise, my mother had arrived home through the front door and caught us in the middle of the act."

"That must have been a horrific and mortifying experience at that age," he commented. "Especially when you're new to sex and having such strict parents."

"You have no idea. Let's just say that it was difficult for me and him to be friends after that. My mother really let us have it, and after that day I was constantly lectured on how oral sex was disgusting and degrading towards women who do it. She was a strong feminist, and she raised me with the same ideals. So obviously that particular sex act was out of the question in our household. In hindsight, I'm sure my father was never too thrilled about that aspect despite being so conservative about sex himself. And as a result, I've had issues doing it ever since."

"That's not at all surprising," he said with a nod. "What happens in our early life and with our upbringing often shapes who are as adults- especially from traumatic events. Sometimes we develop anxiety to certain things, like a phobia, or sometimes we become drawn to it out of curiosity. Are you with a partner at the moment? Are you asking me for advice on how to get over this?"

"That's sort of the case. But I actually haven't gotten to the main point yet."

"Then what is the main point?"

"It has to do with someone I'm close with," she replied with her nerves building. "He's someone I deeply care for and love unconditionally. It has nothing to do with jealousy, but I saw him on the receiving end of an oral encounter. And then I heard him admitting to thinking about me while he was receiving it. In other words, he imagined that I was going down on him when he already had a beautiful young woman. Keep in mind that this is a person that I love but could NEVER be with under any circumstance. But late that night, while I was asleep, I had an adult dream that I was actually about to orally service him, and when I woke up, I was pretty freaked out to say the least."

His phone made a beeping noise and he looked down to read the message.

"Claire, I know this is a horrible thing to do in the middle of this conversation, but I have something that needs to be taken care of. Can we continue this another time?"

"Of course Doc," she replied graciously. "You're a very busy man and saving lives takes a heck of a lot more priority over my personal drama."

He stood up and patted her on the shoulder. "If you want my advice, he sounds like a married man, and if that's the case, then you should just leave this alone. But if I'm wrong, and he's not officially committed to anyone, then I recommend that you talk to him about your feelings. See where it goes and how you feel about it afterwards. Dreams often times represent our most carnal needs and desires. You've been repressed for way too long, and you're in your prime. Besides, you're a very special woman and I'm sure he would appreciate your candor regardless of what your relationship with him is. Once you get to the truth, I'm sure you'll know how to resolve whatever is bothering you."

"You know what, you may be right about that. I'll never be able to fully resolve this issue without getting to the bottom of it. Thanks Doc. I knew I came to the right person."

He smiled, "I'm always happy to oblige."


That night, Claire made her son's favorite dish for dinner- chicken parmesan, pasta, and a side of fresh salad. They had dinner that night as if nothing was out of the ordinary; as if she had never caught him at the end of a sex act which changed everything for her. It was a fact she couldn't let go of.

"Once again, this is absolutely delicious," he said emphatically for the fourth time. "You're such a great cook mom. The world needs more women like you."

"Thank you. We've all got to eat right? I just try a little harder, that's all. That's my secret."

"Well I wish you'd teach that to more people. My ex-girlfriend tried cooking for me once and it tasted a horse's ass- not that I've ever tasted that. I think I even got sick afterwards."

She gave him a playful look. "Speaking of which, are you and Anne really just study partners? The way you two smile at each other isn't the kind of look which ordinary classmates normally share."

"What, two people working on an important school project aren't allowed to smile when they finish working? What's the world coming to if you can't do that anymore?"

"Relax, you're not on the hot seat here. I'm just saying, she's a beautiful young woman, obviously very nice, and you're a handsome young man. I'm just making a comment."

"Fine," he sighed. "She's a really cute girl. I like her. But we aren't dating. Like I said, we're working on a report together."

She nodded. "Right, I remember- Freud. What do you think about him?"

"Hmmm... Something's definitely going on here," he said with a skeptical look. "First you cook my favorite meal in the middle of a weekday when you're the busiest, and now you're asking me about my relationship status with Anne and my thoughts on psychology. No offense, but is there a female version of a mid-life crisis that I don't know about?"

"I'm perfectly fine. And I'm also your mother, which means it's my job to be interested in your personal life."

"And I appreciate that. You've always been a great mother. But it just seems like you've got something up your sleeve."

She took a deep breath, "Okay, I'm sorry if this dinner is starting to come across as an interrogation. I honestly wanted us to have a nice evening together. But I have something on my mind which I have no idea how to approach with you."

"I think I know what this is about," he said seriously. "Does this have to do with me graduating from college soon and potentially moving out? Mom, if you're worried about living alone, it's okay, I don't mind staying with you a little longer. Seriously, you're a great cook and I enjoy your company the way you enjoy mine. It won't bother me at all if you want me to continue living at home rent free. It might even be for the best."

"Is that what you think?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"That's not what you were going to say?"

She smiled, "Nice try, but it's not that. Look, I'll just be blunt about this: Yesterday afternoon, I came home and saw what you and Anne were doing together. I also heard everything that you two said about me, you know...me using my mouth on you, her wanting me to 'eat her pussy'. All of it."

He froze in time and it looked as though he just saw a ghost in the house.

"Tom, are you there?" she jokingly asked. "Say something?"

"I...I don't know what to say. God, this might be the most humiliating moment of my life..."

Claire reached out and patted her son's hand. "I don't want you to feel that way. I'm not mad or upset. But can you blame me for being the least bit shocked about what I heard you say?"

"No, I guess not," he replied.

"Did you really mean what you said about me?"

He looked down at the table. "Yeah, I guess there's no point in denying it."

"Gosh, what on Earth were you thinking imagining that it was me of all people doing something so dirty to you. I'm not that kind of woman. And I don't have to remind you that I'm your mother. I gave birth to you and raised you your entire life."

"I thought you said you weren't mad?"

"I'm not," she sighed. "Well, I still don't know how to feel or how to cope with any of this. Can you at least explain to me why you thought of me going down on you while Anne was doing it?"

He took a deep breath. "I don't know. I've always thought you were a cool mom, but I honestly didn't start thinking about you like that until the past few months when you started going swimming in the backyard pool again. I could see you clearly from my bedroom window. That's how it started."

Claire was taken aback by her son's words of candor and honesty. What surprised her even more was that she felt a slight tingling sensation between her legs.

"Oh...I had no idea that going swimming again would have made such a big deal or else I would have just stuck with running."

"I couldn't help it," he replied.

She felt her heart rate rising. "You also mentioned something about the way I look in a dress with my hair tied back. Have you always felt that way whenever I dress up? Or did that start after you began watching me in the pool?"

"Okay, now you're just torturing me for your own personal amusement aren't you? God, I never should have admitted this to Anne in the first place."

"I'll tell you what, if we get to the bottom of this tonight, truthfully and honestly, then maybe I'll give you a special treat before bed. No one has to know about this. It's purely for my own curiosity."

He gave her a skeptical look. "A special treat huh? How do I know you aren't going to just scoop me a bowl of ice cream after I embarrass myself some more?"

"Wait here a second," she smiled. "I'll be back in a minute or two. Don't move a muscle."


Tom waited as patiently as he could, and after a couple long minutes had passed, his mother came back down the stairs in a new outfit and stood in front of him by the dining table.

Gone was her casual evening attire. Instead, she wore a long silk blouse with just her bare feet showing.

"I'm back," she said. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long, but I had a little trouble deciding what to wear. And as a disclaimer, I'm not naked underneath, so you can forget about seeing the goods if that's what you were thinking."

"I actually don't know what to think right now. Care to fill me in on what's going on?"

"Answer the question first: You mentioned something about me dressing up for important events, when did start noticing me like that? Was it after you started watching me in the pool?"

He gulped, "Yes, it was after. I've always thought you were really beautiful, but after I watched you swim in the pool and saw your body, I started looking at you differently. When you would wear one of those expensive dresses to go out to a fancy late night event, it was hard to look at you the same way. You looked even more stunning on those nights."

Claire took a step back and scooted her chair out, and put her foot on the seat's cushion. Her feet, calves, and her toned thighs, were on full display through her open robe. Her crotch and the rest of her body was still covered.

"I'm wearing my bathing suit underneath," she said casually. "The more honest you are, the more you get to see."

"God, I can't believe this is actually happening."

"Do you think I can believe this either?" she asked. "Trust me, I'm feeling the same crazy emotions you are. But since it's the quickest way to get the truth out of you, then why not have fun with it? So, how many times did you think of me while you were with Anne? And how long has that been going on?"

He stammered, "Well...uh...we've only been doing stuff for about a month. But I've imagined it was you when we did it in our living room, which is about three times now."

A sudden rush of moisture filled her vagina.

"Have you thought about me while you were alone? You know, have you touched yourself?"

She pulled the other half of her lower robe to reveal both legs to her son.

"It...uh...yeah...I've masturbated a few times thinking about you...or watching you in the pool..."

Claire's eyes lit up and she felt a sensation between her legs which she hadn't felt in long time.

"So you've masturbated thinking about me and watching me swim?" she asked rhetorically. "Doesn't that bother you? I gave birth to you. I raised you. I've taken care of you all your life."

"I'm sorry mom," he replied as he squirmed in his seat.

She opened her robe fully and his eyes widened with pleasure. Her scantily clad body was on full display in front of him, with her silk robe wrapped around her forearms.

"I expect a complete answer."

"Well...truthfully, it felt weird at first. But after a while I didn't mind. I could understand how this would bother you so much, but you've become my ideal woman."

She immediately closed her robe and bent down to give him a kiss on the cheek. "You see, that wasn't so difficult, was it?"


It was another long night for Claire as she got ready for bed. Everything was going so well in her life until the day she came home early and heard something which she shouldn't have. She tried to make sense of everything but couldn't. The more she learned, the more conflicted she felt. Most of all, she couldn't believe how strangely aroused she had become lately. It felt as though she found the missing piece of the puzzle in her sorely neglected sex life, although she could never bring herself to accept it.

After she turned off the lights, she tucked herself underneath her blanket and went straight to sleep:

"There's something that I need to get off my chest," Claire said to her son.

They were having dinner at home together and she wore her finest dress, her nicest jewelry, and her makeup and hair were done to perfection.

"Sure, what's up mom?" he casually replied.

Claire took a deep breath. "It's about the other day when Anne was here. I saw what you two were doing, and I also heard everything you two said about me."

"Are you mad?"

"No, I'm not mad...it's just...what on Earth were you thinking imagining that it was me of all people doing something so dirty to you. I'm your mother..."

He smiled, "I know. That's what makes it so hot."

"Excuse me? Did I just hear that right?"

"You did," he replied as if nothing was out of the ordinary. "And it's your fault for swimming like that in the pool when you knew that I could see you from my room if I wanted to. I started masturbating watching you. And I've thought about you ever since. And when Anne would suck my cock, I imagined it was you because you're so much hotter than she is."

"How can you say such a thing? I'm your mother. I would never..."

He stood up in front of her while she sat, and his crotch was near her face.

"Aren't you the least bit curious mom? I know you've been dreaming about this. You're so bad. And I know you want to suck my cock now. Come on, take it out, it'll be fun. No one will ever know."

She brought her trembling hands to his shorts and freed his manhood. It was rock hard and waved right in front of her face as it was released. She grabbed it tightly and leaned forward to begin sucking on it.

Her eyes shot open and she was suddenly wide awake.

Powerful impulses took control and she shoved her hand underneath her nightgown and panties, and began to finger to dripping wet vagina. She became even wetter with every touch and with every thought. She let her vivid imagination run wild with images of that incestuous dream. She kept on imagining that she was in the kitchen sucking off her son's raging hard-on with lust and zeal.

For that moment in time, she didn't care how 'wrong' it was or how depraved it seemed. All she cared about was how good it felt. No one would ever know about her filthy thoughts, it was her dirty little secret.

After several more minutes, her toes curled, her back arched, her muscles contracted, and she came before going completely limp.

She pulled her hand out of her panties when it was over, and in the moonlit darkness of her room, she was able to see the wet fluids glisten throughout her fingers.

'What have I done?' she thought to herself.


The next morning, Claire went to the same outdoor area to meet her old friend and mentor. He smiled when he saw her and gave her another warm welcome.

"Well you certainly look happy," he stated. "I take it you've followed my advice. It looks as though a weight has been lifted from your shoulders."

"You could say that. I talked with him about some personal things. He admitted all of his fantasies about me, and I sort of put on a little show for him in exchange. The only real downside was that I had another dream about him- the dirty kind."

"Hmm...Sounds like an interesting experience for the both of you. But I still don't understand how he could make those confessions after you've given him 'a little show', and it hasn't yet led to an erotic encounter between you two."

"That's the thing," she said before taking a deep breath. "I haven't been fully upfront with you about who he is. He's not a married man, or a colleague, or anything remotely close to those lines... He's my own son."

He put his hand on his chin during his epiphany. "Oh, well that changes everything Claire. It all makes sense now."

"What do you mean?"

Dr. Fitzgerald paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. "You see, opposites attract and people want what they can't have. Just look at the most popular forms of pornography; interracial sex, a younger man with an older woman, a proper housewife who's promiscuous, and so forth. The same is true with incest. It's just not as widely discussed because there is an added layer of social boundaries attached to it. With that said, I think you're a perfectly normal warm blooded woman with needs like everyone else."

"But don't you find this whole thing the least bit strange? I mean, my son can have any college girl he wants, yet he's thinking about me of all people. And for god's sake, I just had another wet dream about him last night. This time, I didn't just lie in bed reflecting on why it happened, I actually followed through and finished the job. And it was the best orgasm I had in many many years. God, what's wrong with me?!"

"Claire, there's absolutely nothing wrong with what you're feeling," he said in a comforting and reassuring tone. "Not many people can experience the true sense of respect, consideration, passion, raw sexual desire, fulfillment and love, that only a mother and son can share. Believe me. Your maternal instincts are telling you something."

"You speak as though you know it from your own experience," she replied.

He nodded. "It lasted for several years. I had a romantic relationship with my mother when I was a young adult, and it was the most moving experience of my life. She's the one who inspired me to become a doctor in the first place. I owe it all to her. All the gratitude I get for saving lives should all be directed towards her as far as I'm concerned."

"It's funny you say that," she said with a smile. "Tom once told me that I was the person who inspired him to be a psychology major so that he could help others the way I do."

"Mothers are important figures in our lives, whether men realize it or not. And from this point, I think you know what to do. I'll be attending an important medical convention; I leave tonight and I'll return next week. I fully expect to hear some good news from you when I get back."

She flashed him a mischievous look. "You think I know what to do huh? If only it were that simple. And to think, I was expecting a more measured and clinic approach to all this rather than to screw my own son."

"You know what the best cure for curiosity is? Experiencing it. If neither of you experience this, he'll spend the rest of his life with other women imagining it was you, and you'll always be curious of what's been ingrained in your mind as 'disgusting and degrading'. You know I'm right."

"As much as it hurts to agree with you this time, I might not have a choice. I don't have a rebuttal to what you just said."

Dr Fitzgerald patted her on the shoulder before standing up to leave. "Face it Claire, you're overworked, overstressed, and if I may be straight forward, you need to get laid. And who better than your own son? You two live together, you two love each other, and most importantly, he'll never leave you with a broken heart the way other men would. Think about it."

"Is that a doctor's order?" she asked playfully.

"It's advice from a friend."


The car ride home that afternoon was filled with nervousness and tension for Claire.

All she could think about were the words of Dr. Fitzgerald. Their conversation replayed in her mind over and over again. It left her with more questions than answers. But deep down, she knew he was right. She knew she would spend the rest of her life being curious of her most pleasurable newfound sexual fantasy. And she knew that her son would always feel the same way.

When she pulled into the driveway, she entered her home to the sight of Tom in the kitchen after finishing a mid-afternoon snack. It was painfully obvious that the feelings of teasing and arousal still lingered between them from the night before.

"Oh...hey mom," he said awkwardly. "How was your day?"

"It was kind of interesting. Well, to be perfectly honest, I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation from last night."

"Neither could I."

She smiled, "You know, you were never very good at hiding your emotions. The way you just said that was pretty suggestive."

"Really? And what was I being suggestive about?"

"That you masturbated as soon as you went back to your room. Didn't you?"

He gave a slightly embarrassed look. "Can you blame me? You put on one heck of a show the way you flashed yourself. Mom or not, you have a seriously smoking hot body on you."

"I guess I have to take full responsibility for your actions then," she conceded. "But hey, I needed to get to the truth somehow and that was the easiest way. Speaking of which, are you interested in another round of questioning? There's something that's been bugging me all day and I have one more question I need to ask."

"Only if it's a repeat of last night," he requested playfully.

"Are you really going to make me do that again?"

"Why not? We both enjoyed it didn't we?"

"I was the one doing all the work," she replied before pausing to think. "Fine. Wait in the living room and I'll be down in about five minutes."


Claire went up to her bedroom, stripped off her clothes, and went straight to work. She sat naked in front of her bedroom dresser and applied an extra layer of makeup. The rest of her plan was simple: Tie her red hair back and put on her favorite sleeveless party dress.

As she did that, all she could think about were the words of Dr. Fitzgerald:

"Not many people can experience the true sense of respect, consideration, passion, raw sexual desire, fulfillment and love, that only a mother and son can share."

"If neither of you experience this, he'll spend the rest of his life with other women imagining it was you, and you'll always be curious of what's been ingrained in your mind as 'disgusting and degrading'..."

"Face it Claire, you're overworked, overstressed, and if I may be straight forward, you need to get laid. And who better than your own son?"

Once she was satisfied with her facial appearance, she picked up her dress from the closet hanger and stood in front of her full length mirror. She examined her naked body for a few moments before slipping on a dress, and adjusting it for a perfect fit.


"Wow...jeez...you look gorgeous mom," he said in a gushing tone as she stepped in the living room. "You look like an actress who plays a doctor on tv. Seriously."

"I was actually going for the 'sexy soccer mom doctor' look which Anne pointed out. But thanks. That's very flattering of you to say."

Claire sat down on the couch next her son, sitting upright in a ladylike manner, with her back straight and her hands on her lap. She looked as proper & elegant as she could possibly be.

"So what was your question?" Tom asked.

She took a deep breath. "When you were thinking about me while you received oral sex, how did it feel? The same? Or was it better? I know it's a silly question, but I've been thinking about it a lot for the past several hours."


"Yes, really," she confirmed.

"Being perfectly honest here, I thought it felt a lot better imagining that it was you doing it. I don't know why, it's hard to explain. It was the added taboo I guess. You wouldn't understand."

"Actually, I might have an idea of what you've been going through these past few months," Claire said openly.

"Really? How so?"

She took another deep breath. "The day that I learned of your incestuous fantasies for me, I had the strangest dream that night where I confronted you about it and you enticed me to give you oral sex. The following night after I let you see me in my bathing suit, I had a similar dream, but it was much more intense, and much more real. I woke up and I couldn't fight those feelings anymore. I'm almost ashamed to say that I can't remember the last time I felt an urge so strong and had an orgasm so powerful."

"Well that makes two of us then. I was the same way when I first started thinking about you. It made me uncomfortable at first, but I grew to accept it."

"Trust me, this situation is a lot more difficult for me to accept," she replied. "My parents were strict when it came to sex. And unlike your generation, I was raised with a much different attitude towards something like oral sex. I would even say that I developed an aversion to it since I was young. And the thought of actually doing it so brazenly to my son of all people just sends a shiver down my spine."

"Well it's not like they're ever going to find out about our fantasies or any of this," he said with a suggestive grin.

"Why do I get the feeling that you have something particularly dirty in mind?"

He shrugged and gave her an innocent look. "I'm just saying...They won't know about this so you've got nothing to be ashamed of. No one would know. It'll just be our little secret."

She paused a moment and gave a playful smile. "I've been talking with a friend of mine lately, a mentor, and he's suggested some pretty unconventional solutions to our little dilemma."

"I don't know who he is, but I like him already."

"I'm sure you might feel that way because he's someone who's had an incestuous relationship with his own mother, and he's recommended that we do the same thing- you know, to get rid of the curiosity to get it out of our systems, that sort of thing."

The sexual tension in the room became unmistakable and both of them were starting to become aroused.

"Mom, are you...did you just...did I hear that right?" he asked in a state of utter disbelief.

"At this point, I might be crazy enough to do it. He's made a strong case to me and I've been wrestling with that idea all day. This conversation may have tipped that balance. Basically, you get to live out your secret fantasy, and I get to live out mine. What do you say?"

"Are you suggesting that it would be okay if we did sexual stuff together?"

She nodded. "Our relationship would be the same for the most part. I'll still be your mother and the head of this household, and you'll still be my son. The only real difference would be that we would be sexually open with each other during the right moments. And if I'm crossing the line and you don't want this to become a reality, then tell me. We can try our best to pretend that this conversation never happened. But if you agree, we can work out the ground rules later."

"I definitely wasn't expecting to hear that. This is like a dream come true. And if you don't mind, I'd like to make the first rule."

"Which is?"

"That I get to be in charge of what we do together," he stated playfully, yet boldly. "You don't have to be a rocket scientist or a psychologist to figure out that you're looking for a complete role reversal. It's pretty obvious. You're the type of woman who's basically in charge all the time and is secretly looking to give up control in the bedroom. Lots of prominent older women are like that."

Her eyebrows raised and she gave her son a stern motherly look. "So what you're saying is, you want me to be sexually submissive to you."

"Well, isn't that what you want? It sure sounded like it based on the brief description of your naughty dream. It's a common thing where good girls and proper women like to be called 'slut' or 'whore' during sex because it's a real thrill for them. Trust me, I know."

Claire nudged a little closer to her son on the couch, and they were almost face to face.

"Some of that might be true," she said with a smile. "But drop the 'slut' and 'whore' stuff, that's not my fantasy. I'm a lady and I like being treated like one. As for the submissive part, I don't know, I've never done anything like that before. But I'm persuadable."

"Give me a kiss. How's that for starters?"

She leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. It was the kind of kiss that was maternal and normally placed on his forehead or cheeks.

"Is that what you wanted?" she asked teasingly.

"It is. But don't kiss me like I'm your son, kiss me like you're a woman who's about to get fucked."

She leaned forward again and gave him an even stronger kiss. A burning sensation grew between her legs and she stuck her tongue in her son's mouth. Their kiss became wet and passionate.

"How about now?" she asked giving a few more kisses on his lips.

"Would it be cliche if I said you were a great kisser?"

"Maybe. I get that compliment a lot."

"That's because it's true," he replied. "It makes me wonder what else you can do with your mouth."

A feeling of realization came over her, and she knew it was finally about to happen.

Claire took a deep breath. "All you have to do is say the words and all this wondering and fantasizing will become a reality. Tell me what you want me to do."

He looked her deep in the eyes. "I want you to get on your knees and pull my shorts down."

Claire maintained her lady-like form and got down on her knees in between her son's legs. Her back was straight and her chin was still held high. She continued with the rest of her orders and pulled his shorts and underwear down. He was now completely bottomless.

"You've become quite the young man," she said, looking at his manhood. "You stack up fairly well with all the other men I've been with in my life, and that includes your father."

His penis became erect, and she used both hands to massage it.

"I'm glad you approve. God, your hands feel good mom."

Her eyebrow rose as she continued the massage. "It feels kind of awkward hearing you call me 'mom' when I'm in the middle of giving you a handjob."

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"I'm still doing it, aren't I?"

"Perfect. Now let's see if we can give you something else to do besides use your hands. Lean down and give it a kiss, right on the head."

Fluids coated her vagina as she pressed her lips onto her son's penis. It didn't feel as degrading as she expected. Instead, it made her more aroused.

"That's it...now kiss the shaft...top to bottom," he ordered.

Claire's lips made their way across the hard shaft of his penis. She was shy about it at first, but went faster as her confidence rose, leaving traces of saliva marks across his hard-on.

"Are you enjoying yourself so far?" he asked.

"Mmm hmmm..." she replied in between kisses. "It's an interesting feeling, your hard cock against my lips. Yet your skin is so soft. I'm enjoying it."

"Put it in your mouth now. Start sucking. Do it the way Anne did it."

Claire's heart pounded and she was ready to break the taboo of giving her son oral sex. Instead of taking her time to relish the moment, she dove right in and took the whole thing in her mouth and began to suck. It felt new and exciting, and everything she dreamt it would be. She sucked as hard as she could and slowly began to bob her head up and down. The thought of competing with Anne, a beautiful young college student half her age, only added fuel to the fire. She was now competing for her son's sexual attention.

Her confidence at oral sex grew and she looked him straight in the eyes as she gave him the cock-sucking of his life. Seeing his jaw drop and his eyes expressing disbelief only made her suck harder and take him deeper to the top of her throat. She couldn't see herself, but she knew it was a sight for him to behold; his prim & proper, highly educated mother, with her cheeks caved in with his cock inside. It was a sight for any man to behold.

"Oh my god...I'm about to blow a serious load in your mouth if you keep this up..." he panted.

"Is that what you want?" she asked, making a loud 'plop' noise when she lifted her head to talk. "Or is there anything else you want me to do?"

"I'd love to have you on my lap. I've fantasized about that position with you so many times."

"Then sex it is," she smiled.

She stood up, lifted the bottom of her dress, and climbed onto her son's lap. Her legs were spread and she used her fingers to further open her labia, so that the head of her son's throbbing cock could easily make its way inside. The two of them were close enough so that they could feel each other's breath, and her vagina moistened with even more fluids as he entered her. She lowered herself further and his cock fully penetrated her body.

"That's it mom...start rocking your hips...back and forth...do it slow..."

Claire felt compelled by her son's words and did everything she was asked to do. Her hands rested on his shoulders and she began to slowly move her hips in a rocking manner. She even clenched her vaginal muscles tightly to enhance both of their sexual enjoyment in their first incestuous coupling. Rhythmic slapping noises from her rear end hitting his thighs filled the room as they fucked passionately for several minutes.

"Holy shit...Okay, now I'm about to blow..."

"It's okay to finish inside me...ohhhh..." she moaned.

He suddenly put his hands on her hips to pause her motion. "Wait, stop. Get down on your knees. I have a better idea."

She got back down on her knees and Tom stood in front of her. Claire knew full well what was expected of her as she was kneeling down in front of him. She took his saliva covered cock in her hand, which was now coated with her vaginal fluids, and stroked it. His hands rubbed her hair as he looked on.

"You can be a little more aggressive with me," she said in a sexually depraved voice. "I don't mind."

Tom took his mother's words to heart and rubbed her hair with even more strength. He pulled her head forward, and without missing a beat, she took the wet cock in her mouth and began to suck and stroke at the same time.

"Play with yourself while you suck my cock," he said. "I want to watch you orgasm."

"Mmm Hmm..."

Claire fondled her pussy while she had a mouthful of hard cock. Her pussy was dripping wet and her fingers were instantly messy. She rubbed herself furiously and messily. After having been fucked, and experiencing the taboo of sucking off her son's manhood, approaching orgasm was easy.

She moaned loudly, not letting the cock escape from her lips. While she kept on sucking, and her head was still bobbing, her body quivered and she came. It felt like the perfect storm and she knew that Tom was getting a serious show.

"Oh fuck," he groaned. "Shit...mom!!"

He was on the verge of an intense orgasm of his own, so Claire did the motherly thing and pushed her own post-orgasmic feelings aside, focusing on her son's need instead. She stroked him fast with the same hand that was covered in her pussy juice. Then he came.

Spurt after spurt of his cum shot to the back of her throat, forcing her to swallow or else she would gag. She looked up at her son and loved seeing the intense pleasure that she was giving him written all over his face. And she didn't stop sexually pleasuring him until he was completely drained and his raging hard cock turned flaccid.

"Oh my god," he gasped before collapsing back onto the couch. "That was fucking amazing mom. I wasn't expecting anything like that."

She got up and sat on his lap, and they were practically face to face while catching their breaths. Their eyes were locked and she finished licking her lips clean of fresh, warm cum.

"I wasn't expecting anything like that either," she replied with a smile.

"So how did you like it? The whole thing I mean; giving a guy oral sex, us fucking, everything."

"It hasn't fully sunk in yet to be honest," she said in a moment of self-reflection. "Well, my mouth is covered in your cum and my vagina just got a nice workout- that part has sunk in. But I still need time to think about the rest."

They both started laughing at their light hearted moment.

"I guess I feel the same way. Doing this stuff with your own mother isn't exactly an everyday occurrence, but I'm glad it happened. I don't care what anyone else thinks, you're the perfect woman for me, even if you're my mom."

"Thank you," she replied with an endearing look. "To be honest, I enjoyed every second of this. Using my mouth on you and us having sex was incredibly more intense than any wet dream. It doesn't even compare."

"I agree. I've never felt anything like that before," he replied.

Her eyebrow rose. "Are you saying the blowjob I just gave you was better than Anne's?"

"You sound a little jealous there. But yes, you're a lot better than she is. You're a natural. And I sure hope that you keep your word about this whole sexually submissive thing, because I'll be sure to put your mouth and cunt to good use, especially your mouth. I don't want to sound crude or anything, but you're a great cocksucker, mom."

She smiled, "That's kind of an odd comment to receive from my own son, but thanks. As for me being sexually submissive to you, why not? Dreams represent our inner most desires don't they? So who am I to argue with what my heart wants?"

And that was something they both could agree on.