
Boys Will Be Boys



The bright blue of the cloudless sky looked like a vast sapphire reaching endless distances as the golden sun burned hotly down on the glorious jewel of Shorehaven. The gleaming ball mocked the name 'summer' as too tame as it filled the City with a life that only arises on such a gorgeous beginning to a weekend that promised fun in a whole heap of ways. Faint touches of wind drafted to-and-fro, occasionally lifting the relaxing warmth, but only for the merest of moments. The sparkling blue ocean, and the pure sands of the beaches, were already crowding with what promised to be another of the City's famed paradise-like weekends, where all dreams came true and the tales for which Shorehaven was widely known were born.

Even so early on a Friday morning as it was, with the sun still a couple of hours shy of its blistering, noon-day peak, excitement buzzed and the City increasingly pulsed with life in the same way that many of its inhabitants pulsed hotter and hornier with lust in their veins -- their hearts beating faster as erotic situations slowly unfolded intentionally, or most often unintentionally...and the inevitable explosive climaxes that would shake the very knees of those involved so that they could not stand drew ever closer...slowly, and oh-so-enticingly, like a shuddering, hot breath of...anticipation, desperately needing to be satisfied.

The heat of that same merciless sun and buzzing excitement filled the large house in the upper end of Gainborough belonging to Holly and Chris Clarke, just as it did Holly herself as she placed her toothbrush back in the holder and began to tidy her hair as she stood looking into the en-suite bathroom's mirror.

Despite having all of the windows in the house open to help cope with the heat the whole house still felt like an oven, and even the thin layers of her usually cooling silk lingerie-style nightgown and silk robe made Holly feel that she was wrapped up in woollens instead of having just gotten out of bed basically wearing the least amount she possibly could right then. Even with bare feet on the floor tiles and the robe hanging above her knees, Holly barely managed to stop herself from just pulling the robe off and throwing it on the floor to try to cool down.

She even thought of letting the strappy nightgown fall from her shoulders too -- was there going to be no breeze at all today!? -- but instead tried to focus on making her hair at least a little less bed-headed. Hell but she was so looking forward to her nice cool shower! The cooling water running down her burning, hot body would be heaven! She could almost feel the cold, wet drops trailing over her soft skin, showering down on her face, teasing tantalizingly over her soft but oh-so-firm tits, and down her sexy flat stomach...pooling around her feet... Pure bliss! For a moment Holly felt lost in the fantasy, until a warm breeze gusted through the window as if from an open oven carrying the sounds of the world outside and stirring her from her reverie. Before she could enjoy that cool oasis, she had to check on Chris.

Smiling at her reflection as she brushed her long, dark brown hair behind her ears, Holly felt a warm love suffuse her at the thought of her sweet -- and hot -- husband, a feeling that only deepened while being tinged with loving amusement as the sound of Chris and two of their three sons, Kayden and Reilly, drifted through the open bathroom window as they lumbered around outside, each making jokes at the others' expenses as, by the sounds of it, they carried various things from the house to the car.

"...need a hand carrying that, or is it the sun making your face that colour? Too many take outs Kay. We could roll you there if you sit down." Holly heard Chris jokingly call out to their eldest son, to which the 20-year-old let out a good-natured derisive snort.

"I'm bulking out because I work out. Unlike you, dad." Kayden bantered back "And I've got twice as much stamina as you. Sure you don't need to sit down 'old man'?"

Holly laughed softly to herself at that, as did Chris and Reilly.

"You got me there." Chris replied, and Holly stole herself for the quick response she knew was coming. That was one of her husband's many talents. "I haven't got the same stamina as you at all. No way I could keep eating as much as you do without bursting. I never knew that lifting your arm constantly from plate to mouth was classed as a workout. You should be an Olympian by now."

Holly didn't need to see her eldest son to know his cheeks had grown red at that or to hear the silence to know he had no response -- Chris was always playing everyone else up, except her, he knew better than that, and he was good at it. They all were really, all five of them liked to joke around most of the time, but Chris outstripped any of them, and sometimes took a great deal of pleasure in flustering the three of their sons. Holly sometimes had to tell him he was going a little too far -- he was very competitive...but then, all of the four guys were -- but it was all in good fun, even if there was something very 'male' about it. As if the four were constantly trying to come out on top. No, Holly didn't need to see Kayden to know his reaction, nor did she need to hear Reilly laugh -- every day was the same in the Clarke house.

"You can shut up, Reilly." Kayden suddenly said, obviously focusing on his younger 19-year-old brother to avoid trying to reply to his dad. "I've never seen you in the gym. Maybe that's why you only keep picking up the light stuff?"

Reilly was much more like his father in his quickness than Kayden, and so Holly wasn't surprised by the quick, calm response her middle son made almost as if without thought.

"I run -- you know, that thing that your legs are for? No need for me to spend hours ogling other guys in the gym." Reilly quipped amusedly and Holly heard her husband laugh as she rolled her eyes to herself. Even so, when it was a contest to see whose was bigger -- and it always was with Chris -- Holly knew Reilly's upper hand was only momentary.

"That's not what I hear your last girlfriend has said." Holly heard Chris jibe and this time it was Kayden's turn to laugh and Reilly that seemed at a loss for a moment. "I think the exact words were that you ran so much because you're always chasing the guys and trying to run from her."

"Oh, burn!" Kayden yelled out happily and Holly heard what sounded like a high-five.

Shaking her head as she finished straightening her hair into a semblance of order Holly quickly ran a comb through it before she looked over her freshly washed face, and pulling the robe close -- reluctantly, as it still seemed to be trying to swelter her -- headed for the bathroom door. The boys would always be boys, but before things escalated into a round of chest-pounding she would go and make sure everything remained friendly. Oh, they wouldn't go too far, but still, with how the boys in the family were always trying to get one up on each other things could, and did, get out of hand enough that one or another would do something silly to top the others. That didn't always go as planned, and Holly had been looking forward to having the house to herself for the weekend too long to risk the guys cancelling their trip because one of them tried to prove how strong he was and then hurt themselves.

And so barefoot, the beautiful 38-year-old brunette mother of three padded out of the en-suite and out through her and Chris' large, well-lit bedroom, pausing long enough to run her hand through her long hair again as she passed the large stand mirror near the door -- damn, she couldn't wait for her shower, it was just so damned hot! -- before she gently walked down the stairs and through the wide-open front door that had bags piled up beside it.

This early in the day the front of the house was still relatively hidden in the shade, but even so the moment Holly's bare feet hit the stone slabs outside the heat of the already blistering day hit her like a freshly opened oven. Damn, but it was going to be a scorcher -- and the forecast had been that this was only going to get worse over the weekend! Even with only the thin layer of her nightgown and robe, and those leaving her legs bare enough for a short dress, Holly suddenly couldn't wait to get back inside and out of what she was wearing. Maybe today she would just stay inside the shower all day or walk around in her underwear -- if that wasn't still too hot!

Despite the heat, however, Holly quickly found herself smiling to herself as she leaned against the outside of the doorframe and watched her family continue to load the truck, still joking with each other good-naturedly. Chris was still coming out on top, despite both the 20-year-old Kayden and 19-year-old Reilly doing the best they could. That quick wit and sense of humour had been one of the big things that had attracted Holly to Chris in the first place. Hell, but that man could be more charming than anyone she had ever met when he wanted to be, and all in a purely natural-seeming way. He had certainly charmed her quickly enough -- three sons in rapid succession were perfect proof of that.

Even so, it was how he looked right then that put the curve in Holly's soft lips and the playful twinkle in her succulent brown eyes as he hoisted a large military-style bag onto the bed of the truck while teasing Reilly about his ex-girlfriend again. The sun had already begun to shine on the black truck and Chris was wearing his red plaid shirt half open exposing his toned and glistening chest just as the rolled-up sleeves perfectly displayed his sweat-gleaming, muscular arms. Oh, he wasn't a huge guy by any means, nor defined in a chiselled way, but the way he looked was somehow both strong and sensitive in a way that made Holly's stomach still turn flips -- flips that fluttered deep into her pussy as he turned his gorgeous smile toward her as he finally noticed her standing there.

Damn but that smile made her weak in the knees! It always had. That smile was stunning, cheeky, and charming all at the same time, and perfectly set off his handsome features. Those were what had made Holly fall head-over-heels for Chris from the moment she saw him to now. He had always reminded her of River Phoenix in his looks, if in a slightly more strong way, and what kind of a girl could resist River in his prime!? The thought of her favourite actor set Holly's pussy fluttering again -- fuck but that happened every time: if only she could get Chris to roleplay with her...

Her husband's sudden voice broke the scintillating young mother out of her fantasy and she quickly looked up with a faint glow to her cheeks that had nothing to do with the ever-increasing heat.

"What was that?" She asked as innocently as she could, trying to hide how flustered her thoughts had made her feel.

The smile that Chris flashed at her -- almost as if he knew exactly what she was thinking -- only made Holly's heart, and pussy, beat a little heavier, though she did her best to cover up as much as she could.

"I said to the guys that they had better stop slacking off now the forewoman was here." Her grinning husband replied as he straightened and leaned on the side of the truck, his brown eyes holding hers as his smile became a playful smirk.

"Us slacking off?" Kayden piped in as he pushed a cooler onto the back of the truck "We've done all the heavy lifting. All you've done is stood there and mouthed off."

"Privilege of being a parent, Kayden." Chris replied with a wink to Holly before turning to grin at their son "Besides, someone has to keep an eye on you both, otherwise you'd both be off staring at Mrs Hayworth and nothing would get done."

Kayden opened his mouth to reply to that, however the heat in his cheeks and Reilly's sudden silence gave away how closely Chris had hit the nail on the head. Jennie Hayworth was a neighbour of theirs who lived a few doors down the street, and despite being married for three years at 27 she was still hounded after by all of the neighbourhood's single guys -- including the three of Holly and Chris' sons.

Holly couldn't help but smile to herself, though she tried to keep it hidden as much as she could, at how flustered Kayden and Reilly became so quickly. There was just no one who could play people up quite like her husband. Giving him a 'bad boy' look, which only made Chris grin wider, Holly did her best to wipe her own smile away as she looked to her two sons.

"Actually, I came down here to make sure that you three weren't going to start wrestling each other to prove who was the alpha." She jibed pleasantly as she folded her arms beneath her breasts, which unintentionally pulled the thin silk robe a little tighter around her slender, yet curvaceous body. Bending one leg a little as she rested against the doorframe, Holly added, "I thought it best to step in before you all embarrassed yourself in front of Mrs Hayworth. Including you Chris", she added when her husband started to grin.

"You know I've only got eyes for you babe." Her good-looking husband replied honestly with another wink, and Holly gave him an amused glance -- she knew how true that statement was -- before she looked back to their sons.

The red in both Kayden and Reilly's cheeks had abruptly deepened and the moment that Holly looked to them both quickly turned to look at anything but her and began fidgeting with the last of the bags on the yard. Their obvious embarrassment nearly made Holly burst out laughing -- Chris could play them up like no one else and have them sputtering as they tried to think of what to say, but not even he could fluster the three sons as quickly and completely as she could.

Sometimes all Holly had to do was give them just a small look and all three of them could shame a sunset; cheeks glowing and suddenly they felt ruffled enough that they couldn't stop shifting how they were standing or sitting. Usually one or all would head off to their room when she did that, and Holly found it hard to not laugh -- or do it again. This time, however, she decided to be a little more sympathetic -- she had come down to make sure that the three of them cooled down with each other, after all.

"Are you sure? I thought you were showing yourself off for...Mr Abernathy." Holly replied as she gave Chris' open shirt a significant smirk.

This time it was Kayden and Reilly's turn to smirk and laugh softly. All three of them knew what Pete Abernathy, their old next door neighbour, was like. Holly and Chris had a nickname for him, 'Pervy Pete', and Holly had only managed to stop herself from saying it just then she was so used to the name -- a lot of good that would have done, out in the yard where Pervy Pete could hear and in front of Kayden and Reilly who would no doubt take that name on forevermore. That would only end in neighbourhood problems, despite how true the name was. Pete Abernathy lived alone and no woman escaped his leering eyes...or his grabbing hands if they made the mistake of letting him get too close. Fortunately Holly had been warned about him long before she ever met him so she stayed as far as she could from Pete Abernathy whenever she couldn't avoid him completely.

Despite her playful jibe, Chris only took her comment in stride and, with a glance down at his sweat-shining chest, looked up at her with a good-humoured smile.

"Well, who could blame him for staring?" He retorted confidently before he eyed her up and down significantly "Besides, if he was looking, I doubt he is looking at me any longer."

For a moment Holly had no idea what her husband was talking about until she glanced down and really paid attention to what she was wearing. To her it was just her nightgown and robe. Sure they were short and thin, but she was completely covered even if they did show off her legs -- but nothing more was showing than if she was wearing a summer dress.

Even so, Holly absolutely knew how she would look to Pervy Pete if he did actually see her from his house next door -- the robe was thin, and as both were silk they outlined her slender curves almost as well as her own skin, her smooth legs were shown off to perfection, and while the way that she held her robe closed with her folded arms revealed nothing, it also more than hinted at her ripe swelling breasts beneath as the thin fabric was pulled tightly around the round globes of soft but firm flesh. That and the fact it was what she slept in and, not to mention, that with one small move the robe would open to reveal the plunging, lace-edged neck of the even shorter nightgown beneath, Holly suddenly became very conscious of what she was wearing.

For his part, Chris only grinned as Holly suddenly straightened and glanced towards the house next door to make sure those oily eyes weren't anywhere to be seen, whereas both Kayden and Reilly suddenly looked away from her as she glanced at them, fidgeting awkwardly again -- no doubt at the awkwardness of hearing their mother spoken about that way.

Before she could stop herself, Holly backed up a little to move inside the open door and away from where Pervy Pete could see her if he did come out, however as she did she caught herself and looked at her more than amused husband who clearly thought he had gotten a point on her as well. Well, Holly wasn't as easy to play up as Kayden and Reilly, and while she didn't try to, or feel the need to, compete with the other four in the family, she could still be competitive -- especially when someone thought they had won over her.

And so, straightening up, Holly stopped herself from drawing too far back into the house and smiled both playfully and with more than a hint of self-confident challenge at her grinning husband.

"Well, who could blame him for staring?" She replied back with more than a hint of a smirk in her voice.

Chris only laughed at his own words thrown back at him, his only reply was a nodding of his head and a deeper amused grin as he looked at how awkward Kayden and Reilly were obviously feeling at the two of them speaking about each other this way. Poor guys, but Holly couldn't help but find that as funny as Chris did. Even so, trying to mediate the situation as she always did, Holly decided to change the subject before Kayden and Reilly squirmed themselves under the car in embarrassment. What young man wanted to hear his parents talking to each other that way, after all?

"Have you three managed to get everything ready to go while you've been joking around?" She asked with as much affection as humour as she nodded towards the half-full bed of the truck "At this rate you'll be back before you leave"

Tapping the side of the truck like a drum, Chris gave Kayden and Reilly a quick glance before looking back to Holly mischievously.

"In a rush to get us out of your hair, Hol?" Her joker of a husband asked with an implying tint to his expression

Giving him a light-heartedly dangerous look, Holly replied aloofly, "Three days of peace and quiet? And you have to ask..."

The two boys laughed softly at that as they picked up the last of the bags and placed them in the truck. Chris, however, held his hands over his heart and feigned as if he had been struck by her words.

"Too harsh, baby, way too harsh." He exclaimed lovingly as he grinned and Holly couldn't help but laugh softly to herself. He was such a jackass, but she loved him for it. "We would have been finished a while ago but it seems Casey has gone and gotten himself lost again."

Kayden and Reilly snickered at that as only older brothers can with their younger brother, and that only added fuel to Chris' fire.

"I swear if your son doesn't show up soon, he may just miss this boat and have to walk all the way to the cabin." Chris continued, and Kayden and Reilly laughed a little louder, amusedly murmuring their agreement with their father.

Holly almost rolled her eyes at the whole thing. All four of the men in her life were just so competitive with one another. What made that worse was that Kayden and Reilly always tried to be as much like Chris as they could, whereas while Casey looked more like his father he had the much more independent streak from her.

Not that their 18-year-old son wasn't competitive or didn't joke around like his brothers and father. He did. A lot. Only Casey tried to come out on top his way rather than trying to be more like his father. All of that, and the fact he was the youngest, often made Casey the object of the other three's attention and jokes. Casey could handle himself, of course, but Holly did have to step in sometimes when the others could take things a little too far, even when they honestly meant it as part of their joking and friendly competitiveness. She seemed to spend her life mediating between the four of them in one way or another.

"He was out last night." Holly replied, defending her absent son, "Which isn't a surprise given it is the first three-day weekend of the summer. You would have done the same at his age."

Chris nodded a little acknowledging that as Kayden and Reilly wiped their foreheads and took a drink after the last bag on the yard was on the truck.

"True. But he knew what time we had to be going if we were going to make it before it got too late." Her husband retorted as he leaned on the side of the truck bed with his arms folded with an innocently resigned expression. It was as plain as day to Holly that he was fighting hard to hold back his laughter. "Maybe the walk would do him some good; show him the world doesn't revolve around him and his social life."

Holly gave him a long-suffering, flat stare that Chris had no right to look amused by even if she was still half-smiling herself as she gave it to him. It was always about playing each other up and getting one up on the rest of them. Guys.

"He'll be here soon. He said he would be back, so you won't be too late going. Besides, you haven't finished packing up what you've got yet." She replied in a mock-stern voice before she glanced behind her to the bags just inside the doorway behind her. "So you just shush Christopher Clarke or 'your' son won't be the only one missing a boat in the next week or more."

Whether it was her tone or the small way that Holly's lips curved at the insinuation, Holly was more than pleased to see the sudden way that her good-looking, joker of a husband suddenly stood up straight at that.

"Ouch! Now that was uncalled for." He responded in such a way that Holly couldn't help but laugh softly at the mock-hurt in his playful expression. "You see guys, this is why you never let a woman get this kind of power over you, otherwise she always comes out on top."

"Dad!" Both Kayden and Reilly exclaimed at the same time, and this time Holly laughed a little louder as she shook her head at her husband as if to say he had been a bad boy.

For his part, Chris didn't waste his good humour even as he told the two to go fetch the rest of the things from the house before clearly making his way towards her. Holly only had time to feel her stomach flutter excitedly at that, and Chris only had time to make it to the end of the truck bed when suddenly a voice came from the side of the house.

"Going somewhere, Chris?" Came the familiar gravelly drawling and Holly suddenly wished she was wrapped up in her heaviest and most concealing clothes despite the heat.

"Nothing gets past you, Pete." Chris replied as he looked from Holly to their pervy next door neighbour after giving Holly a smile that was half-amusement and half-commiseration. "Just for the weekend though. Thought the boys would like a trip out of the city considering how hot this weekend is supposed to get"

Holly wrapped her arms around herself even more tightly and tried to hide as much of her thin robe-half-covered body as much as she could behind the doorframe without appearing to move at all. Even so the slight movement drew Pete Abernathy's eyes like iron to a lodestone and as his groping, lascivious gaze fell on her the 38-year-old mother suddenly couldn't wait for her shower for reasons other than the heat.

How the man's eyes could be as greasy as his thinning grey hair, Holly had no idea, but the way he ran his eyes quickly up and down what he could see of her slender body made Holly feel as if he was just inches from running his wrinkled hands over her. She couldn't hide the disgusted shudder she felt at that but fortunately none of it showed on her face and if Pete had noticed he thankfully didn't bring it up.

"Holly going with you?" Her creepy neighbour asked Chris without taking his eyes from Holly for even a second. Holly tried to discretely shift a little further back into the house, which made her husband's playful side beam cheekily through the smile he gave to her as he caught her subtle movement.

"Not this time, just a guy's weekend." Chris replied with a significant playful smirk at her, and innocently paid no mind when she gave him a shocked, warning look in response. They both knew what he was doing though -- this was payback for Holly having got one over on him about Pete earlier -- as her husband's amused expression only deepened as he added, "Holly has the weekend all to herself. Looking forward to it, aren't you babe?"

Holly didn't respond, only giving her loving husband a more significant look that only deepened his amusement until he seemed about to burst out laughing. He was just so competitive and never took things seriously -- and he always took things too far! Holly shifted a little uncomfortably, though she couldn't move any further into the house without it becoming too obvious, and so she just sufficed herself with giving her husband a look that promised retribution later. Let him see what a week without sex was like! No, two weeks!

Into that momentary pause, their oily neighbour spoke up completely unaware of the silent exchange.

"Ah, I see. Well, if you get bored and want any company to pass the time, you only have to knock on my door. Wouldn't want you to feel lonely." Pete said in a tone that he likely thought was subtle but was about as far from it as if he had whispered it creepily over her shoulder while running his old, greasy hands down her arms.

It was all Holly could do to give him a strained smile rather than look like she was about to be sick. She felt it though.

"Thanks, Pete, but I'll be fine. Looking forward to having some quiet time to myself for a few days. Just me and no one else is exactly what I need" She replied as politely as she could.

As always, though, nothing deterred Pervy Pete. Not even such a thinly-veiled rebuke.

"Well, you know where I am if you need me." He replied with seeming friendliness, before adding as if in concern, "Tell you what, I'll pop by just to make sure you are alright though. See if you need anything."

The insinuation was clear enough to make Holly's stomach twist nauseously and this time the attempt at a pleasant smile she gave him was twisted with a sickly tinge. Chris only stood there trying as hard as he could to hold back his laughter at her. He was such a bastard at times!

"That's what neighbours are for, right?" Pete continued when she didn't reply, and Holly only looked on aghast inside as Chris nodded gently. A month! He would not be getting anything for a whole month, the bastard! "Don't worry, Chris, I'll make sure your wife is alright and happy while you're gone." The disgusting old man added as he noticed Holly's husband nodding agreement.

"Oh thanks Pete, that's a weight off my shoulders." Chris replied with barely suppressed laughter as he looked over at her.

Shifting his oily, lascivious, and clearly pleased grin from her husband to Holly, Pete added seemingly self-deprecatingly as he clearly tried hard to hold himself back from rushing over to her, "You need anything, anything at all, you just call out, I'll be able to hear you and will have my windows open with the heat, so any time -- night or day -- you just call me and I'll be here"

Holly reluctantly nodded her thanks, and this time she was sure her disgust at the old man was plain on her face as Chris suddenly turned around and hid his face from their neighbour, his shoulders shaking slightly before he coughed and cleared his throat. For her part, Holly could only think how much she wanted to get away from the horrible little man's groping eyes and how he had likely said that about being able to hear her easily next door because he was always constantly spying on her and trying to catch her naked through a window or something. That only made the slim brunette feel even more ill and she quickly pulled her eyes away from his and looked anywhere but at him.

"Thanks, Pete, but I'll be fine. Just a quiet weekend for me. You won't hear a peep from me, don't worry." She replied trying to end the conversation as quickly as she could. Fuck, but she wanted to jump back into the house, lock the door, and sit in the shower for the rest of the weekend! Eurgh!!

The older man gave Holly a long, lingering look and looked almost on the verge of saying something else before he turned back to Chris, almost as if he had forgotten Holly's husband was there.

"Have a good weekend, Chris" Pete said in the most suggestive tone Holly had ever heard, almost as if he were in a hurry for Holly's husband to leave, wishing him well so he could enjoy some alone time with his wife.

Holly suppressed a shudder at both the thought and the tone and watched from the corner of her eye as the greasy man gave her husband a smile and then her an insinuating glance before he walked away back into his house. As the door clicked behind him Holly looked at her husband with a mix of 'oh my god' at Pete and a playful threat for how Chris had acted around him. Oh she would totally get him back for that!

Almost wrapping her robe tighter around her, at least until she realised that that would just outline her figure even better, Holly tried her best not to jump further into the house and hold her ground. The heat of the day was slowly growing but the brunette wife had more reason to jump in the shower now! Looking at her with amusement at striking a point with her Chris only leaned against the truck smugly.

"You're so going to pay for that" She warned her husband, who only smirked harder as he watched her struggle to stand or go. Either way he seemed to think he had scored another point.

Before Chris could say anything smug, however, Holly added as nonchalantly as she could, "I'm going to go for my shower. You boys behave."

Both Reilly and Kayden mumbled something that Holly took for agreement as they bashfully stared at the bags, while Chris grinned more broadly. No doubt he knew both the reason she had abruptly decided to leave and why she was so eager to have her shower. Damn him. She really was going to have to think of something to burst his ego. With how competitive he was he would be impossible to live with if she didn't after that.

And so Holly held his eye with a semi-sombre look of her own.

"And make sure you wait for Casey. He won't be long, I'm sure." She said as seriously as she could manage right then.

"I'll give him a fair shake of the stick" Chris replied, holding his hands up in defence.

Eyeing him for a moment and then trying her best not to glance over the fence to see if Pete was around Holly gave her husband a 'make sure you do' kind of smile before she half turned.

"If you're gone before I get out, make sure you have a good time. Don't drink too much guys. And try to be nice to each other." She called out with a more warm smile, before adding as she half turned back and added, "Especially your younger brother", to Kayden and Reilly.

The two young men looked back at her with so much innocence they almost looked outraged but Holly held their eyes a moment until they nodded, cheeks going red as they stared at her and they looked down again, no doubt because they knew what they were like with Casey.

"Especially you" She added with a playful smile toward her husband and this time there was nothing 'almost' about Chris's shocked reaction. But Holly knew he was the worst of all of them for picking on people.

Giving her sweet, loving husband another glance that promised retaliation Holly turned back around and only half-smiled at the wolf-whistle Chris gave her before she padded back into the house and headed towards her and Chris's bedroom. God the weather was hot, but it was the feel of Pete's oily stare that she wanted to wash off her right then. For both reasons she couldn't wait to jump into that shower!

- - -

The car door burned gently in the heat as Chris leaned against it. The warmth was comforting, like the feel of the sun beating down as you lay sun-bathing. Casting his eyes over the back of the truck and two of his sons talking on the other side of the bed, Chris Clarke thought about the trip ahead, the drive, and what adventures he and the boys would get up to. He had been looking forward to this long weekend, time where he could spend it with the boys just him and them, a proper guys weekend, even as he knew that with his sons being as old as they were now they wouldn't want to spend all that time with him. They likely had other plans.

Oh he had heard about the party their friends were planning up at the old abandoned lodge near the lake, and he knew well how much time they would spend chasing women who came out to enjoy the sun as they were. They were that age of course. But he didn't mind. They would spend time with him -- he had a lot of fun things planned -- and when they were off being young men he could take the time to kick back and relax and have some time to himself. Nothing but beer, the sun, and a relaxing rest on the lounger. Not to mention he would hear about all their mishaps from each other and teasing them about that would be half the fun of being there. They may be young enough but they were far from experienced enough.

Yes, the trip was going to be just perfect. At least it would be if Casey arrived before it was too late to set off. Chris had a boating trip planned not long after they arrived so he wanted to make sure they got there on time, and as per usual his youngest son was nowhere to be seen. He had told Casey that he had to be on time and Casey had promised that he would be back. That kid had more of a life than his two brothers combined. He was always off doing something with his friends. But Chris knew that this time Casey's friends would all be heading to the party at the lodge -- it was part of the reason his youngest son had agreed so quickly to come on the trip in the first place -- so Chris had had no doubts that Casey would be there bright and early.

Only time ticked on and there was still no sign of his son. He had gone out with some friends the night before and murmured something about staying out with them and that he would be back in the morning, muttering that he would definitely be there when Chris had reminded him of how early they had to leave. Yet the sun rose and with it the heat of the day and Casey was still nowhere to be seen.

It was at that moment that a small smile spread across Chris' face as amusement tickled his insides briefly. The same feeling always flowed through him when he thought of a way to play up someone and this time was no different. Glancing at the bags in the back of the truck and at his other two sons waiting for his word to go, Chris thought for a moment how funny it would be to play with Casey when he showed up. Maybe by making a joke about him being late or by pretending to drive off without him.

The amused feeling within him twisted further at that latter thought. The idea of what his son's face would be like as Chris waved and said he had told him what time they had to leave and he would see him there, after he made his own way. The small smile became a large grin as Chris thought of how Casey would react, and how, now he thought of it, deserving it would be. It wouldn't be like Casey couldn't get to the lake -- after all, the kid had other friends and even a couple of bus journeys that would get him there. And it would show him that he couldn't be late. More importantly, it would get one up on him for him thinking that he could dawdle and make his father and brothers wait on him.

Imagining it in his mind Chris laughed softly to himself until a perplexed glance from his sons stirred him out of his reverie. He couldn't do that. Holly would kill him if he left without Casey. But it was funny to think of. Casey would surely learn his lesson, and in a funny way, if he saw them drive off waving without him because he was so late. Chris was half-tempted to do it, it would be too funny, but he was too good a parent to just leave, and they still had a good half an hour before they had to be on their way.

And so the good-looking father of three stood and waited, calling out to his sons to joke around with them as he leaned against the truck and waited for his youngest son. All the while amusing himself with the thought of just driving off and telling Casey to catch up. And so the sun rose and the day grew hotter, yet the street remained empty of Chris' son.

That playful side of Chris just grew as time passed until he began joking about it with Kayden and Reilly, who found it equally as amusing and joined in in trying to get Chris to leave early. But he waited, as Holly would want. Until the time they had to leave had come and gone and still Casey was nowhere to be seen. Tapping the side of the truck Chris waited and waited...until his playfulness and patience both reached a crescendo at the same time.

- - -

Casey Clarke walked down the blistering street as the sun beat down on him relentlessly. The heat would have gotten to him as he walked with his hood up and his earphones in but he was too hungover and tired to really think of the weather right then.

Fuck he had had a great night with his friends last night. There was nothing but sweet days off for them all at the moment before college started in the fall and so Casey and his friend had been making the most of the time as they could. Fuck but he had been so wasted. It had been an awesome night though, even if he was paying for it now.

He had woken up late, much later than he had hoped, and despite knowing that he had to be home half an hour ago he still couldn't make himself walk any faster or look up at the blinding whiteness of the pavement. And so he ambled along as quickly as he could while lost in thought of the night before and what everyone had planned for the night ahead.

Oh he was looking forward to spending some time with his dad -- these guy trips always turned out fun, especially as Casey's father would always buy him and his brothers enough beer to get wasted, saying it was all part of the fun of a guys' night out -- even if he wasn't looking forward to hanging out with his brothers so much. They were very much like his father, always trying to one-up each other and picking on him as the youngest. And who wanted to spend all their time with their brothers anyway? No, Casey was much more looking forward to the party at the old lodge and what he and his friends had planned for the rest of the weekend!

Well, he was looking forward to that and seeing Cristina Hodges, the girl he had had his eye on for months! Cristina would be at the party and out with his friends, and despite being the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen this weekend would be the first time that Casey would actually get to have a conversation with her. Maybe even more. It had taken him months but he had finally decided, with a little push from his friends, that this weekend would be it. He would finally ask Cristina out. He would take the leap. He had wanted to for so long. Abandoned other women who had been interested in him for how he felt about her. And nothing would stop him. Hopefully it would all pay off.

He had hopes that she liked him, at least. Well, some of his female friends had said she was interested in him, so there was that. But whatever happened he would have at least taken the chance with her, and gotten to take that chance. His stomach fluttered, nervous as hell and he wasn't even at the party yet, but it was a good kind of feeling. He was excited and looking forward to what was ahead over the next four days. He had been looking forward to it for weeks now.

That was why, despite having walked as fast as he could, and yes being almost an hour late, Casey was struck by the empty driveway as he made his way down his road and walked up to his house. Sitting outside the house were his bags but his father's truck and the rest of his family were nowhere to be seen. For a moment the eighteen-year-old stood confused before reaching for his phone and dialling his father's mobile.

After a few rings the phone was picked up and Casey could hear the familiar sounds of driving with the windows open.

"Hey slowcoach!" Casey's father upbeatly greeted him as he answered the call

"Hey dad, where are you?" Casey asked confusedly as he looked from his bags to the empty driveway again

"On the way to the lake as planned" Casey's father replied chippily, "We waited for you, but figured you weren't coming when you took so long." He added with what Casey could only describe as amusement.

"What?? But dad, I'm here!" Casey almost cried out before glancing at his watch at how late he was. "Why didn't you wait for me? I was on my way!"

"We did wait for you. And you knew what time we were leaving, Case. I've told you before about being on time. You'll have to get a ride with one of your friends or catch the buses." His father replied with definite amusement, clearly finding the whole situation one big joke. Casey would have too if it had been one of his brothers who had been the butt of this joke rather than him.

Staring wide-eyed the eighteen year old gaped at his father down the phone. They had left him? Sure he was super late and he had known what time they were leaving, and that his dad had plans that meant they had to be on time, but still! His father had actually driven off to the lake without him, taking his brothers who no doubt found this whole thing funny and like they had once more gotten another one over him.

"But dad..." Casey began only to have his father cut him off

"No but's Casey, I told you I wouldn't wait" His father replied good-humouredly, sounding upbeat as he added, "So now you'll have to find your own way here if you want to come. But you'll miss the boat ride anyhow. Guess you'll learn to be on time next time. I'll save you some beers though."

With a small, amused laugh Casey's father hung up leaving Casey to stand in the driveway sputtering as he stared at his phone in his hand. His father had left him there! And he sounded as amused by it as Casey's brothers no doubt were! Oh his father hadn't sounded vindictive at all, only playful and like this was all one big joke. That was his father's way -- even when he took things too far he thought it was all just a joke. But right then Casey could not believe it.

Sure he was late. Really late. And fair enough he had heard his father joke about leaving him if he didn't get there on time. And sure he had other ways to get to the lake -- he hoped! -- but this was supposed to be a family weekend as well as a party weekend. And he alone out of his brothers had been left behind! And they were all laughing about it! Casey had been super stoked about the whole weekend and now here he was stuck at home while his father and brothers thought it one big joke!

Feeling in shock Casey stood staring up the empty road for a few minutes, almost as if he would see his father drive back and tell him to get in, that the joke had been hilarious but he was there after all. But the road remained empty. This was taking a joke too far!

Finally, after shaking himself out of his stupor, Casey turned toward the front door and headed into the relative coolness of the house as he almost numbly typed in his friends' phone numbers and tried to figure a way out of this mess.

He would so need to figure a way back at his father, and brothers!, for this.

...Little did the strapping eighteen-year-old know just how perfectly he was going to get back at all three of them. And thanks to his father at that.

- - -

Holly walked quickly into her and Chris' bedroom trying to get the feel of Pete's eyes off of her before padding in to the en-suite and turning on the shower, making sure to switch it to cool. Letting the thin robe and nightgown drop to the floor the beautiful 38-year-old mother stepped into the chilling water and let out a sigh of relief. The water was cold against her heated skin and for a moment the chill took her breath away and then all that was left was bliss. Pure cool bliss in the midst of the heat that Holly could still feel beating against the outside of the shower.

The cool water ran over her silky smooth skin, flowing coldly over her voluptuous 34DD breasts and instantly spiking her nipples hard, over her smooth, flat stomach, and down her slender, sensuous legs. For a long moment all the hot wife could do was lean her head back and stare up at the falling water as it coursed all over her and soaked her back into the most perfect temperature.

Holly had no idea how long she stood there for, just basking in the feel of the cold water, but it was her husband's voice calling out to her that finally stirred her.

"Going now, honey. I'll see you Monday afternoon!" Chris called through from downstairs and Holly wiped the water from her face before she called back.

"Ok. Have a safe trip. Have fun! Love you!" She yelled back from the shower, not sure whether Chris had heard until he yelled 'love you too' back up the stairs.

The familiar sound of the door slamming shut followed by the low hum of the truck moving off was all Holly heard as she relished the feel of the water washing through her long, dark brown hair and snaking down her back and tight ass.

Losing herself in the coolness of the water once more Holly just gently moved around beneath the falling stream, letting the cold liquid cascade over her and cool every inch of her delectable body for what seemed like an hour. Finally she reached for the shower gel and began to clean herself, running her hands over her full breasts, taut stomach, running them down over her long legs, cupping her ass, and reaching up to curl her hair up as she arched her back and let the water run down her neck and body. After that her hair was sudded up with shampoo as she alternated leaning over to wash her long hair out and standing straight as she leaned back slightly, arching her chest out sexily. Finally, however, the beautiful mother of three reluctantly turned toward the nobs and turned them so that the water stopped falling over her and stepped out of the shower.

The heat of the day was like a wall that Holly walked into as she stepped from the coolness of the shower out into the en-suite. Already her body felt like it was drying just from the warmth as she stood dripping naked and reached for a towel. Drying herself off Holly tied the towel around her as she padded through into the bedroom. The towel felt like a fur coat in the heat of the day and Holly couldn't wait to get it off. She was almost tempted to walk around naked -- no one was home, after all -- but the memory of Pervy Pete's eyes and his promise to 'keep an eye on her' were still too vivid in her mind for that.

And so Holly walked over to the wardrobe and looked for the coolest thing she could find. Finally after a lot of searching and trying things on, all of which were discarded as too hot, Holly fastened up her white lace bra after she pulled on her matching underwear, then stepped into a tight pair of cut-off denim shorts that clung to her ass but were cut so high up they were almost a bikini bottom, and finally pulled on a baggy, very thin so it was almost see-through white top that hung from her breasts but was super cool and could be tied up to reveal her stomach later if it got too hot.

Tying her hair up in a ponytail to try to do away with some more of the heat, Holly picked up the towel and threw it in the wash bin before tidying up the rest of her clothes. Looking in the mirror she brushed her skin with just a little light makeup and adjusted her hair before she headed downstairs and into the kitchen.

Relaxing at the calming sounds of the gently stirring breeze amidst the heat of the gloriously sunny day, Holly let out a deep breath as she walked to get some juice from the fridge. Today was going to be a perfect day. Peaceful and relaxing. Just what Holly needed. And for the whole weekend as well! The beautiful brunette couldn't wait. Pouring herself her glass she placed it on the counter as she leaned against it and just enjoyed the sight out the back window. All was perfect and still. Just like it would be for four perfect days.


The voice was so sudden and unexpected that Holly jumped where she stood before she spun around. The attractive mother had only a heartbeat to recognise Casey's face when the sound of a glass smashing at her feet from where she jumped startled made her look down. Orange juice spilled everywhere amongst the glass, luckily none of either had gone on Holly's bare feet, and Holly quickly looked from the mess up at her son, her heart racing in her chest.

"Casey?" She asked without thinking, before adding a little more confusedly, "I thought you had gone with your father?"

Casey looked down at the glass and then back up at her before he answered.

"They left without me. I only just got back." He replied sounding as if his mind were elsewhere for a moment as he kept his eyes firmly on hers.

"Wh...?" Holly began, glancing down at the broken glass once more as her heart still pounded in her chest, before she forgot what she had been about to ask as what he said hit home. "He left without you?"

"Yep. Thought it would be funny." Casey answered as his eyes slowly dropped to the glass again before looking back up at her.

"What...? One second..." Holly replied as she stepped carefully around the glass and reached for the bin, her mind swirling from her startlement only slowly began to calm down as she squatted down to begin picking up the glass shards. "He left without you?" She repeated, "I don't understand. I thought you went with him. He called out that you were going."

Holly's mind was fuzzy but she was sure Chris had said that Casey was there and they were going now when he had called up to her in the shower. Had he not? Had she just imagined that because he had said they were leaving and she had naturally thought that Casey must have been there then?

Leaning down to help her pick up the glass pieces Casey quickly raised his eyes to hers as his cheeks reddened slightly. He must have felt embarrassed at not helping her sooner. Holly had no idea it was because of the way her top hung as she almost knelt down to reach for the broken shards.

"I was late. By the time I got here dad was gone. He seemed to find it funny. Said I would have to get a ride with someone else seeing as I couldn't make it on time" Casey responded almost forlornly as he put his phone away and picked up some glass. "Sorry I scared you."

"No need to be sorry. I just hadn't expected anyone to be home." Holly replied with a small, comforting smile as she processed everything and her brain finally started to calm down. Chris had left Casey on his own because he was late? He had joked about it the night before and that morning but she had never thought he would do it. What had come over him? And to think it was funny. "I'm sorry your dad left without you. I don't know why he would." Holly replied as she straightened and set the bin back before heading over to pick up the mop. "Did you manage to get a ride with one of your friends?"

"Not yet. They're all either on their way or haven't answered. Hope I can soon." Casey replied as he stood back up while Holly mopped the floor over. "I was looking forward to this weekend."

Holly gave her son a gentle shoulder rub at that as she finished up and propped the mop back in its place.

"I will have a word with your father." She promised feeling a little annoyed at Chris for leaving their son. How could he do that? Even if he thought it was funny? They're playfulness was going to put them in a situation where there was no going back from if they continued. "But you'll get there, right?"

"I don't know" Casey replied almost dejectedly, "The buses are full and if I can't get in touch with anyone before tonight I won't be able to get there. It just sucks."

Holly gave her son a consoling look, once more that feeling of annoyance flared up at her husband, before she rubbed his shoulder once more comfortingly.

"We'll sort something out. Go and try to call everyone again and I will speak with your dad. We'll see what he has to say" She told him, trying her best to be as encouraging as possible.

With a glum nod Casey took out his phone again and walked back through to the lounge. Holly watched him go before reaching for the phone and dialling her husband. A few seconds later the phone picked up and her cheerful, ever-loving Chris lightly answered.

"Hey baby," Holly's husband jovially said to her, "What's up? I thought you'd be out sunning yourself and not thinking of little ol' me?"

"Well I was going to until our son walked in. You think you might have forgotten something?" She replied with a questioning sternness mixed with her love.

"Wha...Oh, you mean Casey?" Chris asked, sounding a little confused at first and then back to his normal playful self.

"Who else would I mean, unless you left another one of our sons here" She replied with a little firmness to her voice as she walked over to the refrigerator to grab herself another glass of juice. "Casey says you left him here?!"

"Now hold on there, Hol, the kid was really late and to be fair I did tell him yesterday what would happen if he wasn't here on time." Chris responded with warmth and a smile she could even hear on the phone, "Plus I'm just messing with him. He knows he can get another ride"

"And if he can't?" She asked as she poured the juice and replaced the carton in the fridge, "He didn't seem so sure."

"Then it'll teach him what the consequences are for not being on time. He's a big kid, he'll get over it." Chris replied with his normal sense of humour. In fact, he almost seemed on the edge of laughter. To him this was probably all part of his normal 'messing about' thing. It probably seemed that way to Kayden and Reilly as well.

"Oh that's a fine way of teaching him." Holly responded sarcastically, adding as she walked back to the stool and sat, "You know one day your playing around is going to back fire on you, Christopher Clarke. Our son may not find it as funny as you."

"He'll get over it. He's a big kid now. Besides, just tell him you'll make it up to him." Her husband replied without any sense of joking around, at least in what he meant. He still sounded like he was about to break out into laughter at any second.

For a moment Holly only gaped as she looked at the phone, then put it back to her ear.

"Me? Oh, no, you'll be the one to make it up to him. This was your sense of a joke, mister." She replied almost aghast.

"Aww, come on, Hol, you know me, I'm just playing the kid up. But it will teach him a lesson. Bet he won't be late again." Her husband responded with his winning charm and Holly couldn't help but smile to herself a little. She could see the funny side of what Chris had done but he had still taken it too far. It would be down to her to smooth it over though. It always was. Chris was just too winning for his own good sometimes.

"Fine. But you better hope he gets a ride with his friends. He didn't seem too happy about missing out on this weekend" She warned her husband as she sipped her juice.

"Just make sure it's something worth his while. He'll forget about it then." Chris replied, before adding almost hurriedly, "Got to go, love, coming up to the tunnel so will lose signal. I'll call you later."

With that Holly's husband blew her a kiss before hanging up. The beautiful brunette sighed into the phone before she placed it on the counter, whispering to the air what she thought of Chris right at that moment. She couldn't believe that he had left Casey behind as a joke! Well, she could...it was the kind of thing that Chris would do and find funny, not thinking of how it might not be taken that way by others. But still.

Holly was washing her glass up and putting it away when Casey came back into the kitchen looking as glum as earlier.

- - -

Casey turned the corner into the kitchen and for a moment, again, the despair and gloom that he felt about his morning and the upcoming weekend vanished as he was met with the image of his mother stretching to put a glass away in the cupboard. Her tight body looked lustrous in the thin, loose top that she had on, a top that drooped as she bent over and gave him a wondrous glimpse of her white-bra clad tits, and with the short shorts that showed off her legs and firm ass to perfection.

Fuck but she looked hot! And Casey didn't mind admitting that! Not at all. He had always noticed how attractive his mother was but over the years since he had started noticing girls he had not been able to help but notice just how sexy his mother actually was. And that had turned into a desire that he would have thought strange and wrong if he hadn't known that it was perfectly normal, and that he couldn't help but notice when there was a gorgeous woman in front of him whether she was related to him or not!

But today of all days his mother looked stunning. Maybe it was because of how much her shorts didn't cover or the way her top was see-through, or just how she had dressed in general because of the heat, but she looked perfect. From the way her long brown hair fell down her back in its ponytail to the colour and smoothness of her skin. And then there was how her curves pushed against her clothes just so as she leaned forward and up to put the glass away. Fuck but she was mouth-wateringly stunning! He had thought that as he had been cleaning up the glass with her and her top slipped forward, giving him a perfect view at her bra-clad breasts. Fuck but his father was a lucky guy. If Casey had ever been able to get a woman that hot to be with him he would never be out of bed with her!

Of course the eighteen-year-old knew that nothing was ever going to happen but that didn't mean he couldn't fantasize or that he didn't get a raging boner every time he saw his mother looking stupidly sexy like today. He could just enjoy the view and his thoughts...and boy did he have a lot of dirty thoughts as he stood for a moment transfixed by the sight before him...before being called back into reality.

Thinking of reality suddenly jerked the horny eighteen-year-old's mind back from his hot mother and made him think of what had just happened. Then the gloominess settled back in and Casey forgot all about how much of a knockout his mother was as he just saw her as his mother again.

"Oh, hey honey." His mother said with slight concern in her melodious voice as she shut the cupboard door and turned to look at him, dropping back to her heels, "Did you manage to sort anything out?" She asked as she brushed hair from her eyes and came to lean against the counter top.

Shaking his head Casey padded into the room and moperly took a seat on the stool in front of the counter.

"No." He answered gloomily, "Everyone either didn't pick up as they were driving, had full cars, or had already left."

The look on his mother's face was one of commiseration and wishing she could do something to help him as she reached over to pat his hand gently.

"I'm sorry." She said genuinely, "I spoke with your father and he thought this was all a fine joke. But he honestly thought you'd be able to get another ride up to meet them. I'm sorry you can't. Are you sure there's no one else?"

Casey looked even more glum at that and felt it too, knowing that his father did probably think this was all one big joke. Casey would have found it funny too if he wasn't the butt of it. But for all of his intent Casey's father had left him without any way of getting to the lake for the weekend and now he was going to miss out on everything. Including a drunk Cristina Hodges! This had been his big chance, and now he was going to be the only one not there.

"I tried everyone. Even Terri and he's the last person to ever get up and go anywhere. But there's no way for me to get there now. I'm stuck." He replied glumly, flipping his phone between his hands as he stared at it as if some miraculous answer were going to 'beep' into his hands any moment. He hoped, but he knew it wouldn't. "Guess I'll just be stuck here all weekend rather than having fun with everyone else"

Casey's mother's hand gripped tighter onto his and her face took on an even more apologetic and commisatory expression.

"I'm sorry honey, I wish I could help" She said, meaning it clearly but knowing that there was no way that she could.

For a moment all Casey could do was sit there moping and feeling sorry for himself before he finally felt the despair almost consume him and stood, turning to go.

"Well, I guess I'll see what I can do with no one around..." He glumly announced, intending to head for his computer where he knew none of his friends would be online and there really wouldn't be much for him to do. But still, it was the best he could think of.

This sucked. The biggest party of the summer and he was going to miss it. And Cristina. And all he could do was spend time in his room because no one was around. This sucked big time.

Looking a mix of not knowing what to do and desperately wanting to help him Casey watched his mother almost reach out for him before she let her hand fall, not knowing what to say, before saying, "I'm sorry, honey. You going to be ok?"

"I'll be fine. I'll just miss out on the best weekend of my life, but I'll be fine" He forlornly answered before traipsing away, dragging his feet, towards his room, glancing down at his phone every now and then in a vain hope that someone would message him back and say they could take him.

He knew how vain that hope was. But faced with a weekend alone, well, with his mother, but still away from all of his friends and the blast that they were bound to have, he had to have some hope lest he become totally depressed.

The bedroom door shutting behind him sounded like the door to his dreams closing on him. When he would next get a chance with Cristina he didn't know. Not like this anyway. Little did the eighteen-year-old know just how much better his weekend would be now. And what was to come as he sat down at his computer, too depressed to even let the image of his mother perk him up.

- - -

Holly Clarke watched her son glumly leave the kitchen, his feet scraping on the floor as he reluctantly dragged himself out of the room, and once more muttered to herself about her husband. Maybe Casey would learn from this, as Chris hoped, but it was still a sucky way of teaching him, the beautiful brunette thought. This was supposed to be Casey's big weekend with his family and friends and now he was stuck in the house with his mother. Not to mention that she now didn't have her weekend to herself. Not that she didn't feel a little bad for thinking that latter when Casey was so unhappy. But both were the result of her husband's 'joke' and both meant that Holly and Casey were left with a poorer weekend than they had planned. And all because of Chris and his competitive sense of humour.

Muttering to herself Holly turned around and looked towards the large glass doors that led to the back garden. She had planned on sunbathing for a lot of the weekend but now she just didn't feel relaxed. Moreover, she couldn't settle knowing that Casey was as glum as he was. That was just her mother instinct.

For a moment all Holly could do was stand there and stare out at the beautiful day. The day she should be enjoying. When something Chris had said suddenly hit her. 'Just do something to make it up to Casey'. That sudden thought was like a firework going off in her head that abruptly lightened her mood. Do something to make it up to him, something that would make up him missing out on the big party weekend. That was easier said than done, but it still was something she could do. All she had to think of was a way to balance out the scales. A way to make Casey not miss what he really was missing out on.

But how? For a long moment the beautiful 38-year-old mother stood and worked her mind trying to figure something out. She could buy him a car? Then he could drive up himself and have the whole thing totally made up for! Only problem was, that meant Reilly and Kayden not having a car while their younger brother had one, and that would just spiral out of control. So, maybe something else. What could she do for Casey that would make him have a great weekend rather than missing what was happening at the lake?

Holly wracked her brain for a while until finally it hit her. She had to do things with him that he had always wanted to do, or that he enjoyed! He may be home alone with his mother for a long weekend but maybe she could do something that would cheer him up! And Chris had said that she should do something to make up for it. Of course, there was the problem that what eighteen-year-old would want to spend a four-day weekend in the blazing summer sun with his own mother, but Holly couldn't do anything about that. He had planned on spending some of that time with his father and brothers anyway so maybe she could be a good substitute, even if she wasn't a guy doing guy things.

Feeling a little lighter, Holly poured over the things she could do to cheer Casey up, thinking of the things he enjoyed doing most and what she could do for him. It didn't take long for her to get a couple of ideas and so soon she clapped her hands together and, smiling, made her way to Casey's room.

- - -

Casey sat staring at his computer screen not knowing what to do next. He had already checked his friends out on social media and they were all raving about the weekend ahead, which hadn't made him feel any better. He had then thought of playing a game to pass the time, but not only did he not really feel like it but no one had been online for him to play with anyway. And so here he sat, staring at an empty screen, wondering what he was going to do to fill the weekend with no one around and nothing that he really wanted to do. All he wanted was to go to the lake and so everything else just seemed boring and drab besides what he knew he was missing out on. Sighing loudly he moved the mouse just to stop the screensaver from coming on and then stared at the screen some more.

Just then a knock came at his door and Casey answered robotically without even looking away from the screen.

"Come in." He called out stoically

The door opened and his mother's head popped around the door before the rest of her followed behind, pushing the door closed behind her.

"How are you doing?" She asked considerately as she stood with her hands behind her on the door handle.

The way she stood emphasised her succulent breasts but Casey was too lost staring into his blank screen feeling numb and glum to notice right then.

"Fine." He answered morosely, "Just sitting here doing what I'm going to do all weekend."

"Oh? And what's that?" His mother asked curiously, not picking up on the sardonic twist to his voice.

"Staring at my computer while everyone else is having fun." He replied sullenly, once more not even moving his eyes from staring at the mouse pointer on the screen. God he felt so sucky and bored.

The gloomy way that he was feeling meant that he missed his mother's sympathetic reaction and the way that she glanced around his room as she thought of how best to cheer him up.

"Casey, you can't just sit in here all weekend. I know it isn't nice but this isn't good for you." She said finally, her voice ringing with empathy.

Sighing loudly Casey finally looked away from the screen and to her. Once more the way he was feeling blocked any reaction to how stunning she looked right then and he stared at her depressingly.

"There's not much else for me to do. Everyone's at the lake and I'm here. I've got nothing to do. And I don't really feel like doing anything anyway." He replied in a monotone, glancing at his screen again before looking blankly back at his mother.

"What about your writing? I know you love to do that." His mother asked with a little perked up hope and a small smile on her beautiful face, but Casey just shook his head.

"You've got to feel inspired to write. And if there's one thing I don't feel right now it's inspired." He replied gloomily and watched as a flicker of concern passed over his mother's features.

For a long moment the two of them just remained as they were as Holly looked at him caringly and Casey turned back to staring blankly at his screen.

"Well you're not just going to mope around in here all weekend." Holly finally said with an air of no arguing and finality, "It sucks that you're in the situation that you're in but you're not going to get depressed about it all and sit in here sulking, ok?"

"What else can I do?" He asked with genuine curiosity as he once more turned to look at her

"We're going to find you something." His mother answered with determination and a warm smile that despite himself did make Casey feel a little better. "I'm going to find something to keep you occupied. Something to make this weekend fun. You never know, it may turn out to be your best weekend yet!" She added positively. "And you can spend some time with me. That won't be so bad, will it?" She asked with an amused smile, almost daring him to say it would.

Smiling amusedly despite himself at that Casey shook his head. His mother was doggedly determined when she wanted to be and there was no way he was getting out of this without her doing everything she could to make sure he had the best weekend ever. Even if he couldn't see how she would do it, she would try everything. Oddly she always found a way when she was this determined, but Casey couldn't see how this time. Even so he nodded finally as he saw the determination in her eyes.

"Alright, fine, mom, you win." He replied with amused resignation, a small smile spreading his lips as Holly suddenly beamed brightly. "But I've still got no idea what to do."

"Leave that to me." His mother responded chippily, "Come on." She added as she held out a hand to him.

Reluctantly, and in the way of a moping teenager, Casey twirled off his computer chair and stood up, taking her hand as Holly began to smile broadly as she turned and opened the door.

"We'll have so much fun you'll forget all about the lake." She promised.

"Uh-huh." Was all Casey could manage to work up as he followed behind her being dragged by the hand toward the lounge.

When they entered the large room Holly led Casey around the sofa in front of the large flat-screen television and pushed him so that he fell back. Sitting on the plush couch Casey watched his mother hold her hands behind her as she twisted and turned on the spot in obvious anticipation. The eighteen-year-old couldn't help but smile a small smile at that. She looked incredibly adorable and cute... Once more Casey noticed what she was wearing and how little it hid of her while emphasising so much. Fuck but he was glad he was sitting down as his jeans tented a little as his dick hardened at the sight of his own mother standing in front of him.

Holly of course noticed none of this and had no idea what effect her body had on him as she swayed back and forth before, beaming as brightly and excitedly as ever, she spoke.

"Ok, so you are always telling your dad and me about these new games you have. The virtual reality ones and the ones where you have to jump around with?" She began and the feeling in Casey's stomach only fluttered more hotly. She really was cute having no idea what VR games and the Switch was. And so he just happily sat there and watched as she continued. "Well as you've got no one else to play with right now I thought you and I could play a few games?"

Ignoring the reminder that everyone else was away having a great time while he was stuck at home with his mom offering to play games with him, Casey's face gently brightened. He had been on at his parents to try out the Switch and the VR headset they had gotten him for his birthday for ages. Not to mention the thought of seeing his mother bouncing around in what she was wearing was more than appealing. And so Casey sat up straighter, interested as he tried to hide his boner from his mother as she looked triumphantly down at him.

"That sounds like a great idea." He replied honestly, eager to get started

"Great!" His mother retorted before turning around and looking at the machines sitting under the television. "Ok, so which one is which?" She asked with a gentle laugh and Casey awkwardly, because of his tented jeans, leaned up to point passed her towards the VR headset.

"We should probably start with that one as it takes some getting used to" He said, watching as Holly bent over to pick it up. His eyes went straight to her tight ass in those shorts and the straining in his jeans suddenly became unbearable.

"This one?" Holly asked as she lifted the VR headset and raised it toward her head.

"Yeah, you just have to put it on. I'll put the game on. What would you like to play?" He answered, waiting until Holly had slipped the headset over her head and pulled it down over her eyes before he moved. Fuck but there would be no way to hide his bulging jeans at this point as he moved. He was glad she couldn't see anything to notice!

"Something easy." Holly laughed as she tightened the straps around her delicate head and pulled the earphones down over her ears. "Be gentle with me!" She added a little louder as her hearing was muffled.

Casey glanced up at her and couldn't help but ogle her body as he she stood oblivious in front of him. Fuck but he had never had a better chance to gawk at his mother's fine body as he had right then. It was almost like she was on display for him!

Fumbling with the front of the game's console as he kept turning his head to look up and down his mother's voluptuous body, Casey finally got the console turned on and began looking through the games he had before selecting one. It was a first-person fantasy fighting role-playing game that had just released in VR that Casey loved. Making sure it was on easy he leaned back on the sofa and flicked his eyes from the television to his mother as the game booted up.

"Ok, it should be on in a second." He said as he let his eyes flow down from his mother's excitedly anticipating smile on her face, down over her luscious breasts that pushed dick-hardeningly against her loose top, encased in their white lace housing just barely hidden from his view, down onto the little bit of her shorts that he could see from under her hanging top and onto her smooth, long legs. Fuck but she was in perfect shape. For a moment he stared and was lost to everything else and then he shook himself as he realised his mother had spoken. "No, you can face whatever way you want. You don't have to look at the TV." He answered, just about recalling what it was she had asked.

As the game loaded up Holly had several questions -- being a first time user -- but it wasn't long before she was holding the controllers in her hands like she was holding a sword and swayingly walking forward as if she had to use her legs to move. Laughing gently at the way she strode on the spot when she didn't have to Casey told her that she only needed to use the controller. While Holly laughed and said ok in a few seconds she was doing the same thing again as she tried to walk in the surroundings she could see around her.

"Wow, this is beautiful!" She exclaimed as she turned her head to look around her, the television showing the stunning open-world landscape that she was taking in, waterfalls and mountains and all.

"It is isn't it?" Casey replied proudly -- he had tried for ages to get them to try out the VR, telling them all the wonderful things about it and it was good to hear how impressed his mother was finally! Then his eyes glimpsed her chest rise and fall as she took in a deep breath of wonder and they grew intently. Beautiful didn't even begin to describe what he was seeing then! "Oh, you should take those skeletons on with your sword" He announced suddenly as he tried to clear his mind. All that he managed to do however was sound as flustered as he felt, but Holly didn't seem to notice anything. She was too busy with what was going on around her.

"These ones?" She asked pointing towards what only she could see in the headset and unwittingly moving forward as she did, forgetting that it was the controller and not her legs that moved her. "Oh shit!" She exclaimed as she ran forward without intending to, directly into the skeletons' path.

Laughing Casey watched as his mother began to flail around with the 'sword' in her hands almost like she was swatting at anything and everything in front of her. For a while he could barely stop himself from doubling over with how funny she looked and how she caterwauled in surprise and fear at the skeletons attacking her. To her it would seem like they were right around her, as he could see on the television, but to Casey she just looked like she was flailing at thin air and screaming about it. He could barely breathe he was laughing so hard.

Well, laughing and then ogling as he watched his mother move. She was graceful and sinuous even amongst the flailing and the curves of her body moved lithely as she bounced on her toes, swung her arms, and bobbed and weaved as she tried to avoid the oncoming attacks. The way that the light shone on her silky smooth thighs, her ass bounced up and down, and jouncing of her large breasts as she moved so quickly had Casey in awe, and for a long moment all he could do was rapturously watch her body move sensually as she flailed about wildly and screamed with laughter.

And so the game went on, with Casey taking his turn after watching his mother play for a while, showing her how it was done before they swapped to another game; this one a tennis game. Casey went first this time to show Holly what to do but it wasn't long before the horny eighteen-year-old was once again sitting on the sofa goggling at his mother's tight body as she jumped around the lounge flailing at an invisible tennis ball. Fuck but that tent in his jeans only grew more tight and painful as he watched her long legs stretch and move as she danced about in front of him, and her large breasts jiggle and jump as she lunged from one side of the sofa to the next. Fuck!

Finally, however, Holly stood straight, panting from the exercise in a way that did very interesting things to her chest in that loose, see-through top, and pulled at the headset as the game carried on behind her on the television.

"This thing is intense!" She finally said between gasps as she pulled the headset from her face. Casey did his best to make it look like he hadn't been ogling her and he crossed his legs to hide his raging hard on. "But I'm feeling a bit sick and dizzy."