
Bored and Horny


Author's Note: This one's for all those who don't approve of silliness. I promise it's a real story this time.


I arrived at my parents' house around mid-morning. I hadn't been thrilled about being asked to look after my little sister, but mom had insisted that she shouldn't be left alone. Apparently having a little eye surgery meant Brianna needed a babysitter while she recovered, despite having just turned nineteen and being more than old enough to look after herself. It was almost worth doing it just for the opportunity to tease her about it.

Mom and dad were already gone by the time I got there. I let myself in and went in search of my sister. I didn't bother calling for her because I kind of wanted to see if I could sneak up on her. A little temporary eyesight trouble on her part wasn't going to get in the way of my brotherly instincts.

Unfortunately, she must have heard me coming because she was looking right at me when I found her lying on the living room couch. I examined her silently for a moment while she squinted back at me.

"Lee?" she asked. "That's you, right?"

"Mm-hm. So you really are blind, huh?"

I pushed her feet off the couch to give myself a place to sit. Brianna stuck her tongue out at me and curled her legs up toward the rest of her body so she could keep lying comfortably.

"M'not blind. Just can't see well. Everything's all blurry. It's supposed to get better though. That's what they say. I'll be able to see better than before."

"Fat lot of good it's doing you now."

I waved my hand in front of her face just to find out if she could see it. She swatted at me, but was unable to make contact.

"Cut it out, you jerk. For once in your life could you just be nice to me for a while?"

"I'm always nice to you."

"Then I pity the people you're mean to."

I laughed while Brianna just shook her head. She couldn't have been too bothered. She'd had her whole life to get used to me.

"So why do you have the tv on?" I asked, nodding toward it despite the fact that Brianna probably wouldn't notice the gesture.

"Why do I have the tv on? You mean because I can't see it very well? Let me put it this way; what else exactly am I supposed to do? Read? Go on the internet? Go for a run? You wanna know what all those activities have in common?"

"You need to be able to see to do them?"

Brianna clapped sarcastically for me.

"Bingo. I'm pretty sure I'll be bored out of my skull by the time my eyesight comes back."

"Is this really all you do? Just lie here and feel sorry for yourself?"

"Pretty much." She held up her fingers to check things off. "Eat, sleep, lie on couch wallowing in self-pity. That'd be about it."

Brianna looked like she'd just climbed out of bed. She was wearing a loose t-shirt that she'd probably slept in the night before, and nothing in the way of pants. When I examined her more closely, I realized I could see her panties peeking out from underneath her shirt.

"Maybe you should consider getting dressed."

"Why? What's the point? "

"I dunno. Maybe just 'cause then I wouldn't be able to see your underwear?"

Brianna took her time in reacting. She pulled her shirt down a little further so that she was covered up, but didn't seem to care about what I'd seen.

"Don't look if you don't want to see," she said. "It's not like I can tell what's showing."

"If you were dressed it wouldn't be an issue."

"Come on, Lee. I'm not going anywhere all day, what's the point? Or are you gonna keep bugging me about this?"

"I don't give a shit. If you don't care who sees your panties, then why should I?"

I reached over and yanked her shirt up above her waist, revealing far more than before. Brianna pulled it back down almost as quickly.

"Fuck off," she said.

"Or what?"

I tried to lift her shirt again, but she hung on to it this time. We got into a brief scuffle over it, with neither of us able to gain any real advantage.

"Get off, you perv," Brianna said.

She finally decided to get her legs involved and started kicking me. That forced me switch my focus. I grabbed her ankles and held on, despite her attempts to free herself. After a moment I stood up and pulled her off the couch. She fell to the floor with a thud and just lay there. I retook my seat.

"You know you can't fight me," I said. "Even when you can see."

"Some brothers would take it easy on their incapacitated sibling," Brianna said. "You know, at least wait until there's some challenge in it."

She was still lying on her back where she'd landed. Her shirt had ridden up again when I'd dragged her off the couch and she hadn't fixed it. She must have been able to tell it wasn't covering her properly this time.

"Yeah, I could take it easy. Wouldn't be very much fun in that. Then we'd both just be sitting around waiting for your sight to come back."

Brianna's panties weren't particularly sexy, just some plain white cotton things, but somehow they fascinated me. It probably had something to do with the way they were on display for me. I'd never known my sister to let me catch a peek so freely before. I probably shouldn't have been taking advantage of her moping, but it was a fairly unique opportunity. I'd probably never get a chance like it again.

"Are you staring at my underwear again?" she asked.

"No," I said.


"I'm hurt by your lack of trust. You can't actually see me, so you're clearly just making unfounded accusations."

"I can too see you. Just... not well."

"That's what I thought. And cover yourself properly if you don't want me to look."

Brianna climbed carefully to her feet and moved directly in front of me. Her shirt had fallen back down into place when she stood up.

"You were so looking," she said.

"We're just going around in circles now."

"Whatever. Do what you want. I'm going to go take a shower."

"Need me help you get undressed?"

Brianna took a swing at me, but I was able to dodge it fairly easily. She might have actually had a point about her not being a challenge to pick on. Somehow it just wasn't the same when she couldn't fight back properly.

"Asshole," she said.

She walked off leaving me giggling to myself. With nothing better to do, I flipped through channels on the tv to try and find something worth watching. I'd only been at it for a couple minutes when I hear my name being called.


"What?" I called back.

"Come here for a sec."

I rolled my eyes and trudged up the stairs to the bathroom. I could hear the shower running inside. I wasn't sure whether Brianna had gotten yet or not, so I spoke through the door instead of opening it.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Someone moved my shampoo," Brianna said. "I can't find it."

"Well... can you use a different one?"

"I don't know what any of the bottles are. I can't read them. I should be able to recognize mine by the colour and I don't see it."

"I... what exactly do you want me to do?"

"Just come in, tell me if you see it. But don't look!"

"You're a big ol' bundle of confusing this morning, you know that?" I said as I swung the door open.

The first thing I determined upon entering was that Brianna was definitely in the shower already. Her shirt and panties had been discarded on the floor, and a fresh towel hung nearby ready to be used. At least she hadn't gone in totally unprepared.

As I stepped further into the room, I made out my sister's silhouette behind the shower curtain. I couldn't see any details, just the general shape of her naked body. I probably wasn't supposed to be looking at all, regardless of whether or not I discern anything naughty.

"Do you see it?" Brianna asked.

"There's a couple of bottle on the counter here," I said. "There's a green one and-"

"That's probably it. Hand it to me please?"

Brianna stuck her arm out around the curtain, holding her hand out for the bottle. I gave her the green one, then waited. I heard the lid being popped, then the faint sound of my sister smelling the contents.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Want me to do your back while I'm here?"

Her arm appeared from behind the curtain again, this time moving at high speed and holding a different bottle. I was barely able to avoid being hit by the projectile as she launched it in my direction, and it bounced off of the counter that I'd been standing in front of.

"Don't be so gross!" she yelled.

"Helpful," I corrected her. "I'm being helpful."

She launched a bar of soap at me next, this time farther off the mark. I moved toward the doorway in case she decided to keep throwing things. I was sure she had more ammunition to use if she so chose. She'd tag me eventually if I let her keep going, even with her lousy aim.

"Would you just... just leave already. I'm fine now. And if not, I'll work it out my own."

"Just remember you're the one who called me in."


As I stepped back into the hallway, I heard a rustling noise behind me. I turned around to find Brianna had stuck her head out to make sure I was gone. She must not have realized that even though I couldn't see much of her directly, the mirror gave me a pretty good angle. It hadn't had a chance to fully fog up yet, and gave me a decent view of my sister's upper body.

I stood frozen in place at the sight of Brianna's naked breasts. She had no idea I could see them, so she made no attempt to cover them or withdraw behind the curtain.

"I can still see you," she said. "If you're gonna lurk out there, you could at least be a little bit sneaky about it. We've established that I'm not completely blind."

"Didn't want to go too far in case you needed something again," I mumbled, failing to come up with a good retort.

I was seriously thrown off by the partial view of my naked sister. I had no idea how to handle it. Despite my teasing and comments designed specifically to get a reaction from her, I'd had no intention of actually seeing her undressed. That went beyond the allowable limit of brotherly torture. I felt kind of guilty about it, but I kept looking.

"Maybe close the door then?" Brianna suggested. "You can stand out in the hallway all you like as long as you aren't trying to peek."

I closed the door, then left. I returned to the living room, no longer interested in what was on the tv. My mind was fully occupied with the image of my sister's round, perky breasts. I was kind of upset with myself for it, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I shouldn't worry about it so much. I hadn't meant for it to happen. It was an accident. Brianna didn't even know I'd seen anything, so it wasn't like there'd be any fallout from the situation.

My powers of rationalization pulled through, and soon the guilt began to fade away. The memory of the event lingered for a while afterward. Boobs were boobs, after all. I couldn't help it that my sister's were so nice.

After a while I heard the bathroom door open upstairs. I assumed that Brianna must have been done with her shower. She didn't call me back to help her with anything, so I probably should have just stayed where I was. I chose not to.

Perhaps I'd rationalized too well. Instead of doing everything possible to avoid seeing my sister naked again, I made my way casually upstairs. Brianna had vacated the bathroom, as I'd suspected. She'd left a bit of a mess, but nothing major. In all likelihood she'd gone to her room to get changed. I debated for a moment whether I should bug her some more or leave her be for a while. Proper timing was critical when it came to keeping her annoyed, but not genuinely upset. I decided she could probably handle a little more since she'd had a break.

I wandered down the hall to her bedroom, planning what I'd say in my head. I was leaning toward asking her when she was going to clean up after herself in the bathroom. It wasn't terribly innovative, but it would probably bug her a little. At the very least she'd whine about how she couldn't see, and that I should do it for her.

Brianna's door wasn't closed. That didn't strike me as all that strange at first. It wasn't until I realized she was still in the process of getting changed that I figured out something was amiss. I had been about to say something to her, but stopped when I saw that she was only wearing a towel.

As I kept watching I learned that her process of getting dressed was dramatically slowed down by the difficulty she had in picking out the articles of clothing that she wanted. Instead of just rummaging through her drawers until she found what she wanted, it appeared that she had to find something that was more or less the correct colour, then hold it up close to her face to be able to try and make out the details. She had most of her outfit picked out by the time I arrived, but while I was there she went through half a dozen pairs of panties until she found the ones she wanted.

I wasn't sure how long I dared stand there without announcing myself. Even with her limited eyesight, there was a chance Brianna would spot me, or perhaps hear me if I made a noise. The longer I waited, the higher the chance of discovery. It would certainly bug her if she found out that I'd been watching her get dressed, but not necessarily in the way I wanted.

Before I could make a decision one way or the other, Brianna stepped into her panties and slid them up her legs. Her towel was still wrapped around her and covered her fairly well, but I got a quick flash of her butt when she pulled her underwear all the way up. I felt a momentary pang of guilt about watching it, but that went away when she dropped her towel.

My little sister stood naked in her room except for the small pair of panties she had just put on. She was facing away from me for the most part, so all I got were quick glimpses of the sides of her boobs. Her butt looked really good in the panties she'd chosen so I mostly stared at it instead. When she put on a shirt, I decided it was about time to stop perving.

I snuck backward several steps, then walked back to Brianna's room. This time I purposefully made louder sounds as I moved so that she would be able to hear me. I let my feet drop heavily and tapped my hand against the wall a few times purely for the extra noise.

"Hey, Bree," I said as I returned to her doorway. "What do you- are you changing?"

She was just pulling on a pair of shorts to complete her outfit. I noted absently that they hugged her ass nicely.

"Yeah, I was," she said. "I'm really starting to wonder about you. You seemed obsessed with trying to sneak peeks at me."

"Whoa, I don't think so. You're the one who left your door open."

"Maybe 'cause you were downstairs. How was I supposed to know you'd be creeping around up here? And let's not forget you trying to hop in the shower with me earlier."

"You know damn well I was joking."

"Do I though? It's hard to tell with you sometimes."

"Fine. Be that way."

I turned around and left the room. I must have been more mentally off-balance than I thought. Brianna was turning things around on me and getting under my skin instead of me getting under hers. I didn't like it when that happened.

Instead of worrying about it too much, I reminded myself that I actually had been peeking on her, so getting offended at the accusations was kind of silly. Thinking that way helped a little, if only because she didn't know that I'd seen her. At the very least it meant I had knowledge that she didn't. It wasn't much, but it was a small advantage.


Brianna and I went about the rest of our day more or less as usual. We took the occasional verbal jab at one another, but I stayed a little more quiet and withdrawn than I normally would have. I wasn't sure if she picked up on that or not.

We ended up spending most of the evening and into the night watching movies. Or rather, I'd watch and Brianna would complain about not being able to tell what was going on. Sometimes I'd describe what was happening on screen and wait for the right moment to start completely making shit up. She bought it a few times, but she generally knew when I was lying to her. It was kind of fun.

I eventually started getting sleepy. We were both sitting on the couch, each of us on out own side. I curled up in my corner and let my eyelids close a little. I wasn't quite ready for bed yet, but I was getting there. I intended to at least wait for the end of the movie.

After another half hour I was getting seriously tired. I had to fight to keep my eyes open. I shut them for a minute, then opened them again. All that accomplished was making it harder to stay awake. At some point I must have fallen asleep.

The next thing I knew the room was dark. The movie had ended, and the only illumination was from the blank tv screen. I opened my eyes, but didn't move right away. Something seemed off, but I wasn't sure what it was.

Brianna was sitting exactly where she had been before. There was a soft sound coming from her direction that I couldn't identify. I focused my attention on her and saw that her eyes appeared to be closed, and her mouth slightly open. At first I thought that maybe she was asleep and making small noises as a result of her dreams. I soon realized that wasn't the case.

It wasn't all that obvious in the darkened room, but Brianna had pulled her shorts down slightly. One of her hands was inside her panties. She was barely moving and clearly trying her best not to make any noise, but the small gasps that escaped must have been as a result of her fingering herself.

My confusion cleared away for a moment as I decided I must have been the one dreaming. That would explain what I was witnessing, to some extent. I'd seen my sister in a sexual way during the day and now it was showing up in my unconscious mind. I wasn't entirely happy about it, but it made sense.

My brief state of clarity didn't last very long. I had to face the fact that I wasn't dreaming, and that Brianna was masturbating right next to me. I wasn't sure whether to be turned on, concerned, suspicious, or whether I should just go back to being confused.

"It's kind of funny," Brianna said, startling me slightly. "You know what they say about being blind and having your other senses compensate? I don't know if I buy that or anything, but maybe it's not complete bullshit."

I said nothing since I wasn't yet sure what she was getting at. I wasn't even a hundred percent certain that she was talking to me. She could have just been thinking out loud.

"Thing is," she continued, "there's a big difference in your breathing when you're sleeping from when you're awake."

I played possum for another few seconds even though I knew she knew I was awake.

"Okay, I'll bite," I finally said. "Bree, why the hell are you playing with yourself while I'm right here?"

I adjusted my position so I was sitting up straighter. Brianna's hand was still moving under her panties. It was a little disconcerting how calm she was about getting caught masturbating. She hadn't even been all that sneaky about it to begin with.

"I was horny," she said.

"Is this... are you trying to get back at me somehow?" I asked. "Are you trying to weird me out?"

"Well you were kind of asking for it earlier. But no, I'm not. Although I was kind of hoping for more of a reaction out of you. I should have known better I suppose. This is pretty much business as usual for you today, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

I had a bad feeling that I knew exactly what she meant. My mind went back to when she'd been in the shower and I had assumed she couldn't tell that I could see her breasts.

"Just 'cause I can't see well doesn't mean I'm blind, dummy. It also doesn't mean I can't hear you." A predatory smile slowly crossed her face. "You're not nearly as sneaky as you think you are. I know you were perving on me when you thought you wouldn't get caught. That's kind of bad of you, big bro."

"If you knew, that means you let me look," I pointed out, desperate to not let her take the moral high ground. She probably deserved it, but I wasn't going to give in without a fight.

"I know, Lee. I did let you. I'm not mad."

"Then... why? What's the point of any of this? I'm pretty much convinced you're just trying some kind of serious mindfuck here, and it's working."

"And yet you're still talking to me."

Brianna had a point. If she was just messing with me, then I was letting her do it. I should have left as soon as I realized she was masturbating, and instead I'd engaged her in actual dialogue. I knew better than that.

"Okay," I said as I stood up. "I'll leave you to it then."

"I was bored."

I hesitated, then sat back down. It almost sounded like my sister might be ready to stop playing games.


"Yeah, bored. The past few days have sucked. Between the hospital, and the doctor, and the waiting, and me not being able to see much of anything... I've been going crazy."

"I see."

"Not literally, don't even say it."

"Who says I was gonna?"

"You would have. I know you. Anyway, messed up as it is, you've actually helped keep me entertained today. I didn't mean to let you see my boobs when I was in the shower, but when I realized you were looking I kind of... didn't mind. I actually almost burst out laughing right there."

"You're right, that is messed up."

Brianna frowned. "Oh, shut up. Do we need to go over which one of us was perving on the other again?"

"I... no."

"That's what I thought."

She hadn't stopped playing with herself the whole time we'd been talking. The small movements of her panties that signified what her fingers were up to were strangely hypnotizing. Somehow, it neither turned me on, nor grossed me out to watch her masturbate. It was more of a novelty than anything. Until that night, I'd never given much thought to whether it was even something she did.

"You can jerk off too if you want," Brianna said softly.

"I don't think so."

"Suit yourself. If you're worried about me making fun of your penis, I wouldn't be able to see any details well enough for you to have to worry about it."

"I'm not... it isn't..." I stopped before I got too defensive. That was what she was looking for. "I'm not in the mood for it," I said instead.

"You mean you're not horny, right?"

"If you want to be blunt about it, then yes. That."

"Yeah, me either. I was, but... kind of not feeling it anymore." Brianna sighed and pulled her hand out of her panties. She pulled her shorts back up before standing up. "Maybe I'll just go to bed."

"'Kay. You, uh, want any help with that?"

The corners of her lips curled in a faint smirk.

"That almost sounded like a real offer of help," she said. "I'm fine though."

She went off to her room while I stayed where I was. I replayed the events of the past several minutes in my head. My instinctual reaction was still to think that something was seriously wrong with my sister. Boredom didn't come close to fully explaining her actions. I couldn't blame her though, not entirely. I had spied on her while she was in varying states of undress, and arguably that was more fucked up than anything she'd done.

I eventually gave up and left the house to go back to my place. I'd have to come back again the next day, but maybe things would make more sense by then.


Despite my reservations, I returned for a second day of 'babysitting.' I hoped that whatever weirdness there had been between Brianna and me would have dissipated over night. I wasn't overly optimistic about the odds of that being the case.

Brianna was just getting breakfast when I arrived. Unlike the day before, she was dressed a little more modestly in a t-shirt and pyjama pants. Her choice of outfit didn't necessarily mean anything, but I took it as a good sign.

"Hey," she said. "Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday. And I can see a lot better today, so you don't have to stick around if you don't want to. I won't tell Mom or anything."

I was kind of surprised to get an apology from her as our very first interaction of the day. I decided not to be a smartass about it.

"You know what? It's fine. We both did stupid shit yesterday. You had a better excuse for it than I did anyway."

"Maybe. I want to blame it on the medication they put me on, but honestly I don't think that had much to do with it. I'm pretty sure I was just bored and not thinking things through well enough."

"How 'bout we just say we're both dumbasses and leave it at that?"

"Fair enough."

With our immediate business concluded, Brianna went back to getting her breakfast. She got a box of cereal out and poured some in a bowl. When she went to grab the milk out of the fridge I snatched some of the cereal from her bowl, eating it dry.

"You could have just asked me to pour you a bowl too, dammit," she said.

"I didn't want a whole bowl full," I said.

"No, you just wanted to aggravate me. We had a good two minutes of mature dialogue, I s'pose that's probably about as good as I could hope for."

"Mature people can share, you know. Maybe that's something you still need to learn."

"You're such a little shit."

"Aw, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be."

I gave Brianna a surprise apology hug from behind while she was pouring her milk. She jumped at the unexpected contact and nearly poured the milk all over the floor instead.

"Cut it out! I'm hungry and I'm gonna be cranky if you make me spill this."

"Fine. I try to be nice and hug my sister, but nooo. Apparently that's bad too. I don't know wha-"

Brianna whirled around and delivered an impressively solid punch to my chest. She actually knocked me slightly off-balance, forcing me to take a step back to avoid falling over.

"You're so full of shit," she said.

"I'm also injured now, thanks to you," I said as I rubbed my chest where her fist had landed.

"Aw, poor bay-bee. Want your mommy to kiss it better?"

"Fuck off."

"Not as much fun when you're the one getting picked on, is it?"

Brianna walked past me to the living room with her cereal. I followed her for lack of anything better to do.

"Ugh, where'd the remote go?" she asked once she'd settled into her seat on the couch. "I thought I left it right here."

"So much for your eyesight coming back," I said.

"I said it was better, not that it was fully back. Can you just tell me if you see the remote and not be an ass about it?"

"Well if you're gonna call me names, I don't think I want to help."

"You're such a child."

I stuck my tongue out at her, but she ignored me. After a few seconds I gave in and took a quick look around the room. There was no sign of the remote.

"I honestly don't see it," I said. "It didn't get trapped under the cushions or something, did it?"

"I don't think so."

"Well... did you actually check?"

"I'm busy," she said, holding up her cereal.

"Fine. I'll do it. Get up for a sec."

Brianna grumbled about it, but she pushed herself to her feet. Or at least she tried to. I had no idea what happened, but somehow she tripped and fell to the floor. She managed to twist her body so that she landed on her shoulder rather than her face, but she dropped the cereal bowl she'd been holding. It shattered as it impacted the floor, making a sizeable mess.

"Fuck," Brianna said.

"How... what... you know what, never mind. Are you okay?"

"Physically? Yes. Mostly I just feel stupid. Pretty much par for the course lately."

She rolled onto her back, away from the puddle of milk she'd accidentally created. Part of her shirt had gotten hit before she moved, but it was only a small wet spot. As my eyes traveled downward from her shirt to her pyjama pants, I abruptly realized that they were sitting lower than usual.

"Bree, you, uh, might want to fix your pants."

I could just barely see the top of her pussy peeking out above the waist of her bottoms. They must have been pulled down a little as she fell, or maybe when she rolled over. I wasn't sure which.

"Ugh. I don't even care."

"But I can see your-"

"So don't look. Or do look. Whatever."

Brianna was on the verge of being legitimately upset. I could hear the warning signs in her voice. I always tried to walk the line between annoying her and truly pissing her off, but this time it hadn't been anything I did. At least not anything I'd done directly or on purpose.

"Come on, let's get you up," I said, extending my hand to help her to her feet.

She ignored me and continued to lie on the floor, giving no sign of wanting to move.

"I'm not going anywhere," she said. "Just gonna lie here all hungry and blind and cranky and there's nothing you can do about it."

Brianna folded her arms across her chest and extended her bottom lip slightly. She was getting dangerously close to sulk-mode. I really didn't want to deal with trying to cheer her up if she went into a full on pout.

"Well... you're mostly wrong, actually. You're not blind, for one. You're the one who keeps reminding me of that. Also, there is something I can do about it."

"Like what?"

"If you don't get up I'll pull your pyjama bottoms the rest of the way off."

She sighed. "Give it a rest, Lee. You keep threatening to do dirty, pervy things, but you never do. Not intentionally. It's all just to get a reaction out of me. I don't know why I keep falling for it, honestly. I should know better."

"I'm not kidding this time. You've obviously been going crazy the past few days, what with all the boredom and flashing me and shit. So what we're gonna do is get out of the house for a while and maybe restore a little sanity. I haven't decided where we'll go yet, but I'm open to suggestions."

"Maybe later. Ask me again in an hour."

"Nope. You've got ten seconds, then your pants are coming off and I'm gonna perv on you so hard."

"M'not playing your game this time. You're not getting a reaction out of me. I'm not doing it."

"Ten," I said. "Nine. Eight."

"Fuck off."

"Seven. Six."

I grabbed the ankles of her pyjama pants and made sure I had a decent grip. I actually wasn't sure what I was going to do if Brianna called my bluff. She was right about me just trying to get a reaction out of her. At least I had good intentions this time, unlike usual.

"Stop counting and just do it if you're gonna do it. I know you won't."

"Five. Four."

Brianna remained defiant and clearly believed that there was no chance I'd end up following through. Her indifference to my threat was what finally made up my mind for me.

"Threetwoone," I said, finishing the last few numbers as quickly as I could.

I pulled on her bottoms without giving her any further chance of giving in. The face she made when she felt her pants sliding down her legs was hilarious. She belatedly tried to stop me, but her waistband was already down to her mid-thigh before she could grab it. A tug of war match ensued. I was less interested in winning than I was in checking out her exposed pussy.

"What are you doing?!" Brianna demanded. "Fuck off! Let go!"

I ignored her.

She kept her pussy nicely trimmed with just a small patch of hair left above her slit. Despite her protests, I took my time in admiring her smooth, bare lips.

"You fucking perv!" she yelled.

She tried to kick me, but didn't have very much luck. Having her pant legs under my control made things tricky for her.

"Thought you didn't care," I said.

"I... you... fucking... whatever. Fuck."

Brianna let go and allowed me remove her bottoms. Her face masked over into a deliberately neutral expression. She kept her eyes on me though.

"You have a nice pussy," I said.

She blushed. "Shut up."

"It's true."

She looked way, way too hot lying there beneath me, naked from the waist down. Her long, bare legs and her smooth, sexy little pussy were enough to make my cock twitch in approval. I was about halfway to having a full erection in my pants.

"Dammit, Lee. You're such a perv."

"I guess maybe I am. But you've been encouraging me."

"Have not." Brianna's protests were getting weaker and weaker, and I was pretty sure she realized it too. "Okay. Maybe I like it when you look at me."

"You do, do you?"

"I said maybe. I just..." She squirmed a little under my gaze, simultaneously embarrassed and enjoying the attention, if I was reading her correctly. "I don't know what it is. When you look at me and think I can't tell... it's nice. I don't know how to describe it any better."

"What about right now?"

"Right now I think we're both being stupid."

"Well... you're not wrong. That wasn't really what I meant though."

I put my hand on her thigh, laying my palm flat across her bare skin. I wanted to touch her or, better yet, somehow convince her to touch me. I knew I should be ignoring those desires, but I was getting pretty turned on and not thinking clearly. Her pussy looked so tempting.

"When I was playing with myself last night, I kind of thought you were faking being asleep at first," Brianna said, pretending not to notice where my hand was. "I thought maybe you were watching me. I couldn't tell just by looking, not in the dark."

"You're a bad girl, Bree."

My hand slid steadily up her thigh. She lay perfectly still, allowing me to approach my eventual goal.

"Shut up. You're bad too. Look at what you're doing right now."

"So tell me to stop."

I paused briefly when I reached the top of Brianna's thigh. I didn't dare to look her in the eye. I was too afraid of what I'd see. It wasn't that I thought she'd be angry, but more that I suspected that all I'd see were my own feelings mirrored back to me. She had yet to tell me to stop, despite me asking her to.

My fingers glided lightly over her skin, the contact between our bodies growing fainter as I got closer to her pussy. I was terrified, and I didn't know why. I wanted to touch her, I really did, but I felt like I was approaching a land mine.

"You know something?" Brianna said, distracting me momentarily. "Spending time with you is never boring."

"Um... thanks?"

"In all the years I've known you, you've been mostly a pain in the ass, and occasionally nice, but never ever boring. I think that's what I needed."

Her breathing seemed slightly heavier than usual, and her face was noticeably flushed. She bit her lip when she saw me looking, but didn't say anything else.

"This is about the least boring thing we could be doing right now," I agreed. "But I'm not sure that's a good thing."

"It is, and it isn't. All depends on how you look at it."

Brianna's hips jerked upward when I made it to her pussy lips. My heart was beating fast, and seemed so loud to me that I was worried she could hear it. I was sure that Mom and Dad would burst in on us at any moment despite knowing that they wouldn't. It was just us and my paranoia.

I ran a finger up and down her slit. Even though I was being as gentle as I could, barely even touching her at times, I began to feel a surprising amount of moisture on my fingertip. The situation was hot in an illicit 'we shouldn't be doing this' kind of way, but somehow I hadn't expected her to get quite as turned on by it as I was.

I rubbed Brianna's pussy with greater confidence once I decided that she really wasn't going to stop me. We were both horny and slightly out of control, and in my mind it was somehow preferable for us both to be acting stupidly rather than just me.

Her hips gyrated under my touch as her body began to seek release. Initially I'd mostly been interested in my own deviant pleasure, but the way she was reacting triggered something in me. I wasn't sure if it was a purely sexual thing, or if because deep down I genuinely cared for my sister, but I wanted to make her feel good. I wanted to make her cum. I gently increased the pressure on one of my fingers, letting it slide between her pussy lips and deeper inside of her.

"No!" she said suddenly.

Brianna clamped her legs together, trapping my hand.

"What? I thought... I thought it was okay."

Her abrupt change of heart confused me and, bizarrely, made me worry that I'd fucked up badly. I knew she'd been okay with me touching her, and I knew that I hadn't done anything seriously wrong, but her sudden denial managed to take away all my confidence in one fell swoop. I didn't understand what had happened.

"I'm sorry," she said, relaxing her legs. "Just... stay outside, okay? Just touch me on the outside."

"Oh. Okay. Sorry."

"Lee... honestly, it feels good, but..."

"No, it's fine, I get it. We should have boundaries."

"Thank you," she said with a tentative smile. "I kind of want to let you do what you were gonna do, but... I don't think we should. I mean, obviously we shouldn't. Fuck. I don't even know anymore."

"Do you want me to stop? Like, seriously this time. I will if you want me to."

She shook her head. "No. I want you to keep going. Just not inside me."

I nodded and returned my attention to her pussy. I resumed rubbing her slit, this time without making any attempt at penetrating her. It was still incredibly hot getting to finger her and watch her body react. The expression on her face was actually kind of adorable, which was a weird thing to realize. I never would have guessed that I'd end up providing that kind of pleasure to my little sister, yet here we were.

Brianna let out a soft moan. She had closed her eyes and was lying still except for some involuntary hip movement. I wondered if she was trying to pretend it was someone other than her brother touching her. Even though it shouldn't have made a difference to me, I kind of hoped that wasn't the case.

After a few minutes of rubbing her pussy, I regained some of my sense of adventure. Brianna's eyes being closed made it slightly easier to be brave, since I wasn't under quite as much scrutiny. I shifted my position and leaned down until my face was directly above where I was stroking her. I couldn't believe what I was thinking about doing, but I didn't want to back out. Her slit looked so wet and inviting.

Without giving myself any more time to chicken out, I moved my head down and licked the length of my sister's pussy. She gasped, and I was afraid she was about to shut me down again. I licked her again before she had a chance to do anything, then again and again. After about half a dozen times I relaxed a little, since she hadn't made any attempt at stopping me. I looked up at her to find her looking right back, her bottom lip held between her teeth.

"It's just on the outside," I said, as though I had some need to explain myself.

"Then why'd you stop?" she asked in a quiet voice.

I grinned and went back to licking her. Her pussy tasted good in a decidedly sexy kind of way. Originally the appeal had mostly been in the thrill and danger of it all, but even with the element of risk fading away I was still enjoying myself. It was probably the first time in my life that I'd been so enthusiastic about doing something that made my sister feel good.

While keeping my tongue busy, I moved one of my hands to the top of Brianna's slit. I started rubbing more or less where her clit should be and guided my fingers based on her reactions. I was able to gauge how well I was doing by paying attention to the wiggling of her hips and the moans that escaped her mouth.

Eventually my efforts were rewarded and I brought my sister to orgasm. A rush of juices washed over my tongue while faint mewls of pleasure came from above me. Her hips lifted off the floor a couple of times as she fought for control of her own body. She alternated stiffening and relaxing beneath me, and I felt her fingers grasping at my hair. I kept licking until she was done.

When I lifted my head to check on Brianna, I found that she was lying flat on her back with her eyelids drooped partly closed. She smiled lazily at me, and I smiled back. I was abnormally pleased with myself.

"You're welcome," I said.

Brianna giggled softly.

"You're rather full of yourself, aren't you? But I suppose maybe I should let you have that one. Just this once."

"How benevolent of you."

"Mm-hm." She sat up, putting our upper bodies closer together. She reached out hesitantly and touched my chin. "You looked kinda shiny. Guess that's my fault, isn't it?"

I wiped at the pussy juices on my face with the back of my arm.

"Did that get it?"

"You're asking the blind girl? You're much less shiny at least. That's about all I can tell."

We sat there awkwardly, neither of us quite sure what we were supposed to do next. All those years of living together hadn't taught us anything about what the proper etiquette was in the event of oral sex. Some brief, uncomfortable silence followed by going about the rest of our day and pretending nothing ever happened sounded about right.

"You've got quite a tent going on there," Brianna said, her voice barely louder than a whisper. "Even I can tell. You're gonna need to take care of that."

"Yeah, I s'pose I should."

There was another moment of silence where I was pretty sure we were both thinking the same thing, but couldn't say it. Her pussy was still on display for me which meant my erection wasn't going anywhere.

"Dammit, Lee. Just take your pants off already. We're gonna be sitting here forever otherwise."

I couldn't help smirking a little.

"Is that an order?"

I stood up and started undoing my belt before she could come up with a retort. She watched intently as I pulled down my pants. It felt kind of surreal to be removing my boxers and letting her see my cock, even though she'd been bottomless for a while now. The way her face lit up when my erection came into view assuaged any lingering doubts I may have had.

It was always reassuring when a girl wasn't disappointed at the first sight of my cock. Brianna certainly didn't seem to be. She must have been able to see well enough to at least make out the general shape of it. The confidence boost her hungry stare gave me combined with my horniness made the situation a lot more comfortable for me. I sat back down next to her with my cock pointing up at an angle.

Brianna reached toward me, then stopped halfway.

"It's okay if I do it, right?" she said.

"I thought that was the whole point of me taking off my pants," I said.

"Don't be a smartass. I was just making sure."

I bit back my next comment. It seemed unwise to provoke an argument at that moment. I knew better than to piss of a girl who wanted to play with my penis.

Brianna's touch was delicate initially, much as mine had been on her. It was enough to make my cock twitch though. She smiled as she ran her fingers lightly up and down my shaft and watched my reactions.

"You got pretty hard just from touching your little sister," she said softly.

"So what?" I asked, figuring she was going to tease me about it.

"Just saying, that's all."

She took a firmer grip on me and began stroking the length of my erection. Her soft little fingers felt so good. The look of concentration on her face was kind of cute too. She soon fell into a constant rhythm of up and down strokes and appeared to be more confident about what she was doing.

"That feels really good," I breathed.

"Yeah, you looked like you were enjoying it." Brianna pushed her hair behind her ear with her free hand and adopted a thoughtful expression. "So... how much are you okay with me doing?"

"I... don't understand what you're asking."

"I just wanted... never mind. I'm sure you'll tell me if you want me to stop."

Brianna leaned down over my lap. My eyes widened as I watched her position herself for what looked like a blowjob. I wouldn't have thought she'd go for it, but I had no intention of protesting if she did. I groaned involuntarily as her tongue snaked out and flicked across the head of my cock.

"Fuuuck, Bree."

"You did lick me already," she mumbled from below. "Thought it would be okay if I did the same. It's not like there'd be any penetration going on."

I didn't try to make sense of her logic. I didn't particularly care if she had a point or not. I was far more interested in feeling her tongue traveling across my shaft. It was a huge change from her fingers and made what she was doing to me that much hotter.

Brianna alternated jerking me off and licking me from the base of my erection to the tip. The friction between her hand and my cock gradually decreased as more and more of her saliva coated my skin. It was no blowjob, but it was still pretty amazing and completely unique as far as my experiences went.

"Shit, Bree. You're gonna make me cum."

"That'd be the idea."

She stroked me faster, interspersing fewer and fewer licks as I got closer. I leaned back slightly as I felt my orgasm rising. My own little sister was about to make me cum, and I was loving it.

"I'm cumming," I said louder than necessary.

I got the warning out mere seconds before the first shot of cum erupted from my cock. With lightning fast reflexes, Brianna moved her free hand between her and my cock, blocking my semen from hitting her anywhere except her hands. She kept jerking me off the whole time, waiting until I was finished to release me. By the time I was done, there was a fairly large mess between my legs.

"That was kinda fun," Brianna said.

She brought her hands up to her face and squinted a little, examining them as best she could. It was just cum. I wasn't sure what the big deal was.

"Thanks," I said.

"You're welcome." She wiped her hands off on her previously discarded pyjama pants, then hesitated for a second before handing them to me. "These are gonna need washed anyway."

We cleaned ourselves up, getting as much of my cum wiped off our skin and the floor as possible. At almost the same moment we both remembered that we were sitting next to our sibling, each naked from the waist down. There was another brief moment of awkwardness between us.

"So, uh, shall we get dressed?" I asked, more to break the silence than anything.

"Probably should. But, uh, Lee?"


"I know we don't see each other that much anymore, but when we do... d'you think you'd want to try this again? Or whatever?"

I looked at her still-bare pussy, at my cock, and at the floor. All the sensations of the past half hour were fresh in my mind. It was weird to think that what we'd just done was probably the most fun we'd ever had together.

"Sure," I said. "I mean, obviously you need more practice. I should help you out with that."

"You fucking jerk! You had to go and ruin the moment, didn't you?"

Brianna hit me hard a couple times before I scrambled to my feet. She followed close behind me. I was laughing too hard to dodge properly so she was able to keep up with me pretty well. Eventually she started laughing too.

"Sorry," I said.

"No you're not. You're just an asshole. But sometimes... sometimes you're tolerable."

She moved past me on the way to her room. I stared at her naked butt as she walked without any attempt at being sneaky about it.

"Bree," I called after her.


"You have a nice ass."

She flipped me off over her shoulder just before leaving my line of sight. I sighed and looked around the room, making sure we hadn't missed anything. Only one thing was perfectly clear in my mind; we were definitely going to have to do that again.