
All I Need Pt. 04


Author's Note:

All characters engaged in sexual activity in this story are at least 18 years old. This story contains incest and graphic sexual activity, you have been forewarned.

This is Part 4 of the story, All I Need, and picks up directly after Part 3. I would encourage you to read parts one, two, and three before reading this in order to understand what is going on.

Special thanks to cliffhangingtom for providing valuable feedback and encouragement. Constructive feedback is always appreciated. I enjoy reading what people think of my story and respond to all rational feedback.

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Part Four.

I hate waiting in airports. And I really hated them this particular morning. It was just after five in the morning and I was stuck sitting in an uncomfortable chair, sipping mediocre coffee and trying to wake up. I'd managed to sleep about an hour and a half the night before and was feeling it. Amy was sitting in the seat across from me, dozing off with her head leaning on our mother's shoulder. Our father was reading the paper, about as cheerfully as he ever appeared, while waiting for the boarding call. I wanted to be back home in bed, and I wanted Amy's head on my shoulder. But neither of those things were going to happen at the moment. I knew I was just being grumpy, having only slept a couple of hours the previous night, and occupied myself with trying to find a song on my phone worth listening to at this hour. Giving up, I stood up and paced to the large windows facing the tarmac. It was far too early for this, I thought to myself, as I polished off my coffee and went for a refill. The plane wouldn't be boarding for another hour and a half or so. Dad's impatience could be infuriating.

As I waited in the short line for my coffee, I felt a hand slip around my waist from behind. Startled, I spun around and stared in Amy's momentarily alarmed eyes.

"I just wanted a quick hug." She rocked back on her heel a half step. I cut my eyes back toward the waiting area and realized we were well out of the line of sight from our parents. She realized what I was doing and gave me a grin.

"I'm not stupid, you know. It's okay."

"Sorry, I'm not awake yet." I relaxed a little and gave her a hug. "I thought you were asleep."

"Just resting my eyes. I saw you head over here and wanted a hug. May not be much chance for that this week." Her smile was back.

"Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that part." I half grumbled as I paid for my coffee, then added. "Want anything?"

"Blueberry muffin?"

"You got it." I replied and paid the cashier.

"Thanks." She took the muffin and headed back to sit with our parents a few feet ahead of me.

Upon boarding the plane, I discovered that while my parents were seated toward the front of the cabin, my seat was mid-cabin and Amy's was toward the rear. Resigning myself to my fate, I sunk into my seat and hoped to at least get a nap in on the flight. A few minutes later, a tall, gray haired guy in a business suit tapped me on the shoulder. I glanced up at him.

"Excuse me, but there's a pretty young lady back there who informed me that she's terrified of flying and would feel much better if her brother was next to her."

I glanced back at Amy, who was currently giving me one of her better shit eating grins.

"Yeah, she can be a real basket case on an airplane." I nodded.

"I told her I would offer to swap seats with you so she could be more comfortable." The man smiled.

"Thank you, sir. I imagine your arm would thank you if it knew the size of the bruises she'd be putting on it when we take off, as well. She's got quite a grip." I stood and let him take my seat. He chuckled at that as I made my way back to sit next to Amy.

"That was clever." I muttered to her, buckling my seat belt. She rubbed my thigh affectionately and smiled.

"I have my moments." She replied. "You aren't the only devious one in the family."

"Me? Devious?" I feigned indignation. "I most certainly am not."

"Whatever, jackass." Her fingers interlocked with mine and we settled in for the flight.

* * *

Our Uncle Dennis and his son Brad were waiting for us at the airport. I greeted them both and then hung back while the rest of the family proceeded to hold a conversation with them at breakneck speed. We collected our luggage from baggage claim and loaded everything into my uncle's huge SUV. Within minutes of being in the car, I fell asleep with my head against a back window. Amy sat next to Brad on the seat in front of me, as we were purposely putting a little distance between us. It was going to be a long, long week.

It was a three hour drive to their cabin in the mountains. I slept for most of it. When I did finally wake up, not long before we arrived, I was feeling much better about the world. And in serious need of a bathroom.

Calling Aunt Linda and Uncle Dennis' place a cabin was a serious understatement. They were both very successful in the tech field and loaded. The cabin was a large, two story affair on a mountainside with a four car garage attached. They had an enclosed back deck with a fire pit, an indoor heated hot tub, and a huge living area. It was the family's favored place for gatherings and we'd come here almost every Thanksgiving for years.

As soon as we arrived, I excused myself to duck into the garage's bathroom for a much needed piss. I washed up and got back to the car just in time to grab the last of the luggage and follow everyone inside. Aunt Linda, our other cousin, Courtney, met us inside and the rapid fire conversation continued. Brad and Courtney were around the same age as Amy and I, both in college themselves. Within minutes, Courtney had Amy by the arm, dragging her off to her bedroom. Brad and I wandered down to the basement game room to shoot some pool.

"You guys got here first, so if you're smart, you'll lay claim to that sofa over there." Brad motioned to a large sofa in the corner of the room. "It's a lot more comfortable than the others and you sure as hell don't want the inflatable mattress."

"Yeah, no shit." I laughed. I'd been stuck with the inflatable mattress a couple of times over the years. The last time I had been left with it, I'd opted to sleep on the hard floor instead. At least the floor didn't squeak with my every move. I tossed my bags on the better of the sofas.

"So, while you were out cold in the car, Amy told me you had another art show last week. How did that go?" He asked, as he tossed me a pool cue.

"So far, so good. The show lasts another two weeks. I've sold four pieces so far, though."

"Damn, son. You're doing good with that, then?" He sounded impressed.

"It is what it is," I shrugged. "I'm doing okay with it, I guess."

"Amy made it sound a lot better than that. She said you had the primary placement in the show and that you have the department head as a mentor. She's proud of you, dude." Brad looked at me puzzled.

"My sister's got a big mouth." I mumbled. Less than a day into this trip and she's already talking about me more than I was comfortable with.

"How's school going for you?" I asked.

"Not bad, bro." He replied. "I'm getting nervous about next semester. Only two more to go. I have a few classes I've been putting off because I know they are gonna suck and it's now or never."

"I hear ya."

"I think I'm gonna ask Brenda to marry me." Brenda had been Brad's girlfriend for most of college. I couldn't say that I was surprised to hear this.

"That's awesome man. I'm sure she'll go for it."

"Man, I hope so. I really think she will, but there's always that nagging doubt, ya know?"

"Well, I've never proposed to anyone, but I know all about nagging doubt." I replied.

"Nagging doubt?" A female voice piped up behind us. We both turned to see Courtney and Amy walking up to us. Courtney continued. "About what?"

"I was just telling Adam that I'm thinking of proposing to Brenda." Brad piped up.

"Ah. That again?" Courtney replied. Then to Amy and I, she said "He's been going on about this for about six months now. I think he's too chickenshit to go through with it and he's trying to grow a pair."

"My ass. I'm just trying to find the right time, is all." Brad sounded defensive enough for me to suspect Courtney may be on to something and had to suppress a grin.

We all chatted and shot pool for about an hour or so as more relatives arrived. Eventually we headed upstairs for to join the rest of the family for dinner. The remainder of the night was pretty uneventful. Amy would be staying in Courtney's room tonight as Courtney had a queen sized bed and it was something of a tradition for them.

When it came time for everyone to go to bed, I went down to the game room and sacked out on the good couch. I couldn't get comfortable, of course, as it always took me a night or two to get used to sleeping away from home. I had just hit play on the latest Radiohead album when I got a text message from Amy.

"I don't get to say goodnight in person tonight. This sucks. Miss your arms around me. Love you, baby."

I smiled at the message. This was the first night since Rome that we hadn't at least kissed each other. Emphasis on the 'at least'. I responded back in kind and settled in for a long uncomfortable night. At least I would be able to give some of the albums I'd picked up lately a proper listen, I thought. Three albums later, I finally fell asleep.

The next morning, the family gathering chaos began in earnest as the remainder of the extended family that would be attending arrived. By the early afternoon, I was ready to dive out the window into the snow and walk to the airport on foot. After spending the appropriate amounts of time greeting everyone and doing the small talk thing, I retreated to the game room and sketched for a while at the couch that had become my refuge.

A short while later, Amy and our cousins turned up and we all shot pool for a while. I had a difficult time behaving as Amy would bend over the pool table to take a shot, and I was reasonably certain that she knew it as she tended to take shots from angles that pointed her ass toward me when she bent. I had to remind myself that despite the majesty of the ass in front of me, it would be unwise to give it the smacking it so desperately needed in front of our current company. When there was an opportune moment to check my phone, I fired off a text calling her a dirty tease. She looked pleased with herself when she next looked at her phone.

That night when everyone went to bed, she sent me another goodnight message. It was a mild solace to know I wasn't the only one feeling the effects of our current lack of privacy. Of course, then she made it worse by sending a follow up text expressing a desire to have my cock in her mouth. The even more explicit text that followed nearly gave me an erection hard enough be concerned about unintentionally pole vaulting off of the sofa should I roll over. Considering I was sleeping in a room with four other people, there was no way I was going to risk rubbing one out. I spent a good twenty minutes trying to talk my dick into settling down. She could be such a goddamned tease.

The following evening, the parents set up shop in the huge living room, while the kids played in the game room. The rest of us moved out to the back deck around the fire pit. A few of Brad and Courtney's friends came over and soon we had about a dozen people gathered around the fire pit, perched on various furniture. We were all chatting, drinking beer, and enjoying the fire. Well, the majority of them were chatting. I did a lot of listening, being my typical introverted self. A lot of listening and a whole lot of trying not to focus in on the way Amy's face was lit up by the light of the fire. Amy was seated next to Courtney across from me. Brad was seated next to me, but his attention was mostly on Brenda, who was sitting on his other side. Courtney's best friend, Kayla, wandered over and sat next to Courtney on the other side.

I used to have a thing for Kayla. One look at her and it was easy to understand why. She was a short, shapely, strawberry blonde with large breasts and big green eyes. She was also one of those affectionate types who always seemed to want to touch you when she talked. I had masturbated to her image a few times over the years, but never gotten the nerve up to do anything about my attraction to her because there never seemed much point. First and foremost, she'd never expressed much interest in me. We lived almost a thousand miles apart. And guys were lined up from half of Colorado to date her from what I gathered. But all of that was then. This year, I could not have been less interested in her.

Before long, the girls got going on the topic of relationships, of course. After about twenty minutes, the inevitable happened. I was half listening, mostly just watching the way the burning coals shimmered in the fire pit while sipping my beer, when Courtney looked over at me.

"So how about you, Adam?" She asked.

"What's that?" I asked, looking up at her.

"You seeing anyone back home?"

I shrugged noncommittally, resolutely not looking at Amy despite feeling her eyes on me.

"Or are you just patrolling the art department for random ass?" She clearly had a few drinks in her at this point.

"Nah. I've been keeping to myself for the most part." I replied, giving roughly the same answer I'd given the last couple of years.

"Really? I would have thought being a big shot in the art department would have art major freshmen girls throwing themselves at you." She laughed.

"Big shot? Hardly." I laughed.

"That's not what Amy told me." She replied, shrugging. "She said you had one of the most prestigious spots in the art show last week."

"He definitely did," Amy jumped in. She picked her phone up from her lap and started pulling up photos from the show. "Check out some of his paintings."

As Courtney and Kayla looked through the photos, I looked over at Amy in mild embarrassment. She just smiled sweetly at me. She always seemed so much more proud of me than I was of myself. It baffled me. But somewhere, deep inside, I loved her more for it. I wanted her to be proud of me.

"Some of these paintings are really nice." Kayla said, while Courtney and Amy nodded.

"Oh my god," Courtney suddenly exclaimed. "Look at this! Someone actually got Adam in a tie!"

"Let me see." Kayla exclaimed. Amy started giggling.

"Oh, hell." I muttered. "Gimme that." Courtney passed the phone to me as Amy tried to intercept.

"Don't you delete that!" Amy threatened, suddenly alarmed. "It's not every day my brother is something other than a t-shirt."

"I don't recall signing a photo release." I cocked an eyebrow at her and smirked as I looked at the photo. I had never seen her take it. I was leaning against a column at the art gallery, in a dress shirt and tie, looking off to the side toward one of my paintings, a beer bottle absently hanging from one hand. As photos went, it was one of the better ones of me.

"I mean it, Adam. I will kick your ass if you delete that." Amy threatened again. There was a hint of actual malice in her voice.

Amy remained clearly on edge until the phone was passed back to Courtney. She knew very well how much I despised being in photos. I didn't delete the picture, though, and I remained slightly amused by her threats.

"So you really have paintings hanging up in an art gallery, and you're telling me the sensitive artist angle isn't helping you reel in chicks left and right?" Courtney asked mischievously.

I shrugged. "I do alright, I guess."

"Don't buy his attempt at being all mysterious." Amy chimed in, clearly relieved that her phone was no longer in my possession. "He's been out plenty."

"Oh yeah?" Courtney glanced over at me. "He's holding out on us?"

"I'll say," Amy laughed. "He came down to breakfast one morning looking like he'd been mauled. Mom called him on it. It was pretty hilarious. He had this bite mark on his neck so deep you could count the teeth."

I buried my face in my hand. She enjoyed getting mileage out of that story. The little brat.

"Damn, Adam. I'm impressed." Kayla let out a low whistle. "You must have done something right to have a girl deliver that kinda damage."

There were a few laughs, while I hung my head. I glanced at Amy, who was grinning mischievously. I decided to just go with it.

"Yeah, I got a whole speech about using protection out of that one. Meanwhile, this brat sat there laughing at my ass." I pointed at Amy, while chuckling a little. Mostly I was chuckling at the memory of the relief I'd felt when our mother hadn't clued in on the true origins of the teeth marks.

Courtney, Kayla, and Brad all laughed their asses off at that. Amy grinned ear to ear, and only when everyone was looking at me did she give me a very sexy smirk, for only a moment. I suspected she was remembering that night with the same fondness that I did.

"I gotta say, cuz." Courtney laughed. "I think I'd have an ego problem if I were you. Not be all humble about it."

I just shrugged in response and left it at that, taking a long swig from my beer. I noticed Kayla's eyes linger on me a bit longer than the rest of them.

Much to my relief, the conversation soon steered back to one of Courtney's disastrous dates. We all laughed about the train wreck of a guy that one of her friends had insisted would be perfect for her. At some point during the talk, Kayla excused herself to get another beer and when she returned, she sat down next to me. Kayla grabbed one of my sketchbooks that had been sitting on top of the bag in front of me.

"Can I look at this?" She asked.

"Sure. Go ahead," I shrugged. She settled in and started flipping through the sketchbook. I noticed Amy stiffen up the tiniest bit at Kayla's move to sit next to me and wondered if she had been aware of my crush on Kayla in previous years. She probably had. Women seemed to be pretty perceptive about these things.

I turned to Brad, purposely avoiding much conversation with Kayla for the moment and asked if he was interested in going snowboarding the following morning.

"Yeah, man. Sounds like fun." He replied, then added. "Probably the only chance we'll get while you're here this time around, too. You're leaving on Saturday, right?"

"Flight leaves Saturday afternoon." I nodded. Brad was right. It was Tuesday night, the following day was the day before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving day we'd be tied up with family stuff and most of the family would be on a shopping trip on Friday. This was probably the only chance we'd get to snowboard, if we were going to.

I finished the last of my beer and stood to get another. I saw that Amy's was empty and pointed to it, raising my eyebrows questioningly at her. She nodded, indicating she'd like another. I fetched two bottles and passed one to her when I returned. I noticed Courtney looking at me with mild curiosity out of the corner of my eye.

"Here ya go. There's some neat stuff in here." Kayla said, returning my sketchbook to me when I sat back down with my beer.

"Thanks." I mumbled, as I put the book back in my art bag. She took another swig from her beer and dried the moisture from the bottle on her pants leg.

"Is that the only one you have with you?" She asked.

"Here ya go." I pulled another sketchbook from my bag and passed it to her.

Kayla leaned against me, curling her legs up to the side and beneath her as she looked through the sketchbook. My right arm was pinned against me rather awkwardly. I glanced up to see Courtney looking at Kayla with a small grin of amusement. Amy was resolutely staring down at her phone, trying to hide her irritation. Her fingers gripped her phone so tightly, that I could see that her knuckles were white from where I was sitting.

I stood up and made an excuse about going to the restroom. It was the best I could come up with at the moment. Kayla, looking a little uncertain, shifted to a more upright position on the bench as I passed by her. I could swear I heard Courtney chuckling as I left the room, but I wasn't certain that it was about what had just transpired. Fuck it. Let them think I'm just being shy and awkward. Whatever got me out of that situation.

I made my way to the bathroom and debated my options while I washed my hands for no other reason than to buy time. I went down to the basement and grabbed my coat from on top of my luggage and went out through the garage for a walk. It was pretty damned cold out, but better than staying in there.

I went a few hundred yards listening to my headphones when my phone chirped at me with a text from Amy.

"Where are you?"

"I went for a walk."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just didn't want to make a scene in there. Figured it was better if I just removed myself."

"She was pissing me off."

"I saw that. Couldn't think of a way to tell her I wasn't interested without making it weird for everyone. Sorry."

"You used to be interested. Not anymore?" Well, that answered that question.

"Not at all. You know me better than that." I sent back, pondering how the hell I got into this situation.

"Can't blame a girl for wanting a little reassurance, right? I mean, if we were around strangers, I could have claimed my territory." I actually chuckled a little at her reply. She had a point, but her wording amused me.

"Territory? I'm part of a turf war now?"

"Shut up, jackass. You know what I mean."

"When we get home, I'll give you all the reassurance in the world, beautiful."

"Mmm... I'm gonna hold you to that."

Feeling a little more confident that I'd navigated the minefield for now, I slid the phone back in my pocket and tried to warm my hands in my coat pockets. I walked for another quarter mile or so, then made the trek back to the house. Instead of going back to hang out around the fire pit, I went to the basement and curled up on the sofa, listening to some music. I'm not sure when I dozed off.

I felt a pair of soft lips touch mine. At first, my mind thought it was a dream about Amy, except the lips didn't feel like hers. But dreams are like that, I thought. Things are always a little off. Except I tasted mango lip gloss. I don't remember ever tasting anything in a dream. Do dreams allow you to taste flavors? I thought about that for a moment, then realized that I couldn't be dreaming because I was laying at an uncomfortable angle. I was laying at an uncomfortable angle in a dark basement on a sofa, with lips that tasted like mango lip gloss on mine. I opened my eyes just as the lips moved from my own and Kayla's face came into view.

"Wha..?" I started, a little too loudly.

"Shhh" She interrupted as quietly as possible, holding two fingers to my lips.

The fuck? My brain lurched into full motion again, the fog of sleep gone. I realized my whole debate about taste had taken only a second. That weird way that your subconscious mind bends the concept of time when you are not awake. Why the hell was she kissing me?

"Follow me." She whispered almost imperceptibly, smiling as she beckoned me to follow her with her hand.

I looked around the room and saw the other cousins sleeping on various furniture around the basement. Right at that moment, the air mattress across the room squeaked as my second cousin, James, rolled over. The poor bastard must have drawn the short straw on bed assignments.

I didn't want to follow her, but I didn't want to wake everyone up when I ended this nonsense. Jesus, this chick couldn't take a fucking hint. Part of me couldn't believe I was this annoyed, considering how much I wanted to be with her on previous trips here. But now, she was complicating my already complicated life and I didn't want that at all. This was one of those times when I was certain that if there was a deity above, they definitely had a sick sense of humor and considered me to be a favorite toy. I rolled off of the sofa and walked behind her, not bothering to pull my shoes on.

She led me back to the deck, although no one was in the room anymore and the fire pit was all but extinguished.

"You didn't come back earlier, so I thought I'd come down and find you." She smiled as she went to put an arm around my neck. I back peddled and she paused in reaction, giving me a perplexed look.

"What is this?" I asked, staying out of her reach.

"I'm just trying to get closer to you. You've always acted like you wanted me to." She replied, trying to sound as sweet as she could.

"Why now? You barely gave me the time of day before." I cocked an eyebrow. No way was I going to get into something with her, but I was still curious why the sudden interest. I suspected I didn't have all the pieces to this particular puzzle.

"I don't know. You looked cute earlier. I liked your drawings. I thought you wanted me." She suddenly looked shy and uncertain. She was playing up the cute angle with me, but I was immune to her charms.

"If this had been last year, you would have had me around your finger, Kayla. And I really don't want to hurt your feelings. But I'm seeing someone back home. This can't happen. I'm sorry."

"Well, that's back home, right? You're still here for a few days. We can have a lot of fun in with a few days." She grinned, stepping forward to put a hand on my chest and tried to move closer to me.

"Sorry, Kayla. That's not me. I'm can't do that to someone I care about." I backed away again, not smiling.

"Okay, if that what you really want. It's your loss." She shrugged. I saw the bitter look in her eyes. It was obvious that she wasn't used to rejection.

"Look, it's not your fault. You're a very beautiful girl. If I were single, this would be a very different conversation. I'm sorry." I continued to work my way back toward the door. She stayed were she was this time, looking at my chest, not meeting my eyes. I hoped that I hadn't hurt her feelings, although I was more than a little annoyed that she thought I was the kind to cheat on someone. That wasn't in my nature, and sure as hell wasn't in my nature when it came to Amy.

I made my way back down to the basement and sat in the far corner of the sofa. I wiped my mouth a few times with my thumb. I'd always hated the taste of mango, and this was no exception. Christ, I was ready for this trip to be over. I didn't sleep much that night, too unnerved by the events that evening.

* * *

The next day was spent snowboarding with Brad. After spending the early part of the morning locked in heavy debate with myself, I decided to come clean with Amy about the incident from the night before. I sent her a long text message while Brad drove us to the park, explaining the course of events. Amy was wicked pissed at Kayla's boldness, but seemed to have calmed down after a while and thanked me for telling her what had transpired. I reassured her that she had nothing to worry about and hoped that it would be the end of it.

In the evening, worn out from a long day spent snowboarding on zero sleep, I sat in front of the fire pit and stretched.

"It's cold out here." Amy said as she flopped down next to me with a throw blanket. She spread the blanket across both of us and snuggled up next to me in a mostly innocent manner. For appearances sake, I kept my arms above the blanket. One of her hands rested lightly on my thigh under the blanket, hidden by my arm. She gripped my thigh tightly for a moment and whispered. "I still want to hurt the bitch, but thanks for not trying to hide it from me."

"This week needs to be over, I've had enough of this shit." I muttered quietly, hearing footsteps approaching.

"Mmhmm." She nodded in agreement as Courtney flopped down on the bench across from us.

"You look tired, Adam." Courtney smiled.

"It was worth it. Even if I wound up with my face in the snow more than usual." I chuckled. "But yeah, I wore myself out."

"Gotta be better than asphalt." said Amy. "I remember seeing you land face first on that more than once."

"Definitely better than asphalt." I agreed.

Brad and Brenda turned up with a few extra beers to pass around to those of us who were empty.

Brad looked over at me and commented "My ass is kicked, dude."

"Yep. Same here." I nodded.

Brad and I compared notes on our various snowboarding mishaps from earlier in the day. At some point, a short while later, Amy laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I was amused at her move to stay close to me, while not being overt and arouse suspicion. As least that was what I thought she was up to until I heard her softly begin to snore. Brad left to drive Brenda home, leaving me with Courtney and a sleeping sister.

"Looks like you're trapped." Courtney said to me with a grin, nodding toward Amy.

"Yeah, I was just noticing that." I replied, cutting my eyes down at my sleeping sister.

"You really pissed Kayla off last night, from what I hear." Courtney said with a grin.

"Really? I was trying not to hurt her feelings." I sighed.

"You're fine. She just isn't used to rejection. I love her to death, but I have to admit it's pretty funny to see her trying to figure out how to deal with someone actually telling her no." She chuckled.

"Hmm?" Amy stirred and wrinkled her nose adorably.

"I was just telling your brother how Kayla was pretty mad that he shot her down last night." Courtney replied.

"Good for her." She mumbled, cracking open one eye.

"She's just pissed? I didn't hurt her feelings?" I asked, only mildly concerned.

"She's fine. Don't sweat it. She needed to come down a peg or two anyway. You probably did her a favor." Courtney chuckled.

Amy grumbled something unintelligible and closed her eyes again. I thought I made out the word "whore" in there somewhere, but I didn't want to ask for clarification.

A couple of minutes later I heard Amy start snoring softly again.

I looked over at Amy and shifted my shoulder. "Wake up, brat. Time for bed."

"What?" she groaned.

"I said time to get up and go to bed."

"Don't wanna." She mumbled.

"Courtney, go grab me a handful of snow, would ya?" I asked. Courtney started snickering.

"Nooooo." Amy cried softly and draped an arm across me. I moved her arm back to her side and shrugged a little more forcefully.

"Last chance, kid. Snow's coming." I warned.

"But I'm tired." She whined, dragging the last word out. She cracked open one eye and stared up at me pouting. "Carry me?"

"Carry you? What are you, a five year old?" I laughed. Had we been at home, I would have done it in a heartbeat. "Not happening, brat. Get your ass up and go to bed."

"Fine." She stuck her tongue out at me as she shuffled out of the room with the blanket hanging off of her shoulders.

* * *

Thanksgiving morning, I woke up early and hit the shower. I dried off and got dressed. I unlocked the bathroom door and the door handle turned in my hand, startling the hell out of me. I stepped back from the door, expecting it to fly open in my face. Instead, it opened slowly about a third of the way, and Amy slid into the bathroom looking over her shoulder as she did. She closed the door and locked it again, then spun and nearly ran into my arms. I can't say I wasn't relieved that it wasn't Kayla.

I broke our embrace with one arm just enough to turn on the water in the sink.

"You're out of your mind." I whispered to her, hoping the water would mask our voices to anyone who may pass in the hall. With at least a dozen people in the house who knew us, this felt like an incredible risk.

"I know. I just wanted a few seconds alone." She replied, planting her lips on my neck. I didn't notice until that moment that she was holding her travel kit with her. To anyone who wasn't standing right at the door, she was simply going to the bathroom as soon as I left. The overlap would only be apparent to someone who saw her enter or me leave. She could be a clever little shit, when she wanted.

I gave her a deep, lingering kiss, allowing one of my hands to cup her ass for emphasis. She melted into me immediately, a soft moan escaping her lips.

"I gotta go, baby." I whispered, letting my reluctance to leave her side show in my voice. She nodded, smiling.

"I just needed a quick kiss." Her eyes skipped down to the tent in my pants. "And to remind myself that I could do that to you."

I walked to the door, turned and walked right back up to her. I gave her another passionate kiss, this time groping her tits a moment before sliding my hand into her pajama pants and running my fingers over her slit, allowing the middle one to part her slightly. She melted again, groaning into the kiss. I pulled my hand away and slid my finger into my mouth, tasting her. She took a sharp breath and leaned up to kiss me again, but I slipped away to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" She pouted.

"I gotta go," I repeated with an evil grin. "I just wanted to remind myself that I could do that to you."

"Goddamned tease." She replied, but she was smirking. She looked a little shaky as she leaned against the counter.

I laughed quietly and slipped from the room. I made it about five feet down the hall before I turned back toward the door. I heard the lock click into place.

"Damn it," I mumbled. I could have knocked, but I knew it was best I didn't. We'd already pushed our luck enough for one morning. I sighed and went to find breakfast.

The rest of Thanksgiving day went mostly without incident. Thankfully, Kayla had gone home the night before to spend the day with her own family. Amy and I felt continually trapped by our circumstances after that incident in the bathroom. We maintained a careful distance from each other, very much against our desires. We still stole glances at each other periodically throughout the day, both of us wanting this week to be over. Eventually, she got roped into helping out in the kitchen by Courtney while I shot pool in the game room with Brad.

When everyone sat down for dinner, Amy sat across from me. She made sure that she dipped over several times while passing serving dishes around, allowing me plenty of opportunities to see down her blouse. It wasn't long into the meal before I felt a bare foot sliding up between my legs. I shot her a dirty look, but kept my composure. She was absently listening to our mother chattering away with Aunt Linda, chewing happily on a piece of turkey, while her toes rubbed my cock to an erection under the table. I casually dropped my hand below the table and pushed her foot away.

The amount of food on the table was daunting. All of it looked absolutely incredible. I had overdosed on seasoned potatoes with turkey gravy, and was currently working my way through a pile of steamed broccoli, when I saw the mischievous smirk cross my baby sister's face. Uh oh, I thought. Conversations from the family surrounding us was just as abundant as the food. Maybe five minutes passed, and the foot returned, rubbing itself along my cock.

I reached for my phone and fired off a text message. "Cut the shit, damn it."

Understandably, for appearances sake, she waited a minute or two to reach for her phone. I had long since slid mine back in my pocket. Her lips curled upward in a grin when she saw the text, and I felt her toes make another determined stroke across the length of my dick. Really? I thought. The little brat was asking for it.

I picked up my dining knife, glancing about to make sure no one had their eyes on me, and dropped my hands below the table. She cocked an eyebrow at me, unsure what I was planning to do. Grabbing her foot before she had a chance to retreat, I spun the blade around backwards. I drug the back of the knife very lightly and slowly down the arch of her foot, tickling her foot in the process. Amy suddenly coughed and straightened, making a show of having swallowed something wrong to mask how hard she was fighting off laughter. She struggled to pull her foot away, while straining to not be obvious about it. Considering my point made, I released her foot, which retreated rapidly back to where it belonged. I pretended to show concern that she'd not hurt herself with her choking act and then settled back into enjoying my meal.

She stuck her lower lip out in an adorable little pout for a tiny moment, which made me chuckle to myself. Her foot ventured back to my turf under the table, but she confined it to rubbing my lower leg affectionately. This was acceptable to me as it was substantially less risky. I kept my dining knife resting on my thigh in case I needed it again.

She wisely kept her damned foot to herself for the remainder of the meal. That didn't keep her from going out of her way to be as cute as possible and giving me seductive looks every chance she got. At one point, I thought I saw Brenda giving Amy a strange look and then glancing at me, but she said nothing. That kept me slightly nervous for the rest of the day.

We didn't see one another much at all on Friday, as she took off with most of the family on a shopping trip while I remained behind on babysitting duty. This was my curse every year. I didn't want to do much shopping, because I hated crowds, so I would stay behind with the younger kids who didn't want to wait around in long lines all day. Kayla had returned to join Courtney for the shopping trip. She shot daggers at me with her eyes whenever I happened to be in the same room with her for a bit, but I did my best to ignore them.

Early Saturday morning, we loaded everything back in the SUV, said our goodbyes to everyone, and Uncle Dennis drove us back down to the airport. About fifteen minutes into the drive, Amy laid down across the backseat and rode with her head in my lap. She made a show of saying how tired she was, but we both knew it was just because she wanted to be close to me. After making sure my hand and her face were sufficiently out of sight of our parents, I spent most of the drive with my hand on her cheek or gently stroking her hair affectionately. She reveled in my loving touch. She tapped my wrist lightly at one point, and when I looked down at her, her mouth formed the words "I love you" soundlessly. I smiled down at her warmly and looked back out at the passing snow.

We were almost done with this trip. In some ways it felt much longer than the two weeks she had spent in Rome. Probably because I could see her the entire time and she was just out of my reach, so to speak. I had to admit gaining a little satisfaction from knowing that her week had been spent in a similar hell.

* * *

Finally home. I dropped my bags on the bed, fired up my laptop and selected an early Aphex Twin album to listen to while I unpacked. My bedroom door was open and I saw my sister walk by on her way to her bedroom. She gave me a quick, tired smile as she passed. The flight had been delayed, cramped, and uncomfortable. There wasn't anyone willing to switch seats this time either. We were all tired and cranky by the time we got home. I finished unpacking my stuff and flopped down on the bed with my laptop, intending to check my emails and screw around on the internet for a few minutes. I fell asleep in no time.

It was dark outside when I woke up. I glanced at the clock and saw it was just after eleven. Christ, I'd been asleep for hours. I guess a week spent trying to sleep on an unfamiliar sofa listening to distant relatives snoring around the room will do that to you. Stretching, I caught a whiff of myself and realized I was in need of a shower.

The house was quiet. I guess no one was awake. I padded down the hall to the bathroom, noticing Amy's door was closed and there was no light under it. She wouldn't mind me going in and waking her up, but I was a little self conscious of my body odor. It had been hot in the plane while take off was delayed. I guess my deodorant had lost the war.

I'd been in the shower all of five minutes before I heard the bathroom door click open. I peaked over the top of the shower just in time to see Amy slip out of her bathrobe and drop it on the laundry hamper. She joined me under the water's spray a moment later.

"Mmm..." She sighed happily, as I wrapped my arms around her. "I've missed you holding me."

My cock was already erect and pressing against her stomach. My hands slid down and cupped the globes of her wonderful ass.

"You certainly were a terror this week." I mumbled.

"I can't help it that I want you all the time." She smiled up at me, as she started stroking my cock. "And it didn't help that Courtney kept wanting to talk about sex every night."

"She did?" I asked, groaning slightly as Amy dropped to her knees and began licking my hardened shaft.

"Constantly." She purred as she ran her tongue around the head of my penis.

I didn't reply as I was totally lost in the sensation of her mouth engulfing my cock. She pulled me into her and then withdrew, dragging her tongue along the bottom of my shaft. One hand cupped my balls while the other was drifting down between her legs.

"I love your cock," she gasped, before taking me back in. I leaned against the shower wall, one hand resting on the back of her head as she bobbed up and down my length. Fucking hell, she was good at this. It seemed like every time she did it, she improved her technique.

"It's pretty fond of yo-" I tried to quip, silenced by the sensation of my penis gliding into her throat as she took me in completely. The feel of her throat twitching to try to accommodate me nearly sent me into spasms before she withdrew, gasping heavily. She worked my dick with both hands, twisting them slightly as she glided them up and down my shaft. Amy coughed a little, trying to recoup from swallowing my cock.

She looked up at me, while she caught her breath. Water droplets splashing from my shoulders struck her face lightly making her blink every second or two. I found myself completely taken by the vision of her on her knees in front of my erection, naked and dripping wet.

"You are so sexy, I swear." I breathed. Her expectant look broke into a shy smile and she blushed a little. It was goddamned adorable.

"Am I really?" She asked as I nodded. "So are you."

I took her hands and pulled her to her feet. Our lips met and opened, our tongues seeking each other out and massaging each other. One of my hands made it to her ass again and squeezed appreciatively.

She quickly spun around to face away from me, pulling my arms up around her chest. Her hips rocked back to position my hard penis up along the crack of her ass and pressed against me. I groaned as she slid her ass up and down along my dick, wedging it between her cheeks. She let out a moan, grinding her ass crack against me.

"Put me up against the wall and do me from behind before we run out of hot water. I'm dying to feel you inside me." She growled.

"Yes, ma'am." I replied, amused by her sudden assertiveness.

I moved up behind her against the wall as she parted her legs to make room for me. I reached down with one hand and grabbed my shaft, moving the head of my dick between her legs. It slid along her lips a few times, before I positioned it at her entrance. I moved forward a slight amount, the head penetrating her tight folds.

"Oh fuck," she hissed. "Yes! Put it in me."

I moved forward, sliding into her as far as I could, letting out a groan as her hot sex took me in. She was more than ready for me, and I moved through her wet vagina with long, smooth strokes. Emphasizing her request to be pinned against the wall, I put more of my weight against her back, smashing her breasts into the wall. Her arms were extended out to the side, palms flat on the shower wall. Her head turned to the side, eyes closed in ecstasy, as she moaned erotically with each thrust.

"That's it, baby." She moaned. "Fuck your baby sister! Take her. Make her yours!"

"Damn, you're in a mood, aren't you?" I whispered hoarsely with a smirk, as I gripped one of her hips in my hand and used it as leverage to thrust into her harder. Her mouth crept up into a grin by way of reply, as groans continued to be forced out of her body by my thrusts. She pushed herself away from the wall, bending over slightly to allow me to penetrate her deeper.

Her moans grew louder, and I shot my hand up to cover her mouth as I thrust. Amy took the hint and closed her mouth, making strained mewling noises instead. My hands glided back down her sensuous wet back, following the contours of her body. I ran my hands back up her body to cup and massage her breasts. She groaned in response, and started whimpering as I pulled her nipples gently.

"Are you close?" She panted.

"Getting there."

"Will you come on me?" Her voice was a hoarse whisper, struggling to get out the words between her groans of pleasure as I rocked in and out of her like a piston. "I want to feel you all over me."

"Yes." I replied, as it was the only thing I could manage to say, as her words made my head swim and my dick lurch. She was feeling seriously dirty tonight, I thought.

"You're gonna come... uhnnn... come all over..." She was panting again, her breath coming in quickening gasps. "your little princess? Paint her with... uhnn... your hard... cock?"

Before I could even reply, her whole body shook with the force of her orgasm. She buried her mouth against a forearm trying to stay quiet, releasing a muffled scream, as she supported herself with her other arm on the wall. The walls of her vagina squeezed down on my dick, and after a few more thrusts, I felt the rush of my own orgasm coming on.

I pulled out of her and backed away, my sudden departure from her body giving her the cue to move. She dropped to her knees in front of me and seized my shaft, aiming it at her face while she jacked it toward her with intent. Her body was heaving, her breasts swaying beneath me. The look of my baby sister kneeling in front of me, giving me one of the hungriest looks I had ever seen, was a magnificent sight that made me feel strangely powerful. I put a hand on the wall to steady myself as the first burst of my semen launched at her face, landing across her forehead and eyebrow. The next one struck her across her nose and mouth as she leaned further back. The remaining volleys landed across her neck and breasts as she jacked me until I stopped spraying. She dropped one hand to run it across her neck down to her breasts, spreading smears of my come across her while she kept the other on my cock. She made sure that she licked it clean, cracking open one eye to inspect her work, before moving under the shower's spray to clean off.

Exhausted, I sank to my knees on the floor of the shower and leaned against the wall. After she had cleaned herself up, she scooted up next to me. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her wet hair a kiss. She sighed contentedly and smiled up at me.

"I always wondered what that would feel like." She grinned.


"It was pretty awesome. Made me feel so dirty, in a sexy way. Way too messy to do all the time, though. That's why I asked here. We're in the shower anyway." She laughed bashfully. "Did you like it?"

"It was pretty goddamned sexy, I have to admit. You have been going on like a woman possessed tonight. What that's about?" I hastily added. "I'm not complaining, mind you."

"I told you. I spent the last week having to talk about sex with Courtney every single night. And I couldn't even cuddle with my big brother after. I had a lot of pent up energy, I guess." She blushed. "At least you got to benefit from it, right?"

"Hell, yeah." I smiled. "I may need to send you to visit her more often."

The shower started rapidly cooling and we scurried to get out and dry ourselves. I tucked her into her bed, gave her a long kiss and sat on the edge of her bed chatting with her until she drifted off to sleep. It was good to be home again.

* * *

The remaining two weeks of the semester was very busy for both of us. First of all, I had to pick up my remaining work and profits from the Fall art show. Surprisingly, I had made a tidy sum of money from the show, having sold a total of five pieces, and set the money aside to use for Christmas presents, the big ticket item being something special I had in mind for Amy. We spent the majority of our time studying for finals and then actually taking the damned things. Surprisingly, I did rather well that semester. Not so surprisingly, Amy breezed through her math and finance finals like they were nothing.

I was quite busy working for Dr. Miller as well, spending time grading tests for him and crating up paintings at his private studio for an upcoming gallery opening that he was going to have in Chicago. Of course, no sooner do I make all the travel arrangements to accompany him to the gallery and attend the opening than our parents decide that they are going out of town that same weekend. Amy and I were both pretty irritated by that development. She had to work that weekend and it was too late for me to get out of going to Chicago with Dr. Miller, so we just had to suck it up and deal with it. That didn't stop the little brat from making comments hinting at various things she'd let me do to her and that she'd like to do to me if I stayed behind, however.

I was kept surprisingly busy behind the scenes at the opening. Everything from making sure the gallery adhered to Miller's pricing schedule to ensuring the pieces were hung to his specifications in terms of order and placement. By the time the opening actually took place, I was pretty worn out and spent the majority of my free time in Chicago napping at the hotel and texting Amy, aside from a quick dive into a music store that I had spotted to plunder their vinyl selection. I walked out of the place with four new albums, a rare extravagance for me.

My only other personal stop while there was at a jewelry store, where I spotted Amy's Christmas present in a display window. It was a beautiful white gold necklace with a teardrop shaped sapphire at its center, a small diamond rested on either side of the sapphire in the white gold setting. I thought it would really go well with several of the dresses I had seen her wear, and it would definitely complement her beautiful blue eyes.

I certainly looked out of place as I walked into the store. I had been hauling wooden shipping crates out of the back of a rental truck all morning, and I was dressed accordingly. The woman behind the counter shot me a look of disdain when I walked in wearing paint splattered khakis with a hole in one knee and my faded Einsturzende Neubauten shirt that I'd finally managed to reclaim from Amy. I guess I didn't look like a customer worthy of her trying to earn a commission from. She raised a surprised eyebrow when I pointed out the sapphire necklace that I wanted to see. The look on her face when I pulled out the cash to purchase it was even more amusing.

"Must be quite a girl." She commented with a smile as she rang up my purchase.

"She definitely is," I smiled back, still amused at her abrupt change of attitude.

She placed the necklace in a fancy jewelry box and placed that in what I considered to be an unnecessarily fancy black shopping bag along with my receipt and some sort of paperwork that proved the authenticity of the stones used in the necklace. I guessed these things mattered for something, but I wasn't about to ask the woman, providing her the satisfaction of knowing that I was indeed a low rent college student who was out of his depth in a place such as this. I spent the rest of my time in Chicago paranoid that I'd forget her gift there or that someone would steal it. It may have been the most expensive thing I had ever purchased, not counting my used car. I really hoped she liked it. It would be a hell of a drive to return it, I chuckled to myself.

* * *

Christmas time was always a big deal in our household, mostly due to our mother, who insisted on decorating the place up every year. She also insisted on live trees, which always made the living room smell pleasant and inviting. And made a hell of a mess, but that was another story. Despite our ages, our mother insisted on having Christmas stockings on the mantle every year. Even the stairs wound up with Christmas lights and garland wrapped up along the railings. It was quite a bit of overkill, in my opinion. But whatever. Hauling all that shit down out of the attic in boxes every year was one of the few things that my father and I ever did together, which strangely, made me look forward to it.

More than once, I'd come home from working for Dr. Miller to find Christmas music playing on the system in the living room and my mother singing along while she worked on dinner in the kitchen. This often led to me hauling ass to the relative safety of my room and, more importantly, the safety of the music collection residing on my laptop. In prior years, Amy would be squirreled away in her bedroom with her own music playing to block out the godawful supposedly joyful noise from downstairs. These days, she would hide out in my room with me most of the time. Not that she wouldn't have any other time of the year anyway.

She wasn't hiding at the moment, although she was in my room. She was stretched out face down on my bed, sleeping in her sweat pants and one of the many shirts she'd stolen from me. Our parents had left for my father's company Christmas party about an hour before, while I was still out helping John re-arrange stuff at his apartment to make space for his new roommate's furniture that was much better than the used crap that John had been using. When I arrived home, I thought the house was empty at first, until I got to my bedroom and discovered my lovely little sister asleep in my bed.

Now I was faced with a number of choices, many of them comical, and a couple of them sexual. Taking in the beautiful curves of her ass against the fabric of her sweatpants, the comical options pretty much went out the window. I sat gently on the edge of the bed and tucked an errant lock of her hair behind her ear.

"Hmm..." she purred and a small smile appeared on her lips. "You're home."

I ran my hand lovingly down her back, without any real agenda beyond just enjoying the feel of her. She yawned and performed a long, cat-like, full body stretch with her arms far above her head. It caused the shirt she was wearing to pull up exposing a bit of her midriff. My hand moved to the newly exposed patch of skin and was about to give the newly exposed flesh a gentle rub when she suddenly flinched away from me, writhing and giggling like mad.

"That tickles!" she squealed.

"So much for the gentle wake up call. My bad." I chuckled.

"You're gonna have to come over here and make it up to me." She replied, giving me a sly, seductive look.

I smirked as I crawled up onto the bed next to her. I dropped my hands to her sides again, sliding them under her shirt while ensuring that I used enough force to avoid tickling her this time.

"Can you give me a back rub, baby?" She asked after we made out for a few moments.

"No problem," I reply as I move to straddle her back legs just below her ass and start rubbing her lower back, palms wide,

"Mmm... That feels good." She moaned, as my hands moved across her back, massaging her.

Amy reached down and pulled her shirt up over her head and dropped it up by my pillow, giving me more access to her back. She hadn't been wearing a bra. I increased my efforts at giving a legitimate back rub, only now I was occasionally planting a kiss on her spine as I worked.

I worked my way up her sides, allowing my fingertips to drift down along her sides to graze the soft flesh where her breasts pushed out to the side from beneath her. I kneaded her muscles gently with the balls of my thumbs and she let out a groan of relaxation. By now, I was bending down hovering above her, my crotch resting on her ass. I paused just long enough to pull my shirt off and drop it to the floor. Then I settled back down on top of her, running my hands up her sides, along her arms, and sliding my hands over hers to grip them. My lips pressed to the back of her neck, kissing her in a soft line across her neck, making my way to her jaw. I kissed my way up to her ear, My lips found her earlobe and after whispering how much I loved her, I sucked on it gently.

Amy let out a slight moan, appreciating my touch. Her hands moved down the bed to her waist, hooking her thumbs into the band of her sweatpants and sliding them down her hips. She hadn't had any underwear on either. I let out a slow breath of appreciation as her beautiful ass came into view. I moved off of her so that she could slide her sweats off the rest of the way and stood to unbuckle my pants, dropping them to the floor. She gave my erection a hungry look and scooted over to sit on the edge of the bed and quickly wrap her lips around it.

"Oh god, Amy," I groaned as her mouth took me in and her tongue began swirling around the head of my cock. "That feels amazing!"

She dropped a hand between her legs and began rubbing herself, moaning softly around my cock. After sucking my member in long measured strokes for a few minutes, she somewhat begrudgingly released my cock from her mouth and moved back on the bed, beckoning me toward her with a curled finger and a seductive smile.

I moved back onto the bed next to her, and scooted into her open arms. We kissed, deeply and passionately, for several minutes as our hands roamed each others' bodies freely. Gently rolling her onto her back, I began placing small kisses and licks on her neck. My lips worked their way down along her shoulder. I brought a hand up to cup one of her creamy breasts, massaging her nipple as I caught it gently between my thumb and forefinger. She released a high pitched moan in response.

"I love the way your hands feel on me." She breathed. "I love... your mouth." Her voice seemed to tremble each time my lips touched her flesh. I relished, without ego, that I could have that effect on her.

I smiled to myself as my mouth continued to travel across her chest, making its way to her other breast. I fastened my mouth over her nipple, tracing it's outline with my tongue. Her breath quickened and one of her hands cupped the back of my head gently in appreciation. I felt her hips grinding her lower body up against my stomach as I bathed her nipple lovingly with my tongue. I caught the nipple between my lips and pulled on it gently. Her hips bucked hard against my stomach in response as she gasped sharply, and I began to smell her arousal.

As I made my way down her stomach, placing kisses down to the base of her hips, one of her hands started massaging her breasts while the other grabbed the bed sheet in a fist. Amy gasped loudly when I placed a kiss directly next to the top of her pelvic bone, a spot I had discovered was a highly erogenous zone for her. She was now writhing under my touch, her breath anxious in anticipation. I finally reached her beautiful, hairless lips and blew a hot breath of air across them. Her stomach fluttered visibly in response and her body tensed, waiting for me to make my move. Instead of the move she was probably expecting, I hooked my arms under her legs and cupped her wonderful ass in my hands. Her legs now rested on my shoulders as I raised her pelvis up from the bed toward my face.

She let out a mild yelp of surprise, followed by a loud moan as my tongue parted her folds in a series of long, slow licks. I thrust my tongue deep into her, drinking in her secretions as her body arched before me. I brought my lips up to her clitoris, circling it with my tongue, teasing it with light licks. Amy bucked her hips against my face, her body heaving in desire as my tongue spelled out my love for her.

"Oh fuck, baby! I'm gonna come!" She panted. I thrust my tongue back into her as deeply as I could, lapping at her fluids like a man dying of thirst. My hands clutched tightly at the cheeks of her ass, holding her to my face as she writhed against me. Her hands were grabbing at her tits, kneading them urgently.

Suddenly, Amy seized my head with her legs, trapping me between them. Her thighs were quivering urgently as she let out a loud cry. I held her tightly to my mouth, bathing her clit with my tongue as my beautiful little sister's orgasm rocked her to her core. My tongue moved further down, drinking in her wetness, trying to avoid overstimulating her as she rode out her orgasm.

When she finally subsided, and relaxed her grip on my head, I tilted my head and kissed her inner thigh. Her long delicate fingers ran affectionately through my hair, as she sighed contentedly above me.

I moved up on the bed, keeping her long, slender legs on my shoulders as I did, folding my beautiful baby sister beneath me with intention to bury myself as deeply inside her as I could.

Amy had her arms on my sides, pulling me up to her. She suddenly let out slight gasp, as my hard prick brushed across her tiny pink rosebud, more exposed at the moment by her position with her legs on my shoulders. Her hands moved up to stop me momentarily, and her half closed piercing blue eyes met mine.

"Do you want to try it?" She asked softly.

"Your ass?"

She nodded, chewing her lower lip as she looked for my response. This was something I'd never done, but I was intrigued by it as I had always loved her majestic ass. But, I'd also seen enough porn to know how easily I could hurt her if I did it wrong. The look on her face told me she wanted this.

"I do, but I've never tried it before. I don't want to hurt you." I replied, suddenly a bit nervous.

"Me, either." She gave me a small grin as she slowly rocked her pelvis, lewdly rubbing her anus against my erection. "We'll be careful."

I leaned my head forward and kissed her deeply, with her returning in kind. She patted my shoulder after a second, grinning into my mouth.

"There some lube in my nightstand." She whispered, "Top drawer."

I kissed her forehead and slipped out of the bed. I felt a little exposed and ridiculous as I went down the hall to her bedroom with my erection swinging out in front of me. Even though I knew we were alone in the house, I still felt self conscious about it. I quickly grabbed the bottle from her nightstand and went back to my room. What I saw when I walked through the door stopped me in my tracks.

Amy was laying on her stomach when I returned, a pillow beneath her hips propped her gorgeous ass up toward me invitingly. She looked over her naked shoulder at me as I entered the room, flashing me a seductive smile and a wink. My cock lurched involuntarily at the sexy vision before me and her smile widened a little when she saw it.

"Holy shit, Amy." I exhaled appreciatively as I sat on the edge of the bed. "You look amazing."

She smiled, and then almost purred in response to my touch as I started to massage her thighs. This was something new that I wasn't entirely sure how to best approach. Most porn makes everything look unrealistically easy, and enjoyable. I knew she needed to be as relaxed as possible if I wanted to avoid hurting her, so I started with a massage. I worked my way up to her upper thighs, and ass cheeks, working on first one side and then the other. Her contented sighs told me I was on the right track.

I let one of my hand slide down to cup her mound, feeling the heat radiating from it. She let out a moan as I rubbed her slowly, purposely getting my fingers slick with her arousal. I lowered myself on the bed and kissed the back of her inner thigh, just below where thigh becomes ass. Then I planted a few kisses on her ass cheek as I worked my way to her center. I moved my hand away to give her lips a long lick, passing up over the skin between her two entrances and making a circular motion over her orifice. Her body shivered below me. She started giggling.

"What?" I asked.

"You just kissed my ass again. I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh. Keep going."

I grinned a little myself at the thought, and squirted a little of the lube into my hand, blowing in my hand to warm it and then coating my finger liberally. My mouth moved back down to rim her a few more times, which caused her giggles to be replaced with soft moans. I gently stroked down her side with one hand while bringing the lubed one up to trace the outline of her tiny orifice with my lubed finger. I applied gentle pressure and her ass permitted my fingertip to enter. Amy's small hand shot down to grab the hand that was lovingly stroking her hip. I paused, but she motioned for me to continue. She let out a whimper as my finger continued into her. I moved very slowly and carefully, listening for any sign that she wanted me to stop. I began moving my finger in and out of her, while my other hand remained gripped in hers. After a few minutes of this, I added a second finger, feeling her ass stretch to take me in. She turned her head to face me with a slight moan, but she didn't open her eyes. I kept working my fingers in and out of her gently, while planting kisses on her hip, side and back, until I felt she was ready for me to go further.

"If you want to stop, just say so. I won't be upset." I told her.

She smiled softly and nodded in reply.

I positioned myself behind her, and applied a generous amount of lube to my hardened shaft. I placed the head of my penis against her tiny hole and applied a little pressure. She grunted beneath me as the head penetrated her tight opening. I waited a few moments, letting her adjust before attempting to continue.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, keep going." She assured me, but she took my free hand in hers again.

I carefully pushed myself deeper into her, I could feel the ring of her sphincter expanding and sliding over my shaft. The heat coming from her was incredible. It was a sensation completely different from vaginal sex, just as oral was a unique feeling. I had never felt anything gripping my length as tightly as this. It felt incredible. I paused immediately when she let out a groan that did not sound like pleasure to me. I looked at her questioningly.

"Just... give me a minute." Amy gasped. I could feel her ass clenching me. I desperately wanted to keep going, but nothing was worth hurting her over and I didn't move a muscle. She took a ragged breath and nodded for me to continue.

I slowly started pushing again, and her incredible ass took more of me in. She was breathing really heavy, and let out low groan as I continued sliding in. The groan became higher in pitch just as I was as far into her as I could go, my groin resting fully against her ass cheeks. I didn't move for a few moments, giving her time to adjust.

"I'm okay," She hissed through her teeth. My penis twitched inside her of its own volition. She let out a tiny whimper in response.

"Are you sure?" I asked, stroking her back gently with my hand, kissing the back of her shoulder as I lay on top of her. "You don't sound okay."

"I just feel so full." She gasped, as if speaking was a challenge. "But I'm okay. Keep going."

"I won't be upset if you need to stop, Amy. I'm serious. I don't want to hurt you."

She squeezed my hand hard when I said that, and her mouth curled up in a smile. I felt her ass tighten its grip on me and relax as if to emphasize her acceptance.

"I know you won't hurt me, baby. I'm fine. It's just really intense."

I kissed her cheek, unable to reach her mouth from the way we were currently positioned, and slowly withdrew, before pushing back into her just as slowly. I kept going this way for several excruciatingly long strokes while she moaned deeply with each thrust. Very gently, I increased my pace a little at a time and she began to respond more favorably to my thrusts. Her moans and gasps sounded completely different from when I was in her pussy, deeper and heavier, but she didn't sound like she was in pain.

Before long, I was moving inside her at a normal speed and unable to keep from moaning myself. My hands moved along her body in unison as my cock thrust in her tight asshole. The feeling was indescribable and I knew it would not last long. By now, she was pushing back against me, groaning appreciatively. I planted kissed on her shoulders and neck as I kept up my rhythm.

"I'm going to come soon, baby." I whispered harshly. That seemed to encourage her further and she ground her ass back against me hard.

"Fill me." She groaned. "I want to feel your come in me."

A few more thrusts and I did that very thing. Her ass clenched around my shaft tightly, just as my orgasm hit and for a brief moment, I wasn't sure I would even be able to come with her clenching me that tightly. I let out a long ragged breath against her shoulder blade as my cock forcefully launched long ropes of semen deep into her bowels. She gripped my hand as tightly as she could, screaming into the mattress below her as my cock bathed her depths.

She released my hand and relaxed into the bed beneath me. I collapsed against her, my lips resting softly against her neck as she caught her breath. We lay like that for a few minutes after our orgasms subsided. Finally, I rolled off of her, my rapidly deflating cock sliding from her body. She let out a quiet sigh as I removed myself. Amy's beautiful eyes looked deep into mine as I lay next to her, my hand on her cheek, and an mischievous grin slowly crept across her face.

"What?" I grinned back, only because it was impossible not to smile when she gave me that particular look with the gleam in her eye.

"You just assfucked your baby sister. That's dirty." She whispered, smirking.

"I suppose I did," I snickered, having not thought of it quite that way. It did sound really dirty, not to mention completely perverse, when she put it like that. "Did you like it?"

"It's really different. Really, really intense. Courtney told me you have to really trust someone before you do it that way and now I know what she meant. It'd be really easy for you to hurt me. But I knew you wouldn't. You were wonderful about it." She kissed me, deeply. "I liked it a lot. But it's really intense. I could feel every movement, no matter how small, from your body. Everything. We can't do that every day, but I definitely want to do it once in a while."

"It was pretty incredible," I agreed. "And different. Definitely intense."

"But the best part," She looked at me seriously, her eyes suddenly looking very emotional, "is that it's something we both had never done. It's just ours, baby." Her lips locked with mine again in a long, gentle kiss.

"You're so amazing to me." She continued. "I wish sometimes I was still a virgin when we got together. But I wasn't. I didn't realize how special you were, even though you were right under my nose the whole time. If I had known, I would have saved everything for you. No one would have ever been allowed to even kiss me before you. But at least I saved this for you and only you."

"It doesn't matter to me who did what before, sweetheart." I replied, taking her in my arms. I understood that it was something that was clearly important to Amy. "We love each other. Now is all that matters, right?"

"I know. I just think about it sometimes. That's one reason I wanted to try it." She sighed happily in my embrace. "I love you."

* * *

Christmas morning, almost a week later, was the usual calm family event that it had been over the last few years now that Amy and I were mature enough not to cover the living room in shredded wrapping paper, leaving a gigantic path of destruction behind us. I couldn't consciously remember when it had changed for me, but somewhere along the way, I became more excited about giving gifts and seeing the excitement in a person's eyes than I did in acquiring more stuff. I mused that growing up was a weirdly gradual process. You didn't just flip a switch one day and discover that you were mature. You seemed to ease into it without knowing.

I found it hard to keep my eyes off of Amy that morning. She was sitting on the sofa across from me in her pajamas and bathrobe, with her legs curled up under her. Her long black hair was kind of wild from having crawled out of bed shortly before, and she was giving me a sexy smile behind her mug of hot chocolate.

The gift exchange was a pleasant and mild affair. Amy's real gift was still gift wrapped and stashed under her pillow in her bedroom, where I hoped she would discover it later tonight after everyone went to bed. The present she'd unwrapped downstairs was of the normal, brotherly variety. I'd given her a nice green blouse similar to the one I had accidentally ruined many months ago, the night she'd come to me after Jeff had cheated on her, and a couple of movies that she had mentioned wanting to see. She gave me a really nice leather bound sketchbook that was refillable, along with a nice new calligraphy pen and a pack of acid free, heavy grade sketch paper. It was a really high quality pen, and I couldn't wait to try it out.

We spent the afternoon at our grandmother's house across town, hanging out with more members of the extended family and waiting for Christmas dinner. Naturally, this meant I spent the majority of the afternoon attempting to be invisible in a corner of the living room with a sketchbook. I didn't dislike my family, I was just quiet by nature and didn't have the kind of personality that lent itself to navigating rooms full of people backslapping and hugging everyone. It just wasn't in me. I would have much preferred to spend my day at home curled up in bed with my lovely little sister. That said, it did always make me smile to watch how effortlessly she moved through a room, commanding attention and guiding conversations. She seemed to have the ability to glide through the place without the constant feelings of awkwardness and self-consciousness that plagued me at all times when faced with more than three or four people at a time. Then again, she was a ravishing creature, and fully capable of making anyone stop and pay attention.

By the time we finally got home, Mom was fairly tipsy and our father shuffled her off to bed. Our mother didn't drink enough to get drunk very often, but for some reason, visiting our grandmother's generally seemed to bring it out in her. I think it was just that she got along so well with so many of the relatives there that she felt comfortable enough for it.

I set about cleaning up the last bits of debris from the living room's festivities that morning and wandered into the kitchen to grab a beer on my way upstairs. Amy was doing some dishes in the kitchen and after a quick glance toward the downstairs hall to make sure the coast was clear, I gave her a quick hug and planted a kiss on her neck. She grinned and leaned back against me for a moment, her hands full of dishwater that she mercifully kept to herself. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and retreated to my room.

After putting on a This Mortal Coil album, I settled in at the drafting table with my new calligraphy pen and started on a drawing. About twenty minutes later, Amy walked in holding the still wrapped present I'd stashed under her pillow.

"What's this?" She asked, quizzically.

"Looks like a Christmas present to me." I replied, as I began rinsing out the tip on the calligraphy pen.

"I know that much, jackass." Amy retorted, rolling her eyes at me. She sat on the edge of the bed looking down at it.

"Are you just gonna stare at it and insult people or are you gonna open it?" I asked.

"I didn't get you anything else, baby." She looked up at me apologetically.

"You didn't need to. I just didn't want to give you your real present in front of anyone." I leaned back in my desk chair, hoping like hell that she would like it.

Finally, she tore the wrapper off of the small black jewelry box and looked the box over. She smiled up at me.

"You got me jewelry?"

"Actually, I just liked the box, dingbat. I thought you could store stamps in it or something."

Amy cracked the box open and stared down at it with her jaw on the floor. She reached in the box and slowly moved the necklace with her finger as if she didn't think it was real.

"Adam!" She breathed. "This is beautiful!"

"You like it?"

"I love it!" She exclaimed.

I pulled the paperwork from my desk drawer and passed it to her.

"What's this?" She asked, looking in the envelope at the certificates.

"Some kind of paperwork they gave me with the necklace, verifying the authenticity of the stones and some warranty information."

"You mean these are natural gem stones?" Her eyes went wide. Clearly, she knew something about jewelry that I definitely did not.

"Yeah, there are unnatural ones?" I was puzzled.

She nodded but didn't answer as she flipped through the paperwork. Her eyes moved up from the papers to look at me.

"This must have cost you a fortune."

I shrugged, and didn't comment.

"This is too much." She said.

"It's not enough," I replied, smiling. I was quite satisfied with myself for having blown her away.

She nearly tackled me out of my chair, planting kisses all over my face.

"Merry Christmas, beautiful." I said to her, as soon as it was safe to do so.

* * *

The Spring semester schedule ensured that I'd be insanely busy. In addition to my art classes, I also enrolled in some required history and literature courses. Between the homework load and working for Dr. Miller, I was reasonably sure that the semester would fly by. I had put off the literature course for a few semesters now, and it was one also required for Amy's finance degree, so we managed to schedule that class together. We were both amused by that, as we'd never taken a class together in our lives, thanks to me being the older one. In her younger days, I'd helped her with her homework occasionally, before it became obvious that she was more adept at schoolwork than I was.

* * *

One night out at the bar, drinking a beer with John, I saw Megan walk in, Man-bun in tow, and go meet some people at a table across the room. A short while later, she spotted me and broke away from her friends to come over to our table. Her hair was blonde, on this particular occasion. A color I hadn't seen her have before, and I thought it looked out of place on her, but I wouldn't dream of telling her so.

"Hey Meg, what's up?" John asked.

"Not a lot. Just saw that you managed to get the recluse out of his cave for once and I thought I'd come say hello." She grinned at me.

"How's things going with Man-bun?" He prodded. Her eyes cut at him in annoyance.

"Great, really great actually." She replied, attempting to avoid the bait. "But, seriously, Adam..."

I was midway through polishing off the last of my beer and raised my eyebrows expectantly.

"You know that band Gorath?" She asked.

"Yeah?" Gorath was a local death metal band that played a lot of the local festivals and did the occasional club show. I thought they sucked, but I seemed to be in the minority.

"I'm doing the band photo for their new album, and they asked me to reach out to you about using one of your paintings for their album cover."

"Oh yeah? For free, I'm sure." I rolled my eyes.

"Nope. They got signed to some indie label and have a budget for the album. Not much, but it's something. Interested? They asked for you specifically."

"Maybe. I guess I could talk to them about it." I replied. I wasn't sure I had time to be bothering with it, but I'd give it a look. Not to mention that, despite my opinion of the band, they had a lot of fans around here and the exposure couldn't hurt.

"Cool. I'll let them know." She started to turn back to her friends, and paused. Her hand fell to my forearm for a moment, and she smiled. "It's good to see you."

"Take care." I replied, as she walked away.

"Tell Man-bun we said hello," John called after her. She extended her middle finger over her shoulder at us and looked back with a grin when she heard us snickering.

John flagged a waitress and motioned for them to bring another beer. Looking back over at me and leaned forward.

"What happened with you two, anyway? You never have told me."

"Nothing. There never really was anything serious there. It just ended is all." I replied.

"If you say so." He shrugged. "I just see how she looks at you once in a while."

"She seems pretty happy with Man-bun." I nodded my head toward them, where Megan was currently folded up in Man-bun's lap.

"They do look good together." John acknowledged, "aside from that fuzzy ass cinnamon roll strapped to the back of his head."

We both started cracking up.

A few days later, I met with a couple of the guys from Gorath. They looked over some of my sketchbooks, pointing out things that they liked and giving me some ideas of what they were looking for. We hammered out the details of how much I would be paid, which wasn't much. And they gave me a small deposit and thanked me. I walked away from the meeting with the impression that they were definitely fans of my stuff, and I felt a tiny bit guilty that I was not able to say the same of theirs.

The work went faster than expected, and I met with the band again a few weeks later to show them four possible covers I had created. This time the entire band was there. They argued among themselves for the better part of an hour, looking over the options. After a spirited process of elimination, they settled on the design that I had liked the least. I chuckled as I collected the art back together. We made arrangements for me to deliver the finished piece the following week and for me to sign the release forms to allow it to be reproduced as an album cover. All in all, it was a pretty painless process. I made a mental note to look into the possibility of marketing myself to local bands as an artist for hire.

It was beginning to feel like I was making a bit of a name for myself around town as an artist. While I still had no illusions about trying to make a career out of art, the world was full of starving artists after all, I couldn't help taking a bit of pleasure out of the minuscule amount of income my paintings were generating.

* * *

The night before all hell broke loose, I was sitting on the sofa watching a nature documentary while Amy showered upstairs. She had just gotten home from a long day at work and I had picked up dinner for us while she was out. I was feeling pretty lazy, slouched on the sofa with my feet propped up on the coffee table. Our parents were away for a few days at some conference for our dad's work and wouldn't be back until the day after tomorrow. It was so much more relaxing when they were away and we didn't have to hide ourselves away in one of our bedrooms.

I took a swig from my can of coke and noticed the water shut off upstairs. My beautiful little sister would be down soon for dinner and I was really looking forward to spending time with her, as always. I had considered joining her in the shower, but she looked so tired when she came home from work that I wanted to give her a chance to relax. I went to the kitchen and pulled the cartons of food from the oven, where I'd left them to warm. Taking plates down from the cabinet, I saw her padding into the kitchen in her bathrobe, her hair pulled up in a ponytail.

"Hey, beautiful. Feel better?" I asked, as I leaned over to kiss her forehead.

She wrapped her arms around me in a lazy hug, resting her head on my shoulder while I held the dinner plates off to one side awkwardly. I wasn't complaining, of course, it was just that the physics of the situation made it hard to look entirely graceful.

"I had such a long day." She sighed. Then she sniffed the air, as she let go of me. "What smells so good?"

"I picked up dinner for us earlier, just before you got home. Hope you wanted Italian."

She flashed me one of her brightest smiles, and my heart skipped a beat.

"I am totally in the mood for Italian."

"Perfect, then. Go park your gorgeous ass in the living room and relax. I'll bring you a plate in just a few." I smiled.

"You are so good to me," She sighed happily, as she wrapped me in another hug. She padded back down to the living room while I finished getting the plates ready.

We watched a movie while we ate and Amy cuddled up next to me on the sofa when we finished. At some point during the film, she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. I knew she was exhausted from her day and decided to let her nap a while. I had the remote within reach, mercifully, and flipped channels until I found something worth watching.

Some time later, she stirred and nuzzled her face up against my neck. I smiled and kissed the top of her head, smelling the strawberry scented shampoo she used on her hair. Her lips touched my neck in a soft kiss, then parted as she gave my neck a small lick.

"Someone's awake." I grinned slightly.

"Mmmm" Was her only reply, as her hand came up to cradle my head as she kissed my neck again, planting her lips on it and sucking against my throat. I could feel her lips curl into a grin against my neck and experience told me that she was pleased with the bruise that she'd just left there. She shifted herself around on the sofa, turning to fully face me on all fours like a cat, and gave a very feline looking full body stretch.

She moved up to straddle me, her knees drawn up on either side of me as she took my head in her hands and began kissing her way up my neck to my ear. My cock got the message that its favorite person was on the move and began to be uncomfortable in my shorts. Her robe had partially fallen open by now, partially exposing her full breasts. She nibbled my earlobe gently, before moving up to put her lips to my ear and whisper how much she loved me.

My hands slid inside her robe, pulling the knot loose the rest of the way and fully exposing her creamy breasts to me. She shrugged out of the robe, letting it drop the floor behind her and wrapped her arms back around my neck to kiss me. My hands stroked her back, roaming over her body down to her hips and back. She moaned through our kiss when one of my hands found her left breast and kneaded it softly. Our mouths separated, both of us gasping to catch our breath, and she raised herself up allowing my lips access to her nipples.

"I know how to take a hint," I mumbled, just before my lips latched to her nipple. Her giggle at my statement disappeared into a moan as her chin rested on top of my head. She used one hand to support herself on the back of the sofa and the other was wrapped around my head holding me to her breast as I suckled on it.

"Jesus," she gasped, "I love what you do to me."

I brought a hand down to stroke one of her fabulous ass cheeks, causing her to purr appreciatively. She dropped her hips down to grind herself against my erection. She grunted in disapproval and disengaged from me for a moment to pull her panties off. I set some kind of speed record in removing my shorts and boxers. No sooner did my ass touch the sofa cushion again than she was back on me, grinding herself directly on my stiff cock. We both groaned at the sensation. I lost myself in the moment, wanting nothing more than to bury myself in her beautiful body as far as I could right that second.

"I need you," I breathed, thrusting my hips up to match her grinding. She whimpered at my words and I could feel the heat radiating from her crotch against my hard cock. She raised herself up positioning my dick at her entrance.

"Then take me." She whimpered. "I'm all yours."

I thrust up into her, our bodies joining, and a long groan escaped me as her white hot pussy enveloped my dick to the hilt. We started fucking in earnest, me sitting back on the sofa, her sitting up straddling me. My cock gliding in and out of her in a blur as she began breathing rapidly at the force of my thrusts.

"Oh god, yes! Take me, Adam! Take me!" She nearly screamed, her body writhing above me. I watched her breasts bouncing wildly as I brought myself up into her repeatedly. I had one hand on the small of her back, and the other pawing at her breasts.

Suddenly, she arched herself backward, propping one hand on the coffee table. If I moved my hand from her back, she would have fallen. Her breasts were thrust up at me and I seized one in my free hand, pinching the nipple between my fingers. She was an erotic vision, slamming her pelvis down to meet my thrusts. I felt the tingling in my balls and knew I was not far from coming.

"You've so amazing." I gasped. "I'm gonna come soon."

"Do it!" She cried. "I want to feel you come!"

I seized her hips with my hands, pulling her forward to me and slammed myself into her as the first jet of my semen launched deep into her. It must have triggered her own orgasm because she cried out and started shaking as her pussy pulsed over my twitching erection. I felt my body launch several more volleys of semen into her before it subsided and I relaxed my grip on her hips. She settled back against me, gasping for breath, and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you so much." I breathed. She was still coming down from her orgasm, breathing heavily in my ear, and just kissed the side of my head in reply.

A few minutes later, she went to the bathroom to clean up a bit, and came back wearing her panties again. She had a damp rag that she used to clean me up, and I pulled my boxers back on after. Amy wrapped herself up around me in a lover's embrace and we collapsed back down on the sofa. Within moments, my sweet baby sister was asleep in my arms. I fell asleep myself a few minutes later.

* * *

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" My father's voice boomed through the house.

I snapped awake and shot to my feet just as Amy did the same. She covered her naked breasts with her arms and stared, wide eyed and pale, at our parents. They had come back early. In the past year, this was the first time that they had come back early. We'd slept right through them unlocking the door and walking in. To make matters worse, we'd fallen asleep on the couch downstairs, where we had sex the night before We were both still dressed in only our underwear. There was never a chance to react.

"Dad, calm do-" I began, slowly positioning myself between my rapidly approaching father and Amy.

The look on his face and his body language genuinely frightened me. I didn't think it was likely that he would hurt Amy, but I wanted her as far from harm's way as I could get her, just in case.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He roared. He stopped just a couple of feet from me.

"Why the FUCK is she NAKED?" His eyes burned with rage, as the screaming continued. "What the FUCK did you do to her?"

I stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. I saw the hate in his eyes and knew there was no way this could possibly go well. There was no lie that would resolve this, so I just went for the truth.

"I love her."

My face exploded in pain as his fist collided with my nose. I stumbled back a few steps, trying to get my thoughts straightened out around the searing pain in my face. Before I could say a word, I registered just a flash of movement and felt a fist collide with my stomach. I went to my knees, fighting hard not to vomit from the pain in my gut.

"DADDY, NO!" I heard Amy shriek behind me. I saw Amy from corner of my eye as she rushed forward. I tried to catch her with my arm, but wasn't quite fast enough. She slipped between us, holding an open hand up toward him. "You don't underst-"

"She's your GODDAMNED sister, you disgusting shit!" He yelled over her, shoving her aside as if she were weightless.

His foot struck me in the ribs and I thought I felt two of them snap. Bolts of pain shot through my chest like daggers, weirdly seeming to originate deep inside my body. Fucking hell, it hurt. I couldn't think for a moment, everything focused on the pain resonating in my chest. I rolled to my side, hoping he was done, struggling to breathe. Amy's arms wrapped around me just at that moment, trying to shield me.

"DADDY, I love him! STOP!" She pleaded as he jerked her away from me like a rag doll. Her fingernails dug into my arm, accidentally scratching me as she tried to hold on. I saw her stumble back onto the sofa, and noticed her grab one of mom's vases from the coffee table. Oh shit, I thought.

I coughed and noticed flecks of blood hit the tile floor just before I realized a kick was coming. I moved to block it, but too slow, flinching in pain and felt the connect. He missed my ribs thanks to me trying to roll and hit the soft tissue beneath. I felt a weird pain and a shift of my organs that definitely did not feel natural. This time I puked bile. Thankfully not a lot, but enough to make my throat burn.

I was too blinded by pain to remember the vase for a moment, but as soon as I did, I shot a look toward the sofa. Mom, streaming tears, had Amy in her arms, struggling to keep her there and whispering to her. Amy still clutched the vase in one hand, gulping air from her adrenaline, her eyes pleading with mine for some affirmation that I was okay.

He didn't kick me again. He just glared down at me with his nostrils flaring, but didn't move from where he was. Very painfully, I pulled myself up to my knees, straining against the pain in my chest. I sucked air between my teeth as I struggled to my feet, using the recliner for support.

"Daddy, it's not his fault." Amy cried. I looked over at my beautiful baby sister, my princess, as tears poured down her face, her eyes fixed on me in horror. She had snatched her bathrobe from the floor and was holding it over her breasts. It was most certainly my fault, I thought, but air didn't seem to want to fill my lungs enough to let me say so. I gave her a nod, trying to be reassuring, which probably didn't work since I had blood dripping all down my chin from my nose. I looked back at my father, waiting for the rest of what was coming. More hits? A call to the police? I wasn't sure where this was heading. I was gulping like a fish out of water, trying to get enough oxygen in my body while every breath felt like I had napalm searing through my lungs.

"You have thirty minutes." He spoke in an even tone.

"What?" I choked out. I heard the words, but they didn't connect to anything in my head. I kept seeing white at the corners of my vision and fought to focus, afraid I was going to pass out. I was familiar with this, having seen the white in my vision field before, when I was struck in the head by a skateboard at the park years before. What a time to have a memory flashback.

"You have thirty minutes. Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house. You don't live here anymore." He repeated. I recognized a glint of satisfaction in his eye. I had finally proven myself to be the disappointment he always wanted me to be. My black sheep status had been fully earned and achieved. I would have seethed if I didn't hurt so badly. "You are not welcome here."

"Dad." I began as Amy started sobbing again, wordlessly. She was gasping so hard, I thought she'd hyperventilate.

"You don't get to call me that anymore. I don't have a son." He glared. My mother burst into a fresh round of tears.

"Thomas..." My mother began, but stopped when she saw the look that he shot her. I had never gotten the impression that he was ever violent toward her, but she backed down rapidly. The rage I saw in him must have frightened her as well.

"I love him, Daddy!" Amy cried, "Don't do this!"

"Thirty minutes. You'd better start packing." He said, as though she weren't even there. It was easy to see how this was going to play out.

I very painfully went to the stairs, pausing to look back at Amy who was still being held in place by my mother. I was grateful for mom, worried that Amy would make herself a target of our father's wrath. I was certain I'd end up in prison if that happened. There would be no stopping me.

"It'll be alright, Amy." I said, trying to be reassuring, although I wasn't very sure of that. I just needed her to be safe. She had to calm down.

My father's eyes burned with a fresh rage hearing me speak to his daughter. I stared back at him with determination. I'd taken all the beating I was going to, I thought. One more step and I'd fight back. I'd lose, given how badly I hurt. But I'd fight back.

I struggled up the staircase, trying not to look in as much physical pain as I felt, for her sake, and leaned on the wall of the hallway for support. I was sweating from the exertion and adrenaline. In my room, I struggled to grab the most important things from my room. I grabbed my laptop and sketchbooks, shoving them in my schoolbag. I grabbed a gym bag from the closet and shoved clothes in it. I could hear yelling downstairs as I packed. I strained to listen for any sign of violence. I would play along for now and find a more peaceful way to resolve this. I didn't think he would hurt her. I had no doubt he would love the chance to work on me some more, but I was fairly sure that she was safe.

Every step I took was torture, the pain in my sides and face was tremendous. I wiped my face with a paint rag and saw an alarming amount of blood on the rag. There was a sharp stab every time I took a breath. I wondered if this was what a punctured lung felt like. I decided to go to the emergency room when I left here. I'd have to make up a story of some kind, but I thought I may be seriously hurt. I couldn't tell, I wasn't thinking clearly around the searing white hot pain.

When I made the first extremely painful trip down the staircase, I saw my father pacing back and forth in the living room. I didn't see anyone else. I dropped my bags in the trunk of my car and went back upstairs to pack more of my stuff. Mom's car was gone. She had taken Amy somewhere, I guessed.

"You are not to come back here. Not to stay. Not to visit. You are through in this household." He said to me, not roaring this time. His voice was hard and grim. "After you leave today, I never want to lay eyes on you again."

"We never meant for you to find out like this. We were going to sit you guys down and talk to you about it."

"It wouldn't make a difference. You fucking degenerate piece of shit. Get your crap and go."

"Where's Amy?"

"She went with your mother. Now get out of my house." He growled.

After I finished packing the things that I needed the most and loading the car, I pulled away from the house with a little less than five minutes to spare. I parked at the end of the street and waited. Mom's car was still not in the driveway. She and Amy did not return in the several hours that followed.

I sat in the car for a long time. I cried sporadically, which hurt like hell every time my chest heaved. I wait until nearly dark, but never saw any sign of them. I punched the steering wheel in frustration, sending fresh lightning bolts of pain through my sides, and cursed aloud.