
Accidental PMV with Son

Author's Note: Although their ages aren't explicitly stated in the story itself, both protagonists (who are also the only people involved in any sexual activity in this story) are over the age of 18, with Mary being 42 and Tyler being 21.

So, I was watching Eminem's new MV where he has that girl licking a basketball, that got me thinking about the crazy shit some people do to get quick money, and so this story was born.

Incest (Mother/Son) with mild elements of reluctance and voyeurism, if that is not your forte, or you just flat out dislike those types of stories, you've been warned.

Please, don't forget to comment, rate and if you like it, favorite the story. Constructive critique and feedback is always welcomed.


Mary Thompson mindlessly scrolled through the litany of news articles the homepage of her Internet browser showed her. A catastrophe there, a celebrity baby there, impending apocalypse all over. Who even cared?

She sure didn't.

She had a lot of her own problems.

And what a bunch of problems it was! Unpaid rent for the last few months, unpaid heating and electricity for the last month, car getting repossessed next week, her son about to be kicked out of university due to not being able to afford it anymore, etc., etc.

She was pretty much finished financially. She knew that. She needed a job. Hell, she was well past the point of needing a job, now she just flat-out needed someone to take pity on her and get her out of the deep hole she found herself in.

Not that she was waiting for some savior on a white horse to swoop in and save her, though. For the last few weeks, she answered an ad for every job she could reasonably expect to get, called all of her friends and their friends to see if there was something, anything that she could use, any job she could worm her way into, anything that could help her. She found nothing so far.

Getting more and more desperate, she turned to trying to use her attractive body to save herself.

Of course, she didn't join the half-dead, zombie-resembling, drug-addicted streetwalkers that seemed to cluster around every second gas station at night, she was simply too proud to ever do something like that, some part of her mind simply forced her to hold herself to a certain standard whether she liked it or not.

Nor did she start inviting men to her home or took them to some motel for an hour of fun with her for 20 dollars each, at least so far.

She simply wasn't that kind of a woman. Though, she knew she could very well end up being just that kind of a woman very soon anyway if she didn't quickly find a way out of the situation she found herself in. After all, she didn't think she would ever be in such an utterly desperate situation, looking for any way to save herself, and here she was.

As the days went by and her desperation rose while her job hunting efforts went nowhere, she came up with a new strategy. If she couldn't get money by herself, she could get money out of someone else. For the last two weeks, she managed to see at least two different men every day, hoping to get at least one to help pay her bills. Former coworkers, old friends she almost forgot about, friends of friends who looked at her a little too suggestively a few times, even middle school classmates.

At the cost of not sleeping longer than five hours per day for the last two weeks, she managed to get a "romantic date" with every man she remembered as having been at least slightly infatuated with her, hoping to find at least one who could help her now, in her darkest hour.

Unfortunately, she found none. She did find some sexual satisfaction, as a few of them turned out to be much hotter than she remembered them (Or she was just much hornier than average when she met them.) and she needed all the relief she could get, but ultimately, it didn't help her in any way.

A few nights ago, she started praying before going to sleep, just like she did when she was a little girl.

As the phone laying next to the computer screen started ringing, some part of her mind immediately started screaming that her prayers were answered.

They were. But not exactly in a way she'd expect.

"Hi Kylie," she said as she picked up the phone.

"Hi Mary," Kylie, her former coworker answered.

"Please, please, please Kylie, please tell me you have some good news for me," Mary blabbered into the phone, her heart racing. She felt like getting a heart attack. If this turned out to be nothing...

"Well, I think so," Kylie replied, unsure.

"What is it!?" Mary asked immediately.

"I talked a lot with Jenny about whether I should even tell you this, you'll probably say no anyway," she said, something in her voice making Mary nervous. After a short pause to take a few breaths, she continued "There's one guy. A rapper, or rather, well, tries to be a rapper. Calls himself 'Blazed'. You probably never heard about him, it's some forty-something-year-old rich dude who got a major case of mid-life crisis and decided to be 'Cool' again or something, trying to be the next Eminem pretty much."

"What about him?" Mary asked as Kylie stopped talking.

"Well, the thing is, he needs extras for his music videos, females especially, and he offers a lot. You see, he's a serious provocateur, and believes that the way to become famous is for his MVs to be as shocking as possible," she stopped talking again, though this time Mary did not interject. After taking a few deep breaths, Kylie continued "From what I know, there's a lot of nudity in his videos, it's really softcore porn basically. But, he does offer a lot, I don't know if it's enough to pay all of your bills, but it would help you."

"How much nudity?" Mary replied, "I can handle a lot, but..."

"Well, expect your breasts to be bare and filmed. Possibly even your vagina. No, you know what, change that possibly to probably. Same with your ass. Look, I'm sorry I'm even offering you this, you must think I think you are some kind of a whore or something, but Jenny insisted I tell you just so you'll know all of the possibilities to get out of your situation, you know how weirdly protective she always was of you and how much she likes to help and..." she didn't get a chance to finish her frenzied monologue as Mary interjected.

"I'll take it," she said resolutely.

"You do???" was the confused, and perhaps slightly terrified, reply.

"Yes, I do. It's just a one-off after all, isn't it? They won't stalk me or something to appear in more videos, right?" Mary asked.

"Y-Yes, I mean, no, I mean, yes to the first question, no to the second. They only offer the possibility to be in their MVs, they don't actively search for talent or people to appear there," Kylie replied.

"And there are going to be more women on the set, right?" Mary asked, already sure of the answer.

"Yes, there should be," was the reply.

"OK. Give me his contact information or whatever I need to get there, I'm going to do this," she said resolutely as she opened a new text file on her computer, writing in everything Kylie dictated to her, hanging up the phone later.

Surprisingly, the shooting was this very night.

Although Kylie told her not to worry too much about timing and that those people would take her even if she introduced herself at their doorstep, she quickly sent an e-mail about who she was and what she wanted on the address Kylie gave her. The sooner the better.

After Googling the address she was sent and finding out it was just under half an hour's worth of driving from her home at most, she relaxed for some time, thinking. Then, she went to her bedroom to choose what to wear to doll herself up for the shooting.

As she looked at her collection of clothes, she was coldly reminded of the reality of her situation as a desperate woman on the brink of a financial collapse who never before had to show skin on camera for money. She had quite a set of stylish clothes for semi-formal occasions, which she fully used for her dates with her once suitors, now possible saviors, for the last weeks. Apart from reminding her she needed to cancel three dates today, the sight of them did nothing but depress her. Those weren't the clothes to wear for the shooting of a softcore porn music video.

Neither, though, was anything else she owned. She had a lot of casual clothes to wear at home, lots of formal and semi-formal for work and social events, but almost nothing slutty for showing off her body in an erotic way, as a sexual object.

After a few minutes of digging through her cupboard, she eventually settled on wearing the only things she found appropriate for the occasion, which were a seriously tight and short miniskirt and a small tank top that covered so little of her skin it just barely avoided being an overgrown bikini top.

She didn't even remember she owned those things, and if she ever wore them she was likely still a teenager then, not to mention they seemed a little too extreme probably even for this occasion, but they were the only choice she had nevertheless.

As she undressed and looked at her naked figure in the mirror, she laughed to herself as she was reminded of why the last weeks of her life happened, and why Jenny and Kylie thought this opportunity was something she could use.

She was attractive, there was no doubt about it. Quite so, beautiful maybe even.

Soft, hairless skin uglied only by a few stretch marks. Large, full breasts which still did a great job self-supporting and resisting gravity even in her 40s. Firm, round, slappable ass. A youthful, cute face with red lips and full cheeks, which made her look at least 10 years younger than she was.

"Good genetics, the very best, trust me," she said while looking in the mirror, imitating Donald Trump's voice, giggling afterward. She lucked out in the looks department and she knew it.

So did her son, in fact. For the last few years, it was a miracle for any of her friends to look at her more than at him. Tall and muscular with beautiful eyes and smile, he was all of their, and hers, teenage dreams come true.

As she put on the tank top and miniskirt she chose to be her "uniform" for this mission to save her crumbling life, the prideful musings over her appearance running through her mind turned into near-bewilderment as she stared at her image in the mirror, seeing just how well her 5 feet 4 inches, 130 pounds body could be transformed into a pure sex object.

"Damn girl," she said under her breath "You sure still got it."

Indecipherable thoughts flooded through her mind as she gawked at her half-naked body, taking in every inch of every curve, while feeling herself up and groping her breasts absent-mindedly, finishing her personal self-presentation by playfully slapping her ass.

As she went to take the tank top off, her body suddenly froze, the indecipherable thoughts flooding her mind crystallizing into feelings of disgust.

"This thing comes off once, and after it does," she said to herself as her heart froze and stomach fell to the ground "It will never get back on." she finished, as all of the delight at her beauty disappeared from her mind and the feeling of disgust started overwhelming her.

Disgust. Revulsion. Anger.

Those feelings now flooded her mind, aimed at everything and nothing in particular, brought forth by her rising understanding of the reality of her situation.

By the fact that she was likely going to have to strip on camera, which will forever immortalize her as a woman who had to strip for cash. By the image of herself in the mirror, looking like a sex doll ready to be used. By the thoughts of her friends, family, maybe even her parents or her son, stumbling upon said video and seeing, exactly, what was the way she saved herself from financial ruin.

"Fuck you, Kylie," she said to herself, infuriated "And you too, Jenny."

Then she took another look at herself and added, with a defeated sigh "But I have to do this."

Stumbling into the kitchen, she grabbed a bottle of vodka out of the refrigerator. After downing a good quarter of the bottle, she went back to the living room, turned the TV on and sat herself to watch, feeling the alcohol get to her brain.

"Fuck it," she muttered to herself after a couple of minutes, realizing that for today, she'll need a lot more. After going back to the kitchen to drain the bottle some more, leaving it only half-filled when she returned it to the fridge, she felt her body get heavy as she stumbled back on the couch.

Feeling like crap and with no desire to do anything, she needed to get the time to pass quickly, and as long as she didn't overdo it, which she was sure she didn't, she knew the thirteen hours until she'll have to get going will be more than enough for her to sober up.

Her mind barely registered the passage of time as her brain was clouded by an alcoholic fog, the movies and TV shows fusing with the images of her eating, drinking orange juice and walking around the house, into a hazy, dream-like display which she watched rather than participated in.

Before she noticed, it was dark and the moon was shining in the sky. Just as she expected, she was finally coming back to her senses. Checking the clock, she saw that it was almost 9 PM. The shooting was starting in about an hour and a half, meaning she had an hour to get going.

Quickly sweeping into the bathroom to put her make-up on, she felt her heart skip a beat as she looked in the mirror and saw how greasy and unkempt her hair was.

"Fuck!" she swore loudly. In her drunken state, she completely forgot to wash it as she planned to do before the first of her dates she was supposed to go on.

Quickly turning the water on, opening a bottle of shampoo, grabbing the showerhead and bending over the bathtub, she washed her hair with insane speed. As she moved the towel through her hair, frenzied enough to look like she was ripping her hair out, she glanced at the screen of her phone.

She lost less than five minutes doing this.

"Nice," she thought as she went back to choosing her make-up.

After a quick deliberation, she decided to go with the simple option of a bright red lipstick, purposefully overdone, to go along with her red nails, combined with a basic black eyeliner/black eyeshadow combo.

A little simpler look than she'd usually choose, but one she believed to be just about perfect for what she was about to do, as the overdone lipstick made her look whorish and the black make-up made her look like an inexperienced, emo teenager, a combination which, in her experience, men tended to like more than they'd like to admit.

Finishing her "Inexperienced hoe" look by putting on large hoop earrings, she strode, almost instinctively, back to her bedroom to find if there was anything more she could use, a journey which stopped abruptly as she froze in the middle of the hallway, shocked, realizing her son had not yet returned home.

"Where the hell is he now?!" she thought to herself, furious, even though she knew the answer. Getting drunk with his friends, of course. Like usual.

Not that she could blame him, she, herself, still wasn't completely sober. In their situation, it was understandable.

She reached for the phone in her pocket, before freezing and letting her hand go. He won't answer now, he likely won't even see it, and it will just annoy him if he will.

Instead, she just went to the living room for a paper and a pen, scribbled a message for him to contact her when he'll come home, and put it near the screen of his TV, ensuring that he'll see it.

Finishing her interrupted journey back to her bedroom, she, after a prolonged search of her drawers, found what she was almost instinctually searching for. A pair of fishnets and long black heels, parts of her french maid costume which she wore when she wanted to be especially dirty with her sex partners.

Putting the fishnets and the long heels on, followed by a warm coat, she was finally ready to go.

As she got out of her apartment, into her car, and drove for half an hour, half-sober, into the location of the shooting, she didn't think much, except for being slightly surprised by how well she could drive in her state. But then, that could have been an illusion, maybe it was like in The Wolf Of Wall Street and she was about to have a rude awakening when she was about to look at her car sober.

"Just don't let me drive a totaled car to that shooting, please," she said to no one in particular as she was nearing the destination.

As she got out of the car, she got her first good look at the location of the shooting. A derelict, broken-looking building that looked exactly like one would imagine a recording studio built in the 80s and not once renovated since then.

"Well, that's a bummer," she thought "Guess this guy wanted to record there since he was a kid. Dunno what I expected."

She went to knock on the door three times, pushing it open when no one opened after an uncomfortably long time waiting. Inside, she stepped into a long, dimly lit hallway, with a bland, red door at the end.

"Ahhh, Miss Thompson I believe!" she heard a chipper voice call out and almost jumped in surprise. Looking in the direction of the voice, she found a small desk she didn't discover before due to the darkness of the room, with a perky, goth looking girl with multiple piercings and multicolored hair sitting behind it, her eyes locked on her, apparently waiting for an answer.

"Y-Yes," the still-surprised Mary forced out.

"Blazed is already waiting for you, I can tell you, he really liked your photo," she said sincerely "Just go, well, you can't miss it," she said as she giggled and pointed to the red door at the end of the hallway "Blazed will tell you what to do, it likely won't be much, you'll meet there with the other extras, shooting should be over in a couple of hours, then you and all the others are leaving with your checks, and that's it," she explained.

"OK. Thanks, I get it," Mary replied as she waved her goodbye and went for the red door.

The room behind the red door was also, rather unsurprisingly, red. Red walls, red carpets, red stools, the whole package. Apart from her, there were three other women there, one around her age though probably younger, the others both at least ten years younger than her, all dressed and made-up similarly to her. For some reason, she didn't like this balance of power, but on the flip side, none of them seemed anywhere near as busty as she was, so she wasn't an obvious outlier there. She sat on one of the red stools and waited with the others for what will happen.

"Was he already there?" she asked.

"Don't know, I just got there," one of the young women said, with the second older woman repeating the answer.

"No, he wasn't," the other young woman replied.

Then, the sound of a door slamming open filled the room.

"But now!" Blazed yelled as he stormed into the red room, capturing all of their gazes "I am here!"

Mary looked him up-and-down.

He looked exactly as she imagined.

A forty-something dude dressed like a teenage hipster, with annoyingly short jean shorts on his legs, sunglasses on his eyes, and tattoos seemingly all over his body. She was sure he was about her age, but he could have passed for even older, with his hair, at least what was left of it, apparently already greying and with the numerous wrinkles on his face.

"Now that Miss Thompson has come here, I believe all of us are finally here," he said, looking at Mary "Well, let's quickly get to work, we have a lot of things to go through before the shooting begins."

Mary started to get nervous. What kind of things to go through did this guy mean? It's obvious he wants them to get naked later, so what could he want now?

A strangely familiar voice, mixed in with chattering she just now noticed was emanating from the yellow-colored room Blazed just got out of, stopped her train of thought analyzing her current situation.

Was somebody she knew there?

"Quick, get off of your seats ladies, you have a lot to do," he said, motioning for them to enter the yellow room "You need to meet your, what's the appropriate word, MV partners. Meet them and get to know them, as intimately as possible."

The perverted way in which he said the last sentence sent cold shivers down her spine. But that was nothing compared to the shock she received at the sight of a figure she saw as she got on her feet and walked past Blazed, into the yellow room.


Her son was there, right in front of her, flashing her the same shocked look on his face she did to him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" she blurted out at him as they mindlessly moved to the back of the room, the rational, cool-headed part of her mind using all of its strength to prevent her from screaming it at him at the top of her lungs.

"What the fuck am I doing here?!" he shot back at her accusingly almost loudly enough for someone to notice, causing her to quickly, nervously scan the faces of others "What the fuck are you doing here? How did you even get here, do you know what this guy wants..."

"Shush!" she spat at him, still looking the others over "Quiet, for Christ's sake."

He took a deep breath and, weakening his voice a little, continued where she interrupted him.

"You know what this guy wants out of people who work on his video clips, right? Especially the women? Why are you here, who got you here, how do you even know about this guy, just, why?"

"I'm here for the same reason why I guess you are here as well," she replied sternly, clearly annoyed at her son's infantilization of her "Saving us. Saving our home, saving our car. Getting the money to save our fucking lives." she looked at him with a painfully piercing look, shutting him completely speechless.

"As for how I know about this guy," she continued speaking after an uncomfortably long pause, more out of concern at others suspecting something was wrong with them than from wanting to speak "Kylie called me today about him, she and Jenny found out about him, don't know how. How did you find out about him? Why are you here?" she looked around the room again "None of those guys are your friends."

"James and Adam talked about him today," he replied, "I asked them about him. About his contacts, address and so on. They don't know we need money though, I said I want to ask him if I can help him ´Find female talent´, or watch the shooting of his MVs and so on." he said as he looked at her sheepishly, reminding her of the many times he looked at her like that as a child after doing something bad, making her eyes water as she fully realized the situation she and her son were in.

"You really didn't have to," she said as she softly grabbed his hand "Don't worry, we'll find a way through this."

"What now?" he asked her as he looked her in the eyes "If this guy finds out who we are, he'll throw us out, no questions asked!"

She wiped the budding tears with the back of her hand, giving her eyes back their determinated, steely look they had when she came here. "Whatever happens here," she said sternly "We'll get through it, we'll get the money this guy offers. We'll forget everything that happened here after that, as if we were never there, as if this, none of this, of what will happen here, never happened. Is that clear, hun?"

He nodded his head in affirmation.

For a couple of minutes, they simply mimicked the others, talking about meaningless, superficial things in between dropping some information about each other. Blazed wanted them to get to know, and get comfortable with, each other, and from the looks of it, that was exactly what the others were successfully doing.

"You know, since you said nothing here will have ever happened," he whispered in her ear, apparently taking the sight of Blazed walking towards them as a signal to act in some way "Don't you think you overdid it? Really. You look like a friggin', well, you know."

She looked at him and rolled her eyes. "The only fitting clothing I found, Mister Thompson, do you have a problem with it?" she replied in a cheeky, coquettish tone, just in time for Blazed to hear it.

"A beautiful reply to whatever you were said, Miss Thompson, I believe," he spoke at her "Especially the ironic way you said Mister Thompson's surname, emphasizing the funny coincidence of you two sharing a surname," he said happily as her heart skipped a beat.

Cold sweat started burning on her forehead as she realized he knew their surnames.

Well, surname.

"That was exactly what I would do if I were in your situation," he said, looking into her eyes, which betrayed not a hint of the terror she now felt washing over her "Won't lie, seeing you act in such a way makes me like you even more. It's not all that much of a coincidence, seeing as yours is the seventeenth most common surname in this country, but I still gotta ask, you two aren't relatives or anything, right?"

Mary now felt her heart beating in her ears. She was sure Tyler felt the same.

"N-No, of, of course not, as you, yourself said, right now, it's just a funny..." she didn't get a chance to finish her unconvincing stammering as Tyler interjected.

"Well, we do, kind of, know each other," Tyler said as her heart skipped a beat and Blazed looked at him, interested "She is my aunt's boss. We met a few times when I went to visit my aunt at work, and she mentions her a lot whenever she talks about work."

"You little shit!" she thought as she deeply, but inaudibly, exhaled "Don't scare me like that. With how many shocks my heart is getting tonight, I'm gonna have a heart attack!"

"She actually had a few problems at work due to sharing a surname with Miss Thompson here, with her boss. Accusations of nepotism and so on," he said as he pointed at Mary while Blazed just nodded in sympathy "Now that I'm gonna be in your video clip with Miss Thompson, though, well," he said as he hunched his shoulders while Blazed laughed "Given the stuff you do, I can't believe it will help her much with accusations that the boss prefers her."

"Nice," she thought. He was obviously preparing that answer for at least some time while they were speaking. That was the one thing she really couldn't deny about her son. Unlike his father, he wasn't gifted just physically.

Blazed just laughed for a few moments. "Yeah, I get that," he replied "Funny though, from the e-mail you sent us, I didn't get the feeling you had underlings," he said as he looked at her, making her again feel the burning, cold sweat at her forehead.

"W-Well, you know," she quickly blurted out "You don't choose, family, your relatives, and, well, their debts, debts they make."

"There's no reason to lie, Miss Thompson," he said sympathetically "You simply want more money. I get that, I'm the same. One more thing we have in common, I guess. I wouldn't be where I am, both before and after I bought this studio and those clothes, if I didn't always want more."

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Nice to see all you people getting along with each other," he bellowed as he turned away from them, facing the others in the room "Continue getting comfortable with each other for five more minutes, then we'll start rehearsing for the video. Trust me, you'll seriously regret not being comfortable with your conversation partner then."

"Conversation partner" the way he said those words hit her like a lighting as she quickly looked over the other couples in the room, realizing for the first time that all of them were paired just like her and Tyler, a man and a woman together.

While she and Tyler were lost in their thoughts, he did sound like he was telling the others something. Did he specifically order them to get paired with a member of the opposite sex?

"You'll seriously regret not being comfortable with your conversation partner" those words were evoking increasingly disturbing images in her mind. This guy loved to shock, and she could take a lot, but just how far did he intend to take this? Especially since she was here with Tyler...

"Hey, you OK?" Tyler asked her.

"Yeah, more or less," she replied meekly.

They continued mimicking the others' small talk until Blazed interrupted them after five minutes passed.

"All right everyone!" he bellowed "Now that everyone here seems to have gotten comfortable with their, well, ´special partner´ here, talking, smiling, laughing, I even see some ´Fuck me´ stares thrown over there." he said as he looked at Mary and Tyler, making her blush "That's exactly how I like it. And with all the comfortability and trust in the air, I believe no one's going to have a problem if I ask the ladies to take their tops and bras off and show us their breasts."

Silence overtook the air as disgust did over Mary's mind. She quickly scanned the other women to see if anyone had a problem with this but found none. Apart from mild displeasure, only one of the young women, who was paired with the only older man from the extras, seemed anywhere as disgusted as she was, and even she was starting to strip already, along with the others.

"No, no, no, stop," he said, sparking a glimmer of hope in Mary's mind "Change of plans. Boys should strip you." and extinguishing it immediately.

"Whatever happens here," her son said as he put his hands on her waist, sliding them lightly to the edges of her tank top, the touch of his strong hands sending goosebumps through her body "Remember, it never happened at all. Let's do this." As she put her arms up to allow him to strip her, the eagerness in his voice, along with his apparent enjoyment of getting to touch her, revolted her.

As the tank top fell to the ground and her son's hands locked themselves onto her bra, first just the backside, then tracing the entire length of it all the way to the cups. Then, into the cups, gently squeezing the packages they were carrying, forcing her to moan loudly.

Her son just made her moan. Her son just squeezed her breasts! Her hand almost automatically went in for a slap on his face, but the unexpectedly stern look in his eyes stopped her.

"He's looking straight at us," he said, his voice carrying an undertone of urgency "No matter what I told him, there's no way he doesn't still suspect us. Just play along, OK? We need this, when it's over, we forget everything anyway, OK?"

"Jut don't be, so, eager," she said with mild disgust in her voice.

"Sorry Mom, that's just," he said as he closed his eyes, then unhooked her bra, sending it on the group "Experience speaking, see?"

Before she could say anything, moans were escaping her mouth as her son's hands went to play with her now completely bare breasts, squeezing and teasing them wildly.

"Don't tell me you are enjoying this?!" she managed to blurt-out in-between the moans.

"Don't tell me you aren't," he replied confidently before drawing another moan from her by squeezing her large breasts together.

Even if she could say something to save her face through the moans, she wouldn't have. She'd have to lie, and she didn't feel like it.

"That's exactly what I want!" Blazed yelled out, stopping Tyler's assault on his mother's chest "Everyone, try to do what Mister and Miss Thompson do. That's the way to prepare for the shooting. We have one night to do it, you need to have no problem with being naked and touching each other, it must be perfect."

"To answer your earlier question a little better," Tyler said as he restarted playing with her breasts, her moans now joined with the other women's "Of course I'm enjoying this, how could I not? They are so fucking perfect, Mom."

She felt burning arousal rapidly rise inside of her, quickly taking over her body. Here she was, standing damn near immobile in front of strangers, while her own son was playing with her breasts.

Her, big, round, full breasts, which according to him were perfect.

As much as she wanted to feel disgusted at this situation, her pussy was moistening and her heart was starting to beat like crazy, and she knew what those facts meant.

"You really think they are perfect?" she asked in a voice overcome with arousal, after capturing his attention with a particularly loud moan.

"Of course they are," he replied as he quickly teased her hard nipples with his thumbs, drawing an excited moan in response. "Perfect just like you are."

Before she even realized it, her lips locked themselves on his.

She was now making out with her son, their hands excitedly tracing their bodies.

"Seems like the trendsetters can't wait," Blazed said as he watched them "Everyone, get all of your clothes off. Time to play with each other."

Not even really listening to him, their hands going almost automatically, they did so immediately, Mary's miniskirt, fishnets and underwear hitting the ground simultaneously with Tyler's T-shirt, jeans and boxers. Now, Mary stood before her son just in her long, black heels, correctly deducing that, just like his father, her son loved to see a naked woman keep the one thing making her even more powerless by being worn.

Others weren't so enthusiastic about Blazed's order though. While Thompsons were already back to wildly making out with each other with not a care in the world, the others, especially the women, were still in various stages of stripping, stages coinciding with the various levels of apprehension each of them felt. He was reaching the end of what they were willing to go through with for the money he was offering, and he knew it.

But then, that didn't matter. He already knew who he was going to have in that video.

Everything ready, the last bra hitting the floor, he went for the kill.

"Actually, scratch that," he said in a somehow apologetic tone "In this video, we'll go further then we've ever gone. For that, I'll have to ask the ladies to get on their knees and suck off their partners, right now."

Dead silence overtook the room, soon filled by half-hearted, panicked protesting. This, along with the abruptness of his order, seemed to snap Mary back to reality, as she tore her lips from her son's, her body from his embrace, gazing at the panicking women in the room.

They have had enough.

"Fuck off you creep!" the young woman paired with the sole older man, before adding "And you too!" to her partner, before starting to pick her clothes from the ground.

"Yeah!!" the other young woman screamed surprisingly loudly, before delivering an even louder slap to her partner "Who the fuck do you fucking think we are? Some fucking whores, or some fucking sex dolls you can play with however you like? I'm leaving and fucking suing you for everything you are fucking worth you worthless creep!"

"Fucking tell him!" the first young woman said.

"There's no reason to be angry though," Blazed said in a surprisingly heartfelt, diplomatic tone "You will, all of you who will leave, obviously get a substantial amount of money just for what you already did. There's no reason for our emotions to get so extreme."

"I better really get the money," the second woman said, already fully clothed again.

"You will! Just not as much as those who stay will," he said looking at Mary, Tyler and the other older woman with her young partner.

"Yeah, I think I'll pass," the young man said, slightly surprising everyone.

"Me too, this is too much, I'm sorry," his older partner said while looking in Blazed's eyes, tears swelling inside of hers.

"So, I guess only the Thompsons then?" he said, as Mary felt an incredible urge to say something, no, scream something, erupting inside of her body. But she didn't. "Won't lie, when I saw the way they were eating each other compared to the others, that's what I expected."

"But, we are still there," the guy paired with the screaming girl argued, gesturing towards his equally-young friend.

"And your ladies are leaving, which means you'll do as well," Blazed said resolutely "Everyone except the Thompsons, out, now."

"How much do we get?" the screaming girl asked.

"Half of what you'd get normally," he replied.

"Just half?!" she retorted.

"OK, seventy-five percent, just leave already," he said, irritated.

This, they could accept. One by one, they left the room, and studio, leaving just him, Mary and Tyler.

While that was happening, they had a quick chat of their own.

"Shouldn't we also..." she said.

"No. We have to do this," he said bluntly.

"You are a fucking pervert you know that!? You really want me to do that with you, to you? You, you are sick, let me go," she said as she started to struggle to get out of his grasp.

He didn't let her go, instead roughly pulling her closer to him.

"Look, we simply have to do this or we are on the street and you know that," he said sternly.

"You planned this didn't you?" she asked.

"Huh?" was the reply.

"You planned this, with Kylie and Jenny and, and, to do such disgusting stuff, and..." she stammered.

"What the fuck are blabbering about?! You are going fucking crazy. Calm the fuck down, OK? What the fuck are you going on about with ´disgusting acts´? You were the one showing your fucking tongue inside of my mouth!" he said. His words were like a cold slap, calming Mary down and sobering her to the reality of her, and their, situation.

"You showed your tongue down my throat just moments ago, so don't pretend you don't want this just as much as I do!" he snarled in her face "We are doing this or we are hobos and you know that, we need all of that money."

Yes, she indeed did.

"We are ready," was what left her mouth immediately after all the others had left and Blazed turned his attention back at them.

"Perfect. Can you, well," he said as he motioned for her to get down.

She sighed deeply as she turned to face her son and slowly sunk to her knees. Her son's rock hard cock was already prepared for her.

"That little shit, he's really enjoying this," she said, as her lips slowly enveloped the head of his cock while snickering internally at her remark. Her "little" baby was not little anymore, in any way.

Deep, masculine grunts of pleasure left Tyler's mouth while her mouth slowly bobbed along the length of his cock, taking as much as she could in, then back to the head, then repeat.

"Liking this, aren't you?" she thought as the sound of his appreciative grunts and the feeling of a cock in her mouth set her body on fire, unsure of who she was even addressing the thought.

After tracing his cock up and down a few more times, she stopped to focus on the head, pleasuring it by quickly circling her wet tongue by it.

"Uhh, fuck yeah," he grunted, louder than ever before.

"Nice," said Blazed, obviously turned on "Don't forget bout the hands."

"I know how to give a blowjob, you creepy fuck," she thought as her hands went to massage her son's balls, switching to stroking his cock after a while, just the feel of his rough skin on her soft hands turning her on.

Yes, of course she knew how to give a blowjob.

She fucking loved doing it. The feel of a rock-hard cock sliding in and out of her mouth and down her throat. Could there even be anything better than that?

Unfortunately, it was a long time since she last had an opportunity to do it.

Too fucking long.

And now she was here, her knees on the floor, a hard cock in her wet mouth, her hands on her son's cock and his grunts in her ears.


As arousal took over her body, her wet cunt overflowing, her heart beating like crazy and her loins on fire, she felt something break in her mind. Hungrily picking up the pace of her oral assault on his stiff prick, slobbering all over the hard tool, her hands massaging whatever her mouth couldn't reach, she felt herself more alive than ever.

"Fuck yeah!" her son grunted as he started moving his hips, mounting her mouth. Before his hands grasped her head to stabilize it in place as he fucked it, she stopped bobbing to allow him to take control, her now freed hands moving from jerking his cock to pleasuring her overflowing cunt.

The loss of control was interesting. She knew it was just the horniness overwhelming her mind talking, but she loved the situation she was now in.

Usually, she was the one in control of the situation. She decided when the sex happened, what happened, how much pleasure the guy got and when it ended.

Her current situation couldn't have been more different.

Her bare knees on the cold floor, her head held in place while her son fucked it, she was not in any semblance of control anymore. Now she was just a wet hole for him to fuck with his cock, who might as well have been replaced by a sex toy and it wouldn't have made any difference.

Instead of her playing with his cock to her heart's content, choosing how much pleasure he'll receive, he was taking her mouth the way he wished, taking the pleasure he wanted.

Instead of her choosing how long he will be pleasured, or if he will even be allowed to cum before she does, her son was now holding her in place to fuck her until he came, with the only pleasure she could hope to get being whatever her furious, desperate even feeling his impending orgasm, masturbation could bring her, whether she liked it or not.

The novel sensation of a loss of control was incredibly arousing to her by itself, nevermind the fact that this was happening with her son as her sexual partner, in front of a stranger offering them money for engaging in this act.

The fact that he didn't know of their relationship changed nothing. The taboo, the dirtiness of their situation made this her most sexually exciting experience in years.

Feeling her orgasm slowly but surely creeping on her, she sped up the pace of her finger-fucking of her pussy.

She couldn't help herself.

It was as if this entire situation was created specifically to get her off as hard as possible.

The sweet, alluring sensation of a hard cock in her mouth again, fucking her mouth mercilessly, when fellatio was her favorite sexual activity and one she prided herself for having been able to orgasm from a few times in her life.

The ironic fact that, after weeks and weeks of purposefully denying herself sexual pleasure seated right in front of her, just waiting to be told to fuck her, all in hopes of stringing those men along for a while and squeeze some money out of them, she was now about to get a lot of money by allowing herself to be used as a sexual object.

The fact that her son was just so, fucking, hot. She did realize he was good looking a long time ago, but now, with his naked, muscular body standing in front of her, she realized he was hot. He was a living fantasy of hers from when she was his age. A tall, muscular, handsome bad boy who knew exactly what he wanted and needed and went after it no matter what, even if that something was money to be gained by mouthfucking his mother.

Of course, she knew that, for him, this was exactly as exciting as it was for her, for pretty much the same reasons, and if she, a mature woman who knew how to truly enjoy sex instead of looking for the quickest way to cum was already feeling her orgasm approaching, then a young, hormonally-overfilled guy like him...

"Please, just hold it till I cum!" she thought to herself, the words reverberating through her mind like a heartfelt prayer to a potent deity before she went back to the trance-like state of enjoying her fingers in her pussy and his cock in his mouth.

Not that she expected he would though.

After decades of giving blowjobs, she simply knew when guys had enough. She simply had a gut feeling about it.

A gut feeling that said gut was about to be filled, she liked to think.

That much bigger was her surprise, then, when he did manage to hold his orgasm back until hers started, holding back and only flooding her throat with his sperm only after the orgasm started overwhelming her with her going stiff and purring and moaning into his cock.

If that wasn't her orgasm yet, what happened after he came into her mouth definitely was.

As shot by shot of thick, salty cum filled her mouth and went down her throat, Mary's body exploded. Her entire body felt like it was set on fire from the pleasure. It was the strongest orgasm she felt in years, if not her entire life.

"Oh, oh, holy, holy fu-uuuck!" her son exclaimed, as she forcefully locked her lips around the oversensitive head of his cock, trying to suck out every single drop of his cum, down to the very last.

After she was sure she got everything she wanted, she finally slid her beautiful lips from his still-erect cock, and looked up at him, in a way she never did before.

There was no doubt that her good little boy had changed. Now he was a strong, virile, muscular, sexy man. But no matter what he looked like, he was still, at least in part, just a good little boy, trying to make his mama proud, something he undoubtedly succeeded at now.

And, as her eyes met his, she knew that he knew that as well.

"Wow," Blazed made his presence known, shattering the moment between them "That was just so fucking hot. Can you do that again, for the cameras?" he asked.

They looked at each other and sniggered. Just a couple of minutes ago, they would've likely said no. In fact, that was exactly what the rational parts of their minds wanted them to do, screamed at them to do.

But they weren't in control anymore.

"Sure, when?" Mary asked as she got back on her feet.

"The first one, right now," he replied as he walked past them to open a door they only just realized was there.

They stared at him in surprise as their minds processed what he said.

"First one?" Tyler asked.

"Yes, the first one, we'll do a lot of those at different sets, of course, we can't film an entire MV with just one set, that would make us look like beggars," he replied.

"You want to film blowjobs?" she asked.

"Of course! That's why I wanted to see if you feel comfortable blowing him. Nice that we found such a compatible pair right on the first night, the sooner this gets wrapped-up the better," he explained excitedly "The point of the MV is that we are in a relationship, you are my girlfriend or wife or whatever, except it's not working and so you are cheating on me with this young stud over there." he said pointing at Tyler. "Basically, the whole MV is that you are blowing him while I'm just there moaning about how cruel you are, how I love you and your betrayal hurts me and so on while just standing there and looking at you two, or driving or whatever."

She noticed there was a replica (Or was it?) of a car in the room the recently-revealed door led to.

"I guess the one with you driving is the first thing we are doing?" she asked.

"Yup," he said, sounding jarringly unnatural saying that with the way he looked "We are in the car, my song plays while I lipsync and pretend to drive, while you blow Mr. Thompson to completion. It needs to be a full blowjob since we still haven't decided which scene we will use where, we'll have to see all possibilities, including for the ending, then we decide what we use. We have about five, maybe six if you'll decide you want to use that one as well, I hope it won't be too much for either of you."

"Well, uhm," Tyler stammered as he realized what Blazed expected of him tonight.

"Of course it won't," his mother interjected "Tyler here is the type of a guy, I mean, young, athletic and experienced, that, at least in my experience, has basically infinite stamina. And as for me, well, I think you saw yourself very well what I can do." she said, pointing to the erection poking slightly from Blazed's jeans.

He just grinned and nodded, before motioning for them to go into the recently-revealed room. Their hands around each other, his on her waist and hers on his ass, they walked in.


Bitch, fuck you, cunt, you should've been just an ONS thot, no ring,

Bitch, you worthless cunt, you fucked me up, but I don't forget,

Cunt, I'll find you and that little boy-toy you have (know where you live),

Take my Magnum and send y'all both straight to hell!

Mary was slowly bobbing her head up and down her son's cock as the frankly bad music filled the room, sending a wave of pleasure through his body with every move of her mouth and tongue.

Tyler now completely understood why Blazed wanted the MV to look this way. She was the only reason to watch it.

Her beautiful bubble butt fully displayed for the camera, her large breasts fully visible as they swayed wildly while she blew him, she looked like an erotic goddess on the screen.

"Didn't you watch it five times already?" she said as she joined him laying on the bed, the notebook with the MV playing on its screen just a few inches away from their faces "You should really take a break from it."

"Mom," he said, making her pussy tingle, which hearing him say that word now did to her "I'm just relaxing. That's just a part of it."

"You know we can actually do that, instead of just watching, right?" she said cheekily.

"Not in the mood," he replied.

"Just got in the mood, thanks to you," she replied as her hands went to unzip his jeans.

Soon, his semi-erect cock was freed from his jeans.

"Not in the mood," she mockingly repeated his words as she started stroking him, making him moan lightly.

She snickered as the video on the screen cut to a scene of them enthusiastically screwing in what seemed to be a back alley behind a pornographic cinema. The best fucking either of them had there.

If she said her thoughts out loud, he wouldn't have disagreed. He didn't know why it was, whether due to them finally getting to breathe some fresh air after hours locked in that run-down, smoke-filled studio, or maybe because by then they truly felt comfortable with each other at last and figured what the other liked, but what happened at that particular set was incredible.

As the memories of that scene flooded his mind, and her soft hands pleasured him by jerking his rapidly hardening cock, whatever apprehension he might've felt moments ago quickly dissipated.

"Too bad he didn't film what we did when we came home," she said as he turned to face her, kissing her wildly all over her cheeks, neck, and breasts as she moaned lightly "Now that would've, uh, been, uh, worthy of, uhmm, being there."

After a few minutes of passionate making out, he laid on his back, his rock-hard cock proudly standing in the air, as he stretched his arm to grasp the back of her head, saying "I know what you like." as he gently guided her head to his cock.

"Oh yeah," he moaned passionately as she began blowing him, her actions almost mirroring those of the her in the MV, which he just restarted.

"Too bad that vid's never getting published," he commented.

"Uh? Hwy?" she replied, her lips still wrapped around his tool.

"He realized how similar we looked when reviewing it, then chickened out when he realized he had no way to know for sure whether we were related or not," he said with a sarcastic snicker.

She just laughed, sending pleasing vibrations through his cock.

"Got the e-mail from him a few hours ago, waited for the right time to tell you," he said.

"Hopefully that weird creep won't want his money back," she said rather angrily as she pulled her mouth from his cock and looked him in the eyes.

"Trust me, he won't. Given how scared he sounded in the mail, the last thing he wants is risking this going public," he said, snickering "Now, can you..." he said, motioning to his cock.

She rolled her eyes.

"Baby can't live without his little lollipop being sucked all the time?" she said with a laugh as she restarted blowing him.

"Uh, oh, I could, uh, diss you so easily on that," he got out in-between the moans.

As he was already halfway to cumming before she stopped, it didn't take much time, or effort, to get him to cum.

Three shots of salty cum, accompanied by deep, guttural grunts, flooded her throat as she dutifully swallowed each of them.

"Mmm, yummy," she commented as she licked her lips, "I think I should get back to the kitchen, those pancakes really need to be made," she added quickly.

He caught her as she got up to leave.

"I'm not finished yet," he said cockily "And I doubt you are either."

She just sighed. Unfortunately, she couldn't exactly say no. She wasn't finished either, in fact, after filling her mouth with his cock and throat with his cum, she felt majorly unfinished, and new sex sessions starting right after the previous ones ended was one of the pros of fucking younger guys she always loved.

Absentmindedly, she sunk on the bed and removed her panties, before spreading her legs and presenting her beautiful, wet pussy for him.

"Mamma Mia!" he said sarcastically as he put his thumb inside of her, feeling her horny cunt contract around it, sucking it in "You are even fucking hornier than I am! Like, at least ten times."

"Ya think?" she replied equally sarcastically, her voice overcome with arousal. Then, she took off her T-shirt, presenting her well-sculpted, large breasts to him. "How about now, boy?"

His cock penetrating her pussy was the only answer she got.

In moments they were fucking like bunnies in heat, filling the air in the room with their lustful moans and grunts.

"Oh, fuck, yeah!!" Tyler roared as he roughly fucked his mother's wet cunt. Looking down at her, seeing her large breasts swaying in all directions from the force of his assault on her sex, combined with the feeling of her tight cunt gripping his cock, massaging it and sucking him in with every thrust, he realized this will be a quick affair

She was just too hot, and his balls were simply too full.

"Fuck yeah, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!!" she screamed lustfully as she gripped his body by crossing her legs over his back, holding him in place as she felt her orgasm approaching.

"Fuck Mom," he gasped as he slowed down his pace of fucking her "I'm gonna cum soon, you are so, so tight, so hot, I'm not gonna last long."

"Just hold it for a few goddamned minutes," she replied, irritated, as she moved her hand to help his cock in pleasuring her hungry pussy.

"Oh God, you're just, so..." he stammered.

"Stop blabbering and move it!" she interjected.

He did as requested, speeding up the pace to how fast he was fucking her when he started.

For a few long minutes, they just silently admired each other's bodies, he, her beautiful breasts, flawless, soft skin, and beautiful face, she, his well-sculpted, damn near perfect, muscular physique and similarly handsome face.

Nothing but the wet, slapping sounds of sex, interspersed with moans, grunts, and deep breaths filled the air in the room during those minutes, until the final moment inevitably came.

"M-Mom, I'm gonna cum!" he bellowed, his orgasm inevitably coming.

"Hold it, hold it, hold it! Please, please, please, hold it!" she screamed as she frantically quickened the pace of her masturbation, feeling like she was pretty much ripping her pussy apart.

Using all of his mental strength, he frantically tried to hold himself back, just for a moment, to allow her to cum.

"Just a moment, just uh, ah, a moment, uh, ju, uh, ah!" she stammered as he felt her legs stiffen, knowing his work was over.

As she came, her lustful screams invading the air and tremors of pleasure taking over her body, he allowed himself to cum as well, shooting two spurts of sperm inside of her as one of the strongest orgasms he ever experienced overwhelmed his body.

As their orgasms faded, he collapsed next to her.

For a couple of moments, they just lay there, catching their breaths, not even looking at each other.

Then, he turned to face her, looking her in the eyes.

"So," he said with an unexpected, slight melancholy in his voice "This is our life now."

"After that," she said as she pointed to the screen of his notebook "Did we even have a choice? Could it have been anything else? It's the only way now." she said matter-of-factly.

He looked her in the eyes as he started caressing her face. She smiled and blushed.

"The only way," he said as he kissed her "Or the best way?" he asked.

She waited for a moment.

Then, she kissed him.

"The best," she said, her lips meeting his "Only the best."


Bonus ending: Didn't know whether to include this scene right after the ending or if it would ruin the mood too much, but I wanted to include it anyway so I split it like this, if you wanna believe this is how the ending scene continued to play out, OK, if not, likewise OK.

"Like the pancakes will be?" he said jokingly.

"Oh my!" she yelled as she jumped out of the bed and ran to the kitchen, while he just watched her, her shapely legs with his cum dripping down their thighs and her beautiful ass the only parts of her he could see, smiling to himself.

"Yes," he thought to himself "Only the best."