
Accidental Nympho Mom


Jennifer sat on one side of the government laboratory -- with wires attached to face, chest, and fingers -- and the research experts sat on the other side.

"Tell me about your darkest fears," Dr. Ledgard said.

Jennifer took the time to gather her thoughts. "Seclusion. Haunted houses. Victorian style homes. Empty rooms. Empty spaces."

The researchers monitored the computers that instantaneously provided analysis from the wires hooked up to Jennifer. They quizzed her about the sources of these anxieties and she gave a quick rundown of all the things that have happened in her youth.

"Is that what inspired you to write horror novels?" Dr. Ledgard asked. "A way of confronting these fears, perhaps?"

Jennifer nodded. "It's a great way to make a living. And I get a real rush from facing these inner-struggles."

There was a playfulness in her tone. As a lover of science fiction, Jennifer was intrigued by how this all went down. Sure, she always did plenty of research for her books, but being part of a government project was a thrill.

"There's also something else," the doctor said, trying to be as professional as possible for this last point. "This hadn't been asked in any of your pre-screening interviews, because it didn't seem relevant at the time, but last night someone on the team discovered a potential flaw in the system."

"Sure, anything."

Dr. Ledgard gave a hard stare. "Don't feel embarrassed answering this question, but do you have any strong fetishes or deviances which could possibly compromise this experiment? Any impulses or compulsions?"

"I can assure you, I'm as plain as vanilla," Jennifer said bashfully.

And she was being truthful, too. Outwardly, she was a straight-laced, mostly conservative woman who was known for her impeccable manners and her willingness to organize all sorts of community activities where she lived.

There was, however, one secret fantasy she had. Something dark and taboo. Something she'd never, ever tell anyone for as long as she lived. Something that would ruin her if people knew what she occasionally liked to fantasize about.

Surely, her fascination with hardcore mother/son erotica wouldn't be an issue here. How could it? It was certainly no one's business but her own, so she decided to keep that to herself.

And even though her own son had agreed to help with this experiment, why would that be relevant? She had never fantasized about him before, no matter how desirable she thought he was. She was a good girl when it came to separating her rather kinky fantasies and her real life relationship with her own son.

"My apologies for that question," Dr. Ledgard said. "We can never be too careful. Part of scientific research is to anticipate all scenarios so we can avoid any disasters."

She smiled, "No offense taken. I trust that I'm in good hands."

"Then we'll begin."

Now her heart was pumping. This was safe, surely. The research team had amazing credentials, so she was positive that nothing bad would ever happen to her.

They prepared a small machine, which looked like a rectangular box with a radar attached to it. They brought it close to her, pointing the radar looking part towards her head, then they stepped back to get behind their monitors and computers.

She stared straight into the machine, wide-eyed and enthralled by this. Secretly, her mind reeled from all the sci-fi movies she had watched growing up. She even thought about how this experience could be used for future novels.

"Sit perfectly still," the doctor said. "Don't move a muscle."

As soon as Dr. Ledgard gave the signal, the machine was activated and it made a low, humming sound. Jennifer sat still as the device sent its frequency waves towards her head.

Dr. Ledgard talked in a soothing motion. "Think of your deepest fears. Think of your deepest fears. Think of your deepest fears."

Her mind drifted and she focused on the causes of her anxiety while the waves were aimed towards her.

Roughly a minute had passed before the doctor gave the order to turn it off. The rest of the team had their eyes locked onto the different monitors to examine whatever neurological changes were happening in Jennifer.

The wires were removed from Jennifer's body and she beamed when the doctor gave her a handshake. They both knew that this would be groundbreaking. But they just didn't realize how.


The rules of the experiment were simple:

- Jennifer was expected to live in a secluded home in the forest for 15 days. As a novelist, it was great for writing.

- Her son Zack was a college student and he agreed to stay there with his mom for a small fee. In exchange, he was also expected to provide assistance with the experiment by administering the frequency machine on her.

- The upstairs bedrooms had full privacy. But the downstairs rooms had an array of recording equipment so the doctors could visually monitor everything.

- Under no circumstance could she leave the premises. And she wasn't allowed to make physical contact with anyone either. Food and other necessities would be provided to her.

It was Day 3 of the experiment and already they felt like they were at home. The researchers were generous with their accommodations. The refrigerator and cabinets were filled with fresh food. There were plenty of supplies. And their safety was being monitored as well.

They went to the dining room that afternoon and Zack, doing his new duty, hooked up his mother to a set of wires and pointed the machine at her head.

"Here it comes," he said. "I'll try not to shock you."

She winked. "You better not."

The frequency waves were activated and Jennifer focused on the things which caused her fear. Per the instructions, she thought of it repeatedly.

When it was done, Zack switched the device off. Then he gave a thumbs up to the camera in the dining room, which had recorded this and was also being monitored live by the researchers.

"Nicely done," Jennifer said. "You know, this is some pretty good job experience for you. You're quite believable as a scientist."

He smiled, "Pushing buttons and hooking up wires is easy. It's getting the degrees and the research work that's hard."

"What's the matter? You don't think you can do it?"

"I still want to work in finances someday."

"Fair enough."

"How's your new book?" Zack asked while unhooking the wires from his mom's body.

Jennifer rubbed her skin as everything was unhooked. "Great. I actually did a ton of writing in my bedroom before I came down here to be shot with rays."

"Nice. Anything good?"

She gave a coy expression. "In my opinion, yeah. Surprise, surprise, but my latest is about a haunted house. Being part of this experiment is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, inspirationally speaking."

"Nice," he nodded. "Speaking of which, this is your fourth time being radio-waved."

"Radio-waved? Did any of the researchers teach you that word?"

"Nope. I made that up. But how do you feel? Less anxiety?"

Jennifer thought for a moment. "My anxiety feels... I'd say... about the same so far. Honestly, if I were here by myself, I wouldn't be able to sleep. So I'm happy that you've agreed to stay here with me. I'm very grateful."

"Mom, they're paying me generously. Soon I'll be a rich man."

She laughed. "Then you can help me pay the bills when we get back home and return to our normal lives."

"Whoa, whoa, the cost of living is soaring. I'm not that rich."

With the session completed, they both gave a thumbs up to the camera indicating that everything ran smoothly.


Later that night. Jennifer was on her computer, typing away in her bedroom. She had customized her work-desk with her personal things; like framed family pictures, jewelry which had been passed down from her mother, along with her many religious items that she always kept by her bed.

While she worked, her son was in his separate bedroom. They had learned early on that the walls were thin and hollow, which meant that they could hear each other. They had joked about it and they both knew that they had to be mindful about their privacy.

In this old house, although Zack had the volume low while watching tv in his room, Jennifer was still able to faintly hear what he was watching. It wasn't a big deal though. In fact, she thought it was kind of amusing.

When she heard the sound of her son's bed creaking, she thought nothing of it. It was such a routine movement for anyone.

But something piqued her ears. The noise was ever-so-faint but it happened every few seconds. It was a rhythmic noise. She had an idea of what it was, but she didn't want to speculate.

As she tried to focus on her computer screen, lewd imagines and thoughts suddenly washed over her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about what was happening in the other room. This was most unusual.

It had gotten so bad that her latest novel was the furthest thing on her mind. She stood up. She needed a stretch. She had been sitting for so long. She gently paced her room, trying to rid herself of the noises she had heard and the thoughts that followed. She considered wearing earphones and listening to music.

But she heard the faint creak of the bed once again.

Zack was definitely masturbating next door in his bedroom!

For the first time in her life, Jennifer tiptoed to the wall and put her ear against it to spy. She felt all sorts of tingly sensations. Aroused? No way. She couldn't have been, could she? This wasn't some silly fantasy, this was real life.

As she felt her pussy clenching and her mind consumed with lustful thoughts, she quickly accepted the fact that she was wildly turned-on by her own son!

It's not like anyone would ever know, she thought. Her little secret, just like the rest of her naughty incest fantasies. She slipped her hand beneath her panties as her ear remained pressed against the wall. She fondled her pussy, even as the sound stopped. Had Zack finished already?

She heard the sounds of Zack getting out of bed and walking around. Was he cleaning up his cummy mess already?

Jennifer rubbed herself faster, thinking of Zack wiping away his cum and tossing it in the trash. Such a lewd thought. She fingered herself faster imagining what his now flaccid cock looked like. She imagined his cum, thick and white. She imagined what he looked like while stroking.

Dirty words and thoughts repeated themselves in her mind.

It became a mantra as she rubbed herself: "Don't you want to lick his cum? Don't you want to eat it? Be a perfect suburban mother for him... a cum slut... his cum whore of a mom... his cocksucker..."

The same words as all those dirty online erotica stories she's been obsessed over.

When it was Jennifer's turn to orgasm, she was surprised that it was the best orgasm she had felt in such a long time. She moaned so loud she was almost afraid Zack would hear it.

Most surprising of all, her orgasm was as good as sex. She pulled her hand out of her panties. Her fingers were drenched and her hands were trembling.

All of this, over her son?!


The next morning. Zack was in the shower and Jennifer used that opportunity to make a Skype video call with Dr. Ledgard. They had already been in contact over text message that morning.

When their cams connected on the computer, it was their first time seeing each other in days. They made some small talk to start things off. Then it was down to business.

"I'm calling you for a strange reason," Jennifer said with some hesitation. "It's probably not a reason you were ever expecting."

Dr. Ledgard turned serious. "I'm listening. You can tell me anything."

"It'll be quick. Zack's in the shower right now and it's better if he doesn't hear this. I don't want him to know."

"Duly noted."

"But it does relate to him," she said. "The walls are thin and hollow. I heard him faintly last night. He was... pleasuring himself."

Dr. Ledgard gave a nod. "Perfectly normal for a male his age."

"Exactly. He's in the prime of his youth, he's athletic, you get the idea."

"What was the surprise then, if I may ask," Dr. Ledgard questioned.

"I listened. I tried to ignore it. Then my heart raced. It pounded. I had to get up and put my ear against the wall. It felt like a roller coaster, where I felt the anticipation of the ride climbing, then as I listened, it all came down. It was the most intense feeling I've had in years."

Dr. Ledgard stared hard at the screen. "Go on."

"I masturbated. That's what I wanted to say."

"To the sounds of your son pleasuring himself?"

"Yes," she replied.

"This will remain between us, but have you ever fantasized about him before this? Have you ever heard him before, or seen him by accident in a sexual situation? Are these feelings different? Are they new?"

Jennifer cleared her throat. "This is totally new, believe me. I never would have thought that I'd masturbate over him, not in a million years. My mind felt totally consumed, like a compulsion or an addiction. It was the most bizarre thing."

There was a long pause as Dr. Ledgard's eyebrows were arched. The doctor was truly stumped and was in a state of deep thought.

"I'll look into it immediately," Dr. Ledgard said.

"Do you think it's the frequency waves?"

He paused. "Most likely."

"Do you think this could get dangerous?"

"No. The frequency waves are quite safe. As soon as we make the proper re-calculations in the lab, I will send Zack new instructions on how to change the frequencies. Until then, I would like everything to continue as planned."

"I can do that," she replied. "But I hope you can fix it quickly."

"We'll send the updates as fast as we can. Please be patient with us. I can only imagine how awkward those feelings must have been for you."

"You have no idea."

The video call ended soon after and Jennifer wondered how much more of this she could actually take.


By the time they next used the machine, the research team had already sent new instructions to Zack, who was easily able to make the adjustments to the frequency waves.

"I wonder what's going on," Zack said, putting the final touches on the newly updated signals. "I never expected to be this technical with the machine."

Jennifer played coy. "They didn't explain the problem?"

"No. They just said to put these new numbers in. Maybe the machine hadn't been working."

She gave a short grin. "Oh trust me, it's definitely been working."

"Really? What have you been feeling recently?"

"Good, about a lot of things," she replied cryptically. "I've already told Dr. Ledgard about it, which must be why these new signals have been sent. It could be time to mix things up a little."

He double checked the new numbers and everything seemed good to go. All the wires were already hooked to Jennifer's body.

"Ready, mom?"


"And remember, if you get electrocuted or things go haywire, you can blame the research team."

She playfully shrugged. "It's too bad we already signed a bunch of legal waivers, because I might burst into flames."

Zack activated the machine and it made its usual humming sound, along with a few signal bleeps in between.

It worked just like it normally did. Jennifer sat there like usual. Only this time, as a mother, she prayed that she would never have to make herself cum thinking about her own son ever again (although that orgasm she felt was one for the record books).

The machine made a beeping noise like a microwave.

"All done," he said, switching it off. "Congratulations, you survived my handiwork. I'm glad I didn't screw anything up."

"Does this mean you can finally take these wires off me?"

"It's your reward."

Zack removed the wires attached to her body and they both stood up. By now, using this machine had become normal for them.

"Want some pudding later?" he asked randomly. "I saw a package in the cupboard. Or would you rather..."

There was a strong gust of wind in the forest and it caused a large tree branch to come crashing down outside of their temporary home. It was loud, but at a safe distance.

Jennifer's face suddenly turned white as a ghost. It was FEAR like she had never felt in her entire life. A crippling fear. She stood frozen with wide-eyes and a dropped jaw.


"Oh my god," she gasped, still frozen. "Hold me."

Zack rushed to her and held her tight. "What's wrong?"

"The machine... I ... I... I've never felt like this before. Hold me tighter."

With Zack's arms wrapped fully around her, and her face buried in his chest, Jennifer's emotions suddenly did a complete turn.

Those feelings, the ones she tried to put behind her, had all returned. Only this time, it was far more extreme. She immediately knew that Dr. Ledgard's re-calibration of the machine had accidentally turned her into some kind of nympho.

Her pussy was suddenly turning wet and she couldn't think straight. All she wanted to do was... she couldn't stand to even think about it.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked hesitantly, fighting her own urges.

"Of course, anything."

"I came, thinking about you."

"What do you mean?" he asked, trying to console her.

She looked up at him. "I played with my pussy. I did it when I heard you masturbating last night."

The look on Zack's face was unforgettable. She could see how shocked he was, not only by the admission of such a dirty thing, but also her dirty language. She had never used that kind of language around him before.

Seeing his reaction only made her wetter.

"You did?" he asked.

"Are you mad?"

"I don't know."

"I'm serious, Zack."

He suddenly gave a slow smile. "This is a joke, isn't it? Ha, ha. Very funny, mom. Nice timing too, with the new frequency numbers and all."

"I'm not joking," she said, dead serious. "You can feel me if you want. I'm like a river in my panties."


She squeezed his cock through his shorts. "Is this serious enough for you?"

"Mom," he gasped. "They're watching. This is on cam."

Jennifer's hands tremble at the thought that the research team was watching this. She tried to fight it, but so far she was losing.

"I don't think I mind them watching. Do you?"

She slipped her hand inside of Zack's shorts and underwear, rubbing his bare cock. It felt soft and healthy sized. The moment her slender fingers touched it, Zack instantly turned hard. When she stroked it, Zack throbbed.

"Ummm... I don't know," he said nervously.

"Then hold me. I'm desperate for human interaction."

Zack held her tight with concern, and Jennifer pressed her face against his chest. She continued stroking him. Zack allowed it. He liked it.

It wasn't until Jennifer's eyes drifted to one of the cameras in the room that she was able to snap out of this trance. She knew she had to end it. But the cock in her hand just felt so good. It felt so natural being there. Her son's cock, of all peoples!

She gave it one last stroke, with her hand trembling, and she pinched the head of Zack's erection before letting go.

"I need a shower," she said, looking in his eyes. "I'm sorry this happened."

"Did the frequency waves do this to you?"

She nodded. "The next session is tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be fixed by then."

Their arms and hands slowly separated as she stepped back. Then she went up the stairs. She needed a shower, but more than anything, she was going to masturbate so hard, imagining Zack inside of her.

A new mantra formed in her mind: "I need his cock inside of me. I need my son's cock inside of me. I need Zack's cum in my pussy."


After what had happened, it was easy to get ahold of Dr. Ledgard and they had a private Skype conversation when there was enough privacy.

"Yes, I saw the whole thing," Dr. Ledgard said, in a highly analytical mood. "I was very surprised at that. I was certain we had fixed all the patches."

"I touched him," she said softly.

Jennifer was nearly in tears and she briefly put her face in her hands. A sob quickly escaped, but then she was able to grab hold of herself and shake off those feelings of shame.

"I know," Dr. Ledgard replied with sympathy. "I can assure you that we are putting a lot of effort into this."

Jennifer wiped the corners of her eyes. "Thank you. I appreciate that."

"If you want to end this trial, I would understand. We've already gathered plenty of data. That should keep us busy for a while."

"No, I want to continue. I'm not a quitter. Besides, the seclusion here and these screwed up emotions are great for my writing."

She gave a forced laughed, trying to remain upbeat about this whole situation that she was in.

"Then we'll keep trying," Dr. Ledgard said. "I appreciate your tenacity. You're a tough woman."

"Thank you."

"If I may ask, what will you do if these feelings arise again? It may take 24 hours before we can make the necessary fix."

Jennifer paused to think. "Any recommendations?"

"I can't," the doctor sighed. "There is no way that I can possibly tell you how to behave in this situation. These ethical concerns have never been explored before. This is new territory for any scientific team."

"Please, I want to know your thoughts. I promise I won't be offended by whatever you suggest."

"I have an opinion. Take it however you will."

"I understand," she nodded.

Dr. Ledgard sighed again. "In my opinion -- and this is only my opinion -- but I think it can be dangerous to a person's psyche to repress any strong desire in this fragile state, considering that it's harmless. And when I say it's 'harmless,' I mean that there won't be any damage to your physical or mental well-being."

"So you think I should..."

"I can't answer that," Dr. Ledgard said emphatically. "I don't have any offspring of my own, so I can't possibly relate to your dilemma."

"Thank you, doctor."


That night. Jennifer felt an unusual combination of fear, loneliness, and an extreme sense of arousal. The frequency waves really did a number on her. And as she was in her blouse and silk robe, ready for bed, all she could think about was her son. These thoughts consumed her.

She wondered if Zack was masturbating at this hour, or even sleeping. But she heard a faint noise-- the tv. He was definitely awake.

Before turning off the lights in her bedroom, she checked herself in the mirror. Her hair was down and she looked as natural as can be. She smiled at her reflection, wondering if she was still desirable to a young man like Zack, though she knew that this was morally questionable (at the very least).

Following her urges, she left her room and went over to Zack's bedroom. She gave a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," Zack said from inside his room.

Jennifer opened the door and saw him in the bed.

"I hope I'm not bothering you," she said, entering.

He sat upright on the bed. "No way. How do you feel? I mean, this whole situation is crazy."

"Mind if I sit with you?"

He patted the bed and smiled, "It's a nice, big bed."

"You're sweet."

She sat next to him.

"I really want to apologize," she said. "I know I made you feel... uncomfortable... earlier today. It must have been so embarrassing for you, especially knowing the researchers saw it."

He blushed. "Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing. At least it's all confidential, right?"

"It is. The other reason I wanted to come here is because I'm scared. You saw how much the experiment really affected me earlier. I almost shiver sometimes. Here, feel my hand."

She extended her hand, and Zack held it.

"You're right," he said.

"Can I spend the night?"

He gave a polite smile, "Sure, of course."

Jennifer fought every urge in her body to not jump all over him, son or not. She did her very best to control herself. Hopefully laying next to him would be enough to quell her newfound taboo desires for his cock.

She slipped underneath his blanket, and Zack awkwardly did the same.

"You can keep watching tv if you want," she said. "Don't let me stop you."

"I was just about to sleep."

"Hmmm.... Perfect timing."

Zack turned off the tv, got comfortable in bed, and turned off the lamplight, which was right next to him. Moonlight lit the bedroom. And since it was a full moon that night, they were still partially able to see each other.

"Goodnight, mom," he said.

For the first time in her life, being called 'mom' really did something to her. It lit a fire under her and she had to restrain herself from ripping his shorts off to expose his dick.

She shivered in bed. Her pussy was practically gushing.

"Can I hold you a while?" she asked. "At least until I fall asleep."

"Go ahead."

She wrapped her arm around his chest. She had hoped that this would help satisfy her painful urges, but she was wrong. It only made things worse.

"Did you masturbate tonight?" she whispered.

Even through the darkness of the room, she could almost see him blushing. Maybe it was her motherly instincts too, that she knew what he was feeling.

"No," he whispered back.

"Why not?"

"Because you could hear if I did."

She stroked his body. "That's okay. I don't mind. I don't mind at all. Don't be shy. Don't be embarrassed. It's perfectly normal for a young man. Here, let me show you how natural it is."

Zack's body froze as her hand moved down. There was no resistance as Jennifer slipped her hand down and caressed his bare cock with her hand. Quickly, it came to life.

"You're... you're touching me," he said, with his body still frozen.

"I'm only following doctor's orders."

"What do you mean?"

"Dr. Ledgard advised against suppressing my needs," she explained. "I know this is taking it too far. But can you at least do me a favor and go along with it? I'll go crazy if I stayed in my bedroom alone."

He moaned from the stroking. "Go ahead, mom."

"You like this? Don't you?"

"You have soft hands."

"And?" she questioned.

"You're very beautiful."

That was it. Jennifer was officially a woman possessed. She slithered over her son's body and positioned her crotch over her son's erection. She was naked underneath her lingerie, hopeful that this would happen. She didn't expect this to happen, but it did.

Their faces were a few inches away and they saw each other in the moonlight. The look in her eyes was pure lust.

"I don't want to make love," she said in a low voice. "I want to fuck. I want to fuck you hard. Got that?"

"Yes," he said softly.

"Do me this favor tonight. I swear I'll make it up to you in the future, however I can. Just let me do this."

With that, she slipped her son's cock inside of her drenched pussy. It instantly sent shivers down her spine and powerful sensations throughout her body. Like anyone else, she loves sex. But this was insanity.

Both of their eyes went wide as she clenched her pussy. She quickly became uncontrollable and thrust herself, so that the cock pushed all the way inside of her ready-for-action pussy. She went faster and faster. They could feel each other's breathing.

"It feels so good fucking you," she said, longing to tease him. "Do you think I'm horrible for enjoying this so much?"

There was a pause as he breathed deeply. "You need this while the experiment is still going on."

They were silent for a while as she continued to clench her pussy tight. As his cock was still firmly buried within her, she felt compelled to take this to another level. She sat upright, using her hand to hold the cock in place, and she sat on him, ready to ride.

She thrust her hips powerfully and she was officially fucking her son cowgirl-style in his bed.

"How about this?" she moaned. "Now we're really fucking. Do you like owning my pussy? Do you like owning your mother's pussy? Tell me... oh god... tell me..."

She went faster and faster, like she was losing control of the situation. Like nothing would ever be enough.

"Mom... I..."

There was a strong gust of wind outside. Leaves or branches had hit the window. She suddenly became terrified because of the miscalculation in the frequency waves. And that caused her to somehow switch into a raging nymphomaniac.

She screamed loudly and pushed her hips with all her might. Zack's moans were almost as loud, but he was no match for Jennifer's out of control lust and her vocalized pleasure. She became so loud, that the researchers might have heard it on the video feeds downstairs. Neither of them cared though.

"I'm going to cum!" she proclaimed. "Make me cum!"

She came so hard she almost couldn't breathe. It sounded like she was choking; like she was at a complete loss for air, fighting for her dear life. Her pussy had never clenched so hard, ever. With a grip that tight, and with her constant thrusting, she milked the cum out of Zack's cock. They came together in the nastiest and most hardcore way imaginable.

Like a woman deflated, Jennifer collapsed onto her son's body. For a few moments, they were both lifeless. But she had enough wherewithal to feel her pussy leaking her orgasmic fluids, along with her son's hot cum.

Zack whimpered, "Oh my god... I can't believe we just did that."

As they slowly recovered, she gave him a soft kiss on the lips, followed by a nasty one. Her tongue was unleashed inside of her son's mouth and she didn't care if he'd be offended or not. Luckily, he pushed back with his own tongue. After a fucking like that, she was owed a good kiss.

"I think you've hit the spot... for tonight," she teased. "You should probably wash yourself up before bed. There's a real mess on you."

He smiled. "Aren't you going to wash yourself also?"

"I don't think so," she said, rolling to her back, then closing her eyes. "I actually enjoy feeling your cum inside me. Goodnight, Zack."

She pulled the blanket over her body and peacefully smiled, thinking of her latest mantra: "I am a good whore. A good slut mother. His cum is inside of me, where it belongs."

Before she could fall asleep, another mantra appeared: "Taste it. Taste it. Taste it."


Outwardly, Jennifer appeared to be her normal self the next morning. Emotionally, she was well-composed. She was making coffee in the kitchen, wearing the same lingerie she had slept in. She was still naked underneath too and she didn't care that the research team could see her scantily-clad figure on the video cam.

"Good news," he said, entering the kitchen.

"Yes, dear?"

"Dr. Ledgard emailed me the latest updates. They, umm, heard us last night. So they worked overtime to get it done."

She was in a zesty mood that morning. "I have good news as well. I woke up a few times in the middle of the night and thought of some amazing plot points for my novel. I think it'll be a big hit."

"Nice. Great work, mom."

"That's cause for celebration," she grinned. "At least for me, anyway."

"Want me to make breakfast? I'll make something delicious."

She grinned wider. "Speaking of delicious, I was in the mood for something a bit more... shall we say... exotic tasting. Like your cum."

It was all so nonchalant coming from such a typically demure woman like her, and that threw Zack way off.

"Huh?" he replied, frozen, and also embarrassed that the research team was watching and hearing this.

"After you went to sleep last night, I couldn't resist, and I found myself dipping my fingers into the pool of cum between my legs. Let's just say that you're the most delicious thing I've ever tasted. It was so good and so tasty."

"Mom... it's the waves, remember? The research team is watching this."

"Why is that a problem?" she shrugged. "It's all normal, it's all healthy. We're two human beings who've had sex last night. Big deal."

"But mom... you're my mom!"

"What's the matter, I can't get you hard? I'm not sexy enough for you? Is it my age? Is it the fact that I'm your precious mother? Am I good enough to fuck late at night, but not good enough to suck your cock during the day?"

"I... uhh...mom...."

"Maybe I can offer something else to get you excited."

She pinched the tips of her lingerie's front side and pulled it down, exposing her slightly sagging breasts and oh-so-hard brown nipples. Her nipples were rather large compared to the size of her small tits. The swollen size of her nipples was a clear indicator of her current, unusually horny state.

Just above her breasts was a crucifix that hung from her necklace; something she always wore during the day, a symbol of her strong faith. Only now, it served as a stark reminder of just how taboo this actually was.

With her tits out, she sank to her knees and got to work undoing Zack's shorts. There were no defenses, as she had predicted. Zack just stood there and allowed this, with his cock quickly turning hard.

"And to think," Jennifer said, holding her son's cock in her hand. "I created this cock. You came from my womb. And now your cock is all mine. So is all your cum."

She smiled to herself, winked to her son, then devoured the cock whole. In her first try, she nearly took it to her throat. When the cock swelled, she had no choice but to retreat at the moment, pulling back so that the head of the cock rested snuggly on her tongue.

Her lips formed a vacuum seal and she sucked with all her might. Her eyes happily watched Zack's helpless reaction as he was getting the cocksucking of his life.

When Zack awkwardly looked over to the video cam in the room, she playfully bit the shaft, making him yelp.

She spit the cock out of her mouth, then stroked. "Don't look at the cam, look at me. Watch me and appreciate this. It gets me so much hotter when my son is watching me be a dirty little slut. Your personal secret slut. Don't you like that? Don't you like that your proper mother is now your fucking cocksucking whore? I know I love it."

Jennifer proved that she loved it by taking the cock back into her mouth and sucking on it mercilessly. Her head bobbed, with each bob taking the cock even closer to her throat, making her eyes water and her mouth making gurgling noises, which she tried to suppress.

Finally giving in to his urges, Zack wrapped his fingers into his mother's hair and pulled, as she kept on bobbing.

"Oh fuck, mom," he moaned. "I love that you're my cock whore now."

Her eyes showed the fire in her heart. She was a woman possessed. She thrust her face forward and took the cock to the back of her throat, making a nasty gurgling noise in the process. It made Zack flinch.

She pulled the cock out of her mouth, saliva dripping everywhere.

"Treat me like a good whore," she said, catching her breath. "Give me your cum. I need a fresh batch this morning."

She went back to sucking, this time, she also stroked him furiously with one hand, and caressed his balls with her other hand. She maintained this perfect rhythm for as long as it took. With her skills and newfound tenacity, it didn't take long. She had become a raging cock sucking whore and she didn't care how sore her jaw was becoming. She needed that cum more than anything. Her son's of all people!

"Oh fuck," Zack said, wide-eyed like his body suddenly froze.

An incredible amount of ejaculation shot from his cock and coated Jennifer's tongue. She had planned for this. As she stroked, she aimed the tip of the cock onto her tongue, so everything would pool in her mouth, rather than flow down into her throat. She wanted to savor this cum. She wanted to make it special. She wanted to make a nasty show out of it.

Zack made soft whimpering noises as he calmed down. His cock was deflating and his balls were drained of cum. There was nothing left.

She hummed the words, 'ta da' when she took her filled up mouth away.

Once everything was properly shot into her mouth, she stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter. The coffee was ready and she poured herself a nice, hot cup.

With the steam rising from her mug, she spit the entire load of cum into the center of the coffee. There was so much cum that it practically poured out of her mouth like a thick, miniature waterfall.

A trail of cum connected her lips to the mug of coffee, which she wiped away and then licked.

She gracefully picked up a spoon and mixed it all together. When she was happy with the mixture and consistency, she put the spoon in the sink.

"Are you really going to drink that?" he blushed.

She smiled, "Coffee and your cum are my two favorite things. I'll need my energy today. I have a long day of writing ahead of me. And for future reference, you can be a little rougher when I suck your dick. Own me. Own my mouth."

With that, she took a nice sip of the hot drink and gleefully gulped it down. She had always been passive about the taste of cum, but now, she was a full blown addict.

A new mantra repeated in her mind while she drank: "I am now his cocksucking cum slut mother. I am now his nymphomaniac mother. Forever."

Over and over again.


It was official. The experiment had gone wrong. Dr. Ledgard sat in the government lab alone, debating whether to formally end this project. To help make that decision, all 8 monitors in the room were activated. Each monitor played the footage they had recorded.

The footage was damning and it would be a permanent stain on the entire department if it were ever made public.

On each screen, there was footage of Jennifer in various states of undress, performing an array of increasing lewd sex acts.

The most common was seeing Jennifer partially nude, depending on how cold the weather got. It became normal for her to walk around completely bottomless throughout the house. Her justification, she had stated, was that her vaginal area was in a constant state of soreness and arousal, and covering herself there would only leave wet stains and create irritation.

And then there was the sex. Jennifer and Zack had fucked constantly; at night, it would be in the bedroom, away from the cameras. During the day, their preferred place was in the living room, usually on the couch. She had a strong inclination to ride him. Or sometimes she'd be on all fours in the living room, with Zack pounding her from behind.

Perhaps most shocking of all, there was footage of Jennifer engaging in all sorts of cum-play with her son. She ate everything up, and Zack had proven himself to be a heavy and capable ejaculator. Most of these oral activities would happen in the morning when Zack was 'fresh.' Jennifer would get on her knees to service him in the kitchen until he could provide a fresh batch of 'cream' for her coffee. Occasionally, the same would happen during lunch time, and the cum would be splattered on her food as a condiment.

Dr. Ledgard sighed, having seen enough, then switched off the footage and left the room. All the doctor could think about was Jennifer's fate.

Sure, with more work this was likely reversible. There were plenty of ways to fix this. But with each offer, Jennifer had refused.

The End