
A Sister Surprise

"Please," she pleaded again. Sarah was dressed in an incredibly sexy, very slutty Harley Quinn outfit, looking almost exactly like my favourite comic book character, but with a bonus. Her version of the fictitious character was enhanced by a sleek pair of thigh highs, and her sexy toes, adorned only in sheer silk, were in my clear view.

This Friday evening, three days before actual Halloween, she'd arrived home with a surprising request.

"But won't they know I'm not Jake?" I pointed out. She was asking me to replace her ex-boyfriend for the evening. She was obviously desperate, since she'd driven an hour plus to get here from her sorority house and ask... no, she was actually begging me. She usually took everything that life threw her way in stride, but recent events had really gotten to her this time, and this evening's Halloween party was very important to her.

"I don't care. The asshole dumps me the day before Halloween, so I may as well let others know," she answered, looking vulnerable and wounded behind her angry words... just like Harley Quinn often looked.

"I don't know," I said. I'd originally planned to be gaming online all night like I usually did.

"Please," she begged, looking so fucking hot that my cock hardened... just like it often did when I checked out my super-hot older sister.

"Why do you even need me?" I asked her nylon-clad toes. Few people can brag of attractive feet, but there was something very special about hers, especially tonight. Especially in stockings.

"I can't go to a Halloween party stag," she explained. "I'll get hit on all night by creeps who'll think that since it's Halloween, I'll lower my standards all the way down to them."

"Fine," I replied all melodramatically, even though I'd already decided to do it the moment she'd asked. I mean she was inviting me to attend a college party... when truth be told, I'd never even been to a high school party, unless all-nighters playing 'Call of Duty' count. I agreed, making it look like I was super reluctant, "but you owe me, sis."

"Anything," she squeaked excitedly, bouncing up and down in front of me, her big tits bouncing, forcing me to shift my admiring gaze from her nylon-clad toes to her large breasts.

"I'll keep you to that," I warned, watching my sister's tits jiggling.

If she wasn't my sister, I'd be one of those creeps thinking that maybe - just maybe - I could get in

her panties, this close to 'All Slut's Night', which is what I called Halloween. Not from personal

experience, but a guy can dream!

A night where society gives girls permission to ignore their morals and dignity, to dress like complete sluts.

Now I'm not complaining, far from it, and like I said, I had every intention of doing it for her... besides the chance to attend my first party that didn't include a birthday cake, this was going to be an actual college party, I was dressing up like the Joker, and since no one would know we were related, I was going to get the status and envy of being the date for my hot sister... who was utterly beautiful... I mean a twelve out of ten... as besides outer beauty, she was a great person, and please don't tell anybody, she was my best friend. I'm babbling, aren't I? Have I mentioned my sister is really hot?

She was a cheerleader in college, and two-thirds of my nightly fantasies were about her... actually more like nine-tenths.

I know... I know... sick and twisted... but the truth. And again, please don't tell anybody.

I mean, she regularly wore pantyhose or thigh highs, the lace tops which I admired on most days when she was home, since her skirts were quite short. I always knew when her period was, because she wore jeans (which made no sense to me except that she obviously didn't feel sexy during that 'god awful punishment God cursed on women' as she called it).

Between her and my mother, a nurse, I grew up with nylons everywhere, and that was a good thing. They were easily my number one fetish, although I also got turned on by tits and asses... although a girl's eyes, and her legs in nylon were the first two things I noticed in a girl. And my sister's blue eyes were absolutely enchanting, making her look either innocent or sexy depending on how she wanted to be seen.

And dressed as Harley Quinn, her eyes had the opportunity of playing multiple roles. Harley mixed sweet and sexy better than anyone (go watch the new Suicide Squad movie and you'll see exactly what I mean).

Still excited, she said, "I left the costume on your bed, hoping you'd do this for me."

"Okay," I nodded, really stressing the fiction that this was a major inconvenience by reminding her, "but you really owe me."

"I promise, anything," she repeated, looking so excited.

"Okay, I need to shower first though," I said, needing to jerk off before we headed out... my sister as Harley Quinn, her bouncing tits and her feet in nylons really making my balls boil.

"Okay," she nodded as she went to text someone, before adding, "Call me once you have the costume on. I'll apply your make-up."

"Okay," I nodded, checking out her legs in thigh highs once more before heading to the bathroom.

I won't bore you with my shower details, but it sure didn't take long for me to unload all over the shower wall.

I cleaned up, put on deodorant, twice, and headed to my room in a towel. In my room I put on the costume, surprised at how tight the pants were... the shape of my cock was completely visible. I was staring at my cock in the mirror when Sarah came into my room and excitedly squealed, "Ready for meeeeeee?"

I looked up from the mirror and caught her staring at my crotch in the reflection.

"Oh my, um, that outfit is pretty tight," she noticed as she looked up... her cheeks going red.

"I know," I nodded, knowing that although I was kind of geeky looking, my arms and legs were actually pretty decently built.

Deciding to play mind games with my sister a bit more, I added "I'm not sure this is a good idea. This costume is super tight."

Sarah was still gazing at my crotch as she argued, "You need to get out more, and a college party full of hot coeds will be good for you."

I nodded, "That's a great point," my cock hardening in the tight pants as again I looked down at her sexy nylon-clad feet with her rainbow painted toenails... even as I pondered whether she was really staring at my bulge. I felt more like an eighties lead singer in leather pants than the Joker. My cock was so obviously hard, I had no choice but to shift my cock into a more comfortable position with my hand.

"Plus, bro, you get to be a bad boy for the night, and the girls all love a bad boy," she said, avidly watching me adjust myself... this time making no bones (sorry) about the fact that she was checking out my crotch. She gained control of herself and ordered me to sit on the edge of my bed.

As I complied, I asked, "They do?" It should have been obvious to me if I just correlated who dated whom in high school, and how geeks like me were generally ignored.

"Oh yeah, girls love a bad boy," she smiled in a tone dripping with naughtiness, beginning to apply my make-up.

As she worked on my face, I kept taking glances at her sexy nylon-clad feet... wishing I could touch them.

She noticed my footloose gaze as she did my make-up, and she unabashedly looked directly at my crotch ever so briefly before returning to my face.

She didn't say anything, but wiggled her toes at me before saying, "You're going to look incredible tonight."

"Those are words no one has ever said about me," I joked.

"Well, trust me, tonight's a new beginning for you," she promised.

Her thorough makeover of my face took over fifteen minutes before she declared, "I'm done. Go to my bedroom and take a look in the mirror."

"Okay," I nodded, my hard cock desperately needing another adjustment. I was curious whether the prominent bulge in my tight pants had been what had rattled her.

Although I'm a definitely a geek, I have a pretty big penis. Almost eight inches and thick, not that any girl would ever have a way of knowing this.

In her bedroom, I noticed a pair of pink panties hanging over the edge of her hamper which I was curious to smell (God I'm a pervert). I resisted the temptation, knowing she was following right behind me and instead adjusted my cock as I walked to her full length mirror.

I gasped.

"Amazing transformation, hey?" she said, as I stared at a super-villain in the mirror that didn't look like me at all. Maybe tonight I could get away with being a 'bad boy'.

"Yeah," I nodded, thinking I looked a lot more like James the football quarterback, or Jake her ex-boyfriend, who was unintentionally responsible for my 'dating' my sister tonight.

"Seriously, you look hot," she complimented, something I'd never expected to hear from my sister.

"Really?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," she nodded, looking me over as if checking me out, admiring my crotch once again, while I returned the compliment to her feet. "Maybe it's the bad boy look, but if you weren't my brother I'd be all over you."

"Nobody's ever been 'all over me'," I pointed out, my cock twitching in my pants at her naughty words.

"Well, I have a hunch your fortune will be changing tonight," she smiled, glancing at my crotch yet again, her eyes caressing a fully erect cock that these pants just couldn't conceal.

"Well hopefully you're not... joking," I quipped neo-wittily, unable to resist the silly pun.

"Oh," she smiled, her tone serious, permitting herself yet another glance at my crotch... she was definitely looking at my crotch... "there's no joking here."

This made my cock jerk again.

She noticed the movement too, but as her eyes broke away, she turned around and went to grab her boots. "So you ready to go?"

I turned and watched her sexy nylon-clad feet for as long as I could before they disappeared into a pair of sexy black boots, and I answered, "Sure."

"Tonight you're not my brother Joey," she said, as she sat on the edge of her bed and slipped a foot sadly out of sight inside the first boot.

"No, I'm the Joker," I nodded.

As she zipped up the first boot, her left nylon-clad foot still in full view, she clarified, "Yes, that too. But I want you to be Joe. I want you to be a guy with confidence, a guy who can speak to the ladies with charm, poise, and an edge. Own the Joker persona and use it to break out of your shyness."

"Is it that easy?" I asked, never able to talk to girls... even when they were just my lab partners.

"Imagine they're all me," she suggested, "you have no problem talking to me, and I'm even frighteningly pretty."

"But you're different, you're my sister," I pointed out, even though for several years I'd had more sex fantasies about Sarah than about every other girl in the world combined. Although every other girl combined wouldn't be very sexy; for a start she'd weigh zillions of tons. Sorry, that was a really stupid aside, but the point is that I'd secretly been in lust with my sister for a very long time.

"Tonight, I'm not your sister," she declared. "I'm your date."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes," she nodded as she dropped the second boot. I quickly walked over to her, dropped to my knees and grabbed the boot without thinking. Happily my instincts had bypassed my brain to put me in a position I really liked, and I took it from there.

"May I, my lady?" I smiled up at her, offering to put the boot on her.

"You may," she laughed, as I grabbed her silky ankle with one hand, in awe of the softness (a fantasy coming true) and slowly slid on her other boot... staring fondly at her rainbow painted toenails until they disappeared into the dark hole of the boot.

I pulled the boot up, zipped it, and stood back up, my hard cock dying to get out of these pants... literally bursting at the seams.

I realized my crotch was almost directly at her eye level and there was no way she could miss seeing the full outline of my hard cock in these revealing pants.

She accepted my unintended invitation, smiling as she stared for a few seconds, before she reassured me, "Trust me bro... umm, Joe, you're going to be very popular tonight. Very, very, popular."

She shook her head a bit, as if erasing a naughty thought in her head (was she as intrigued by my cock as I was by her everything?). She stood up and said, "Let's get going, we're late."

"Yes, dear," I joked, as if we were an old couple.

She shook her head, "We're not married, Joe. Call me Sarah or something sexy."

"Goddess," I suggested.

"Hard not to like that one," she grinned appreciatively, as we left her room.

I followed like the lovesick puppy I was. Both because my sister/date was the hottest girl I knew, and also because Harley Quinn was my favourite comic book female... thus my two favourite women had now joined forces as one semi-fictitious hottie.

Having already had a couple of drinks, Sarah had me drive the hour plus drive to her sorority house while we chatted about school, hers and mine, Christmas, our parents, and especially Mom and how she was going to lose it when I went away to college next year, unfortunately turning her into an empty nester. I was definitely leaving the city, unlike my sister, and going to attend Harvard or Princeton or Yale... not sure which one I preferred yet.

When we arrived, she asked, "Ready, Joker?"

"Yes, Harley," I nodded, imagining Suicide Squad and the wild, kinky sex they would have had.

We got out, and to my surprise she took my hand in hers. I sure didn't resist, the handholding so intimate that although my cock had briefly gone to slumber during the drive, it instantly stirred to salute my... I still couldn't believe it... my date.

She led me into the large house and my head started spinning. There were girls everywhere, and every one of them without exception was dressed in a skimpy outfit. There were tits, asses and legs everywhere... although almost no pantyhose or stockings... some fishnets, but only a couple, like my sis... my date!... wearing actual nylons.

"You're a leg guy aren't you, Joker?" she asked, seeing my head turning every which way.

"More a nylons guy," I admitted, figuring no risk in letting her know that.

"So I dressed up perfectly for my man tonight," she smiled, placing her hands on her legs and tracing them upwards as if smoothing wrinkles out of the silk. She watched me watching, and winked saucily.

"You always do," I answered and then realized the implication of my response and stammered to correct myself, "I mean you always dress nice."

"You mean in nylons?" she asked, smiling wickedly.

"Um, yeah," I admitted, figuring the cat was out of the bag and although I was academically brilliant, my social game was definitely scored an 'F'.

She was about to say something else when a redhead dressed as the sluttiest Pippi Longstocking ever, I think that was what she was going for, came up and gave Sarah a big hug.

"I'm happy you're here," the redhead burbled excitedly, clearly already a few drinks in.

"Sorry I'm late," Sarah apologized.

"At least you're here," the redhead forgave, sounding relieved. "Andy's here."

"Have you talked to him?" Sarah asked.

"No, but I've been super tempted," the Pippi twin answered.

"I've told you, you need to play hard to get," Sarah advised, having given this advice before.

"Easy for you to say, you have Jake," the redhead said, finally looking at me and after really looking at me added, "Waitaminit, you're not Jake."

Sarah answered, "I upgraded."

"What?" The redhead asked.

Sarah, shocking me but clearly answering my question that yes indeed she'd noticed the size of my cock, she proudly pointed out the cock in my pants with a flamboyant gesture as if she were a gameshow model drawing attention to something wonderful behind a curtain. My cock's shape was clearly defined, and was impressive, and the Pippi did indeed respond to it as something wonderful.

"Oooooh!" she giggled, staring.

"Yeah," Sarah added, giving my... my... no, you perv... giving my hand a squeeze, "Size does matter."

Ignoring my irrelevant hand and staring fixedly at the outline of my hard-on, the redhead replied, "I couldn't agree more." She finally looked up to my (also irrelevant) face and greeted, "Hi, I'm Amy."

"I'm the Joker," I replied, flattered that she seemed so impressed with my dick and enjoying the safety of the costume where I wasn't a geek virgin, but maybe could be a suave stud.

"Well," Amy smiled, returning her stare to its home in my crotch, "that's no joke."

I don't know why I said it. A sudden burst of confidence or a desire to impress Amy or even to impress Sarah, but I replied, "You should see it when I unleash it to play."

Sarah gasped.

Amy flirted, "I imagine you can really 'Pow Bam Pow' with that thing."

I loved how she was referencing the old Batman cartoons. I chuckled, "I do like to Boff Bam Pow."

"I bet you do," Amy purred, clearly flirting with me.

"He's mine," Sarah interjected, surprising me with a flash of possessiveness as she pulled me away from the first girl to ever flirt with me.

"Can't we share?" Amy pursued, her eyes not leaving my cock.

"You're insatiable," my sister rebuked her with a smile, shaking her head to deny the blatant request, as she took my hand and began guiding me away through the throngs of people.

As I walked past the redhead, she reached over and grabbed my cock, making me gasp... I'd been here only three minutes, and I'd already broken my own record of girls touching my dick with a new count of one.

Sarah warned, "I'm pretty sure Amy has a few sexual diseases."

"She grabbed my dick," I pointed out, annoyed but not very, that I'd been pulled away from what seemed like a sure thing.

To my astonishment, Sarah stopped, turned around and grabbed my cock! And actually held onto it for a long moment while she said distinctly in a no-nonsense tone of voice, "You're my date tonight. So this is mine."

"Really?" I asked, stunned and thrilled to have my hot sister squeezing my dick.

"Yes really," she nodded, her hand moving away. "We need to look like a couple. I can't have people thinking I can't get a date for Halloween, and they obviously can't learn that you're my brother."

"Okay, okay," I nodded. "I totally agree. But for the record, until two minutes ago no one had ever touched my dick."

"No one? Ever?" she asked, looking surprised.

"Nope," I nodded.

"Are you then," she began, before pausing, "a virgin?"

I joked, "Yes, unless my own hand counts. If it does, I'm a very well experienced stud."

"Oh," she said, her expression a cross between saddened and intrigued. After a pause, she smiled, "Well, Joker, we can't allow that sad condition to continue."

My mouth fell open, and before I could manage to close it and ask what she meant, we started walking again as she led me through the throngs of costumed college people.

My cock was hard and impossible to conceal as I drooled at the many hot coeds dressed so sluttily.

Eventually we arrived in a kitchen with lots of booze and Sarah asked, "What do you like?"

"I have no idea," I answered honestly, having tried beer and hated it. "But I hate beer."

"Hmmmm," she pondered, as she grabbed a bottle. "Let's get you drunk so some sexy lady can take advantage of you."

I don't know why I allowed it to escape my lips, but I responded sincerely, "But you're already the hottest one here."

She stopped and blushed. She then smiled, looked down at my crotch and repeated an earlier statement, "Damn. If you weren't my brother I'd be devouring that thing whole."

I didn't hesitate, thinking with my dick and my constant fantasy, vaulting dangerously over the top, and reminded her, "I'm not your brother tonight!"

She smiled, handing me a drink, "Well, Joe, you really are full of surprises tonight."

"It's the persona," I joked.

She downed half her drink before responding, "It's also the big bulge in your tight pants."

"So size matters?" I joked, enjoying having such a crazy conversation with my sister.

She again looked at my crotch, before downing her drink and agreeing, "Size definitely matters."

"Good to know," I nodded, "now if I could just let the cheerleaders at high school know that."

"You're already popular with Amy," she said, pouring herself another drink. "You'll be way more popular with the college girls, where you'll be judged based on intelligence, personality and," she paused and shocked me again by squeezing my cock again, "your exceedingly impressive dick size."

I groaned, enjoying her touch.

"Sorry," she apologized. Suddenly looking embarrassed, "my hand has a mind of its own."

I laughed awkwardly, adjusting myself for the umpteenth time, "Trust me, I understand. This thing of mine has a mind of its own."

My sister, captivated by the size of my cock asked flirtatiously, "And what's it thinking right now?"

"Honestly?" I asked, with a wicked smile.

"Yes," she nodded, taking a sip of her second drink and gazing down at my crotch once again, waiting for it to speak.

"That the hottest girl I've ever known just touched me," I answered, giving her the clean version.

"That's it?" She questioned, sidling closer to me and again putting her hand on my cock. This time it stayed put, waiting for it to say more.

"The rest of his thoughts are in no way appropriate for a brother's cock to be thinking about a sister's... about a sister," I replied, wanting to flirt outrageously, and communicate the profound impact she was having on me, but I didn't dare. If I was going to further cross the line she was already crossing, I needed more reassurances that it wasn't going to blow up in my face. Remember, in spite of tonight's Joker persona, I was such a total virgin that I'd never even kissed a girl since childhood, and this evening I was venturing into completely unknown territory without so much as a road map. On the other hand I had absolute trust in my sister, and would willingly go wherever she wanted to take me, so long as I knew for certain that she truly wanted to take me there.

She rubbed my cock slowly, as she asked, her breathing hot against my neck, "Tell me, big brother. What's the uncensored version of what this cock of yours is really thinking?"

I groaned at her hand on my cock and now could seriously consider the naughty question itself. So I answered in unblemished truth, "To have you on your knees, taking my first load down your throat or all over your face."

"Your first load?" she asked, not at all surprised or offended by my desire to have her mouth wrapped around my cock.

"I have a few stored up," I answered confidently.

"Mmmmmm," she purred, "I am kind of hungry."

My eyes couldn't hide my excitement. It was one thing for her to check out my cock and even to squeeze it in her hand, but a broad hint that she wanted to suck me was a whole new level.

Before whatever may have happened next had a chance to occur, a brunette joked, "Little early for the private rooms, Sarah."

Sarah moved away quickly, as if caught in the act of something bad, which it was, and then regrouped and shrugged, "It's never too early is it?" She then pointed out my crotch to the brunette, as if seeing how big I was would explain everything.

The brunette's mouth actually dropped open as she stared at my well showcased cock. Finally she nodded, "I see your point; and his, too, is pretty hard to ignore."

"Case dismissed," Sarah joked.

"And who is he? I know from your previous complaints that this cannot possibly be Jake."

"Jake is history," Sarah declared proudly.

"About fucking time," the brunette nodded with approval. "I see you're moving up to the big time."

"I know," Sarah nodded, giving my cock another exhibitionistic squeeze. "I think I'm ready for the big time."

Jill laughed as she asked, "And does he have a name?"

"I like to call him Willy," Sarah replied, before realising theatrically, "Oh, you mean the person!"

"Joe," I said, extending my hand with a broad chuckle.

"Jill," she offered back, shaking it.

"Where did you find him?" Jill asked.

"That's my little secret," Sarah smiled.

"Do you have a brother?" Jill asked, glancing again at my cock.

"Just a sister," I answered, hinting slightly at the truth.

"Too bad," Jill flirted playfully.

Sarah surprised me by adding, again taking my cock in her hand and rubbing it fondly, "I usually don't suck or fuck on the first date, but...."

"Hey, I'd do the same," Jill laughed, grabbing a beer.

Want to share a quick snack with me?" Sarah asked.

"Like pledge week?" Jill questioned, as my eyes went big.

"Exactly like pledge week," Sarah nodded.

"I'm in," Jill agreed, glancing down at my crotch.

"No, he'll be in," Sarah joked, grabbing my hand and leading me through more people and up some stairs... Jill right behind us.

I followed, my head spinning and my cock ready to burst out of the tight pants... was I about to get a blow job?

Was I about to get a blow job from two girls?

Was I about to get a blow job from two girls... one being my sister?

Sarah knocked on the first of a few doors on the floor.

When no one answered, she opened the door and led me in. Jill followed, closed the door and locked it.

As I stood there wondering what to do next, my sister took charge, dropped to her knees, and pulled my pants down. Being a costume, they were just cheap and held up with elastic like a pair of sweats.

I was speechless as Jill joined her and as Sarah pulled my underwear down to release my cock from its lonely prison she almost shouted, "Holy fuck!"

"And the up curve for extra pleasure," Jill added, as Sarah stroked my cock, which did indeed have an upward curve, which I'd always thought was abnormal.

"This is the perfect cock," Sarah approved, as I watched her wrap her mouth around it.

"And these balls look fully loaded," Jill added, as I watched her take one in her mouth.

I groaned at this double pleasure, "Oh they're always fully loaded."

"Mmmmmm," Sarah purred on my cock, swirling her tongue around my cockhead.

For a minute, give or take, Jill went back and forth sucking on my two balls, while Sarah swirled her tongue around me as if licking ice cream.

Jill then insisted, "My turn."

I watched as Sarah bobbed forward once, taking over half my cock into her mouth, before pulling back, her lips firmly on my cock, until her lips drew completely off of my cock with a loud Pop!

Jill grabbed my shaft, looking fiercely hungry as she took my cock in her mouth. Unlike Sarah, who'd just teased my cock, Jill sucked like I often watched in porn... bobbing up and down quickly.

Sarah stood up and whispered in my ear, "I told you everything would change tonight."

"Oh God," I groaned, at the hot breath on my ear and the mouth bobbing on my cock.

"Your cock is so fucking perfect," Sarah added, nibbling on my ear for a moment before she dropped back down onto her knees and announced, "Share time."

Jill quit bobbing, even as my balls were beginning to boil, and allowed my pulsing cock to slip out of her mouth. I looked down and watched as they looked at each other and kissed.

My eyes went big. My sister had sucked my cock and was now kissing another girl... this real-life evening felt far more unbelievable than any story I'd ever read on Literotica.

I kept watching in complete awe as they then moved, lips still locked, to my cock and somehow, something I had never seen in any porn film (and trust me, I had watched a lot), they began slowly moving up and down my cock as two pairs of lips working in unison.

Having had no experience at having my cock sucked, other than moments ago enjoying the two very different styles of my sister and Jill, I had no idea if this was normal... but in under five minutes I'd had three very different blow job sensations and each was equally amazing. If a blow job felt this good, how could actual sex possibly surpass this?

As they bobbed in unison, I could feel my balls boiling in no time. I warned, "I'm going to come, and soon."

Both girls quit sucking and as Jill returned to my balls, Sarah moved her face in front of me and stroked my cock as she offered, "Come on, baby, come in your big sis... big slut's mouth."

She caught herself just before she'd finished the word 'sister' before leaning forward and taking my cock back into her mouth. Unlike the slow tease of before, she bobbed on my cock quickly.

The furious sucking mixed with the stimulating and brand new sensations from Jill's ball massage had me erupting in seconds as I groaned and deposited my load in my sister's mouth. She pulled back and opened wide after my first rope, and after my second rope splatted her between the eyes, I pushed my dick down and filled her open target with the last two ropes.

As soon as I was done, Sarah, her mouth still open, my cum visible on her tongue, tugged at Jill.

Jill left my balls and moved in front of my sister, who stood up and dropped some of my cum into Jill's open mouth. I stared in awe at the hot, nasty act.

Once Sarah had finished dropping my cum into Jill's mouth, Jill turned to my cock and asked, "Is there any left in little Willy?" Before I could respond, she leaned forward and took my cock back in her mouth.

She slowly moved up and down as Sarah leaned in and apologized, "Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I had to see how big your cock really was."

Feeling pretty confident by now and wanting to let her know I was a more than willing participant, I responded, "Sarah, I've fantasized about that a long time. I've literally dreamed about it sometimes"

"Really?" she asked, looking surprised.

"A really long time," I nodded.

Jill stood back up and smiled, "Thanks for sharing."

Sarah nodded, "That's what sisters are for." I wasstartled for a moment, then relaxed, realising what she'd meant.

"I should go and find the guy I came here with," Jill said, stroking my cock goodbye, or perhaps only farewell, before adding, "He'll be quite a disappointment after you."

"They always are," I shrugged, trying to fake it and act casual even as I was glowing with pleasure underneath all the make-up.

Jill kissed me on the lips, then kissed Sarah and headed out, closing the door behind her.

Sarah said, "I can't believe I did that."

"Me either," I concurred.

"I just couldn't resist your cock," Sarah explained, her hand reaching for my hard cock, which still had no intention of shrinking.

"And I can't resist this," I said, going for broke, as I leaned in and kissed her, cupping her voluptuous breasts.

It was her turn to moan as I felt her up.

She returned the kiss, our tongues exploring each other's mouths, no longer brother and sister, but two urgent people in lust with each other.

Breaking the kiss, Sarah said, looking conflicted, "Joey, I want that big dick of yours in me so bad, but I can't be the one to take your virginity."

"Sarah, there's no other girl I would ever want to lose it to," I replied, meaning it. I continued, "I love you as a sister, but also as a person. You're the only person I know who's beautiful inside and out."

"Joey," she said, still looking conflicted. "Oh God, Joey, fuck, your cock is so amazing." She glanced down at my cock again and added, "but you're still my brother."

"Tonight I'm not," I pointed out, brazenly moving my hand under her skirt and caressing her very wet panties.

"Oooooh," she moaned loudly.

"You're pretty wet," I said.

"Fuck," she said, clearly conflicted. Sucking her brother's cock was apparently okay, fucking her brother wasn't.

As she was dealing with her own internal conflict, I dropped to my knees, lifted up her mini-skirt, tugged her panties down enough to get access and buried my face in her pussy... another fantasy I was making come true. After all the doors she'd broken down for me so far tonight, I wanted her to know without a doubt that I was very ready to pass through the next one.

"Ohhhhhh, God, Joey," she moaned loudly, as I began unapologetically licking her very wet pussy lips. I'd read about the scent and taste of pussy being strong and fishy. Not hers. The scent was slightly fruity, although that may have been her perfume (did she spray perfume down there?), and the taste was almost completely flavourless... like water. Yet the sensations of her pussy against my tongue were heavenly, and her constant moans were the most powerful aphrodisiac conceivable. My cock was painfully hard, and my blood was full of adrenaline.

I wanted to listen to her moans forever.

I wanted to get her wetter and wetter.

I wanted to taste her pussy juice.

I wanted to get her off with my tongue.

"God, Joey, this is so wrong," she moaned, her legs actually quivering as I licked, parting her pussy lips wide.

I didn't respond. Instead I moved up to her clit, but not on it... teasing her. Although I was a virgin, I'd read a lot of erotica, watched a lot of porn and actually read blow by blow instructions on how to eat a pussy... preparing for this exact moment. I had missed the first few steps of foreplay, including not just diving in, but desperate times call for desperate measures and I did this without thinking... just acting.

"Oh Jesus," she whimpered, her hands going instinctively to the back of my head.

Taking the hint, assuming she was hinting, I moved to her clitoris and gently sucked it into my mouth. As she moaned loudly, I used my tongue to tap on it while my lips held it in place, and this made my sister let out a loud gasp. "Oh, fuck, yes! Oh God, Joey!"

I loved hearing her cry out my name and I could sense she was close, although I had no way to know for sure except for my intuition, her moans and her excessive wetness. Deciding she was close, I tugged on her clit, began moving my head slightly to my left and right while beginning to hum... recalling reading somewhere that this worked.

It definitely worked for my sister.

She pulled my head roughly, deep into her pussy, my face instantly getting wet, as I kept doing what I'd been doing. She demanded, "Don't stop, Joey, fuck, don't fucking stop."

I had no intention to, willing to do this for an eternity... although I only had to do it a few more seconds before she screamed, "Fuuuuuuuuuck!"

If I thought her pussy had been wet before, I was in for an awakening. I'd seen a few movies where a girl squirted so much that it had shot in the air, and I imagine that's what would have happened if my face hadn't gotten in the way and gotten suddenly soaked.

I eagerly lapped up her abundance of cum, adrenaline at getting my sister off coursing through me.

Suddenly, we were both startled by a voice, "What is going on in... Sarah?"

Sarah let go of my head and I froze, realizing someone had walked into the room. Someone male. Jill hadn't locked the door when she closed it.

"Jake," Sarah exclaimed, moving away from me. "Please leave."

"Who is this asshole?" Jake asked, as I stood up, my face coated with my sister's wetness. I instantly wondered if my make-up would still cover my face and keep my identity hidden.

"My new boyfriend," Sarah answered, taking my hand.

"Already?" Jake asked, glaring at me as I turned around... he too was dressed as the Joker.

"You dumped me, I moved on," Sarah shrugged.

"You're just a slut," he said.

"And you're just an asshole," Sarah countered back.

I should have kept quiet, interjecting would only escalate an already tense situation, but I wasn't going to allow him or anybody else to call her names. "She's not a slut," I defended.

"Oh, Cunt Muncher speaks," he smirked.

"And Tiny Dick speaks too," I responded, not scared of him even though he was twice my size. The fact that I knew he had a small dick and mine was a lot bigger, somehow gave me a false sense of confidence.

"You little fuck," Jake said, walking towards me, fists clenched.

Sarah jumped in front of me and threatened, "Look, Jake. You broke up with me, I moved on. That's it. Now leave this room."

Jake glared at her and at me, as if he might take a swing at her, but shrugged and said, "Fuck it. Whatever. And to think I came here to apologize and get back together."

Sarah replied, "Too late."

She then led me past him and out of the room as he scoffed and yelled like guys do in such a situation, "Your loss, bitch."

Sarah squeezed my hand, as if saying, 'Keep walking,' and I did, back into the throngs of partying drunks.

Back down the stairs, a couple of girls hugged Sarah and asked, "Who's this?"

"My new man," Sarah answered.

"Cute," one of them in a white playboy bunny outfit and beige pantyhose said, checking me out.

"Agreed," Sarah nodded, squeezing my hand again.

"Although his make-up is a little messy," the bunny pointed out.

Sarah shrugged, "I gave him a facial."

"Slut," the bunny teased.

"Takes one to know one," Sarah countered back.

"Touché," the bunny laughed.

"Come dance with us," invited the other girl, wearing a slutty cowgirl outfit, her breasts barely held in check behind a plaid shirt that was way too small across the front and only held together... more or less... by a strategic piece of baling wire.

Although I don't dance, Sarah agreed, "Sure," and led me to the crowded dance floor. Maybe it was the tight space, maybe it was my new identity or maybe it was because I had no other choice, but I started dancing.

And we danced for an hour. Song after song, sweat pouring off her. I watched her the entire time: the big smile, the bright eyes and her amazing body. I just tried to move with her, oblivious for the most part to all the other scantily clad girls dancing around me... including many who chatted with Sarah at times and were introduced to me... although mostly I couldn't hear a word they were saying.

Sarah finally leaned into me and said, "I have to pee."

"Okay, I do too," I nodded, realizing I did.

"Come with me," she invited, taking my hand and again guiding me through the throngs of now even drunker people. As I followed, I saw a couple girls making out while guys watched, and what looked like a guy fucking a girl from behind in the corner, but I couldn't get a close enough look.

We went through the kitchen and down some stairs into the basement. There were a few people down there, but not many and only one in line for the bathroom.

Sarah asked, "Having fun?"

"I've never danced before," I admitted.

"You're a natural," she smiled.

"No," I shook my head. "You're a natural. I just tried to take my cues from you."

"Well, you did a great job," Sarah replied, as the bathroom door opened.

"Oh my God, I haven't seen you all night," gushed a brunette dressed in a cute angel outfit, wearing more clothes than any other girl I'd seen all evening.

"Hi, Avery," Sarah greeted, giving her a hug.

"You been here all night?" Avery asked.

"A couple hours," Sarah answered.

"I heard through the grapevine you have a new guy," Avery said, looking at me.

"I do," Sarah nodded, before introducing me, "This is Joe."

"Hi," Avery smiled.

"Hi," I responded.

"I also hear he's a pretty special guy," Avery added, glancing down to my crotch ... which for once was actually soft, although still very clearly outlined.

Sarah nodded, "Yes, he's my full meal deal."

Avery laughed, "It looks like."

I joked, "It even comes with a special sauce."

"A lot of special sauce," Sarah added.

"Yummy," Avery smiled, licking her lips... as I began to wonder if these girls shared everyone... not that I'd be complaining!!!

"Come into the bathroom with us," Sarah suggested, as the door opened.

"I think I can do that," Avery nodded, turning around and heading back into the bathroom.

Sarah led me in too and closed the door... and this time locked it.

"Can I check this thing out?" Avery asked, dropping to her knees in front of me.

"Since you asked so nicely," Sarah joked, and Avery pulled down my pants and underwear in one swift tug.

"Oh my," Avery gasped, as my semi-erect cock almost hit her in the face. She took it in her hands and asked, "Where did you find this guy?"

"High school," Sarah responded, making my eyes go big.

"No way," Avery said, her eyes never leaving my cock.

Sarah laughed, "Of course not. He's a guy I know back home."

"Well, I want to get to know him too," Avery declared, as she opened her mouth and took my cock in her mouth.

I looked up at Sarah, who smiled and shrugged as she sat down and went pee.

Getting a blow job to the sight and sound of your sister going pee is very, very strange... not that I had any prior experience of such things. Yet Avery's mouth on my cock felt amazing. She sucked my cock slowly, taking a bit more in her mouth with each forward bob.

"Get it ready for me, Avery. I want that dick next," Sarah said out of the blue as her pee tinkled against the bowl of the toilet a few feet away.

Avery took my cock out of her mouth and asked, "Have you fucked him yet?"

"Nope, not yet," Sarah admitted, which made the light bulb go off in my head.

"Well that sucks," Avery sighed. "I was hoping to ride this monster."

"Next time," Sarah answered, as she wiped her slit.

Avery's phone rang. She sighed again, "It's Phil. I thought his dick was big, but now I may have to reconsider our entire relationship."

Sarah stood up, "Because size matters."

"Size is everything," Avery nodded, stroking my cock as she answered the phone. "Yeah," she answered.

Sarah walked over to me as Avery replied, "I'm in the washroom."

As he kept talking, Sarah grabbed Avery's head and shoved my cock in her mouth. After a couple bobs Avery made a 'Mmm-hmmm," sound to a question even as she kept bobbing.

I'd watched some hot porn scenes where a girl talked to her husband or boyfriend while sucking cock or getting fucked (my favourite is a Mandy Flores scene where she talks to her boyfriend while his friend seduces her... I don't know why these unbelievable plots are so hot, but they are), but the real thing was crazy hot.

Avery pulled back after a few seconds and said, "I'm just finishing up." She quickly returned to my cock and bobbed some more, the odd slobbering sounds seeming rather obvious to me.

A couple more mumbles of agreement as she sucked my cock for a few more seconds before she stood back up and said, "Fine, I'll meet you outside in a couple of minutes."

Avery hung up and said, as she stroked my cock once more, "I want some of this dick sometime soon."

"I'm sure we can arrange that," Sarah nodded, as she dropped to her knees and replaced Avery. "Could you lock the door on your way out?"

"Your first time with that dick shouldn't be in a bathroom," Avery said, walking to the door and going to her purse, just as Sarah took my cock into her mouth.

Sarah backed off my cock and agreed, "You're right."

Avery tossed Sarah a key and said, "Go to the chamber."

"Really?" Sarah asked, looking surprised.

"Sure, as long as you promise me that dick later tonight," Avery stressed.

"Can I make that promise?" Sarah asked me from her knees.

"God, yes," I nodded, living it up in a fantasy world.

Sarah promised, "I'll text you later."

"You'd better," Avery said. "I want to go for a nice long ride later."

"Giddy up," I said, then regretted it, suddenly sounding like the geek I really was.

"Oh, I'm going to take you to heaven," Avery promised, winked and left.

Sarah stood up and said, "Avery is a senior."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, and only seniors are allowed to use the chamber," Sarah said. "I haven't even seen it since pledge week."

"I can't believe she wants to fuck me," I said, still completely in awe of everything.

"I told you, once girls saw what was hidden underneath, you'd become a very popular guy," Sarah smiled, stroking my cock.

"Are you almost done in there?" a guy called out, banging on the door.

"Let's go someplace quiet," Sarah said.

"I still haven't gone pee," I pointed out.

"Well hurry up, because Avery isn't the only one who wants to go for a ride," Sarah urged, tugging my dick.

"It's not easy to do with a hard-on," I pointed out, as I walked to the toilet.

"Sorry," she shrugged, "not a problem I have."

"I guess not," I laughed, sitting down on the toilet, not sure where my urine would go if I were standing up.

It took a bit, including more banging on the door, before I started peeing, and Sarah called back, "We're fucking in here, so fuck off."

"Bitch," the voice tossed off, the second guy to call my sister a bitch tonight, but the knocking stopped.

"Of all the words to call you, bitch isn't one I'd ever use," I said, as I kept peeing and peeing.

"Well, for many dim-witted guys it's a go-to word. If a girl rejects you, she's a bitch. If a girl won't fuck you she's a bitch. If a girl doesn't swallow, she's a bitch, if a girl even has a brain, she's a bitch," Sarah explained.

"That's just stupid," I said, as my pee finally slowed down.

"That's a second reason you'll be very popular with the college girls. Besides your huge cock and wicked pussy munching tongue, you're a nice guy," Sarah added, as I got up.

"Nice guy, such high praise," I sighed.

"A nice guy with a great tongue and a huge cock," she reminded me, staring at my cock. "It's an entire package... a very nice package."

I pulled my underwear and pants up and asked "So where is this chamber?"

"Very close," she answered, taking my hand.

We walked out of the bathroom and only two girls were waiting.

Sarah smiled, "Sorry, girls."

The girls shook their heads as Sarah led me back upstairs and outside. We walked around the back and to a door. Sarah said, "I can't believe she gave me the chamber key. There's only one key and each senior in our sorority gets it for only one weekend each term."

"Wow," I said, as she fiddled with the door, thinking how everything just kept getting better.

Once inside, she closed the door, turned around, lights still off and kissed me... with intensity. I kissed back and soon our hands were groping each other in the dark.

After a minute Sarah broke the kiss, turned on a light to reveal an entire massive room, including a king-sized bed. She said, "I know this is wrong, but Joey, I really, really need that cock in me."

She dropped to her knees, quickly pulled down both my pants and underwear and devoured my cock. The teasing of her first time was history as she bobbed vigorously back and forth.

I groaned, "God, Sarah, that feels so good."

After a few more bobs, she stood back up, walked to the bed, pulled her panties down and tossed them to me as she got onto the bed, and said, spreading her legs with an open invitation, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but come and fuck me, little brother."

I stared in brief paralysis. Her legs spread, the offer clear, I couldn't move, in utter awe of the good fortune suddenly before me.

"Hurry up, I need that big dick in me right now," she demanded, her hand going to her pussy.

"Take off your boots," I ordered, wanting to feel the sheer nylons wrapped around me.

"Oh yes," she smiled, "you and your nylon fetish. That's actually hot!" She quickly obeyed, as I forced my legs to break free from the invisible concrete holding me in place.

I reached the bed as she tossed the first boot aside. I took her other leg and removed that boot too. Instead of just moving between her legs and slamming into her like most guys would do, I moved her nylon-clad foot to my mouth and took her pink toe in my mouth.

"Oh, that's nice," she moaned, as I simultaneously massaged her calf.

I sucked each toe in my mouth one at a time, enjoying another fantasy coming true, all the while caressing her calf and foot... loving the feel of the sheer nylon.

Once I'd done one foot, I replicated the dedicated attention on the other foot as Sarah moaned, "God, Joey, you're driving me crazy."

Once all ten toes had been worshipped with my moist attention, it was Sarah's turn to surprise me as she spread her knees wide, moved the soles of both her feet to my stiff cock and asked, "Does my baby brother and his big cock want a foot job?"

I groaned, and she didn't wait for an answer, as both her nylon-clad soles were suddenly moving in unison up and down my throbbing cock.

She giggled at my wide eyes, "I'll take that as a yes."

I mumbled, "A definite yes," as I watched and felt her silky feet stroking my cock, stimulating every one of my nerve endings to appreciative life.

"Do you want to fuck your big sister?" she asked after a minute or so of the nylon-clad foot job.

I looked up at her, breathing hard in anticipation and admitted the obvious, "Sarah, I've never wanted anything so much in my entire life."

"Then get between my legs and fuck me," Sarah said, moving her feet away and spreading her entire legs to offer me a very good look at her very wet pussy. Her words were somehow hotter than anything in a porn movie... likely because they were emerging from her very own mouth and were real.

"I can't believe this is happening," I said, as I moved between her legs.

"I'd originally planned to set you up with one or two of my sorority sisters, but God, I haven't been able to stop craving that big dick of yours since we left the house," she admitted, as she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me into her... unfortunately this led to my lack of balance stumbling to the fore, and I collapsed forward landing on her... my face unexpectedly directly between her tits.

"If you wanted to play with your sister's tits you could have just asked," she giggled, as she pushed me up a bit and stripped off the upper part of her costume, remaining now only in the skirt and thigh highs.

I stared helplessly at her huge tits before my body took control and cupped them with the awe of a child playing with a new toy.

"Suck on my nipples," she demanded, "they're super sensitive."

I wasn't going to argue as I moved my mouth to the entrancing pink nubs, my hard cock resting just above her pussy.

"Oh yes, bite it," she ordered, as I swirled my tongue around one similarly to how she'd originally sucked my cock.

Her body was the canvas, she was the skilled artist, and I was her brush, her tool to do with whatever she wished, using anything she could find on my palette, as I bit and tugged on her nipple, and then moved and did the same to the other hard nipple.

"Yessss," she moaned, lifting her ass up, making my cock slip down so I was suddenly feeling myself pressing against her wetness. "Shove your cock in me, I want to be your first."

She said it sounding hot and sweet and so inviting, and knowing she wanted to be my first made this all the better as I pushed forward and easily slipped inside her wetness.

"Oh God, big sister, I'm home," I groaned, her intense heat overwhelming my cock.

"Oh yes, little brother, welcome home," she moaned simultaneously, as I filled her.

I looked up at her, in awe of the pleasure and at what we were doing.

She looked at me and smiled, her lips pursed, asking me, "All you fantasised?"

"And so much more," I answered, my entire cock filling her.

"I couldn't agree more," she replied, wrapping her legs around me again, the silky sensations of her nylons only adding to this all-encompassing experience.

I rested there, buried deep in her, in complete fascination of all the charms of her beauty. Ahhhhh!

"Okay, enough mushy stuff," Sarah interjected, popping my dreamlike bubble. "I like kissing and intimacy well enough, but when a cock is inside me I want to be fucked... hard. I want to be your dirty sister slut."

"Holy shit," I gasped, these words like so many others out of her mouth today shocking me.

"Now awaken that sleeping giant and pound your slut sister with that fucking prick," she demanded, using her legs to jerk me deeper inside her.

Thank God I'd already come twice, or I'd be done before I started. But, doing as I was told, I began moving in and out of her.

"Oh yes, faster, brother, fuck my cunt faster, fuck me harder," she moaned, keeping her legs wrapped around me, lifting up her ass for even more penetration.

"It feels so good," I moaned, praising the obvious, but wanting her to know it felt as good for me as it did for her.

"I've never had anything so big in me," she admitted, her moans sounding so fucking hot.

I fucked her for a couple of minutes in the missionary position, but I got a sudden cramp in my right leg. I tried to ignore it, but couldn't, and had to pull out and hop off the bed. "Cramp, cramp, cramp!" I complained. "Damn, damn, damn!"

She laughed, but instructed me urgently, "Get back on the bed and lie on your back."

I stretched quickly, but obeyed, and watched as she straddled me and smiled, "Here's the position I've been dying to try."

"Ride me, cowgirl," I joked, "Yee hah!" as she lowered her pussy on my bucking shaft.

"You're such a geek," she smiled as my cock disappeared in her. "But you're my geek."

I had no idea what would happen after today, and I didn't care, I was living in the moment... one that no one would believe if I told them... everything about tonight less believable than any porn movie.

"Forever," I responded, wanting her to know I would do this any place, any time.

"Remember that sentiment once my other sister sluts take turns riding this thing," Sarah responded, as she put both hands on my chest.

I couldn't fathom others riding me, although apparently Avery planned to, but again I was living in the moment, which right now consisted of my sister bouncing on my cock, her huge tits bouncing along trying to catch up with her torso.

"Oh yes, fuck, I love your cock," she howled, as she bounced aggressively on my cock, each downward movement making loud squishy sounds as our bodies met.

"And I love your everything," I answered, watching her with the lust of a geek in love.

"You love my mouth wrapped around your cock?" she asked with a wicked smile.

"God, yes."

"And you love watching these tits bounce?" she continued.

"Double yes."

"And what about my cunt, do you love my cunt?" she questioned.

"I love eating it and fucking it, I even love watching it pee," I answered, wanting her to know I enjoyed everything about her cunt.

"And I love you munching on my box and pounding my cunt too," she responded, her moans increasing, as she began to grind her pussy on my cock... no longer riding it.

This sensation was different and more intense, as if she was milking my cock. "Oh, God," I moaned, this pleasure more intense than everything before.

"I'm going to come all over your big cock, big brother, and it's going to be soon," she declared, stressing the word 'big' both times. Even though I was her younger brother, I loved being called her 'big' brother.

"Me too," I responded, before stammering, "I mean come, that is."

"You want to come in your big sister?" she asked, continuing to grind on me.

"God, yes," I answered, but worried about getting her pregnant.

As if reading my mind, she reassured, "Don't worry, big brother, I'm on the pill. You can come inside me whenever you want."

"Ohhhh," I weakly responded, my balls beginning to boil.

"Of course you can also deposit your sweet cum down my mouth or shoot a full load all over my face or fuck my tits until you spew your hot cum between them," she added, grinding faster.

"Fuck," was all I could muster, so close to eruption, each suggestion utterly a dream CUM true.

"And maybe, with some more alcohol and some lube you can pound my tight asshole," she added. "Do you want to ream your sister's back door big brother? Would you like to make your sister your three hole cum deposit whore?"

"Fuuuuuck," I grunted as that final nasty suggestion ignited the eruption from inside and my third orgasm of the evening was unleashed... one wasted in the shower, another mostly caught by Sarah and shared with Jill, and now this load spewing inside my sister, who seemed near her own apocalyptic eruption.

"Oh yes, fill my cunt, big brother, fuck, yes, yes, cum inside your sister slut," she babbled.

Deciding to try to overcome my own 'nice' personality, I got nasty too, thinking it might be what was needed to get her to come. "Come for me my sister slut, come all over your brother's big cock. I want you to be my personal fuck slut, my three hole cum deposit, my submissive cock sucking, cock riding and ass taking bimbo whore."

I couldn't believe I was saying such filthy words.

I really couldn't believe I was saying them to my sweet sister.

And I really, really couldn't believe the impact they had on my sister as she immediately began screaming as her grinding into me sped up almost to a blur, like a female version of The Flash, "Oh yes, make me your submissive sister slut for your big fucking cock."

"Come now, you fucking brother fucker," I demanded, "NOW!" shouting right into her face, bucking my ass up and down, the final push to send my slut sister plummeting over the brink.

"Yesssssssssssss, I'm a brother fucker!" she screamed, as her orgasm coursed through her and she immediately collapsed forward, her breasts landing on my face as her cum sprayed all over me and the bed... her entire body quaking on top of me.

I lay there savouring the sweet sensations of her body on mine, the sounds of her breathing and moaning gradually diminishing, and the actuality of just living a fantasy that I'd never thought possible.

After a couple of minutes of just breathing and light trembling, Sarah rolled off me and said, "I think you broke me for any other guy."

"You broke me long before today," I responded, rolling onto my side to gaze adoringly at her beauty in the afterglow of sex.

She smiled, "Well, I sure hope two brokes make a fix."

"And who's the geek?" I questioned.

"You're not a geek," she said, "you're a fucking sex god."

"Again words I've never expected to hear from anyone, especially from my sister," I smiled.

"Truth is truth," she nodded.

I waited a moment, but unable not to ask the question suddenly gnawing inside me, "Now what?"

"Well, Avery's going to want a piece of this," Sarah said, reaching for my still hard cock. "Fuck, does it ever go down?"

"It doesn't want to miss anything," I joked, realizing she'd missed my actual question.

"Luckily, you're in the right place for that then," Sarah smiled, as she got up and went to her phone. She typed something in and then returned to the bed. "Avery will be here soon."

"I'd rather just be with you," I admitted.

"This sorority likes to share," Sarah explained.

"So I'm learning," I nodded, recalling Jill and Avery sucking my dick.

"And once the word travels even further about your size and stamina, there'll literally be a queue for your services," she said, and although it sounded like a joke... she was serious.

"Well, I know what college I'm coming to next year," I joked.

"Oh, I imagine that's all you'll be doing," she joked back. "And once you demonstrate your wicked tongue, well, they may never let you leave."

"I could be a sexual prisoner," I joked.

"A fuckinator," she added, knowing Terminator was my favourite movie.

"LOL," I laughed, as she moved and cuddled with me.

"God, I can't believe I just fucked my own brother," she said, her hand straying idly around my chest.

"And don't forget you sucked his dick," I added.

"How could I ever forget that," she laughed.

Once again, I asked, "So now what?"

She moved to look in my eyes. "Honestly, I don't know Joey. I'm a bundle of confused emotions right now. I feel guilty for committing incest and taking your virginity, but I feel a connection with you I've never felt with any other guy, and that isn't just because you have the cock of all cocks."

"I love you, and no matter what, that's never going away," I vowed, hoping these words would encompass everything.

"I love you too," she smiled, kissing me gently. "And I don't want this to be a onetime thing either, but I have no idea what the future holds."

"Me too and me neither," I nodded.

"So let's just take it one fuck at a time," she joked.

"That sounds like great advice," I agreed kissing her, just as the door opened.

"By the way, I should let you know that I'm also bisexual," Sarah added.

"So you eat cunt too?" I bluntly asked.

"And fuck with a strap-on," she added.

I joked, "I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

"That's at least a fifth date type of thing," she smiled.

"All right, let's see this cock," Avery said.

I looked up and saw that she was not alone. A blonde in a Hooters outfit, including bright red pantyhose, was with her.

"It's nice and ready for you, Mistress," Sarah said, moving off the bed.

"Mistress?" I whispered to her, as Avery simply got onto the bed and straddled my cock.

"Later. Trust me and just go with whatever happens," she whispered back.

"Ready for the ride of your life?" Avery asked.

Suddenly brimming with confidence, I retorted, "Are you?"

The end, perhaps


That night I fucked Avery, I fucked the blonde who I later learned was Brittany, the Head of the sorority, and even watched my sister eat each of their cunts while I fucked the other.

My fourth load ended up all over my sister's face after a good half hour of going back and forth between the two sorority sister seniors.

My fifth load was deposited in my sister's pussy back at home in our garage while our mom slept.


I woke up the next morning thinking it was all a dream.

That is, until I felt a warm mouth slowly bobbing on my cock... one more sisterly surprise.