
A Cousin's Reunion Pt. 3

"Hey stranger." I heard Julie say from behind me, drawing my attention. "Feel like company, or is this private quiet time?"

I twisted around to look up at her, denim shorts and a t-shirt, standing on the dock only a foot or so from me. "No, come on in." I said, putting my legs down to give her room to step from the dock to the boat. I held a hand up to help her down in, holding it until she had stepped all the way into the open bow, turned and sat on the wrap around bench seat across from me.

"So how are things?" She asked in a friendly tone.

"Not too bad. Busy at work, but that's why you take vacations, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it sorta is," she said with a shrug. "Good book?"

"Not bad. About some guy that got stranded on Mars." I said, flipping the book so she could see the cover.

"Ah. Mars. Yeah sometimes I feel like I've been stranded there."

"Oh? Why's that?" I asked curiously.

"Oh nothing in particular. Just life hasn't always been the most straight forward path for me," she said with a shrug. "Boat still looks as good as it did last time you took me out in it," she said as she rubbed one hand across the upholstery. "Getting old, but not bad looking."

"I could say the same thing about you." I said with a little grin. "I see a few wisps of gray."

"Yeah, but not like yours. You get any more gray up there you're going to have to change your hair color on your driver's license." She joked with a wide grin.

"Yeah, and that's not the only place getting gray!" I said back. "But I can't get away with shaving it off like you girls can."

"Oh I don't do that much anymore. No one to do it for," she said, her smile leaving her face for a moment. "Not that I couldn't though."

"Well, it's one way to get rid of the gray." I chuckled. "I don't think that'd work for me though."

"Why not? I hear a lot of men shave it all off, down there and elsewhere. Body sculpting I think they call it."

"Yeah, I had to have some shaved off for some surgery one time. Itched like hell when it grew back in. No thank you. I'll leave shaving those parts to the ladies."

"Oh really? So you're saying that you'll let a woman shave it?" She asked with a wide grin and twinkling eyes.

"I don't think that's exactly what I said." I answered her, looking at the laugh in her eyes, something that was missing only a few short months ago.

"Too bad. I might have volunteered," she said with a grin.

"You are naughty today, aren't you?"

"Oh a little. Wasn't it just last summer you were checking me out in a little yellow bikini?"

"Yeah. I was. Damn hot looking woman wearing it too. Wonder where she went?"

"She's still around. Just doesn't wear that kind of thing much anymore," she said, the smile leaving her face.

"I wonder if she still has it. The yellow bikini I mean."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure she does."

"Well, supposed to be sunny tomorrow, maybe she'll wear it again!"

"Maybe." She answered, the smile coming back to her lips.

"You left in a pretty big hurry at Christmas." I said after a rather uncomfortable silence.

"Yeah. Sorry. I didn't trust myself not to...you know."

"Yeah, I think I do." I answered with a nod.

"So, is Evelyn up too?" She asked, looking up toward my folk's house, looking for my wife.

"No. No, she had military training. I'm up alone."

"Oh. I see. That kinda complicates things," she said quietly.

"How so?"

"Being alone. We could...you know. And then end up the same place we were last year. I'd love to spend some time with you, but I don't want to hurt like I did at the end of last summer," she said quietly.

I looked at her silently for nearly a full minute. "I understand. I'll give you space." I answered very quietly.

"Thanks," she said quietly, looking like she had more to say, but not sure she should. "I better go." She finally said, standing up and climbing silently from the boat. "See you later." She added as she walked away on the dock.

"Don't know what I expected, especially after Christmas." I mumbled to myself before going back to reading my book. A few hours later I headed up to the house for an early dinner, after which I headed out to fish again, only going to one of my closer fishing spots instead of all the way up the slot. I fished until almost dark and then came in, not having had much luck.

"Julie is up this weekend." My mom said as we finished dinner. "You might want to go over and catch up. I don't think you've seen her since last year."

"No, I don't think so either." I answered vaguely. "I might drop in and see how things are going."

"I heard she got a new job. Some kind of promotion that was going to move her closer up here. She's been up a lot more since then." My mom said as she got up and started clearing dishes off the table. "I've seen her son around more often too."

"Oh? That's good I guess."

"Yeah, he brings Chris, his son, along when he comes too, but I never see his wife around, so I'm guessing he's divorced too now."

"A lot of that going around." I answered her.

"Unfortunately." My mom said with a frown. "Way too much."

"Yeah." I agreed, looking out the kitchen window toward Julie's place.

"Well, if you go over, you want to give this to her? It got dropped off in our mailbox by accident," she said, taking an envelope off the refrigerator and handing it to me.

"Sure, I'll take it over." I said, getting up from the table. It was still more than warm enough to go in just my shorts and t-shirt, as long as I walked quickly to avoid the damn mosquitos! I knocked on her door, hoping that I didn't have to stand in dark too long.

She opened the door, barefoot and wearing a short light green bathrobe that only came down to about the middle of her thighs, her big full tits pushing the front out and spreading the material above the tied belt apart enough to show a significant V of tanned smooth skin. "Michael!" She said with a smile. "Wasn't expecting you," she said as I stepped in and she closed the door behind me.

"My mom sent this over. Said it came in her box accidently."

"Ah, tax statement. Needed, but not necessarily wanted," she said with a chuckle. "I was just sitting and playing some solitaire," she said as she walked down into the sunken living room and the coffee table with cards laid out. She quickly started pushing the cards together as I stepped down next to her, her hands quickly trying to push the cards in a stack.

"You didn't have to stop on my account." I said as I looked down.

"No, it's fine. Really," she said abruptly.

"You're blushing!" I said as I noticed the slight hint of red on her cheeks and neck. I looked down at the cards and chuckled. "Now this I wouldn't have expected from you."

"I don't know where all the cards in this place went, but these were the only ones I could find," she said, still blushing as I took one of the cards from the table and picked it up, a naked woman in the middle of a sex act in the center of the card instead of the array of shapes usually there.

I laughed quietly as I reached for the deck in her hands and gently pulled them from her grip and fanned them out, looking at the variety of poses. "Kama sutra cards? Now that is original." I said as she sat down, still blushing. "I could think of a lot of things to do with these, and solitaire isn't one of them." I said as I pushed the cards together and held them out for her.

"I bet you could. You always did have a good imagination," she said, putting the cards on the table, face down so the naked women weren't looking up at us, and then patting the sofa next to her.

"Nice robe." I said after I sat down.

"Nice shorts," she said looking at my lap. I looked down, surprised to see a significant bulge in the front of my athletic shorts. "You always were one for a quick reaction. Glad to see that hasn't changed."

"No. Damn prostate makes it hard to keep, but getting one doesn't seem to be a problem." I said with a frown. "Not that you want to hear my medical problems."

"Yeah, like I'm not going through menopause or anything like that," she said with the shake of her head. "So, I was surprised. I didn't think you were going to come over."

"I can tell." I said, nodding at her robe. "Looks like you were ready for bed."

"Yeah, pretty much. Just a bit early."

"Did I tell you, you look good?"

"I look like an old woman!" She said with a frown.

"Not to me."

"You need new glasses!" She answered with a shake of her head.

"No, I see just fine. You know. I still have a pair of red lace underwear that belong to you."

"Hopefully not still hanging on your rearview mirror."

"No. Tucked away in an envelope in a safe place. I've often wondered if you were keeping your promise."

"I did for a while," she said quietly with a frown. "Got hard to after a while. It was a constant reminder every time I sat down."

"Yeah, I guess I can understand that."

"I'm surprised you still have them. They must be raunchy by now."

I chuckled. "Nope. They look every bit as sexy as the day you gave them to me."

"What if Evelyn finds them?"

"Not to worry. I have them someplace she'd never look. No, they're quite safe." I said with another chuckle. "So... What now?"

"Oh I don't know. I hadn't expected any company. Not exactly dressed for it or anything."

"I think you're dressed just fine." I said with a smile.

"You would. Your preferred dress for me is nothing."

"Not true. I very much enjoy undressing you."

"Well, you wouldn't have much to work with tonight," she said, smiling back. "Not that I'm giving you permission or anything." She added quickly.

"To undress you? I wouldn't mind."

"I wouldn't either. But it's not a good idea. Just you're being here like this is kinda hard."

"Yeah. I know."

"Might be easier if you didn't have such an obvious hardon," she said with a frown.

"I can go if you want." I offered reluctantly.

"NO... No, that isn't necessary. Just, move it so it's not quite so obvious," she said staring down at my crotch. I looked down and saw my engorged head poking slightly from the leg hole of the short athletic shorts.

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled, reaching into my shorts to move my hardon to a different way so I didn't stick out the leg hole.

"No underwear?"

"Not today. I got wet earlier and stripped em off in the boat and never put any back on." I answered as I looked back at her again.

"Guess we're both commando then."

"Yeah. We could be commando together."

"You are so bad. What, we're supposed to play show and tell like a couple of kids?"

"We could. I know I wouldn't mind seeing your body again. Though I doubt I could actually keep from touching it if I did."

"Yeah, and that's the problem. I wanna take this robe off and let you do all the things to me you did last time. I want to feel you kiss and touch me. I want to feel your cock sliding into me and I want to feel my own climax coming around you. I WANT all those things. But I also know that they're not right and we shouldn't. So I'm not going to even start."

"Yeah. You're right. I better go. I'm just making this harder for both of us."

"Okay." she said standing up from the sofa. I sighed and got up, walking to the door. She stepped up the stairs behind me, following me to the door. She reached past me and opened the door and held it while I stepped outside. I was almost to the stairs down to the grass when I heard her call my name. I turned to see what she wanted, and watched as she let the robe fall from her shoulders, exposing her entire naked body for several seconds before she closed the door between us, leaving me standing in the dark.

I sighed again and walked back to my parents' house and headed to the bathroom and a cold shower.

I woke up well after dawn, the sun shining in the window and dancing on the celling as it reflected off the water. I couldn't help but think back to that morning sleeping with Julie, the sun dancing on the ceiling the same way as the two of us lay curled against each other. I sighed, shook my head to try and clear the all too clear image from my mind and climbed out of bed to dress. I ate a light breakfast and headed down to the landing, intending on getting an early start on fishing. I was planning on heading all the way up near the dam to soak some minnows, since it was the fourth and I didn't expect to get any more fishing in. I wasn't looking forward to heading back home tomorrow morning.

I hauled my minnow bucket down to the dock and was just getting things situated, the big 4 cylinder I/O idling to warm up as I arranged the last of my gear.

"Hey. Got room for a passenger?" I heard behind me, turning to see Julie standing on the dock in a knee length blue beach cover-up thingie, a book in one hand and a bag and a cooler in the other.

"Sure, you know me. I always like company." I answered with a smile.

"Don't read more into this than there is," she said quietly as she took my offered hand and stepped down into the boat.

"I'd like to read a lot into it." I answered as she sat in the passenger seat.

"Don't. I just wanted to spend some time with you before you have to go back," she said quietly. "Nothing else."

"Okay." I said with a half sigh as I turned to untie the lines holding the boat to the dock. I pushed us away and then dropped into the driver's seat behind the windshield and kicked the motor into gear. It only took about fifteen minutes to reach the edge of the slot, but unlike when I was younger, it wasn't safe to drive into the old channel that hard. Too many trees had been moved around by the ice to trust an eight thousand dollar engine to. No, I shut the big engine down and started the little five horse trolling motor and spent the next twenty five minutes tracing the old channel before I reached the quiet winding cut that the old channel used to take just a short distance from the upper dam. I shut the engine down and dropped two anchors, putting us under the shade of an overhanging poplar tree.

"This part seems to still be a lot like it was when we were kids. I can remember you bringing me all the way up here."

"Yeah. It's so hard to get to that almost no one comes up this far. That's why I like to sit and soak minnows here. There are some really big fish patrolling this channel." I said as I started setting out rods and lines. In only a few minutes I had three different lines out, each baited with a lively minnow, some small, one quite large. I dropped into the wrap around seat in the bow to watch my bobbers.

"Was it this quiet when we first came out here?"

"Oh yeah." I answered. "It was idyllic back then."

"Still is. Feels almost like we're in a whole 'nother world."

"Yeah. I know. Remember how cold that rain was that day?"

"Oh lord. That was cold. I was frozen by the time we got in."

"Yeah, but we had fun getting warm, didn't we?"

"Yeah. Seems to me that we ended up naked together."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we did." I agreed with a smile. "And in your car. I can remember you giving me a blow job in the front seat."

"Yeah, right after you fingered me to climax. God we were crazy kids, weren't we?"

"Yeah. Not a care in the world, well mostly. God you looked so sexy to me back then."

"And now?"

"Incredibly sexy!" I answered emphatically. "Just fucking incredibly sexy!"

"Well, thank you. I probably shouldn't have flashed you like that last night, but seeing your cock sticking out like that, well, I couldn't help myself," she said with a girlish little giggle.

"All that just because you saw a little bit of my cock? What would you do if you saw the whole thing?"

"You dirty old man!" she teased.

"Yeah, I'll accept that." I said as I stood up. I undid the front of my shorts and pushed my shorts and boxers down, exposing my already half hard cock only feet from her face. "How's that look?"

"Every bit as good as it did thirty years ago," she whispered, her hand reaching up toward my cock and stopping inches away. "We really shouldn't be doing this."

I stepped out of my shorts and then pulled off my shirt, tossing it on the seat before stepping through the open windshield into the cockpit. I reached a hand down to her, which she took and gently coaxed her to stand up. I reached for the tie around her waist, holding the blue beach wrap in place and gently tugged the bow, pulling the wrap apart and then pushing it off her shoulders. Under the wrap she had on that same yellow bikini from the previous year, the triangles of material having the same hard time covering her nipples as it had back then. I reached around her body, untying the lower and then upper ties, the material trapped between us as I pressed my chest to hers. I moved my hands down to her hips, and gently tugged each bow, letting the strings come untied and allowing the tiny yellow triangle fall to the ground between her legs. I stepped back, sliding my hands up her sides, gently cupping both her huge tits as the top landed on the floor by the bikini bottom. "Now that's a lot better." I whispered as she tilted her head up.

She lifted herself on her toes, broaching the several inch height difference between us, to press her hot soft lips against mine. I felt her hands slip between us and clasp around my hard cock as she gently kissed my lips seductively, licking and sucking my lower lip and then trying to tease her tongue into my mouth. "God I love you," she whispered as she let her lips hover fractions of an inch from mine.

"Yeah, me too. I guess I always have." I whispered back.

"As much as I tried to not do this, I can't help myself. I want to feel you inside me again. I want to feel your strong strokes driving your fantastic cock into me and I want to feel you make me come," she said breathlessly.

I reached my hands down to her ass and gently cupped both full round cheeks. She didn't weigh nearly as much back then, but I wasn't about to complain as I picked her up, her legs quickly wrapping around me as I carried her the few feet to the padded engine housing and set her on it, her ass at the very edge. She quickly released me from her legs, spreading them and lifting them out of my way as she leaned back on the cover, using her elbows to support herself.

"All yours," she whispered, her spread pussy lips glistening in the morning sun with their wetness.

"You shaved." I said as I pushed my cock down toward her pussy, rubbing my head up and down her wet slit.

"Uh huh. Fresh this morning. Just for you," she moaned as I teased her clit with my cock. "Oh god Michael. Don't tease me. Not now. Just fuck me please!"

"Yeah, I know." I agreed quietly, pushing my cock into her sopping wet pussy. I felt my head resist and press on her tunnel opening for a few brief moments and then slip inside her, easily plunging deep into her wet soft insides. I leaned forward, lowering my head toward her fantastic tits and gently sucked one nipple into my mouth as I began stroking my cock in and out of her, her hips almost immediately trying to rock and lift to match my strokes.

"Oh god yessssss!" she hissed as I teased my tongue round and around her nipple, my mushroom head caressing the full length of her tunnel, threatening to slip all the way out with each stroke. "Harder baby. Fuck me harder!" She begged quietly.

I started plunging my cock into her faster, my hips slapping her bare ass as she pulled her legs farther back to let me stroke deeper into her. In and out I went, our bodies caressing each other and driving us each toward climax. "Oh fuck yes! God damn you feel so good in me!" She squeaked loudly as I pounded into her. "God I'm gonna come. Ohhhhhhhh fuck I'm gonna come." She cried a little louder as I felt her pussy start to spasm around my plunging shaft. "OHHHHHHH FUCK!" She cried loudly as her body spasmed, her tunnel gripping me and her legs shaking uncontrollably as she gasped for breath. It was what I was holding back for. I gave a last few energetic plunges into her pussy and allowed my own climax to wash over me, my hips jerking toward her, jamming my cock deep into her with each surge of pent up cum.

"Ohhhh damn." I groaned as I lifted my face from her tit.

She let her back lay fully on the pad and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my face to hers and my body fully onto hers. She kissed me eagerly, almost urgently, as if I was going to disappear before she could get all her kisses in.

"God Michael. I want you so much. I want you forever," she whispered in my ear as she broke the kiss and pulled me tightly to her. I could feel the tears running down her face and around our cheeks where they pressed together, her legs pulling me tightly to her and holding me as she panted for breath. "I know. I can't have you. We can't have each other. But I've wanted you for so long. I think I've wanted you ever since our family came down to visit you on that trip and we played outside in the dark. Do you remember?"

"Yeah, I do. We were young. What early teens?"

"Yeah, young and crazy, but every time you touched me I felt my stomach get butterflies and while I didn't know it then, every time you touched me I got so aroused. I almost let you touch my breasts out in the dark. If we'd have played a little longer I think I would have found a way to let you do it. God, I wanted you to touch me, almost as much as right now!"

"Yeah. I was pretty taken with those tight white pants too. I was trying to figure out a way to get you to take em off so I could see your body, or at least pull them down. But that wasn't happening. I was too scared to even try anything. It wasn't until we were up here right before college that I got the nerve up to do anything. It's funny how life goes. Two people so in love and yet so unable to share it." I whispered.

"Not funny. Sad," she whispered, letting go of my neck with one arm so she could use her hand to wipe her tears away.

"Let go a second." I whispered.

"I don't want to. I don't want to let your touch go," she whispered, pulling me tighter to me.

"Trust me." I said quietly.

"Okay." She answered tearfully, releasing me from the grip of her legs and arm. I pushed myself up, my softened cock slipping from her pussy. It only took me a few minutes to dig out the parts. A specially shaped board and four screw in legs. I pushed the long narrow platform into place in the bow, filling the gap that was intended as a foot hole for people sitting on the wrap around seat in the bow. I stuffed a boat cushion on the platform I had designed to allow me to install a swivel seat in the bow for fishing, and turned back to Julie, sitting on the engine cover. I took her hands and drew her along with me to the bow and the fully padded platform where we could now both lay down and snuggle comfortably.

We lay for almost an hour, gently stroking each other, our fingers lovingly teasing each other's bodies, feeling the sun sneaking through the trees, the breeze blowing across us, before she rolled herself over on top of me, my cock trapped between our bodies, the heat of her wet pussy wrapped around part of my rock hard shaft. She looked down at me, her eyes a combination of lust and love, as she lifted her chest from mine and settled on her knees over my hips. Very slowly she began to rock her hips, slowly dragging her wet pussy back and forth across my engorged shaft, teasing me as well as herself. Each stroke dragged her clit along the bottom of my shaft, making her already wet pussy even wetter as her arousal grew.

I reached up and captured her tits, lifting them and teasing my fingers back and forth across her rock hard nipples as her motions grew more urgent. Each slide forward let her lips close around my engorged head, teasing me closer to climax as her clit bounced over the underside of my head and the most sensitive spot on my cock. I saw her close her eyes and sigh briefly as she moved one hand from my chest to the head of my cock, gently lifting it with two fingers as she slid forward. I felt her pussy slide nearly all the way off my cock before she leaned forward, her fingers pushing me up against her pussy until my head lifted, clear of her weight. She pushed back, my head slipping between her sopping wet lips and entered her velvety soft tunnel, driving herself slowly down my shaft. She continued pushing back until I was fully enveloped by her soft wet pussy and then she pushed herself back up.

"I love you," she whispered as she began to use her legs to lift herself up my shaft, lowering herself back down quickly to bounce slightly on my thighs with her bare ass. Up and down she slid, her pussy wrapped around my cock and inching me closer to climax with each new stroke. I held her tits, the weight bouncing in my hands each time her ass slapped down on my thighs, the boat bobbing gently in time with her tender loving strokes.

"I'm going to come." I grunted, trying to hold back as long as I could.

"Good. I want you too," she said, looking down at me. "I want to remember what your face looks like when you're coming inside the woman you love."

I looked up at her and let myself go, her strokes only continuing another minute before I felt the surge of cum start its trip. My body bucked under her as I grunted loudly, a huge gush of cum lancing up into her. I felt her settle on me, barely able to stroke herself up and down my shaft as her legs suddenly trembled and shook, a soft moan slipping from her lips as she stared down at me. "I'm coming too," she whispered as she watched me, my body bucking several more times under her, my surging cum filling her until it was leaking around my shaft. I felt her pussy clench and shudder around me, as she too climaxed, although more softly than the last.

Finally she leaned forward, working to keep my cock trapped in her pussy, as she lay her chest against mine, her hard nipples poking into my chest. She reached her lips toward mine, softly and gently kissing me, her breath mingling with mine as we brushed lips and tongues gently with each other.

"That was incredible." I whispered, my lips practically brushing hers as I did.

"I'm glad. I loved doing it for you."

"I wish we never had to leave." I said quietly.

"Yeah, I know. But we have to, don't we?"

"Soon." I answered.

"Give me as long as we can, okay?"

"Okay." I answered with a smile.

As long as we could was almost another hour, during which time I took her again from behind as we lay on the platform, my cock sliding in and out of her as my fingers teased her clit to a massive orgasm, at least as strong as the one she had given me. Finally with a sigh, we disengaged and dressed each other, Julie putting on the wrap but not the bikini so that I could look at her body all the way home.

It was the hardest hour I'd ever spent, knowing that when we reached the shore we'd have to be back to normal. Cousins, not lovers.

"You know. I heard there's some fireworks tonight you can see from the water." I said as she climbed from the boat. "Wanna go?"

"With you? Did you really need to ask?"

"Not really." I answered her. "I'll come get you about dark."

"Looking forward to it." She answered as she walked away, my cum still leaking down her legs from earlier.

I finished tying off the boat and headed up for a late lunch. I spent part of the afternoon packing gear in the boat and putting all the lines and hooks away so we wouldn't get hurt in the dark, and the rest reading my book, well, pretending to read at least as I thought about the morning.

After dinner I changed into long pants, expecting to be attacked by bugs. Not that I wanted long pants, but I also didn't know if there was going to be any chance for more sex with Julie. About dark I pulled on a long sleeved coat and headed over to her place. She came to the door in an ankle length form fitting dress, holding a light windbreaker. Her hair had been done and her face shown the recent application of a light coat of makeup. She smiled at me approvingly as I surveyed her body in the tight fitting dress.

"You look...beautiful!" I whispered as we walked the short way down to the dock and my boat.

"You should see what I have on under it," she whispered back. "It's a surprise. I'm hoping you can find a way to get me naked enough to enjoy it."

"I'll make it a point." I answered as we walked on the wooden deck of the dock.

"Just so you know. There's a zipper all the way down the back," she said with a giggle.

It was only twilight, and the fireworks weren't scheduled to start for another hour, but I didn't want to motor all the way there in the dark. Coming home in the dark would be hard enough. I let my GPS draw a track that I would follow home as I motored down the lake on plane, running at a reasonable twenty five miles an hour.

We drew close to where the fireworks were going to be and saw a variety of boats already anchoring, each twinkling with little lights, some with generators running to power full strings of Christmas style lights. I found a quiet spot away from too many of the boats and set the anchors so we could lay in the bow and see toward where the fireworks would be. We lay silently, staring at the sky and the emerging stars, my hand teasing her dress up her legs while hers was deftly working the front of my pants open to slip her hand in on my hard cock.

On many of the boats were small parties, but on mine, as darkness closed in around us, our party was something completely different. I gently slipped the zipper down and she shrugged the material off her shoulders, letting me tease the dress down her body until she was laying without it on in the starlight. I doubted anyone too far away could see her, but I could see all too well. Her body was encased in a sexy sheer white lace negligee, her shaved mound peaking from under it and her rock hard nipples trying to poke through the lace as her big tits strained at the little ties down the front.

"Fuck me from behind again," she whispered, rolling over on her side to expose her bare ass to me. I pushed my pants down to my knees and rolled over to spoon her, reaching for my cock and rubbing my mushroom head gently between her lips. "Ohhhhh yesssssss." She sighed as I pushed myself into her, her pussy slowly accepting me as I pressed myself into her. I felt her lips gently pinch on my unlubricated cock and began to stroke in and out in short little strokes, lubricating both my shaft and her lips with her juices. I was soon fully into her, my head pressed against her cervix and my thighs against her bare ass.

She pulled my hand around to her font, guiding my fingers to the ties down the front of her sexy outfit. One by one I untied then, taking several slow strokes before stopping to untie another string. "Oh god!" She moaned as I stroked into her again, one tie left. "This is such a fucking tease."

"For both of us." I whispered as I pulled the bow on the last string. I slid my hand up her bare stomach and cupped one of her big tits, letting my finger and thumb gently squeeze and tease her nipple as I started stroking into her again. In and out I went, slow and methodical, matching my strokes to the gentle rocking of the boat, wondering briefly if anyone noticed the unusual set of waves.

I heard her moan softly as my fat mushroom head teased her tunnel, stroking from the entrance until I was pressing against her cervix deep inside her. She reached behind her with one hand, resting it on my ass and trying to pull me in harder with each stroke, both of us trying to be as quiet as we could.

The first boom startled us, as did the shower of sparks in the sky as the first mortar exploded high above us. The light flooded down over us, making us easy to see in the bow of my boat. I hoped everyone else was watching the lights in the sky instead of the couple making love under the lights as I continued to slide in and out of her.

"Oh fuck yes!" She moaned as her legs started to shudder, my cock teasing her to the beginning of her climax. "God, I'm going to come!"

"That's it lover. Come for me." I grunted, feeling her pussy clenching and spasming around me, pushing me quickly toward my own completion. I stroked faster, driving in and out as fast as I could as she lifted one leg high in the air to let me plunge into her faster.

"GOD YES!" She almost screamed as another burst detonated above us, her whole body jerking and twitching as my body bucked into her, squirting cum deep into her spasming pussy. Time and again my body jerked, spewing more cum into her as the fireworks continued over us, the varying colors of light illuminating us as we lay there in mutual climax.

She rolled herself over, working her legs over mine so that I stayed inside her as she lay on her back, my hand now free to roam her whole sexy body under the lights.

I softened and slipped out of her long before the last splash of light winked out, the two of us laying in the bow practically naked. With darkness closed back around us she leaned toward me and kissed me softly, taking long slow minutes to embrace me, knowing that this would be our last moments together where we could share this way. Reluctantly we separated and I got up, pulling my pants the rest of the way off before pulling the anchors in. Most of the other boats had moved off, so we had a relatively easy, though long, trip back, our speed limited to less than fifteen miles an hour because of the darkness. I could see fairly well in the moonlight, but really couldn't spend as much time looking at Julie laying naked for me in the bow as I would have liked. I pulled back to the dock, both of us still practically naked, and quickly dressed before walking her up to her house.

"I have to leave first thing." I said quietly as we stood on the deck swatting away the mosquitos that were quickly finding us.

"Yeah," she said. "See you in the morning then," she added sadly, opening the door. I turned and walked to the steps, stopping when I heard my name. "Michael. Thank you. For tonight and everything."

"You're welcome." I said with a sigh before walking down the stairs and back to my parents place.

I was the only one still up when I walked in so I made my way quietly to my bedroom and stripped, slipping under the sheet and lying awake for a long time before sleep finally overtook me.

I stared at the ceiling and watched the reflection of the rising sun dance on the ceiling, my mind lost to the past and the present times with Julie. I wondered how my life ended up so screwed up, but found no comforting answers. I finally got up, showered and dressed. My mom had breakfast ready when I came into the kitchen, so I quickly ate the eggs and bacon she had made before going out to load the boat. I was disappointed to see Julie's car gone as I backed my car down the ramp to load the boat on the trailer.

It only took about fifteen minutes for me to get the boat loaded, secured and the cover tied down tightly for the trip home. Another ten saw my bags and car packed and hugging my mom goodbye. I took one last look over at Julie's place as I drove out of the driveway, her car still gone. No goodbye to be shared with her.

After the long winding lake road, I turned onto the main highway next to the old railroad bridge, still a fixture after all my years of coming up. It started with one car wide attachment to the rail bridge so many years ago, but now the rail bridge stood on its own, the auto and truck traffic on a new two lane concrete bridge. On the far side was the parking area used by fishermen wanting to fish under the bridges where the old river, and now the lake, narrowed to only a few dozens of feet, a perfect choke point to catch fish moving up and down the channel. In the parking lot was a lone blue car. I turned in.

"I thought you'd never get here." Julie said as she slipped from where she had been sitting on the fender of her car. "I hoped you'd remember this place."

"How could I forget?" I asked as I stepped out of my car and walked to her, the two of us practically falling into each other's arms.

"Michael. I can't do this anymore. As much as I love you and I love how it feels to be with you, leaving this way over and over tares me up. I think we need to stop seeing each other this way," she whispered.

"I understand." I answered, pulling her body tightly against mine.

"I love you. I always have and I always will," she whispered as she lifted her face to mine. We kissed long and tender, neither caring at that moment who was watching, nor what they thought. We shared what we both knew would be our last kiss, reluctantly breaking it and stepping back from each other. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she walked to her car, got in and drove away without looking back.

To say the drive home was long would be an understatement. Because of the traffic I had nearly twelve hours to grapple with the reality that what we had was over.

My wife came home, and life returned to normal, my relationship with Julie pushed into the back corner of my mind and heart. Only when I went back up north and saw her place next to my folks place did all those feelings flood back. Christmas came and went, and another summer, during neither of which did she appear. I guessed it was just too much for her to deal with. My mom kept me informed as to what was new with Julie, but other than that, she had ignored any attempt at my texting or calling.

"Hi Mom. What's up?" I asked as my mom called on early December evening.

"You're father's in the hospital. He's had a massive stroke. They don't know if he'll make it." She cried into the phone.

"Oh damn! Okay, I'll be there in... give me about ten hours. I should see you first thing in the morning. Which hospital?"

"The same one he had his surgery in."

"Got it. Be there soon. Hang in there mom!" I said as I clicked off. I walked down the hall and into the bedroom where my wife was putting away clothes. "Gotta go north. Dad's had a stroke."

"Bad?" She asked as I started throwing clothes into a duffel bag.

"Yeah. Bad." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. One look from her and she knew how bad it really was.

"I'm coming!" She said, pulling clothes out of her dresser and grabbing another duffel.

In ten minutes we were on the road, my mood falling to an even lower point as what had been a light snow seemed to be getting heavier. My wife looked at the radar map and shook her head as I drove as fast as I could thought the falling snow. "Gonna be worse after we turn and go up thirty nine," she said quietly.

"Yeah." I answered, not really wanting to talk at that moment.

I really hadn't said too much all the way to our first gas stop, where my wife took over driving at about two in the morning. The roads continued to deteriorate and were down to one clear and one snow covered lane with the snow still falling. I lay back my seat and closed my eyes as she pulled out onto the interstate for the second half of our journey.

"Can you hear me?" A male voice asked, a bright light flashing in my eyes. "Sir? Can you hear me?"

"Uh huh." I grunted, trying to get up but for some reason unable to move.

"Do you know where you are?" The voice asked again.

"Um... No." I grunted trying to move my legs, but the feeling they were buried in mud slowly being replaced by shooting pains racing from my ankles all the way up my legs. "Ohhhhh god it hurts." I groaned loudly before everything slowly went black.

I looked at the white ceiling, my eyes slowly trying to focus, but having little luck. I squinted and looked around, trying to figure out where I was, confusion setting in. I turned my head the other way and saw a familiar face, Julie. "What's going on?" I croaked out.

She practically jumped out of the chair she was sitting in. "Hey there. You're back with us!" She said softly, stepping to the bed and gently stroking my head.

"Where am I?"

"In a hospital in Madison. You've been unconscious for almost a week," she whispered softly.