
A Cousin's Reunion 2


"Yes! She screamed. "Fill me up. I want to feel you cum in me!"

"AHHHHGGGGG" I hollered, my cock suddenly driving deep into her and spewing shot after shot of hot cum into her clenching pussy.

"YES!" she screamed as her own climax finally peaked, collapsing on top of me, her chest heaving and her hard nipples driving into my chest as my cock twitched deep inside her. "God that was perfect." She whispered when she had caught enough of her breath to talk again.

"Aren't you worried about getting pregnant?" I asked worriedly.

"No. Wrong time of month." She panted. "Pretty sure anyway."

"We can hope." I answered, not fully convinced.

She lifted her head even with mine and looked down into my eyes. "We have all day, and now we don't have to worry. You can fill me as many times as you want and it won't make any difference. I want to feel you screw me in the lake and on the dock and anyplace else you want to take me. If your cock gets hard you have my permission to take me anyplace, anytime." She said with a giggle.

"You're sure?"

"Hell, how many times can a twenty year old guy get hard?" She asked with a laugh.

"You'd be surprised." I answered.

"Good, surprise me! You and I both know that after today, this won't ever happen again. Let's make the most of it. I want to feel you inside me as much as I can."

"You walk around half dressed like yesterday, you can bet I'll be hard a lot."

"Ok, that settles it. I'll wear as little as I can all day." she said with a laugh. "Want some breakfast? I'll cook you some eggs if you promise to take me while I'm cooking."

"As if I'd turn an offer like that down." I answered her with a laugh.

"Good!" she said as she climbed off my cock, a flood of cum leaking from her as she climbed off the bed. "Hmmm look at all that cum!" She said with a chuckle, using my t-shirt to wipe her leg.

True to her word, by the time I got out of the bathroom she was standing naked at the stove frying some link sausage and getting ready to put eggs in a pan. I walked up behind her and gently kissed her neck before sliding my hands around her to gently cup both of her soft tits.

"Mmmmmm I like this." She said quietly as she stood and turned the sausage. "This is yours, do you have some sausage for me?" she asked teasingly.

"Gotta give it a minute to recover." I whispered quietly.

"I see." She replied as she reached behind her with her free hand and found my cock, gently massaging it. Even a horny twenty year old takes a few minutes to recover, but to my surprise my cock immediately started to respond, quickly growing hard enough that she could slip it between her legs and massage it by wiggling her legs back and forth. I felt it grow fatter and harder between her legs, the hotness of her pussy pressing against the top of it. I stroked it in and out of the tight confines her legs were creating before pulling it back and crouching down slightly to change the angle.

"Here you go." I whispered as she pushed her butt back out at me, helping me to slide up into her.

"Mmmmmmm just what I needed." She cooed as I worked it in and out of her an inch or so a few times.

I stood behind her, playing with her tits and occasionally wiggling my cock around inside her while she finished cooking the sausage and eggs, only pulling off my cock when she had to get plates to put our breakfast on. With two plates of food on the table, she guided me to a chair, sitting me down and then aiming my cock at her pussy while she settled down onto it, her legs hanging over one side of me so she was sitting on my lap.

"You know." She said between bites. "If this is what being married to you would be like, I could get used to it pretty fast."

"You don't think we'd get tired of this?"

"I can't ever see getting tired of how this makes me feel. Just having you inside me makes me feel all warm and tingly inside."

"I'm not exactly complaining either." I said as we went back to eating.

"so are we going fishing today?" she asked as she pulled off my cock to clear the table.

"We can."

"Good. I think we should." She said with a bright smile.

"Gonna have to get dressed though. It's probably a bit chilly on the water right now."

"Yeah, that's true. We'll just have to see if we can make it interesting though. Pick something that I can get into easily, ok?"

"Yeah, I will." I said as I stepped into the bedroom and dug in my suitcase. I finally decided on a t-shirt, pair of athletic shorts, baggy gray sweat pants and a hooded sweatshirt. Julie came out of her room wearing a purple sweat suit zipped all the way to her neck, leaving me to wonder what she had on under it, if anything.

I put the boat in the water while she packed some drinks and sandwiches, just in case we stayed out longer. I had more than enough gear and rods to cover both of us, and after checking gas tanks I was ready to head out.

"Where are we headed to?" she asked as she came down the dock and stepped lightly into the boat.

"I was thinking the power lines." I replied, knowing that getting there not easy and kept all the non-locals away. It also afforded quite a number of quiet little bays for us to slip into if we wanted to do something besides fish, which I was pretty sure the idea was.

"Good. You know, I've never had sex in a boat before." She said with a huge grin.

"Well, we'll see if we can fix that today." I said, my cock already hard and poking up my shorts and sweat pants. I untied the boat and started the engine, taking off up the lake with Julie sitting in the middle seat facing me in the back of the boat. A tiller steer engine of this size takes constant attention, but that attention was definitely torn as she unzipped her sweat shirt and pulled her pink tank top up, hooking it over her tits so that I had to be able to see them as I drove the boat.

I slowed down to go under the train bridge and she leaned back, letting anyone driving by see her naked chest, and also allowing the cool morning wind to chill her nipples, making them pucker and harden enticingly.

"You are really bad." I said with a laugh as I slowed down after nearly fifteen more minutes of winding around through the flooded timber.

"Not really." She said with a grin. "Wait till it gets warmer, then you'll see bad."

I shook my head and went to work getting the small gas trolling motor started and rigging lines. With everything ready I handed her a rod and then cast my own out, one hand holding the rod and the other holding the tiller of the trolling motor.

"You are completely at my mercy now, aren't you?" she asked teasingly as she moved from the middle seat to sit next to me on the rear seat.

"Well, it would seem that way." I agreed.

"Good." She said as she slipped her hand into the top of my sweat pants, feeling around for my hard cock. "You have way to many clothes on for me to get to your cock. Don't you want me to get to it?"

"Sure I do." I answered.

"Good." She said using her one free hand to try and work both my sweat pants and shorts down my thighs. With my ass naked and my cock sticking up she stroked her hand up and down my shaft, making sure I was nice and hard.

She stood up and pushed her sweat pants down her legs, followed by the skimpiest pair of underwear I had ever seen in person. She stepped back and sat down on my cock again, making sure that I was fully inside her wet tunnel by wiggling around on me for a few moments. "Now this is fishing." She giggled.

"Yeah, it is!" I agreed.

We continued to fish this way, my cock slowly softening inside her until she would wiggle around to make it hard again, for nearly two hours, the sun climbing high in the sky and beating down on us relentlessly.

"It's getting flat hot out here." She said suddenly.

"Yeah, it is." I agreed, even though I had been sweating ever since she sat on my cock.

She put her rod down and stripped off her bottoms that were pushed down to her ankles, pulling them over her little canvas tennis shoes. Next went her sweat shirt and finally her tank top, leaving her sitting on me almost naked. "Much better." She said, stroking her body and letting the sun warm her all over. "But you're way too over dressed. Why don't we head over to that little cove and I'll fix that!"

"Sure!" I agreed readily, letting go of the tiller long enough to wind in my line an set the rod down. With one hand free I wrapped it around her, cupping one tit and playing with it while we slowly made our way to the cove. I eased the boat up to the bank and shut down the engine.

She leaned over and untied my shoes, pulling then off as well as my socks, followed by my shorts and sweat pants. With my bottom half naked she swiveled on my hard cock and pulled my sweat shirt off, followed by my t-shirt, leaving me completely naked.

"You see that tree over there?" she asked, pointing to a birch tree a few feet up the shore, standing in a little grassy patch.

"Yeah." I answered as she turned on my lap and leaned back, wrapping her arms around my neck. She pressed her lips to mine, kissing me softly and gently sucking my lower lip into her mouth before pulling away from me.

"I'm going to walk over there and lean over against that tree. Then I'm going to close my eyes." She whispered.

"Got it." I whispered back as she released her arms from my neck and stood up, her pussy pulling off my hard cock with a quiet slurp. She climbed out the bow of the boat onto the shore and walked away while I followed, taking time to tie the boat to a small bush.

When I turned around she was at the tree, holding the trunk about four feet off the ground and bent over so her back was even with the ground. Her tits hung down below her and wiggled enticingly as she breathed and her ass was stuck out with her legs spread wide. "OH my. I'm all naked in the woods and someone might come along and ravage me. Oh my what shall I do?"

With a grin I stepped behind her, aiming my cock at her spread pussy lips.

"OHHHHH My goodness!" she squealed playfully as I rubbed my already wet head against her pussy lips. "Oh my goodness." She moaned as I pressed it all the way in, my head pressing against the end of her tunnel.

"ohhhhh" I groaned as my overly teased cock worked in and out of her soft tight tunnel. I pounded into her, my hips slapping her ass loudly with each plunge into her pussy, hear cries of pleasure dying in the trees as she screamed unintelligibly. Her tits swung wildly as I held her hips and slammed into her ass time and again, my climax quickly reaching the point of no return. "Here it comes!" I grunted as my body jerked, spurting cum deep into her pussy. Time and again my body twitched and jerked, each time emptying more of my cum into her tight pussy until finally was standing, my cock shrinking inside of her, panting for breath.

"Well that definitely was fun!" She said as she pulled off my cock and stood up, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling my face down to kiss hers.

"That it was." I panted between kisses as I tried to catch my breath. We stood and kissed our tongues teasing each other for long minutes before we broke the embrace and returned to the boat. We sat down in the bottom of the boat, using cushions to insulate us from the cold aluminum and our sweat shirts behind our backs. The sun warmed us in the still cool air as we cuddled, forgetting all about fishing.

"So what now?" Julie asked quietly.

"About what?" I asked confused.

"What do we do now...I mean after today?"

"I don't know. We're going to be a long way away from each other. I don't expect to be back up here until Christmas at the soonest." I answered quietly.

"So this really is a one time thing?" She whispered.

"I think it has to be. Even if we wanted it to be more, it never can be. Hell, we're not even supposed to be doing this much."

"No, you're right. We're not. I guess it was just all the play yesterday, and well, we've always had a thing about each other. I remember when we came to your house that summer. I wore the tightest sexiest shorts and pants I had the whole time. I often wondered if you really noticed."

"Oh I noticed, and jacked off in the bathroom at least half a dozen times every day." I said with a laugh, remembering hot tight her white pants were on her.

"Hmmm Didn't know that." She said with a giggle. "I suppose I shouldn't tell you that I saw your hard cock in your shorts when we were playing that game after dark. One time when I was hiding I played with myself and made myself cum thinking that you were hiding with me and touching me."

"Ohhhh" I groaned. "I would have so done that."

"I can tell." She giggled.

We lay for almost an hour before we got warm enough to climb out of the boat and into the lake, wading carefully over the rocky bottom to get wet and cool off, but not before making sure we had sex one more time with her leaning against the boat. We climbed out of the water when I heard the first rumble of thunder. The weather had called for only a small chance of rain, but that small chance seemed to be moving in. We quickly dressed and I used the trolling motor to work our way back to the channel where I could fire up the main engine.

The black clouds had built from the lee side of the shore we were parked on, and by the time we got moving it was clear that we were going to end up wet. I hadn't brought a rain suit either, which was very unlike me. Must have been distracted.

I rolled onto the throttle and pushed the boat to its top speed, nearly thirty five miles an hour, weaving between the trees down the old channel in an attempt to beat the rain. It was futile attempt, and the rain caught up to us long before we even got to the railroad bridge.

The cold rain felt like ice pellets on my face and hands as I tried to keep the boat moving over the quickly roughening water. The waves grew with the wind, the boat splashing spray up adding to the deluge that was pelting us. Julie moved to the bow and huddled down, using it to block as much of the cold rain as she could while I made the best time I could across the suddenly white capped lake. It was nearly thirty minutes of miserable travel before the dock appeared in site. I eased up to the dock and quickly tied the boat up, reaching to help Julie climb out. We ran up the hill to the cottage, not stopping until we were inside, water streaming from our saturated clothes.

It only took a few moments for us to shed our wet stuff into a pile and grab towels to dry with, both of us shivering uncontrollably. Julie went to start some hot water for chocolate and I went to the woodstove and started building a fire. We both finished about the same time, the two of us settling naked together, wrapped in a blanket in front of the woodstove, each of us with a cup of chocolate.

"That was cccccold." Julie shivered.

"Yeah it was." I agreed, pulling her closer hoping that we could warm each other. We sat in silence and sipped the hot coco while we watched the fire grow to the point I could close the woodstove door and let it start building heat. When I came back to the blanket Julie set the mugs on the floor and lay down on the sofa, opening the blanket for me to lay with her. I crawled in facing her and held her tight, gently stroking her back and side as the shivers slowly stopped.

It was mid afternoon when we woke up, the cottage pleasantly warm from the woodstove but the rain still blowing wickedly outside. "There goes our afternoon swim." She said sullenly.

"Yeah. Grandma and Grandpa will be up here by seven."

"Uh huh. Wish we had another night to sleep together."

"Me too." I agreed.

I finally gave in to the need to get my rain suit and pull the boat out of the water. I slipped it on with nothing under, just for Julie, and then headed back out into the storm. It took nearly an hour to get the boat pulled out, all my gear packed and stowed in the car and be back onto the cottage. By then I was cold again, even though the rain suit had kept nearly all the rain out.

Julie cuddled me up in front of the fire again to warm up, each of us holding the other, lost in our own thoughts.

"Gotta go home tomorrow morning early." I said quietly.

"I know."

"I wish I had more time here with you."

"Me too. But I have to go tomorrow too. School calls."

"Yeah. Starts Monday." I agreed.

"Uh huh."

"You could come visit me. I have a place of my own to live. No dorm or anything."

"Yeah, that would be nice." She whispered.

We fell into silence again, my hand idly stroking her soft breast and hard nipple as I thought about how I felt about her. I wondered to myself if it was love or lust, deciding it was probably the later. No point in it being the first, since even if it were there wasn't ever any way we could do anything about it. First cousins aren't allowed to marry...and for that matter aren't supposed to have sex.

"You know its almost dinner time. I don't think we ever got lunch." I said quietly.

"Yeah. I'm kind of hungry."

"We have hamburger patties we can cook." I told her.

"Yeah. Guess we have to dress though?"

"Yeah, probably." I answered reluctantly.

She climbed out of the blanket and walked to her bedroom, leaving me on the sofa. "Stay there a minute. I want to show you something." She called from the bedroom. She came back a few moments later wearing a tiny black panty that was all lace with little red flowers on it. The panties were extremely small and see though, as was the lacy bra that let her breasts show right through. In some ways the black lace that was practically hiding her body, but not quiet, made her look even sexier than she was naked.

"I was going to wear this for you and let you take it off of me." She said as she walked over to stand in front of me.

"It's beautiful." I said, my cock already starting to grow. "Come here." I said as I held a hand out. I pulled her gently down over, me her knees resting on the sofa on either side of my hips. I reached behind her and unclipped the little bra, gently pulling the material down her round soft breasts, kissing each inch as it came into view. I slowly kissed my way around her breasts, stroking them with my fingers, tracing long slow curves around each side and across the bottom as I worked my kisses closer and closer to her nipples, kissing first one breast and then the other.

I squeezed her breasts into cones with my hands and then sucked first one nipple and then the other into my mouth, sucking them deep into my mouth while my tongue flicked across her nipple, slowly letting it slip from between my lips and teeth. Each suction brought a renewed moan from her lips as she leaned forward, using my shoulders as balance.

She began to rock her hips against mine, rubbing her pussy against my cock through the thin black material of her panties. I lost track of how long we sat that way before she reached a hand down to pull the panties aside, her wet pussy now rubbing directly on my hard cock. I felt her rocking slow and the motion of her hips extend, her hot wet pussy rubbing longer across my fully engorged shaft until my head was disappearing between her lips.

I felt her lift her body slightly and her hand move from my shoulder again, the pressure of her fingers pushing my cock up against her pussy, finally sliding into her wet pussy. "Ohhhhhh yes." She moaned as she pushed herself down my cock, slowly sinking over me.

Our bliss was suddenly interrupted by the sound of car doors outside the cottage and voices. "SHIT!" she squeaked, literally jumping off my cock and running toward the bedroom. I followed close behind ducking into my own bedroom and pulling the curtain closed just before the cottage door opened.

"Hello there!" my grandmothers cheery voice called as I slipped underwear and shorts on over my aching cock.

"Hi grandma!" I called as I came out of the bedroom.

"Hi there! Have you had a good week?"

"Great!" I answered with a faked yawn. "Just taking a short nap."

"I see Julie made it up too?" she asked as my grandpa brought in a few bags of things.

"Yeah, she showed up yesterday. We've had a good time catching up." I answered as Julie came out of the other bedroom in a pair of baggy shorts and a long t-shirt.

"Hi grandma!" she said walking over to give her a big hug.

Needless to say, that was the end of our sexual afternoon. We spent the evening playing cards and talking, each of us excusing ourselves to go to bed knowing we had to leave the next morning.

I lay awake, thinking about her and listening to the snoring of my grandfather, that was at least as loud as an idling race car, wishing that we could have slept together one more night. I have no idea how late it was when I heard the softest of sounds, the curtain of my room sliding ever so quietly back. It didn't take a genius to know who was slipping onto my bedroom. I felt the bed move in the dark and then the soft hot skin of Julie pressing against my body.

Her hand slid down my bare chest, finding my underwear and pushing them down. I helped her slide them down my legs until I was naked and then felt her roll on top of me under the covers. Her lips pressed against my cheek and then slowly kissed toward my ear, a whispered "shhhhh" before kissing slowly back to my lips. By the time her kisses had reached my lips my hands were again on her breasts, slowly squeezing and massaging them as my cock grew between us, her pussy feeling its hardness and slowly sliding along it to encourage it.

She lifted herself slightly and I felt her fingers under my head, pushing me upwards as she pushed back, my head spreading her already wet lips and sliding slowly inside. I stifled a moan as she engulfed me, my engorged head pressing deeper and deeper into her until it was nestled into the end of her velvety tunnel. Ever so slowly she rocked her body, making sure to keep her motions slow and gentle enough to keep the bed from squeaking. Up and down my shaft she rode, long slow strokes, almost agonizingly slow as I squeezed her tits and nipples in time with her strokes. I could tell from her breathing against my face that her own climax was growing within her and she was struggling to control her motions.

The feel of her soft wet pussy slowly sliding up and down my shaft was exquisite, but what finally pushed me over the edge was her soft lips pressing to mine, her breath flowing into my mouth and her tongue teasing mine at the same time as her climax washed over her, her pussy convulsing around my fat cock.

I stifled a moan and arched my back as my cock exploded into her, pumping shot after shot of hot cum up into her pussy. She lowered herself down to me and I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her to me and her tits into my chest as she continued to kiss me, almost frantically as her whole body trembled with her own orgasm.

Slowly we both relaxed, our bodies enjoying the sensations of each other and our kisses moving from frantic to gentle and loving. Finally my softening cock slipped from her pussy and she rolled to the side, leaving her pussy pressed against my thigh and her legs intertwined with mine. She lay her head on my chest and sighed quietly as the two of us drifted off to sleep wrapped around each other.

The next morning I awoke spooned against her, my hand cupping one of her tits and her fingers gently stroking the back of my hand. I could feel my morning hardon pressed between her legs, nestled between her lips. I knew there was no chance of sex now, but the feelings of being snuggled to her this way were just what I needed for our final morning.

We heard my grandpa still snoring, and the bathroom door close, meaning my grandma was awake. With a quick kiss she slipped out of my bed and disappeared into her own room before anyone could know we had been together.

It was only a few hours later that I hugged my grandma and Julie, the two of us getting into our own cars to head back to different homes and different lives. With a wave I drove out the drive, looking to see if she turned the same way I did. I stopped down the road a ways and pulled over, waiting for her to catch up. I got out and walked to toward her car as she too got out. She ran the few steps remaining, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me deeply.

"I don't know what the future holds, but I know I will always hold this week special." She whispered.

"Me too." I said, trying to hold back the tears that were streaming down her face. "You know...I do love you."

"I know." She said before giving me a final kiss, breaking away and turning back to her own car.

It was a long drive home, my mind filled with Julie and what we had shared. The next day it was off to college and several hours farther from her. We exchanged a few letters in the coming weeks, but it was clear that the paths our lives were on merged for only the shortest of times, and now they were diverging. Within months we each had new significant others and what was, what we had shared, was to be relegated to the secret parts of our minds, to be shared never again and with no one.

Over the years we did keep in touch, meeting up at holidays as our separate familes grew. With the passing of my grandparents, the property at the cottage was split, my aunt getting one half and my mom getting the other. My parents turned it into their retirement home and my aunt built a getaway place. Not small like the original cottage, but still a seasonal vacation place.

Over the years we crossed paths there, Julie and her family vacationing next door to my parents place. We always hugged and I often wondered if she remembered what we had shared or if it was long gone. She had kids, got divorced, remarried and had her own career. I was married with four great kids who were now grown and the last was just moved out.

With my wife out of the country for several months, I decided to head north for a short summer vacation, getting to my folks place just after the fourth of July. I was almost surprised to see some activity over at my Aunts place after I had been there a couple days. I was more surprised to come in from fishing one afternoon to see Julie laying out on their dock sunning herself. After tying up the boat I walked over to see her, stopping to enjoy the site of her laying there in a tiny yellow bikini. Even at fifty she was good looking. Her breasts were much larger than they had been thirty years ago, but having kids will do that. She was a bit heavier too, but not horribly so, in fact, her curves were quite attractive and accentuated by the tiny yellow string bikini.

"Hey Julie!" I said after staring at her for several minutes.

She looked up at me almost startled and then got to her feet, walking over to me and giving me a huge hug. "Hey stranger." She said before breaking the hug but leaving one arm wrapped around my waist.

"So you and the family up here for a few days?" I asked conversationally.

"No. Just me." She said, her face falling from the smile it had held only a few moments ago.


"Divorce was final yesterday. That's why I came up. I wanted to get away from everything for a few days." She said, almost looking down. "How about you?"

"Alone. Wife is out of country again and my baby is home working. She leaves for college in a few weeks but had to work. No, it's just me and the fish." I said with a sigh.

"I understand." She said with a nod. "Maybe we can catch up a bit?" She asked hopefully.

"I don't see why not." I replied with a shrug.

"Good. Maybe after dinner we can get together and chat a bit."

"I'd like that." I answered. "I'm going out fishing again a bit later if you want to ride along."

"Sure that might be fun. I haven't been fishing for a long time." She said with a smile.

"Ok. I better go get some lunch. Enjoy your tanning." I said, giving her a squeeze.

"Thank. I will." She said with a smile returning to her face, her arm slipping from around me. I stood and watched while she went back to the towel on the dock and laid down, her feet facing me and her legs spread almost as wide as the dock. From this distance I could almost swear I saw a dark spot on the crotch of her yellow bikini, but then it was probably my over active imagination. I turned and walked to my parents place for lunch.

It was a few hours later that I walked over and found Julie sitting on a porch swing gently gliding back and forth, reading a romance novel and listening to music quietly playing in the background.

"Hey Jules. Wanna go fishing?" I asked, using the pet name for her I had so many years ago.

"Jules! I haven't been called that in forever." She said with a laugh. "Yeah, Let me go get changed. Back in a jiffy."

"Ok. I'll get things and meet you at the boat." I said as I turned and stepped off the deck.

I was sitting in my boat, a nice deep V hull runabout with an open bow, that I had modified with a small gas trolling motor on the stern and an electric trolling motor on the bow, the combination letting me fish for almost anything while still keeping a nice family boat. The kids always loved the open bow so they could sit and let the wind blow as we went down the lake at forty plus, pushed by the one-forty I/O. It had served me well over the years and I still loved fishing from it.

I was already warm, even though I was wearing only a pair of water shoes and workout shorts. I had even forgone my t-shirt as I sat and worked at rigging another rod up for Julie to use.

"Still have the old boat." She said with a grin as she walked down the dock toward my boat. "How long now?"

"Almost twenty years." I said as I held a hand out to help her down into the cockpit.

"Doesn't look it. Looks a lot newer." She said as he sat down on the seat wearing a ball cap with her long blond hair pulled out the back in a pony tail and a long gray t-shirt that reached all the way to her thighs.

"Thanks. I try to keep it up." I answered.

"So I can see." She said, looking at me instead of the boat.

I blushed a bit before responding. "Yeah, well, wearing that yellow bikini certainly didn't make you look anywhere near as old as we both know we are."

"Thank you!" she said with a smile as I untied the boat from the dock and dropped into the driver's seat. "So where are we going, up above?"

"I was going to go across and try the back bay, but if you want to go up above I'm game." I said.

Over the years the lake had changed as had we all. The ice had pulled or cut off most of the trees that used to make up the woods that were flooded when the reservoir filled. If you knew where you were going you could still make it back up to the old fishing spots, but for some reason they weren't as productive as they had been years before. I fired the engine up and idled out away from the dock before cranking on the throttle and pushing the big V hull up on plane.

"You mind if I sit in the bow?" Julie asked over the wind noise from the passenger seat.

"Help yourself!" I called back. She got up and stepped through the open windshield and settled in the very bow, leaning back and letting the wind blow down the oversized neck hole of her shirt, billowing it out and letting the tail flap in the wind.

I had to pay attention to my driving, but from this angle it was impossible not to notice that she had on a pair of very small tight spandex shorts and absolutely no bra. I was able to see right up her shirt to her bare tits, which were bouncing and wiggling with each bounce of the bow. By the time I had to back off to go under the railroad bridge my shorts were filled with a huge hardon and I took a quick grab to try to adjust myself to a more comfortable position.

I cranked the throttle open again and we headed down the channel, making the long sweeping turns between the stump filled mudflats that were hills before the reservoir was flooded. Some of the flats got down as shallow as two feet, while others were twenty feet deep, but just as hazardous with their water logged trees still sticking up, but cut off by the ice just a few feet below the water level. An unsuspecting boater getting out of the channel was usually in for huge repair bills.

I rolled off the main channel into the cut that worked back and forth toward the upper dam, the old channel partly silted in and most of the marker trees long gone. My GPS and depth finder were all that kept me out of the hidden underwater trees.

About half way up the slot I shut down the engine and got ready to fish, moving to the stern and putting down the little gas kicker.

"Here you go!" I said over the noise of the engine, handing her a rod with a bait already attached.

I kicked the engine in gear and started working my way deeper into the cut, dragging the baits over the undulating bottom and across the mudflats.

"It is certainly hot out here." Julie said after an hour or so of fishing and catching up on what had been going on in each of our lives since the last time we saw each other.

"Yeah. The sun is almost brutal today." I agreed.

"I think your starting to burn. Do you need some sunscreen?" she asked sweetly.

"Yeah I probably should." I said, moving to shut down the engine.

"Oh don't do that. You keep fishing. I'll take care of the sunscreen." She said as she reeled in her bait. Setting the rod down she dug into her bag and came out with a big tube of bullfrog. She squeezed a large dollop onto her hand and then rubbed them together. She stared at my ankle and slowly worked her hands up my leg, rubbing the lotion into my skin as she worked it farther up my thigh. I began to wonder if she was going to go clear up to my crotch as her fingers pushed the leg of my exercise shorts up several inches.

I was almost disappointed when she pulled her hands back and started with a new dollop of cream on my other leg, again working her way slowly up my leg until her fingers were stroking up under the leg of my shorts. A few more inches and she would be rubbing her finger tips across my bare balls, having not put my underwear back on after jumping into the lake on my morning trip. My cock was rock hard and twitching in my shorts, and there was no way she could possibly miss seeing it as she worked on my legs.

She pulled her hands back again, getting a fresh squirt of cream and staring to work on my chest, standing between my spread legs as I sat with one arm held out each way, one on the engine tiller and the other holding my rod. Her hands swirled around my chest and stomach, slowly spreading the cream around my sides as she leaned closer and closer to me to reach. She reached for more cream and then asked me to lean farther forward.

I could smell that she had on a subtle flowery perfume as I leaned forward so she could reach my back. She leaned over my shoulder as practically sat on my thigh, using one hand to reach around me and spread cream on my back while she held my other shoulder for balance. Part of me wished she didn't have the shirt on so I could see what I had to call a pair of fantastic tits, from what I had seen under the shirt and in the bikini.

She reached farther and I felt her soft tits press against my shoulder as she worked the cream all the way down the small of my back, her fingers dipping under the waistband of my shorts. Her slick hands slid around my sides, still inside the waist of my shorts, spreading the cream around as she worked my shorts down an inch or two. Part of me wondered if she was going to just keep going, sliding her hand down my front to my rock hard cock, but she stopped and stood back, declaring me "done".

I watched her step back and sit down on the seat, moving her attention to her own legs, slowly stroking the lotion into her skin as she lifted first one leg and then the other, her crotch pointed straight at me and her tight spandex shorts pulled tight, showing the curve of her pussy through the material.

"Can you do my back?" She asked sweetly as she got up. I tucked my rod under my leg and held one hand out for her to squirt some cream into. She stepped between my legs and turned around, facing away from me skimming her shirt up and off, leaving her wearing nothing but the smallest of spandex shorts.

I tried to pay attention to where I was driving the boat as I slowly rubbed the cream up and down her completely bare back, hoping she would also turn around and ask me to do the front of her. I worked my hand down her back to the top of her shorts and was about to stop there when she reached back and pulled them down almost to the middle of her ass. "Get there too." She said. "I don't want to get burned if my shorts move around when I do."

"Sure." I answered as I continued to spread the white cream down across her tanned ass cheeks, turning my hand over and letting my fingers slide under the material until I was cupping most of her ass in my hand.

"Thank you." She said suddenly, stepping away, but still facing away. She got more cream and rubbed it on her chest, shoulders and arms, all the time facing away from me so I couldn't see her chest. I watched her as she bent over to dig in her bag, getting a few quick glimpses of her tits and obviously hard nipples, before she stood up. She tied strings around her neck and back before turning around to face me again, this time in a lime green bikini top that was so tiny I wondered how it even covered her nipples.

Each triangle was only a few inches on a side and most of her easily double D tits were exposed, the material covering her areola and nipples and not much more. I doubted that if she moved quickly that it would contain her massive tits.

"Much better." She said as she sat down in the seat facing me and cast her rod out again.

"Yeah, I agree." I agreed with a grin.

"What's that mean?" She asked innocently.

"Nothing." I answered quietly.

"Oh come now. I heard you. Now what did you mean?"

"It means I find your current attire much more pleasant to look at than before." I said with a chuckle.

"I take it that was a compliment?" she asked with a crooked smile.

"Oh yeah!"

"Good." She said as she leaned back and propped her feet up on the engine cover.

We were silent a long time as I worked the boat up and down the slot, dragging out baits across the flats. I felt an occasional hit, but nothing large enough to hook and keep until I went over a small creek bed that ran across one five foot deep mud flat.

"Fish on!" I said as I killed the engine and stood up to fight the fish. Julie got up and dug out the landing net, stepping next to me and leaning over the side excitedly to see what I had on the line.

"There it is." She said as she leaned over with the net, dipping it into the water and holding the mesh bag like a pro. I worked the fish toward the boat and she reached out to scoop under the fish lifting the wiggling struggling fish into the air before stepping back to lower it into the boat.

It was a nice northern pike, but unfortunately not quite long enough to keep, being short by an inch. Only after I had it unhooked, being extremely careful of its mouth full of nasty teeth and returned to the water did I let my attention focus on Julie as she stood between the seats, leaning one arm on each side of the open windshield, watching with excitement and interest.

"Too bad, that was a nice size fish." She said, drawing my attention up to her. I looked up and immediately wondered if she realized that her efforts to net the fish had allowed most of one nipple to be exposed, the lime green only covering a small portion of her large pink areola. I could see that she wore an even tinyer suit at times, with a white triangle of skin just barely bigger than her areola framing it.

I cleaned up from dealing with the fish, tossing my artificial bait over the side and out of the way before stowing the landing net. I stood up and looked around to see where the wind had pushed us, realizing that we had been blown almost into the little bay that the creek bed originated from. I sat back down on the stern to fire the engine, looking back to see that she had adjusted her top back over her exposed nipple. Part of me wondered if she left it exposed on purpose.

I dropped the boat into gear to back it off the mudflat that I knew I had to be sitting on, since the boat wasn't moving any longer, only to churn up mud.

"Aww crap." I muttered as I tried to find a position for the engine that it would back the boat off the bottom. I knew that he creek channel was only a few feet away, but with the soft bottom holding the boat in place it didn't seem like there was any way I was getting off of it. I dug out a paddle and pushed on the bottom, sinking it two feet deep into the silty mud.

"I think we're stuck!" I said with a laugh. "that sucks."

"Yeah." She said stepping over to me. "Let me push and you can try to back us out."

I handed her the paddle and let her push on the bottom while I revved the small engine, trying to get enough thrust to pull us off, but the boat seemed stuck.

"So now what?" Julie asked, standing there looking at me.

"Now I get wet." I answered. The water under the keel was only about two feet deep, but with the softness of the bottom there was no doubt I would sink to my knees, leaving me waist deep, and while I usually had a swim suit in the boat for just such emergencies, it was hanging on the back of the bench on the dock drying right now.

Julie sat back on the back of one of the seats and looked at me with a grin. "I'm going to enjoy this."

"What's that?" I asked as I looked up at her.

"Well, you're either going to get into the water in those, which after their wet will be interesting to see, or you're going to have to strip down, which might be even more interesting to see." She laughed. "That's what you get for staring at my tits instead of watching where the boat was going."

"Yeah, well, seems to me that top was designed to get guys to stare." I said as I leaned down and pulled my water shoes off, knowing that if they went into the mud I'd never get them back.

"Never said it wasn't. but you could have told me I was showing." She said with a smirk.

"I was trying to figure out how without embarrassing you." I answered.

"Embarrassing me? Come on. We both know we've seen each other naked, and then some." She said with a big smile. "Just not recently."

"Yeah, that's true. At least I don't have a hardon." I said as I skimmed my shorts down and stepped out of them, leaving me completely naked as I stepped toward the corner of the stern with the swim platform.

"Too bad." She said as she watched me step over the back and lower myself into the cool water. As expected I sunk almost knee deep into the murky water, my quickly hardening cock thankfully hidden under the water as I struggled my way around to the shore side of the boat. I found a good spot and then rocked and lifted the bow as high as I could to turn it ever so slowly toward where the channel was. I felt it give a little more as the deepest part of the hull broke away from the mud and floated again. I aimed the boat toward the little channel and into the wind, trying to work my feet out of the mud at the same time. I flopped my bare ass onto the swim platform, quickly rinsing my legs under the water before climbing up into the boat.

The wind was quickly turning the boat back toward the flat so I had to rush to the engine and fire it up, getting the boat under power before it pushed us back again. That left me sitting completely naked on the stern until I could get the boat a safe distance. Somehow the thought of her looking at me naked again after all these years had my already half hard cock growing even more.

"Bet you're enjoying this!" I said as I worked the boat slowly down the only three foot wide channel to deeper water. The dept finder said it was up to five feet deep now, and more than safe for me to stop and dress, but the way she was sitting and staring at my quickly hardening cock, well, I just drove on a bit farther and let her look.

"I am...ahem." She said having to stop and clear her throat. "Yes I am."

I smiled at her and finally kicked the engine into neutral so I could dress. I looked down at my legs as I got ready to get into my shorts and realized that they were still caked with mud. Tossing my shorts on the seat I stepped over the stern onto the small swim platform and sat down, rubbing the mud from my legs before climbing back in again, my rock hard cock swinging from side to side as I did.

I pulled my shorts, adjusting my hardon to a more comfortable position before moving back to sit on the stern and kick the engine back in gear. "Ready?" I asked.

"For what?" She croaked, suddenly looking from my crotch to my face.

"To fish." I said as I picked up my rod and cast it out.

"Uh...Yeah." She said, collecting her own rod again and casting out.

We trolled in silence, me half paying attention to the depth finder, the engine and my rod, and the other half to Julie, watching the little beads of sweat trickle down between her breasts, collecting together in the tanned valley and then running down her flat stomach to disappear when they reached the waistband of her shorts, which were VERY far below her waist.

She stood up to pull in her line and cast it again, having picked up a weed or stick on it, allowing me to really focus on how trim and firm her body was. For a fifty year old woman, she was pretty damn hot looking. Her spandex shorts rode low on her hips, so low in fact that they barely covered the top of her pubic mound. She had surprisingly few stretch marks after two kids, and her tits...well let's just say that they were fantastic. Each large soft globe wiggled as she cast the line out, the tiny bikini top doing nothing to contain their mass.

We continued to troll for another hour, chatting now about all kinds of things, but particularly staying away from our sex lives. I wondered if she still thought about what we did all those years ago, and finally decided that it wasn't something to dwell on or bring up. I was, after all, married. Even if she was currently divorced. And of course there was that whole first cousin thing to worry about.

"You know, I think it's time to head in for dinner." I said as reeled in my bait. "What do you say?"

She looked up at the sinking sun and nodded agreement. "Yeah, good idea I think." She reeled in her line and tucked the rod down next to the seat as I drove the boat at the fastest speed the small engine would go, aiming it for the main channel. I slowed down and shut off the engine when I saw the depth drop to over twenty feet, knowing I was now back in the main channel.

It took me a few moments to switch to the main engine and get it fired, dropping into the driver seat behind the wheel.

"You ready?" I asked as she sat in the seat next to me.

"Yep!" she replied as I hit the throttle.

I wound around the narrow channel watching my dept finder closely to make sure I didn't overshoot any of the sharp turns, finally breaking out of the protection of the long arm into the main lake and the gently rollers the wind was causing as it blew down the length of the lake. The boat bounced heavily from wave to wave as I went across the wind, careful to stay in the channel. Julie watched our progress out the windshield, occasionally looking over at me and smiling, not at all bothering to fix her top, which had allowed her bouncing tits to fall from before we had bounded over the first half dozen waves.

I watched my driving as well as her bouncing and swinging tits, my cock rock hard in my shorts as I watched her sexy tits left on display for me. With each bounce of the boat the tiny triangles of material were pushed farther around the string that went around her back until it was hiding none of her breast, allowing me to see every inch of her huge DD tits. She smiled at me as if to say 'Enjoy the view".

I thought back to all those years before and realized I was incredibly horny for her. Letting go of the throttle I moved a hand to my athletic shorts and started wiggling my butt, working them down to expose my cock. Seeing what I was doing, Julie slid off the seat into the aisle and grabbed my shorts, pulling on them as I wiggled my ass in my seat until she had then all the way down past my knees. She looked up at me and gave my cock a quick squeeze before sliding back into her own seat.

She gave up watching where I was driving and sat watching my cock bounce around, a huge smile on her face. We bounced along, each of us enjoying the view the other provided, even as we slowed to go under the bridge, our nakedness obvious to anyone along the shore who cared to look. I finally eased the throttle back before we rounded the last point.

"I love the view, thank you. I guess we should cover up before we head in though." I said as we idled in the channel.

"I suppose so." She said with a frown. She crawled into the aisle and found her bag behind my seat, pulling her oversized t-shirt out. She crawled back the two feet to kneel in the asile next to me. She reached out and pulled on my shorts, slowly working them up my hips as I lifted myself off the seat. I heard her sigh as she pulled them up over my cock, reaching inside and giving it a quick stroke and squeeze before she pulled her hands away. "Your turn." She said with a tiny smile.

I took the shirt from her, set it in my lap and leaned toward her, untying the tiny green string from around her neck. I moved my hands down her back and undid the string around her back, letting my hands slide around her sides as she lifted her arms, my hands drawing the string from under her large breasts. I turned in my seat and pushed the tiny top into the bag before taking the shirt from my lap, shaking it out and holding it up for her to put her arms in. I pushed it up her arms and then carefully over her head, careful not to knock her hat from her head in the process. I pulled the shirt down to the top of her breasts and then let go, reaching instead for her big tits, cupping each one and giving each nipple a gentle stroking with my thumbs. After several seconds I reached up and tugged the shirt down over her beautiful breasts.

"Thank you kind sir!" she said, reaching over and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome." I said as I returned the kiss before she could slide back into her seat.

With a sigh I opened the throttle and we made the last turn and ran down the lake to the dock, tying up as the sun was starting to hit the tops of the trees. I gave her a quick hug on the dock and we headed our separate ways.

"Hey! You coming over later to chat?" She called as I walked toward the cottage.

"Yeah, sure. I can come over after dinner." I called back.

"OK see you then!" she called as she turned and bounced up the stairs onto the deck.

I headed into the house for dinner with the image of her bouncing tits still fresh in my mind. I quickly changed into a polo shirt and walking shorts before joining my parents for dinner, which was already on the table.

It was almost seven when I headed over to see Julie, telling my folks on the way out I was headed over to catch up a bit with her. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. I heard her walking down the hall, her heels clopping on the hardwood floor. The door opened to reveal her standing in a short pale purple wrap around dress and four inch black heels, her hair neatly brushed and curling down her back. I could tell she had a slight amount of makeup, but not too heavy. She could have easily gone clubbing some place and not been the least bit out of place.

"Hey, come on in." She said, stepping toward me and wrapping both arms around me, giving me a huge hug. I could smell the perfume on her as I wrapped my arms around her to hug her back. After several long seconds she stepped back and took my hand, pulling me into the house and closing the door behind us. She led me down the short hall into the great room, drawing me toward the sofa that looked out the huge bay window over the lake. A sliver of moon was starting to rise, glistening off the dying waves as the days heat slowly faded, and the wind with it.

"Been a long time since we had time to chat alone." She said quietly, sitting on the sofa next to me, her arm wrapped around my shoulder and her body twisted slightly toward me until her knees touched mine.

"You look great. I'm sorry to hear about the divorce." I told her.

"Well, he was good to start with, but turned into a drunken jerk over the years. I guess being married wasn't his cup of tea."

"Yeah, I'm still sorry. Has to be hard though." I told her.

"You know, it was, but it got a lot easier when I saw you. I think you were exactly what I needed today." She said with a giggle, leaning her head over against mine.

"OH? Well, I'm glad I could help, even if I don't know how I did."

"Well, for a start, you reminded me that just because I'm not as young as I once was, I'm still pretty good looking." She told me in a quiet sultry tone. "Thank you for reminding me of that."

"You're welcome." I answered simply.

"I remember coming up here one weekend a long time ago, just before I went to college. Seems to me you were pretty taken with my body then too."

"Yeah, maybe a tad. You were doing a pretty good job of teasing me then too."

"Teasing? Look who's talking! Getting naked in front of me with that big hardon? Hell. Part of me wanted to throw you down and fuck you right there!" She said with a laugh.

"So why didn't you?"

"I had other ideas forming. Been thinking ever since you saw me down in that yellow bikini. I just wanted to make sure you still wanted some of what I am. I'm not nineteen any more."

"Nope. But you're still an incredibly beautiful woman." I told her, sliding my hand across to rest on her thigh and gently stroke the inside of her leg.

"It was really hard to leave you that day, but as I was driving home I knew that there were things that just would prevent it, no matter what we felt for each other. I know the feelings I had for you that were really good friendship shifted to a much more loving place. I often wondered if it was the same for you or if it was just twenty year old hormones."

"No, it was a lot more than hormones. I wondered over the years if you even thought about what we did that week or if I was the only one."

"Trust me." She whispered. "I haven't ever forgotten that first time or how it felt any of the times we did it."

"I'm glad." I whispered back, moving my arm to pull her in for a long hug. We sat with our arms around each other for what felt like an hour before she slowly moved, her arms never leaving me but her legs slowly rolling over until she was sitting astraddle my lap.

"I always liked sitting on you like this. Wanna know why?" she asked quietly.

"Why is that?"

"Because I loved the way you played with my breasts. It was more than just something to play with, you took the time to tease them and make them part of the whole love making. Too many guys are just too rough, but you seemed to know just how to tease them to make me soooo horny." She told me as she pushed herself away so she was looking down at me.

"Well, I know that I enjoyed what I did to them. I was just trying to make it all feel good for you."

"You did a wonderful job." She whispered. "I know I shouldn't ask, but do you want to play with them again? It felt so good having you touch them in the boat."

"Play with your tits? We shouldn't, but yeah, I'd like to."

"Well, help yourself." She whispered.

I reached for the tie around her waist and pulled the end, slowly undoing the bow. With the end of the bow came the side of the dress, slowly unwrapping around her body until I started to see her tanned skin come into view. Her breasts were encased in a lacy bra with a small clasp between the cups, a tiny white panty around her waist and beige stockings with a small white garter belt. I let her dress fall apart, pushing the material aside so her whole front was exposed to me and then hooked my arms on her shoulders to slowly pull her forward until I could gently kiss the tops of her round soft breasts.

I slowly kissed from side to side, placing tender wet kisses across the top of both breasts before I let my fingers open the clasp. The cups pulled away and her huge breasts fell out at me, my hands reaching to cup them as she leaned back slightly. I gently kissed around each breast, lifting it and gently massaging the one I wasn't concentrating my kisses on at that moment. I slowly worked my kisses closer and closer to her hard nipple and large puckered areola.

"See, this is what I mean." She breathed heavily as I sucked one nipple deep into my mouth. I let the nipple slowly pull between my teeth, gently tugging it as it pulled away, finally snapping back into place before I moved to the other one. Time and again I sucked one nipple and then the other, licking around it and playing with them as I enjoyed her large breasts.

I felt her hands slide down my chest and pull my shirt from my pants, pulling it up and finally making me release her breasts so she could pull my shirt up over my head. "It's not fair you don't know what that feels like." She whispered as she pushed herself off my lap, kneeling on the floor between my legs.

She leaned closer to me, her bare tits pressing against my thighs as she slowly kissed my chest, slowly licking and kissing toward one of my nipples as I had hers. Her hands were busy with my pants, undoing the belt and snap before finally pulling the zipper down with one hand as she squeezed my chest to make one nipple stand out for her to suck.

Her left hand slipped into my shorts, slowly rubbing my rock hard cock through my underwear, quickly realizing that the small bikini underwear I had on no longer contained all of my cock, a significant part sticking out the top.

"Sexy underwear." She cooed as she kissed her way down to my exposed cockhead and gently licked it. She pulled it slightly away from my body, wrapping her lips around it and tasting the pre-cum that had started to ooze from the tip. "Yummy too. Did you know that yours was the first cum I ever tasted?" she asked as she let go of my cock and started to pull my shorts down.

"No." I answered as I lifted myself up so she could pull them down, sliding them all the way to my ankles and tossing them aside with my flip-flops. She moved back in, gently kissing my stomach and working her kisses back down to the top of my skimpy underwear, slowly pulling them down as she kissed along the top edge.

"Much better." She cooed as she pulled them down my legs and off my feet, leaving me completely naked in front of her.

She shrugged her dress and bra off her shoulders, leaving her in only her tiny white panty as she stood up. She undid the white garter and stepped out of her high heels while I drank in the view of her nearly naked body, the small bit of white material barely covering her pussy and her blond curls. One at a time she lifted her stocking covered feet, setting them in my lap on my hard cock as she rolled the stockings down her legs, finally slipping the sheer material off and playing with my cock with it for a few seconds before tossing it away. With nothing left but the panties, she slowly pushed the strings down over her hips, letting them slide down her legs until she stepped out of them, leaving her completely naked.

"I have an idea. You stay right there, ok?" she asked, leaning back down and kissing me softly on my lips while giving my raging hardon a few quick strokes.

I sat for what felt like five minutes before she came back carrying a small plastic basin of water, a towel and several other items. She set them all on the floor a few feet from me, spreading one towel out on the hardwood.

"Do you remember the last sponge bath we took together?" she asked quietly as she stood in front of me in nothing but the panties.

"Definitely." I answered.

"Back then I didn't have much hair around my pussy. I do now though. Why don't you take my panties off and see."

I leaned forward and gently tugged down on the strings, working them slowly over her round hips, slowly uncovering her blond bush. It was neatly trimmed into a triangle, extending down and around her full meaty lips. I let go of them and they slid the rest of the way down her legs so she could step out of them, kicking them aside so she was as naked as I was.

"Have you ever watched a woman shave?" She asked me as she stepped back toward the towel and basin.

"Just legs." I answered, watching as she squatted down over the basin, her knees spread wide so I could see all of her pussy. She leaned back on one hand pushing her pussy out at me while she picked up a can of shaving cream. She squirted a little mountain of foam on her curls and then put the can down.

"Feel free to come spread it around." She said huskily.

I moved off the sofa and sat on the floor between her legs, reaching out to gently rub the soft cream all over her mound and down between her legs.

"Mmmmmmm always loved the feel of your hands on my pussy." She moaned as I stroked my fingers up and down her protruding flowery lips. "But I better do this before I forget what I'm doing and let you make me cum."

I rinsed my hand in the plastic basin as she picked up her razor and began to slowly draw it across her mound, taking away stroke after stroke of hair, each time rinsing it in the basin. I watched, my hand involuntarily stroking my cock, as she worked the razor farther and farther between her legs, spreading them wide and arching her back so she could see. Unable to just watch any more, I took the razor from her hand, gently pulling the skin around her soft lips tight and drawing the razor across it gently.

"You always have had a gentle touch." She cooed as I slowly worked the last of the hair off her lips, rinsing the razor and then gently rubbing warm water all over her now smooth pussy.

I used the small towel she had brought to gently wipe her pussy dry and then leaned forward, cupping her round ass with my hands and drawing her pussy toward my face.

"Ohhhhhhh fuck yes!" she moaned loudly as I spread her lips with my tongue and pressed it deeply into her. I pulled some of her tangy sweet juice along her slit to her clit and gently flicked the tip of my tongue across it, making her whole body jerk at the sudden jolt of electricity it caused to race through her body. Time and again I licked the length of her pussy, flicking her clit several times with each stroke. I lapped up her growing juices, tasting her arousal as her body twitched and jerked under my constant attention, her moans growing louder by the moment. Finally her whole body spasmed, little squeaks coming from her lips as her orgasm finally took over her whole body. I felt her cum gush from her hot slit, dribbling down my chin as she trebled and jerked.

"Oh god oh god oh god." She mumbled as she tried to hold herself up, finally lowering herself down until her ass was almost sitting in the little basin of water. She looked down at me, her eyes smoldering with desire. "Prepare to get fucked mister." She almost growled, pushing herself up so she was balanced on the balls of her feet.

She gently pushed against my chest, pushing me back until my back rested against the sofa at an angle. She crawled over my body wrapped her hand around my rock hard cock. I stifled a soft moan as she rubbed my engorged head around her freshly shaved pussy, spreading her juices all over the head. I felt the pressure build on my head as she slowly lowered her weight down, suddenly slipping into her tunnel as my mushroom head slipped past her opening.

"OH god yes!" she cried loudly as she sunk onto my cock. She put her hands on the sofa behind my head and settled her knees on the floor, leaning her chest toward me.

I grabbed two handfuls of her big tits as she started to ride up and down my shaft, her pace quickening by the second as she bounced on my lap, her soft hot tunnel stroking the whole length of my cock.

"Yes yes yes." She squeaked as her climax renewed its climb within her, egged on by the sensations of my cock, which was growing fatter and longer by the second, my own climax approaching.

"Oh fuck. Here it cums!" I grunted through clenched teeth, trying to hold back as long as I could.

"AHHHHHH YES!" she screamed as she felt the first shot of cum gush up into her, the hot flow pushing her orgasm to the peak. She slammed herself down on me at the same time as my body jerked up into her, driving my cock all the way to the end of her tunnel as my hands squeezed her big tits.

Time after time my body jerked, emptying cum into her pussy until I felt drained, her spasming pussy trying to milk the final drops from me. I gently kissed each nipple that I held inches from my mouth, licking and sucking then tenderly as she panted to catch her breath.

"God that was good. That's what I wanted to do that last time when we got interrupted." She said between heaving breaths.

"Yeah, I was ready for you to ride me then too. You always felt so good around my cock."

"Uh huh. And god, how many times did you fill me up? We were lucky I didn't get pregnant with all that cum in me."

"I thought it was the wrong time of month."

"I lied. I just didn't want to have you wear a condom again. I wanted to feel all your cum inside me." She said with a laugh. "Stupid, but we got away with it."

"Yeah, but what's past is past." I said as she slowly pushed herself upright, drawing her tits away from my face.

"I was kind of disappointed when you got married. I was afraid we'd never do this again." She said quietly while she looked at me, her eyes staring deep into mine, searching, but for what I didn't know.

"Well, we had teased each other pretty good that first day. All the play in the lake and all."

"Yeah, that was fun. Back then the lake wasn't as busy and you could get away with skinny-dipping. I'm not sure we could today."

"That's a shame, it would be fun. You're still damn sexy." I said as she slowly stroked her fingers up and down my chest.

"We could go do it now." She said, almost as a question.

"The bugs would eat us alive." I said in protest.

"Not if we got in the water fast. Come on!" she said, pulling herself off my cock and standing up, our combined cum dripping from her pussy.

"Ok." I said a bit nervously as I took her hand and let her pull me up. She found my flip-flops and set them out for me and then stepped into her own that were by the door leading to the deck. She opened the door and drew me out into the warm night, closing the door behind us. We walked quickly across the small lawn to the stairs going down to their dock and bounced down them so fast that she was practically running across the dock when we hit the bottom.

"Come on!" she said excitedly as she slipped off her flip-flops and climbed down the ladder into the three foot deep water. I slipped mine off and followed her, taking her hand again when I reached the bottom. Only the moonlight illuminated us as we waded deeper into the water, the sandy bottom of the point slowly falling away below us. We didn't stop until she was neck deep in the water.

Turning to face me she wrapped her arms around my neck and then with a little jump wrapped her legs around my waist. With her neck now even with mine I waded slightly deeper, holding her easily in the water.

"Remember that game we played, where we ended up trying to steal each other's swim suit?" She asked in an almost whisper.

"Yeah, seems to me you got really upset with me for that." I answered with a half laugh at the thought.

"I was for about two seconds. Then when I realized you were looking at my bare pussy, I got so turned on. If I hadn't pulled them up already I probably would have left them hanging down longer so you could see more." She said with a giggle.

"Yeah, well then you pulled mine and things got really out of hand." I said, remembering the little water fight and how we both ended up bottomless with her pussy pressed against my cock.

"I didn't mean for you to get my suit bottoms all the way off, but once you did, I had to try and get them back. I'm not sure I was ready for how good it felt to have your dick pressing on my bare pussy. I mean I wasn't a virgin, but your dick was so much bigger than what my boyfriend was. Hell, its bigger than either of my husband's too."

"Well, you certainly had me turned on. I couldn't wait to get you all the way naked."

"yeah, that didn't take long did it?' she laughed. "And now here we are, naked again." She said quietly, rocking her hips against my cock which was getting hard fast at the memory our water games that week. "Feels like you like it too."

"Yeah, I do. One time I saw you breast feeding and got just a tiny glimpse of your tit and I got hard. For some reason your body always turned me on. I had fantasies of having sex with you again all kinds of places. Like that time we went to the fireworks at fourth of july?"

"Oh yeah. We were what, twenty five or so?" she asked as she reached between us for my cock and wiggled around until she had it poking against her pussy.

"Yeah. You were leaning back against my legs. I wanted you to just slide back and sit on my cock, I was soooo hard."

"We were married and if I remember right your wife was right next to us."

"Yeah, she was, but I still was paying more attention to that thought than the fireworks."

"Ahhh. I see." She said as she wiggled her hips, working my cock into her a little ways. "Do you remember that family reunion a few years back?"

"The big one, where everyone was here?"

"Yeah, that one." She said in a half moan as she slowly pumped her hips up and down, using her legs around my waist as leverage. Her tits lifted and dropped in the water making little waves around us. "That was just after my first divorse. Remember coming to the dock and sitting down and talking to me?"

"Yeah, it was hot, but if I remember you had on that towel wrapped around you after you got out of the water."

"Uh huh. Remember my swim suit?" She asked as she tipped her head back and looked at the stars.

"Yeah, it was a one piece. I thought it was kind of unusual that it didn't have straps."

"It didn't. I bought it special hoping to flash you. I could pull the top right down and show you my tits. I had it pulled down too. If Chris hadn't come down when she did I probably would have opened my towel for you to see."

"Ohhhh that's a nice thought." I said as I started to buck my hips up into her in time with her bounces.

"I got my husband to make love to me in the lake once, but he didn't think it was all that much fun." She moaned as I let go of her smooth ass and slid my hands between us, cupping both of her huge tits.

"His loss." I grunted as our pace quickened under the water, the waves we created growing larger with our motions.

"You know, before your parents built the place up, there was just that shower in the pump house?"

"Uh huh. Had to go all the way around the cottage to take a shower."

"when I took mine I always left the door unlocked, hoping you would open it. I can't tell you how many times I made myself cum in that shower thinking about you walking in and fucking me in it."

"God that would have felt good, but it was so small. I don't know we could have done much in it."

"You could have taken me from behind." She grunted as she bounced on my cock.

"Would have loved that." I answered as I felt my own climax slowly start to build.

She stopped bouncing on me, looking me in the eye and then pushed away from me, sliding off my cock. "Come on." She called as she started swimming toward the dock. I followed, not knowing what she had in mind. She climbed the ladder and slipped into her flip flops, waiting for me to climb up behind her. She took my hand and pulled me along, dragging me up the stairs and across the lawn. Instead of climbing the steps to the deck she pulled me around to the woods side of the cottage and stopped on a small stone patio next to another set of stairs.

She turned the knobs on the side of the deck and a spray of water shot out from a shower head mounted up on the deck rail. "My dad put this in a few years ago to wash the sand off before we went inside. I've never done it naked, or been fucked doing it. Want to?" she asked, turning toward the deck and holding onto it as he stepped her feet apart and her ass out at me. The water cascaded down on the two of us as I stepped between her legs and pressed my rock hard cock to her pussy, slowly feeding it into her.

"Ohhhhh god yes." She moaned as I reached for her tits and grabbed a handful of each one. I started stroking into her, my hips slapping wetly against her ass as I pounded my cock deep into her tunnel. Each impact of my hips shook her body, wiggling her tits in my hands as I squeezed and pulled her nipples and soft tits.

"UH god." I grunted as my climb to orgasm was renewed, my cock sliding in and out of her hot tunnel. The water cascaded down on us, soaking us and keeping the bugs at bay while we fucked like animals in the moonlight.

"I'm going to cum!" she squeaked loudly as I pounded into her pussy. I could feel her hot tunnel clench around my cock as the beginnings of her orgasm hit her, squeezing and milking my cock as her body trembled and jerked, my continued pounding into her keeping her climax peaked as my own reached its limit.

With a huge grunt I jammed my cock deep into her and unleashed surge after surge of hot cum into her pussy, panting heavily as my body jerked and twitched under the cascade of water.

"Oh god." Julie panted as she released the edge of the deck and pulled off my still hard cock. She turned around to face me, pushing my cock down and closing her legs around it as she pressed her body against mine, the water splashing off her head as she pulled her face to mine to kiss me.

As my cock shriveled she released me and quickly rinsed her pussy and my cock off before shutting off the water. Taking my hand she pulled me up the stairs and into the house, kicking off her flip flops before dashing down the hall and coming back a few moments later with two bath towels.

"That was fun." She giggled as she used one towel to dry my body off.

"It was." I agreed as I started drying her, rubbing all over her body and gently lifting each tit to dry under it.

"We gotta get you dried off before you go back." She said, rubbing my short hair vigerously.

"Yeah. It's getting late." I agreed, realizing that it was nearly ten now. "Time flies when you're having fun."

"It does." She giggled as she dropped the towel and took mine away, tossing it aside. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down as much as herself up to gently kiss me, her soft tits pressing into my chest. "Will you take me fishing tomorrow?" She asked quietly.

"Wish I could. I have to head home tomorrow." I said with a heavy sigh.

"Oh, I hoped you had another day yet."

"Nope. Gotta load the boat in the morning and be gone by nine." I said as she pulled my face to hers again, her wet lips pressing to mine. We stood and kissed for a long time before breaking the embrace, only then did I realize that her cheeks were covered in tears.

"Come on. Let's get you dressed." She whispered, pulling away from me. She picked my clothes off the floor and helped me dress, her fingers stroking my body at every opportunity. On my side I did the same, gently caressing her arms, breasts, neck and face as we moved. Finally dressed she walked me to the door, still naked. "I wonder how long before we do this again?" She whispered.

"I don't know. But you're welcome to come down and visit. Wife will be gone for almost another four months." I whispered back.

"I'd like that." She whispered back as she lifted herself to kiss me on the cheek. I stepped out the door and watched her close it quietly behind me, tears rolling down her cheeks again.

Morning came and I set about loading things and getting ready to go. I kind of expected Julie to come out and say goodbye, but to my surprise I never saw her. With things loaded I said my goodbyes and climbed in, only then noticing the small note on my dashboard. It said only "Bridge" but I knew exactly what it meant.

With a wave goodbye I drove out and headed down the road toward the highway, and the old railroad bridge. I made the turn onto the highway, crossed the bridge and turned into the small parking area that the fishermen used to get down to the water. There was only one other car in the lot. I got out and walked the short distance to the rip-rap under the bridge and saw Julie standing waiting for me. She had on a tight red dress and short heels, her big tits tightly encased and the thin snug material outlining not only her hard nipples but the large round areola.

"You look sexy!" I said as I walked down to the big flat rock she was standing on.

"I didn't want to say goodbye in front of everyone else." She practically whispered.

"I understand." I said as I took her into my arms and hugged her tightly to me. "What's with the sexy dress?" I whispered in her ear.

"reach up under it and take my panties off." She whispered, pushing me away and trying to smile.

I dropped to my knees in front of her and slid my hands up under her dress, sliding them up her things until I found my fingers on a pair of lacy panties. I slowly slid them down her legs, finally pulling a pair of red lace panties off over her shoes. I inhaled her scent on them, making my cock jump in my pants.

"Those are for you. I'm not wearing any more until I come down and get those back from you." She said quietly as I stood back up. "So every night when you go to bed, think about me and you will know that my pussy is bare and waiting for your hard cock to be in it again."

"Thank you!" I said as I took her in my arms, kissing her softly. Our embrace started off gentle, surged to an urgent sensual kiss, turning us both on before easing back to a gentle loving kiss.

"Bye for now." She whispered as we broke the minutes long kiss.

"Bye for now." I echoed as I headed to the car with her following me. I got in and hung the red panties on the mirror, getting a smile from her before I pulled away, both of us sad at the parting. I wondered how long it would be before she came to visit.