
Different Batman

What if in a strange twist of whatever twists, a soul from Earth gets to choose between one overpowered wish or three templates that don't have any superpowers? Wait ... intelligence doesn't count as a superpower here? What a mistake on the twister's side. The soul will of course rather choose intelligence over a boring OP wish. Because three OP wishes are always better than one. Watch as this is a ... slightly different Batman.

Cedric_7512 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
73 Chs

In other news..

(Dragos Ibanescu POV)

|Breaking news tonight as a group of individuals, believed to be associated with the notorious Ibanescu family, were apprehended by law enforcement following an emergency call. Reports indicate that the police discovered a clandestine operation involving prostitution and drug trafficking. Shockingly, all the apprehended suspects were found incapacitated on the ground, arranged in what seemed to be a bat shape, experiencing significant pain, with some clutching their groin areas.

In a bizarre turn of events, medical sources have revealed that each member of the criminal group has been diagnosed with testicular cancer. Yes, you heard it right—every single one of them. Even more peculiar, the cancer has already spread to multiple organs, causing unimaginable suffering. Despite medical efforts, anaesthesia has proven ineffective, and the excruciating pain reportedly continues to intensify.

And if that weren't enough, there's another startling development: all of the criminals are now reported to be paralyzed. This unfolding story raises numerous questions about the circumstances surrounding this peculiar and unprecedented situation. Stay tuned for further updates as this story develops.


In a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, we bring you heartening news. The Wayne Foundation, established by the philanthropic Bruce Wayne, has stepped forward to extend a helping hand to all the victims affected by the recent criminal apprehension in Gotham. The foundation has generously offered female victims new homes and comprehensive medical assistance to address any issues they may be facing.

This act of compassion from Bruce Wayne's foundation demonstrates that there are still individuals and organizations committed to making a positive impact in Gotham City. Stay tuned for updates on this uplifting development in Gotham's ongoing narrative.|


"WHAT THE F*CK?! Who the fuck dares to do that to me?!"

"You think it was the Galante Family? Or maybe the entire Cosa Nostra?"

"No. Why would they go to that trouble and do that? And what about the bat formation they were lying in? That seems to be suspicious.", Anton says.

"Whatever it was, I want to have this mysterious ... man found and killed. Bring me his head!", I say to them.

"Yes Boss." "Will do."


Who would do that to me? The Cosa Nostra has been quiet for some time now. Our agreement is still standing but now ... I might not be able to pay the Russians. This could be a problem. I'm gonna have to ask for some help with this. Someone is trying to ruin me this way ... but who?

And what does the bat sign mean? You better contact some people to check.

That message ... I still can't get around that message. I was sent a head ... the head of Brodon. It was a big box and the message that was attached was ... annoying.

'You're next'

That's all the message said. I was lucky that my family didn't see the message. The box was just lying on my desk at work ... this ... Batman is dangerous. I'll have to increase my security.



(Franco Bertinelli POV)

I look around the table at each one of the Cosa Nostra and think about the last week. Someone has been active in Gotham lately. Secret bases and production sites are getting hit and completely destroyed as well as the members punished ... and they all have that ... bat sign.

"Is everyone here?", I ask.


"Then let us begin. What can anyone tell me about the recent ... nuisance that has entered Gotham?", I ask.

"Nothing much. But there is usually the bat sign present afterwards. It might be some form of trademark."

"So can we assume that this is the work of one man? Are you serious?", I ask.

"We ... don't know. No one knows. Not even the GCPD has any idea. They interrogated the woman who was on the scene. Apparently, she was the only one to ever see this ... 'vigilante'. She says that he was dressed in a bat suit/costume and that he was very skilled in fighting."

"Yeah, and apart from that he had a lot of gadgets and supernatural abilities as well. It's all very unbelievable."

"So should we get her and ask her ourselves?"

"No. That makes no sense. I'm sure that there are many eyes on the woman. Has there been any progress with Vito?", I ask everyone. Vito was our personal garbage man, who took care of any garbage problem we had. He was very skilled and I'm sure that he would find this 'man' quickly.

"He's had no luck yet. We don't know how this ... bat gets around. He seems to just appear and then disappear again. If he's even real."

"What should we do now?"

"We are going to take it slow right now. Make sure to take care of any open business right now and get it in order. Until this ... bat has been taken care of we won't continue. We don't know what it might be. Maybe there is some Ploliceman who thinks he is special.", I tell them.

"We won't let this affect us. We are going to continue after we check all our sources and contacts. No matter who this guy is ... we will find him sooner or later.", I say and hereby finish the meeting.


I make my way to the study and see Maria standing there with Helena. Helena is ... not my daughter. Maria had an affair. I know that because someone told me about it. I haven't killed her yet, because I haven't figured out who the man is but as soon as I know ... they're both going to have an unpleasant ending.

"Dear, Helena wanted to give you something. Go on dear.", Maria says. Helena comes forward in her usual shy way and shows me a picture.

"I made th-this papa. It's a picture of our family. See? Look this is ma-mama and this is you ... do you like it?", Helena stutters. How I hate her stuttering and that shy character of hers. I just can't get the picture of Maria's betrayal out of my mind.

"Hm.", I say and just walk passed them. "What a useless way to spend your time..."



(Bruce POV)

I am in the cinema at my house and am watching the news. It would seem that Batman has already made quite an impact in Gotham. After starting three days ago, I did the same thing to two more crime families in Gotham. I made sure to hit three different ones. I want to announce my presence after all.

I can see the caution that some of the families are already taking. That's good. It will make it just that much more outrageous when I come for them. I have sent Dragos Ibanescu a gift. Was I melodramatic? No. Did I want to scare him so that he will shit his pants when I get him a few days from now? Absolutely. I was spreading fear in the city.

It was a big part of my plan and necessary. I had the chance to gather all the crime bosses and hit them all at once. The Cosa Nostra already came together and they will surely try to take care of their business and then prepare for me. But that is just what I want. I want them to gather everything. It makes destroying it all, that much easier.


"How are the news, sir?", Sebas asks as he enters the cinema with tea.

"Just as you'd expect. I already have a name. The Batman."

"So just like you expected then."


"I do marvel at your powers of prediction, Master Bruce. To calculate all of this so accurately. And here I was thinking that human nature was unpredictable."

"To influence the masses, aim first of the least intelligent. In other words, the news."

"Is that a quote from ..."

"... indeed. You learn more from the few minutes of watching 'Chicken Little' than in years of school.", I say.

"Ah yes. What was his name ... Foxy Loxy. Quite a devious little manipulator. Might I inquire as to why you aim for the news first and foremost? I thought it was all about the crime families."

"The crime families have nothing at the moment. They cling to anything they can since their intelligence network is useless. By aiming for the news and using them, I will be able to indirectly manipulate the crime families by knowing all they know."

"I see. So you can guess their response by what the news publishes?"

"Exactly. But I'm not guessing. I'm creating profiles for them. I watch for their moves and add everything to their profiles. It is interesting to see what different families do in this situation."

"You sound like a mad scientist, Master Bruce."

"Because I am."

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, I believe.", Sebas said.

"I prefer to gaze into the abyss, meet its stare with a grin, and in that moment of defiance, unleash my own brand of badassery that shows it my middle finger, turning the abyss into my bitch."

"Haaaaa, how troublesome you are, Master Bruce."

"Only because you know I will do it."

"I guess so ..."



(Selina Kyle POV)

I look around the room I am in right now. The women's refuge I am in right now was funded by the Wayne Foundation. A creation of the philanthropic Bruce Wayne. The golden boy, the child who was handed everything in his life, only to then lose his parents ... wait!

Could that ... no way right. What a story that would be. Philanthropic, playboy Bruce Wayne, turns into a vigilante with technology that is lightyears ahead. But his wealth would allow him to finance such tools.

Isn't there a gala tonight? Something for super rich pricks? I might pay that a visit and then confront the playboy. I could test him or I might seduce him. Shouldn't be that hard. All men are susceptible to the charm of women. Especially one like me.

And while I'm at it, I can see what my little paws can grab on the way out.


I dressed in the most elegant and at the same time sexy dress I had stolen. I fed all the cats in my apartment first and then left for the gala. How was I going to get in? I always get in. That's just the prerogative of a woman like I am.

And just as I thought, I got in without a problem. I can see the money as I walk around. Old men with young chicks, politicians, famous sportsmen and even some higher-ups from the press. It was a disgusting gathering if you were looking for humans, but a very tasty one for a cat thief like I was.

I walk around the room and check out potential victims when my eyes fall on the man I am here for. Bruce Wayne is speaking with the mayor. He was an attractive man I had to say. But as I was looking at him, I could see nothing that made me pause. He didn't walk or act like someone who had training.

Batman was a rigorously trained man and his skills were beyond impressive. But Bruce Wayne ... he looked relaxed and absentminded. He wasn't checking out the room or looking for dangers.

I walked towards the bar and grabbed something to drink. If he was how I imagined, then he was going to come talk to me sooner or later.


- 45 min later -

I am starting to question my charms. I don't talk with anyone but the Wayne hasn't even looked in my direction. If he had and then decided not to talk with me, I would have taken this as him recognizing me and then choosing not to talk to me on purpose. But this ... this was strange. Was he rooting for the other side?

I had to be more agressive.